이화여자대학교 약학 연구소 심포지엄 10월 8일(목)

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2020년 10월 8일(목) 14:00 ~ 17:10 온라인 실시간 중계 (https://drug.egosfind.com) | 주최 | 이 화여자대학교 약학대학 약학연구소 세포신호전달계 바이오의약연구센터 | 후원 | 이화여자대학교 약학대학 동창회 약학연구소 후원회



2020년 10월 8일(목) 14:00 ~ 17:10 온라인 실시간 중계 (https://drug.egosfind.com) | 주최 | 이 화여자대학교 약학대학 약학연구소 세포신호전달계 바이오의약연구센터 | 후원 | 이화여자대학교 약학대학 동창회 약학연구소 후원회

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

이화여자대학교 약학연구소는 세포신호전달계 바이오의약연구센터와 공동주최로 제22회 신약개발 심포지엄을 개최합니다. 그 어느 해 보다도 도전과 배려의 시간을 보내고 있는 한 해입니다. 환경미세먼지의 위협과 생활과 산업경제의 패러다임을 바꾸고 있는 코로나바이러스-19 감염병의 출현은 신약 개발의 중요성을 강조하고 있습니다. 세포신호전달계 바이오의약연구센터는 천연물 의약품 플랫폼 구축과 응용이라는 주제로 학계와 바이오 제약사의 석학들을 모시고 천연활성물질의 발견과 선도물질 확보를 통한 신약 개발 및 임상응용에 대한 연구결과를 공유하는 시간을 마련하였습니다. 온라인 심포지엄을 통한 약학대학 공동체 구성원 및 관련자 분들의 많은 참석을 기대하며, 이번 심포지엄이 정보교류 및 열린 토론을 위한 장으로서 좋은 성과를 거둘 수 있도록 적극적인 참여와 격려를 부탁드립니다. 마지막으로 약학대학 동창회 약학연구소 후원회의 지원에 진심으로 감사를 표합니다. 2020년 10월 이화여자대학교 약학대학 약학연구소장 이 정 연 세포신호전달계 바이오의약연구센터장 서 은 경 약학대학장 이 윤 실

We are very pleased to invite you to the 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development co-hosted by the Center for Cell Signaling & Drug Discovery Research and supported by the Alumni Supporters’ Association of Pharmacy School. It has been a challenging year for all of us. The emerging health concerns of environmental fine dust and Coronavirus-19 infection have been changing our daily life and economic paradigm in our society, and it has become even more important to find new drugs. The well-renowned researchers from academia and industry have been invited to share their research progress on discovering natural bioactive substances, new drug development and clinical applications. We look forward to your participation and hope you will use this symposium as an opportunity for open discussion, sharing ideas and encouraging efforts. Thank you. October 2020 Ewha Womans University College of Pharmacy Director of Ewha Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Director of Center for Cell Signaling & Drug Discovery Research

Jeong Yeon Rhie Eun Kyoung Seo

Dean of College of Pharmacy

Yun-Sil Lee



The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

14:00-14:05 Registration and virtual symposium access

14:05-14:10 Opening

이윤실 약학대학장 이화여자대학교 약학대학

서명은 약학대학 명예교수

14:10-14:20 Welcome remarks

제3대 약학연구소장

이미애 회장 약학대학 동창회 약학연구소 후원회

심포지엄 기념촬영 1 Session Ⅰ

Chair 서은경 교수 이화여자대학교 약학대학


Design and development of anti-metastatic agents based on natural product compounds

이화여자대학교 약학대학


Reduction of visceral fat and prevention of metabolic syndrome by angiogenesis inhibition

(주)안지오 랩


이공주 교수


김민영 대표


15:10-15:20 Break time

Session Ⅱ

Chair 송은주 교수 이화여자대학교 약학대학


심포지엄 기념촬영 2 15:20-15:45

Discovery of bioactive small molecules from plant-associated microorganisms

덕성여자대학교 약학대학


Discovery of microbial natural products for application in cosmetics

이화여자대학교 자연과학대학 화학나노과학

심상희 교수


남상집 교수

남주원 교수

16:10-16:35 NMR innovates the pharmacopeial analysis of natural products

영남대학교 약학대학

16:35-17:00 Discovery of bioactive natural products from nature

성균관대학교 약학대학



김기현 교수


이정연 소장

17:00-17:10 Closing

이화여자대학교 약학대학 약학연구소

서은경 센터장 세포신호전달계 바이오의약연구센터




â… Chair

Eun Kyoung Seo, Ph.D. Professor College of Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University



Design and Development of Anti-Metastatic Agents based on Natural Product Compounds

Kong-Joo Lee, Ph.D. Professor College of Pharmacy, and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ewha Womans University

Curriculum Vitae Name

Kong-Joo Lee, Ph.D.



