ISSUE 16.11
Is it realy time to think about sweaters
and jackets?. As you are reading this, the stores are loading up on fall fashions, so we’ve again called upon Anita Taylor for her expertise. Back when we were recovering from our New Year’s Eve hangovers, Anita was jetting around the globe attending all the designers’ fashions shows checking in on the upcomming trends. And, like Moses, she’s come down off the mount with her version of the Ten Commandments (of Fashion). Anita also knows that we don’t empty out our closets each season, so she offers some tips on how to incorporate individual pieces to put your wardrobe “on trend” as they say on “Project Runway”. Speaking of everyone’s favorite fashionbased reality show, we tracked down Tim Gunn to get a few more one liners to update our “make it work” vocabulary. While you’re thinking about your clothes, take a look in the mirror and see if you need to update your ‘do. No less an authority than Crew brand artistic director, Paul Wilson offers some tips for our tops. Of course, we have all of our regular columnists adding their special flavor to our mix. Ask Ace answers some doozies this issue, Gregg Shapiro lets us know about some film goodies in “Screen Savor”. We would like to welcome Dave DeGraff to our sales staff. Dave comes to us from his six year tenure at Gay Chicago Magazine (now Gay Chicago News). Speaking if Gay Chicago News, you can now catch my restaurant reviews and an occasional travel piece there. It’s nice to be back writing for the publication again. I love having two homes (three if you count the Wisconsin Gazette). boi
3700 N. Halsted St. #2S Chicago, IL 60613
773.975.0264 • Publisher Editor
Mike Macharello Rick Karlin
Layout & Design Titanium Graphics
Advertising Bill Gubrud Freddie Dave DeGraff
Photographers Oliver Aguilar Eamonn Sexton Steve Starr
Editorial Contributors Harry Taint Anita Taylor
Gregg Shapiro Ace Magyar
BOI Magazine, Inc. © 2000−2011 All rights reserved
FALL FASHION FORWARD TIM GUNN - MAKE IT WORK! HAIR RAISING IT SUITS YOU restaurant LISTINGS COVER BOI screen savor in the know, on the go! ASK ACE - ADVICE COLUMN bars and clubs directory
08 10 13 14 17 20 22 25 26 30
By Anita Taylor
Men’s fashion trends move much slower than the distaff side of the industry. While there are some distinct styles in 2011 fall fashion trends, much of men’s fashion remains timeless. The best thing about that is with just the purchase of a few items men can keep their wardrobe au courant. Keeping that in mind, invest in better quality clothing for the classics and cut costs with the few trendy pieces that can add a current punch to your look. Trends that’ll be making their way to your closet during the next six months: The mackintosh was first sold by its titular Scottish creator 1824. Traditionally it was constructed of, or treated with, a rubberized coating. Now it is often used to refer to any kind of water proof or water resistant garment, especially in the British Isles. A double-breasted Mac in a bit longer cut is the favored look this fall. Darks greens, particularly olive, are the colors de jour for outerwear this season, but you might also opt for classic tones of grey, dark brown and black for a timeless look. Stick to three-quarter length to avoid looking like a character from a bad spy movie. Heritage looks, (i.e. preppy) are showing up everywhere. The timeless way to achieve this is with a corduroy jacket. Plum-brown seems to be a popular trend for this year’s color, but a chocolate shade will look less dated in a year or two. Regardless of color, ensure you get a clean, modern tailored finish rather than the stolid blazer-like garment your father used to wear. boi
Chunky, industrial strength boots are back for casual wear. They’ll look great accompanying a pair of slim fitting (but not skinny) jeans and a checked shirt. Don’t go overboard, though. It’s not quite time for a ‘90s grunge revival (yet). Argyle is the pattern du monde, but just a touch, don’t over overboard with shirts, pullovers and ties emblazoned with the bold diamond pattern. Just a peek at pattern on the classic sock when you cross your leg, or at your neck when you flick a lightweight scarf. Chunky knitwear is hot. Lots of big bulky sweaters have been seen on the runways, but few can carry the look off in real life. Remember, those models are bone-thin, even the least bit of excess baggage will be amplified, make sure you have the body to pull it off and look for items that are as bulk-free as possible without too much ribbing and edging. Fabric options are trending toward luxury; velvet, double-faced cashmere, buttery leather and suede. Colors tend toward neutral with pops of this seasons hot (orange, burnt sienna, red, raspberry, burgundy and purple) provided by accessories. That’s good general rule any season. Combine timeless classics and add a bit of a trendy color through smaller pieces. Men are looking boxier with strongshaped jackets and blazers with sharp shoulders. Conversely, they’re also looking streamlines with jackets reflecting the early ‘60s “Mad Men” look. Pleated pants are making a comeback, unfortunately. In my opinion they make men look like they’ve got child bearing hips.
