OPT Bred For Success 1st Annual Female Event 2024 :: SALE RESULTS

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DECEMBER 202413 Oakview Simmentals – 1 pm CST


Scott Bohrson 403-370-3010

Taylor Richards 306-821-4169

Martin Bohrson 306-220-7901

Cody Haney 403-845-8806



Dean Edge 403-704-0280


Darryl Snider 780-385-5561

Mark Stock 403-357-8104


Keystone Livestock Insurance

Lois McRae 204-728-3058


Best Western Morden 204-822-6116

Super 8 Morden 204-822-2003



Videos will be available at www.bohrson.com & www.dlms.ca


Our sales are conducted in Canadian funds. The US exchange rate will be available at the settlement desk. Upon successful purchase of an animal, the consignors will assist with the necessary documentation, health exams, brokerage and US custom charges necessary to export your animal to the US. An additional fee of $300 USD per animal will be charged for this service, and is due at time of settlement. Trucking is not included in this amount.


Oakview Simmentals can be found on Google Maps. Search “Oakview Simmentals” for directions to the farm! OR

From corner of Hwy 3 and PR 240 Go 2 miles east to road 38. North 3 miles to road 16. Turn east for 1/4 mile, farm is on the south side.


Cattle will sell under the standard terms and conditions set out by the Canadian Simmental Association.



Heifers will be available for viewing FRIDAY DECEMBER 13, 2024

Lunch at 12:00

Sale at 1:00



Welcome to the first annual OPT “Bred for Success” female sale. This will now be one of the largest offerings of bred Simmental cattle in Manitoba and although this is a new venture, the Oakview, Perkin, Triple R programs have decades of combined experience marketing bred Simmental females across the Country. We are pleased to invite you on behalf of these three great families and all of us at BMS to this must attend event on the 2024 Fall Sale Circuit.

The opportunity to branch out and form the OPT Female sale was not one that was decided on lightly. All three programs have had deep roots in the Pembina Triangle Sale but with rising herd numbers and an already successful OPT bull sale together, the change came only natural. You can expect the same great fundamentals in the OPT Bred for Success sale as always when you do business with the Collins, Perkin, Dequier families just on a bigger scale for this 2024 event. This sale will feature a large selection of Red, Black, Fullblood and commercial Bred heifers that are raised to be the productive kind. All three programs rely on their cowherds to work hard for them and to go out and do the same for their customers and as you study the sire groups and cow families you will see the very best genetics on offer from OPT. The successful bull sale hosted by this group just adds to the excitement of this first time sale, as

these will be the sisters to the powerful bulls they offer, backed by the productive cowherd each program has. Expect sound structured, easy doing, no none-sense cattle when you purchase females through the Bred for Success sale, as that is exactly what the OPT group expects out of their own programs.

We do encourage you to join us at Oakview Simmentals near Darlingford, MB on December 13th for this 1st annual event. We know you’ll be impressed with the stock and we can guarantee you the hospitality will be second to none. Be sure to give anyone from OPT a call to discuss the cattle and their programs to help narrow down a few selections. If you are unable to attend, feel free to contact any of us at BMS to utilize our free, industry leading, trusted order buying service and consultation. We would be happy to help. We hope to see you sale day!

Scott Bohrson
Riley Bohrson Taylor Richards
Martin Bohrson Rob Voice
Jaxon Payne
Nate Marin
Cody HaneyDarryl Snider

With great anticipation and excitement we would like to invite everyone to the first ever OPT “ Bred for Success” Female sale . Just like the bull sale , the OPT Family will be taking the next step with a female sale in Darlingford at the beautiful facilities at Oakview . After 40 years consigning cattle to the PTSA Sale the decision to take a different path was not taken lightly . Hectic schedules , full time jobs and most importantly family time were just some of the reasons for the switch . This new format will lessen the workload for us substantially as well. We are thrilled to offer our largest set of females ever from the heart of our program. Females setting up beautiful udders , great dispositions and will go out and work hard for their new owners.

We encourage visitors to drop by and view the offering as well as the dams of these females. See you Decemebr 13th!





Super easy fleshing like her mother and a brood cow in the making. Big square hip, body mass and setting up an ideal udder. Dam was purchased from East Poplar at Simmsational and was a female that caught my eye when the catalog came out. 949G has another ripper in the bull pen out of Loyalty and will be a headliner in the 2025 OPT Bull Sale. Don’t miss this one she will be a Bull Maker !!

Dam East Poplar Revive 949G

$12,000 Perkin Land & Cattle $7,250 Winding Lane

BREEDING Bred to Bee Omega 119L on April 18 (Safe). Exposed to Bee Omega 119L from April 4 – 28. Exposed to MRL Showtime April 29- May 17

BREEDING Bred to Bee Omega 119L on April 23 (Safe). Exposed to Bee Omega 119L from April 4 – 28. Exposed to MRL Showtime April 29- May 17


Feature female here that will be an attention getter sale day. A gorgeous Lieutenant daughter that is so attractive through her front third and carries her natural thickness throughout. Square hipped, wide topped and a nice dark red haircoat. Darryl and I teamed up to purchase 25G at Simmsational from Labatte Simmentals. She has matured into a powerful cow with a picture perfect udder. The cross with Omega will work, hope for a dark red blazed baby!