Homepage https://bioanal.ewha.ac.kr

Academic Background 1977

B.S. College of Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University


M.S. Department of Biotechnology, KAIST


Ph.D. Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, CA, USA

Professional Experience 1986-1988

Stanford Medical School, Post-doc Fellow, Cancer Biology Program


Senior Scientist, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science

1994-Present Professor, Ewha Womans University, College of Pharmacy 2006-2013

Director, National Core Research Center for Cell Signaling and Drug

Discovery Research


Director. Global Research Laboratory


Distinguished Professor, Ewha Womans University

Other Activities and Awards 2001-2006

Editorial board member in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, ASBMB


Vice president of Researh and Industry-Academic Collaboration

Affair, Ewha Womans University


President, The Association of Korean Woman Scientists and Engineers (KWSE)


Dean of Graduate School, Ewha Womans University


President, International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists(INWES)


Advisor to the President for Science and Technology


과기부, 한국과학재단, 동아사이언스 주관, 제5회 올해의 여성과학기술자상 수상


한국로레알-유네스코 여성생명과학진흥상 수상

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Selected Publication 1. EJ Song, YS Kim, JY Chung, SK Chae, E Kim, KJ Lee, Oxidative modification of nucleoside diphosphate kinase and its identification by Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, Biochemistry, 39, 10090-10097 (2000) 2. YM Kim, KE Kim, GY Koh, YS Ho, KJ Lee, Hydrogen Peroxide Produced by Angiopoietin-1 Mediates Angiogenesis. Cancer Res. 66, 6167-6174 (2006) 3. HJ Kim, YM Kim, S Lim, YK Nam, J Jeong & KJ Lee, Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase-L1 is a key regulator of tumor cell invasion and metastasis. Oncogene 28(1), 117-127 (2009) 4. E Lee, J Jeong, SE Kim, EJ Song, SW Kang and KJ Lee. Multiple Functions of Nm23-H1 are Regulated by Oxido-Reduction System, PLoS ONE 4(11) e7949 (2009) 5. J Jeong, Y Jung, S Na, J Jeong, E Lee, MS Kim, S Choi, DH Shin, E Paek, HY Lee, KJ Lee. Novel Oxidative modifications in Redox-active cysteine residues. Mol Cell Proteomics, 10, M110.000513, 1-13 (2011) 6. MS Kim, J Jeong, J Jeong, DH Shin, KJ Lee, Structure of Nm23 under oxidative condition. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biol Crystallogr 69(4) 669-680 (2013)

7. JJ Lee, S Ha, HJ Kim, HJ Ha, HY Lee, KJ Lee. A Sulfhydryl Specific Probe for Monitoring Protein Redox Sensitivity. ACS Chemical Biology, 9(12), 2883-2894 (2014) 8. HJ Kim, V Magesh, JJ Lee, S Kim, U Knaus and KJ Lee, Ubiquitin C-terminal Hydrolase-L1 increases cancer cell invasion by Modulating Hydrogen Peroxide Generated via NADPH Oxidase 4. Oncotarget, 6(8), 16287-16303 (2015) 9. Lee JJ, Kim HS, Lee JS, Park J, Shin SC, Song S, Lee E, Choi JE, Suh JW, Lee H, Kim EE, Seo EK, Shin DH, Lee HY, Lee HY, Lee KJ. Small molecule activator of Nm23/NDPK as an inhibitor of metastasis. Sci Rep. 8(1):10909 (2018) 10. JE Choi, JJ Lee, W Kang, HJ Kim, JH Cho, PL Han, KJ Lee, Proteomic Analysis of Hippocampus in a Mouse Model of Depression Reveals Neuroprotective Function of Ubiquitin C-terminal Hydrolase L1 via Stress-induced Cysteine Oxidative Modifications. Mol Cell Proteomics, 17(9), 1803-1823 (2018)



Design and Development of Anti-Metastatic Agents based on Natural Product Compounds

Kong-Joo Lee College of Pharmacy, and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Korea

Metastasis, a major cause of death in cancer patients, is a complex process including invasion of primary tumor, intravasation into blood vessel, circulation under anoikis resistant state, extravasation, and colonization at the distance site. However, current understanding of the sequential metastatic process is incomplete to design rational approaches to prevent or arrest the metastatic processes. To control the metastasis, a number of metastasis related proteins have been identified. In this study, we identified the molecular action of metastasis suppressor protein, Nm23/NDPK, in breast cancer, and ubiquitin-C-terminal hydroase L1 (UCH-L1) as a target of lung cancer metastasis. Based on proteomic methodologies, the target proteins and their molecular mechanism in cancer metastasis and their target validation have been identified. Furthermore, the chemical modulators of these target proteins from natural product compounds were screened and the understandings of molecular action of target proteins and the mode of action of drug candidates are possible employing hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS), the binding site and structural changes of target protein by chemical modulators have been identified. These cutting edge tools broaden the understanding the point of action of natural product compounds, and make possible to explain the mode of action of newly developed drug candidates.

