
FULLY GUARANTEED All animals will carry a standard breeding guarantee as specified by the Canadian Simmental Association. At no time shall the seller’s liability exceed the purchased price of the animal.
HOMOZYGOUS TESTING Many bulls have been Homozygous Polled & Homozygous Black tested. Results will be done prior to sale. At the time of print many Homo Polled/Black results are pending. Please check our website or supplement sheet sale day for updates.
TERMS OF SALE & IN-HERD SEMEN All bulls sell under the standard terms and conditions as set forth by the Canadian Simmental Association, copies will be available on sale day. All bulls sell in their entirety but Deeg reserves the right to collect semen on any bull that is offered in the sale for in herd use only. This is at Deeg’s cost and the buyer’s convenience.
DELIVERY AND BOARD Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as it is sold. Insurance is available sale day. Bulls staying at Deeg’s for later delivery SHOULD be insured. Free Delivery to central points in Western Canada. Bulls may be kept at Deeg’s free of charge until May 1st. If you wish to pick your bull up we ask you to do so the following week. Bulls picked up before April 1st will receive $100 discount on your purchase(s).
CATALOGUE INFORMATION EPD’s are current and up-to-date as of publication date. Information in this document is believed to be accurate but any updates from the auction block will take preccedence. All information has been supplied by the seller.
SALE VIDEOS : Videos of all lots will be available on CattleVids.ca early February. This will be a video sale format with the bulls and heifers penned close to sale barn.

2023 presents the best set of bulls that Deeg Simmentals has ever offered in their lifetime and it is truly an impressive set! This family is one of the most progressive and driven Simmental programs in the industry and they spare no expense to acquire the very best herd bulls and females in the business. The cattle are awesome and the people are some of the very best that we are honoured to call customers and close friends. They are the type of breeders that make bull buying enjoyable as we know if you source your next herd bull at Deegs, they’ll stand behind their product 100% and ensure you’re happy with your investment.
Some of the very best Simmental breeding bulls in the world are the anchor of this program and have walked the pastures at Deeg Simmentals. They step up and buy the very best so that you, their valued customer can source the top genetics that will provide you ROI through a Deeg herd sire. Two of the best and most proven breeding bulls in the world are SVS TYCOON 841F and RF CAPACITY 742E, their influence is heavy in this offering and they have sired incredible production females with strong udders, great feet and flat out produce. When you combine
that with exciting genetics like NUG LANDMARK 310G, RF SHAKEDOWN 074H, R PLUS 9189G, LFE BS LEWIS 840G, KT HARDCORE 406H among others, you have predictability and profitability built in.
These feature bulls are flat out awesome and it is impressive to see the set the entire way through this catalogue. The consistency throughout is strong and we encourage you to make the drive to Strathmore, AB to view them as they are the right kind and backed by a cow herd that flat our produces. If you can’t make it on sale day, feel free to contact any of the staff or the Deeg family as we will represent your needs in an informative and professional manner. But we do hope you join us to lay eyes on this set of bulls on Thursday, March 9 as we know that they will not disappoint.
Best regards,

The Bohrson Marketing team

Twenty consecutive years, that feels like a big accomplishment! Truth is it goes back longer than that, there were eighteen years at Calgary Bull Sale before Olds and then it came home a few years ago. I guess in doing the math it is more like 50 years, with the first bulls being sold by private treaty from home. With the 3rd generation so keen hopefully we will see it go on for many more.
Dane just turned 9 as we are working on the catalogue, Brynn is 7, and Allie is 3. The girls are loving gymnastics and they all love the cows, Dane may have an obsession! The kids spent a lot of time this year in the barn on their special show projects and that was a lot of fun for all of us. There is never a dull moment around here and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
This years bull pen is an exciting one for us from one end to the other. Our bull battery remains as strong as ever with sires such as Tycoon, Landmark, Capacity and R+ proving their genetic worth. Daughters from those bulls are in production and we feel our cow herd is headed in a rewarding direction. New this year we have added performance and calving ease backed sires that make up
some new exciting groups of half brothers. Maternal power behind the bulls has been a large focus for many years and in that we are excited to offer some powerful flushmates out of maternal giants of cow families. Feet, udders, and disposition are always high on the priority list with no exceptions made. We work closely with multiple feed/supplement suppliers for the bull pen and the cow herd to analyze feed samples and formulate a ration that consists of cut hay, barley silage, flaked barley, minerals, rumensin, and probiotics. We feel this year has been a huge success in terms of getting the bulls to show their genetic potential without compromising soundness and longevity. Dr. Waylon Wise of CCHMS continues as our long time standing vet for our overall herd health.
We want to thank everyone that has expressed an interest in our program and all the bidders and buyers. Your support means so much to us. We stand behind our product and are happy to show them to you at any time if you can not make it on sale day. As always you can call us or any one of the Bohrson team for appraisal as well. Once again this year a video
sale format will take place in our sale barn with DLMS being present for online viewing and bidding. Videos will be posted to Cattlevids. ca in mid February as well. We look forward to welcoming everyone at the farm or online on March 9th.
The Deegs
Jordan, Katie, Dane, Brynn & Allie Roger - Dave 253063B RGE RD 255, Wheatland County, AB T1P 0W3