We really like the Brooks females and 15L is another example why. So sweet in her makeup and setting up to be a great brood cow. A female that traces back to 20Y, so this would be one of the highest regarded cow families we own . Her full brother is an eye catcher and will be one of the more popular bulls sale day. Bred to Omega, this combination will work plus a high probability of a dark red baldy calf.

$6,500 Barry Wiens

$8,000 Ag Land




Super feminine Brooks daughter that is deep bodied, attractive and very docile. The dam of 2L & 3L raised them both and bred back for an early January baby. She also raised a 850 lb full sister this year so the consistency is undeniable. The Brooks females bring in some of the heaviest calves every fall so don’t pass on these sisters . Another 20Y descendant only adds to the excitement .


Big sweeping rib cage and the power heifer of the duo. Very agile and sets down on a perfect foot , a female you never tire looking at and one who’s always showing off . 5E is one of many daughters off 20Y that we have in the herd and kept exclusive to ourselves. These twins will make 5 females off 5E that we have offered for sale , take advantage of the opportunity here , there may not be another chance


$6,500 High Country Cattle Services

$7,500 C&E Stephens Farms


A brockle faced beauty whose picture tells it all . Moderated framed tank out of a thick Witness 1st calf heifer purchased from our good friends at Handford Simmentals. 11L has always been easy keeping while still keeping an attractive look and presence . Bred early to Omega and another solid chance for a baldy calf in January.


Beautiful Future baldy with a unique pedigree and one that catches your eye. Great big feet on this girl with an impeccable udder developing like her mother. This cow family has raised some of our best including Homerun that walked the pastures at Northern Light . We have a maternal brother to 8L in the bull pen out of Brooks and he will be a top pick next spring. Expect an early January baby out of Omega , good chance it will have a blaze.

$6,750 Blaine Cuthbert


$6,500 Barry Fraser


A Shear Fire performance female that is similar in type and make up as 28L . Clean fronted , full of capacity and setting up an udder with excellent udder suspension and teat placement. Janessa purchased 535H from MRL and she keeps cranking out good ones year after year. Maternal sister sold last year to our good neighbors at Southam Simmentals. Bred early to Omega for an end of January baby.


Another big time performance female off Shear Fire with a little extra frame and stretch . Another female off a 1st calf heifer that did a great job on her first try. Bomb proof disposition, she is so quiet and annoyingly friendly. Bred for an early January baby out of Omega.

BREEDING Bred to MRL Showtime 309K on May 15. Exposed to MRL Showtime 309K from May 20-August 30 (Safe). BREEDING Bred to MRL Showtime 309K on April 29 (Safe).

LAKE 8666



A good honest female that will be a producer like her dam. She’s soggy and thick made, sound on the move and setting up a nice udder. Traces back to embryo’s purchased from Mader Ranches and the Blackgold cow family. Our high selling bull this year to X-Bar-T was also the result of this pedigree. 22L has a nice set of numbers and is highly maternal. Bred to MRL Showtime 309K our newest calving ease herdsire.


An April blaze faced female that has had no trouble keeping up with her pen mates. This cow family raises heavyweights and we don’t expect anything less from 45L. Strong maternal pedigree with a little fullblood genetics in the background. Maternal sister was a popular female at last years PTSA sale selling to Yanko Simmentals Ituna Sask. Bred to MRL Showtime 309k and another good chance for a baldy baby.

welcome from Oakview Simmentals

Welcome to the first annual OPT female sale. This sale has been a dream for many years and we are thrilled that the time has finally come to open the female side of our farm in a production style sale. When we partnered with Perkins and Triple R it was always part of the long-term plan to expand the partnership to include a heifer sale. The offering truly represents everything we do here at Oakview. There is a great selection of red purebred heifers, thick fullbloods, a couple embryos and even some top end commercial heifers to pick from. No matter when you calve from January to March there are a great selection of heifers to fit into your program. We have worked hard to provide something for all of our customers and really do believe that these heifers are “Bred for Success”.

Feel free to stop by anytime to see them prior to the sale, watch for their videos to be posted on DLMS, give us a call to discuss which will fit your needs, or even better, join us on sale day for a delicious lunch and take in the sale in person.

12 OPT Lilac 61L

$9,000 Ultra Livestock

& Tyson Scott




Lilac is a very well-balanced fancy female. She brings a performance pedigree and compliments it with some maternal calving ease. Lilac was an easy pick when it came to selecting a pair of heifers to showcase at Ag Ex. She ticks a lot of boxes that we look for in a female. She is homopolled, dark red, feminine through the front end, yet still thick and broody with lots of rib shape and depth of body. She is laying down a beautiful udder.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 27 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hulk 380H from April 5 - May 30.

$8,750 Crooked Creek $10,000 Ag Land


Here is a tremendously long bodied heifer that comes to you from a very productive and powerful WLF Outlaw cow. Lily was also shown successfully this fall at Ag Ex and was such a pleasure to work with. She is a perfect blend of femininity and functionality displaying a smooth shoulder with excellent neck extension flowing through to a deep broody middle and developing a tidy udder with ideal teat size and placement. She has such an easy going disposition that made her easy to break and fun to work with. Lily’s dam is a very consistent WFL Outlaw cow that has a track record of success when mated with SVS Betts. We currently have a full brother to Lily that we retained for our own use as well as one that we sold to MCF Simmentals.


