On behalf of the Czech-Mate and Ultra Livestock programs we are pleased to welcome you to their 2023 bull sale! Both of these well respected, established programs have been breeding Simmental cattle for multiple decades and are industry leaders when it comes to raising and marketing top quality Simmental genetics. Both outfits have always had a strong emphasis on the mother cow, and if you ever get the chance to tour both operations, we know you will be impressed!
Their dedication to sticking to the basics while raising cattle has made them what they are today and you can rest assured when you decide to do business with these great folks, every bull is backed by a sound cow with foot and udder quality of the utmost importance with natural fleshing ability.
The Smith/Sullivan families and the Chalack’s are always on the hunt for the next great herd bull or elite semen package and we know as you study this catalogue and view the bulls, you can see the type and kind they love to breed for. Soggy made, easy doing beef bulls that are sound structured, good footed and fed to last. These bulls are the type to put some extra change in the ranchers pocket as these are performance cattle created to positively impact your bottom line.
If you’re in search of calving ease, power bulls in red or black packages with many white face options or Fullblood and Fleckvieh genetics, all being polled, the Ultra Czech-Mate bull sale will have your bases covered on February 20th.
We encourage you to reach out to the breeders leading up to the sale to discuss the bulls and find options that are best suited for your program. We hope you can join us at the Innisfail Auction Mart for some great hospitality and a stout set of Simmental bulls along with top notch commercial females from quality stockman that buy their bulls here!
If any of us from Bohrson Marketing can be of any assistance to you on sale day or the days prior, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to visiting with you on this deep offering from some of the best families in the livestock industry!
Best Regards, The Bohrson Marketing Team
Welcome to our joint bull sale with Czech-Mate Livestock. We are very proud of our longstanding friendship and relationship with Jim, Gwen, AJ and Andrew. Ultra is pleased to present nine partnership bulls with Hay Valley Ranches. We offer groups of replacement heifers from past bull buyers from the heart of their herds.
We would like to extend our thanks to YOU, our customers, for your loyalty and support over the years and look forward to visiting with you and celebrating your success. 2022 was a memorable year. We appreciate our customers for a tremendous bull sale. The December female sales were incredible.
We are thrilled to invite you to our 2023 Bull Sale at Innisfail Auction Mart on the 20th of February. We have assembled a powerful group of bulls to offer you. There is something for everyone this year. Whether it be a heifer bull or cow bull you’re looking for we have Polled Full Fleckvieh; Red; Red Blaze face; Black and Black Blaze faced bulls. Included are also a few percentage bulls to pique your interest. We have been breeding Simmental cattle for over 20 years and each year we feel more excited about what the breed has accomplished. The cattle market is in high demand and we’re optimistic of a wet spring and for 2023 to be a prosperous year for all.
We are happy to introduce you to our sales management team. Scott and Rebecca Bohrson, with their team at Bohrson Marketing are great friends of ours. Throughout the year they tour our herd and sale pens. They know the type of cattle we produce and strive for. We have full confidence in their professionalism. We invite you to contact any one of their team for any inquiries, opinions or order buying. Thank you to Bohrson Marketing for their support and dedication to our program.
If you’re unable to attend this year’s sale, feel free to stop in at the ranch anytime prior to sale day. We have pictures and videos of all the bulls from end of December. Check out DV Auctions for the Ultra Czech-Mate Bull Sale. We will be posting on our FACEBOOK page “Ultra Livestock” the updated pictures and videos throughout January and February.
Thank you to our veterinarian, Dr. Waylon Wise, for his expertise and advice throughout the year on updated nutrition and herd health through the use of HerdTrax. Thank you to all that helped out along the way this past year with preparations, Brody Slykhuis, Lee Jensen, Ward Marshall, Jordie Buba (pictures and videos) & Cassidy Matthews as well as Alana Miller for building this catalogue.
We look forward to visiting with you and greeting you on sale day.
Tim & Cathy Chalack: 403.669.8938 Riley Chalack: 403.922.6748 ultratimlivestock@gmail.com
Welcome from Hay Valley Ranches! We have a continuing partnership with Ultra Livestock of jointly owned bulls that are noted throughout the catalogue. We are confident you will be happy to purchase any of the bulls on offer.