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development



The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Reduction of Visceral Fat and Prevention of Metabolic Syndrome by Angiogenesis Inhibition

Min-Young Kim, Ph.D. CEO AngioLab, Inc.



Curriculum Vitae Name

Min-Young Kim, CEO, Ph.D.



Homepage http://www.angiolab.co.kr

Academic Background and Professional Experience 1975-1979

B.A College of Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University Seoul, Korea


M.S, Ph.D. Dept. of Biochemistry, The Ohio State Univ. Columbus, USA


Samsung Pharmaceutical Co.


Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology


Hanhyo Institute of Technology

1999-Present AngioLab, Inc.

Awards 2005

Excellent Woman Venture Company Award (Ministry of Health and Welfare)


The Marquis Who’s Who selection


Lifetime Achievement Award (KDRA-Korea Drug Research Association)


Korea KONEX Best Technology Award (KRX/MoneyToday)

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Selected Publication 1. Jae-Heon Kang, In Sun Jeong, and Min-Young Kim “Antiangiogenic Herbal Composition Ob-X Reduces Abdominal Visceral Fat in Humans: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study” Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine, May 28;2018:4381205 (2018) 2. Se Eun Kim, Tae Hyun Kim, Shin Ae Park, Won Tae Kim, Young Woo Park, Jae Sang Ahn, Manbok Jeong, Min-Young Kim, and Kangmoon Seo “Efficacy of horse chestnut leaf extract ALH-L1005 as a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor in ligature-induced periodontitis in canine model” Journal of Veterinary Science, 18(2), 245-251 (2017)

3. Sangee Woo, Miso Yoon, Jeongjun Kim Yeonhee Hong Min-Young Kim, Soon Shik Shin, and Michung Yoon “The anti-angiogenic herbal extract from Melissa officinalis inhibits adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and suppresses adipocyte hypertrophy in high fat diet-induced obese C57BL/6J mice” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 178: 238–250 (2016) 4. Byung Young Park, Hyunghee Lee, Sangee Woo, Miso Yoon, Jeongjun Kim, Yeonhee Hong, Hee Suk Lee, Eun Kyu Park, Jong Cheon Hahm, Jin Woo Kim, Soon, Shik Shin, Min-Young Kim, and Michung Yoon “Reduction of Adipose Tissue Mass by the Angiogenesis Inhibitor ALS-L1023 from Melissa officinalis” PLOS ONE November 23, DOI:10.1371 (2015) 5. Chul Ho Jang, Yong Beom Cho, Cheol Hee Choi, Yoon Seok Jang, Sook Jin Jang, Won-Kyo Jung, Byung Young Park, and Min-Young Kim “ALH-L1005 attenuates endotoxin induced inner ear damage” International Journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 78(3): 465-470 (2014) 6. Cheol Hee Choi, Chul Ho Jang, Yong Bum Cho, Si Young Jo, Min-Young Kim, and Byung Young Park “Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor attenuates cochlear lateral wall damage induced by intratympanic instillation of endotoxin” International Journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 76(4): 544548 (2012) 7. M ichung Yoon and Min-Young Kim “The anti-angiogenic herbal composition Ob-X from Morus alba, Melissa officinalis, and Artemisia capillaris regulates obesity in genetically obese ob/ob mice” Pharmaceutical biology, 49(6):614-9 (2011)

8. Yeonhee Hong, Min-Young Kim, and Michung Yoon “The anti-angiogenic herbal extracts Ob-X from



Morus alba, Melissa officinalis, and Artemisia capillaris suppresses adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes” Pharmaceutical biology, 49(8):775-83 (2011)

9. M-Y Kim, BY Park, HS Lee, EK Park, JC Hahm, J Lee, Y Hong, S Choi, D Park, H Lee, and M Yoon “The anti-angiogenic herbal composition Ob-X inhibits adipose tissue growth in obese mice” International Journal of Obesity, 34(5):820-30 (2010)

10. Jinmi Lee, Kyungsil Chae, Juran Ha, Byung-Young Park, Hee Suk Lee, Sunhyo Jeong, MinYoung Kim, and Michung Yoon “Regulation of obesity and lipid disorders by herbal extracts from Morus alba, Melissa officinalis, and Artemisia capillaris in high-fat diet-induced obese mice” Journal of ethnopharmacology, 115(2):263-70 (2008)

Patents 59 domestic and international patents related to angiogenesis inhibitors

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Reduction of Visceral Fat and Prevention of Metabolic Syndrome by Angiogenesis Inhibition

Min-Young Kim AngioLab, Inc., Daejeon 34016, Korea

Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels, is tightly regulated. Failure in the regulation of angiogenesis is related with many diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, neovascular age-related macular degeneration, proliferative retinopathy, and psoriasis. Similar to tumor tissue, angiogenesis occurs in the growing adipose tissue, and adipose tissue mass can be regulated by its vasculature. Obesity, particularly abdominal obesity, plays an important role in the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases. It has become quite clear that visceral adiposity is more closely associated with obesity-related complications than total adiposity. Thus, decreasing visceral fat is important in preventing or improving metabolic syndrome. Angiogenesis occurs actively in abdominal fat, especially fast-growing visceral fat. An angiogenesis inhibitor from a medicinal herb showed the reduction of visceral fat in animal and human studies, which can improve the metabolic syndrome. The mechanism of angiogenesis inhibition and application will be presented.