Jordan: 403.999.4191 - Katie: 403.899.2291
Roger: 403.901.5305 - Dave: 403.934.4191

Cow/Calf Health and Management Solutions (CCHMS) works together with Deeg Simmental to manage their entire herd through an integrated and comprehensive health, nutrition and production management program. Detailed data is collected on each individual animal at all key health and production points and is kept in a secure web-enabled database called Herdtrax®. We continually monitor and audit this data and use this information to improve the health, welfare, performance and efficiency of the entire operation.

Disease Prevention
Deeg Simmental follows a detailed vaccination program to help ensure that the cattle stay healthy and continue to thrive after they’re delivered.
Calves are vaccinated within the first 10 days of life:
• IBR/PI3/BRSV (MLV) – Inforce 3® (intransal)
Calves are vaccinated in the spring prior to pasture turnout with the following:
• IBR/PI3/BRSV (MLV) – Inforce 3® (intransal)

• BVD (MLV) and Mannhaemia hemolytica – One Shot® BVD
• 7 way Clostridial and HIstophilus Somnus – Ultrabac® 7/ Somnubac®
Calves are vaccinated at weaning with the following:
• IBR/PI3/BRSV/BVD (MLV) and Mannhaemia – Bovi-Shield®

GOLD One Shot®
• 7 way Clostridial and HIstophilus Somnus – Ultrabac® 7/ Somnubac®
• Parasite Control – Safe-Guard® initially, followed by Ivermectin in fall.
Replacement heifers are vaccinated pre-breeding:

• IBR/PI3/BRSV/BVD (MLV) – Bovi-Shield® GOLD FP®5 (Fetal Protection)
Cows, bred heifers, bulls are annually vaccinated post-breeding:
• IBR/PI3/BRSV/BVD (Killed) – CattleMaster® GOLD FP®5 (Fetal Protection)

Bulls prior to the sale have been vaccinated and treated with the following:
• Fusobacterium Necrophorum – Fusoguard™ (footrot and liver abscess vaccine)
• Two doses given twice 60 days apart
• Lice Control – Permethrin
Bulls prior to the delivery will be boostered, and ready for turnout:
• IBR/PI3/BRSV/BVD – Bovi-Shield® GOLD FP®5
Breeding Soundness Examination
Each bull has passed an extensive Bull Soundness Examination which includes soundness of structure, palpation of testis and internal sex glands, scrotal circumference, examination of the penis as well as verifying sufficient sperm motility and morphology. Bulls that are considered to be Satisfactory if they have already passed the above criteria at sale time. [Those bulls that are deemed as “Decision Deferred” are either prepubertal or stressed and are showing sufficient signs of improvement and likely will be satisfactory as soon as the days get longer and the grass get greener. There is considerable selection pressure placed on young bulls and 30% of all bulls will fail to produce an adequate sample at 12 mo., 15% at 14 mo., 5% at 16 mo. None of the decision deferred bulls will be delivered until they prove to be satisfactory breeder]
CCHMS is proud to work with Deeg Simmental and if there are any questions please contact me and I can always find the time to talk about cows, bulls and the Canadian cattle industry.
Congrats on another outstanding pen of bulls!





