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ISSUE 12.12

Adult ent .


Not all adult entertainment involves sex or nudity. There are many way to have fun while keeping your clothes on. Consider some of the following the next time you want to enjoy some grown-up time. Grab a big ball… and bowl a few lanes. Kings is a huge new bowling alley in Rosemont featuring 20 lanes, 2 bars, restaurant and 3 pool tables. The vibe is ‘50s Rat Pack chic. Get a group together and book the private party room. Check it out at kingsrosemont.com or call 847.233.0099 Too wild for commercial television or cable, “Where the Bears Are”, a comedymystery web series premieres on Aug. 1 at wherethebearsare.tv. Hal Sparks’ adult humor is just what you want witty, insightful and intelligent. The former star of “Queer as Folk” appears at Mayne Stage in Rogers Park Sept. 6-8 for 5 shows. For tickets call 773.381.4551 or go to maynestage.com. Sail the high seas…or the lake for a few hours. Spirit of Chicago offers specialty lunch cruises including; cabaret, gospel and history cruises, which all include a lunch buffet. Call 866.273.2469 or check out spiritofchicago.com. Nothing makes you feel more grow up than wearing a well-fitting suit, and nothing fits better than a custom-made suit. You’d think you’d have to pay thousands of bucks, but there’s a tailoring shop right in Boystown that can set you up with a bespoke suit for less than $500. Check out Zeglio, 3341 N. Broadway or take a peek at the web site zeglio.com. boi

3700 N. Halsted St. #2S Chicago, IL 60613


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SEX TOY SHOPPING FOR BEGINNERS ONLINE USER PROFILE Magic Mike Man’s country boi’s best restaurants SPOTLIGHT: DAVID SERDA in the know, on the go! ask ace bars and clubs directory

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sex toy shopping for beginners When you’re thinking about buying a sex toy, there are three things to consider; quality of the product, design, and materials. Sex toy manufacturing is not well regulated so it’s important for newbies to shop at a reputable source with wellinformed employees. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The employees at these shops have heard and seen everything. One of the first things to consider is the material from which your toy is manufactured. The material will affect the toy’s durability and care. 100% Silicone sex toys are made out of medical-grade, chemically inert silicone that is hypo-allergenic. It is a nonporous material, meaning that it is an unwelcoming place for bacteria, so it’s super hygienic. It lasts an incredibly long time without any signs of wear. It doesn’t smell, change colors, or have a funny taste. It warms to your body temperature for comfortable play sessions. Silicone lubricant can affect the texture of silicone toys, use only water-based lubes with your silicone toys. Clean your silicone toy by boiling it for three minutes or stick it in the top shelf of your dishwasher (if there are no electrical components) or wash it with dishwashing soap or toy cleaner. Silicone blend sex toys are made out of different plastics and contain at least 10% silicone, making the toy a bit more resilient to damage and are more affordable than pure silicone. Silicone blends are porous and must be washed thoroughly after every use, they cannot be sterilized. They may also contain latex, and phthalates. Use only water-based lubes and a condom to prevent any irritation or reaction to the material. Cyberskin has amazingly realistic texture and appearance, making it great for life-like dildos and soft supple toys. Use only water-based lubes with toys made of these materials. Cyberskin brand toys are phthalate and latex free, however its softness makes it prone to small tears. It is a porous material that cannot be sterilized. It needs to be cleaned thoroughly and

frequently with warm water and mild soap or toy cleaner. Dusting the toy with cornstarch before storing it will help maintain its life-like appearance and texture. Softskin and other skin-like materials have amazingly realistic textures and looks. Their softness makes them prone to small tears and their porous materials need to be cleaned thoroughly and frequently. They cannot be sterilized. Some of these toys may contain latex; They also may contain silicone, use waterbased lubes with toys made of these materials. Elastomer is newer, space-age product, which transmits vibrations nicely, is phthalate-free and durable. It is safe for people with latex allergies. It is a slightly porous material and cannot be sterilized. Because it is a newer material, there is a limited range of toys made out of this material. Wash Elastomer toys with warm water and mild soap or toy cleaner. Acrylic toys can be used with any kind of lubricant and are easily cleaned with soap and water, but can shatter if dropped or knocked against a hard surface, Stainless steel toys are compatible with any kind of lubricant, have a smooth, non-porous surface, are super-hygienic and easy to clean. Stainless steel toys can be washed in soap and water or toy cleaner, boiled or put in the top rack of the dishwasher. Hard plastic is highly durable, nonporous, super-hygienic, easy to clean and can transmit powerful vibrations. Hard plastic is compatible with any kind of lubricant and can be used in combination with a variety of sleeves. However, the vibrations can be too intense for some people and can be loud. BTW: One of our very good advertisers Cupid’s Treasure & Leather Sport would be a great place to check out for some great toys! Our thanks to Early to Bed & Early to rise for information used in this story. boi

online user profile When gay men and lesbians say, “It’s so hard to meet people nowadays,” I have to laugh. Think about hard it was prestonewall when everything you said had to be in code. Today not only can we state whom we’re looking to meet, we can do it from our apartment without ever going outside. Social networks and dating web sites make it easier to meet folks who you might never meet in your daily routine.

