ISSUE 10.11
Why should I give $5 at the gate? Midsommarfest is the primary fundraiser for the non-profit Andersonville Chamber of Commerce (ACC). ACC is not affiliated with larger groups such as the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce. Where does my $5 go? In addition to helping cover the enormous costs of putting on a large festival, pretty much everything else that you enjoy about Andersonville year ‘round. Events such as Arts Weekend and the Andersonville Farmers’ Market, the clean streets and sidewalks, the unique, local small businesses, is supported in part or in whole by Midsommarfest. In addition, every beer that you purchase at the Midsommarfest beer booths at Berwyn, Catalpa and the Goose Island beer garden at Balmoral directly supports ACC and the work it does year ‘round to make Andersonville a great place to eat, shop, work and live. All that, plus a great day of entertainment, for just $5? Is it really that simple? Yes, it really is. And with each $5 donation while supplies last, donors get a raffle ticket for a chance to win 2 round trip tickets on Continental Airlines to anywhere in the U.S., Mexico or the Caribbean, plus prizes from other great Andersonville businesses. For more information, and to drop off raffle tickets, visit the ACC booth at the intersection of Clark & Berwyn during the fest. boi
3700 N. Halsted St. #2S Chicago, IL 60613
773.975.0264 • Publisher Editor
Mike Macharello Rick Karlin
Layout & Design Titanium Graphics
Advertising Bill Gubrud Freddie Bain Russena Simmons
Photographers Oliver Aguilar Steve Starr
Editorial Contributors Harry Taint Ace Magyar
Gregg Shapiro Jason Cox - Midsommarfet
BOI Magazine, Inc. © 2000−2011 All rights reserved
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While you may no longer hear as much Swedish spoken along Clark Street as you would have in the past, you are surrounded by the history and tradition of Swedish immigrants who turned what was once a cherry orchard into one of Chicago’s most thriving, popular and unique neighborhoods. Each year on the second full weekend of June, we invite our neighbors and friends to celebrate Andersonville during Midsommarfest. In its 46th year, Midsommarfest has grown into one of the most beloved neighborhood festivals in the city and for many kicks off another great summer in Chicago! Why is it called ‘Midsommar’ when summer hasn’t even officially started? We get that question a lot! The festival is named for Midsommarafton (Midsummer’s Eve) and Midsommardagen (Midsummer’s Day). These traditional Swedish celebrations mark the summer solstice and take place in Sweden each year on the Friday and Saturday between June 19th and June 26th. A hallmark of the celebration is the raising of a midsommarstang,a maypole that is covered in flowers. Families gather to listen to music and dance around the maypole and many wear traditional folk costumes. Each year at Midsommarfest we honor this tradition with a maypole dances at 11:45 am at the South Stage at Clark & Foster. The festival opens each year with Swedish music and dancing by some of Chicago’s longstanding Swedish cultural organizations on the South Stage. Midsommarfest is also good opportunity to learn about the history of the neighborhood and Swedish immigration to Chicago with free admission to the Swedish American Museum, 5211 N. Clark, all weekend long! As Andersonville has grown over the years and attracted a diverse array of businesses, so too has Midsommarfest grown to reflect the diversity of the neighborhood. In addition to raising a glass (or two) on Clark Street you can get Thai food from Noodle Zone, pizza from Calo’s, or Mediterranean fare from Reza’s and Andies or a good ol’ American burger from Hamburger Mary’s. You can take kids of all ages to our family area, featuring a climbing wall, miniature golf and fantastic entertainment. You can dance to great music, from festival favorites 16 Candles and Hairbangers Ball to stellar local acts like The Joans, The Right Now and Funkadesi. And just as the gay and lesbian community helped make Andersonville what it is today, Midsommarfest serves as the official kick off to the ‘gay summer’ in Chicago! So with 5 stages, a bustling family area, 160 food vendors, merchants, artists and non-profits, a new Goose Island beer garden at Clark & Balmoral PLUS all of the great stores and restaurants in Andersonville both on the venue and off, Midsommarfest is a great way to spend the weekend. Thank you so much for visiting us and supporting the neighborhood! boi
In March, 2010, the Andersonville business area was named a National Historic District by the United States Department of the Interior. The designation was granted because of Andersonville’s rich cultural and architectural history. In recent years Andersonville has gained national acclaim as a model urban community, with a thriving commercial district filled with unique, independent businesses and a commitment to environmental sustainability. But Andersonville’s roots as a community extend well back into the 19th century, when immigrant Swedish farmers started moving north into what was then a distant suburb of Chicago. In the 1850s the area north of Foster and east of Clark was a large cherry orchard, and families had only begun to move into the fringes of what is now Andersonville. The neighborhood’s first school, the Andersonville School, was built in 1854 at the corner of those two thoroughfares, and it served as the area’s primary school until 1908. After the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, wooden homes were outlawed in Chicago, and Swedish immigrants, who could not afford to build homes of stone or brick, began to move outside of the city’s northern limits. Swedish immigrants continued to arrive in Andersonville through the beginning of the 20th century, settling in the newly built homes surrounding Clark Street. Before long, the entire commercial strip was dominated by Swedish businesses, from delis to hardware stores, shoe stores to blacksmiths, and bakeries to realty companies. The local churches, such as Ebenezer Lutheran Church, Bethany Methodist Episcopal Church, First Evangelical Free Church and St. Gregory’s Roman Catholic Church, were also built by Swedes, and reflected the religious diversity of the new arrivals. Like most other European-American ethnic groups, Swedes began to move to the suburbs during the Depression and post-war periods, and the neighborhood began to decline. Concerned about the deteriorating commercial situation, the Uptown Clark Street Business Association renewed its commitment to its Swedish heritage by renaming itself the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce. On October 17, 1964, Andersonville was rededicated in a ceremony attended by Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley and Illinois Governor Otto Kerner. At about the same time, the annual Swedish tradition of celebrating the summer solstice blossomed into Midsommarfest, which has since grown into one of Chicago’s largest and most popular street festivals.
