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On behalf of the Future Legends bull sale group, Starwest Farms, Spruce View Acres and B Bar C Simmentals, all of us at Bohrson Marketing welcome you to their fourth annual event. These three progressive operations again have come together to bring you one of the largest offerings of Fleckvieh and Fullblood genetics available anywhere.

This trio of operations have so much diversity to offer but all have the common goal of raising sound, functional beef cattle that thrive in every environment. These bulls are bred to last with longevity and functionality at the forefront of their breeding decisions. This bulls are designed to work for you, the valued customer. They are expected to calve easy and make high performing stock that positively impact your bottom line. Their heavy emphasis on the value of the mother cow is very apparent as you tour these programs and you can rest assured when you decide to buy a bull from the Futures Legends, they will be backed by a super productive female with a great udder and awesome feet. You can look to any of these bulls to be high performance sires that will make scale crushing sons, but will also not sacrifice performance and leave you a set of daughters that will be the envy to your neighbours.
We highly encourage you to make plans to join us for this annual event to take in some of the girls’ great hospitality and impressive set of bulls along with their high quality commercial replacement females. We recommend reaching out to Christel, Tracy and Chris to discuss their bulls, along with your own programs and needs so they can help you find the right fit for your operation. If any of us at Bohrson Marketing can be of any assistance on sale day and leading up to it, please feel free to contact us and utilize our order buying and consultation services. We would be excited to discuss this impressive set of Bulls on offer.
Best regards, the Bohrson Marketing team

When Tracy, Chris and I were discussing what we’d like to highlight in the welcome letter this year, we all said “It’s been a normal, uneventful year.” Well cheers to that! 2021 and 2022 are years I’m okay with closing the book on. With those years came a loss of a husband, dry summer producing little feed, a wet seeding season, record high grain prices, strong calf prices, and everything in between.

Because I finally got Tracy and Chris on the technology train, we have a group chat and Chris actually texted us tonight saying “Four years ladies! Did you ever think you could get this far?” The answer to that is absolutely! It would be tough to find three women more stubborn and driven as Tracy, Chris and myself. The most accurate saying I’ve heard is “A farmer has to be an optimist or else he wouldn’t still be a farmer.” Because really, what would we do without cows?

Every year, we strive to offer progeny that are a true reflection of our values and passion as cattle breeders. Tracy has grown her herd to over 180 head with a majority of these females being under four years old and will offer incredible progeny as they come into their prime. Brett and Chris have continued to add outcrossed genetics to focus on beautiful pigmentation, calving ease and unwavering quality. Starwest has regained momentum after an extremely challenging year, adding several top donor cows, growing the purebred division and adding my boyfriend to the family farm, with his extensive knowledge of the dairy industry being a huge asset. So with that, we welcome you to our Fourth Annual Bull Sale! With another set of incredible bulls on offer, our excitement about this year’s sale is at an all-time high and feel there is a bull that will fit every cattleman’s needs. We continue to deeply thank our repeat customers and welcome those who are new. Our goal is to build genuine relationships based on trust that will lead to long term business, adding value to your program. We look forward to seeing everyone again on February 15th at the Innisfail Auction Mart! The coffee will be hot and the whiskey, strong. As always, we kindly welcome you to stop by any of our farms to tour the bulls at your convenience.

Often nicknamed “Shamu”, Starfire has been gaining at impressive rates just at the sniff of food. This easy fleshing, deep bodied bull has the most remarkable personality and is so dark in colour, he’s black down the tail and around his face, something his sire stamps all his calves with. Starfire is sired but Shazam who we unfortunately lost to an injury early in his career but he left an impressive mark. Just take a look at Anchor D’s program with one of their newest herdsires being a Shazam son. This is one of our only Shazam offspring out of one of our top herd matrons purchased from Anchor D. Shelly is a true bull producer, putting everything into her calf while still looking dazzling 365 days of the year. I could go on about Starfire for hours but he’s the type of bull that sells himself.
Every breeder has a stash of old school genetics that we wait to add a modern spin to. NGDB 609D was the perfect homozygous polled twist needed to create Starwest Pol Jovani. He is a deep bodied, docile bull with impressive performance in a polled package. This bull has had a soft spot in my dad’s heart right from the minute he hit the ground seeing as Dad’s love for Solway Adonis dates back to the 70s. Jovani has the potential to rekindle the desire to incorporate these genetics into your program. Top it all off with his impressive pigmentation and colour, a very atypical Solway trait, and you have yourself a star studded herd bull.

