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COVER Northalsted Market Days 2014
editorial contributors Gregg Shapiro, Ace Magyar, Parker Carr Sue Deaunym, Anita Taylor, Michael Elder
VIEW boiMAG ONLINE AT: www. boiMAG.us BOI Magazine, Inc. Š 2000−2014 All rights reserved For our online readers, the blue underline text are active links
Market Days 2014 Northalsted Market Days, presented by the Northalsted Business Alliance, is the Midwest’s largest two-day street festival, bringing more than 150,000 visitors to Boystown’s main street. It’s also one of the largest outdoor events in the country and draws a vibrant mix of the GLBT and mainstream communities. Spanning a half mile (four city blocks), the event features three main music stages where more than 40 top-name local and national music acts perform. On top of its reputation for the best live music and people-watching in Chicago, Market Days is also famous for its unique mix of nearly 300 food, merchant, artisans and NFP vendors showcasing and selling their wares to the unique, upscale crowd. While Market Days officially shuts down at 10 p.m., the party continues throughout the neighborhood until the wee hours.
Just the Facts
Saturday & Sunday, August 9-10 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. North Halsted St. (between Belmont & Addison) $10 suggested gate donation
Northalsted Business Alliance
In 1980, a small group of retailers in a four-block area along Halsted Street joined forces to promote the street and improve business conditions. Since its inception, the Northalsted Business Alliance has grown to represent more than 80 businesses along North Halsted Street from Barry Street to West Irving Park Road. Recognized by the media, the City of Chicago and local residents as a major force in the community, championing positive change and growth, the Northalsted Business Alliance works cooperatively to maintain a diverse, safe and thriving shopping and entertainment district. The Alliance’s street beautification program, provides regular street and sidewalk cleaning, as well as the maintenance of seasonal planters. The Northalsted Business Alliance has supported The Center on Halsted since its inception and was one of its first major contributors. A focal point for the GLBT community of Chicago, The Center on Halsted serves the community’s diverse social, recreational, cultural and social service needs. www.northalsted.com
Mary Lambert plans to keep us warm at Northalsted Market Days
By Gregg Shapiro
Mary Lambert is nothing if not grateful for her newfound popularity. The out singer/songwriter and performance poet’s swift and meteoric rise to fame occurred via her collaboration with the duo Macklemore and Ryan Lewis on the ground-breaking song “Same Love.” A YouTube sensation and hit single, the song received Grammy Award nominations, and was performed live during the Grammy telecast, featuring a mass-wedding including several same-gender couples.
Gregg Shapiro: Mary, I’m sure you’ve been asked about your Grammy performance with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis a million times, but now that there is some distance between that night and now, what was the experience like for you? Mary Lambert: It’s a life-altering experience. Performing for that many people and being nominated for a Grammy is pivotal enough for an individual. But what the song stands for and what I’m singing about and what I’ve written, that to me is more gratifying. The actual content and the social impact; it was life-changing for me. I feel so fortunate that this is the song that will be remembered for years to come. I feel very lucky that it’s the song for which I will be known for sure. GS: I’m glad you mentioned the social impact. Your religious upbringing also plays a role in your artistic life. What kind of an impact do you think your work is now having, if any at all, on conservative religious organizations such as the Evangelical church with which you have been involved? ML: I’m not sure if it has. I feel like I’ve been out of touch in terms of those actual communities. GS: Have they reached out to you at all?
Shortly thereafter, Lambert released the Welcome To The Age of My Body EP, featuring “She Keeps Me Warm,” a song that expanded on her contribution to “Same Love.” Lambert, who performs at Northalsted Market Days on August 10, recently spoke with me about her career.