While some of the Swedish-owned businesses gave way to stores and restaurants owned by Koreans, Lebanese, and Mexicans, many remained in Andersonville, serving the remaining second and third-generation Swedes as well as the new arrivals to the neighborhood. The Swedish American Museum was founded in 1976, by Kurt Mathiasson, as a grassroots effort to preserve and disseminate the history of the great contributions of early Swedish immigrants to Chicago. The Museum was opened to the public in a ceremony attended by King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, who returned in 1988 to dedicate new and larger quarters at 5211 North Clark Street. The Museum has since undergone several phases of growth, including the 2001 addition of the Brunk Children’s Museum of Immigration and the 2009 renovation of the lobby and façade. In the late 1980s, Andersonville began a period of revival as new groups discovered its lovely housing stock, easy access to downtown Chicago and the lakefront, and unique commercial district. A large lesbian and gay population developed, spurred by the opening of such businesses as Women & Children First, a bookstore focusing on feminist authors and topics. New gift shops and ethnic eateries opened and gave Clark Street a new commercial vitality and diversity. Today, Andersonville is comprised almost entirely of unique, locally owned, independent businesses. The vast majority of Andersonville merchants have ties in the community beyond the walls of their business. They may live in or near to the neighborhood, serve on community committees or boards, or provide funds, goods, and time to local charities. Andersonville has become a magnet for all kinds of families. There is a strong sense of unity in the neighborhood, a friendliness that has led more than one observer to note, “It’s sort of like Mayberry!” Andersonville remains one of the most concentrated areas of Swedish heritage in the United States, but its residents and businesses represent a wide array of cultures. Andersonville’s commitment to all things local isn’t its only claim to fame; like no other neighborhood in Chicago, Andersonville has also demonstrated a deep commitment to the planet. eco-Andersonville, a program of the Andersonville Development Corporation (ADC), is designed to ensure that the neighborhood stays environmentally, economically and socially sustainable for many years to come. eco-Andersonville offers one of the only sustainable business certification programs aimed specifically at local, small businesses. Andersonville also boasts the only neighborhood commercial district recycling program in Chicago. Communities everywhere now look to emulate Andersonville as a sustainable, thriving urban neighborhood. boi 11
12 boi
Merchants A La Card Chicago baan home BowWow Lounge Brownstone Antiques Bucky Gear Capitol City Speed Pitch Cassona Clark’s Antiques Drink Deck Fair Earth Foot Path Trading Company Futuregarb Gracias Greenola GreenSky Indigenous Artworks Judy’s Sunglasses Koru Street Nomadic Ant Red Head Shoes Skinny Wallets Solala Transit Tees Tulip Toy Gallery Artists Alapash Atira Jewelry Bear Paws Glass Works Brian Mancl Photography Carol Fletcher Chicago Dye Works Demographic Inc. Denise Riesen Photography Fish Face Foods Gene Pembroke Photography Go Jump In The Lake Green Envee Organics Green Hide I Love T Imaginary Girl Jewelry The Joy Studio Just For Dogs Karen Hoelscher Design 14 boi
Kristina Gosh Kristine Riis Designs Mad Canvases Nell Ryan Designs Obscure Ovio Recycled Creations The Sign Post Stella Lily Sun Catchers Sunshine Arts & Crafts Unreal Tattoos Urban Folk Circuit V.W. Too Cute Works! Food Andies Calo Restaurant Cevapcici Chimney Cake Island Cloudy Delights El Campeon Emma’s Cookie Kitchen Genoa Italian Georgie’s Greek Tasty The Great Grape Hamburger Mary’s Home Bakery Lee Concessions Lisa’s Homemade Italian Ice The Malt Shoppe Nicholas Quality Meats Nina’s Mexican Grill Noodle Zone Quang Noodle Reza’s The Strawberry Patch Non-Profits ARFHouse Chicago Bethany Retirement Community CHIRP Chi-Town Squares
Chicago Filmmakers Chicago House Chicago Metropolitan Sports Association Chicago Waldorf School Chicago Young Republicans Community of St. Francis Congregation Or Chadash Equality Illinois Felines Inc. Chicagoland Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Human Rights Campaign Nothing But Nets One Tail At A Time Senn High School Series 2011 Chicago Tree House Humane Society Urban Village Church Windy City Performing Arts Sponsors 1st Family Dental 101.9 FM The Mix Advanced Spine & Sports Care Airoom Chevy Chicago Tribune Greyhound Bus K-Hits 104.3 The Law Offices of Stuart P. Krauskopf Leaf Filter Mena Tours & Travel Ravenswood Health Smart Car Swedish American Museum Windy City Times Zip Car