Reference Sire

SBV Rambo 708G
Even though we’re known for raising Polled Fleckviehs, it was important to us to keep the performance, frame and hair on our cattle. SBV Rambo has been one of the most unique herd bulls we have utilized for those exact reasons. He is the definition of performance. His masculinity, hair and width makes him a standout in our senior bull division. His calves have been a dream during calving, with all being long and smooth made. The depth in Starwest Jace has captured the eye of all cattle enthusiasts. Similar to his sire, he just has that presence with his dashing colour coming from his young French Attack dam who has raised some of our top bulls in the past. Starwest Jace will produce daughters any cattleman would build their program around with his sons being heavy hitters similar to himself.

When we first started talking about adding a horned Fullblood bull amongst our polled full flecks, we knew he had to be something special. SBV Rambo 708G checked all the boxes for us and is now proudly owned by us in partnership with our good friend Kyle Westman. Kyle and I have talked in great length about his broad top, thick middle, great hair, big footing, and just the overall power he possesses. He has proven to add growth, performance, hair, good colour, wide top lines and sogginess. Not to mention this bull calves like an absolute dream. His dam has been a solid producer for the Mark Land and Cattle program having nearly 25 registered progenies. Clearly Lenny had tremendous confidence in this mating as two of his top bulls this year are full siblings to Rambo. We bred Rambo to a diverse group but almost all of our homo polled cows were bred to him. Let me tell you, there is not one calf we are disappointed in and if the Rambo sons impress you, you’re in for a treat when you see his daughters.

Starwest Jazz had a strapping look right from a calf making him a standout. We’re sure starting to see a pattern amongst these Rambo calves: just darn right good. Structured much like his sire, Jazz has a topline line as wide as a table and a defined hind quarter that carries down into his strong leg. This is a bull that will add performance to any mating. Kyle Westman owns Rambo in partnership with us and has mentioned several times that Rambo is the longest, squarest bull he uses. Something is to be said about that when he’s ranked amongst a bull battery of approximately 30 head. No winning any beauty contests here but he’s about as thick and hairy as they come. All of our Rambo sons also have a very docile presence to them, making them a pleasure to work with.
Another example of a soft made, thick Rambo son. The only difference between Jazz and Jock is a slight frame difference and pigmentation. This offering of Rambo progeny is a perfect example as to why we heavily used Rambo in our 2022 breeding season and will do the same in 2023. Rambo stamps his calves with wide tops, deep middles and just overall being meat machines. We utilized him on a 25 of our commercial cows and his fall steers averaged just shy of 900lbs with no creep. Talk about explosive growth. This will be a bull that make the bank man happy when you deposit your calf cheque in the fall.

Kobe might be the most atypical Rambo son of the group, being the most moderate and stout made, but his muscle definition and thick barrel make him an eye catcher. His young dam raised us one of our high selling bred heifers at this past Simpower sale. A moderate framed cow with a fabulous udder, her unique genetics make for an intriguing package. She is the type of cow that puts everything into her calf, is never troublesome at calving and rebreeds early ever year. Talk about productive and Kobe’s lineage has that written all over it.