Leading off the Huckleberry offering is an exceptional heifer with a wide top, deep set quarter with lots of overall depth and capacity. We always admire when our first calvers can produce a calf like this on their first calving. Lisa’s dam is a very powerful fall born female that has given us a pair of beautiful females in a very short time. Lisa has all the makings of a productive and profitable female. She has a balanced set of EPD’s that come to the front for calving ease, as well as weaning weight and yearling weight. Here is a functional female that will produce females you want to keep in your herd and bulls that are highly sought after.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Owens 22K from April 5 - August 1.
BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 27 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hulk 380H from April 5 - May 30.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Owens 22K from April 5 - August 1.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 27. Exposed to Oakview Hulk 380H from April 5 - May 30 (Safe). Preg checked due End of Feb.


Following suit is another dark red big-barreled Huckeberry daughter out of another first calving cow. The Huckleberries are hairy heifers that flesh up easily and carry lots of overall thickness. OVS 222J is a moderate framed Current Affair cow with exceptional feet and great udder structure. Not only is Lucille a front end female, but so is the heifer calf that her mom just weaned – talk about consistency in a short time frame. Lucille is hands down the easiest doing heifer in the pen. She has tremendous natural thickness, with a deep set wide quarter. She is dark red, with excellent feed and udder structure coupled with the sweetest disposition.


Lorelei is a long bodied heifer with ample natural thickness and style. She is sired by Hucklebetry and out of a young Betts female. This combination is the best of both worlds, performance and calving ease blended together to produce a female that will flesh up easy while producing calves that are born moderate and then start to pack on the pounds early. Again we have a phenomenal female off of a first calver. Its really remarkable when those first calvers are producing progeny that are already making their way to the front of the pack. Like her mother, we expect Lorelei to mature into a powerful and productive female that milks hard and produces exceptional replacement heifers.


BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 27. Exposed to Oakview Hulk 380H from April 5 - May 30, Exposed BEE Owens 22K May 30 – Aug 1. Preg Checked due Early March


on March

from April

- May


Oakview Linda is a moderate framed heifer with a big bold blaze. This thick heifer is out of a moderate hard working Astute female that we really admire. She calves out moderate calves, with a short gestation that quickly start to put on flesh and have a fancy look to them. Linda is a well put together heifer that exudes natural thickness that flows from heart to hip.


Cherry red, great hair and stamped with that same fancy Huckleberry look that we admire. Lillian is out of an absolute powerhouse female that we can’t say enough about. She is thick yet fancy, has a great udder and has outdone herself the past couple years leaving us with a pair of heifers that easily climbed to the top of the pen. OVS Maggie 151M, Lillian’s little sister was a force to be reckoned with in the showring. The genetic heritability of hair, thickness and style runs deep in this pedigree. Lillian is deep bodied, has excellent feet, with an abundance of thickness and rib shape. Here’s a female that we know is going to make a cow that gives you daughters you aren’t going to want to part with.

Bred to BEE Owens 22K
30. Exposed to BEE Owens 22K
30 (Safe). Preg checked safe to Mid March.
Oakview Heidi 532H


20 OPT Lois 367L

POLLED RED PUREBRED CA-PG1482134 - OVS 367L - 28/1/2023

$6,000 Lyle McDonald $6,000 Mike

Owens 22K from April 5 - August 1 (Safe). Preg checked for Early March calving.




We don’t have very many purebred blacks in our herd, but the ones we do have are productive hard-working females. Lulu is out of a phenomenal young Powerline cow with a great udder. Lulu is a long spined heifer with a very quiet disposition. She is always one of the first ones to greet you in the pen. This homopolled, hetero black female is one that we feel has a bright future ahead of her.

Tri-R Huckleberry Finn 11H



from April 5 - August 1.





These are the first Wheatland Next Century females that we have produced and we are quite pleased with the entire offering. OVS 367L is a dark red female with a wide top. She is very well balanced with a deep body and lots of rib shape. She is a smooth made female with a feminine head and great udder starting. Sire

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 29 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Owens 22K
BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on April 6. Exposed to BEE

$6,250 Ridgeview Cattle Co $6,250 Darren Harder

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hulk 380H from April 5 - May 30.



Here’s another powerful Next Century female. Leah is out of a Kop female that we purchased as an open heifer. She has matured into a very productive cow that has left a lasting impact in our herd with 5 daughters in production on our farm. Leah is similar in body type and structure to her dam. She is a big bodied female with lots of natural thickness. Leah is a female that walks out on excellent feet and legs and is set to give you a dark red Owens calf that will come easy.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30 . Observed bred to BEE Owens April 29 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Owens 22K from April 5 - August 1 . Preg checked safe to observed breeding for Early Feb.







Lexi is a homo polled heifer with thickness and length to spare. This clean fronted heifer has lots of neck extension, a tremendous top and extreme depth of body. Here is a female that is going to make an exceptional female. Her EPD’s indicate that she is going to produce calves that wean heavy and go on to have desirable carcass traits. Lexi has a maternal brother working at Smart Farms.