MIDSOMMARFEST June 11th & 12th Saturday & Sunday, 11am-10pm, 5200 N. Clark @ Foster
SATURDAY, June 11 North Stage Clark & Catalpa
12:00pm Trowbridge Guitar Studio 1:00pm Lucy Smith 3:00pm The Right Now 5:00pm Chicago Afrobeat Project 7:00pm 16 Candles
Center Stage Clark & Berwyn
11:00am Dayna Malow & Friends 1:00pm Devin & the Straights 2:30pm Chicago Spirit Brigade 3:00pm The Joans 5:00pm Lubriphonic 7:00pm Funkadesi
South Stage Clark & Foster Sponsored by Simon’s Tavern
2:00pm Bakelite Army 4:00pm Shy Violet 6:00pm Rock Candy 8:00pm Hairbangers Ball
Swedish Stage Clark & Foster
Sponsored by The Swedish American Museum
11:30am Opening Ceremony 11:45am Traditional Maypole Dance 12:15pm SWEA Choir 12:40pm Swedish Male Chorus 1:05pm Nordic Folkdancers 1:25pm Chicago Spelmanslag
Summerdale Stage Clark & Summerdale Sponsored by Alamo Shoes
12:00pm Pet Parade 1:00pm School of Rock 2:00pm Dream Big Performing Arts 2:30pm The Revelettes 3:00pm Laura Doherty Band 4:00pm Radio Disney 5:00pm Southport Performing Arts Conservatory 6:00pm Planet Claire 8:00pm AfterGlow
SUNDAY, June 12 North Stage Clark & Catalpa
11:00am Quiet Science 1:00pm Curbside 2:30pm Chicago Spirit Brigade 3:00pm Chicago Samba 5:00pm Bumpus 7:00pm 16 Candles
Sponsored by The Swedish American Museum
12:00pm Nordland Band
Summerdale Stage Clark & Summerdale Sponsored by Alamo Shoes
12:00pm Andersonville Suzuki 1:00pm Charlie & The Chocolate Factory 2:00pm Dream Big Performing Arts 2:30pm The Revelettes 3:00pm Scribble Monster 4:00pm Little Nashville 6:00pm Al Rose 8:00pm Robbie Fulks with Nora O’Connor
Beer Garden Stage Clark & Balmoral Sponsored by Hamburger Mary’s
Center Stage Clark & Berwyn
Enjoy some of your favorite specialty beers at the Balmoral Beer Garden Stage at Clark & Balmoral.
South Stage Clark & Foster
Featuring acoustic performances by Stephen Leonard, Kat Fitzgerald, Savanna, Jeannie Tanner, The Jeff Brown Extra Large Trio, Jane Thatcher, Christine Kent, Fatally Cool, Monica Castillo, Duck en Goose ...and more!
11:00am Deliverance Singers Gospel Brunch 2:00pm Final Say 3:30pm Windy City Cowboys 4:00pm Maggie Speaks 7:00pm Mike & Joe
Sponsored by Simon’s Tavern
2:00pm 7th Heaven 4:00pm Hat Guys 6:00pm Afrodisiacs/Spazmatics 8:00pm Wedding Banned 16 boi
Swedish Stage Clark & Foster
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There are few areas in Chicago where you can take a culinary trip around the world and only pass one stoplight. In Andersonville, you can go from A to Z in a little more than a half mile. That is pretty terrific, but we’re not only talking quantity and diversity, we’re talking quality as well. Andersonville is home to a number of restaurants that are world renowned. The list below only takes into account places that offer seating and table service, don’t forget to check out Pasticceria Natalina, Middle Eastern Bakery and Swedish Bakery for other goodies. Also there are some of the terrific places just outside the Midsommerfest grounds such as Hopleaf, Tokyo Marina, T’s, Winston’s, Hama Matsu. The Coffee Studio and M. Henry, or you can stop at any of these places along the Midsommerfest route:
Big Jones 5347 N. Clark For a bit of the Big Easy in Chicago
Mista 5351 N. Clark Organic ingredients make for great pizza, pasta and salads.
Calo Ristorante 5343 N. Clark Italian like we remember from our childhood. Is that Dean Martin at the bar?
Noodle Zone 5427 N. Clark If you’re not in the mood for noodles, check out the sushi
Erickson’s Delicatessen 5250 N. Clark One of the last of the old time Swedish delis that used to line Clark Street Great Lake 1477 W. Balmoral Named the “World’s Best Pizza” by Esquire magazine George’s Ice Cream & Sweets 5306 N. Clark An old fashioned ice cream parlor
Acre 5308 N. Clark Andersonville’s very own gastropub
Hamburger Mary’s 5402 N. Clark The best burger in town offered in a fun atmosphere. Check out the Rec Room sports bar or Mary’s Attic upstairs for entertainment
Andie’s Restaurant 5253 N. Clark Offers a full range of Mediterranean fare, from Persian to Italian, with many stops in between
Huey’s Hotdogs 1507 W. Balmoral The quintessential Chicago hotdog stand
Ann Sather 5207 N. Clark World renowned cinnamon rolls and great Swedish fare
Icosium Café 5200 N. Clark North-African style crepes, raved about on “Check, Please!”