Addie does it again. She has two of the best first calvers in the herd currently and one of the heaviest bulls in the pen. At one point, Starwest Addie’s Jack was gaining over 5lbs per day and has remained in the heaviest 5 bulls of the pen since weaning. He is built like a freight train: smooth through the shoulders, line spine and packing just enough punch. His dam is a beautiful young cow we bought from Dobbie Simmentals and she is just starting her career with huge potential. NAC Battle Cry needs no introduction. We were fortunate enough to have Black Gold lend us Battle Cry when we had bull issues and it really gave us a taste of why he has the tremendous repu- tation that he does. His calves have the perfect combination of calving ease and performance, making them extremely versatile amongst any program. Starwest Addie’s Jack will be similar in that regard to his sire. With that shot of Legend on his dam’s side, he should be a calving dream.

It feels like just yesterday when we were waiting for Kalibre’s first calf crop and now he has become our main seasoned gentleman. If natural muscling, length and overall performance is on your list, then check out this lineup. Kalibre posses muscle definition and natural thickness that is carried by solid footing. He’s an easy keeper that moves like a panther, a trait that carriers into his progeny. Look to him to add hip, length and extra top. We now have his daughters in production and are very impressed with their udder structure and confirmation. Not to mention, check out the pigment and colour on these beauties!

Jamari is my pick of the Kalibre sons this year. His attractive polled head with extra pigmentation makes him unique to the Kalibre lineup. He is backed a larger framed, wide topped cow who happens to be a maternal sister to the famous Starwest Pol Blueprint. We are fortunate enough to have all three of his maternal siblings in our herd, all of which are top matrons with exceptional track records. We look forward to her 2023 calf due any day, being bred to our newest polled herdsire, LFE Inscription. Kalibre continues to be our no-doubt bull in our battery, being the most aggressive breeder and knowing he works on just about anything. Although he doesn’t add immense frame to his calves, his progeny would be the perfect definition of moderately made but still with thickness and length. Jamari, in my mind, is a genetic masterpiece and is ready for the big leagues. Both of Jamari’s parents are polled, therefore a homozygous polled test is pending.

Jekyll is out of a cow that outproduces herself every year, literally. Being the small framed cow on the farm, we often say she takes after the phrase “small but mighty” as she has raised us some of our best bulls of the years. Coloured up similar to his dam, Jekyll is a spitting image of his maternal brother who sold last year in our sale. BEE 789’s 2023 edition is a full sibling to Jekyll but in female form and man are we excited. The capacity this cow puts into her calves is impressive especially given her size. I feel this year is our most consistent Kalibre offerings and its thanks to reliable producers like herself. Having both polled parents, Jekyll is pending homozygous polled testing.

Kason’s dam is a maternal sister to Jamari’s dam, both having picture perfect udders. If I had to pick a favourite genetic package, it may very well be Kason. The Spitfire daughters are hard to beat and I still stand by my word that Spitfire is the one of the best kept secrets of the industry. We have rekindled our use of Spitfire by buying a polled son from Jason Bruketa and suspect his daughters will also be a force to be reckoned with. Kason’s lineage has female maker written all over it. We have been extremely greedy and kept most of our Kalibre daughters as we wanted to fully understand Kalibre’s true potential and he did not disappoint. As you can see, four of our Kalibre offerings are pending homozygous polled results as Kalibre throws horned power and performance into a polled package.

Kenton is out of another BEE cow that has been a steady producer for us. Clair is a cow that gets overlooked every time until she lands a sweet calf in the pen. The most moderate bull of the Kalibre lineup, Kenton will be a perfect bull to put on first and second calvers. As mentioned earlier, Kalibre is bombproof when it comes to calving season and Kenton will be no different. Throw some Titanium and Mr. Gibbs into Kenton’s genetic make-up and you have yourself a female maker.

Our youngest bull of the pen is not one that should be overlooked, he’s in here for a reason! If you compare him with a younger birthdate in mind, he is holding his own against a pen of bulls, some of which are two months older. His dam is a favourite attractive polled blueprint female out of one of our “originals” from the BC herd. We sold Starwest Pol Edelweiss’ full sister to Francis Gagnon as our high seller in the 2019 Simpower sale after seeing the potential in that mating. Edelweiss currently has a 2.0 model of Korbin at side who has an age advantage to him, being born two months earlier. Korbin is nicely coloured with length, a nice shoulder set for calving and is a bull that has more performance behind him than what meets the eye. Homozygous Polled test pending.