Welcome to our 6th Annual Ultra Czech-Mate Bull Sale with the great folks at Ultra Livestock; Riley, Tim and Cathy. We strongly believe the cattle business is built on friendships, and feel very lucky to join our friends, the Chalack’s in marketing our bulls. We are extremely thankful for the continued support and confidence of our customers over the years. We always strive to raise cattle with longevity, maternal backing, and productivity; and there is no greater joy than seeing the success our customers have had with Czech-Mate cattle over the years. We are excited to see the trajectory of the Simmental breed right now, and know there are many exceptional options for bulls in the area, we appreciate your interest and confidence in our program.
We once again are proud to showcase the success of some of our bull customers by featuring pens of commercial, open heifers from a few great operations. You can buy these females with confidence, as they go back to Ultra and Czech-Mate bulls and have been raised by exceptional operations.
Our bull pen this year is one we are very proud of. Across the board they have gone out and performed, with more bulls off first calving heifers then we’ve had before it is even more impressive how their dams have raised these guys. From top to bottom this is a group we feel is high performing, structurally sound, and backed by some of our best cow families. Individually you’ll find bulls with the extra frame and size, bulls with length and muscle, and bulls to add maternal power to herds. Once the bulls are weaned off their dams in August, they are moved to a 12-acre pen allowing them to get out and move and stay athletic and sound. We hand bucket feed them with the help of our junior division and feel their temperaments are greatly benefited by
this. Starting this year, we fed the Masterfeeds Textured Ration, and we believe the change has positively impacted the gains and growth of the pen. As well they are fed a hay-silage mix and are supplemented with Bio-Mas to increase rumen health, along with free choice salt and mineral lick tubs. The bulls have been double dosed with Fosugaurd and have received Clean Up as well as their regular whole herd health.
New this year we have completed videos ahead of print time, you can find a QR code with a link to each bull’s video on their individual photos. Simply point your cell phones camera at the one you are interested in, and a link will appear to the video. Stay tuned in the lead up to sale day to our Facebook page for updates and highlights on the genetics and cow families behind these bulls. You are also invited to come tour the bulls, along with their dams and sisters we have been kept in herd. We are located just off Highway 2 between the Highway and Carstairs, 45 minutes north of Calgary and 45 south of Red Deer. If you cannot make it to the sale or ahead of time, we have complete faith in the Bohrson Marketing team. They are familiar with our program and breeding. You can also contact our fieldman Jay Wildman, who has been through the pen and is very familiar with the offering.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Innisfail Auction Market Family Day Monday, February 20th 2023. Sale is at 1pm and there will be lunch a head of time! The bulls will be available for viewing the day before, and we welcome you to tour through any time ahead of the sale. The sale will also be available to view on DV Auction if you are unable to make it sale day.
Jim & Gwen Smith: 403.818.3106 AJ & Andrew Sullivan: 403.875.6631 czech@xplornet.com www.czechmatelivestock.com
New this year you will see on the photo for each sale lot a QR code; if you scan the code on the picture it will take you to the video of each lot!
Step 1: Open the camera on your cell phone
Step 2: Point your camera at the QR code so that it shows in the viewfinder, a notification with a link will appear
Step 3: Click on the notification link and it will open directly to the video of the bull.
If you scan the QR code on the left it will take you to a playlist of the entire sale offering. Alternatively, you can visit Youtube.com and search “2023 Ultra Czech-Mate Bull Sale” for the playlist of all the videos.
A direct KOP Crosby son who always seems to be at the top of the pen whenever anyone has come through to look. CMS Crosby 202K is out of a maternal sister to our biggest producing donor: CMS Heirloom 112Y, and being out of arguably one of the best female making bulls in the Simmental breed means he will go out and produce herd building females and sons. His daughters should carry the same great traits we’ve come to expect from these genetics; long spined, great feet and good udders. He himself is a deep red, non dilutor that is rugged, powerful and full of performance. He is stout, deep and structurally sound, with a herd bull look to him already. Whether you’re looking to add pounds to the scale, or females that will produce for years to come you should take a second look at this guy. Homo Polled, Non Diluter.