Spelling Test U up 4 sumpin? Unless you’re in high school and texting someone, this is just not acceptable language. The language you use and the care you take with spelling defines who you are online. Write your posting in a word processing program, use spelling and grammar checking software, make the corrections, then copy and paste the text into your post.

Say “No” Nicely To use these sites most productively and for The dude placing the ad that says “No Fats” the newcomer, here are some ways to make or “No Fems” looks like a jerk. However, your profile work for you. that doesn’t mean that you can’t state your preferences. Use terms such as “heightBe Specific weight proportionate” or athletic. Keep in If you have distinct interests, list them, mind though that you’re looking for more there’s nothing wrong with saying what than appearance. As my Granny used to you prefer. If you’re an outdoorsy type and say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” I’m athletic make a point of mentioning that. certain that she wasn’t referring to dating Why date someone with whom you have sites, but it still applies. little in common? On the flip side of that, keep an open mind. Your interests don’t Keep Your Expectations Realistic have to line up exactly. Not everybody looks like an Abercrombie model. If you do, how nice for you. But, Choose Your Words Wisely you won’t always look that way. If you’re Language is about communication use looking for a LTR keep in mind that looks words that draw up a specific image. fade and some people look their best in Using words such as “regular” or “average” later years. On the flip side there’s nothing won’t get you a second look. Choose more wrong with wanting someone you find positive terms such as “guy next door” or attractive. “beefy”. Keep in mind that this is not your diary, keep it short, specific and, most Be Polite importantly, truthful. Make your first meeting a short one. That way if he’s not the right guy you have an Picture Perfect easy out. Be polite and be direct, if he’s not Forget those blurry photos taken in the the guy for you say so nicely and thank bathroom mirror with a big splotch of him for meeting you. Accept that same light from the reflection of the flash, have statement if it is directed at you. There’s a friend take some shots of you and make nothing wrong with coffee, but it’s not certain that the pics are clear. Even if your everyone’s cup of tea. body’s smoking hot, don’t post nude photos, it sends a message that you’re Be Smart looking for something other than dating. Sadly, there are people who use these sites Save the nudes for the hook up sites. If you for less than honorable purposes. Meet want to show off your physique, find a pic in a public place the first time, Of course, of you at the beach or playing volleyball, always follow your gut instinct if something not posing like a porn star. doesn’t feel right, leave. 10 boi

The 3G rule on a 4G network Let’s face it, men generally view of sex differently than women do. For men it’s a biological urge, when we want sex, we want it now. Thanks to modern technology you can find a guy looking for some action, sometimes within feet of you, in minutes. There are no pretenses, these sites are not about meeting “Mr. Right”, they’re for meeting “Mr. Right Now”. As a very wise friend of mine has said, “I have my friends if I want to have an intellectual conversation; otherwise it’s the 3G Rule... Get Here, Get Off, Get Out.” No matter how good an app is, it’s worthless unless there are guys on it in your area. Numbers are majorly important, here are a few of the most popular apps and online sites, most are available for both iPhones and Androids or are available on any web browser. Benderapp.com What they say: Used by 100,000 men in over 180 countries, by 30,000 unique users and opened 6,000,000 times every month, with 250,000 messages sent every day. Free users get the exact same experience as paid users and app to app video messaging. Grindr What they say: With more than 4 million guys in 192 countries around the world, and approximately 10,000 more new users downloading the app every day, you’ll always find a new date, buddy, or friend. Grindr is quick, convenient, discreet and it’s as anonymous as you want it to be. How much of your info they see is entirely your call. GuySpy.com What they say: GuySpy uses location-based services, such as GPS, to connect gay, bi and curious users for free live gay chat, members can find gay men by location, view profiles and photos, upload and listen to voice greetings, send and receive image files, and text chat for free!