* Denotes Multiple purchases
• Well made Tycoon son that is attractive headed with a striking look
• Dam is a stunning female that is big bodied with a perfectly balanced udder and teat size
• Impressive spread from birth to weaning, dam consistently has shorter gestation and lighter births

• Impressive heavy muscled bull out of a productive female

• 2A has never calved out of the first cycle and has sent bulls to Kathols and Arrowwood Colony as well as a couple daughters in herd

• His low birthweight is result of being a twin to a heifer
• The Super Duty females are the never miss type with a perfect foot under them

• A pair of flush brothers that have been standouts from the start! Dark red, hairy and heavy muscled. These two have been within 15 lbs of each other since weaning and weaned off August 24th right at the 1,000lb mark!
• 81K is extremely attractive in his head and through that front third, both have extra length of body and the flush mates in the replacement pen are feminine and powerful

• WLB 497F has our idea of a perfect hoof on her. She is a super easy doing female that is hard to find a hole in with a larger frame
• A maternal sister was a feature last fall at SimPower selling to Circle Z Simmentals
• Impressive Sage grandson with a perfect blaze and one of the best average daily gains since weaning for the pen

• Sage daughters are proving themselves to be productive and consistent while looking good doing it
• Sage 145G has a very good daughter that just calved and looks to follow her dam and granddams footsteps closely

• A more moderate and smooth made Tycoon/Sage package that’s still masculine and well muscled
• Deeg Ms Sage 44G is the right type with loads of rib shape

• The Tycoon daughters we have are excellent females and with the maternal giant Liner 56U on the bottom side the females from this guy should be keepers

LOT 7 - 11

• These five brothers would rank up as one of our top breeding accomplishments! All five have their differences but share the impressive muscle shape, capacity and structure quality.

• A perfect hoof shape, gentle dispositions with a well suited EPD profile accompany these guys
• The sisters are just as complete and impressive and will play a big roll here in the future
• Sage 105G’s story started last year with her Red Heat son being a high seller to Perkin and Triple R

• Complete made Landmark son that checks a lot boxes
• Dark red with length and muscle shape that’s free moving

• A full sister is set to calve here shortly and is setting up a gorgeous udder and has a striking look
• Super smooth made from front to back with extra length of spine

• 159F’s first effort was an impressive halfblood bull that went to Johnson Ranching and Clifford Land & Cattle

• Her second effort was a full sister to 35K and was a leading red female at SimPower this past fall selling to MAVV farms
• 159F is the best red Rambler female we have with excellent feet and udder.

• It’s always exciting to get a blazed face on a calf and even more exciting when they develop as nice as this guy!
• Deep in his hip and wide topped with impressive gain for a modest 76 lb birthweight

• Big bellied, heavy haired with an ideal udder would sum up Deeg Ms 137G
LOT 16
• Pen favorite Landmark for good reason as he is hard to fault from the ground up
• The softness and depth to this guy is just like his momma’s as she as deep middled as you’ll find
• With the first set of Landmarks milking he is proving to sire the right kind and we look forward to his daughters production years

• Another smooth made Landmark that has a bunch of calving ease on the bottom side of the pedigree
• Landmark has been used successfully to moderate birth weight and is very consistent

• 84F is dark red, moderate and big ribbed
• These Landmark sons are as consistent as ever and we are real pleased with the job he’s done, they are excellent footed and well muscled
• Rust 6301D is a beautiful cow that is moderate, long spined, big barreled and great uddered

• Landmark sons have some of the best average daily gains since weaning and 141K would rank right at the top

• All these Landmark sons pattern closely to him with extra length of spine, deep sided, big strong feet and lots of presence
• 148K has a lot to offer in a smooth package with excellent scrotal development
• CMS 633D was selected out of Friday Night Lights from the Czech-Mate program and sent a bull to Herb Glover last year

• Distinction was retained to help clean up after we AI’d, but after producing ones like 145K he should get a larger roll

• This guy is packed full of muscle with a broad top and attractive look
• The Super Duty females rank up there as some of the most productive and stunning, Deeg Ms 74E is no different
• A real neat package that is easy to find in the pen. He is more moderate but big topped with a square hip and a cool front third