$6,000 Scott Seward

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30. Exposed to BEE Owens 22K from April 5 - May 30 (Safe). Preg checked safe to Early March calving.






$6,500 Dunn Bros Cattle







Lucy is one of the resulting heifer calves from a very prolific flush. Bert’s Guinevere 4G is a moderate tank that we purchased as a bred from our friends Bert’s NR Simmentals. Last spring we had a couple of Lucy’s flush mate brothers in our bull sale that were well received and highly sought after. Like Lucky they were dark red, moderate framed with lots of thickness. Lucy has a strong wide top and a feminine front end and fancy head. With her mom’s track record we believe she will mature into a soggy cow that works hard to put some exceptional calves into your pen.


Lace is a fancy Roosevelt female that is smooth made and feminine. When we were on the hunt for a performance bull to breed to our red purebreds, Roosevelt was an easy pick. He ticked a lot of boxes that we were searching for. He was exceptionally long, weighed over 1600 lbs, was homo polled and had a different pedigree for us. The Roosevelt females have inherited a lot of great things from him. This long-bodied female is also backed by a tremendous cow that has 3 females working in our herd and has what looks like a highlight in the bull pen for March 2025. She consistently gives us calves that flesh up easy, are easy moving and mature into very functional all around animals.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Owens 22K from April 5 - May 30.


$6,000 Olmstead Cattle Co $6,750 Kopec Farms

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30. Exposed to BEE Owens 22K from April 5 - August 1 (Safe). Preg checked safe for End of January calving.



Layla is a mid Feb dark red homopolled heifer that is a very structurally correct female. She is a broody female with lots of depth and thickness throughout. This smooth shouldered heifer is out of a thick and moderate Current Affair cow that has had a couple bulls through our bull sale.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 29. Exposed to Oakview Hulk from April 5 - May 30 . Exposed BEE Owens 22K from April 30 – August 1 (Safe). Preg checked for Early March calving.






Oakview Lara is a breed leading performance female. Like her powerful Lieutenant dam Lara is long bodied with a big wide top. Lara is in the top 1-3% for weaning weight, yearling weight, and carcass weight. Here is a female that is destined to produces thick heavy calves that are highly marketable.

28 OPT Lainey 233L


$8,250 Perkin Land & Cattle $7,500 Mar Mac Farms

Exposed to BEE Owens 22K from April 5 - August 1 (Safe). Preg checked for early Feb calving.



We were sourcing out a white-faced bull to add some chrome to our solid red females. Stratton caught our eye with his overall thickness, depth and style. We are very happy with the females and bulls alike that we have off of him. This female is one of my favorite Strattons. She is moderate framed and packed with thickness and muscle expression. She is a very soft made female with a quiet disposition and excellent feet. This blaze-faced heifer is starting to laydown a beautiful udder.






Oakview Lainey 233L is a very dark red female out of an equally dark and impressive Outlaw cow. Lainey is a thick female with a strong top, deep body, yet still feminine and stylish. This heifer is carrying an early service to our calving ease specialist, Owens. His calves have all had moderate birth weights and have been dark red.


BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 29 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hulk 380H from April 5 - May 30.
BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 28.


AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 29 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hulk 380H from April 5 - May 30.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30. Exposed to BEE Owens 22K from April 5 - August 1 (Safe). Preg checked safe to exposure for end of Jan calving.


Lexus is the only Approval female that we have in the sale. Here is yet another big bold bred out of a first calver. This heifer has a big barrel, lots of top and a mellow disposition. Lexus is developing a great udder with ideal teat size and placement.


I don’t think there has been a bull used at Oakview that has had as much of an impact in our herd as Wheatland Current Affair has. Current Affair consistently adds rib shape, exceptional feet, sound udders and overall thickness and capacity to his offspring. We have countless daughters, grand daughters, and great grand daughters in our herd. We continue to use him on select heifers as well as when we want to moderate birth weight on powerful cows without giving up overall performance. That’s what you see here, Lavendar is out of a performance Godfather x Bengie 6P cow. Like all the Current Affair’s, you have to admire this female for her softness, great feet, quite disposition and overall thickness.


$11,500 Silver Lake Farms

$6,000 Laurie Cuthbert

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Owens 22K from April 5 - August 1. BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 31 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hulk 380H from April 5 - May 30.







Larissa is the lone Chisel female in the offering this year. Chisel is a young bull that we purchased from Forden Fairview Farm. He is an extremely dark MRL Sysco 14D son that has bred well in the short time we have used him and has sired some tremendous calves. Larissa is out of a very powerful yet well balanced cow that has two daughters we have retained for our own herd. Larissa has great feed and tracks perfectly. Here’s another female with lots of middle and deep set quarter that will produce fancy functional heifers and thick bulls.


If you are looking for a female with a lot of maternal calving ease that that will end up producing a calf with a lot of grow here’s the one for you! Leona’s EPD’s are impressive. She’s in the top 20% of the breed for 9 of the 13 traits displayed. With impressive CE, milk, yearling and weaning weights you know you are going to have a cow that works hard to leave you with a highly marketable calf in the fall. This CanAm female is fancy and clean made. She is dark red with a great udder with small teats starting to develop.