Now this is what you call a heifer hitting it out of the park the first year. Not only did ZDS 47G produce this dandy, but she has another beautiful polled bull calf at side already this year. We purchased her amongst a group of young cows from Anchor D which have all been insanely productive. FGAF Radioactive has quickly been known for his bombproof calving ease ability without sacrificing performance. His offspring have also gained reputation for their docile personalities as well as their high fertility and vigor at birth. Starwest King Bass will be the perfect combination of calving ease and performance, plus he’s a real eye catcher with his flashy pigmentation. He is the type of bull that would do well on heifers and work wonders on mature cows.

When we talk about focusing on highly productive females, Kade’s dam, ZDS 489H comes to mind. We purchased several Fort Knox females and are impressed with every single one, especially with the consistency and how Fort Knox stamps them. We love seeing Starwest progeny on both sides of Kade’s lineage as both Radioactive and Bryck have gained exceptional reputations throughout the cattle industry. Starwest Kade would best compliment first and second calvers or larger cows need a little bit of moderation plus his daughters will be ones you won’t let go of.

Another calving ease candidate with that gorgeous dark colour. ZDS 604H is one of the Fort Knox females we bought, as mentioned in Starwest Kade’s write up and we have a maternal sister to 604H who has a polled Swag bull just a few lots down from Kalvin. To say we are high on this cow family is fairly evident. Our goal with first calving heifers is not for them to just have a calf, but have a marketable calf with value so when we saw 604H was bred to Precision, it was a bonus. Precision is known for being a calving ease specialist but is also extremely versatile. Starwest Kalvin will possess those same attributes, an honest bull who’s virtually fault free.
If I could have a whole pen of bulls like Jigsaw, I’d never complain. Sunny Valley Exclusive has become our “old faithful” in our roster. Exclusive is also the sire to SBV 711, who is ran by Spruce View Acres and Lockhart Valley, both of which speak very highly of 711. Now onto the best part, his females are absolutely to die for! A daughter of Exclusive, SBV 409F also known as Polly, made massive waves after selling for $57,500 at the Friday Night Lights Sale several years back and her first calf, SBV 806J sold for $70,000 at this past Friday Night Lights Sale. Originally, we bought Exclusive to use on our large commercial cows seeing as he’s out of arguably the best calving ease bull in the fullblood world. However, after seeing the calibre of calves he cranked out, we quickly threw in a group of our best registered cows. CKCW 321E is a bull producer whose son was our high seller in 2020, selling to Langer Fleckvieh. Homozygous Polled test pending.

Starwest Pol Kacey is out of a farm favourite, Double D. She is the type of cow we describe when talking about homozygous polled. She has capacity, length, depth of rib, a flawless udder and an attractive appearance. Maternal sisters to Kacey are working at Beechinor Land and Livestock as well as JNR. LFS Swag was utilized by Virginia Ranch as a heifer bull, but seeing as he packed too much punch for that, we utilized him on some larger cows to add some extra pigmentation and length. We have two calf crops out of Swag and man does he ever stamp them. If you want a bull that produces herd building females, it’s Kacey; seeing as Raptor and Spitfire have tremendous maternal strength and have produced some of the best females in the industry. Homozygous Polled test pending.

Being a bit of a different type of bull from the rest of the pen, Starwest Pol Jessie offers a bit more frame, taking after dam. VIRS Paydirt and VIRS Shooter, who we ran for a few years, were the two high selling bulls in the 2018 Bull Spectrum Sale. Being Paternal brothers, their daughters are very similar, fantastic udders, lots of hair and striking colour. Our second high selling female in this past Simpower, selling to Northern Lights Simmentals was an Eagle Eye female. We’ve kept a handful for ourselves and they are proving to be some of our top first calving cows, seeing as anything stemming back to Spitfire is darn good. A good honest bull that might get overlooked but once fully analyzed, will check all the boxes, whatever your needs may be.