Manworks.com What they say: Manworks.com is a newer website for finding a male masseur near you, specializing in therapeutic, sensual, or erotic massage. Massage is one of the oldest, simplest forms of therapy. It is a system of stroking, pressing and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain, relax, stimulate, and tone the body, or to achieve heightened mental states, sensual or emotional awareness. There are many types of massage to choose from when looking for a massage. Some of the basic types are: Therapeutic, Sensual and Erotic. M4M.com What They Say: M4M.com will help you connect with that special person. It’s fun, interactive, and anonymous until you choose to take it further. It’s free to join and post your profile. An interactive online global community where you can enjoy an active rewarding social experience with others. We have several options available for all types of lifestyles. Men4SexNow.com What They Say: Visitors have free access to: cruise member ads, view Sex Now ads, guys on-line ads, view new members Rentboy.com What They Say: You can find gay escorts, gay massage, male escorts, gay masseurs, male escort photos and become a member for free. boi 11

magic mike One of the hottest movies of the summer is Magic Mike. Director Steven Soderbergh based the film on its star Channing Tatum’s real life experiences as a 19-year-old stripper. It is certain to be a popular film in the gay community., as it features some of Hollywood’s sexiest men, including Matthew McConaughey, Alex Pettyfer, Matt Bomer, Joe Mangianello, Cody Horn and Adam Rodriguez. Channing and out co-star Matt Bomer recently sat down for an interview and each of them gave us the inside scoop.

Channing Tatum: “It’s rated R, a very hard R. Not NC-17, it won’t be full frontal, it’s just thongs or whatever you want to call them and underwear. All the stuff that actually happens in the movie is fictitious and made up because we wanted to take liberties and we wanted to make it a fun movie. The stuff that is happening is kind of outlandish, the characters at times will be bizarre.” Matt Bomer: “It’s actually a really intricate plot. It’s very of a Saturday Night Fever/Boogie Nights ilk. It’s a coming 12 boi

of age story. The central relationship in the film is Channing [Tatum] and Alex Pettyfer’s relationship. They play Mike and this character called The Kid. It’s a mentorship type of thing. One person is unhappy with where he is and knows that there’s a real ceiling to that lifestyle and that life, and one person is just getting into the whole glorious aspect of what it means to be a stripper.” Tatum: “Everybody wants to know; everybody wants to know the inside of a male strip club looks like. This is a fantasy fulfillment movie and it’s an education, straight up. If you ever wanted to know what it’s like to be a male stripper, this is it.” In Magic Mike, the strippers are performing at a Chippendale’s-like venue. It is very hetero-fantasy oriented. If you prefer your stripper action a little more gay, check out the guys at Cocktail, @mosphere, Lucky Horseshoe or the troupes such as Sinzation which perform around town on a regular basis. On the other hand, if you want to see strippers go all the way stop by Man’s Country where they’re allowed to go full frontal, and then some.

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man’s country The Tubs, the Sauna, the Vapors.... this year Manscountry Chicago turns 40, making it one of the oldest and longest lasting bathhouses in the nation. Opened in 1972 by Chuck Renslow, this “grand old lady” continues to serve its patrons well. Its biggest draw is... well, it is a bathhouse after all. But beyond that, one of the things which has always made Manscountry popular is its entertainment. From it’s opening night, Manscountry offered live shows. Like a classic television variety show, the Music Hall’s stage saw it all. One week it was a disco diva and the next, a standup comedian. Hypnotists, lounge acts, circus acts, a magician, they all had a place on its stage as today’s hallways still recall. Signed posters from those early days (ah, nights) still hang throughout the complex. Big names (at the time) included Manhattan Transfer, Wayland Flowers and Madam, The Village People, Sylvester and Rusty Warren. The less well known played there too, often using the “underground” club as a way to be seen and break into Chicago’s “legit clubs”. It wasn’t uncommon for the Sun Times or Tribune to cover a show. If the reviews were good, you moved into mainstream. If not? Well, there were other bathhouses in the country. Throughout the 1970’s and 80’s, Manscountry boasted DJ’s and 24-hour, non-stop music, though the genera and tempo changed by mid-morning when the dance floor slowed down. On Sunday’s you’d hear classical and see 14 boi

people passed out on beanbag chairs around the room. Over in one corner was a big, black, grand piano where the boogie might have played the night before. On Sunday morning it was more likely that someone slept under it. Because it was open when the bars closed down, Manscountry has always attracted the “after” crowd. When the DJ’s were spinning, the club was literally packed, wall to wall on weekends. There were rooms downstairs. Some people checked in Friday and stayed until Sunday. Disco was king and Manscountry offered it a dance floor that didn’t shut down. Thelma Houston, Carol Jiani, Gloria Gaynor, Viola Wills, Linda Clifford, Pamala Stanley, scores of recording artists graced the stage. If your song played in the discos, sooner or later you sang them live to tracks at Manscountry. However, Bette Middler never played the room, she mostly worked the Continental in New York. The best show? Renslow’s favorite was fan dancer, Sally Rand. “She sat down and just talked and talked and talked to the guys. Since 1993 Manscountry has featured totally nude male strippers with the occasional porn star spicing things up. Some of the hottest men in the Midwest shake their stuff on Fridays and Saturdays. Your favorite male dancer from your favorite gay club probably takes it all off at midnight at Manscountry. Like its always been, there is no additional charge for shows. Come in your street clothes or dress in a towel, you won’t be alone.