Stockbroker can add many positive traits to a cow herd! At just 11 months old, I don’t think we’ve seen one as thick, wide topped, big barrelled and showing so much muscle development as he has. Pedigree wise, he offers a great deal of diversity - his dam is a daughter of our lead off bull’s dam, 712E and traces back to one of our top cow families. His grand sire, EDN Watson 159W, was a bull I found walking at Weise Cattle Co. at Maple Creek. He was 10 years old when I saw him and his great shape and perfect feet impressed me along with his strong set of daughters with great udders. Stockbroker is a bull with so many positive traits - muscle shape, thickness, a great proven pedigree with longevity, foot structure and udder quality all built in! He’s a homo polled, nondiluter with a thick dark red haircoat which only enhances his value and potential! Homo Polled, Non Diluter.
These 4 ET brothers are maternal sibs to the highly regarded CMS Sochi 307A whose progeny and service was in high demand in the recent R+ dispersal. At Czech-Mate we are focused on customer success and satisfaction, and the cow families backing up these brothers have done that in spades over the years. Their paternal granddam CMS Heirloom 112Y is a cornerstone female in our herd producing high quality and desirable progeny including the $16,000 Keystone 332A, $52,000 Empire 531C, $25,000 Frontier 709E, a $7,750 daughter Heirloom 272K that sold in FNL this past December to Labatte Simmentals. The sire of these 4 brothers was her bull in our 2020 sale Protocal 020H that sold for $15,000 to Sjogren Farms. We bought back interest in him to use in our own herd and his first calf crop is extremely exciting! The dam of these brothers is our black donor YR Blk Primadonna, who holds the distinct honour of being the dam of CMS Sochi 307A, who’s impact at 9 years old was very prevalent in the R Plus dispersal this past December. Sochi worked in three separate herds, producing extreme probability for each owner, particularly when he sold as a 7 year old for more than his initial purchase price. While each of these bulls differ in phenotype a bit, the thing that will not change between them is the longevity, quality and predictability that they hold in their genetics from these two cow families. Heirloom 112Y is still in herd, and Primadonna 930W only just went to town last year. Numerous daughters and sons have had long, productive lives within our own herd as well as herds across the country. 269K was orphaned in late June affecting his weight gain but he certainly did well on his own. All 4 bulls are Homo Polled & Non Dilutor.
A Next Century sired bull, Evolution is one to appreciate for his overall performance (3.67 adj on grass and mom this summer), he weaned off at 926 lbs at 224 days of age and has continued to perform - he is one of our heavy weights this year! He has tremendous length, is heavy muscled and stems from an outstanding cow family. His dam is a maternal sib to CMS Sochi and she is one of our top red donors! Just an amazing female who has always produced for us - her first daughter CMS Shagg 752E sold for $15,000 at FNL to Weise Cattle Co. as well, a daughter CMS 034H is the dam of our lot 13 bull, CMS 201K, who is one of the top bulls in the pen. Evolution will provide extra pounds to your calves at sale time and his daughters will be the “keeper” kind! Homo Polled, Non Diluter.
New Deal is a dark, dark red son of a really great young cow, CMS 808F, who is the dam of our 2021 lead off bull CMS Logic 010H who sold to our good friends the Maders for use in their heifer pen. 281K is a solid contender for herd bull status! Muscle shape, a good set of EPD’s, performance, a great mother cow and sired by the top selling Next Century from Wheatland in 2021. New Deal has the dark red color locked in and will produce progeny that excel in quality, performance and eye appeal. His daughters should be fantastic! Homo Polled, Non Diluter.
CMS New Age 223K is another Wheatland Next Century calf off our of Deeg Rust Drama Queen donor cow. We had three maternal sisters in the bred heifer pen this year, with one selling to M & R Cattle for $8,750. The other two we have retained in herd, and they are big bodied, beautifully made females with as beautiful of an udder as their dam.
New Age 223K started out with an ideal 84lbs birthweight and weaned off at 771 lbs adjusted weaning weight. He is a long bodied, wide made calf that will go out and put heifers in your replacement pen and size on your bulls. Homo Polled, Non Diluter.
