Welcome to the Ontario Limousin Association 4th Annual Eastern Showcase Sale. We are very excited to be back with another impressive offering! Last year, the Eastern Showcase Sale was one of the hottest Limousin Sales in Canada.
Breeders in Ontario have been very active in searching out and acquiring new genetics from across Canada, the US, and Australia. These genetics have helped the breeders as a whole develop and raise some of the best we have seen across the province in many years. This sale will feature a wide variety of genetic packages that is a true testament of our breeders to continue to make Limousin cattle that will work in any facet of the industry.
Purebred and commercial breeders alike can bid with confidence on this year’s offering. Plenty of heifer calves ready to breed to fit your program, bred heifers that will give you the quickest ROI, and embryos that offer leading genetics are available. Please reach out to the Bohrson Marketing Services team or any of the consignors to consult about what will work best for you.
This sale would not be possible without the hard work of many in the background. I would like to recognize and thank some of the people that made this all possible. Thank you to our OLA Sale Committee: Emily Gibson-MacTavish, Rob Weppler and Ben Belanger. The wonderful Bohrson Marketing team, especially Martin Bohrson who will be working the block on sale day, as well as Jaxon Payne and Rob Voice for touring Ontario herds and selecting this great offering. Thank you to Maplehill Auctions Ltd. and their incredibly welcoming and accommodating staff for again giving us access to your facilities. Finally, thank you to the Ontario breeders that opened their barn doors and offered their best to the sale!
The Limousin breed is in a great place. Purebred cattle have been selling well and both the purebred and commercial market is very favourable. Thank you for looking through the catalogue and we hope to see you at the sale on December 7th, 2024.
The Bohrson Marketing team is extremely proud of the Ontario Limousin Association members. The strength and improvements in four short years of this Eastern Showcase Sale is truly impressive. Each and every year we welcome several new consignors to this event. We believe the depth of quality in the pedigrees and presentation is certainly fundamental to the Eastern Showcase success in selling cattle across Canada and into leading US programs.
The sale lineup is extremely deep in the bred heifer division - an excellent balance of red and black genetics, bred to breed leading sires. The mature cow offered, selling in her prime, will definitely create excitement within the barn. Whether you are looking for show heifers or replacement females, the calendar year heifer offering delivers plenty of options.
We really encourage you to be with us in Hanover, ON on December 7 to take in this great sale with over 25 consignors participating. The hospitality is exceptional and you will be welcomed with open arms. If you are unable to attend, please contact the consignors to discuss their programs and sale cattle or utilize the Bohrson Marketing free evaluation and order buying services. We look forward to discussing this stacked offering with you.
Cattle will sell under the standard Terms & Condition set out by the Canadian Limousin Association, these are available on request.
EPD’s are current and up-to-date as of publication date. Information in this document is believed to be accurate but any updates at the sale by the owners, auctioneer or sales management will take precedence over the information provided in the sale catalogue. Pedigrees in this document have been supplied by the Breed Association and all other information has been supplied by the seller.
Rob, Erin, Braeden, Haleigh & Tyson Weppler
Rob: 519-375-6108
Braeden: 519-375-2625 reweppler@gbtel.ca
Jim Roffey 905-473-2713
The Zwambag’s
Bill: 519-494-9613
Holli Lee
The Lawrence Family
Dave: 519-375-0733
Jim & Deb Gollinger
Home: 705-466-3706
Cell: 705-716-6613
Bev Annett 519-359-2001 prelimo2@gmail.com
John Post Jr
E John: 519-766-7178
John: 519-831-1869 john@posthavenlimousin.ca
Matt: 519-870-3219
Nick: 519-809-9500 beezeeacres@gmail.com
Ben Belanger 705-875-0020
TaDomi Hunt 519-373-1798
Nolan Mclarty 519-719-9928 nmclarty@me.com
Craig, Michelle, Samantha, Trevor & Jocelyn Kennedy 705-741-6700 crownhillacres@gmail.com
Dan and Mary Darling & Girls
Dan: 905-375-4019
Carolyn: 905-396-2599 dmdarling13@gmail.com
Dillon, Emily & Brooks MacTavish Emily: 519-440-9907 emilygibson0707@gmail.com
Bryan & Mel Twiss
Bryan: 705-994-6252
