Monday, December 9th, 2024
Innisfail, AB, Canada 1 PM MST
Sale Day Phones
Scott Bohrson 403.370.3010
Darryl Snider 780.385.5561
Riley Bohrson 636.213.7777
Sales Staff
Col. Ryan Dorran, Auctioneer 403.507.6483
Craig Flewelling, Ringman 403.556.0515
Rod McLeod, Ringman 403.540.7986
Cassie Dorran, Stockmans Ins. 403.507.5953
Kolton Kasur, Canadian Farm Ins. 780.387.8376
Hotel Headquarters
Best Western of Olds: 403.556.5900
block of rooms saved under “The Gathering Sale”

Terms & Conditions
All cattle will sell with the ability to pass required health test for delivery anywhere in North America. Cattle will sell under the standard terms & conditions put forward by the Breeder & BMS. These are available upon request.
Catalog Design by NRCS
The information printed has been supplied by the seller and believe to be accurate. Updated sheets and announcements from the block will take precedence over any incorrect printed material.
Online Viewing & Bidding

Welcome to the 2024 edition of The Gathering. On behalf of all of the consigners and our entire team at Bohrson marketing services we extend a warm invite to join us at Severtson’s sale facility on December 9,2024.
The Gathering has become a household name within the entire livestock industry. The Gatherings never ending quest to annually, sell some of the leading Gelbvieh genetics is apparent each year as they annually step to offer right from the top of their cow herds. The 2024 offering is no different as you study the catalogue you will see there is something for everyone. Lead off with a special young donor female in the prime of her life. This is your opportunity to step into a new cow family to build around.the bread portion of the catalogue is as deep and quality as ever before. they feature some exciting services and represent the most dominant cow families at each respective operation. The 2024 born heifer calves are again a big-time highlight. These fancy, calendar year sweethearts are the results of each consignors freshest and newest breeding decisions. Whether you want a show heifer, or future brood cow, this section will have you covered.
The Royal Western, Severtson, Rocky top, Nelson and Fladeland programs are some of the real leaders within the beef industry. Their commitment to raising the best possible product for their customers is commendable and we stand behind this offering 100%. we highly encourage you to join us near Innisfail for this great gathering of Gelbvieh genetics. The great people and their product make this a sale a must attend event. be sure to contact any of the contributors to visit with them about the cattle. If any of us from BMS can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call, we would love to discuss this exciting offering.
Best regards,
The Bohrson marketing team.
Sunday, December 8th
Cattle on Display at Severtson Land & Cattle
Monday, December 9th
Sale at 1 PM


Sired by SLC Peaky Blinder who was a past national champion and sired last years Champion Balancer Female for Bohrson Marketing. Blackbird 190L is a beautiful made female that is very sharp fronted and nice headed . Dark red with a very good haircoat. She had a very level hip and should be a very productive cow. She sells bred to our new heifer bull Fir River Lazer along side his mother they were National Champion Balancer female at Agribition and he went on to be reserve champion Balancer Bull Exposed June 5 to August 25.

We’ve always wanted an animal with some Kitty bloodlines and, thus, ended up buying RWG Holiday Inn H415 ET to suit those needs. We have been extremely impressed with the moderate birth weights of his calves, but, even more impressive is the volume of depth and thickness in all of his calves. Backed by generations of consistent, highly productive cows, including the same cow family as PHG Eminence, this double black, impressive calving ease and growth numbered female should be pretty popular on sale day!

392L is another female that we truly hate to part with, and that is because her dam, DDN 141B was an eye catcher right after being born. She has a great leg and foot structure, with an above average length on a moderate frame. Sired by Holiday Inn, she should be a great addition to anyone’s herd and a true foundation female prospect for a breeding program.

We bought 307L’s mother Julie F434 from the 2018 Gathering Sale from RWG. Julie is a Right Combination sired female that has proven to be an extremely productive money maker with all of her bull calves having made our annual bull sale. 307L is her first and only heifer to date making her harder to part with. 307L is also a ¾ sister to Keston’s awesome bred heifer that was Grand Champion Female at the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh show this summer!
All of our heifers were naturally serviced by DDN Belly River 3102L. He was our pick of the heifer bulls we were selling this year. He is in the top 1% of the breed for calving ease. He is dark red, with a good foot on a moderate frame, and a great, friendly disposition. His dam, DDN 7B, stands on a strong foot with a decent udder under her, and has also been a consistent producer for us. Bull exposed April 15 to July 22.

375L is a granddaughter of RWG Fed X 0411 who not only gave us excellent calving ease, but combined it with real good weaning and yearling weights. 375L’s sire, JRI Where’s the Beef, has done a great job in the 4 herds that he has walked here in Canada. With the top sires and dams in DDN 375L’s pedigree, this female is sure to a be a top producer in anyone’s’ herd.
395L is one of the last calves to be sired by JRI Star General 254F833 ET (a flushmate to JRI Secret Powers). Star General bull calves have always been popular with our commercial cattlemen. DDN 941G is a daughter of RWG Bustin Stones 4603, who produced the type of big volumed daughters that are hard to find elsewhere, while keeping calving ease in check. Star General progeny have great udder quality and make highly productive cows.