For years the commercial industry has asked Simmental to bring back some power, performance and frame. We think that this stud ticks all the boxes. He has an impressive amount of frame and length of spine, while filling it out with a big hip, huge width across the top and spring of rib, all in a dark red, stylish package. We showed New Era this year and he came out of his class multiple times and was Intermediate Bull Calf Champion in Olds. He made many friends on the show road, each person commenting on his spectacular performance and size for a February calf. He had an actual weaning weight of 814 lbs in August, with an adjusted weaning weight of 919 lbs. His dam CMS Merlot 104Y is also one of the Luba/Jewel family, and only just went to town after weaning off this big guy this fall. She was making great ones right up until the end, and aside from an injury would have looked 5 years younger than she was.Make sure you add a star next to this guy come sale day! Homo Polled, Non Diluter.
It’s pretty easy to pick out the Mader Walk This Way son in the bull pen. Without fail they will be the one with the biggest hip, wide top and and performance to fill it out. CMS Slow Ride 207K is our only WTW son in the pen this year, but he fits that bill to a T. Add in an impressive length of spine, and extension through his front end that comes from his Profit sired first calving dam out of our IPU Temptress donor cow. Slow Ride started with a 77 lbs. birthweight, but he has gained well in the pen. His EPD’s are extremely impressive, top 5% for WWT, top 4% for YWT, and top 20% for both CE and BWT. Like his sire he should calve easy and produce calves that will perform in the top of any pen. Homo Black, Homo Polled.
CMS Mongo 225K is the next in an impressive line of calves from our IPU Temptress Clair donor cow. He had two maternal brothers last year that went through our sale ring averaging over $7,800 to Wheatland Colony and Sjogren Farms. Mongo is out of the Barlee Ranger Smith bull, that adds that great white face. We have a full sister to this guy in our replacement pen calving this year, and she is easily one of the best heifers in the pen. They both have a good frame size, big hip, deep bodied and lots of muscle. Their maternal sister is the dam of our Lot 11, and shows just how these Temptress Clair calves go out and produce. If you’re looking for size, some chrome and ROI you don’t need to look much further. Homo Black, Homo Polled.
The WLB Top Tier calf crop is one that we are very high on. The calves come easy, and grow big. CMS Upper Deck 201K is off a first calver that goes back to two of our biggest donor cow families, CMS Lady Gaga and YR BLK Primadonna. He had an easy 88 lbs. birthweight, to go along with being in the top 10% for both calving ease and maternal calving ease. But he has grown to be one of the top 5 weaning weights in the pen, with a massive hip and spring and depth of rib to go along with a great hair coat. With the genetic backing that he has, and the impressive phenotype he presents he is one that will be hard to miss come sale day. Homo Polled, Non Dilutor.
Another great calf off a first calving heifer, CMS Sanction 210K is a smooth made, deep sided female maker. His dam goes back to our Luba/Jewel cow family, which has produced some of our longest retained females of any family. His greatgranddam, CMS Jewel 961W, only just went to town this spring, and his grandma is still out producing top quality calves right now. A daughter of hers was our impressive red baldie heifer that sold through the 2021 FNL sale for $12,000 to Sunstar Simmentals and Anchor K. Gestation 278 days. Homo Polled, Non Dilutor.
CMS Validate 206K is off of a really nice first calver who goes back to Red Texas, and Horizon by way of our great Empire bull. Her dam CMS Harlequin 927W only just went to town this year after a long, successful career here. He is out of the great calving ease sire Black Gold Approval, which also adds in Loaded Up, Captain Morgan and the Certainly Flirting cow family to his genetics. A good, honest made bull, with a good length of spine and rib shape; he is homo polled, and a non-diluter. Definitely a bull with some solid genetics to back him up. Homo Polled, Non Dilutor.
If you’re looking for performance look no further than this dark red, hairy MRL Playmaker 36G son. CMS Playoff 137J is a Christmas baby from one of our most maternal cow families on the place. Every sister produced from his good LFE RS Amber 647Z dam have exceptional udders, great feet and over produce themselves time and again. We just sold a full sister that was as high performing, big ribbed, hairy, and dark cherry red as he is in the Simpower sale to Everette Olsen at Downhill Simmental’s. Every calf from this cow has come early and easy, and then gone out and performed. Playoff started at a 94 lbs birthweight and weaned off at an actual weaning weight of 884 lbs. He is easily in the top 3 for performance, weight, and muscle in the bull pen. Don’t miss out on this guy if you want to add pounds and muscle to your bulls, and have females who will stick around in your herd for years to come. Gestation 278 days. Homo Polled, Non Dilutor.