Mel: 519-404-9035 twissmelanie@gmail.com
Drew Wisely 585-831-6699
Brent Black Cell: 519-955-1234 Home: 519-529-7979
Jeff & Denise Byers 905-431-1041 murrayhill_farm@yahoo.com
Justin Burgess 519-270-5415
The Homers
Paul: 613-838-2787
Brandon: 613-978-0822 Chad: 519-339-9659 pinchhill@gmail.com
Brendan Roffey 437-242-9296 rrdlimousin@gmail.com
Garry & Sheila Smart 519-372-7459 smartlimousin@gmail.com
Don & Donna Scott & Family
Don Cell: 613-913-1579
Laura Cell: 613-316-8728 sparetimelivestock@gmail.com
Terry Johnstone 705-720-4837 stoneridgemeadows@gmail.com
Nathan and Bryce Allen
Nathan: 705-761-9426 nathana@alleninsurance.ca brycea@alleninsurance.ca
Joe & Jim Young
Joe: 705-755-6820
Jim: 705-760-5438 young_electric@hotmail.com
ZIMMERMAN CATTLE CO. Nicholas Zimmerman 226-622-1665 Zimmerman1665@gmail.com
Our Intent is/was to calve this heifer out 10 days earlier than her penmates and get her in the donor pen as soon as we could. Blcc L391 Pillow talk is the culmination of what we strive to breed for. Power,muscle,hoof and leg structure a beautiful feminine front end, good udder development and most importantly in the limo breed all business in the back yard. “SHE’S A TANK”. When she throws a worthy Bull he will be ran on our cows as she is what we want to replicate. We feel this sale holds a special spot in the Ontario limousin scene and made a last minute decision with Jax to offer our prize female. On offer is 1/2 interest in this building block with the option to double up and own her. If we lose full interest in this girl we need to keep a successful flush out of her at the new owners convenience. That being said…. We would sure like to keep half interest and work with our new partners.
Lindsy is a big powerful bred heifer that puts it all together. Big ribbed, super long with lots of muscle. Extremely docile, moves well and backed by a good set of epd’s. Her grandmother Murphys 26D has done an excellent job for us and still going strong. Sired by TREF Hardcore, she is sure to produce very powerful offspring that pack on the pounds. We think she is the type to build a herd around. Bred early to B Bar Carhartt adding even more excitement to this female.
Stoneridge Lady is a homo polled, stylish, dark red heifer. She is the complete package, blending both eye appeal and structure, combined with an impressive pedigree. Lady is confirmed to be approximately 4 months pregnant in September to Hollee’s Locked and Loaded (a son of Greenwood Shift bull). We believe that this girl will be an asset to any program, and has the added bonus of producing a sure to be impressive 2025 calf.
Stoneridge Lucy is a March born calf. She is thick bodied with plenty of power and mass, while still maintaining her femininity. Her dam, is a Canadian Impact daughter, and has consistently produced some pretty impressive offspring, for our program. Lucy was pasture exposed to Hollee’s Locked and Loaded (a son of Greenwood Shift bull) and was confirmed pregnant in September approximately 4 months gestation. We are confident she will make a great addition to any program, as well as her 2025 calf.
When an opportunity arose for us to select a bred female of the renowned donor - Wulfs Unique 8217U to start our purebred herd, we didn’t hesitate to bring BCVF Joy Belle 930J north. Loralee is her first daughter, which looks to be a strong maternal line here at Posthaven. She is worth a detailed look, as she packs a pedigree that stands alone in the Canadian herd book, built around a true matriarch south of the border – with strong numbers across the board. She has the demeanor, growth and phenotype to complement any herd; confirmed safe for an early April calf.
When Jaxon asked if we would offer Lovestory as a bred heifer this year it created a little bit of a stir around Lakeside. The Whispering Wind cow family is one that we feel you can build a herd with, which you will note when you see our heifer calf lot. The mating to TMF Redwood was not a disappointment. Lovestory is backed by performance, pedigree, and personality. Just the way we like them. Lovestory is bred safe to our walking bull WGL Legend. Don’t miss the opportunity to add this brood cow to your herd. She is hard to let go.
Introducing a favourite, homo polled, fall heifer from our cherished Arizona cow line. Love-in-a-mist is the fourth generation female we have on the farm - a testament to this cow family’s longevity. Backed by RPY Paynes Crossfire and Greenwood Easy Money genetics, Misty will surely be a great producer for her next future breeder. Ready for your fall breeding program for a quick ROI!