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Ann Sather 929 W. Belmont 773.348.2378.

Horizon Café 3805 N. Broadway 773.883.1565.

5207 N Clark 773.271.6627 & 3411 N Broadway 773.305.0024. These bustling hot spots, serving traditional Swedish pancake house fare, are best known for hearty fare and delish cinnamon rolls.

This long-time popular Lakeview family restaurant serves up big portions of creative homestyle dishes as well as healthy fare (broth-based soups and whole wheat tortilla wraps) and at affordable prices. Breakfast served all day long. Delivery available.

The Bagel 3107 N. Broadway 773.477.0300

IHOP 3760 N. Halsted 773.296.0048. More than a

Chicago Diner 3411 N. Halsted 773.935.6696

Jury’s 4337 N. Lincoln 773.935.2255. Watch all

The quintessential Jewish style deli is the perfect spot for a corned beef or pastrami sandwich, some chicken soup, lox and bagels or a full dinner that tastes as if someone’s Jewish momma made it. This world famous vegetarian restaurant offers vegan and organic offerings. Organic beers, wine, and spirits are also available.

Clark Street Dog 3040 N. Clark 773.281-

6690. Open until four in the morning and serving up all the deliciousness you can imagine after you leave the bar.

Crew 4804 N. Broadway 773.784.2739. More

than just a sports bar, the menu includes a variety of hamburgers, sandwiches, salads and comfort food.

Jimbo’s Red Hots 3617 N. Broadway 773.868-

9700. Steamed jumbo hot dogs from Red Hot Chicago with toppings such as pickles, lettuce, tomato, celery salt, onions & hot peppers; char dogs & foot longs too. Open 24 hours. Signature Pizza located in the same spot, serving pizza, pasta & burgers, also open 24 hours.

Golden Nugget Family Restaurants

2720 N. Clark 773.929.0724. 2406 W. Diversey 773.252.8903. 1765 W. Lawrence 773.769.6700. A great option for after bar dining as they are all open 24-7, and have free parking. The large menu is sure to please, especially the classic breakfast and hearty dinners. Everything is housemade, known for fluffy buttermilk pancakes,

Halsted’s Bar & Grill 3441 N. Halsted

pancake house, this 24-hour Boystown institution serves up affordably priced appetizers, sandwiches, and entrees that are sure to satisfy varying after-bar wants and needs. the poplular sports at this friendly neighborhood sports bar. Known for their killer burgers. They offer a late night menu along with daily specials and even brunch on Sundays.

Kit Kat Lounge 3700 N. Halsted 773.525.1111.

Providing the best of diva entertainment along with a full dinner menu, they offer ½-price cocktails and Buy 1 Get 1 Free Entree on Wednesdays.. On Monday nights get 50% off your entire bill.

Nookies Tree 3334 N. Halsted 773.248.9888 and Nookies Edgewater1100 W. Bryn

Mawr 773.516-4188. A regular haunt for the locals of Boystown (also Edgewater) and popular with hangover recoverees, the diner serves made-to-order omelets, pancakes, waffles and other brunch fare all day. And it’s open 24 hours on weekends.

Melrose 3233 N Broadway 773.327.2060. This

Lakeview institution has been catering to the afterbar crowds for decades, serving breakfast anytime along with typical diner fare. Open 24 hours

Philly’s Best 907 W. Belmont 773.525.7900.

Authentic Philly cheese steak sandwich. Their meat is brought directly from Philadelphia. Also, medium crust pizza, oven baked grinders & fresh salads.

Pie Hole Pizza 3477 N. Broadway 773.525.8888. Their “hole” is open Sunday-Thursday from 11ammidnight and Friday & Saturday until 3am. Grab it and go or have it delivered.. your pizza, that is!!

773.348.9696 This Boystown eatery serves up a wide array of tasty appetizers, burgers, sandwiches, and popular comfort food items at very reasonable prices in a fun and inviting atmosphere. Beers on tap are aplenty and the weekend brunch draws an attractive crowd.

Stella’s Diner 3042 N. Broadway 773.472.9040. Friendly staff serve up delicious diner fare, such as; fresh salads, a large selection of wraps, sandwiches, hearty entrees, pastas, and homemade desert

Hamburger Mary’s 5400 N. Clark

Wilde Bar & Restaurant 3130 N. Broadway

773.784.6969. “Eat, Drink and be... MARY” at this fun and popular Andersonville restaurant which features a wide array of burgers and sandwiches, along with an interesting selection of tasty appetizers. Wash it all down with one of Mary’s home-brewed ales.