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ML: I have been working with some churches. There are churches that have reached out. I do think that Christianity and the whole Evangelical sect is in a shift right now. But I don’t know if I am solely responsible for that. I do feel that there is a shift towards the idea of gay marriage. GS: “She Keeps Me Warm,” the fulllength song that grew out of your “Same Love” collaboration with
Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, is featured on your Welcome To The Age of My Body EP. What was involved in deciding what you wanted to include on that disc? ML: I wanted to make the EP an introduction to who I am. I wanted “She Keeps Me Warm” on there. There was a push to have it in a collection of songs and to have it out and make a statement about who I am and what I do. “Sarasvati” is on there, too, and that’s very confessional, a deeply emotional song to sing. “Body Love” is on there and that’s an encompassing idea of what I do. They all speak to those different forms.
“You are beautiful, just the way you are.” But I also didn’t want to smooth over it the way a lot of other people do. It has the open and close quotes and I think it’s a lot rawer than that. I think it’s about girls self-harming, drinking heavily and escapism because the pain of our bodies and our self-destruction. GS: Have you started working on a fulllength album and, if so, will the songs from EP be included on it?
GS: I’m glad you mentioned “Body Love,” because the EP opens and closes with the spoken word tracks “Body Love Part 1” and “Body Love Part 2,” putting your poetic skills on display. Who are some of your favorite poets? ML: I have so many! I was fortunate enough to do a little stint with Andrea Gibson, who is one of my favorite poets. Buddy Wakefield and Shira Erlichman, too. GS: Like Beth Ditto, you have become a body image advocate, most recently launching The Body Love Campaign. What can you tell me about it? ML: The Body Love Campaign is something I feel very strongly about. It’s just the idea of self-worth and self-care and propelling that in our culture when our culture is so invested in breaking down women; women asking for validation from men. I don’t think it’s anybody’s fault, but I think it’s perpetuated by both genders. Something I really wanted to attack was the fact that it starts before you are 16 or 17. That was the peak of it for me, when I felt pressured to be somebody that I wasn’t and then feel really guilty about it. I wanted to make a declaration of
ML: We considered that. But I want the fulllength record to be a new body of work. I want it to be really fresh and state where I’m at right now in terms of my career and what I’m creating. We have a single that will be released in June and then the record will be released in the fall. I couldn’t be more proud of what we’re making. I wanted to retain the emotional content of what I do, but I wanted to make a commercially viable album. I want to hear these songs on the radio, so I’ve fused those ideas together. I couldn’t be happier with it. It sounds like magic. Interview credit; ChicagoPride.com
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Eat Your Way Down Halsted By Rick Karlin
Taking in the eye candy may be the favorite activity at Market Days, but following close behind is enjoying the wonderful array of food and drink available. In addition to local favorites, food and drink purveyors from throughout the country will be on hand to curb your appetite or slake your thirst.
Let’s start with the food first, as drinking on an empty stomach can be dangerous. Start with local favorites; Chicago Diner, Las Mananitas, HB Home Bakery, Jack’s on Halsted, Kit Kat Lounge, Spritzburger/Hearty Boys and Yoshi’s Café. Then sample the goodies from such amazing food vendors as; Quang Noodle Restaurant, Blackhawk BBQ & Sea, College Corn, Genoa Italian Concessions, Chicago Classics, Greek Delights, Paulina Market, Robinson’s Ribs, Dimo’s Pizza, El Campeon, Taco Factory, Jeni’s Ice Cream and The Wurst Haus (for the best wurst in town). There’s even Paws Dog Barkery for goodies for our four-legged friends (and we mean real dogs, not your boyfriend with a dog collar ad a leash). Cheers! There will be plenty of places to get your drink on. Bars along Halsted, such as; Taverna 750, Mini Bar, Sidetrack, ProgressBar, D.S. Tequila, Roscoe’s, Replay, Halsted’s, Circuit, Hydrate, Cell Block, Scarlet, North End, Twisted Vine and Lucky Horseshoe will all be represented (and some of them will be serving food as well. In fact, Lucky Horseshoe will no doubt have a lovely display of tube-steaks). In addition, a number of beverage manufacturers and distributors, such as Barefoot Wines and Ice Mountain water will be on hand, as well. This list was provided by Special Events Management just prior to our deadline. No doubt, there will be many last minute additions. Pace yourself and you should be able to sample a little of everything. Don’t eat too much; nobody likes to sleep on (your) full stomach.