• RF Scream 215Z is a maternal giant that has left her mark in the breed and she is present on both sides of this guys pedigree
• I knew Deeg Ms 26D would be special from a young age. She raised our high selling bull last year to Todd Simmentals in Quebec as well has a daughter in herd and sent a son to Jeff & Laurie Miller

• A calving ease package that we really admire for his growth and balance with a striking look
• Deeg Ms Blue Moon 21E was a female we had a tough time letting go but purchasing a daughter out of the female maker Liner 56U and her was a no brainer for us
• IPU Ms Blue Moon 90H is one you’ll hear from a bunch in the future!

• We picked up a Skors High Roller 34C son last year for the black side and we are eager to see his progeny grow


• Dane participated in the Red Roundup Futurity the last couple years when he purchased a Red Angus heifer calf and this bull is the result of his project

• He is smooth from every angle making him a good heifer bull candidate. His clean front end ties nicely into a long level top and solid rear quarter
• Red Wards Blackbird 54H is moderate, big ribbed and correct made


• A unique individual with a unique pedigree. Super proud and well put together in a calving ease package
• Patterns like his sire with a wide base, big rib, dimension and head turning look
• Mariota 90B was a $55,000 high seller for the Brylor program that is known for raising top notch females with gorgeous udders, Icelady 141D is no exception
• Approval has been used successfully to service heifers after the first round of AI. We had more daughters than sons last year and they look as promising as 172H. They are a nice balance of calving ease and style in a desirable pattern.
• Dark red calving ease prospect that has depth of body, length and style

• Deeg Ms 94H is a full sister to last year’s high seller - Cornerstone 93J
• Calving ease option here with some jam. Nice small head with smooth lines and depth of body
• The Stepping Stone females are extremely good with nice small teats and balanced udders
• Halo 50H never has an off day and is out of the Sadie 4Z cow that has raised multiple high dollar progeny

• This top notch Capacity son is mothered by one of the best Absolute/Cobra daughters here that we love. She is hard to fault and her track record continues to grow
• The Capacity sons are always among the top for their softness, muscling ability and overall balance
• Deeg Ms 15D has bulls working at Wheatland Farming, S Lazy A Ranching and Beckers

• With Capacity daughters into their third year milking we only have one problem with them, we don’t have enough!
• This guy is deep middled, clean fronted and big topped and gets out on the move freely

• 88D is also super soft bellied with a excellent foot under her and sent a bull to Tschetter Colony in last years edition

• Fault free in his lines with an attractive up headed look and plenty of muscle shape
• Deeg Ms 73F is stunning, she’s moderate, clean made and hard to change for the better

• She had a daughter in SimPower last fall that went to Yellowrose Cattle Co
• This meat machine is impressive from every direction and one we seriously considered keeping for ourselves
• His clean front, length of spine and hip with an attractive head combine into one heck of a bull

• Whitney 804E is the best black Rambler female we have. She has a tremendous set of feet and tidy level udder.

• The Shakedown progeny are all stamped with a real striking look, excellent haired and packed full of muscle. His females are super feminine with tons of capacity
• This guy will be easy to find in the pen with his awesome disposition, soft middle third and desirable look

• 154F is a maternal sister to Deeg Ms Blue Moon 21E and is just hitting her stride into the productive years
• This Favor son is sure to add pounds to any calf crop just by adding length to his progeny! He doesn’t sacrifice any depth and strides out effortlessly on a big square hoof

• B Gold 102Y has an absolute perfect udder, and still looks great for a twelve year old cow. She is the mother to a powerhouse of a heifer we sold to Maxwells a couple years ago in Friday Night Lights
• LCDR Favor is backed by one of the most influential cows in the breed and combines phenotype with a breed leading EPD profile

• The R+ progeny are always the stretchy performance ones of the pen. His calves have extra length, muscle shape with bold rib shape

• This long made bull is backed by a moderate tank of a female that never has an off day

• Proud individual that carries himself well with an excellent phenotype

• These R+ bulls have extra frame and can really get out and travel
• The Tracker females have an unrivaled foot type and 98E has two daughters in herd