In his short tenure as the walking herd sire for VLE and NLL Hyannis garnered a lot of attention and rightfully so. The consistency that he put in his progeny is admirable and evident here. Miss perfect comes from our original purchase when we started owning LM and continues the tradition of this family. The extra age, growth and power already added in this female only will add to her ability to continue to be front pasture female. Her early service to the pen favorite from Clarks this spring for his calving ease will add for an early ROI for the new owner and make for a very interesting mating.
Lady GaGa is truly one to look at and is only here as we have a sister to carry on the family tree at New Life. She won’t be the biggest cow in the herd, but she may be the most prolific. Her dam, Ducky has been a model since birth and continues to produce the same. The Bubba’s were/are some of our best cows and she has excelled. The early birthdate and bred early to our new calving specialist, Knightrider will make for a quick ROI for the new owners.
LuLu will be one of the top numbered females of the fall run with an EPD profile that we all strive for. Her sire Horton is one of Credentials’ best accomplishments and the style and performance is evident here. We have taken the top from the heifer pen for this sale, and we are confident that this female will rise to the top of your selections as she did for Jaxon when he was through the pen and will be one of the complete packages to contemplate. She is bred early in the exposure to our latest herd sire Kinghtrider only adds to this package as she sets out to be a cornerstone for the new owner.
This heifers mother is hands down one of our favourite females. Moderate, good bodied with the perfect udder. Last year we sold a maternal sister to Scott Oster and this year she weaned off her best effort yet. We used Shift as a calving ease option but more importantly for his mother, the Supreme Champion Greenwood Ally. 150L is moderate like her mother and setting up a nice udder. Maternal in her head, soft through the middle portion of her body on an ideal set of of feet and legs. We think this mating to B Bar Stetson will compliment her well.
From a young age I wanted to keep Loucille as a breeding piece but we always try to bring our best. It’s hard to breed a limo that is as flat shouldered and as long and skinny necked as 134L. She has a big level top and more than adequate muscle shape. Out of a no nonsense type of cow with an ideal udder. Bred to a bull we call LTD that we have big plans for, a no brainer calving ease option that is soft bodied, wicked haired with an elite look.
If you’re into raising big bodied easy doing cows that will wean off big bull calves, look no further. 135L has brood cow written all over her. We have only calved a few of these Haiti progeny and absolutely love their added frame and capacity. 135L is out of a real nice cow from Emily Gibson that is built for the long haul. Bred up for an exciting mating to a bull you’ll hear more about in the coming months as we campaign him with our partners at Greenwood Cattle.
Earlier this summer we told Jaxon 141L was off limits with plans to sell her as a young cow. By September he had us convinced to part with this special bred. Lexi made it to one show last year where she was named Champion Junior heifer calf at the Royal Winter Fair, if we were going to the city this fall it would be with her anchoring the string. 141 is really unique in her build; elegant and extended in her front one third while carrying an extremely balanced body on a larger frame. Lexi is a spitting image of her mother who has propelled herself to the top end of our black cows. Her mating to Living The Dream to us could be the most ideal mating we have ever produced.
Start at the front and look at this complete package. CHA Liberty 16L is structurally one of the most correctly made females we’ve raised. Liberty’s dam, a super-sound ET cow from a favourite at Rail Line, has Westwood maternal strengths in abundance. Liberty is a sure-footed, foundation cow in the making, sure to bring ample production to your herd year after year.
Bee Zee Polled Livi 43L is a stout, homo polled, and moderate framed female backed by maternal strength. Sound on the move with lots of capacity through that middle rib and ready to perform in the pasture raising her calf. Her dam, Norfolk Felicity 4F was one of our picks when Norfolk Cattle Company dispersed their limos and she hasn’t disappointed one bit! Felicity’s daughters have gone to Brandon Burke, Ontario, Nordal Limousin, Saskatchewan, and her only bull calf, Bee Zee Polled Heisenberg 21H, has been doing a great job at Crinan Farms. The mating to Bee Zee Polled Luigi 12L, an SSTO Guns N Roses son, provides a really neat opportunity to have one of his first calves of a much anticipated calf crop in 2025. Due late January.
