with guest consignors

Tuesday February 18, 2025

a program that invests in it’s future...

The Waltzs welcome
Welcome to the 7th Annual W2 Bull Sale and boy has it been a year… We want to once again welcome our partners in the sale and our good friends Wallgren Farms who have been a part of everyone of these. Wallgrens have assembled a first class herd and we are very happy to have them join us each year. New this year we will welcome Country Lane Angus, the Partington Family who live 3 minutes away from us. They will be bringing a great set of Angus bulls who we think will complement the Simmental bulls. We would like to thank all the past buyers, bidders and everyone who has reached out about the bulls over the years. As always please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone or come for a drive and see the bulls and their mommas. The market this fall was great and is still picking up steam! It’s great to see all the operations who have stuck this cattle thing out and are now being rewarded for their efforts.
As always things are busy around here with running 170 cows, calving in 2 periods, doing a bit of custom corn planting, selling some Pioneer seed, Kelly chairing the beef committee for the Vermilion Ag Society, both Kelly and Jenna coaching kids hockey teams, Jenna running a wellness business and wrangling 4 kids, but we wouldn’t change it for the world. Marley (10) has been busy this past year with dance and 4-H and she took her heifer Darlin to a few shows last summer. Cash (8) has us busy with hockey, 4-H and he too hauled around his heifer Sugar last summer. Jaycee (7) also plays hockey as well as 4-H and if you know Jaycee she always keeps us running, Lastly, Merit (5) is enjoying his second year of hockey and he loves to spend time in the barn. To say we’re busy would be a pretty big understatement, but everyday around here is exciting and with the kids becoming more involved by the day I think we’re in pretty good hands for the future.
The group of bulls we have brought to you are real beef bulls. Bulls that are managed and bred to last and to put pounds on those calves. We continue to source the next best herd bull, donor female and AI sire to use to take us to that next level and we are very proud of where our program has come and the quality of herd bulls we walk. We continue to invest heavily on embryo transfer and again put in around 30 embryos this past year. We have some dominate cow families that you will see throughout this catalog and we will have a couple new ones coming to you over the next couple years. The coming 2 yr old bulls were pulled off grass November 2nd and have been on a corn silage ration. These bulls are grown out gently as yearlings and spend their summer on green grass and a mineral package. Our yearlings come in to the yard in late September and are managed just as our late born calves are. No creep feed, no feet have been trimmed and bulls that we think will give you that longevity that we look for.
Please plan to join us February 18 at the farm for some great hospitality and a pretty darn impressive group of bulls. If you would like to have a look before sale day the coffees always on and the beer’s cold.
Sale Information
Sale Day Phones
Kelly Waltz (780) 853-3834
Jenna Waltz (780) 853-3873
Dean Wallgren (780) 806-0571
Brant Wallgren (639) 840-0126
Arch Partinton (780) 787-7020
Austin Partington (780) 581-1139
Scott Bohrson (403) 370-3010
Rob Voice (306) 270-6082
Taylor Richards (306) 821-4169
Jaxon Payne (306) 830-0456
Jim Pulyk (780) 787-0646
Shane Adamson (306) 821-4131
Sale Staff
Col. Ryan Dorran (403) 507-6483
Taylor Richards (306) 821-4169
Jaxon Payne (306) 830-0456
Canadian Farm Insurance
Heather Barr (780) 853-7067
Terms & Conditions
Cattle will sell under the standard Canadian Simmental & Canadian Angus Associations Sale Terms & Conditions, these are available on request.
$150 off per bull if taken home sale day. If bulls are not taken sale day, we will start delivering bulls starting immediately after the sale date. Free of charge to central points in Alberta and Saskatchewan, but in most cases will deliver right to your yard. All other places in Canada will be cost shared. Bulls going to the US will have proper paperwork done and taken to the border. We ask that if the bull is staying at our place he be insured.
Sight Unseen Purchase Program
Take advantage of our sight unseen purchase plan by calling Kelly or Jenna or any of the Bohrson Marketing crew to help you with your purchase. If you feel more comfortable bidding on your own please feel free to use DLMS and our internet bidding.
EPDs and pedigrees have been supplied by the Canadian Simmental & Canadian Angus Associations. All information is current and up-to-date as of publication date. and is believed to be accurate but any updates from the auction block will take precedence.
In-Herd Semen
W2 Land & Cattle, Wallgren Farms & Country Lane Angus retain the right to collect semen for in-herd use on any bull in the sale at their expense and the buyer’s convenience.
Hotels Super 8 – Vermilion (780) 853-4741 Pomeroy – Vermilion (780) 853-3066
Directions from Vermilion: 10 miles south on Hwy 41 and 2.5 miles west on Twp Rd 492. South side of road.
Directions from Wainwright: 29 miles north of Wainwright on Hwy 41 and 2.5 miles west on Twp Rd 492. South side of road.

Calving Ease Rating
Recommended for use on heifers or cows AA
Recommended for second calvers and cows
Recommended for use on mature cows
Kelly, Jenna, Marley, Cash, Jaycee & Merit Waltz Vermilion, AB

W2 Guarantee
All bulls are 100% guaranteed. We guarantee to provide you with a sound breeding bull. Should any bull fail to be a satisfactory breeder, he will be replaced with a bull of equal value or a credit will be given towards the purchase of another bull. If you have a problem with your bull, please notify us immediately.
Online Bidding & Videos
View bull videos at www.DLMS.ca For technical assistance:
Mark Shologan,

*Bulls can be viewed at anytime on the farm
Tuesday February 18, 2025
Lunch // 12:30pm Sale // 2PM
Sales Management
It’s unbelievable how fast time flies as we welcome you to Chapter 7 of the W2 Land & Cattle Simmental Bull Sale. With that said, this program along with their guest consignors, have many combined years of breeding purebred cattle and marketing bulls to top commercial and purebred operations across the Country and even though this is only the seventh year of a live bull sale, all three of these operations have been making a positive impact on the beef industry for many more years than that. We are excited to invite you South of Vermilion on February 18, 2025 for this big time set of Simmental & Angus bulls.
The W2 program is an exciting family operation that provides one of the only opportunities we see all spring to acquire 2-year old Simmental Bulls that are bred and raised to sell as such. These bulls are big, growthy, athletic bulls that are a combination of being off powerful, sought after walking herd bulls as well as sons from their extensive embryo transfer program. The small but mighty section of yearling bulls from W2 are a great example from their winter calving program and feature many exciting donor females backing them.
Again the Wallgren Farms outfit has brought fourth 15 very promising bull prospects. The WF prefix has quickly become one synonymous with quality and passion. Brant and Dean & family have done a great job building around some fo the very best cows in the industry and always utilize the top sires either by walking them or acquiring exciting semen packages. This set of bulls is built for the times and can be appreciated by even the most discriminating of cattleman. It is highlighted by the Reserve Champion Bull from FarmFair, lot 46 as well as a special black blaze herd sire lot 51.
New this year we are excited to welcome the Partington family of Country Lane Angus from just down the road of W2. Country Lane has been in the Angus business since 1955 and bring a lifetime dedication of breeding and selling high quality Angus stock to the equation. Their dozen Angus bulls offer a tonne of calving ease without sacrificing performance with a heavy emphasis on maternal characteristics. We just know the Country Lane bulls will be a great addition to this sale and will compliment the Simmental Bulls very well.
Please accept this as your personal invitation to join us for this exciting set of Simmental & Angus Bulls. The combination of cattle and people truly make this a sale you won’t want to miss. Be sure to give any of the Waltz’, Wallgren’s or Partington’s a call to discuss their offering. If your busy schedules keep you away from sale day, feel free to give any of us listed from BMS a call as we would be happy to assist in any way possible. We look forward to seeing you sale day!
Best regards,
The Bohrson Marketing team
Bohrson Marketing Services Ltd.
28336 TWP RD
Mountain View County, AB T4H 4M7
403.940.3334 www.Bohrson.com