Rounding out the Red offering we have a tremendously long spined female. This power heifer has lots of capacity and overall depth from her heart right through to her hip. The Superduty females we have in our herd are all dark red and good functional cows. We anticipate that Lydia will follow in her dam’s footsteps and wean heavy calves that are highly sought after in the auction ring.


Oakview Luna is a leading lady that we are really excited about. When Nug Advantage sold as a yearling we fell in love with him and were fortunate to have the opportunity to buy a semen package on him. The resulting progeny have all had lots of thickness and depth with the same eye appealing smooth polled head. Its not hard to pick the Advantage calves out of the pen as they are all stamped with the same look. Luna has a thick deep set quarter with extreme length of spine. This female has a very feminine yet powerful look to her. Luna’s dam is a dark young cow that has already proven herself to be a top producer. She has a great udder that traces back to the great BLCC Miss Krystal cow which was known for her ideal udder.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hulk 380H from April 5 - May 30.
BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 29 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1.

$6,500 Wild Rose Ranch




Oakview Lady is out of a big powerful Cashmere cow that goes back to one of our favorite cows Oakview Dixie. Lady will mature into a big framed female with lots of power and thickness. This dark red female has big wrap around goggles and tons of pigment. She is starting to lay down a beautiful udder that she will milk hard from with a 29.8 milk EPD.

$8,250 Weidel Simmental




Oakview Ladybug is a smooth polled Advantage daughter with a clean front and smooth shoulder. This broody female boasts exceptional length of body. Like the majority of our full blood females, Ladybug is carrying a service to Oakview Hank. Hank is a calving ease bull that we bred and retained for in herd use on our heifers. We can’t say enough about the consistency of his calves. They all come easy, are heavily pigmented and his daughters have the most absolutely beautiful udders.

BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1.
BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on April 20. Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1 (Safe). Preg checked for Early March calving.

$8,750 Forden Fairview Farms $9,000 Yanko


They don’t get any darker than this Luxury female. Sired by Shamrock, this is a female that you are going to want to put a couple check marks beside. She’s clean fronted with a smooth shoulder, nice feminine head and blessed with eye-catching presence. She has a strong wide top and has one of the best udders you’ll see.


Oakview Lana is another dark red Shamrock daughter that is backed by a phenomenal young cow. The maternal strength in this pedigree stretches back to include the famous Rolling Acres Red Fern cow. In just 4 short years of production, Lana’s dam has put a heifer in our herd, sold a bull to Bill Simpson, has this leading lady in the sale and just weaned a standout heifer. Lana is developing a great udder that is set to milk hard with a milk EPD in the top 10% of the breed. This powerful yet compact heifer is as deep as she is long. Bid with confidence, here’s a heifer that will become a foundation female and leave a lasting impact.

BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1.
BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1.

$7,250 Morgan




If you have followed our herd in the past you will know the impact that the Sadie and Pixie bloodlines have had. These top producing females are the never-miss type that consistently leave you with a heavily pigmented easy fleshing calf. OVS 414L is backed by one of these great decedents. She is a quiet easy-fleshing cow that milks hard from a fabulous udder. Lauren exhibits a big round hip and is square made throughout. She has lots of pigment, is dark cherry red.

$8,250 Wild Rose Ranch




This eye-catching Shamrock daughter is beginning to lay down an ideal udder. She has lots of rib shape and overall thickness. Lyla has a ton of maternal strength from Pixie who we admired for the sogginess and depth she passed down. Lyla’s dam is a heavily pigmented female with a great disposition. Lyla will be a heavy producing cow that works hard to wean a heavy weight.

BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 29 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1.
BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1.





$7,500 Wilson Stock Farms


Here’s another smoot polled Shamrock daughter that screams performance. This long-bodied heifer has a deep quarter with lots of depth. Lena is a very solid made heifer that will produce thick performance calves.



This single goggled female is packed with natural thickness. She’s one of the soggiest made heifers in the offering. This smooth polled heifer has a lot of middle to her. Her Zeus dam is a big powerful cow that always carries a lot of condition and passes that same easy-doingness onto her calves. Being bred to Hank you can count on a calf with added pigments.

BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 31 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1.
BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1.

$6,250 Darren Harder

BREEDING AI Bred to PRL Houston 005H on March 29 (Safe). Exposed to KSL Kick Start 128K from April 5 - May 30. Exposed Oakview Hank 50H from May 31 – August 1. (Safe). Preg checked for End of March calving



Leading off the pair of Outlook heifers we have a very fancy and well put together heifer. She’s moderate framed but packed with meat and muscle. She’s structurally sound, feminine and well balanced. This heavily pigmented female is out of a first calving cow that has done a fantastic job her first time out.





Oakview Lynn is another Outlook daughter who is developing a great udder. Lynn is out of a Western 36R cow who has developed into a big broody female that continues to be a great producer. This female is strong topped with lots of middle.

BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1.

Leanne 521L OAKVIEW


$7,500 Triple D $13,000 KSL

BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 30 . Exposed to KSL Kick Start 128K from April 5 - May 30 (Safe). preg checked safe for end of Jan calving.