Last year’s neo-preppy trend continues, but with more of a hip-hop influence. And, of course hats are back. The spring summer revival of straw hats and boating caps carries over with lightweight fedoras taking over and the surprising appearance of Amish hats. Dsquared2, Dior Homme, D&G, Vuitton and Lanvin all featured headgear inspired by the big black hats of the Pennsylvania Dutch. What’s next, the even wider brimmed hats worn by Hasidic Jewish men? Need some ideas on what to wear this season? Mila Kavene of Moda Boutique in Andersonville, shares some simple must have items for you fall wardrobe, “Light scarves and Fedora style hats are accessories that add an element of class and sophistication. When you’re not quite ready to break out that heavy winter coat quite yet, layering yourself in vintage v-neck and cardigan sweaters always looks chic and casual paired up with bold colored chinos. A nice pair of Roberto Cavali leather uppers finishes your look. Whether you are dressing up for a hot date or a night on the town with friends you have more choices with fall fashion. There are two styles that I hope are dropped before they become trends. The reemergence of ‘70s fashions. At first we were seeing toned down versions, slight flares on pants, and a slightly larger collar. The latest runway shows featured more extreme versions of bell bottom and wide legged trousers. On the flip side there is a nod to punk fashions showing up. I wish I could take out a contract on whoever suggested winter shorts. No doubt they will only catch on with straight men. My trendy boys are way too sensible to pick up on that trend. Aren’t you my darlings? Say “Yes” before Auntie Anita has to plunge her letter opener between your eyes.
The Ten Commandments of Fashion Thou Shalt Not wear a short sleeve shirt with a tie. Unless you are the manger of a fast food franchise. Thou Shalt Not try to disguise hair loss. Comb-overs and toupees never fool anyone. Though Shalt Not compensate for lack of hair. Long hair on balding man looks ridiculous, especially when tied into a ponytail. The same goes for spray painting over bald spots. Thou Shalt Not wear a black shirt with a white tie. Unless you are a hit man for the mob. Thou Shalt Not wear your cell phone on a belt holster. This is not the wild west and you’re not going to a shoot-out. Thou Shalt Not button all the buttons on a suit coat. Here’s how it goes, from top to bottom; always, sometimes, never. Thou Shalt Not wear socks with sandals. It doesn’t look European, it just looks stupid. Thou Shalt Not wear both a belt and suspenders. Are you really that worried that your pants will fall down? Thou Shalt Not stuff your wallet full with cards and receipts. Only one thing should create a lump in your pants. Thou Shalt Not wear clothes that are illfitting. Clothes that are too large; make skinny men look scrawny and heavy men look fatter. Clothes that are too tight make heavy men look even fatter and make skinny or muscular men look as if they’re trying too hard. Ties should end just at the belt line; any longer and you look as if you’re wearing your father’s clothes, any shorter you look like a clown. Pants should break across the top of the shoe; any shorter and you look like you’re expecting a flood, any longer and you look sloppy. Anita Taylor is a celebrity stylist, fashion writer, personal shopper and hash house waitress. She attended Parsons New School, Radcliff and Mr. Lance’s College of Cosmetology. boi
Tim Gunn is one of the best known personalities in the fashion industry, and he’s got the credentials to back it up. He was on the faculty of Parsons The New School for Design from 1982 to 2007 and was chair of fashion design at the school from August 2000 to March 2007, after which he joined Liz Claiborne as its chief creative officer. He is best known as the avuncular on-air mentor to designers on “Project Runway”. Gunn’s popularity on that show led to his spin-off show, “Bravo’s Tim Gunn’s Guide to
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Style”, as well as his book “A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style”. It is only fitting that in our fashion issue we take some tips from Tim, and ask him to expand on his classic catch phrase “Make it work”. “Trying and achieving are two different things.”
“The real secret to style is filling yourself to the absolute brim with engagement.” “We are fabulous. We don’t have to meet anyone fabulous.” “It’s a little Wonder Woman.” “It’s like Eva Gabor in Green Acres.” “I’ve made more bad decisions at 3 in the morning then I can list!”
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Men’s Hairstyle Trends: Fall 2011
scrub your scalps with that. It leaves a little bit of natural oil behind and that ends up being the best base.
The disheveled look for hair is still hot. That doesn’t mean that your hair should look messy or dirty. It should appear as if your hair was perfect, then you had a quick roll in the hay and had to leave quickly. How do you get that look without looking sloppy or over-contrived? From using a combination of hair products to how often you should shampoo, noted hair care expert Paul Wilson, artistic director for American Crew offers his advice.