LOT 1: Our Flirty Magilcuty donor has done great things for our program. Top end sons have went through this sale such as Southside, Kraken and Money, we have sold a few high end females over the last few years and we have added numerous daughters to our herd. No matter which way we flush her it works, but maybe none as well as the Bentley x Flirty combo. You wont find a better disposition in a bull then 4L. He has been a favorite around here for a long time and when you throw in the pedigree that’s backing him it’s easy to see why. Full of natural muscle with that herd bull presence make “Ring the Bell” one of the top bulls we have ever offered through this sale.

LOT 2: A full sib to the lot 1 bull in a straight black package. When comparing the two bulls there would be more frame in 11L. Both having that natural, not “fed muscle” and both have the ideal skull shape we look for in a herd bull. The Bentley x Flirt combination females we have kept in herd are poised to have a big time role around here going forward and the sons look like they are cut in the same mold. If a big time momma cow behind your herd bull is something that’s a must you may want to have a look here.
Maternal Brother - W2 Southside 2K
Dam - RCR Flirty Magilcuty
Maternal Sister - W2 Flirty 07H
Maternal Brother - W2 Kraken
Calving A Act. BW 103 Adj. WW 804


LOT 3: Our Holyfield sire group has been one that we have been excited to share for a while. We just recently sold our first Holyfield female to the good people at Johnson Ranching for $23,000. The Holyfield bull has made waves in the industry in a short time and this will be the first calf crop we have to offer of him, but you can be sure it won’t be our last. We partnered with our good friends at Black Gold Simmentals on Holyfield where they would walk him early and we would walk him late. Their first son to sell off him last spring commanded $212,000! Add in a direct daughter of our Flirt donor in Lot 3 and we believe we really have something in this herd sire candidate. The Holyfield cattle will add frame and the calving ease he has shown has been a pleasant surprise. One of our pics of the bulls all summer long on grass for sure.

LOT 4: W2 Bruin 36L patterns the lot 3 bull very closely in their build. Added length, added frame and that beautiful blaze that markets are paying a premium for. The dam of Lot 4 came to us out of the Crossroad program and she has been a very productive cow so far. When we get paid for our calves by the pound it’s no secret why the Simmental bull works for commercial cattlemen and 36L will put pounds on that calf crop no doubt.
Paternal Sister - W2 Robin
Dam - Crossroad Elexandra 174E
Calving A Act. BW 94 Adj. WW 790


LOT 5: With just an 80 lb birthweight Firebird came in to this world at a very reasonable size and has impressed us at every stage of his life. The young female behind this bull has put her second straight son through this sale in just 2 tries at motherhood. Her first son was a feature black bull last year going to James Preston at Speddon to service his good group of black females he runs in the north country. The added baldy face should through some white on a calf crop and like I’ve mentioned earlier those blazed calves get a premium at market no doubt.


LOT 6: Broadway 59L comes from as predictable of a female as we have on the place. She has sent a bred female through the Border City Sale which we consign in each December for $12,000 to Ontario and a son last year was many peoples pick of the black pen going to W2 Farms in Leroy or better known as the inlaws to run with their top end herd of SimmX cows. We also, have a full sister to this bull in the replacement pen who is flat out good and we just may hang a halter on her this summer for the kids. Broadway himself patterns all the Holyfield sons very closely. Added length, great temperaments, added hair and sensible calving ease.
Maternal Brother
Calving A Act. BW 80 Adj. WW 810
Dam - Black Gold GR Cream Soda 844
Maternal Sister
Calving AA Act. BW 92 Adj. WW 768
Maternal grandsire

If you’re looking to add frame to your calf crop have a look here. 54L has that added frame and stretch to him, while still having the muscle shape we require in herd bulls. No doubt he will be a heavy weight come sale day. The cow behind Lot 7 came to us from Johnson Ranching where she has done nothing but good for us. A couple sons have went through this sale and a daughter is working at Mcintosh Livestock in Maymont and one at Selte Land & Cattle right here at Vermilion. This guy looks like a herdbull!

Here’s one of our son Cash’s bulls and a good one at that. At the rate we’re going the kids are going to have to put their bottle and cattle money together to pick up a quarter or two of land to house all these cows. The dam behind Lot 8 came to us from the Lewis Farms program and she was direct daughter of arguably their top cow the great Heaven Sent female. This is the first son of Cash’s Heaven Sent cow as she gave us 4 straight females to open her production career. All 4 making the replacement pen…

All 8 of the Holyfield sons on offer this year are high end bulls in our mind and this is the only son out of a red cow. When you see the dam behind 19L you will understand where the bull gets his ease of fleshing and lose hide from. The 510C cow has put a son through this sale and two daughters in herd to date. A bull that we think will calve real nice and maybe a real nice option for those second calvers. This won’t be the last you here of the Holyfield sire.

Maternal Sister
Maternal Sister
Our son Cash
Sire - KWA
Paternal Sister

LOT 10: This is the last year of Rival bulls, we have sold 39 sons to date with 8 more this year in the sale. Rival sons have been well received in past years with sons making their way to some top herds in the area. The 400B cow has earned her keep with this being her third son go through this sale. She is the ideal Simmental cow in our mind, easy keeping, good uddered and a great foot under her. Low maintenance cows are our kind and she fits that to a tee.

LOT 12: A herd sire prospect that looks like a herd bull. A little older than most of the bulls in the extra age pen and one that will be a true 2 yr old come sale day. We have admired 16L ever since he was noticed on grass with his dam at a young age. The cow that backs him is beautiful in her design. Beautiful uddered, powerful from every angle, but still looks like a cow with a sleek front end and ideal skull. A bull that will be easy to find sale day.