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Entertainment Schedule Belinda Carlisle, former lead vocalist of the Go-Gos (“Our Lips Are Sealed", “We’ve Got the Beat”) will headline this year’s Market Days. As one of the most successful all-female groups of all time, the Go-Go’s sold more than seven million albums. Carlisle (proud mother of a gay son) then went off on a solo career, releasing the hits “Mad About You” and “Heaven is a Place on Earth.” She will be the first ever headliner to officially launch the event, starting with a special preview performance at 1 p.m. on Aug. 9. “She’s been someone we have wanted for a while and the stars finally aligned for her to join us this year. She will undoubtedly get the party started in a big way on August 9,” said Northalsted Business Alliance spokesperson Jen Gordon Out lesbian Mary Lambert kicks off Sunday’s entertainment. Lambert rose to fame after she wrote and sang the chorus on Macklemore & Lewis’ Grammy-nominated song, “Same Love.” Rounding out the list of nationally recognized performers are; Steve Grand, Deborah Cox, Branden James, Aaron Carter and Karmin, who join local favorites Abba Salute, 16 Candles and The Personnel, along with the always popular Chicago Spirit Brigade and Windy City Cowboys.
Saturday, August 9
North Stage 1:15 - 2:00 Deborah Cox 3:30 - 4:30 Blush 5:30 - 6:30 Steve Grand 7:00 - 7:30 Whiskey & Cherries 7:45 - 8:15 Cary NoKey 8:45 - 9:25 Belinda Carlisle 22 boiMAG
Entertainment Schedule Saturday, August 9
Roscoe Stage 12:15 - 1:40 Crush On Radio 1:45 - 2:00 Chicago Spirit Brigade 2:30 - 3:45 Godwin & Branden James 4:30 - 5:30 Brynn Marie 6:30 - 7:30 Radical Something 8:30 - 9:30 Girl Group Belmont Stage 12:15 - 1:15 Hag 1:45 - 3:15 Skirt Steak 3:45 - 5:15 Girlband 6:00 - 7:15 The Locals 8:15 - 9:30 Girl In A Coma
Sunday, August 10
North Stage Charice 1 - 1:45 2:45 - 4:00 Aaron Carter 5:00 - 6:00 Neon Trees 6:45 - 7:15 Rockell 8:00 - 9:15 Karmin Roscoe Stage 12:15 - 1:15 Mary Lambert 2:30 - 3:15 One Night Band 3:15 - 3:30 Chicago Spirit Brigade 4:00 – 5:00 Ariana & The Rose 5:30 – 7:00 Abba Salute 7:00 - 7:15 Windy City Cowboys 7:45 - 9:45 16 Candles Belmont Stage 12:30 - 1:30 The Personnel 1:50 - 2:50 The Personnel 3:30 - 5:30 Catfight 6:15 - 7:15 The Handcuffs 8:15 - 9:30 Lez Zeppelin
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iMUSIC By Gregg Shapiro
It takes a (disco) village
Someone really ought to tell our straight allies (or foes, depending on the day) that dancing the night away to thumping electronic beats that dance music is still gay. Gay, gay, gay. Remember that the next time you’re at a mixedgender wedding and everyone has crowded onto the dance floor to spell out YMCA with their bodies. While we’re on the subject, please express your gratitude to groundbreaking gay disco act, The Village People. Not only did they provide the world with a perennial party favorite, they were also brazenly queer (hello, leather-man and construction worker!) at a time when such images were not all that common in mainstream America. The 11-song Icon compilation falls short of the superior 1994 The Best of Village People collection (if you can find it, snap it up!), but it does contain essential VP tracks such as “Y.M.C.A.,” “Macho Man,” “Go West,” and important early hits including “San Francisco (You’ve Got Me)” and “Hollywood (Everybody Is A Star).” In 2014, gay dance acts such as Ssion and MEN are a common occurrence. But none can compare to Hercules and Love Affair. Featuring yet another stellar array of guest vocalists (past guest artists have included Antony Hegarty and Kele Okereke), such as brilliant gay 32 boiMAG
singer/songwriter John Grant and Krystle Warren, as well as Rouge Mary and Gustaph, The Feast of the Broken Heart deserves to be Hercules & Love Affair’s mainstream breakout disc. Sure, there are blush-worthy moments (the NSFW but dazzling “My Offence”) and proof that dance music also has a serious side (“I Try To Talk To You”). However, on the whole, if you aren’t on your feet and dancing from start to finish, to houseinfluenced cuts such as “Liberty,” “Do You Feel The Same?” and “5:43 to Freedom,” then you might consider taking to your bed, for the rest of your life. Hercules and Love Affair aren’t the only ones having good luck when combining their fire power with other artists. Norwegian duo Röyksopp hit the jackpot when teaming with Swedish diva Robyn (remember “The Girl and the Robot”?) and have definitely done so again on the five-song EP Do It Again. Monumental opening track “Monument” is an expansive warm up (as opposed to chill out) track that sets the listener swaying in preparation for what’s to follow. “Say It” casts a spell with its Speak & Spell call and response and an irresistible beat and “Do It Again" is sure to have you dancing again and again. Röyksopp and Robyn perform on Aug. 24 at Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park. Continued on following page >>