• Performance R+ son that was the second heaviest bull in the pen for yearling weights and posts a 1600+ adjusted yearling weight

• Dam is a maternal sister to Deeg Ms Zena 69J that sold to Double Bar D and has been doing a tremendous job for them on their red program

• The first R+ daughters just calved this spring and we are quite happy with how they look, nice tidy udders with ideal teat size

• My pick of the R+ sons, he is impressive to admire from all angles with explosive rib shape and wide hipped
• Dam is a thick made Absolute daughter that isn’t shy on performance
• She is the mother of the best Tracker female we have, who is the dam of Deeg Mr Lewis 135K a few more lots back
• This smooth made fella is the quietest one in the pen
• Baracuda 48E is low set with a huge middle third and square udder

• A full sister to this guy calved this year and is beautiful in her design
• A heavy haired Lewis son that is clean made and bold sprung
• His dam goes back to the legendary 202Z female that has had a huge impact on the breed with over 80 direct progeny registered

• A feature black bull that is smooth made with a long spine and good frame size for a calving ease prospect

• His blaze faced Tactic dam is a farm favorite, not sure you could put a better udder on a cow
• 82K will sire calves that come easy and grow into heavy steers and daughters you will want to keep
• Lewis 840G was used solely on second calvers and the results are better than expected combining calving ease and performance
• Long line of productive cows back this guy and his mamma is the best looking Tracker daughter we have
• Wicked haired, soft made and lower set with a modest birth weight

• The best years are yet to come for the Capacity daughters as impress more each year
• Granddam is the Deva 21X cow that has multiple daughters in herd and sent several sons through the sale. She calved in January again this year and looks as youthful as ever for a 13 year old cow

• The heaviest muscled Lewis bull this year that is masculine with great length of hip

• Impressive set of weaning and yearling weights coming from a second calver
• The only Carver daughter we have and she is a good one. She sent a bull to Thurstons last year

• Attractive made ¾ blood that is smooth and deep sided
• The Lewis progeny are correct and lower set with more calving ease

• Deeg Ms 149G is one that hits you from the depth and width through her middle third with a great set of running gear under her

• This moderate hairy fella is easy to find in the pen. He is quite impressive for an early March
• His masculine front third ties into a huge middle with above average rib shape. I feel this guy will be outstanding to turn out in June onto some second calvers

• Style 31G is a long smooth made fancy female that is hard to pick a flaw in

• KT Hardcore 406H was selected for his unmatched pedigree and was one of the first SVS Betts sons to sell for KT Ranches and was their high selling simmental bull

• The Hardcore trio are uniform with bold muscle shape, unreal hair, and structurally sound
• The Tracker daughters are showing their production power in this year’s sale with quite a few of the blacks going back to him. He put a big square foot on all his progeny

• Sound from the ground up with a big square hip and wide top

• The Hardcore daughters show loads promise with femininity and dimension
• Limitless will be best known for his females and it’s easy to see why with daughters like 65F. She is a high volume female that is good uddered and stunning

• This early February bull should have some friend’s sale day. He is cool made, huge topped and hipped with a ton of hair and big boned

• Should sire a unreal set of steers and females worth keeping with Flirtin For Certain and Sage in his pedigree

• Top notch Relentless daughter that hits the mark in terms of frame size and capacity

• Large square hip with extra length and loads of muscle in a clean package
• Desire 452B has a soft deep middle and big square feet
• Her first effort was an Absolute son that worked hard for the Zorratti and Brylor programs and raised some gorgeous daughters for them
• This could be my favorite halfblood bull we’ve raised to date. Upheaded in his design in a fault free package

• Anderson Renown has some unreal daughters in the replacement pen that show tons of promise
• Deeg Ms 60H is a larger framed Capacity daughter that has unmatched volume for the H year females

• Super smooth in his makeup with nice hip shape and level lines

• Capacity females hit their mark and we look forward to more good ones from them
• All the Envy daughters are graced with high quality udders and feet in a big volume feminine package


• Directions from Strathmore - North on Highway 817 to stop sign at Highway 564. Turn left and head west to RR 263, turn north first place on left.

• Directions from Calgary - Head east on Country Hills Blvd(HWY 564) to RR 263 and turn north, first place on left.