LOT 14: Playmaker is a bull we own with Wallgren Farms out of one of our 2 great Darlin cows we own together. A bull we have enjoyed watching develop as he has always had that extra look and presence to him. The Darlin 905J cow is the lesser known of the two sisters that walk our pastures, but we can assure you she will make her mark. 172L comes with an impressive set of numbers where he is in the top 10% of the breed for both CE and BW. When you throw in him being above average in both WW and YW he becomes an intriguing breeding piece. A bull we are sure will have some friends come sale day.
Dam - W2 Temina 924G
Full sister to dam
Dam - MJTS 808F Darlin 905J
Calving AAA Act. BW 72 Adj. WW 768
Maternal grandsire


LOT 15: The High Stakes group has been as consistent of red group as we have ever put together in the bull pen. High Stakes himself is a true stud as a mature bull. A bull that we plan to use as long as we can for how uniform he makes his calf crop. The 21L bull himself has many of the attributes of his great sire, great haired, big hipped and soft made. We have always enjoyed the Mountain females and his mother is one of the best. They are peas in a pod and all have produced. This High Stakes group had many admirers when toured on grass this summer and we think the same will be said as the bull pen fills up.


LOT 16: The 55L bull comes from a very productive Circuit Breaker female for us who has sent a few bulls through this ring as well as a bred heifer to the Border City Sale. With a CE of 11.2 and a birthweight which reads in the top 30% of the breed we think Juice 55L will be an intriguing calving ease candidate. Maybe as moderate as any in the High stakes group Juice still packs a punch when you analyze him. Soft made, great haired and a bull that has always had that presence to him.
Calving AA Act. BW 88 Adj. WW 748


LOT 17: We have always admired the 821F cow as she is another of these Mountain females. The 3 years we offered Mountain sons through this sale they were very popular. Numbers that read calving ease, but the bulls still looked like herd bulls that have some punch to them. Lot 17 would be a ¾ brother to the Lot 15 bull. Definitely one of the quietest bulls in the pen, but also a bull with that muscle shape and stoutness. 51L would be one of our picks of this sire group no doubt.


Adj. WW n/a
LOT 18: Unleashed 64L comes from a beautiful Cobra daughter that is sending her third bull through our sale. Past sons have went to Wes Denman and the great syndicate of Ty Miller and Jesse Guy. Another High Stakes son with great CE and BW numbers. All this sire group have those great numbers, but we feel everyone of the bulls still has that punch to them that is a must in herdbull at our place. The 64L bull himself has a little added frame and a ton of hair just like his momma and papa have. A bull that has some presence to him and is easy to find in the pen.
Calving AA Act. BW 92

Lot 19 and 20 are in fact twins out of daughter Jaycees great Westcott cow Yara who has sent a heifer calf to Mader Ranches where she has produced very well for them as well as a bull last year to Jordan Carley Leskow and she has another bull in the keeper pen for next years sale. She is the kind of cow that looks the same every day of the year. Easy doing and productive would best describe Yara. 9L himself is the bigger of the twins and is filled with natural muscle and shape to him. If a big powerful cow backing your bull are important to you here is a nice option.

The more moderate of the twins and probably the bull who had a tougher start to his life. We took the 8L bull off the cow and he bounced around a bit before we found him a momma a few weeks into life. We like how soft made and big barreled this bull is while always having that herd bull presence to him.

Dam - W2 Yara 329F
Dam - W2 Yara 329F


LOT 21: Another High Stakes son with great CE and BW numbers ranking himself in the top 20 and 30 percent for the breed. The 10G cow who came from Maxwells has put her first three calves through our bull sale. That’s the kind of production we come to know from this big barreled dark red Circle G Cash daughter. 35L himself has that added frame and hair and has always had that herd bull crest to him. A bull that will add pounds and leave that dark red color in your calf crop no doubt.


LOT 22: Last year we started off our sale with 4 sons of our Pocahontas donor cow and they were well received. Here is another son of the beautiful female and probably the stoutest made son she has had to date. 2L is packed full of red meat and has that added shape to him while always having that herd bull look to him. We thought we were going to lose our Pocahontas donor from an injury last year, but she has recovered fully and looks as good as ever which has us excited for the bulls and females she will produce over the coming years.
Maternal brother
Dam - IPU 10D Pocahontas 56G
Maternal Brother
Calving A Act. BW 94 Adj. WW 780


LOT 23: The fourth bull the 656D cow has put through our sale with a couple others being sale features going to Kyle Buckle of Saskatchewan and Scott Mcleod of BC. We are very proud of the twelve 2 yr old High Stakes sons as well as the 3 yearlings in this years sale. Last year we sold 3 yearlings off of High Stakes and they averaged $12,000 and we think this group has only got stronger. We sold a High Stakes bred in Border City this fall where she commanded $20,000 to Downhil Simmentals and TSN Livestock. We love this last High Stakes son for all the same reasons we fell in love with his sire. Lots of hair, that herd bull look and a bull that is so structurally correct. High Stakes is a name you will hear about from the W2 program for years to come.

LOT 24: 7L comes to us as the natural calf from our Jenna 717E donor. We have sold numerous bulls through this sale off her and most of them have been sale highlights and high sellers. The 7L bull himself comes to us with that desirable blaze that whether you agree or not has demanded a premium at market. Jenna herself has sold females through the famous Friday Night Lights Sale as well as Border City and a couple of our most beautiful young cows are daughters also. Again, if you want a big time cow behind that herd bull have a look here.
Calving AA Act. BW 102 Adj. WW 770
Maternal brother


LOT 25: The 607D cow that came us from Rancier Farms has been a staple around here for her production. Her sons W2 Kingdom commanded $26,000 to Westman Farms, $18,000 to Jerry Sweeney as well as sons going to Kelly Husch, Motley Farms and Fath Farms. We like the 607D cow so much we have actually flushed her once where she gave us 31 eggs. 32L is the only red Holyfield son in the sale which is intriguing coming from 2 black parents, not unlike his paternal brother that Black Gold sold for $212,000, Tangleflags.


A Act. BW 94 Adj. WW 744
LOT 26: We bought our son Cash a bred heifer from Lewis Farms back when he was just a toddler and boy has she paid off. She has put 4 females back in the herd and this bull would be out of one of those females. We love this 48L bull to put it bluntly. He has been a stud at every point of his life. Invest 48L has so much going for him and it starts at his prefect skull shape and moves back into a real tidy placed shoulder. He explodes from there in terms of rib shape and follows that up with a real big hip. A herd bull we think can fit a bunch of different programs.


A Act. BW 90 Adj. WW 806
LOT 27: One of the softest sided bulls in the sale who comes from a beautiful cow in terms of phenotype. She’s one of those front pasture cows who you love to have the neighbors see. 38L has looked like a herd bull for a long time. He was early maturing with that crest and looks to have a big scrotal. The Chaos sire group may only be 3 deep, but it’s a good 3 for sure. Last year the Chaos sons were popular and for good reason and we think this year will be no different.