Won’t hair get greasy if it’s not washed daily? Not really, most guys can go several days; the idea is that you’re letting a little natural oil work into the hair to help not only in how the hair looks but to also aid in styling it. There are some people that produce enough oil so that they can only go one day, but for the majority every other day is plenty. People with dry scalps or longer hair can even manage once a week.
How does one maintain the disheveled style without looking sloppy? Using two styling creams, a light hold and a firm hold, with a little bit more of a matte finish to them; they’re not glossy and shiny. They’re a little easier to use than a fiber, which is great for a matte finish but it’s a thicker product. And I think we’re starting to see a bit more length coming into men’s hair, either more length on top or just longer hair in general. So, the creams seem to be really user-friendly.
Note: If all else fails, go to your nearest salon, in fact, Ella from Strands & Trends on Clark just did my hair and it was one of the best cuts I’ve ever had! FYI: I went undercover so I wouldn’t get preferential treatment. Finally, Finalmente Aqui Salon is where I usually go for my updo. For all you northsiders, this is the best place for hair maintenance, short of Tabatha Coffey doing it.
by Anita Taylor
What are some common mistakes men make? To me, most guys just need to be shown how to apply product throughout the hair from scalp to ends. Don’t just smear a little product in up front; you don’t get a full finish that way. I would say choosing the right product, apply it properly, and then let it be. Guys tend to over-style their hair and overwork it to achieve this kind of disheveled look, and it ends up looking contrived. How much product should be used? I would say the size of a dime. It seems to be the best place to start, because you can always add more product, you can layer more product; in fact, you may want to layer a different product. So, start with a dime size of whatever your base product is going to be. When using that much product, how often do you need to shampoo? Men wash their hair way too much. Skip the shampoo, go right to the daily conditioner and boi 13
by Anita Taylor Everyone needs a good suit, a classic that evokes masculinity and confidence. Even if you don’t wear a suit often, it’s better to have one excellent classic look than a dozen poorly made, ill-fitting and out of date ones. But how do you choose? What do you look for? Technical elements come into play when looking for something both masculine and classic; cut, fabric and the many details that define the jacket, such as, lapels, button, trim etc. For many, the sleek cut is the most flattering, the exception being very heavy set men. For them a boxier cut can compensate for excess baggage. The sleek cut (note I didn’t say skinny) is one that accents a sense of the masculine through three key silhouette elements: broad shoulders, a slim waist and slim pants. The modern, double-breasted suit is now designed to accent and to heighten the perfect masculine shape: the V-shaped, well worked body instead of mask portliness (which they never did very well anyway). Look for a longer lapel line extends into the waist. This detail will help you appear taller and leaner. The fabric of your suit in will be one of the biggest factors in the price you pay, when you buy a classic investment piece. Wool is a favorite for suits; look for a thread count somewhere between 120 and 150. A count closer to 150 works for both cold and hot days. Those living in more extreme climates will need both winter (200 thread count) and summer (100 thread count) weights. Cotton suits are best only as an informal outfit. Also, it tends to crease incessantly and is only to be worn during the summer or in warmer climates. Linen suits can be perfect for those hot, humid summer days. Velvet a statement cloth, but should only be worn as a jacket. An entire suit looks too Edwardian and should only be worn for festive occasions in cool weather. According to Zeglio, a Chicago-based custom clothier, “The Fall-Winter trends are going to be particularly pleasing for anyone who appreciates gorgeous luxury fabrics such as flannel, lambswoolcashmere blends, bold checks and velvet.” If you wish to add a dash of pattern, it is often best to choose only one piece if the pattern is particularly vibrant or large, otherwise you’ll end up looking like the quintessential used car salesman. Pinstripe suits are easiest to wear in a black with a grey or white 14 boi
pinstripe, or navy with a white pinstripe. A pinstripe cloth also makes the wearer look taller. Do not, under any circumstance, attempt a lighter cloth with a darker pinstripe. A single button suit is a classic and on trend now, however, a single button has a shortening effect. Generally speaking, the closer to the neck the top button is, the taller the wearer will look. A two button conveys height and slims the waist. The three-buttoned suit conveys an even greater sense of height than a two button suit, but is harder to pull off. If you do opt for a three button suit, ensure that you only do up the middle button when wearing it. Suits with more than three buttons are a travesty. Many Italian and US based designers prefer to have the shoulder padding finish at the seam of the sleeve. The British rolled shoulder has the padding extend over the shoulder and roll down into the sleeve, a visual trick that makes the shoulders seem broader and the arms better built. Obviously, men who are already substantially muscular should avoid this cut. Suit vents are the splits on the rear of a man’s jacket. A suit without vents is best when you won’t be spending much time sitting. It is the preferred cut for a dinner jacket or tuxedo. A single vent is predominantly an American style. Duel vents are the best for maintaining a jacket’s silhouette while sitting and allow easy access to trouser pockets. The classic suits take the best elements from the peak eras of men’s suiting and apply them to a modern silhouette. Masculinity and confidence is created by a garment that compliments the male physique; a suit that broadens the shoulders and trims the waist highlighting (or at least giving the impression) a fit physique. Every man should have at least one classic suit in his wardrobe. Besides the suit, Mila Kavene of Moda Boutique in Andersonville has this to offer that shares some simple, must have items for your fall wardrobe. “Light scarves and Fedora style hats are accessories that add an element of class and sophistication. When you’re not quite ready to break out that heavy winter coat quite yet, layering yourself in vintage v-neck and cardigan sweaters are always looks chic and casual paired up with bold colored chinos (because yes, the 80’s are still in style). A nice pair of Roberto Cavali leather uppers finishes your look.”