Slapshot was a bull that we purchased from Skyridge farms a few years back. We admired him for his overall mass and muscle expression. He was a very powerful bull who passed that same thickness on to his calves. Lynn is a female that has a lot of depth and thickness in a moderate package. She has a lot of muscle expression that carries down into her big quarter.

BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 29 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1.


You aren’t going to find another heifer as dark or as thick as Leanne. This heifer is all around, impressive. We admire her for her tremendous depth and quarter. Her dam is a Zeus daughter who was known for adding extra length to his calves. This broody heifer is heavily pigmented and incredibly dark. If you are looking for a cow that’s going to be a bull maker, look no further.


Wild Rose Ranch

BREEDING AI Bred to Oakview Hank 50H on March 29. Exposed to Oakview Hank 50H from April 5 - August 1 (Safe). Preg checked for middle of Feb calving.


$6,000 Triple D

BREEDING AI Bred to Anchor D Outlook on March 29 (Safe). Exposed to KSL Kick Start 128K from April 5 - May 30.


Double Bar D Grandslam is a bull that we added to our bull battery to add some power and performance. Laura is a great example of what he’s done on our farm. She is a powerful female with a super wide top and that soggy easy-doing look to her. She has nice small teats and good udder structure. This heifer is pigmented right down to the hoof. Oakview Laura is another heifer with the Zeus on the top side that is once again adding that extra length of spine to his decedents.


Oakview Legend will be of the last BRSF Rocket females as our semen inventory is running low. She is a long-bodied smooth made heifer with a ton of pigment. She is solid red down to the hoof. Here’s a female with a blend of calving ease from Rocket and power and performance from Slapshot on the maternal side.

COMMERCIAL 536L - 06/01/2023

BREEDING AI bred to WFL Outlaw 4B on March 29 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hype from April 5 – May 30.

86L - 14/01/2023

BREEDING AI bred to WFL Outlaw 4B on March 29. Exposed to Oakview Hype from April 5 – May 30 (Safe).


Here is a big bold beautiful baldie heifer with a lot to offer. She has the same natural thickness and softness that we have come to know from Current Affair. She has great feet and is out of a young cow that we really like.

Here is another blaze faced Current Affair heifer out of a first calver. She is a powerful heifer with lots of rib shape and extra length of spine.

Sire Wheatland Current Affair

$5,500 Bert van der Steen

$5,500 Bert van der Steen


Here’s the black commercial version of a Current Affair. Once again stamped with the same rib shape and thickness but this time in a moderate solid black package. This heifers dam is a smaller framed first calving cow that works hard to wean big calves.

Slapshot also worked very well on the commercial cows. He would add that money stripe to the faces of the solid black cows. If you are looking for longevity, here is a female out of a 13 year old cow that just weaned a fantastic embryo calf. With the added bonus of a shot of fullblood genetics you are going to have a female here with lots of milk and thickness while maintaining a fancy feminine look.

BREEDING AI bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 29 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hype from April 5 – May 30.
BREEDING AI bred to Wheatland Current Affair on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hype from April 5 – May 30.

OAKVIEW COMMERCIAL 559L - 31/03/2023

This heifer is out of a stand-out solid red cow that we use successfully a few times to raise embryos. She is a cow with a great udder, sound feet and lots of power. She has passed all of those traits on to this big barreled female. We admire her for her long spine, strong top and overall capacity. I can guarantee you that the Current Affair calf she is carrying is going to be one that turns some heads.

This commercial bred heifer is out of a hard-working good honest cow. She’s good footed with a sound udder. 559L has the style and eye appeal from her solid red sire, but the thickness, big blaze face and thick quarter from her dam.

BREEDING AI bred to Wheatland Current Affair on March 30 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hype from April 5 – May 30.
BREEDING AI bred to Oakview Hank on April 2 (Safe). Exposed to Oakview Hype from April 5 – May 30.

$6,500 Brian Johannesson

BREEDING AI bred to BEE Owens 22K on March 30. Exposed to BEE Owens 22K from April 5 – August 1 (Safe). Preg checked for End of Feb calving.

Rounding out the offering we have a moderate framed dark red blazed faced female who profiles well. She has tremendous depth of body and once again brings together the full blood and red genetics in a very complementary package.

and Cattle Co. Perkin

As 2024 draws to a close we are excited to start a new chapter in our cattle marketing. The sale name says it all; “Bred for Success”. When coming up with a name for the sale we sat down and analyzed what our end goal was. Wether it is in the bulls we sell or females on offer in December, the end goal is for customers to be successful with the new animals they have acquired.

For 2 decades we at PLCC have marketing some of our top females thru the Pembina Triangle Association annual sale. When the 3 families of OPT started throwing around the idea of a female sale several years ago, we knew the hardest part would be leaving the PTSA. Many years of working with friends, setting up and taking down a sale facility as well as working together to have a well run sale happen annually. We wish each of the consignors of that sale all the best in future years.

Moving forward with our new venture. Our herd has grown somewhat in numbers but greatest in quality. We felt we were at a place where we could support and annual production sale, in a similar fashion as our bull sale. At PLCC in 2024 we bred nearly 60 heifers, we are more than pleased with the 21 we have selected for this sale. Many AI bred to our new calving ease sire BEE Omega 119L. The sire groups and cow families represented are a good cross section of the functional maternal cow herd we have built. Soundness and udder quality are always at the fore front of our breeding decisions.