LOT 28: Out of a first calf heifer where he entered this world at 82lbs. 43L is built like a heifer bull in our eyes with his small calving ease head and tucked in shoulders, but his number read differently. He is definitely a bull we would consider using on second calvers or quite possibly heifers, but again his EPDs say he is not. No matter what the numbers say he is a heck of a bull in our eyes. We would call 43L a little more moderate in terms of frame size, but he is packed full of muscle. His dam is a beautiful black blazed Rival female.
Calving AA Act. BW 82 Adj. WW 698
Maternal sister
Sire - Wheatland Chaos 9145G
Maternal grandsire


LOT 29: The Rival sire group this year is as consistent as we have ever had it. Leading the way is this dark red, big hipped impressive herd bull candidate. He comes us from a Sheer Force dam who is putting her third bull through this sale and the previous two have been highlights for sure both going to Jason Swainson at S5 Cattle Corp. the last two years. The 978 cow is moderate in frame size, but crossed with the larger framed Rival bull we have what we would call an ideal frame sized herd bull. He will be a bull that catches some looks come sale day we are sure.


LOT 30: The 531 cow is ideal in terms of udder design, perfect teat size and spread and for a 10 yr old cow the suspension is great. She put through a sale feature to Chatsworth Farms the first year of our sale and has put a couple more in years to follow as well as a couple replacements in the heifer pen. If big ribbed, lose hided bulls is what you came for you will want to pay close attention to this guy. He will put some pounds on a set of steers and leave you those replacements that are easy keepers. A real complete bull in our minds.
Calving A Act. BW 92 Adj. WW 808

Here’s our loan half blood bull this year, but he is indeed a ¾ blood bull by pedigree. He comes from our son Cash who has 3 bulls in the sale this year. Waterfall as Cash calls her has done a great job for Cash as she puts everything into her calf each year. We always say we need to get a picture of her before weaning with her calf sucking as it is always the size of her. If you came for a dark red bull with a calving ease look to him this would be a great bull to look at. At the rate our kids are going they’re going to have to ask for a quarter of land from Santa next year to house all these cows.

Another dark red Rival son. Rival himself was an ideal color of red and he has passed that on too many of his sons. Add in the dark red color of 18L’s dam and this is what you get. A real honest bull here with that extra length of body, great haircoat while being moderate as far as frame size. The Limitless dam puts everything in to her calf each year, all while having an ideal udder, both in suspension and teat size.

Calving A Act. BW 92 Adj. WW 720
A big stretchy Rival son from a large framed Royal Red cow who has put a number through the sale. 702 would be one of our bigger framed cows on the place and she puts that frame in to all her calves. Big calves in the fall pay bills.

Dam - W2
Maternal brother
Sire - Wheatland Rival 8125F


LOT 34: One of the picks of the Rival group no doubt. A big lose hided bull who has always exceled as far as performance and when you see his momma you will understand. Arguably the biggest ribbed cow in our herd who is overwhelming as far as body mass. Our kind of cow no doubt. 25L himself has a lot going for him with his great haircoat, big square foot and that extra performance. He will sire a load of heavyweight steers no doubt.

BW 100 Adj. WW 812

LOT 35: A completely different pedigree for us this year is the Apollo sire group. All these bulls excel as far as performance and that dark red hair coat doesn’t hurt either. 53L is an easy bull to find in the pen with his overall presence and genuine muscle, he looks like a herd bull. The 800F cow has sent 3 bulls now to the sale and one of those was a high seller and feature bull in 2022 going to Doug Crawford. We lost the 800F cow too soon as she was really producing for us and this will be her last bull to sell and he’s a good one.
Sire - Wheatland Rival 8125F


LOT 36: A beautiful blazed bull who again has that dark, dark red hair coat that is so popular these days. The Apollo bull himself is chalked full of red meat and muscle and really is an impressive herd bull. We ended up buying in to him when we had a little bad luck with a new bull we had purchased and he filled an important role for us, adding that outcross pedigree. The Apollo numbers aren’t huge, but they all have one thing in common, they look like herd bulls. If a new pedigree is something your looking for havea look at this sire group.


LOT 37: 45L comes to us from an 11 year old cow who is still in the herd and cranking out sale bulls and replacement females. This is her 5th bull to go through the sale and she has another one in the keeper pen for next year. That’s the kind of production we have come to know from 415B. 45L himself is larger framed and will weigh up sale day we’re sure. He has always had that extra presence to him. The Apollo group as a whole are all early maturing bulls who have always looked like bulls at a very young age.
Calving A Act. BW 98 Adj. WW 770
Sire - Crossroad Apollo 123H


LOT 38: 57L too has that dark, dark red haircoat which isn’t always the case when you breed a red bull to a black cow. Like all the Apollos 57L is an athletic bull who gets out and moves with ease. His dam is a beautiful Absolute cow who has put a few bulls through this sale and has one of the top heifer calves in the replacement pen. She is our kind of cow, moderate in frame with a great udder at 8 years of age. She looks like a 4 year old and looks to have many more productive years ahead of her.


LOT 39: The lone Limitless son in the sale this year. Limitless was a popular AI sire across the industry and we sampled him for a couple years on heifers with good results. The 10L bull himself comes to us from a red baldy female who is just hitting her mark here at W2. 10L himself is adequate as far as muscle and shape and has that length of body that will add pounds to that calf crop, his added baldy face is just icing on the cake.
Calving A Act. BW 84 Adj. WW 722
Sire - Crossroad Apollo 123H


LOT 40: This bald face bull has looked like a herd bull for a long time and was popular on grass this summer with visitors beside his gorgeous 10 yr old dam. 594C was the cow behind our high selling bull in the first year of our bull sale going to Ruzicka Farms. She is the kind of female who never has a bad day, she looks the same all 365 days of the year. 12M will be popular for his added performance and herd bull presence with a great disposition we’re sure. Full disclosure that this bull does have 2 back socks.


A Act. BW 100 Adj. WW 768
LOT 41: The 564 cow has done nothing but produce for us, sending 4 bulls through the sale and a female to Border City as well as 1 in herd. 11M is a hairy, structurally very correct herdsire candidate who gives you a very good look from the side. The High Stakes sire group is our largest in the yearling and 2 yr old pen and that’s no coincidence. He flat out worked and will be a big part of our operation going forward.
Maternal brother
Sire - McIntosh Maymont 38K


LOT 42: The first son to sell from the great Darlin 907J donor cow we own with our sale partners and good friends the Wallgrens. Normally we wouldn’t sell a yearling at this age (just a valentines baby), but we really wanted to show off what’s to come from this beautiful donor cow in the future. Stout, hairy, extra bone and you can’t make one a nicer red would best describe this Loyalty son. Loyalty was the $200,000 Stratton son who now walk the pastures at W2 and Westman Farms and we can’t wait to have more sons like this in the coming years.

AA Act. BW 92 Adj. WW 892

LOT 43: Woodstock is everything we look for in a herd bull! Big hipped, lose hided, great haired, big nutted and the list could go on and on. We have had our eye on this bull for a long time and we can’t wait to finally show him off to the industry. The Walk This Way dam of this bull our oldest daughter Marley showed a couple years ago as a bred and this was her first time at motherhood and wow has she knocked it out of the park! His numbers read like a calving ease bull with his CE and BW both inside the top 25% of the breed while his performance numbers also read in the top 20%. Woodstock is a bull we plan to use in our own herd for his versatility in breeding. A bull we think should be on everyone’s short list.