Just a few years shy of the 20th anniversary of their debut disc Vegas (containing the huge hit single “Busy Child”), American electronica The Crystal Method is still at it. “Emulator” opens the duo’s new self-titled disc (its first in five years) with promise before taking a Skrillex/music for strip clubs detour on the grindy “Over It.” There’s some redemption on “Grace” and “110 to the 101,” but for the most part the Crystal Method sounds like it needs a fix. On its debut album CI, German electro duo Diamond Version takes the most experimental road of any of the artists mentioned here. Not quite Sprockets with your host Dieter, at least not until you get to “Feel The Freedom” featuring Kyoka, these 10 songs mainly combine a bit of the old industrial (“Science For A Better Life”) with a plugged-in playfulness (“Access To Excellence”). The disc’s centerpiece, “Were You There,” a re-imagining of an old spiritual,
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features Pet Shop Boy Neil Tennant on vocals, displays yet another facet of the pair. Effectively working an `80s vibe on When The Night, St. Lucia elevates dance level via tracks such as “Elevate,” the glittery “Wait For Love,” “Call Me Up,” “September,” and the aha moment of the title cut. Offensive on multiple levels, Dconstructed takes Disney desperation and dysfunction to new depths by unnecessarily remixing the house of mouse movie tunes including; “Let It Go,” “Circle of Life,” “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” and “Baby Mine,” by the likes of Armin Van Buuren and Mat Zo, Alfred Montejano and Kaskade, respectively. Rounding up the releases, Pacific Northwest band Jupe Jupe updates the `80s dance-pop sound on Crooked Kisses and Dutch trio Kraak & Smaak does disco proud on Chrome Waves.
FIT TIPS By Michael Elder
A bigger and more defined chest has always been high on the list of goals for most of my clients. When it comes to training the chest, the flat bench press is without a doubt a gold standard. It is an exercise that professional bodybuilders have been using for decades to gain size and strength in their chest. And there is good reason for that- it works! 38 boiMAG
The major muscle targeted here is the pectoralis major, while the triceps and deltoids act as synergistic muscles. Lie back on a flat bench. Using a medium width grip (a grip that creates a 90-degree angle in the middle of the movement between the forearms and the upper arms), lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight over you with your arms locked. This will be your starting position. From the starting position, breathe in and begin lowering the weights slowly until the bar touches your middle chest. Continued on following page >>
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After a brief pause, push the bar back to the starting position as you breathe out. Focus on pushing the bar using your chest muscles. Squeeze your chest in the contracted position at the top of the motion without locking your elbows, hold for a second and then start coming down slowly again. Tip: Ideally, lowering the weight should take about twice as long as raising it. Repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions. When you are done, place the bar back in the rack. If you are new at this exercise, it is advised that you use a spotter. If no spotter is available, then be conservative with the amount of weight used. Also, beware of letting the bar drift too far forward. You want the bar to touch your middle chest. Don’t bounce the weight off your chest. You should be in full control of the barbell at all times. If you want to develop size and strength in your chest, this classic exercise is a must. However, keep in mind that in order to gain size and strength anywhere, you must also be employing proper nutrition. Now get lifting!