The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development


â…¡ Chair

Eun Joo Song Ph.D. Professor College of Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University



The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Discovery of Bioactive Small Molecules from Plant-associated Microorganisms

Sang Hee Shim, Ph.D. Professor College of Pharmacy, Duksung Women’s University



Curriculum Vitae Name

Sang Hee Shim, Ph.D.



Homepage -

Academic Background 1997

College of Pharmacy, Duksung Women’s University


M. Pharm. Graduate School, Seoul National University


Ph. D. Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University


Post-doctoral Research fellow, University of Iowa


Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois at Chicago

Professional Experience 2015-Present Associate professor/Professor, College of Pharmacy, Duksung Women’s University 2007-2015

Full-time lecturer/Assistant professor/Associate professor, School of Biotechnology,

Yeungnam University


Visiting Scholar, University of California Los Angeles, California, USA


Visiting Scholar, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of

California San Diego, California, USA


Review Board, National Research Foundation of Korea

2017-Present International Liason of Korean Society of Pharmacognosy(KSP) 2017-Present Associate editor, Archives of Pharmacal Research 2018-Present Associate editor, Mycobiology 2019-Present Vice-chairman of Academic committee, the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (PSK) 2016

Academic Secretariat of Korean Society of Pharmacognosy(KSP)

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Awards 2019

Next-generation Leading Scientist’s Award from the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea


Young Scientist’s Award from the Korean Society of Pharmacognos


Best Research Award 2017 from Duksung Women’s University


Best Research Award 2016 from Duksung Women’s University


Best Research Award 2015 from Duksung Women’s University

Selected Publications 1. Hibi, T., Hirashima, N., and Nakanishi, M. “Rat basophilic leukemia cells express syntaxin-3 and VAMP-7 in granule membranes.” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 271, 36-41 (2000) 2. Kim JY, Kim S, Shim SH. “Anti-Atherosclerotic Activity of (3R)-5-Hydroxymellein from an Endophytic Fungus Neofusicoccum parvum JS-0968 Derived from Vitex rotundifolia through the Inhibition of Lipoproteins Oxidation and Foam Cell Formation.” Biomolecules, 10, 715 (2020) 3. Qi J, Jiang L, Zhao P, Chen H, Jia X, Zhao L, Dai H, Hu J, Liu C, Shim SH, Xia X, Zhang L, “Chaetoglobosins and azaphilones from Chaetomium globosum associated with Apostichopus japonicus.” Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 104, 1545-1553 (2020)

4. Bang S, Lee C, Kim S, Song JH, Kang KS, Deyrup ST, Nam SJ, Xia X, Shim SH, “Neuroprotective glycosylated cyclic lipodepsipeptides, colletotrichamides A-E, from a halophyte-associated fungus, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides JS419.” J. Org. Chem. 84, 10999-11006 (2019)

5. Li C, Zhu C, Ren B, Yin X, Shim SH, Gao Y, Zhu J, Zhao P, Liu C, Yu R, Xia X, Zhang L., “Two optimized antimicrobial peptides with therapeutic potential for clinical antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.” Eur J Med Chem. (2019) 6. Kim, JY, Lee JW, Lee JS, Jang DS, Shim, SH, “Inhibitory effects of compounds isolated from roots of Cynanchum wilfordii on oxidation and glycation of human low-density lipoprotein (LDL).” Journal of Functional Foods, 59, 281-290 (2019).



7. Kim, JY and Shim, SH, “Epimedium koreanum Extract and its flavonoids reduced atherosclerotic risk via suppressing modification of Human HDL.” Nutrients. 11, 1110 (2019) 8. Bang S, Song JH, Lee D, Lee C, Kim S, Kang KS, Lee JH, Shim SH, “Neuroprotective Secondary Metabolite Produced by an Endophytic Fungus, Neosartorya fischeri JS0553, Isolated from Glehnia littoralis.” J Agric Food Chem. 67, 1831-1838 (2019)

9. Song JH, Lee C, Lee D, Kim S, Bang S, Shin MS, Lee J, Kang KS, Shim SH, “Neuroprotective Compound from an Endophytic Fungus, Colletotrichum sp. JS-0367.” J Nat Prod. 81, 1411-1416 (2018) 10. Lee JH, Kim YG, Lee J, Shim SH “Antibiofilm activities of norharmane and its derivatives against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other bacteria.” Phytomedicine. 36, 254-261 (2017)