773.244.0404. This cozy upscale Irish pub offers a laid back and warm atmosphere and a wide ranging menu that is sure to please. Expect updated versions of pub favorites such as chicken pot pie, meatloaf, fish & chips, burgers and salads. boi 17

BOI’S BEST RESTAURANTS ASIAN__________________ original and still the best bahn mi sandwich in town. In addition to the traditional style, there are a number of vegetarian options. The bright clean dining area is inviting and the staff is eager to explain all your options.

Clark 773.784.8616. Specializing in Mediterranean and vegetarian cuisine, specialties of the house include steak kabobs, gyros, and poultry dishes such as Greek Chicken and Lebanese Style Chicken Kefta Kabob. And as befits the cuisine, desserts include a very tasty baklava. The Sunday buffet brunch is extravagant and reasonably priced.

Dragon Lady Lounge 3188 N. Elston

Gyro-Mena 905 W. Belmont 773.935.2600.

Ba Le 5014 N. Broadway 773.561.4424. The

773.267.1970 Serving Korean-Latin fusion dishes from delicious fresh Bi Bim Bop and Kim Chi Veggie burgers, to delicious tofu tacos and beef Kim Chi burgers. ITALIAN_________________

Anna Maria Pasteria 4400 N. Clark

773.506.2662. Owned by sisters who hail from the Basilicata region of southern Italy, this neighborhood gem creates homemade modern and traditional Italian dishes that are authentic, delicious & inexpensive.

Angelina Ristorante 3561 N. Broadway

773.935.5933. Hosting the coolest and hippest Sunday brunch crowd in Lakeview, the menu includes Eggs Benedict, fritattas, Croque Monsieur and mufaletta sandwiches, almond-crusted stuffed French toast, and the free flow of Champagne mimosas. Brunch here is loud, raucous and FUN! Great for dinner, as well.

Club Lucky 1824 W. Wabansia Ave. 773.227.2300. Popular Bucktown/Wicker Pk. restaurant & unique cocktail lounge. Generous portions of traditional Italian specialties and daily specials. Outdoor patio.

Panino’s Pizzeria 3702 N. Broadway

773.472.6200. Panino’s has established itself as a Boystown favorite with its varied menu selections, including gyros and burgers, pasta entrees, and of course pizza. Delivery available.

Piehole Pizza 3477 N. Broadway 773.525.8888. From their hole to yours. Traditional pizza served in untraditional ways. Delivering until late at night.

Augments the Athenian Gyros by satisfying the American desire to pick our own toppings! True Athenian Gyros is a choice of all natural non-ground meat (pork or chicken) stacked and cooked on a rotisserie. MEXICAN/LATIN__________

Cesar’s 2924 N. Broadway 773.296.9097 and at

3166 N Clark 773.248.2835 This family-owned operation offers an enticing menu full of delicious Mexican recipes, popular house specialties, irresistible desserts, and their signature “Killer Margaritas.”

El Mariachi 3906 N. Broadway 773.549-2932

and at 3420 N. Broadway 773.549-7020. Quickly becoming one of the very best Mexican restaurants in the city, the focus is on using fresh, high-quality ingredients for its “south of the border” cuisine. Full bar featuring over 100 brands of tequila.

El Nuevo Mexicano 2914 N. Clark 773.528.2131. Cozy dining room along with authentic Mexican cuisine makes this a great place for delicious dining. Open for lunch & dinner, great patio for summer outdoor dining. Delivery available too!

Las Mananitas 3523 N. Halsted St. 773.528.2109. Traditional & regional Mexican dishes along with freshly squeezed limes for margaritas. Nice place to eat, drink and window watch people on Halsted St. Has a full bar & plenty of hardy dishes to satisfy any appetite. Serving the community for over 28 years. Fiesta Mexicana 2423 N. Lincoln Ave 773.348.4144

Taverna 750 750 W. Cornelia Ave 773.248.8333.

(2nd Location) 4806 N. Broadway 773.769.4244. Traditional favorites along with great ambiance. Nice place to bring your family, friends or bring a date to. The Lincoln location has daily specials & live music.


Is your target market is in our distribution area?? ADVERTISE YOUR RESTAURANT IN BOI MAGAZINE Call 773.975.0264 or email us at boiADS@aol.com

This restaurant, formerly known as Cornelia’s is the latest trendy Italian restaurant in the neighborhood. New owners, new looks and a new menu is sure to make this a new hot spot.