Anteprima 5316 N. Clark Innovative nouvelle Italian in an energy filled space
Jin Ju 5203 N. Clark Approachable Korean cuisine
A Taste of Heaven 5401 N. Clark St. It certainly is. The baked goods are supreme, but lunch and breakfast entrees are just as good
Kopi Café 5317 N. Clark Flop on the floor pillows and enjoy coffee and a pastry, peruse the travel themed shop or grab a light meal at one of the tables
Potbelly 5304 N. Clark The recently opened outpost of the Chicago-born chain Ranalli’s of Andersonville 1512 W. Berwyn The local outpost of the minichain is BYOB Reza’s 5255 N. Clark One of the most popular MiddleEastern restaurants Starbucks Coffee 5300 N. Clark Plenty of seating in nice comfy chairs Sunshine Cafe 5449 N. Clark Dining is an incredible bargain at this Mom & Pop café Sushi Luxe 5204 N. Clark Very fresh sushi and fun drinks Svea Restaurant 5236 N. Clark This Swedish café feels like home Tanoshii 5547 N. Clark Sushi and home-style Japanese cooking Vincent 1475 W. Balmoral A touch of Amsterdam in Andersonville boi 19
Jonesing for the Joans By Gregg Shapiro As Davy Joans, the lead singer of the band The Joans, David Cerda embodies the film diva, but with a rock and roll swagger. It’s a campy and theatrical proposition that works because of the musicianship and clever songs such as “Mad At The Dirt,” “Joan Crawford Goes To Hell,” “Faye Dunaway,” “Do The Trog” and “This Is Your Life Joan Crawford.” Veterans of the street fair and festival circuit, The Joans perform at Andersonville’s Midsommarfest on June 11. Gregg Shapiro: We’re speaking a few days after Mother’s Day, did you do anything special to observe Joan’s favorite holiday? David Cerda: [Laughs] Well, of course I did. I hosted “Mommie Dearest” at the Music Box Theater. It was wonderful. We had more than 300 people. We played The Joans’ latest video, “Joan Crawford Goes to Hell” and everybody seemed to love it. Actually, The Joans recorded a video greeting for a London screening of “Mommie Dearest” and “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane,” greeting our friends across the pond. Apparently, The Joans have a little following in Europe. GS: Were you aware of it? DC: (spoken like Joan) Well, the sales don’t indicate this [laughs]. But people are aware we exist. I’m pleased with that. GS: Did you ever imagine that after playing Joan Crawford in the stage play “Joan Crawford Goes to Hell” that you’d be embodying her again as the lead singer of the band The Joans?
DC: I didn’t really imagine that I’d be the lead singer of The Joans. But when I first played Joan Crawford, it just felt really natural and comfortable. I really did feel like Joan was guiding me. I know we’re making fun of her, but we’re also paying homage to her. It’s silly, but it’s respectful. And it’s making people aware of Joan and the whole idea of a strong woman who worked her way up from nothing. It kind of represents marginalized people. People always ask me, “Why Joan Crawford?” and “Why do gay people love Joan so much?” She was looked down upon and people never thought she’d amount to anything and she grew up poor. She created this image of Joan Crawford and she forged Joan from steel with her bare hands. And until her dying day she protected that image. Of course, she wasn’t a perfect person, but she achieved what she wanted. GS: How much of Joan is there in David and vice versa? DC: I believe a lot. She probably had this chip on her shoulder and I think I had that a little. I grew up in lower middle class Northwest Indiana and I never went to college. I’m in this theater and music industry where a lot of my friends have Master’s degrees. I feel like I have to (again, spoken like Joan) prove myself, that I can do this without a college degree. My parents weren’t anything like Joan’s horrible mother, but I had challenges growing up. GS: In the song “Mad At The Dirt,” you include a musical reference to the song “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood.” Do you
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think that Joan was misunderstood? DC: I think so. I think she could have let her guard down a little more, let more people see the vulnerable side of Joan. There are people out there who have stories about that side. I think alcohol had a lot to do with her weird behavior in the sixties. She was an alcoholic and she admitted that herself towards the end of her life. She died sober. But I think she just got depressed and lonely and like a lot of people, she turned to alcohol. GS: What do you think Joan would have thought about Todd Haynes’ remake of “Mildred Pierce,” starring Kate Winslet? DC: I think she would have admired Kate Winslet’s performance. I liked the intention behind it, but I thought it moved too slowly. I thought, “What’s wrong with this?” All the actors are amazing. But Todd Haynes was like an art student with a huge budget. I saw what he was doing, but it just moved too damn slow. I think the original is much more watchable. And I think Joan’s performance matches Kate’s, scene for scene. But I love Kate Winslet and for her to do what she did was amazing. I wouldn’t be surprised if she won an Emmy. She said she’d started watching Joan’s version, but stopped. I’m like, you’ve lived this long and you’ve never seen “Mildred Pierce”? I wanted to slap her. GS: It’s been a few years since The Joans’ debut disc “We Are The Joans” was released. Are there plans for follow-up albums? 26 boi
DC: [Laughs] Yes. I think the thing we have going against us is that we’re not wideeyed youths who are like, “Oh, let’s put out another CD!” We’re all older and we have jobs and responsibilities. Jennifer Joans just bought a house and Taylor (E. Joans) has a house and I have a theater company. Now I have more time to devote myself to The Joans because I stopped working a corporate job. I’ve been working from home for about five months. We have a lot of new songs written and we perform a lot of them that aren’t recorded. We plan to make them available digitally. GS: Do The Joans have any plans to cover Blue Oyster Cult’s song “Joan Crawford”? DC: [Laughs] No, but that’s something we might consider. We have done covers. Sonic Youth has a song called “Mildred Pierce” and we have a song called “Mildred Pierce.” We could do a mega-mix [laughs]. GS: “Do The Trog” is a song on the “We Are The Joans” disc and your theater company Hell in a Handbag Productions is about to open “Trogg! The Musical.” DC: The play is based on The Joans’ song. A group of teenagers discover Trogg and one of the teens is the daughter of the beautiful anthropologist Dr. Joan Cannon (Cerda). Ed (Jones) plays my maid/lab assistant who falls in love with Trogg. It’s set in a Southern California beachfront community, so we do the Frankie and Annette thing. The music is very sixties surf music. The purpose of a lot of (Hell In A) Handbag shows is to have a good time. I want people to forget all the crap that’s going on and have fun. (Spoken like Joan) that’s my life’s work.