11. Bang S, Chae HS, Lee C, Choi HG, Ryu J,L i W, Lee H, Jeong GS, Chin YW, Shim SH, “New Aromatic Compounds from the Fruiting Body of Sparassis crispa (Wulf.) and Their Inhibitory Activities on Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 mRNA Expression.” J Agric Food Chem. 65, 6152-6157 (2017) 12. Wei Li, Changyeol Lee, Sunghee Bang, Jin Yeul Ma, Soonok Kim, Young-sang Koh, and Sang Hee Shim, “Isochromans and relatedc onstituents from the endophytic fungus Annulohypoxylon truncatum of Zizania caduciflora and their anti-inflammatry effects.” J Nat Prod. 2017 Jan 27;80(1):205-209. 13. Sunghee Bang, Ha Thi Kim Quy, Changyeol Lee, Won-Keun Oh, and Sang Hee Shim* “Antiviral activities of compounds from aerial parts of Salvia plebeian R. Br.” J Ethnopharmacol 192, 398-405 (2016)

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Discovery of Bioactive Small Molecules from Plant-associated Microorganisms

Sang Hee Shim College of Pharmacy, Duksung Women’s University, Seoul 01369, Korea

Plant-associated microorganisms, sometimes called endophytes, are endosymbiotic microbes which grow in the internal tissues of living plants without causing apparent harm to the host. Since endophytic fungi are known to conserve rich biodiversity, they have been considered as potential sources for the new drug candidates which have chemically novel structures. In this study, several endophytes were isolated from medicinal plants and cultivated on a large scale for chemical investigation. Their chemical investigation led to the isolation of a variety of compounds. In this presentation, 6 strains of endophytes, including Colletotrichum sp., Penicillium sp., and Streptomyces sp. will be introduced to produce many active compounds in quantities. Furthermore, a variety of biological activities were evaluated for the isolated compounds. The isolated compounds were identified by analysis of spectroscopic methods such as 1D-, 2D-NMR, and MS. Details of isolation, structure determination, and biological activities will be discussed.



The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Discovery of Microbial Natural Products for Application in Cosmetics

Sang-Jip Nam, Ph.D. Professor College of Natural Sciences, Ewha Womans University



Curriculum Vitae Name

Sang-Jip Nam, Ph.D.



Homepage -

Academic Background 1999

B.S. Oceanography, Seoul National University


M.S. Marine Natural Products Chemistry, Seoul National University


Ph.D. Marine Natural Products Chemistry, Seoul National University

Professional Experience 2007-2012

Postdoctoral Research Associate in the lab of Dr. William Fenical,

cripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego


Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy and Research Institute of

Life and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sunchon National University


Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Nano Science,

College of Natural Sciences, Ewha Womans University

2017-Present Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Nano Science,

College of Natural Sciences, Ewha Womans University

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Selected Publications 1. Jihye Lee, Jusung Lee, Geum Jin Kim, Inho Yang, Weihong Wang, Joo-Won Nam, Hyukjae Choi, Sang-Jip Nam* and Heonjoong Kang* “Mycousfurans A and B, Antibacterial Usnic Acid Congeners from the Fungus Mycosphaerella sp., Isolated from a Marine Sediment” Mar. Drugs, 2019, 17, 22. 2. Min-Ji Ryu, Sunghoon Hwang, Sojeong Kim, Inho Yang, Dong-Chan Oh, Sang-Jip Nam* and William Fenical* “Meroindenon and Merochlorins E and F, Antibacterial Meroterpenoids from a MarineDerived Sediment Bacterium of the Genus Streptomyces” Org. Lett., 2019, 21, 5779-5783. 3. Tu Cam Le, Eun Ju Lee, Jihye Lee, Ahreum Hong, Chae-Yoon Yim, Inho Yang, Hyukjae Choi, Jungwook Chin, Sung Jin Cho, Jaeyoung Ko, Hayoung Hwang,* Sang-Jip Nam* and William Fenical* “Saccharoquinoline, a Cytotoxic Alkaloidal Meroterpenoid from Marine-Derived Bacterium Saccharomonospora sp.” Mar. Drugs, 2019, 17, 98. 4. Inho Yang , Jusung Lee, Jihye Lee, Dongyup Hahn, Jungwook Chin, Dong Hwan Won, Jaeyoung Ko, Hyukjae Choi, Ahreum Hong, Sang-Jip Nam* and Heonjoong Kang* “Scalalactams A–D, Scalarane Sesterterpenes with a γ-Lactam Moiety from a Korean Spongia Sp. Marine Sponge” Molecules, 2018, 23, 3187. 5. Yuna Park, Dayoung Kim, Inho Yang, Bomee Choi, Jin Woo Lee, Seung Namkoong, Hyun Jung Koo, Sung Ryul Lee, Myung Rye Park, Hyosun Lim, Youn Kyu Kim,* Sang Jip Nam,* Eun-Hwa Sohn* “Decursin and Z-Ligustilide in Angelica tenuissima Root Extract Fermented by Aspergillus oryzae Display Anti-Pigment Activity in Melanoma Cells” J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2018, 28, 1061-1067. 6. Dayoung Kim, Eun Ju Lee, Jihye Lee, Alain S. Leutou, Yern-Hyerk Shin, Bomi Choi, Ji Sun Hwang, Dongyup Hahn, Hyukjae Choi, Jungwook Chin, Sung Jin Cho, Yong Deog Hong, Jaeyoung Ko, Chi Nam Seong, Katherine N. Maloney, Dong-Chan Oh, Inho Yang,* Hayoung Hwang,* and Sang-Jip Nam* “Antartin, a Cytotoxic Zizaane-Type Sesquiterpenoid from a Streptomyces sp. Isolated from an Antarctic Marine Sediment” Mar. Drugs, 2018, 16, 130. 7. Teruaki Nakatsuji, TiffanyJae-young Han, Hae In Jeong, Cheol-woo Park, Jisoo Yoon, Jaeyoung Ko, Sang-Jip Nam*, Byung-Kwan Lim* “Cholic Acid Attenuates ER Stress-Induced Cell Death in