Both Swag and 256B are known for their exception pigmentation, so definitely an exception here. Starwest Pol Kendrix boasts a bit more chrome and is larger framed than his brother. ZDS 256B, another one of our top bull producers, has landed heavy hitting bulls in the pen for a couple years in a row now and is arguably one of our most powerful cows. Regardless of what we breed her to, calving ease or power, she’s all performance. Starwest Pol Kendrix is smooth fronted and long spined which makes him an exceptional candidate for any type of cow. A bull that will just keep getting better with age and prove his worth with every calf crop. Homozygous polled test pending.

7/11 has truly been a masterpiece as far as I’m concerned, and I know our co-owners with him at Lockhart Valley Simmentals would no doubt agree. When I say this bull is keeping us wanting to be in this business, I mean it. Not to take away from our other herd sires, because we feel they are valued highly as well bu us and have done well for us, 7/11 has just taken it up another notch, and that’s a good thing as we are always wanting to improve. His calves just stand out in the pen, without being pushed. They have a natural fleshing ability that starts forming shortly after birth. His daughters are just coming into production and the calves are following suit. 7/11 is a real sweetheart to work with, deep and soggy with that extra length I like on a dark red body. Check the video out on him. It’s impressive! Just proud to say he is a part of our herd.

Moondog filled the barn with ex- citement when he was born. It’s nice when you wish for something and it comes true. Born out of a great mother along with his sire 7/11 should make him a very desirable bull. Evy is a dark, nearly black, red colored cow who always has thrown that color into her calves. She has a sweet Black Gold Bryck polled daughter at foot this year that I have high hopes for. And what more can I say about 7/11? If it weren’t for this bull, and not to take away from any of our other herdsires, I’m not sure we would still be in this cattle business. He has done more for our herd in the last couple of years and he’s a bull I think this industry needs more of. Moondog has a very sweet temperament, excellent feet and legs, thick rump, deep bodied and a hair coat to die for. 7/11’s dam and Moondog’s granddam have udders you wish all of your heifers come out with. Take a hard look at him. A half brother sold to Armstrongs Rocking Ranch in our 2021 sale.

Well, if there’s a Moondog, there must be a Sundog. I just found it neat that both bulls out of the same sire, born a day apart, weighed the same at birth, and then weighed the same at yearling weights. Sundog too is an impressive fellow out of a Maxwell heifer we bought a couple of years ago. Long spined, deep bodied, thick and again the hair. He too is a bull that should be on top of everyone’s list come sale day. Photos were taken early Dec. Bulls are a darker red than what the photo shows due to the sun shining that day.

Pathfinder was Steve’s pick of the bulls this year. Going back to a super mother who out performs herself every year. When you get cows like her you wish they never leave the place. I have kept every daughter I can get out of her as she goes back to a cow family that gave us some of the best females to walk our pastures. Pathfinder carrys that deep body on a good set of legs. I think using him on some Charolais cows would produce some really good feeder steers.

This Riding Solo again goes back to a favorite cow family. I’m all about cow families and Showgirl is following in their footsteps. One tremendous udder on this young cow, and as of writing this out of over 100 calves on the ground so far, she has one of the top ones, if not the top calf so far. Look for the name ‘Bistro” in next years sale. Riding Solo 909J will be a moderate framed bull that would work well on some smaller cows.

Confidential is another bull similar in style to many of the other bulls in the sale. He did have a small set back just after weaning that I think affected his yearling weight, but he is coming along strong since November, and I think will be one of the biggest bulls come sale time. His dam is one of the longest spined cows on the place on a great set of feet and always puts good hair and color in her calves. Cheyenne will be bred back with 7/11 for what I’m sure will be another great calf. A maternal brother sold to Ken Pengelly in our 2021 sale.