28 boi
AMERICAN___________ Ann Sather 929 W. Belmont | 773.348.2378; 3416 N Southport | 773.404.4475; 5207 N Clark | 773.271.6627; 3411 N Broadway | 773.305.0024 These bustling hot spots, serving traditional Swedish pancake house fare, are best known for hearty daytime offerings and their delish cinnamon rolls. Blokes & Birds 3341 N. Clark | 773.472.5252 Named for the British slang words for guys and gals, this place is a contemporary take on a public house (meaning drinking and eating hangout). Serving an array of tap import & American craft brews, upscale pub salads, sandwiches & entrees with your brew. Chicago Diner 3411 N. Halsted | 773.935.6696 This world famous vegetarian restaurant offers vegan and organic offerings using the protein-based meat substitute seitan. Organic beers, wine, and spirits are also available. Cocktail 3359 N. Halsted | 773.477.1420 The kitchen at this popular bar serves up better and fancier food than it needs to. The menu ranges from gourmet salads and sandwiches to comfort food and fabulous brunch dishes. During the summer the outdoor dining space is lush and verdant. Crew 4804 N. Broadway | 773.784.2739 More than just a sports bar, the menu includes a variety of hamburgers, sandwiches, salads and comfort food. Deluxe Diner 6349 N. Clark | 773.743.8244 Conveniently located near Rogers Park’s gay triangle, the diner’s “open 24 hours on weekends” status is perfect after a night of dancing and partying. Featured menu items include breakfast skillets that are served anytime. F. O’Mahony’s, 3701 N. Broadway | 773.549-0097 An Irish-named pub and grill, but mostly it’s a neighborhood hangout where you can order food to go along with your beer (or cosmo). While not prticularly exotic, the menu features such faves as hot wings, sliders and pizza served till the wee hours. Sundays $20 mimosa brunch is popular, get there early, this place fills up fast. Golden Nugget Family Restaurants 2720 N. Clark | 773.929.0724, 2406 W. Diversey | 773.252.8903, 1765 W. Lawrence | 773.769.6700. These places are a great place for after bar dining as they are all open 24-7, and all have free parking. The large menu is sure to please. Everything is housemade, known for fluffy buttermilk pancakes, but dinners are hearty as well.
Halsted’s Bar & Grill 3441 N. Halsted | 773.348.9696 This Boystown eatery serves up a wide array of tasty appetizers, burgers, sandwiches, and popular comfort food items at very reasonable prices in a fun and inviting atmosphere. Beers on tap are aplenty and the weekend brunch draws an attractive crowd. Hamburger Mary’s 5400 N. Clark | 773.784.6969 “Eat, Drink and be... MARY” at this fun and popular Andersonville restaurant which features a wide array of burgers and sandwiches, along with an interesting selection of tasty appetizers. Wash it all down with one of Mary’s home-brewed ales. Horizon Café 3805 N. Broadway | 773.883.1565 This long-time popular Lakeview family restaurant serves up big portions of creative homestyle dishes as well as healthy fare (broth-based soups and whole wheat tortilla wraps) and at affordable prices. Breakfast served all day long. Delivery available. IHOP 3760 N. Halsted | 773.296.0048 More than a pancake house, this 24-hour Boystown institution serves up affordably priced appetizers, sandwiches, and entrees that are sure to satisfy varying after-bar wants and needs. Kit Kat Lounge 3700 N. Halsted | 773.525.1111 Providing the best of diva entertainment along with a full dinner menu, they offer ½-price cocktails and Buy 1 Get 1 Free Entree on Wednesdays.. On Monday nights get 50% off your entire bill. M. Henry 5707 N. Clark | 773.561.1600 This popular Andersonville outpost serves breakfast and lunch daily and features creative fare such as pancakes with warm blackberries and vanilla mascarpone cream. Additionally there are many vegetarian dishes. Minibar Café 3341 N. Halsted Serves gourmet bruschetta, cheeses, panini, and entrees as well as a wide selection of wines (and cocktails) by the glass. Nookies Tree 3334 N. Halsted | 773.248.9888 A regular haunt for the locals of Boystown and popular with hangover recoverers, the diner serves made-toorder omelets, pancakes, waffles and other brunch fare all day. And it’s open 24 hours on weekends. Melrose Restaurant 3233 N Broadway | 773.327.2060 This Lakeview institution has been catering to the after-bar crowds for decades, serving breakfast anytime along with typical diner fare. Open 24 hours, Queens Tavern & Bistro 750 W. Cornelia | 773.248.8333 Occupying the old Cornelia’s space, this charming new eatery is warm and inviting and features a value menu filled with both bar food and entrée items as well as daily specials. boi 31
