Welcome to the Second Annual High Cattle Company Online Bull Sale!
We are a family-run cow-calf operation with over 50 years of experience producing high-quality seedstock. Our journey with the Limousin breed began in 1974, and we’ve proudly continued with the breed ever since. We value Limousin cattle for their sound structure, muscle shape, and longevity—traits that consistently contribute to the success of both our herd and our clients.
Our Angus program began as a way to develop replacement females for our commercial herd. We started by acquiring purebred females from LLB Angus and, when our supply ran low, turned to artificial insemination using top Angus sires. The resulting calves were so impressive that registering them was a natural next step, and that’s how our Angus herd came to life.
As dedicated breeders, we focus on producing cattle that meet the needs of commercial cattlemen by adding pounds and longevity, along with excellent feet, udders, and temperaments. To stay at the forefront of genetics and produce desirable cattle, we use both embryo transfer and artificial insemination programs.

MARCH 3 & 4, 2025

We invite you to visit the ranch anytime to view this year’s offering. Your interest in our program is a true honour, and we look forward to working with you.
• Darren High 403-860-1087
• Chase High 403-808-7940
• BMS Reps: Scott 403-370-3010
Martin 306-220-7901
Jaxon 306-830-0456
Riley 639-213-7777
• DLMS Rep: Mark Shologan 780-699-5082
4 miles North of Airdrie on Range Road 293 and 3 1/4 miles East on Township Road 280. North side of the road.
Bulls are developed on a pail fed pellet from Bullseye feeds alongside silage in a pen with adequate space and shelter.
Bulls will be delivered free of charge within 300 km of the ranch. Delivery will be made the convenience of High Cattle Company and the buyers risk. Arrangements can be made to other destinations. Purchases can be kept at High Cattle Company at no charge until April 1, 2025. A boarding fee of $4.00 per day will apply after that date.
All bulls become the risk of the purchaser at the close of the sale and must be insured if they are being left at the farm.
Cattle sell according to the Canadian Limousin Associations breeders guarantee.
• Kolton Kasur Canadian Farm Insurance 780-387-8376
Videos will be posted to view mid February on DLMS.ca.
This sale closes racehorse style with extended bidding after 7 p.m.
Racehorse style sale close is when the entire sale stays open in extended bidding. Stay close to the computer and follow the clock to see how much time remains in the sale lot you’re interested in until extended bidding is finished
If you are unable to view the bulls in person, contact Darren, Chase or the BMS Staff. They will go over the bulls with you and recommend the ones that suit your needs. Bulls bought site unseen are guaranteed to meet your approval when delivered.
All cattle are on a full her health program developed with our veterinarian.
Although every precaution will be taken, neither sales management nor High Cattle Company assume any responsibility in this matter and disclaims any liability, legal or otherwise in the event of accident or loss of property.
High Cattle Company reserves the right to collect semen on any bull sold. This will be at the purchasers convenience and sellers cost.

Welcome to the second annual High Cattle Company Farmgate DLMS Sale on March 4. When you analyze the progress of the Limousin and Angus bulls from year to year, Darren and Chase have been aggressive in their selection of genetics.
The 2025 bull sale will offer many options in both Limousin and Angus divisions with carcass data available. The High family attends and supports many industry events, and Chase has stepped up their presence at the shows with exhibiting cattle.
The cattle industry is filled with optimism and opportunity. Both the red and black Limo genetics are led by sons of the proven “Wulfs Handiwork”. The Angus features a “One Nation” son that checks all the boxes. Both breeds are represented with calving ease options also.
Please make a stop at HCC for a tour and we know you will be impressed. Bohrson Marketing Services knows the High program and would love to assist in your selection(s).
Best regards,

All Limousin bulls have been tested for the F94L gene.
Animals with one or two copies of the mutation have large ribeye area, increased muscularity, improved carcass yields, improved meat tenderness, decreased marbling and subcutaneous fat thickness. Carriers don’t have significant changes in birthweights but typically improved growth and efficiency due to decreased muscle turnover and increased lean tissue growth versus fat accretion.