Our Black Gold Bryck 73F is our only polled herd sire at the moment and has been the natural go to bull if we need that extra length or sought-after dark pigment added to our calves. Another easy doing, easy to work with bull that we hope stays here for a long time. We nearly lost him last spring due to him butterflying himself while breeding on icy ground and injured both of his shoulders, but thank goodness we got 3/4th of his cows bred in just 11 days. After laying for 3 weeks, he suprised us one day by standing in his pen and moving on tippy toes. We put him in private pasture this summer and he made a full recovery and is expected to go back with his girls February 1st.

Polled & diluter test pending

Tonic is out of a second calver going back to one of the first cow families we purchased 25 years ago. This cow family has been known to put extra performance and a large barrel into their calves with a good square rump as well. We thought his dam would be a good match with our polled Black Gold Bryck bull and we are happy with the results. Tonic is one sharp looking bull who will catch the eye of many admirers on sale day. Should have a good foot under him as well.

Polled & diluter test pending

We used our Black Gold Bryck son on all of our second calvers 2 years ago to see how he would do on a younger set of cows and we were very impressed with the results. The birthweights maybe a bit higher on some of these calves but they have loads of length of spine which makes up that extra weight. The important thing is they are calving them out fine and with Steve gone to work and with me doing the calving by myself most days, I wouldn’t set myself up for a disaster if I thought that was the case. Hawkeye again comes from a strong cow family that throws probably the most pigment out of any of our cows. Hawkeye is a typical looking offspring from this cow family along with the feet and temperament to go with it.

Prince Charles, or as we like to call him, Princey, is a bigger framed, long bodied and powerful meat machine. He is probably the best footed and walking bull to have ever walked our pastures, and we have been fortunate enough to have had many. His calves exhibit extra muscling and he will be used even more so this spring. We’ve used him on everything from second calvers and small cows but is best suited to larger cows.

If there’s one bull in the pen who’s a pain in the butt it’s Smoking Gun 934J. Always demands a scratch or needs to chew on your pants. Shouldn’t be suprised as his dam is the same way. His dam is turning 10 years old and is a problem free cow. Another cow who has had numerous bulls in the sale over the years and gave us a top heifer in the keeper pen. We still calved out his grand dam Cherish this year and she is still a flawless cow at 16 years of age.

Well here we go with repeat names courtesy of the cat walking on our computer. Fantasy really knocked it out of the park with this calf. By far her best performance and he ends up being the heaviest bull at yearling weigh in. He may not look it in the picture but he is a real beef machine and really needs to be viewed in person. All of our bulls are pail fed bull ration and given free choice hay. He does have a bit of extra birth weight, but it comes from his extra length of spine. He was born unassisted and is an impressive bull.

Nightfall is out of another Maxwell heifer we purchased a couple of years back who has produced a bull for us every year we have had her. We have bred her different ways and have been happy with the results. Nightfall may not be as powerful as some of the other bulls she raised, but I think given a bit of time he will mature into a herdsire to be proud of just as we are with his sire, Prince Charles. Another dark red bull with potential to no end.

This guy didn’t have the same opportunities as his pen mates. His dam, Shylo, started to go downhill after the cold February last year and just never really recovered. Even with his set back we felt he was worth the risk to give him a try and I’m glad we did. He may not have the numbers he normally would have, but he has the genetics to back himself up. Shylo always gave us numerous bulls that have ended up in sales. Once again, long spined and deep bodied with tonnes of hair and probably the largest set of nuts in the group.

Mission is currently coming 7 years of age and has been a fault free bull. He was the calving master for us on heifers, until his son Sterling took over last spring. It’s unusual to hear that you have less issues with the heifers than you sometimes do with cows. His calves jump up like firecrackers after birth and get to the task of living. Mission is currently used on our Full Fleck cows and larger framed cows. He’s always eager to get to work come every spring and likes to throw a consistent solid color pattern to the toe, dark hooves and all.