Stella’s Diner 3042 N. Broadway | 773.472,9040 Friendly staff serve up delicious diner fare, such as; fresh salads, a large selection of wraps, sandwiches, hearty entrees, pastas, and homemade deserts Tweet 5020 N. Sheridan | 773.728.5576 An Uptown fave, serving breakfast and lunch only, uses organic ingredients when possible to create brunch items such as buckwheat pancakes, Danish beignets, Belgian waffles, and an impressive assortment of breakfast burritos and egg Benedict dishes. Wilde Bar & Restaurant 3130 N. Broadway | 773.244.0404 This cozy upscale Irish pub offers a laid back and warm atmosphere and a wide ranging menu that is sure to please. Expect updated versions of pub favorites such as chicken pot pie, meatloaf, fish & chips, burgers and salads. ASIAN__________________ Jitlada Thai House 3715 N. Halsted | 773.388.9988 This quaint family-owned eatery features Asian favorites such as pad Thai, pineapple fried rice, crab rangoon, pot stickers, tempura and nine spice curry items. Delivery available. Pingpong 3322 N. Broadway | 773.281.7575 This popular Lakeview restaurant features high-quality Pan-Asian cuisine in a hip and modern atmosphere as well as top-notch people-watching both those in and walking by the restaurant. Delivery available. Young’s Chinese Restaurant 3949 N. Ashland | 773.248.7998 This well-regarded outpost has earned a stellar reputation for great tasting food and delivery so quick you’ll swear there must be a wok in the car. ITALIAN_________________ Anna Maria Pasteria 4400 N. Clark | 773.506.2662 Owned by sisters who hail from the Basilicata region of southern Italy, this neighborhood gem creates homemade modern and traditional Italian dishes that are authentic, delicious & inexpensive. Angelina Ristorante 3561 N. Broadway | 773.935.5933 Hosting the coolest and hippest Sunday brunch crowd in Lakeview, the menu includes Eggs Benedict, fritattas, Croque Monsieur and mufaletta sandwiches, almond-crusted stuffed French toast, and the free flow of Champagne mimosas. Brunch here is loud, raucous and FUN! Great for dinner, as well.
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Panino’s Pizzeria 3702 N. Broadway | 773.472.6200 Panino’s has established itself as a Boystown favorite with its varied menu selections, including gyros and burgers, pasta entrees, and of course pizza. Delivery available. MEDITERRANEAN____ Andies 1467 W. Montrose | 773.348.0654; 5253 N Clark | 773.784.8616 Specializing in Mediterranean and vegetarian cuisine, specialties of the house include steak kabobs, gyros, and poultry dishes such as Greek Chicken and Lebanese Style Chicken Kefta Kabob. And as befits the cuisine, desserts include a very tasty baklava. The Sunday buffet brunch is extravagant and reasonably priced. Sayat Nova 157 E. Ohio | 312.644.9159. Classic Mediterranean-American fare served in comfortable surroundings Every Thursday night things get extra gay for the “Boystown in Downtown” party. MEXICAN/LATIN__________ Cesar’s 2924 N. Broadway | 773.296.9097; 3166 N Clark | 773.248.2835 This family-owned operation offers an enticing menu full of delicious Mexican recipes, popular house specialties, irresistible desserts, and their signature “Killer Margaritas.” Estrella Negra 3352 N. Halsted | 773.227.5993 If Ed Hardy had a taco joint, this might be it for flair. A skull-licious themed dining experience. Sure, you can get tacos, empanadas and burritos, but they are all of the gormet caliber. Owner Oto is the Chef and puts his own creative twist on everything. It’s BYOB. Las Mananitas 2346 W. Fullerton Ave | 773.528.2109 A long-time favorite with the GLBT community, the food is decent, but its the margaritas that you’ll come back for. Also great for boy-watching on the patio. Mayan Palace 2703 N. Halsted | 773.935.4200 Known to be one of the very best Mexican restaurants in the city, the focus is on using fresh, high-quality ingredients for its “south of the border” cuisine. Portions are generous and the cool Margaritas dubbed “The World’s Best!” Is your target market is in our distribution area?? ADVERTISE YOUR RESTAURANT IN BOI MAGAZINE Call 773.975.0264 or email us at
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I’ve Got Your Rainbows Right Here!
This is the 42nd Pride Parade in Chicago but it always seems some folks always forget the where and when. Imprint it on your brain. Noon. Sunday, June 26. Belmont & Halsted… Kick off the fun with 9th annual Chicago Pride Fest on Friday, June 24 from 4-10 p.m. and Saturday, June 25 from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Second only to Market Days as the gayest party of the year, the event features all the things that make our community great; community organizations, a pet parade, cocktails, food, drag queens and, of course, disco divas. This year it’s Deborah Cox, Crystal Waters, Ultra Nate and Inaya Day. Oh yeah, there are some GLBT performers as well. For more information, go to
Bar Belles
Pride is almost upon us and I’ve got so much dirt I could plant a garden… The folks at Boom Boom Room have hiked up their hoop skirts and moved their Monday night party to Red Dog/Ohm, 1958 West North Avenue. I wish there was more dirt to dish, but it’s just a temporary change in venue. They’ll be back at Green Dolphin Street eventually, meanwhile it’s “Boom on the Run!” … Hydrate, AK, K-Dub and Steamworks are teaming up to present another delightfully tawdry Manhole party on June 18. The party has a locker room theme and is imaginatively titled, “Locker Room.” Hey, when you’re as hot as the guys at this party, you don’t have to be clever. So, get your gear on and get sweaty in your Manhole!