In our daughter Reina’s words “I like him because I love him, and I like his name the best”. This is Reina’s first bull calf she’s selling in our sale, and obviously she picked the best name she could think of for him. Olaf is another MRL Playmaker 36G son; and like his siblings he is big hipped, big ribbed, with lots of muscle and hair to spare. He is out of a big performance Wallbanger daughter we bought for Reina, MACINTOSH Addictive 42E. Olaf started out at 102 lbs and weaned off with an actual weaning weight of 800 lbs. He is in the top 5% of weaning weight and top 10% of yearling weight, he’ll add pounds to the scale on your calf crop. Homo Polled, Non Dilutor.
271K is a very good Playmaker son going back to our cornerstone female Heirloom 112Y. Playmaker provided us with calves who have heavy hair coats, growth with added length and good performance. Contender displays all of these attributes and he started with just an 87 lb birth weight. He is about breed average for BW and calving ease, but is in the top 10% for both weaning and yearling weight EPDs. A very strong Playmaker bull who will provide that extra performance we all strive for! Homo Polled, Non Dilutor.
CMS Campaigne 226K is the second youngest of our offering but certainly doesn’t show it with his massive performance and growth. He had an 808 lbs. Adj WW, and easily holds his own with the older calves in the pen. His dam is a great Body Builder daughter, MFI Petra 179R, who is out of one of the best full blood cows: Zaila 8Z. The performance and size Campaigne 223K displays is exactly what we have come to expect from her calves, while having the added bonus of being homo-polled! Petra has produced numerous calves over the years that have been well received in the sale ring, including a daughter who sold to Randy Ward for $31,000, CMS Zaila 409B. Campaigne will be a bull that will be highly maternal, while not lacking for any size or performance. Non Dilutor, Homo Polled.
The Adair Ranch Bootjack bull is no stranger to our program, producing highly maternal daughters we have been very happy to keep in herd, and bulls that have been received well in the sale ring. The 5/8 sib to this bull pictured was a high selling red bull to Paul Laqua in last years sale. CMS Buccaneer 216K is an attractive made bull, with good colour and comes from the spectacular Lady cow family. His dam is a Captain Morgan daughter out of Lady GaGa who always finds friends when people come tour through the cow herd. Exceptional, high milking udders and good performance on pasture is what we expect from the calves that stem from this cow family. Buccaneer will go out and produce females that you will be happy to keep in herd! Gestation 277 days. Homo Polled, Non Dilutor.
Pendelton is a good candidate for the heifer pen - he started with just a 65 lb birth weight, his gestation was 279 days and his calving EPD’s are very positive! He is a great haired young bull who will be just over a year of age on sale day. Sired by our Amber Jack son, MacAllan, who we used on first calf heifers without question. Pendelton’s dam is a daughter of CMS Lady GaGa 21X and is a full sister to Outlaw Radio GaGa who Brad sold at FNL 2019 for $20,000. 2027H is an outstanding young female with great hair, udder quality and style. If you are searching for a calving ease bull, Pendelton is one to check out - great genetics back him up! Homo Polled, Non Dilutor.
Ryley is a definite heifer bull prospect - he was a twin and with only a 55 lb birth weight he came at 276 day gestation. Check out his EPD’s - his calving and BW are real positive but most impressive is his weaning and yearling weights in the top 10% and 4% of the breed! Sired by the great SAV Renovation bull, he came in dam from our pick of Mader’s bred heifers in the fall of 2021. She stems from their Iron Sugar cow family and is a full sister to the dam of the bull calf the Maders showed this past fall, Mader Night Shift 63K. This young stud already moves around like a herd bull - he definitely has the swagger and libido to get heifers bred. We think he has a bright future ahead of him! Homo Polled, Homo Black 1/2 Blood.