Heatwave comes to us from a cow family going back to the good folks, Rick and Sandra Smith. Many daughters have been kept over the years from that first cow and many more will be retained in the future. Heatwave reminds me a lot of Mission who has been a tremendous bull we picked up from the Bull Spectrum Sale a few years back from Virginia Ranch. Mission is a Radison son that was used in the heifer pen for years until we transferred him to our cows. Heatwave may have a larger birth weight than what is normal for Mission but I think if used on cows it shouldn’t be a problem. Heatwave is built the same as Mission so he should have good calving ease.

Last year may have been the Chinese year of the Tiger but for us it was the year of freak accidents with some of our calves. I usually like to bring my big performance bulls to the sale but due to unfortunate circumstances that are just too hard to believe we ended up losing some of our top bull calves due to things out of our control. Even with these circumstances, and even with Matador maybe not being the biggest bull in our string, he still would have made it to the sale regardless. Not every bull needs to be big performance. I think Matador is the perfect bull for the family where the husband works away and they need a good, easy to work with, easy calving bull to relieve the stress when hubby is gone. Matador has a nice head and smooth shoulder and I think is the sharpest looking bull in the pen.

Silver Dollar’s dam is a heifer we purchased from Labatte Simmentals a couple years ago as one of the high sellers that day. She’s a real sweetheart to work with and has a good set of feet and a problem free udder. Silver Dollar should follow in her footsteps and produce heifers of her quality. A Black Gold Bryck daughter of hers is one of my favorite heifers to calve this year. I think Silver Dollar would be suitable to use on cows and, oh ya, I would keep the heifers.

Sterling was a bull I kept from a favourite heifer of mine because I really thought he was something special and knew one day we would need a bull to take over Mission’s role as a heifer bull. Our neighbors used him for 3 years with great success on cows and heifers and he calved quick and calves were up quick. Last year I knew it was time for us to use him and he has been nothing but a mirror image of Mission. Calves do come out quick and easy and are up in no time nursing even if they were born outside in not-so-great weather. He prints his calves the same. They develop thickness in the rump and should have a good set of feet to walk on. If you don’t believe me have a look at the commercial heifers we are bringing for auction.

Pending sire verification

Chonky has been another favourite bull of mine this year. Born unassisted out of a heifer, he has developed into probably the thickest bull in our offering. So much like Sterling in every way. As Sterling is starting to get older I was considering keeping Chonky for myself. Chonky will be a moderate framed bull that I think could be used on second calvers or smaller cows and you’ll be pleased with the results. His dam is a single, goggled eyed black cherry colored heifer who is due to calve as I’m writing this. Chonky was handled a lot as a calf and likes people, is very easy to work with and eager to get to work. Look for some of Chonky’s half sisters to sell in this sale. You’ll be able to pick them out as Sterling makes them all the same. If you like your calves chunky, you need to get Chonky.

Pending sire verification

You’ll notice I like to talk about cow families and Ransom belongs to one of the best we have. His great-grandmother is none other than our Larissa cow that has given us more females we have retained I think than from any other female here. I just won’t give them up. Larissa just calved this year at 15 years and still has a phenomenal udder. Ransom has a very nice 75 lbs birth weight and born out of a heifer should make him a good candidate for a heifer bull, and a 945 lbs weaning weight is nothing to scoff at either. I think his dam is going to be around for a long time to come.
Marathon is out of a first calf heifer that I think did a fine job on her first go around. Just an 80 lbs birth weight bull should make him useable in many different situations. Maybe not as flashy as some of the other bulls, but flashy doesn’t get the cows bred.

Spruce View Commercial Heifers

Commercial heifers like these chosen from the keeper pen. Heifers have been treated with ivomec, safe guard, vaccinated with tasvax 8 way, and Cattlemaster Gold 5 killed/live vaccine.

Wisper has been our go to bull for a lot of years. He has given us great color and pigment, perfect uddered females that produce over and over and bulls that have gone out and worked in all sorts of herds. We sold Wisper to a commercial herd after breeding season this past year. Which means there will only be one more group of bulls to come through this sale in 2024. He was 9 yrs old and definitely did not act his age.