More Buzz
Circle July 17 on your calendar for “Out at Wrigley”. A chance to head over to the ballpark and talk about balls with straight guys (oh, and watch the game too, I guess)…Crew has rolled out its summer menu with some lighter options so that you look good at Hollywood Beach…One of the best deals on Halsted is no longer a secret, thanks to Aunt Blabby here. Cocktail will serve up a bottle 36 boi
of Veuve Clicquot yellow label for only $60! That’s just about what you’d pay for it at any liquor store… Circuit’s going to be busy for 4th of July weekend. How busy? Well they’re starting on June 30 with a very special Club Papi featuring Dulce Maria and then on July 2, the fireworks start with Frankie Knuckles spinning house music. Hey, if my husband and I have a three-way with Frankie, is it a Knuckles sandwich?...
Keepin’ Track at Sidetrack
They say there’s no rest for the wicked, so the folks at ‘tracks must be very wicked indeed (and I ain’t talking the musical). They’re hosting “United in HIV” on June 14, to benefit Chicago Black Gay Men’s Caucus. Then, right after Pride, they kick off July with the First Friday party for Equality Illinois, a great place to find a little something to keep you busy during the holiday weekend. The very next afternoon they host the Esteem Awards, a cocktail reception kicks off the awards presented by to local and national organizations and individuals for their continued efforts in supporting the African-American LGBT community. The list of award recipients is extensive and includes Chicago honorees such as; Jamal Edwards (CEO of Howard Brown Health Center), Mary F. Morten (the F must be for Fierce), Joy Morrison (Trans Actions Chicago), historian and roving photographer Sukie de la Croix, Keith Elliott (co-founder of Dance for Life) and Tarell Alvin Mccarney (playwright, “The Brothers/Sisters Plays”) among many others.
Taking It To The Streets
If you haven’t seen the “Out in Chicago” exhibit at the Chicago History Museum, get your ass over there asap. In the meantime, CHM is sponsoring two walking tours: “Out in Andersonville” on Saturday, June 18 starting at 10 p.m. and “Out in Lakeview” on, Monday, June 20 at 1 a.m. The tours focus on the GLBT community in these neighborhoods,
which have distinctly different vibes; one look at the start time for the tours says it all. For more information go to… And, if that’s not enough gay streetwalking for you, head over to the Edgewater Historical Society, 5358 N. Ashland, for “PRIDE: Oppression to Expression”, an exhibit focusing on LGBT history within the Uptown, Edgewater, and Rogers Park communities. The exhibit runs through Sept. 15. Check it out at or call 773.506.4849
Gay Pimp, a character that has brought him more attention than you can imagine. Even Rosie O’Donnell noticed when her team was working on casting the upcoming show for Logo, The Big Gay Sketch Show.
Are You Gay Enough?
My Head Is In A Spin!
Montreal is launching its second annual global campaign in search of the “Queer of the Year!” Participants from around the world can enter and compete to win more than $10,000 in cash and prizes! Whether you’re a do-gooder, a diva, the average guy next door, a girl just out of the closet or anywhere in between, from now through June 17, Montreal wants you to visit
Who’s Pimpin’ Now?
Friday, June 17, Hydrate brings to the stage Jonny McGovern. Proceeds benefit Team Shane in TPAN’s Ride For AIDS. Johnny’s most notable of his contributions to gay media has been the heavily shared video “Soccer Practice” that you can easily find on YouTube. In this video, McGovern plays The
20 Minutes of Fame?
Well how about a whole evening?? Monday, June 20th is the Pride & Joy event at Circuit Night Club. Proceeds go to benefit the Gay & Lesbian Hall of Fame. On Friday June 3rd, super diva Manila Luzon graces the stage at Spin. The following night on Saturday, June 4th is none other than Mariah Balenciaga.. and returing to the stage on June 25th is RuPaul Drag Race superstar Ongina!
Calling All Diva Lovers
It’s Britney Bitch, the last Friday of every month at The Call. For all things Kylie Minogue, don’t miss Club Kylie one year anniversary at The Call on Friday July 1st.
My Head Goes Boom Boom Baby!
For those not in-the-know, Boom Boom Room has moved back to where the legend began, at Red Dog (slash) OHM.. Check it out on any Monday night.