Andies 1467 W. Montrose 773.348.0654. 5253 N 18 boi

More listings @ boimagazine.com, click on Dining link

Chicago spotlight: david cerda Interviews with leaders in Chicago’s GLBT community by Gregg Shapiro

Hell In A Handbag Productions’ artistic director and co-founder David Cerda is one of the busiest gay men in Chicago. In addition to writing and performing in his theater company’s productions, he is also the lead singer of the popular band The Joans. Handbag’s new original docu-musical “Sexy Baby,” with book and lyrics by David Cerda, music by David Cerda and Scott Lamberty, has had its run at Mary’s Attic extended for a second time. Cerda took time out of his active schedule to answer some questions for Boi Magazine. When did you come out and what was the experience like for you? Sometime in 1980, I remember because the “American Gigolo” film had come out. It was a combination of terror and excitement. I used to go to bars in Calumet City, IL when I was underage, and it was thrilling to be in a club filled with people just like me. Name five of your GLBT heroes and say a few words about why you chose them.

Stonewall Drag Queens: I doubt I would have had the courage to do what they did in 1969, let alone in heels. ACT UP: People like Danny Sotomayor who stood at the front lines in the fight against AIDS. Young people need to be shown and taught that AIDS used to be a death sentence. Now they think it’s like having diabetes. Joan Crawford: My defining diva. She represents what talent, drive and determination will do no matter what the circumstances. Charles Busch: Busch was told he wasn’t leading man material so he made himself a leading lady. If I didn’t write my own material nobody would cast me. What do you consider to be your most significant contribution to the GLBT community in Chicago and at large? Helping sustain the increasingly lost art of camp, one of the few gay-centric art forms.

What are your future goals and aspirations? To continue entertaining people with more plays, John Waters: When I saw first “Pink Flamingos”, I was SHOCKED to see the music, film, and a book. Words of thoughts in my head on the big screen. wisdom to the next GLBT generation. It’s okay to be a sissy. Just OWN it! It changed my life. 22 boi

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in the Know, on the Go Folks, I am totally wiped out by the onetwo punch of Pride Fest followed by the parade and celebrating on the halsted strip afterwards and the party time continued right through the 4th of July weekend. I may need a little time to rest up just in time for Market Days which is right around the corner! Anyway, here’s some news about some upcoming events of interest.

Up North

Folks will be sucking on the bones Friday night, at Lawrence and Broadway for Uptown’s Ribfest... “Steamwerkz The Musical” is laying them in the aisles at annoyance Theater, also on Broadway just north of Lawrence.... Is it just me or did Uptown suddenly become the it neighborhood?.

Meanwhile, on the Halsted strip

Spin hosts the “Play Like a Girl” fund raiser for Chicago Force Women’s Tackle Football and Chicago Women’s Rugby on Friday, July 13. ,The $25 cover includes 3 drink tickets, dancing, and live performances by Sami Grisafe and Hot Mess. They invite us to “Bring our A-game to participate in cornhole, arm wrestling, 50/50 raffle and other bar games for just $1!” Cornholing? I didn’t think lesbians did that!... Get out your lemons because Steamworks is holding “Suckfest” on July 14 which I am certain has something to do with how many lemons you can suck in an allotted time. No?

More on the strip

Ram is hosting a bare butt contest and

the prize is $300 for the hottest ass. The contest isn’t until the 27th, so you have plenty of times to do squats at the gym... You know how the bars are always packed at Market Days? The folks at Hydrate now have a VIP pass you can buy that will let you slip past the lines, no wait and no cover charges. It’s just like at Disney World! If you buy before the 15th, it’s only $25. Go to hydratechicago.com to get your pass.


The annual Taste of Chicago festival will be slightly different this summer. Instead of spanning ten days as it has in the past, the event will only be five days long, running from July 11-15, in an attempt to reduce costs for the vendors. The idea is to help generate more profits and exposure for participating vendors in a shorter span of time. The Taste of Chicago event has traditionally been a time for local residents and visitors alike to celebrate the 4th of July weekend with fireworks and a food festival, but Concierge Preferred is sure that this year’s event will still offer a great opportunity to enjoy some funfilled summer days in Chicago’s Grant Park. The musical lineup for the 2012 Taste of Chicago is complete with the addition of a double bill featuring Fitz & the Tantrums and Michael Franti & Spearhead, the evening of Friday, July 13 beginning at 5:30pm. Also announced are opening acts for Wednesday, July 11 and Thursday, July 12. Luke James opens for Jennifer Hudson, taking the stage at 5:30pm and opening for Death Cab for Cutie on Thursday, July 12, also at 5:30pm is Calexico. boi 25

steamworks Steamworks Chicago the private membership gym, sauna and bathhouse for men prides itself on being a clean, safe place for men. What many don’t know is that Steamworks has lead the world’s bathhouses in social responsibility; conducting educational workshops and providing testing for STD and HIV. In Chicago Steamworks is best known to the general public for its annual Twister demonstrations during Market Days. We figured the best way to give you a tour of the place was through that legendary game. Give it a spin and see where you land. Just watch where you put your hands!