• One of three ET full brothers out of the CottonBall/ Trailblazer combination
• successful flush resulting in these three sale bulls along with six Daughters in our replacement pen
• Through Friday Night Lights sale we sold a full sibling for $18,500 to Johnson Ranching
• One of our lead off black bulls in last year’s sale was a brother to these full mates and he went to the great folks at Trout Creek Cattle Co.
• Ultra/HVAL TrailBreaker is a bull that will catch your eye!
• Owned with Hay Valley
• Homo Polled, Homo Black
• Ultra/Hval Breaking Trail has always been one of our top picks in the black division, a bull that checks off a lot of boxes when analyzing
• Smooth skull structure, flat shouldered, truly just a bull that puts it all together in a well balanced package
• We admire the Trailblazer progeny for the presence they display through their front third without sacrificing any performance
• Owned with Hay Valley
• Homo Polled, Homo Black
• Feature calve ease prospect
• Sired by a new herd bull we purchased from Black Gold Simmentals that is in and out of the show ring
• Out of a square uddered, black blaze faced Freedom daughter
• 143K should add that chrome on his calves as well he has an impressive EPD spread
• Homo Polled
Calve ease EPD
• Another Blaze face bull here with loads of performance • 120K is a bull that has an extra rib, he’s long and attractive made
12Z has produced a good handful of bulls, Sawley Ranches purchased a Kill Switch son in 2021 that was our highest performing bull that year
100K is our lead off son from the TC 113G sire group
TC 113G was a high selling black bull for us a few years back bought by JK Fraser, we were lucky enough to use him on a group of cows and were sure glad we did!
• Really neat made Blaze face bull here that comes to the sale as the youngest in our offering
• This EL Paso son has a tremendous growth curve and is keeping up with the big dogs in the pen
• A March, 9th born bull with this amount of look and substance looking the way he does at this stage, I am intrigued to see what he will look like when he is mature! • Keep a close eye on him sale day as he will be a great breeding
• Absolute powerhouse bull here
• Honestly 29K has been a heck of a good bull from a young age, early maturity with the length and stoutness
• The Kill Switch cattle are curve benders, adequate birth weights with loads of growth
• The blaze face adds a little extra style to this meat wagon
• When you see this bull in the flesh I think he will get the blood pumping a little bit more!
• Out of a awesome black blaze faced cow that is a full sister to the $66,000 Spring Creek Olympian
• Homo Polled
• Crossroad Apollo truly out produced himself on this group of bulls, Apollo himself is an extremely impressive individual but we feel each one of these sons on offer exemplify his strong traits and then some
• Once again we repeat same comments but these Apollos have the easy fleshing body types and large testicle development • 52K comes from the Tess 25T cow family as 215K and 127K, a cow family that has had multiple progeny sell through this bull sale and female sales throughout the years
• 91K is our personal favorite in the red pen, always easy to pick out of the crowd
• Exceptional length and presence to this bull
• large testicle development at an early age
• He is dark red in color, extremely sound on the move
• Big square top and hip
• His dam 28F is a big-bodied Ranger Smith cow that smoked it out of the park here on the production on 91K
• Homo Polled
• Really neat Red Blaze faced Apollo son
• All these Apollo calves have very similar type, big strong topped and square hipped
• 115K has been a stand out Red Blaze bull in the pen for quite some time. We really admire this bull
• Crow Button is a beauty of a cow, by weaning time 115K was close to out-weighing her!