LOT 44: An ET Capacity x Jenna combination that has been a standout all summer. We would argue that 4M is as a long sided of a bull as we have come across. Sometimes when you get this much length in a calf it takes away from the muscle shape, but that certainly isn’t the case with 4M. Coming from our Jenna donor cow who we have sold a number of top sons through this sale. Jenna was the black, bald faced potential donor we were looking for when she came along through the Border City Sale 7 years ago. $30,000 later we had ourselves a new donor.


A Act. BW 100 Adj. WW 808
LOT 45: Our 807F cow does two things really well, look good and put bulls through our bull sale. This will be the 4th son to go through the sale and her other calf was a female who now herself consistently puts top end bulls through the sale. Sons have sold to Westman Farms, W2 Farms, Motley Farms and Fath Farms. A full brother sold last year and was popular going to Westman Farms and if you have ever seen the bull battery over there you know they only buy the good ones. When a herd bull has a cow like 807F behind them it sure takes some of the guess work out and in our business we think that’s a good thing.
Sire - RF Capacity 742E
Dam - W2 Stella 201K
thank you to our 2024 buyers!
*Double RN
Kurjata Ranching
TSL Cattle Company
Wirstuk Ranching
Blue Hills Livestock
JK Bar
*Westman Farms
Jerry Sweeney
Larry Anderson
Anthony Martin
*James Preston
W2 Farms
James Preston
Rocking Heart Range
*Ron Leskow
H Bar M Land and Cattle

Ellwood Farms
Jordan and Carley Leskow
*Naco Farms
Jeff Belland
Scott White
MJM Enterprises
*Fath Farms Ltd.
Josie Crawford
Diamond R Stock Farms
Triangle B Ranch
*Berry Creek Colony
Devin Cornish
Randy Martin
*Hines Farms
*S5 Cattle Corp
Larry Kochan
* Indicates multiple bulls

Wallgren Farms have been great to work with as they continually strive to produce and develop elite Simmental cattle. Brant is as keen as any young person in the industry and has done a great job in developing this consistent set of bulls.
The bulls are developed on grass with their dams and then moved onto a balanced TMR that promotes lean muscle growth. Organic minerals are used to ensure proper immune function and the overall health of the bulls. The nutritional health and development of the bulls and the entire cowherd is of utmost importance and is continually being tweaked to meet environmental and seasonal conditions. If you have any questions about the nutrition program of the Wallgren bulls, feel free to call.
Ryley Noble Beef Advisor (587) 217-9599
Kelly Husch
Morgan Oliver
*Matthew Dietrich
Cody Squire
Laurent Belland
Mark/Jeff Eklund
David Long
Beaver Ridge
Malcolm Nowosad
*Wayne Wotschell
Dwayne Pelech
Darcy Clark
Rosewood Colony
Flying D Ranch
Smith Farms

On behalf of Westman Animal Nutrition, we would like to thank the Waltz family for trusting in us with their cow herd nutrition advice and PerforMAX mineral needs. Congratulations on a solid group of bulls on offer, that extends back to a lineup of strong core genetics. Make sure and mark your calendar, so you don’t miss the opportunity to own some solid W2 Land & Cattle genetics!

Brant Wallgren 639-840-0126 | Dean Wallgren 780-806-0571 | brantwallgren66@gmail.com
We welcome you to the 7th annual W2 land and Cattle bull sale, we are always grateful for the opportunity to be a guest consignor in this great sale! We have really enjoyed marketing our bulls in this event and we are always working hard to make a better set of bulls year after year. It’s a great privilege to work alongside the Waltz family and they are truly the nicest people around and great people to work with, they love raising good cattle and they do a darn good job at it.
Our farm is located 10 miles north of Edgerton AB, where we run a mix grain and cow calf operation that consists of 160 purebred and commercial Simmental cows. Our purebred herd is slowly growing each year and we strive to keep the quality as high as we can as we slowly increase, so we can bring a elite set of bulls to offer year after year. We run a top notch set of commercial cows and they play a big part in expanding our purebred genetics. We calve the commercials early with the purebreds and that way we are able to utilize them to expand our purebreds genetics with embrvo transplants. Our E.T program has created a new and fresh lineup of genetics and we implanted 70 embryos this spring off our elite donors, along with purchasing different embryo matings through select sales. This creates a strong lineup of some of the newest and most proven genetics in the breed and we continue to keep growing our herd this way. We also strongly believe the best way to grow a herd is to buy a female that can change your program for the better and we have built up some cornerstone females around our place now and we encourage anyone to stop in for a tour any time throughout the year! This lineup of bulls is a group that has been sure fun to watch grow over the last year and truly a group we are darn proud of. Our bulls are fed on Bulleves TMR based ration, and are kept in a large pen to allow ideal movement at all times as structural soundness is very important to us. Attention to detail in feeding and management we take very seriously and stand 100% behind our bulls. We feel confident we have assembled a group of bulls that represents the direction our program is aiming toward, and we are sure proud of them.
You’re always welcome to stop in and have a look at the bulls and cowherd anytime of the year, we would love to show you around. Don’t hesitate to contact us about any of the bulls in the offering or give a shout to anyone on Bohrson Marketing team for their professional assistance. We would like to thank all our buyers over the previous years. everyone’s support is overwhelming and greatly appreciated! We look forward to seeing everyone sale day Feb 18!

LOT 46: Maxed Out has always been a special one around here and he has been an absolute unit since day 1. He is extremely stout, big middled, with tons of muscle shape and sets down on a big square foot. He has such a neat look for having such defined herd bull characteristics which makes him very intriguing to analyze. He was our pick of the bulls all spring and summer so we decided to make plans to campaign him in the fall and he definitely made us proud in the showring. He started off with being crowned Reserve Champion Simmental bull at Lloydminster Stockade, Grand Champion bull in King of the Ring, and he rounded off the fall with being crowned Reserve Champion Simmental Bull at Farmfair International. He is sired by none other then the $280,000 Mader Walk the Line that has sure left his mark on his calves as he continues to leave an impressive set of offspring in many respected breeder’s herds as he was used very heavily in many programs. The Walk the Line cattle are early maturing and ones that are easy to pick out at weaning and they will be the ones to push down the scale. Performance and power runs deep in this pedigree. His dam was a past high seller in Friday Night Lights to Mader Ranches and we still think she may be the best female we have sold to date. She entered the donor pen right away and she has proven to be a big time producer for Maders. She goes back to the great Cream Soda cow family so she is built around great udder quality and big time maternal strength. We are excited to offer Maxed Out to the industry as we feel like he has tons of breeding potential and he is one of the best reds we have created.