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Ask Ace

Relationship & sex Advice

I usually don’t write an intro for my column, but since this is our “adult entertainment” issue, I thought I share a personal story as well as answer some questions especially pertinent to this issue. When I was a 10-year-old dyslexic kid, I misread the signs on store for marital aids as “martial aids”. I assumed that this had something to do with martial arts. I was into ninjas and kung fu back then, so I went into the store, and asked to see their toys. I rushed out the door by the store owner. When I went home and told my mother, she about laughed her ass off. Now on to the questions . . . .

Baby Bottom

My boyfriend wants to use sex toys and I don’t understand why. Does it mean that I’m not hot enough for him or that he finds sex with me boring? I thought only pervs used sex toys. I’m 19 and he’s 35, is this something that you need to do when you’re older?

a penis pump or a jack sleeve. If you’re comfortable with that, perhaps you’ll want to try other toys. Try to keep an open mind and remember, you can always say “stop” if you find something is not pleasurable.

Busy Signal

My boyfriend is always on his iPhone checking his Grindr account. He says he would never meet anybody and he just likes to see what’s going on. One night when he fell asleep, I checked his phone records and he had many calls to numbers I didn’t know. I called one and it was some guy my boyfriend met on Grindr. The guy said that he never met my boyfriend and that they just had phone sex. My boyfriend claims that phone sex is not cheating, what do you think?

Dear BS,

What I think doesn’t matter. Obviously, you consider this cheating or you wouldn’t have written to me. Tell your husband that you do consider this Dear BB, cheating and that you’d like him to stop. Using toys has nothing to do with age; If he refuses or agrees and then continues it’s all about making sex more fun or to do so, you have a serious issue. The two more pleasurable. As for your comment of you need to come to a consensus on about “pervs”, perversion is in the eye of this. You also need to think about whether the beholder. Remember that for many your husband and this guy were telling people you are a “perv”. You’re engaged you the truth. If he was lying to you about in gay sex, to many people that means just “wanting to see what’s going on” he you’re a pervert. You’re having sex with wouldn’t have connected with anybody, an older man. Does that make you a phone sex or face to face. However, your pervert? He’s having sex with a younger boyfriend may not be getting what he man. Is he a pervert? Sex toys are perfectly needs from you, so you might want to ask fine accessories to a pleasurable sex if you could do anything to imporve your life. Discuss what your boyfriend has in sex life. Give him an opportunity to tell you mind and offer to start slowly, maybe what he’s looking for in the relationship. boi 29

CHICAGO BARS & CLUBS Boystown / Lakeview

3160 3160 N.Clark G&L, LM,DS Berlin 954 W. Belmont G&L, D, 4 Bobby Love’s 3729 N. Halsted G&L Buck’s Saloon 3439 N. Halsted G Cell Block 3702 N. Halsted G, LF Charlie’s 3726 N. Broadway G, D, W Circuit 2.02 3641 N. Halsted G&L, D, 4 Cocktail 3359 N. Halsted G, GB Elixir Lounge 3452 N. Halsted G, 4 F. O’Mahony’s 3701 N. Broadway G&L, R Hydrate 3458 N. Halsted G, D, DS, 4 Kit Kat 3700 N. Halsted G&L, DS, R Little Jim’s 3501 N. Halsted G, V, 4 Lucky Horseshoe 3169 N. Halsted G, GB Manhandler 1948 N. Halsted G, W, 4 Minibar 3341 N. Halsted G, R North End 3733 N. Halsted G Roscoe’s 3356 N. Halsted G, D, V, DS Scarlet 3320 N. Halsted G Sidetrack 3349 N. Halsted G, V Smart Bar / Metro 3730 N. Clark MS, D, 4 Spin 800 W. Belmont G&L, V, 4 The Closet 3325 N. Broadway G&L, V, 4

773.327.5969 773.348.4975 773.525.1200 773.525.1125 773.665.8064 773.871.8887 773.325.2233 773.477.1420 773.477.1420 773.549.0226 773.975.9244 773.525.1111 773.871.6116 773.404.3169 773.871.3339 773.871.6227 773.477.7999 773.281.3355 773.348.1053 773.477.9189 773.549.4140 773.327.7711 773.477.8533