• Button is a moderate framed cow but has all the right parts, square udder, attractive skull and neck and massive ribbed
• At the 2022 SimPower female sale we sold a maternal sister for $9500 to Crowe Bros
• We mated Button back to Apollo in hopes for another powerful red blaze like 115K
• Owned with Hay Valley Ranches
• Homo Polled
• We may sound like a broken record on these Apollo sons but he bred them so similar in their build, wide topped with so much thickness and square hipped
• The testicle development is impressive through the 10 Apollo sons we have on offer
• 113K is a son of our top red donor cow Harvie Wanda 178C
• she is a massive bodied female that knows how to produce
• We flushed 178C a few years back to Liner 56U and as you would see in the Black division of our bulls she is the granddam to 7 of those bulls
• We’ve sold a good handful of sons from 178C that have Averaged $9500
• Owned with Hay Valley Ranches
• Really well balanced and docile Apollo son
• Square hipped, wide topped
• Out of a moderately framed black cow that is a direct daughter from
• 7G’s first calf was a red Uno Mas daughter who has calved the first part of January here and has a perfect udder and heavy maternal instincts
• Homo Polled
• 96K Freedom is a true sale feature in our opinion
• Darkest red coat that’s loaded with hair
• Loose hided, tons of depth in this bull with a perfect red blaze face
• Full Brother sold well to Kruger Farms last year
• 771E Wanda has a solid track record, her Approval Daughter ‘75G’ raised our top of the pen Red heifer calf 2022, Wanda produced last year’s high selling red bull and now 96K, we’re intrigued to see what she has for us this year
• Once again a strong cow family backs this bull, as his Granddam is 178C you will see her pedigree in 12 of our sale bulls
• Owned with Hay Valley Ranches
• Homo Polled
• Red Blaze faced bull
• Long as a train, easy fleshing
• A Freedom son that has extra frame, a bull that will get out and cover big cows
• Once again stemming back to the Wanda cow family, there is strong maternal power in this bulls pedigree
• Owned with Hay Valley Ranches
• Homo Polled
• Once again a high end Freedom son that has always been a stand out to us
• He’s easy to look at this bull, loads of power with such a soft look
• The pen pet you could say, love the temperament on this guy
• Very close to being a blaze face but just has a little snip of white on his nose
• Two Full brothers have sold through the sale being among the high-sellers to Willow Creek farming and to Tyson Scott
• 109C has calved again on Jan.8th, having a strong red blaze faced bull calf we look forward to having in next year’s sale
• 99K is a well balanced, smooth build, Dark red bull
• A bull that has always had a great look to him, really hasn’t ever had a bad day
• There’s great longevity through this bulls cow family
• 59W is a red blaze cow that has been around for quite awhile and produces high quality cattle
• We feel 99K is her greatest accomplishment to date
• One of 4 full ET brothers out of BlackGold Whisper 36G one of our top young donors
• A maternal sister sold to Crossroads at SimPower Female sale last fall for $29,000
• We feel Ultra Classic Rock 21k is as good as we’ve ever made, he is full of muscle, length with extra frame and loose hided
• Has always been a stand out calf, going into weaning he posted an impressive 1090 coming off grass and January 1, 2023 he weighed in at 1460
• A smooth polled, Non diluter bull with dark pigment and loads of hair
• We would like to retain a small pack of in herd semen use on Classic Rock if the new owner approves, as we feel this bulls performance can make a large impact on our program
• Impressive length
• A thick wide top and hip
• Excellent temperaments on all four of these brothers
• Uncle Vinny is a scale breaker, weaning off at 1085 and a yearling weight of 1410 Jan.1, 2023
• Smooth Polled, Non Diluter
• 15K is an absolute meat wagon, hands down the thickest bull we’ve ever raised
• Herd bull presence, that’s going to sire an impressive group of calves,
• Out of the great Lady Grace 518C donor that is a daughter of the ever so popular Sunny Valley Lady A