Out of one of our most consistent cow families, Spare Time Lollipop has developed into a bred female with mama cow written all over her. A maternal sister to our 2021 consignment, 305L is big framed, smooth made and sound on the move. Her EPDs top the breed in wean weights, yearling weights and milk, making us confident Lollipop will throw calves that will top your weaning weight sheet for years to come. Bred for a January 1st DBCC Flatliner calf, this female will make an excellent mama cow in anyone’s herd!
Lucy checks alot of boxes. She is very stylish female that is long spined with lots of rib and great neck extension. She will be the last Bred heifer we offer from Tref Epic Power who has left a long lasting stamp on our herd with many high producing females. Her mother is a daughter of Murphys 34D who is still working hard in our herd with great feet and a perfect udder. Any female with a 34 in there ear at our place never disappoints. Bred early to the RUNL Justified bull that we are very excited about.
53J has been a tremendous brood cow. In the two years I have owned her she has produced two herd sires. One herd sire resides at Boulder land cattle company and used as clean up on the yearling heifers. A quality female and a great bull producer. She was a hell of a way to cap off our career in the limousin business. I thoroughly enjoyed owning her. Thanks for all the great times.
Loretta represents the Posthaven herd well at this stage of our makeup. She is the result of a traditional fullblood dam – moderate framed, lots of milk and natural growth – and a new purebred sire, as one of the oldest daughters of Royal Jester here in Canada. She was a 4H peewee project this year, and was complimented often for her muscle expression, and how functionally well she is put together front to back. Additionally, she has strong numbers across the board! As a September heifer, she is ready to step into any herd - breed her the way you want, when you want.
There hasn’t been a female that has done more in the show ring and production for our program then K-View Whispering Wind. Whispering Wind hasn’t missed to any sire we have bred her to naturally or through embryo. She just doesn’t miss, period! Moonstruck and Moonshine are half sibs we are offering on choice out of this great production cow.
Moonstruck is an ET heifer and a full sib to Lakeside Lovestruck that sold in the 2023 Eastern Showcase sale. Just like her sister she has been an eye catcher in the front pasture this summer. This heifer is an exciting mating of production, cow power, and an outcross sire from Flemington Limousin, Australia.
Moonshine is the natural calf, sired by BLCC K76 Memphis and has been following in her fathers’ footsteps in the showring this fall as Addison’s project heifer. As a Reserve Champion Junior heifer calf at the 2024 OLA Provincial show, this March born heifer is packed with performance, pedigree and personality.
ZIMMMERMAN MARGO is a well balanced daughter of Paynes Rush and off a beautiful made daughter off morrisville Lumber jack from Balamore farm. Zimmerman Margo is not lacking any muscle.
Zimmerman Mya is a smoother made daughter of the popular Richmond Hector and is off a good footed Paynes Winchester cow from Smart Limousin.
Lady is the maternal sister to the high selling heifer calf from the first eastern showcase and the daughter of one of our prized herdsires Blcc J21 Big Tease. A powerful heifer that ran the junior show circuit this summer with a new show girl “Claira”. Lady and Claira gathered many champion banners this summer and held their own in some extremely competitive classes. Her mother also won her division at the royal as a calf where Greenwood cattle bought half interest in her out of the isle. A female with an excellent legacy and exciting future. Co owned with Greenwood Cattle
This sale flat out works! And we are putting this sweet little heifer in it to prove it! We bought Sugar mama’s dam at last years sale from the Darling family and 12 months later we are clipping a coupon out of a great female that we feel will be a top producer for years! Sugar mama hit the show road with our youngest girl “Josie” this year, together they were competitive in many shows. Sugar mama is a dark red flashy gal with a ton of thickness and exciting pedigree.
Drinks anyone? This sweetheart is definitely one to celebrate. The first word that comes to mind when describing 5M is solid with a capital S.Martini’s grand dam is Koyle Cashmere 24C who scored Royal acclaim as the calf champion in 2015 sired by Koyle Apache. With Richmond Zodiac on the top and Westwood influence on the bottom, she sports an intriguing pedigree and is sure to be a strong mother for years to come. She’s docile, halter broke as a first-year member’s 4H project in 2023, and is ready to go to the ring in 2024.
Mimosa is a typical lumberjack female - flat out good! Big top, deep sided, strides out so well on her feet and legs. She finishes it off with lots of style that comes through from her Ivy’s Bubba Watson dam.