Sire - Mader Walk The Line 92J
Dam - WFL Red Sage 506C
of Darlin’
Calving AA Act. BW 90 Sept 23 WT 1095 Adj. WW 916
Calving AA Act. BW 94


LOT 48: Here’s a crowd favourite red bull in the pen. Admired for his overall dimension and volume. He so massive made and big middled and is as stout as you can make one. A bull that is structurally sound and is the type that is built to last. This bull is a spitting image of his sire Dutton, that we plan to continue to utilize greatly to improve our red program and he has sure impressed us with his first set of calves. His dam is an impressive second calver that is a tight uddered, attractive made female that is a big time producer. This guy checks all the right boxes off and will make a impressive herd bull candidate.

LOT 49: This guy is the ideal commercial man type of bull. A real long bodied, big middled, rugged made bull that is structurally correct. One of the only two sons to sell off our new walking herd sire Deeg Dutton 73K that we own with Clifford Land and Cattle. Dutton was a flush brother to the $110,000 Deeg El Dorado that was one of the best red bulls I’ve seen to date. 216K comes from a big time halfblood cow that is super capacious, cool looking and has impeccable udder quality. We have 3 maternal sisters to this guy in production and they raise great ones year after year and they have that same udder and foot quality locked in. This guy has herdbull written all over him and we are excited to see where he ends up.
Sire - Deeg Dutton 73K
Dam - WF Blackgold 52J
Sire - Deeg Dutton 73K
Calving AA Act. BW 96 Sept 23 WT 1010 Adj. WW 881


LOT 50: A real intriguing red blaze that comes from a very neat and proven pedigree. 187M has been a standout since day 1 and has always had that herdbull presence to him. This bull is plenty stout, soft made and puts it all together in an attractive made and sound package. His sire was the most winning Simmental bull calf when he showed a few years back in the fall and was admired by many breeders then went on in the spring to sell for $102,000 in Black Gold Bull Sale. His dam is none other then the great Fox Trot cow that is a unique breeding piece that has so much style and presence yet doesn’t lack any power and punch in her calves. She’s a super sound, flexible, big footed cow with great udder quality. 187M has made many friends throughout the summer and has continued to get attention. This bull we are quite high on.

Sire - Ava’s Scream 102J King of the Ring
Calving A Act. BW 103 Sept 23 WT 1005 Adj. WW 827
Calving A Act. BW 101 Sept 23

Homo Polled /// Homo Black /// WF 185M /// BPTG1467032 /// 1/1/2024

LOT 52: Here’s a result of a embryo purchase from Rancier Farms that has breed leading genetics on the top and bottom side. The one and only son in the sale by the breeding legend RF Caliber that is a must use bull in the breed and has raised the most elite progeny across the country. With sons and daughters topping sales all over. 974G is one of the most stunning donors in the breed and is admired for her mass, power, udder quality and so many other qualities. 185M is exciting to say the least as he is super big middled, massive boned, shaggy haired with tons of presence. He’s athletic on the move and is built to last. He’s top 1% in the breed for WW and YW. A full sister RF Scream 3134 was the most winning bred hiefer throughout all spring and summer and is one of the best bred heifers in country. Full brothers were past sale toppers the $100,000 RF Intensity and $75,000 RF Intense. This is a proven and predictable pedigree that stems back to some of the greatest genetics in the breed.

Maternal Brother- WF Capital 164L
Dam - RF Sheila 023H
Calving AA Act. BW 83 Sept 23 WT 880 Adj. WW 716
Calving AAA Act. BW 89 Sept 23 WT 860


LOT 54: Here’s a pen favorite black bull that is admired for his capacious build, overall dimension, volume and length of body. He’s a big burly made individual that is really stout, shaggy haired, and very soft made. He that has extra look, bone size, great feet and is super athletic on the move. He is the closest resemblance to his sire RF Magnitude that is our go to bull around here and one of the very best bulls we have utilized. The consistency and predictability he has left us in his progeny is second to none. His dam was a past Friday Night Lights purchase that is a extremely productive, big bodied female with incredible feet. She is a female that is very easy to pick out every time you enter the pasture. A 3/4 sister to 204M just recently sold in Friday Night Lights to Sunny Valley Simmentals for $22,000. One of the feature bulls in the offering that has a bright future ahead!

LOT 55: A elite herdbull prospect that is performance driven with structural integrity. A big framed, huge middled bull with tons of presence that has that herdbull statue. He is super fluid in motion and very correct in his tracks. One of the heavy weights in the pen and he is an absolute standout. Tons of similarities he shares with his sire Magnitude and we might sound like a broken record when it comes to how much we talk about impact he has left. Magnitude is a big female maker and leaves a big time set of sons that are standouts in the bull pen year after year. 191M is backed up by the great Shiela donor that needs no introduction as she is one of the most dominant cows in the breed. She has grossed over $350,000 in her first 5 progeny to sell, and you will continue to hear success stories from her for years to come. 191M is also a maternal brother to WF Capital that was a past high seller and undefeated show bull of the year. This guy has endless breeding capabilities!
Maternal Brother- WF Capital 164L
Dam - RF Sheila 023H
Calving A Act. BW 103 Sept 23 WT 1000 Adj. WW 849
Calving A Act. BW 104 Sept 23 WT 1090 Adj. WW 917

Here’s one that will push the scale down! Weaning off at 1080lbs and he has all the right pieces that make him a big performance driven herdbull option. He has been a standout since day 1 and he has proved to stay impressive the whole way through. 189N is big boned, big topped, soft made, and as long as a freight train. His dam is none other than our famous Sheila donor that needs no introduction as she is one of the hottest, most proven cows in the breed at the moment. She will go down as the most profitable cow to ever step foot on the farm. Sheila is known for raising incredible bulls and she sure pulled through with this guy. Just imagine the baldy calves you would get off this guy crossed with a nice group of angus cows, the potential will have no end!

Another Magnitude son that checks the right boxes off. He’s a big framed, super long bodied bull that has the look to burn and will be the type you will want to keep every daughter off of. He is very fluent on the move and doesn’t miss a track and steps down on a big square foot. His dam is a massive made, big bodied female that has an incredible udder. The original Blackgold granddam to this guy has left us a ton of big time females and I think when you add Magnitude into the equation that will lock in maternal strength even more.

Consistency runs deeps in the Magnitude sons as he keeps the quality high on every son. Here’s one off a favourite cow around here, Flirty. She is the perfect silhouette of the ideal looking type a cow. Breathtaking to look at from every angle with a show stopping presence that is super sound with big square feet and a picture perfect udder. 218M has a lot of

Sire - RF Magnitude 1178J
Dam - RF Sheila 023H
RF Magnitude 1178J
Dam - WF Blackgold 1F

A pair of intriguing full brothers that share a lot of similarities. Moderate made, easy doing, big boned, stout, and super hairy. They were easy to pick out on pasture tours this summer and they continue to catch a lot of attention. A full brother was lead off in the bull sale and was a high seller to W2 and Westman, and many sons off High Stakes will be highlighted in the sale this year and one son is bound to lead off the whole sale. The bulls stem back to the great CMS Soda Pop 417B cow that has consistently raised many great ones. The Soda Pop cow family is well known for being big bodied, soft made, good uddered, prolific looking females that do great in the show ring and even better in production. Betts needs no introduction to the breed as he is the one of most proven red bulls out there and is known to make incredible set of females that are high quality that are standouts in every herd. A full sister to these brothers we retained in our herd and she entered the donor pen and is currently being flushed and we have big plans for her ahead. A impressive set of full brothers to consider.