Black Gold Wispers Shadow
Kruz is pleasant to the eye and gentle mannered. His dam “Diamond” is just that, a diamond. When they are big and beautiful you just want to show them off. We highly anticipate her calf each year. It’s always a showstopper. She has sons at MGM Cattle Co and Thorson Cattle Co and a Wisper son at foot. Related to Lot 42 and 52.

Kingpin is bigger framed with a moderate birthweight. He walks with purpose. He has a great disposition and polled at boot. His dam Brandy is a no miss cow with sons at Walton Land and Cattle, Brewster Farms and Ron and Kelly Cottrells. Her only daughter is the mother to Justice who sold through this sale last year to Springlake Simmentals. Related to Lot 43.


Korbyn is out of our largest cow family. About 25% of the herd will have Sylvie somewhere in their pedigree. She gave us 5 daughters before she was lost at pasture back in 2014. All but 1 is still here producing. Korbyn’s dam Yesmine is 12 this year and already has a heifer calf. Korbyn is as dark as they come and smooth polled. Related to Lot 40 and Lot 52.

Liked this calf since he was born. He’s colored right and proportioned right. Has lots of grow with a moderate birthweigth. Even though chances were low he came horned out of two polled parents. Full brother by pedigree to Lot 41

Konrad is similar in type to Lot 45 as they are closely related. Would be a great choice if two bulls were needed for one group. Long and smooth, great for making those baldies that are so highly sought after.

Non-diluter Knight is long and smooth with a smaller birthweigth. Off and older Gratuity daughter that finished her production with a very functional kind of calf. Yvonne has three daughters in the herd, one of which is the dam of Lot 44.


Rowan X Titan X Wisper. This cross has worked over and over. Doesn’t matter if you are making bulls or heifers. Big bodied, good feet and pigment , awesome dispositions. Kendrick has a full brother on the ground this year.


Out of a beautiful Open Range daughter who has had three sons go thru this sale. Garnet to Wade and Natalie Mulkay, Jury to Clearwater Farms and Kaiser. Long spine and smooth Kaiser is our lightest birthweight bull this year in sale. Black red with only a blaze.

Goliath is our performance guy. Used in our cowherd he produces bull and heifers that are soft sided meat machines. He’s been known to add a shot of black hairs to tails and goggles . His 1st daughters went onto production last year. They have tidy udders, lots of milk and good mothers.

Kygo is Shaelynns bull. He’s out of a beautiful Spruceburn cow Shae bought as a bred heifer. Performance and masculinity best describe this calf. He has been a herdbull from day 1 thick as they come, with a good haircoat, feet and testicle. He has black in his tail. A maternal brother at Rodney Croys and a full brother on the ground this year.
Non-diluter/ Diluter Free Kagen had all the makings of being a heavyweight til tragedy hit. He lost his dam at 4 mos old in a creek bottom. Too old to put on another cow, he fended for himself. Not the biggest bull in the pen but one that gets better every day. Calving ease on one side of his pedigree and performance on the other

Kokanee is a big bodied polled bull. Travels well on large feet. Masculine and soft. Has a full brother at Brewster Farms and another on the ground this year.

Kayne is a favorite of mine since birth. Soft made with loads of middle. Polled, beautiful haircoat and walks like a cat. His dam Deidre is a huge sweetheart and passes that onto her calves. She has sons at BS Ranch and MGM Cattle Co.


Kanye is Corbin’s only bull this year. Quite a treat as he rarely gets bulls. His little herd seems to just about double every year with an influx of heifers. Out if a feminine Wisper daughter that never raises a fuss. Darci has a perfect udder. She has twin heifer calves this year. Kanye is a mild mannered, moderate frame bull with a shot of calving ease. He has a maternal brother at Walton Land and Cattle. Related to Lot 40 and Lot 42.

Non-diluter Kingston is out of a Rowan X Bel Litta cow we sold as a calf and bought back as an older cow. Kingston is her 2nd calf since her return. Unbeatable haircoat and pigment, the only white is on his face. He shud produce some exceptional females with longevity, good udders and great feet. Kingston has a polled maternal sister this year.