We have had the privilege of working with the Bohrson Marketing Services crew for a few years now. With our lives being constantly on the run, we trust the BMS team to be our eyes when we are selecting bulls or females across Canada. I can assure you this professional crew will help you at our sale if you are unable to attend. We hope to see you Dec 13 at Oakview Simmentals sale facility for the first annual “Bred for Success Female sale”.

56 OPT

BREEDING AI bred to BEE Omega 119L on April 20 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.


Tiara is a heifer that is attractive and powerful from every angle. This heifer was pegged to be a feature in this sale nearly 12 months ago. Being liver red and having a blaze face is surely going to turn some heads. A soft sided soggy heifer that is angular and attractive in her front third. From a full ribbed middle she transitions into a deep flank and a good muscled quarter. She looks to have nice sized teats with good spacing much like her mother. She is the result of a flush we did on 44B. A cow with a track record, the mother of Perks Red Wolf, a bull that has been outstanding for Beechinors. We had 2 full sibs as breds and have retained a solid red full sib with more to come next year. Bred April 20 to the dark red baldy bull BEE Omega, I would be very confident to say her calf will have huge marketing potential.

Dam DHS Miss Tiarra 44B
Maternal Sib Perks Red Wolf

$8,250 Barry Wiens $11,500 LaBatte


The dark red color is hard to lock in, but Loyalty does it as well as any bull. We really admire the “75” cow family that all started with a BBS Red Eye daughter from MRL. The 2 heifers in this sale from that cow family pattern quite similar and are truly impressive. The Captain Blaze dam of this heifer is a picture perfect productive cow. This Loyalty daughter is one to take a second look at; she has a big barrel, good all around muscle and is setting up a nice udder. Buy her with confidence that she will be special.


WOW WOW WOW!! What a heifer. This heifer truly exemplifies the potential these Bentley daughters can have. You will notice the same cow family as the heifer above. A cow family that is tremendously productive. I could write a short story about this heifer, there is no doubt she is the boldest bodied female in our offering. She is massive in her make up, wide topped, eye popping rib, as well as heavy muscled and still moves around freely. Just picture the herd bulls she will crank out. On our farm we don’t calve until February 1st so I purposely bred this heifer early so I would have to sell her. I knew I would love her more as the summer went on. A special animal, I hope she finds a special home.

BREEDING Bred to BEE Omega 119L on May 9 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.
BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Omega 119L on April 4 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.


Wow, do I love these Bentley females! Extra rib, attractive fronted, fantastic muscle, perfect udders, how could you make them better? This feminine skulled baldy heifer is no surprise she is as good as she is, she comes from one of our very nice Ripcord daughters. Take a good hard look at this heifer if you are serious about the Simmental breed. The muscle expression in her hip and stifle along with the full heart girth, it’s pretty easy to see she is one of the top Bentley daughters to sell this fall.


I have mixed feelings about selling Blanche, we really should be keeping her. This being our first sale with OPT we were committed to selling a good number of our best heifers. I love this heifers Block Buster mother, she is tanky, super dark red, moderate framed and very productive. Not to mention this heifer is sired by our high selling bull Perks Potent 309J, a bull that went to Labatte Simmentals and Circle 7. A bull with loads of natural performance. Blanche exhibits that natural thickness and muscle, expansive rib shape and a very broody head. She is sure to make a cow that many herds would be proud of.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Omega 119L on April 26 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.
BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Omega 119L on April 21 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.


BREEDING AI Bred to SRH Hannibal 5H on April 4 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.

BREEDING AI Bred to SRH Hannibal 5H on April 11 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.


An exceptional maternal bottom side of this heifer’s pedigree. The Bella (06) cow family started with a flush, from which we retained and bred 8 Captain Blaze daughters. They are like peas in a pod, tidy uddered attractive cows. This heifer has loads of length, class, and show quality lines. She is AI bred early to SRH Hannibal. Oh the heads will turn when people see her beautiful baldy baby. Hope for a heifer to build a cow herd from.


Another daughter of the Bella (06) cow family. This time combined with the stud himself MAF Blundstone. Look at this set of EPDs with CE, BW, MCE, all lining up in the top 15%. This is another top heifer in our offering. A sold structured heifer from nose to tail, she is AI bred to Hannibal. WOW, line up 406 and 506 together, they would make a nice pair of heifers to start up a cow family for the new owner in a big way. Might be a smart play to sweep the ring.

Grandsire Sunrise Captain Blaze Sire MAF Blundstone 177H

$5,750 Leah Jones

$6,750 Dunn Bros Cattle


A sweet and powerful Bentley heifer with a proud star on her forehead. She is exactly what her picture shows, deep sided and smooth shouldered. I know throughout the catalogue I extol the virtues of IPU Bentley 81F and the great attributes that I see in his progeny. But I cannot express enough the consistency in which he has bred. It will be hard for us to find a bull that will pass on that fleshing ability, the WW growth curve, the udder correcting ability and the overall eye appeal that his cattle have. And once again this heifer falls right into that pattern. One of the top black heifers in our sale this year. Sure to be a hit with the breeding combination of Omega.