This January heifer calf has been a favourite since she was born. This Haiti heifer calf was the perfect cross with her flatliner dam, as she gives both style and functionality all put together in a powerful package. Juniors mark this heifer down for the show ring next year.
When you see Margarita your first thought will be “holy cow she’s a big girl”. This is a heifer born January 6 with a birth weight of 80lbs and hasn’t stopped growing since she hit the ground. This heifer has performance and brood cow written all over her. This ET heifer we had pegged to keep in our recipe pen as we have been waiting for this Bubba Watson x TMF (tailor made) mating for a while. However when approached about putting in a third lot we had to match the calibre of her pen mates that were already put in the sale. The best is yet to come on this girl.
This one offers a unique pedigree! She is off a really good producing Too Much Fun Daughter and off the new and exciting Royal Jester sire being one of the first few of his progeny to sell in Canada this year. Mia is thick, well muscled, good structured with a feminine look to her. This heifer was showcased this year as a 4-H heifer with excellent results at the local fairs. She will be a perfect project for next year and make an even better cow in the future!
Dwis Molly 1M ET is a heifer calf we are proud to have raised and excited to consign to the Eastern Showcase Sale. Her donor dam, After Hours Hello Dolly, needs no introduction as she was the high seller of the first-ever Eastern Showcase Sale. In production, she has proven to transmit everything that makes her so special to her offspring, and 1M is no exception. After her show career wraps up, there’s no doubt she will go on to be a productive and profitable female.
Retaining the right to one successful flush.
Corn Syrup 101M is a no miss Flatliner daughter going back to Red Maple Corn Syrup (pictured) on her maternal side. All great pieces of a puzzle to make a powerful future brood cow. With George on her bottom side too - she is sure to be a great milker! Have yourself a thick female with a solid future in your pasture.
Bee Zee Polled Madison 2M has been a standout since day one and is a difficult one to part with. Her dark cherry red, feminine front end, bold rib shape, and length of spine puts it all together. Madison’s dam Crown Hill Kentucky Woman 14K was the Reserve Champion Senior Heifer calf at the 2022 Provincial Show and has developed into a cow with a beautiful udder that has longevity written all over her. The mating to B Bar Bentley worked perfectly! Whether you are looking for a show heifer for next year, or a female for the future for your herd, Madison is one to check out on sale day.
Since we purchased Molly, she has been a star in our herd. She has produced a replacement female with every one of her attempts and Majestic Molly earned this title as she is the best yet. Only to a sale like this would this female, which was one of Jaxon’s favorites be available…..Study the pedigree, the EPD profile and the prolific female you will see the home run here that we are proud to present. Whether for the showring, or the pasture Miss Molly is set to be a “SHOWOFF”. We have enough confidence in this female that we will offer a $500 Voucher (to assist with travel) to the junior member that selects Molly as their junior project for the upcoming year.
Marlowe is a female that has been a standout since birth, she sired by the popular Ricmond Hector and is the daughter of our productive Jail Bait cow from Windy Gables. Homozygous polled, good coloured and a tremendous set of growth and maternal numbers that only elevate this package. She is long spined, deep sided with a great maternal look. We have a lot of faith in her to continue in the path of her outstanding young dam! Marlowe has been successful shown and is quiet with a great attitude for a showperson of any age.
Every generation has created major works of art. Da Vinci had the “Mona Lisa,” Picasso had his “Blue Period” and the Beatles had a “Hard Day’s Night” Not to be out done, TREF Hard Core 204H has created one of his own in CWG Masterpiece 42M. 42M is a beautifully crafted female that is correct in her make-up, soft made and bold in design yet offers the right amount of femininity in her front third that will make you step back and have a good look. Maternal strength from her dam, Greenwood Beretta 42B, is amplified with a big set of EPD’s and a super disposition that makes this young female one to be desired. You don’t need to be an artist to appreciate a “Masterpiece”.
Mila is the result of us selecting her dam, Greenwood Zoom Bloom 16K in the 2023 Western Select Sale. Mila certainly doesn’t disappoint –like her dam, she has the growth and overall capacity, along with the added style and beauty Greenwood Shift brings to his daughters. In addition, she is backed by tremendous numbers – a solid selection for any herd.
Our first B Bar/VLE Fugitive calves this year were nothing less than darn good! This homo polled daughter is no exception. Lots of shape, style and angularity in this one. Moderately framed, hairy and well structured.