• This bull is just as impressive on paper as he is in real life
• Posted a 1010 weaning weight and a 1400 yearling weight Jan 1
• All five of these ROD Shamrock sons have been impressive since they were born, were excited to see where they will end up and the impact they will have
• Polled/Scurred, Non Diluter
• Extremely long and smooth made
• 32K is a high end calve ease prospect
• A son of the Moses 058H, Bohrson and ourselves acquired from the Border City sale from Kuntz Simmentals
• Posting a 9.1 calve ease EPD with a 283 gestation to follow along with a 850 weaning weight
• Polled, dark cherry red
• Another great calve ease option here, sired by the calve ease specialist
• You will really appericate the small skull structure and smooth shoulders on this bull, he’s truly made for calve ease just as his numbers prove
• Posting an 850lb weaning weight shows that he will hold the performance while having the calve ease on your young females if that’s the route you choose for this bull
• Polled
• A impressive Off Age embryo bull here that comes from one of our top black donor cows” Ultra Cottonball 43C”
• This is our second year putting embryos in for end of August/September born calves. We feel they’re a great addition to our offering
• Bulls that have a little extra age that you can turn out into some bigger pastures and cover a few extra cows
• They look alert in the pictures but have great docility and bulls that are easy to handle
• Owned with Hay Valley Ranches
• Homo Polled • A real stretchy blaze faced bull
Arrowwood Colony (4)
Kevin Ball
Bar 27 Stock Farm
Bar T 5 (9)
Don Beazjack
Beechinor Bros
Bitter Creek Ranch
Derold & Maureen Black (2)
Black Gold Simmentals
Boothby Ranches
Brad Brenchley
Brent Sutter Ranch (2)
Gordon Bricker
Bugaboo Ranch (3)
Bystrom Farms (2)
Sheldon Campbell
Campstool Cattle Co. (3)
Murray Coles
Lorne Conrad (2)
Crisis Cattle Co
Crossroad Farms (2)
Crowe Bros
Cuttin Cattle Co (5)
Czech V7 Ranch (2)
Kyle Daines
Rick Dequier
Diamond K (5)
Double D
Dorran Marketing
Downhill Simmentals
Dusty Valley Stock Farm
East Poplar
ELC Cattle Co (8)
Fallen Timber Farms
Bruce Fegan
Eric Fehlhaur (3)
Teegan Feldman (3)
Trevor Fletcher Fletcher Cattle Co
Dallas Frank (3)
Doug Fretz (2)
Gardner Livestock
Randy Geisler (2)
Albert Goerzen
Ron Gilliland
Green Valley Ranch
Kyle Greenwald
Kyle Greenwell
Hairy Hill Cattle Company
Wade Hannah
Michael & Trina Hobmaier (2)
Hoegl Livestock
Hopper Farms
Tom Jackson
JK Bar Cattle
JK Fraser (2)
Jay Dawn Farms
Don Jess (2)
Dana Johns
Johnson Land & Cattle
Rick Jorgensen
Kathol Simmental (2)
Paul & Laurie Kinnie
Krueger Farms
Krywcun Farms
Jim Krywcun
Kure Farms (2)
Labatte Simmentals (2)
Pierre Lacombe
Eric Lawrence
Paul Laqua (8)
Locust Hill
Lone Pine Creek
Lucasia Ranch
Lyndon Creek Ranch (6)
Mader Ranches
Mashon Ranches
Mcbean Farms
Robert McBey
Bev McCarthy
Lorine McCook
Mcintosh Ranch
Bryce Mcdeen Hayden Miller
Jeff Miller (4)
Andrew Moore
Moos Farms
Heather Morgan (2)
Mudd Butte Simmentals
Corbin Munro (3)
Nelson Hirsche Purebreds
Newsome Farms (4)
Brad Newsome
Par 3 Simmentals (2)
Scott Patterson Blake Penner
Craig Pennock
Triefen Pesaruk
Pieschel Farms
Pine Hill Colony (2)
Jace Poffenroth
Prairie Wind Farms
Rachado Ranch
Rafter 4T
Rancier Farms
Rainbow River
John Rairdan
Rainy Creek
Redrich Farms
Rich Mic Simmentals
Carson Richardson
John Rosland
Ryglen Holdings Ltd. (4)
SAJ Simmentals
Sande Cattle Co
Sawley Ranches
Regan Schlacter
Tyson Scott (4) Pat Sheehan (2)
Shipwheel Cattle
Sjogren Farms Inc (4)
Brody Slykhuis
South 34 Ranching (3) Riley Sharpe
Silver Lake Simmentals
Smithers Land & Cattle
Spring Creek Simmentals
Greg Standing (2)
Colten Stewart
Lorne Stewart
Storebo Farm (2) Paula Suder
Sunny Valley Simmentals
Luke Tannas
Three Hills Colony (3)
Gordon Timm (2)
Garth Titford
Toad Hill Farms
Tormay Farms
Trail Creek Farms (3)
Trout Creek Cattle (5) Twin Anchor
Watergrove Ranches (3)
Waterton Colony (3) Troy Weinkauf (2) Bryce Weiss (4)
Wheatland Colony (2) Eric Whitfield
Chance Whittemore (3) Wild West Farms
Willow Creek Farming (4) Garrett Wolfe Bryan Zaratti (2)
A huge Thank-you to all of our buyers over the past 6 years!