Here might be a hidden gem. This heifer’s maternal grandmother is still a very productive cow here, being a direct daughter of the Mader P Blackgold cow. Her mother is an outstanding black baldy sired by IPU Hot Iron. Hot Iron cows are fantastic. Her first heifer calf was sold as a high selling bred in the Pembina Triangle sale to Lazy MC Angus and we kept the only other daughter who is looking to be another top cow around here. Don’t miss out on this one, she could be the best baldy of the day.

BREEDING Bred to BEE Omega 119L on May 7 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.
BREEDING AI Bred to SRH Hannibal 5H on April 4 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.


BREEDING Bred to BEE Omega 119L on May 10 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Omega 119L on April 4 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.


I’m not sure why or how we are selling 3 heifers from the Rachel (35) cow family. Holy cow this dark red heifer is certainly a power house. She is nice fronted with lots of middle and is super sound. The Rachel cow family not only has been around our farm for the full 22 years but goes back way further to Tanya’s dad – Conray Cattle Co. The cow family thrives with its moderate framed easy fleshing matrons. This heifer is soon to be a foundation cow in whatever home she finds. You will hear more from this one in the future.


A square made heifer. The Ripcord cows are moderate in stature but made to produce, they are easy keeping with correct udders. As I go thru the herd this fall you really have to admire those types of cows. 2235L should go on to represent her maternal cow family very well.


BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Omega 119L on April 28 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.

BREEDING Bred to BEE Omega 119L on May 9 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.


No surprise the way this heifer looks. Another Loyalty x Captain Blaze combo. Not to mention the “68” cow family goes back to the great X-T 83B cow. From her we have built a powerful and productive cow family. She is a very nice black heifer that is hard to pick a hole in.


A striking baldy face grabs your attention right away. That “68” cow family sure makes them right. This heifer’s Bentley dam is moving right into her prime and we are looking forward to her making more daughters like this one. Adding that touch of Fleckvieh on the top side is sure to make her an excellent momma cow.

$6,500 Barry Wiens

$6,000 Bar 9 Simmentals


The Doll (21) cow family is the most prominent in our herd. 3821L’s maternal grand dam was a prolific flush cow for us for many years. Bentley, Hardrock, Crosby, you couldn’t ask for a better line up of cow makers. We’ve marketed all 3 of the male siblings thru the OPT Bull sale as high selling bulls. Take a second and third look at this heifer; don’t miss a chance to add a Doll to your roster.


Red Doll is a moderate square made heifer. She is an extremely stout made heifer, and that makes sense when you breed Loyalty to a Bentley daughter…. They are going to be thick. Another heifer from the Doll cow family to add maternal strength to your herd.

$5,800 Griffin Farms



This heifer was Liam’s 4H project. Liam certainly got a sweet tempered heifer for his grade 12 4H year. The Blundstone females are long bodied correct females that are attractive in their make up. Her mother is a big bodied heavy milking cow we purchased as a calf out of the Pembina Triangle sale. She has stood the test of time and we have built a nice cow family from her and her daughters.


Nina is a very well put together heifer. Her mother is a no miss hard working cow. Highly productive and fertile, long spined and square over her top. She may not be the biggest cow on the farm but knows how to wean the good ones.

BREEDING Bred to BEE Omega 119L on May 15 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.
BREEDING Bred to BEE Omega 119L on May 27 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.

BREEDING AI Bred to SRH Hannibal 5H on April 15 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1. BREEDING Bred to BEE Omega 119L on May 12 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.




368D DELLA 4413G


When you are considering this heifer you must know how much we admire the Killswitch mothers we have. Long spined, good uddered free moving females. This larger framed black heifer will be much like her mother. Going deep in the pedigree you will find matrons such as IPU Pocahontas 68M, Jenna 68U, Sunrise 45R, Candice G51., some of the greatest cows of the red and black Simmental world. The maternal genetics are deep in this pedigree. She is sure to be impressive as she grows into her prime years. AI bred to the impressive calving ease black baldy bull SRH Hannibal for a mid January calf.


This is sure to be a female that will become a cow with above average production. A sleek black heifer that boasts an extra punch in her structure. Very long spined and will no doubt have one of those Captain Blaze perfect udders.

BREEDING AI Bred to BEE Omega 119L on April 21 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.



A very sweet made Blundstone female. She is the natural calf of our Triple R flush cow “Cuddles” 2C. A cow we have flushed due to her flawless udder and feet, not to mention that she had our very best heifer calf in the pen in consecutive years. This is a sharp looking heifer with some chrome accents. Look for a Feb 1 baldy baby that will have great value in its maternal genetics.


Mary is a solid made black female sired by Blue. Blue is a red white faced bull we purchased to add a touch of fullblood genetics to our females. This heifer’s dam was purchased as one of the highlights in the Mader Lady’s Night a few years back. You can’t go wrong with a good quality heifer like Mary.

Bred to BEE Omega 119L on April 26 (Safe). Exposed to BEE Omega 119L from May 1 - August 1.


28336 TWP RD 320


T4H 4M7

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