Dam - CMS Soda Pop 417B
Full Sister
Full Brother - WF High Stakes
RR #2, Vermilion, AB
Arch & Geretta Partington
Austin & Sydney Partington 780-581-1139

On behalf of my family here at Country Lane Angus we would like to welcome you to our very first guest consignment bull sale. We are honored and thrilled to be a part of Chapter 7 of the W2 Land and Cattle Simmental Sale. Our heartfelt thanks go to Kelly and Jenna for inviting us to join this prestigious event. Country Lane’s story began in 1955 in Evesham, SK, when it was founded by my parents, Thomas and Anne Partington. Although it took a brief hiatus while I attended college, the operation was revitalized in 1990 by Geretta and myself in Vermilion, AB. We both worked full-time off the farm so needless to say, our focus was on quality as opposed to quantity. Today, our son, Austin and his wife Sydney and daughter Carsyn have joined the CLA Team, continuing the family tradition, building their own elite herd with intent and passion. Our daughter, Brittany and her husband Joel and their 3 boys, Paxton, Walker and Blake live in Lloydminster but spend lots of time at the farm helping out wherever and whenever needed. Our farm is located just seven miles south of Vermilion, on the west side of Highway 41 and a very short distance from the W2 farm operation. We calve out approximately 80 cows annually and continue to focus on quality. We calve our cows in January and February so that we can market select females in the fall and sell our bulls as yearlings the following spring. Our breeding program emphasizes innovation and excellence. We extensively utilize artificial insemination (AI), breeding the majority of our herd within a 21-day window. Recently, we’ve also been incorporating embryo transfer technology to further enhance our offerings. When selecting sires, we prioritize calving ease and integrating new proven genetics, ensuring we have something to suit every need. We are very grateful for all the buyers who have supported our program through private treaty in the past and we look forward to continue working with you as we take part in this new opportunity to showcase our program. We have on offer 12 yearling bulls that we are very proud of and will stand behind them 100%. The bulls are vaccinated and weaned in early September and fed a balanced Bullseye TMR based ration with access to a large bull run for ideal athleticism and development. The cow/calf pairs are on free choice Westman Animal Nutrition mineral summer/fall and we move to a Bullseye mineral once they get on their TMR for winter/spring feeding.

We warmly invite you to the farm for a tour anytime—our door is always open, and the coffee is always on. On February 16th, the bulls will be moved to the W2 sale facility for your viewing. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Austin, myself or any of the Bohrson Marketing Team. We also extend a personal invitation to join us on sale day, February 18, 2025. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sincerely, Arch
On Behalf of the Country Lane Team


LOT 62: Country Lane Early Arrival 2M is a high-potential heifer bull with standout angus characteristics. He is the product of a first-calf heifer known for her attractive features and exceptional udder quality. 52K is moderately framed with strong maternal traits much like her dam, VAP 47E who has 2 daughters retained in the herd and one sold to a Junior as a show heifer. His sire, SAV Early Arrival, is an elite curve bender that excels in calving ease, performance, milk and carcass merit. 2M is built with smooth shoulders, a small Angus head, and is well-muscled, making him a valuable addition to any breeding program focused on calving ease and maternal excellence.

LOT 63: Country Lane Crackerjack 7M is the product of embryos purchased from Jimmy Joe Henderson, bringing a unique pedigree to the table. He is sired by Musgrave Crackerjack, the top-selling bull from Musgrave’s 2019 sale, and out of Musgrave Blackcap, an exceptional Angus cow whose quality is evident in her picture. 7M stands out as a bull designed to add size, length, and body to his calves, while maintaining athleticism and sound movement. With an impressive EPD spread—ranging from -0.6 for Birth Weight to +106 for Yearling Weight—he offers calving ease without sacrificing the performance and growth you need. This bull combines pedigree, performance, and practicality, making him an asset to any herd.
Sire - Musgrave Crackerjack
Dam - Musgrave Blackcap 834-510
Calving AAA Act. BW 76 Adj.


LOT 64: Country Lane Early Arrival 11M is another exciting son of Early Arrival who has sired an impressive heifer and bull calf crop this past year with another group coming this spring. For producers aiming to add frame size, growth and consistent performance to their calf crop, 11M is your option. His dam is a largerframed cow from the ever-popular Kathleen cow family that we purchased from the respected Everblack program. This bull has been a standout since day one, presenting a stellar view from every angle and a look noticed by everyone who toured the pasture. A paternal sister, VAP 5M, sold this past fall to Caterpillar Ranch. You will want to mark him as a must-see on sale day…Country Lane Early Arrival 11M will be a powerful investment in your herd’s future.

LOT 65: Country Lane Guarantee 14M is a true powerhouse and one of the premier highlights of this year’s sale. Sired by Crawford Guarantee 9137, a bull renowned for combining high-accuracy calving ease with explosive growth and performance, 14M exemplifies the best of both worlds. This standout bull has consistently impressed, weighing an impressive 840 lbs on August 31 and reaching a remarkable December 30th weight of 1,390 lbs, making him the heavyweight of the group. His pedigree speaks volumes: a paternal brother was sold to the Double F program, where he has excelled in their purebred operation in Parkside, SK, while a paternal sister, sold to Emily Hodgetts, was successfully campaigned this past summer. 14M’s dam, a purchase from the Dwajo herd, is a deep-bodied, structurally correct female with exceptional feet and udder quality, further solidifying his elite genetic foundation. A feature favorite in our program, Country Lane Guarantee 14M is poised to enhance the growth, maternal strength, and overall quality of progeny in any herd. Don’t miss the opportunity to add this exceptional bull to your operation.
Paternal Sister - VAP 41L
Sire - Crawford Guarantee 9137


LOT 66: Country Lane Early Arrival 16M is a standout in this year’s pen, offering a combination of meat, muscle, and cow herd-building credentials. His stoutness, structural soundness, and ideal Angus type make him a true representation of the breed. Sired by SAV Early Arrival 0903, a calving ease specialist renowned for adding dimension to his calves, 16M brings performance and predictability. His dam, 25H, stems from the first embryos I ever purchased, tracing back to the legendary Soo Line Lady 8058—a cornerstone cow in Justin’s Brooking program. Born at a moderate 78 lbs, 16M has showcased exceptional growth, reaching an impressive December 30 weight of 1,370 lbs. This bull is designed to add pounds to his calves while maintaining strong maternal traits and consistent performance.