Coxsackievirus-B3 Infection.” J Microbiol Biotechnol., 2018, 28, 109-114. 8. Jaewoo Yoon, Min Kyoung Choi, Sang-Jip Nam* “Citreibacter salsisoli gen. nov., sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from marine soil.” Arch Microbiol., 2018, 200, 445-451. 9. Chae-Yoon Yim, Tu Cam Le, Tae Gu Lee, Inho Yang, Hansol Choi, Jusung Lee, Kyung-Yun Kang, Jin Sil Lee, Kyung-Min Lim, Sung-Tae Yee, Heonjoong Kang*, Sang-Jip Nam*, and William Fenical* “Saccharomonopyrones A–C, New -Pyrones from a Marine Sediment-Derived Bacterium Saccharomonospora sp. CNQ-490” Mar. Drugs., 2017, 8, 239. 10. Tu Cam Le, Chae-Yoon Yim, Songhee Park, Nikita Katila, Inho Yang, Myoung Chong Song, Yeo Joon Yoon, Dong-Young Choi, Hyukjae Choi*, Sang-Jip Nam*, and William Fenical* “Lodopyridones B and C from a marine sediment-derived bacterium Saccharomonospora sp.” Bioorg. Med . Chem. Lett., 2017, 14, 3123-3126. 11. Kyuri Kim, Alain S. Leutou, Haein Jeong, Dayoung Kim, Chi Nam Seong, Sang-Jip Nam*, and KyungMin Lim* “Anti-Pigmentary Effect of (-)-4-Hydroxysattabacin from the Marine-Derived Bacterium Bacillus sp.” Mar. Drugs., 2017, 15, 138. 12. Jae-young Han, Hae In Jeong, Cheol-woo Park, Jisoo Yoon, Jaeyoung Ko, Sang-Jip Nam*, and Byung-Kwan Lim* “Cholic acid attenuate ER stress induced cell death in coxsackievirus-1 B3 infection” J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2017.

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Discovery of Microbial Natural Products for Application in Cosmetics

Sang-Jip Nam College of Natural Sciences, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Korea

Microorganisms have developed unique metabolic and physiological capabilities that not only ensure survival in extreme habitats but also offer the potential to produce compounds that would not be observed from other organisms. Therefore, efforts to culture microorganisms coupled with state-of-the art screening, isolation chemistry, and structural elucidation capabilities should yield a significant number of novel metabolites that can be evaluated as drug leads as well as cosmetic materials. As part of a program to explore bacteria for discovering secondary metabolites to apply in cosmetics, several natural products were isolated. Isolation, characterization, and biological activity of microbial natural products will be presented herein.



The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

NMR Innovates the Pharmacopeial Analysis of Natural Products

Joo-Won Nam, Ph.D. Professor College of Pharmacy, Yeungnam University



Curriculum Vitae Name

Joo-Won Nam, Ph.D.



Homepage -

Academic Background 2005

B.S. Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


M.S. Pharmacognosy, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea


M.S. Pharmacognosy, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Professional Experience 2012

Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Ewha Womans

University, Seoul, Korea


Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and

Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

2016-Present Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy, Yeungnam University,

Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy,

University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Selected Publications 1. Nam J-W, Kang G-Y, Han A-R, Lee D, Lee Y-S, Seo E-K*. Diarylheptanoids from the seeds of Alpinia katsumadai as heat shock factor 1 Inducers. J. Nat. Prod., 74(10), 2109-2115, 2011. 2. Nam J-W, Seo E-K*. Structural characterization and biological effects of constituents of the seeds of Alpinia katsumadai (Alpina Katsumadai Seed). Nat. Prod. Commun., 7(6), 795-798, 2012. 3. Nam J-W, Kim S-Y, Yoon T, Lee YJ, Kil Y-S, Lee Y-S, Seo E-K*. Heat shock factor 1 Inducers from the bark of Eucommia ulmoides as cytoprotective agents. Chem. Biodivers., 10(7), 1322-1327, 2013. 4. Nam J-W, Seo E-K*. Identification of six new minor diarylheptanoids from the seeds of Alpinia katsumadai. Helv. Chim. Acta., 96(9), 1670-1680, 2013. 5. Nam J-W, Kang E, Seo E-K*. Chemical constituents from the radices of Angelica tenuissima. Chem. Nat. Comp., 50(3), 529-530, 2014.