Chicago Downtown-Near north

Baton Show Lounge 436 N. Clark DS 312.644.5269 Club 720 720 N. Wells MS, D, 4 312.787.8720 Crimson Lounge 333 N. Dearborn MS, D, R 312.923.2473 Downtown Bar & Lounge 440 N State G 312.464.1400 Dragon Lady Lounge 3188 N. Elston 773.267.1970 Excalibur/Vision 632 N. Dearborn MS, D, 4 312.266.1944 Funky Buddha 728 W. Grand Ave. MS, D 312.666.1695 House of Blues 329 N. Dearborn MS, LM, 4 312.923.2000 Krush/Prop House 1657 N. Elston G&L, D, 4 773.486.2390 Nikki 1543 N. Kingsbury St. MS, D, 4 312.857.5009 Second Story Bar 157 E. Ohio G, V 312.923.9536 Sound Bar 226 W. Ontario MS, D, 4 312.787-4480 Spy Bar 646 N. Franklin MS, D, 4 312.587.8779 Underground 56 W. Illinois MS, D, 4 312.644.7600 Vibe 1543 N. Kingsbury MS, D, 4 312.266.1900

Chicago Northside

The Anvil 1137 W. Granville G, V @mosphere 5355 N. Clark G&L, V, GB Big Chicks 5024 N. Sheridan G&L, D, R

773.973.0006 773.784.1100 773.728.5511

G------------------------------------------------------------------Gay Male L---------------------------------------------------------------------Lesbian G&L-------------------------------------------------Gay Male & Lesbian D-------------------------------------------------------------------Dancing V-----------------------------------------------------------------------Video GB-------------------------------------------------------------Go Go Boys DS--------------------------------------------------------------Drag Show R--------------------------------------------------------Restaurant, Food

30 boi

Chicago Northside CONTINUED

Crew 4804 N. Broadway G&L, V, R 773.784.2739 Davenport’s 1383 N. Milwaukee G&L, LM 773.278.1830 Debonair Social Club 1575 N. MilwaukeeAve. MS, D 773.227.7990 Fat Cat 4849 N. Broadway MS, R 773.506.3100 Green Dolphin St. 2200 N. Ashland G&L, D, LM, 4 773.395.0066 Green Mill 4802 N. Broadway MS, LM, 4 773.878.5552 In Fine Spirits 5420 N Clark MS, R 773.334.9463 Jackhammer 6406 N. Clark G, D, V, GB, LM, 4 773.743.5772 Joi de Vine 1744 W. Balmoral L, R 773.989.6846 Kinetic Playground 1113 W. LawrenceMS, D, LM, 4 773.769.5483 Marty’s 1511 W. Balmoral G&L 773.561.6425 Mary’s Attic 5400 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Parlour On Clark 6341 N. Clark 773.564.9274 Mary’s RecRoom 5402 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Scot’s 1829 W. Montrose G&L 773.528.3253 SoFo Bar 4923 N. Clark G 773.784.7636 T’s 5025 N. Clark G&L, R 773.784.6000 The Call 1547 W Bryn Mawr G&L, D, DS, V, LM 773.334.2525 The Glenwood 6962 N Glenwood G 773.764.7363 Touché 6412 N. Clark G, V, LF, 4 773.465.7400 Uptown Lounge 1136 W. Lawrence 773.878.1136

Chicago Southside

Club Escape 1530 E. 75th G&L, D Escapades 6301 S. Harlem G&L, D, V, 4 Inn Exile 5758 W. 65th G&L, D, V Jeffrey Pub 7041 S. Jeffrey G&L, D, V, 4

Chicago Suburbs

773.667.6454 773.229.0886 773.582.3510 773.363.8555

Hideaway 7301 W. Roosevelt Forest Park G, D, V, DS, GB Club Krave 13126 S. Western Blue Island G&L, D, V, DS, GB, 4 Hunters 1932 E. Higgins Elk Grove Village G, D, V, GB, 4 Mission 209 E. Chicago Downtown Elgin G&L, D, V Encompass 24215 Rush St. Lake Station, IN G&L, D, R, DS Velvet Rope 728 Lake St Oak Park G&L, D, V, R

Adult Entertainment

Banana Video 4923 N. Clark G, BK Bijou Theater 1349 N. Wells G, GB, BK Man’s Country 5017 N. Clark G, GB, BH Steamworks 3246 N. Halsted G, BH, FC The Ram 35111/2 N. Halsted G, BK, D

708.771.4459 708.597.8379 847.439.8840 847.488.0320 219.962.4640 708.358.8840

773.561.8322 312.943.5397 773.878.2069 773.929.6080 773.525.9528

4-------------------------------------------------------------Open til 4am MS--------------------------------------------------------Mostly Straight LF---------------------------------------------------------Leather / Fetish W-------------------------------------------------------------------Western LM--------------------------------------------------Live Music / Cabaret BH--------------------------------------------------------------Bath House BK----------------------------------Adult Book, Booth & Video Store FC-------------------------------------------------------------Fitness Club

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