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Michael Elder has been working as a fitness professional in Chicago for the last fifteen years. He comes from a background in gymnastics and is certified as a personal trainer through the American Council on Exercise (ACE). He can be reached directly through his website: www.MichaelElder.com.
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Let’s Party @ Sidetrack! For years couples have been meeting at bars and clubs in our community, so it’s no wonder that, when they choose to solemnize their relationships, many decide to do so in a bar or club. With more samesex couples opting to marry, is it any wonder that many want to hold receptions? Whether simple or lavish, our community knows how to throw a party. Many businesses in the GLBT community are now making their unique spaces available to patrons for their receptions and parties. In the coming months, we'll showcase what various businesses have to offer. We start with a community favorite; Sidetrack! After years of creating wonderful memories for its customers, Sidetrack joins in celebrating the passage of marriage equality by offering a festive and fabulous environment for any special event. Sidetrack’s variety of entertainment, unique rooms and award-winning spaces have proven to be the perfect location for many birthday parties over the years, so it’s just a natural extension to include engagement parties, weddings and receptions. Continued on following page >>
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@ Sidetrack >>continued....>> From the bright and spacious GlassBar to the more intimate UpstairsBar with access to the large rooftop deck, Sidetrack offers a variety of room combinations and spaces tailor made for groups from 20 to 500 or more. The staff at Sidetrack will also assist in recommending and coordinating all the facets for your event - from florists and dÊcor designers to photographers. Its audio/video staff takes pride in helping couples create custom events tailored to their tastes in music and videos, including all the special touches needed for a memorable and personalized wedding ceremony or festive reception. For more info. contact Sidetrack’s party managers at 773.477.9189 or info@SidetrackChicago.com
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in the know ... ON THE GO!
By Sue Deaunym
Market Days Matters
It’s here! It’s here! Finally! We wait all summer for Market Days to run into people we haven’t seen for a while (and then make catty comments about how bad they look) or see the men we meet in the clubs in broad daylight (did I really go home with that?!?!?!) and ogle all the nearly naked people (about half of whom should keep their clothes on. Here’s a word of advice to those people, if you haven’t got a fulllength mirror at home, take a selfie and then ask yourself, “Would I want to see that?”)…If you want to save a remembrance of the day, Leigh Gallery is offering souvenir snaps… Kick off the weekend by heading up to Touche for its Porn Poker Party on Friday... To keep the energy going, ProgressBar has DJs spinning from noon until closing... Saturday night continue the party after Market Days shuts down for the night by heading over to Smart Bar for "Men's Room"... On Sunday go down to The Castle for "Allegria"... Of course, you coud just stay in the 'hood. Hydrate's got Nina Flowers from RuPaul's Drag Race on Saturday and on Sunday Sidetrack follows up show tunes with "Disco Inferno"... Which reminds us, if you need to get out of the heat for a bit, Little Jim's has a $4.25 Bloody Mary special on Sundays which might help you get up enough nerve to toddle cross the street to Hydrate and audition for the model search for the next Stoli Guy... If you've been wondering about your HIV status, you can get a test with results in one minute at the Howard Brown booth... Of course, Market Days also means that Labor Day is right around the corner, which brings the Miss Continental Pageant, and right after that the AidsWalk on Sept. 19.