6. Nam J-W, Phansalkar RS, Lankin DC, Chen SN, McAlpine JB, Aguiara TR, Vidal CMP, BedranRusso AK, Pauli GF*. Subtle Chemical Shifts Explain the NMR Fingerprints of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins with High Dentin Biomodification Potency. J. Org. Chem., 80(15), 7495-7507, 2015. 7. Nam J-W, Phansalkar RS, Lankin DC, McAlpine JB, Leme A, Vidal CMP, Gan L-S, Bedran-Russo AK, Chen SN, Pauli GF*. Absolute configuration of native oligomeric proanthocyanidins with dentin biomodification potency. J. Org. Chem., 82, 1316-1329, 2017. [Featured in C&E News, March 2017: “Bark Extract Strengthens Bite”] 8. B ae M, Park SH, Kwon Y, Lee SG, Shin J, Nam J-W*, Oh D-C*. QM-HiFSA-aided structure determination of succinilenes A–D, new triene polyols from a marine-derived Streptomyces sp. Mar. Drugs., 15(2), 1-14, 2017, [Featured Article].

9. Nam B, Paudel SB, Kim JB, Jin CH, Lee D, Nam J-W*, Han A-R*. Preparative separation of three monoterpenes from Perilla frutescens var. crispa using centrifugal partition chromatography. Int. J. Anal. Chem., 2019, 1-7, 2019.

10. Paudel SB, Park J, Kim NH, Choi H, Seo EK, Woo HA*, Nam J-W*. Constituents of the leaves and twigs of Elaeagnus umbellata and their proliferative effects on human keratinocyte HaCaT cells.



Fitoterapia, 139, 104374, 2019.

11. Kim B-R, Thapa P, Kim HM, Jin CH, Kim SH, Kim J-B, Choi H, Han A-R*, Nam J-W*. Purification of phenylpropanoids from the scaly bulbs of Lilium Longiflorum by CPC and determination of their DPP-IV inhibitory potentials. ACS Omega, 5(8), 4050-4057, 2020. 12. T hapa P, Gu Y, Kil Y-S, Baek SC, Kim KH, Han A-R, Seo EK, Choi H, Chang J-W*, Nam J-W*. N-acetyldopamine derivatives from Periostracum Cicadae and their regulatory activities on Th1 and Th17 cell differentiation. Bioorganic Chemistry, 102, 104075, 2020.

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

NMR Innovates the Pharmacopeial Analysis of Natural Products

Joo-Won Nam College of Pharmacy, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 38541, Republic of Korea

NMR spectroscopy is an extremely powerful and widely used analytical technique for structure determination and dereplication of natural products. NMR method has been driven to the enhancement by quantitative NMR (qNMR) in recent days. qNMR applications cover the certification of purity, the identification and quantitation of drug metabolites, the quality control of food products and herbal remedies, the identification of biomarkers in complex natural matrices (e.g., herbal mixtures, biofluids), and clinical diagnosis. NMR has the specific and inherent advantage of universal detection related to the structural properties of a given analyte. The universal detection and inherent quantitative nature of NMR allows the use of multiple calibration methods with non-structurally identical calibrants such as any certified reference material. In this presentation, various NMR/qNMR applications to the complex mixtures which could not be easily analyzed by conventional chromatographic methods.



The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Discovery of Bioactive Natural Products from Nature

Ki Hyun Kim, Ph.D. Professor School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University



Curriculum Vitae Name

Ki Hyun Kim, Ph.D.