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Boystown / Lakeview
3160 3160 N.Clark G&L, LM,DS Berlin 954 W. Belmont G&L, D, 4 Bobby Love’s 3729 N. Halsted G&L Buck’s Saloon 3439 N. Halsted G Cell Block 3702 N. Halsted G, LF Charlie’s 3726 N. Broadway G, D, W Circuit 2.02 3641 N. Halsted G&L, D, 4 Cocktail 3359 N. Halsted G, GB F. O’Mahony’s 3701 N. Broadway G&L, R Hydrate 3458 N. Halsted G, D, DS, 4 Kit Kat 3700 N. Halsted G&L, DS, R Little Jim’s 3501 N. Halsted G, V, 4 Lucky Horseshoe 3169 N. Halsted G, GB Manhandler 1948 N. Halsted G, W, 4 Minibar 3341 N. Halsted G, R North End 3733 N. Halsted G Roscoe’s 3356 N. Halsted G, D, V, DS Scarlet 3320 N. Halsted G Sidetrack 3349 N. Halsted G, V Smart Bar / Metro 3730 N. Clark MS, D, 4 Spin 800 W. Belmont G, D, V, DS The Closet 3325 N. Broadway G&L, V, 4
Chicago Downtown
Baton Show Lounge 436 N. Clark DS Club 720 720 N. Wells MS, D, 4 Crimson Lounge 333 N. Dearborn MS, D, R Downtown Bar & Lounge 440 N State G Excalibur/Vision 632 N. Dearborn MS, D, 4 Funky Buddha 728 W. Grand Ave. MS, D House of Blues 329 N. Dearborn MS, LM, 4 Krush/Prop House 1657 N. Elston G&L, D, 4 Juicy Fridays 2354 N. Clybourn Ave 2 Second Story Bar 157 E. Ohio G, V Sound Bar 226 W. Ontario MS, D, 4 Spy Bar 646 N. Franklin MS, D, 4 Underground 56 W. Illinois MS, D, 4 Vibe 1543 N. Kingsbury MS, D, 4
Chicago Northside
The Anvil 1137 W. Granville G, V @mosphere 5355 N. Clark G&L, V, GB Big Chicks 5024 N. Sheridan G&L, D, R
773.327.5969 773.348.4975 773.525.1200 773.525.1125 773.665.8064 773.871.8887 773.325.2233 773.477.1420 773.549.0226 773.975.9244 773.525.1111 773.871.6116 773.404.3169 773.871.3339 773.871.6227 773.477.7999 773.281.3355 773.348.1053 773.477.9189 773.549.4140 773.327.7711 773.477.8533
Chicago Southside
312.644.5269 312.787.8720 312.923.2473 312.464.1400 312.266.1944 312.666.1695 312.923.2000 773.486.2390 773.383.5518 312.923.9536 312.787-4480 312.587.8779 312.644.7600 312.266.1900
Club Escape 1530 E. 75th G&L, D Escapades 6301 S. Harlem G&L, D, V, 4 Inn Exile 5758 W. 65th G&L, D, V Jeffrey Pub 7041 S. Jeffrey G&L, D, V, 4
Chicago Suburbs
773.973.0006 773.784.1100 773.728.5511
773.667.6454 773.229.0886 773.582.3510 773.363.8555
Hideaway 7301 W. Roosevelt Forest Park G, D, V, DS, GB Club Krave 13126 S. Western Blue Island G&L, D, V, DS, GB, 4 Hunters 1932 E. Higgins Elk Grove Village G, D, V, GB, 4 Mission 209 E. Chicago Downtown Elgin G&L, D, V Encompass 24215 Rush St. Lake Station, IN G&L, D, R, DS Velvet Rope 728 Lake St Oak Park G&L, D, V, R
Adult Entertainment
G------------------------------------------------------------------Gay Male L---------------------------------------------------------------------Lesbian G&L-------------------------------------------------Gay Male & Lesbian D-------------------------------------------------------------------Dancing V-----------------------------------------------------------------------Video GB-------------------------------------------------------------Go Go Boys DS--------------------------------------------------------------Drag Show R--------------------------------------------------------Restaurant, Food
38 boi
The Call 1547 W Bryn Mawr G&L, D, DS, V, LM 773.334.2525 Crew 4804 N. Broadway G&L, V, R 773.784.2739 Davenport’s 1383 N. Milwaukee G&L, LM 773.278.1830 Debonair Social Club 1575 N. MilwaukeeAve. MS, D 773.227.7990 Fat Cat 4849 N. Broadway MS, R 773.506.3100 Green Dolphin St. 2200 N. Ashland G&L, D, LM, 4 773.395.0066 Green Mill 4802 N. Broadway MS, LM, 4 773.878.5552 In Fine Spirits 5420 N Clark MS, R 773.334.9463 Jackhammer 6406 N. Clark G, D, V, GB, LM, 4 773.743.5772 Joi de Vine 1744 W. Balmoral L, R 773.989.6846 Kinetic Playground 1113 W. LawrenceMS, D, LM, 4 773.769.5483 Marty’s 1511 W. Balmoral G&L 773.561.6425 Mary’sAttic 5400 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Parlour On Clark 6341 N. Clark 773.564.9274 Mary’s RecRoom 5402 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Scot’s 1829 W. Montrose G&L 773.528.3253 SoFo Bar 4923 N. Clark G 773.784.7636 T’s 5025 N. Clark G&L, R 773.784.6000 The Glenwood 6962 N Glenwood G 773.764.7363 Touché 6412 N. Clark G, V, LF, 4 773.465.7400
Banana Video 4923 N. Clark G, BK Bijou Theater 1349 N. Wells G, GB, BK Man’s Country 5017 N. Clark G, GB, BH Steamworks 3246 N. Halsted G, BH, FC The Ram 35111/2 N. Halsted G, BK, D
708.771.4459 708.597.8379 847.439.8840 847.488.0320 219.962.4640 708.358.8840
773.561.8322 312.943.5397 773.878.2069 773.929.6080 773.525.9528
4-------------------------------------------------------------Open til 4am MS--------------------------------------------------------Mostly Straight LF---------------------------------------------------------Leather / Fetish W-------------------------------------------------------------------Western LM--------------------------------------------------Live Music / Cabaret BH--------------------------------------------------------------Bath House BK----------------------------------Adult Book, Booth & Video Store FC-------------------------------------------------------------Fitness Club