Andersonville Antics
Not all the news is on Halsted. Things are just as jumping up north in Andersonville (or should we start calling it “Mandersonville” to complement Boystown?)... Borderline Music is back in biz. Well it was never out of business, it just closed its Lakeview store in preparation for the move to its new location at 5351 N. Clark... Hamburger Mary’s continues to pack folks in for Hambingo every Monday... I love the wild life at SoFo on Friday nights, when furry men of all varieties (and their hunters) pack the place… The Taste of Andersonville Dinner Crawl on Wednesday, Aug. 13, will feature selections from twenty restaurants in the ‘hood. Choose between the “Salt” or the “Pepper” route, or do both with “The Whole Enchilada!” It’s $25 for each route in advance, $30 at the door or the combo is $45 in advance, $55 at the door. Don’t count on getting your tix at the door, as this event is usually a sell-out. For more info, go to ther website at www. andersonville.org.
Chitter Chatter
If you thought Market Days was a sausagefest, head over to Old Town the weekend of August 22-24 to see an actual "Sausagefest"; one where you actually get to buy and eat the sausages (although I suspect a little of that happens at Market Days, too)... Get out your earplugs, the Air & Water Show is the weekend of Aug. 16 and 17. On the Saturday night of the Air & Water Show weekend, Honey West hosts a cruise on the Anita Dee to benefit About Face Theater. The ship sails from Navy Pier dock at 1 p.m., so this is not the event at Continued on following page >>
in the know
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which you arrive fashionably late. The $75 ticket includes food and gift bag…If you ever dreamed of snagging your own Lois Lane or Clark Kent, here’s your opportunity. The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association convention is being held Thursday, Aug. 21 at The Palmer House… On Saturday, Aug. 23 it’s AFC’s Anniversary Party, $25 annual dues for single; $40 per couple. Go http://www.afchicago. org ... Happy 10th anniversary to Crew, which is celebrating by giving back to the community with a benefit on Aug. 13. The popular Uptown spot is also bidding a fond farewell to its manager, Dave, who’s heading out to the wild and wooly west (we don’t know how wooly it will be, but with Dave there it will be WILD). Speaking of Crew, don’t forget to enroll for the semester of Pub Quiz Trivia. It starts Aug. 18.
Stage Business
If it’s Aug. that means it’s time for “Dance for Life”. The premiere dance event in Chicago is a must-see and be seen scene. This year it’s on Saturday, Aug. 16, at the Auditorium Theatre, with a VIP pre-show reception at the Hilton. The largest performancebased AIDS fundraising event in the Midwest will feature seven companies. Choreographers Randy Duncan, Harrison McEldowney and Jeremy Plummer have created special pieces for the show. Tix are $250$600 for the show and reception, $25-$75 for performance only. call 312.922.5812 or go to their website at www.danceforlifechicago.org... About Face Theatre launches its new season with the Chicago premiere of “Methtacular!” Written and performed
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by Steven Strafford, it shares his story of survival in the underground world of Chicago’s crystal meth scene. Through comedy, songs, and plenty of honest storytelling, Strafford brings audiences on a journey through the chemical highs, devastating lows, and ultimate redemption from his drug addled, sex crazed life. After playing to sold-out crowds and rave reviews in New York, Cincinnati and Portland, this unique piece of theatre is finally coming home to Chicago where it was born. The play runs Aug. 21 through Sept. 28 at Theater Wit. Tickets are available at www.aboufacetheatre. com, or by calling 773.975.8150 or at the Theater Wit box office. …You did get your tix for Margaret Cho at the North Shore Center on Sept. 6, didn’t you?... On Saturday, Aug. 16, comedian Vickie Shaw appears at Holy Covenant MCC in Brookfield in a benefit for the church. Tix are $25 and there’ll be drinking and dancing afterwards. Go http://www.holycovenantmcc. org/Vickieshaw.html for more info...It’s the Queerpocalypse at Mayne Stage on Saturday, Aug. 23. The show is an epic battle against gender conformity through drag, camp, burlesque, circus, song and dance performances. Hosted by Tamale, it’s $23 general admission. For tix go to www.MayneStage... Since we have a little bit of space left, let's use it to butter up to the boss. Our editor, Rick Karlin, has teamed up with musician Scott Free and they've written a new musical, "Witches Among Us". It is being produced by New American Folk Theater at Parlour on Clark, opening October 3.