A cherry red, homo polled Wulfs Horton female that deserves some attention. Her dam is a structurally sound, heavy milking cow deriving from the great folks at Rail line. Loaded with a great pedigree and well rounded EPD’s , she is a total package.
A really nice, red, homozygous polled heifer, Misty is sired by RPY Paynes Rush 1H ET. Her dam, Darling, comes from long line of powerful females bred and raised at Smart Limousin. Misty has been a pleasure to show this year, at Limousin and 4H events. She will make an excellent 2025 project for a Junior or 4H member due to her docile nature and strong pedigree. She continues to improve as she ages. She will make a powerful cow as she exhibits structural soundness with a smooth silhouette. Misty’s maternal halfsister sold to Paynes Livestock in the 2019 RAWF Limousin Sale.
It’s been awhile since Albertview has brought an animal to a sale. We wanted to showcase what this sale can offer and what the Limousin breed has meant to our program for the past 44 years. Miss 5M was the result of our purchase from Young’s Limo in last years sales. For a first calf heifer, she has done a great job of raising this calf. 5M shows the authentic attributes of the Limousin breed, with her body mass, big hip and smooth feminine front. She is a true cattleman’s animal, as she will provide calving ease going back to Fernando but not lack in putting on the pounds when it counts. Pair this girl to any bull and I think the results will be gratifying.
When I purchased 203K out of the 2022 Eastern Showcase sale from the good folks at Spare Time Livestock, I knew she would go on to do great things for my small program. RRD 1M is a prime example. This girl has been awesome all around from the get go. The mating to the great calving ease bull Hitman, has proven to be a great match for 203K. Maddy shows tremendous length of spine without lacking depth of body, and style style style! So feminine upfront with a great neck extension, and sitting on a sound foot to boot and look at that FLUFF. This girl would make a Junior very happy and competitive going forward, not to mention the fertility in this line is flawless with 203K catching on her natural heat two years in a row. I look forward to seeing what this calf can do for its new owner going forward.
$5,500 Pinch Hill
Once again Nicole 27G has produced a great one. All of her progeny has been sold as breeding bulls or replacement heifers into respectable purebred and commercial programs. Maggie packs so much body and performance into a nice tight package, she checks a lot of boxes when you look over her, she’s one you wish to keep at home. Again, the Hitman match up has done tremendous things for this calf, combining calving ease, overall mass of body, length in her back quarter and smooth off that front shoulder. Maggie will go on to be a great foundation cow to any program as her mother has done so in mine.
CF Manilla 2M is a prime example of the quality of offspring that can come from the Eastern Showcase Sale. Her dam GLC Peek a Boo ET was purchased in the inaugural sale and is becoming one of our top cows. Manilla is a long spined, clean fronted female that has all the eye appeal to make either a show heifer or a front pasture female. Her sire Bee Zee polled Heisenberg 21H is stamping all his calves with thick tops and the sought-after limousin hip. CF Manilla 2M is show broke and we are gladly willing to help any junior showcase her next year. Bid with confidence on CFL 2M!
Miss Marvel placed 5th overall in the 100K Jackpot at the Junior Impact Show this summer. This illustrates her balance between EPD’s and her outstanding conformation. She has 5 EPD’s that are within the top 10% of the breed. She is a unique animal, is heavy muscled and has a marbling EPD in the 1% percentile of the breed. Her Dam Fat Bottom Girl is one of our top producing females. She can trace her roots back to DVFC Nina 14N which was the high selling lot of the DVF Limousin dispersal. Her sire Richmond Hector is starting to leave his mark in the Limousin breed. Miss Marvel has the pedigree and conformation to become a asset in your herd.
Gibson Emalou 71E has been a cornerstone cow for our program! She has clicked anyway she has been mated. Her mating with RPY Paynes Hitman is sure to be no exception! Her Daughter GDL Gibsons Gwen 930G sold through this sale a few years back to 777 Cattle, Payne Livestock & Cornerstone Land & Cattle and is no disappointment! If you are looking to add some solid black genetics to your herd this is your chance!
Guarantee 1 - 90 day Pregnancy if implanted by accredited Technician. Stored at ProVitro IVF & ET Services, St. Marys ON
Proceeds go to the Canadian Junior Limousin Association.
Buyer is responsible for shipping or bring a tank and we can transfer them at the sales barn.