LOT 67: Country Lane Renovation 22M is genetically stacked with some of the most influential sires in the Angus breed, including Renovation, Natural Law, and Density. He boasts a square build, smooth and sound movement, impressive muscling, and exceptional body dimension. His dam was our top pick from Greenwood’s inaugural Evolution Sale and has proven herself as a foundation female in our program. Two of his maternal brothers have been successfully used within our herd, consistently enhancing quality and performance. 22M combines strong maternal traits with power and versatility, making him a standout choice for both cow/calf operations and seedstock producers. This bull is a true herd builder—his daughters will be the kind you’ll want to keep in the replacement pen for years to come.
Maternal Granddam

VAP 24M /// 2372386 /// January 13 2024
BW WW YW Milk CE MCE 0.4 48 90 25 8 9
U2 RUBY 216Z
Calving AAA Act. BW 79 Adj. WW 757 Adj. YW 1325
Country Lane Syndicate 24M is a moderate, smooth-made bull with exceptional muscle expression and scrotal development who traces back to the legendary Syndicate 213Z. We have several Syndicate daughters retained and working in our herd. 24M’s dam is a daughter of one of the first Brooking females we acquired from their renowned program and she has not disappointed. Syndicate 24M is a free-moving bull, built to cover ground and efficiently breed your females. With a fresh offering of these combined genetics, you will want to retain every daughter from this outstanding sire!

Country Lane Charmer 30M is a standout bull with exceptional hair and eye appeal. His sire is a deep sided bull with extra length and one of the best set of feet under him with large hooves. If you want to add a foot improver to your herd, look no further. His dam is a beautiful cow who was our selection at the Harvest Classic Female sale from the good folks at Hollinger Land & Cattle. She has proven herself as a reliable producer with sons working in the Double F and Friedrich Bros herds and a daughter set to calve in our herd this spring. Charmer combines calving ease with early growth, muscle expression, and a smooth front end. He’s an excellent choice for your heifer pen!

BW WW YW Milk CE MCE -0.4 64 114 30 9 8
Calving AAA Act. BW 70 Adj. WW 752 Adj. YW 1426
Country Lane Answer 31M came as a calf in dam from our selection of bred heifers at the Anchorage Winter Calving Dispersal Sale. 709K goes back to the admired 247C who is a favorite donor at Peak Dot. Sired by LFE Best Answer, widely regarded as one of the top offspring among the 4,400+ progeny of the renowned SAV Final Answer, 31M embodies exceptional herd bull characteristics. This bull offers a winning combination of calving ease and explosive performance, making him a standout prospect. Don’t miss the opportunity to evaluate him in person.

Maternal Granddam - JSTN 120C
Sire - U-2 Syndicate 238B
Sire - Peak Dot Attractive 186F
Dam - HLC Maiden 200E
Sire - LFE Best Answer 800H
Dam - Peak Dot Mia 709K

APCC 38M /// 2372450 /// January 25 2024
BW WW YW Milk CE MCE 1.1 60 112 20 7 4
Calving AA Act. BW 80 Adj. WW 801 Adj. YW 1396
Country Lane Sooner 38M is a true standout, combining moderate frame size with exceptional fleshing ability and muscle expression. Sired by Brooking Sooner 0052, known for consistently producing deep-ribbed, level-hipped progeny, 38M exemplifies these traits. His dam, 42G, features an outstanding udder, a powerful body, and strong feet, while his grand dam, 74A—my first purchase from Brooking—continues to thrive and contribute significantly to the herd. The Rosebud cow family has become a foundational cornerstone in my program. Don’t miss this opportunity to begin your own “Rosebud” legacy.

Country Lane Clipper 42M is a direct son of the high selling black angus bull we purchased at the Ter-Ron Farms Annual Bull Sale in 2022. This young sire exhibits outstanding scrotal development, weighed 1,230 lbs at just 11 months, and boasts a muscle pattern strikingly similar to his sire. He is the spitting image of the original “Clipper” and promises to leave an exceptional legacy through his daughters. His dam, “Dyna,” comes from a lineage we rarely part with, making the females from this bull highly valuable. Don’t miss the opportunity to see him for yourself!

VAP 50M /// 2372412 /// February 03 2024
BW WW YW Milk CE MCE 0.3 47 88 20 7 8
Calving AAA Act. BW 84 Adj. WW 705 Adj. YW 1287
Country Lane Hunk 50M is another impressive Peak Dot Attractive son and a paternal brother to 30M, both of whom we hold in the highest regard. 50M is a bull that exudes eye appeal, combining a moderate frame with exceptional muscle expression, structural soundness, and an outstanding hair coat. He is out of one of our premier Dixie females, a cow we firmly believe is destined to become a cornerstone donor in our herd. This female exemplifies the ideal Angus cow: deep-bodied, structurally correct, with excellent udder quality and strong maternal instincts. She has consistently delivered top-tier progeny regardless of the sire, proving her reliability and genetic value. Hunk 50M reflects combined superior traits, offering an opportunity to not only add performance but also enhance the maternal strength and consistency of any program.

Maternal Granddam - JSTN 74A
Sire - Brooking Sooner 0052
Matermal Sister to Dam - APCC 1D
Sire - Ter-Ron Clipper 131J
Maternal Sister to Dam - VAP 66H
Dam- Country Lane Dixie 5F

past sale highlights


$23,000 - Johnson Ranching
$25,000 to Mader Ranches
$10,000 - Josh Slingerland
$20,000 - Wallgren Farms
$15,000 to East Poplar Simmentals
$14,000 - Redrich Farms
$13,000 - LA Ranch
$23,000 - Rancier Farms
$10,000 - Mario Hernandez
$19,500 - Lewis Farms
$13,500 to Erixon Simmentals
$18,500 - Ross Creek Simmentals
$20,000 - Downhill Simmentals & TSN
$22,000 to Sunny Valley Simmentals
$12,000 - Clement Cote Farms Ltd
$15,000 - Labatte Simmentals
$ 13,000 to Gracie Bohrson
$82,000 - Greenwood Cattle and Ter-Ron Farms

past sale highlights Bulls

$240,000 - Double Bar D Farms
$20,000 - Westman Farms & JK Bar
$24,000 = Westman Farms & W2 Land & Cattle
$15,000 - Swanz Ranch
$48,000 - Deeg Simmentals & Canadian Sires
$18,000 - Ruzicka Farms
$24,000 - Clifford Land & Cattle & Rancier Farms
$14,000 - TSL Cattle Company
$15,000 - Diamond R
$26,000 - Westman Farms
$18,000 - Jerry Sweeney
$17,500 - Rocking Heart Range
$16,000 - H Bar M Land & Cattle Elwood Farms
$16,000 - Double RN & Westman Farms
$16,000 - Double RN & Westman Farms
$16,000 - Double RN & Westman Farms
$21,000 - Westman Farms & W2 Farms
$24,000 - Blue Hills

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