Homepage https://kihyunkimskku.wordpress.com/professor-ki-hyun-kim/

Academic Background 2005

B. Pharm. School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University


M. Pharm. Graduate School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University


Ph. D, Graduate School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University


Postdoc, Graduate School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University


Postdoc, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University


Postdoc, Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School


Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University

2018-Present Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University

Awards 2010

The Promising Future Pharmaceutical Scientist Prize (The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea)


Namgang Academic Prize (The Korean Pharmacognosy Society)


Young Pharmacognosist Prize (The Korean Pharmacognosy Society)


Outstanding Research Award (The Korean Society of Ginseng)


Outstanding Research Award (The Korean Society of Ginseng)


Outstanding Research Award (The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea)

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Selected Publications 1. Yu, Jae Sik; Park, Minji; Pang, Changhyun; Rashan, Luay; Jung, Won Hee; Kim, Ki Hyun.* Antifungal Phenols from Woodfordia uniflora Collected in Oman. J. Nat. Prod. 2020, 83, 2261—2268. 2. Lee, Seoung Rak; Lee, Dahae; Park, Musun; Lee, Joo Chan; Park, Hyun-Ju; Kang, Ki Sung; Kim, ChangEop; Beemelmanns, Christine; Kim, Ki Hyun.* Absolute Configuration and Corrected NMR Assignment of 17-Hydroxycyclooctatin, a Fused 5-8-5 Tricyclic Diterpene. J. Nat. Prod. 2020, 83, 354-361. 3. Lee, Seoung Rak; Yi, Sang Ah; Nam, Ki Hong; Park, Jae Gyu; Hwang, Jae Sam; Lee, Jaecheol; Kim, Ki Hyun.* (±)-Kituramides A and B, pairs of enantiomeric dopamine dimers from the two-spotted cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Bioorg. Chem. 2020, 95, 103554. 4. Park, Yong Joo;† Kim, Dong Min;† Jeong, Mi Ho; Yu, Jae Sik; So, Hae Min; Bang, In Jae; Kim, Ha Ryong; Kwon, Seung-Hwan; Kim, Ki Hyun;* Chung, Kyu Hyuck.* (-)-Catechin-7-O-β -D-Apiofuranoside Inhibits Hepatic Stellate Cells Activation by Suppressing STAT3 Signaling Pathway. Cells 2020, 9, 30. 5. Klassen, Jonathan L.; Lee, Seoung Rak; Poulsen, Michael; Beemelmanns, Christine;* Kim, Ki Hyun.* Efomycins K and L from a termite-associated Streptomyces sp. M56 and their putative biosynthetic origin. Front. Microbiol. 2019, 10, 1739. 6. L ee, Seoung Rak; Seok, Soonja; Ryoo, Rhim; Choi, Sang Un; Kim, Ki Hyun.* Macrocyclic Trichothecene Mycotoxins from a Deadly Poisonous Mushroom Podostroma cornu-damae. J. Nat. Prod. 2019, 82, 122-128.

7. Lee, Seoung Rak; Küfner, Michelle; Park, Minji; Jung, Won Hee; Choi, Sang Un; Beemelmanns, Christine; Kim, Ki Hyun.* Beauvetetraones A-C, phomaligadione-derived polyketide dimers from the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana. Org. Chem. Front. 2019, 6, 162-166. 8. Strandwitz, Philip;1 Kim, Ki Hyun;1 Terekhova, Darya; Liu, Joanne K.; Sharma, Anukriti; Levering, Jennifer; McDonald, Daniel; Dietrich, David; Ramadhar, Timothy R.; Lekbua, Asama; Mroue, Nader; Liston, Conor; Stewart, Eric J.; Dubin, Marc J.; Zengler, Karsten; Knight, Rob; Gilbert, Jack A.; Clardy, Jon; Lewis, Kim. GABA Modulating Bacteria of the Human Gut Microbiota. Nat. Microbiol.



2019, 4, 396–403. (1These authors contributed equally to this work) 9. Kang, Hee Rae; Yun, Hyung Sik; Lee, Tae Kyoung; Lee, Seulah; Kim, Seon-Hee; Moon, Eunjung; Park, Ki-Moon; Kim, Ki Hyun.* Chemical Characterization of Novel Natural Products from the Roots of Asian Rice (Oryza sativa) that Control Adipocyte and Osteoblast Differentiation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 2677-2684.

10. Lee, Dahae; Lee, Dong-Soo; Jung, Kiwon; Hwang, Gwi Seo; Lee, Hye Lim; Yamabe, Noriko; Lee, Hae-Jeong; Eom, Dae-Woon; Kim, Ki Hyun;* Kang, Ki Sung.* Protective effect of ginsenoside Rb1 against tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity in renal proximal tubular LLC-PK1 cells. J. Ginseng Res. 2018, 42, 75-80.

The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

Discovery of Bioactive Natural Products from Nature

Ki Hyun Kim School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, Republic of Korea

Natural products from medicinal plants, either as pure compounds or as standardized extracts, provide unlimited opportunities for new drug leads because of the unmatched availability of chemical diversity. Botanicals and herbal preparations for medicinal usage contain various types of bioactive compounds. As part of our ongoing search for bioactive natural products from a diversity of natural resources, our group has focused on bioactive secondary metabolites from three main groups, a) Korean medicinal plants, b) Korean wild mushrooms, c) Termite-associated bacteria, and d) Marin organisms. In this presentation, isolation, structural characterization, and biological activity of natural compounds will be presented.



The 22nd Symposium on Advanced Concepts in New Drug Development

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