Ann Sather 929 W. Belmont 773.348.2378.
5207 N Clark 773.271.6627 & 3411 N Broadway 773.305.0024. These bustling hot spots, serving traditional Swedish pancake house fare, are best known for hearty daytime offerings and their delish cinnamon rolls.
Chicago Diner 3411 N. Halsted 773.935.6696
This world famous vegetarian restaurant offers vegan and organic offerings using the protein-based meat substitute seitan. Organic beers, wine, and spirits are also available.
Cocktail 3359 N. Halsted 773.477.1420. The
kitchen at this popular bar serves up better and fancier food than it needs to. The menu ranges from gourmet salads and sandwiches to comfort food and fabulous brunch dishes. During the summer the outdoor dining space is lush and verdant.
Hamburger Mary’s 5400 N. Clark 773.784.6969. “Eat, Drink and be... MARY” at this fun and popular Andersonville restaurant which features a wide array of burgers and sandwiches, along with an interesting selection of tasty appetizers. Wash it all down with one of Mary’s home-brewed ales.
Horizon Café 3805 N. Broadway 773.883.1565.
This long-time popular Lakeview family restaurant serves up big portions of creative homestyle dishes as well as healthy fare (broth-based soups and whole wheat tortilla wraps) and at affordable prices. Breakfast served all day long. Delivery available.
IHOP 3760 N. Halsted 773.296.0048. More than a
pancake house, this 24-hour Boystown institution serves up affordably priced appetizers, sandwiches, and entrees that are sure to satisfy varying after-bar wants and needs.
Kit Kat Lounge 3700 N. Halsted 773.525.1111.
just a sports bar, the menu includes a variety of hamburgers, sandwiches, salads and comfort food.
Providing the best of diva entertainment along with a full dinner menu, they offer ½-price cocktails and Buy 1 Get 1 Free Entree on Wednesdays.. On Monday nights get 50% off your entire bill.
Deluxe Diner 6349 N. Clark 773.743.8244.
M. Henry 5707 N. Clark 773.561.1600. This popular
Crew 4804 N. Broadway 773.784.2739. More than
Conveniently located near Rogers Park’s gay triangle, the diner’s “open 24 hours on weekends” status is perfect after a night of dancing and partying. Featured menu items include breakfast skillets that are served anytime.
F.O’Mahony’s 3701 N. Broadway 773.549-0097
An Irish-named pub and grill, but mostly it’s a neighborhood hangout where you can order food to go along with your beer (or cosmo). While not prticularly exotic, the menu features such faves as hot wings, sliders and pizza served till the wee hours. Sundays $20 mimosa brunch is popular, get there early, this place fills up fast.
Golden Nugget Family Restaurants
2720 N. Clark 773.929.0724. 2406 W. Diversey 773.252.8903. 1765 W. Lawrence 773.769.6700. These places are a great place for after bar dining as they are all open 24-7, and all have free parking. The large menu is sure to please. Everything is housemade, known for fluffy buttermilk pancakes, but dinners are hearty as well.
Andersonville outpost serves breakfast and lunch daily and features creative fare such as pancakes with warm blackberries and vanilla mascarpone cream. Additionally there are many vegetarian dishes.
DS Tequila 3352 N. Halsted 773.697.9127. An
Americanized sporty joint that features tequila & tacos.
Nookies Tree 3334 N. Halsted 773.248.9888. A
regular haunt for the locals of Boystown and popular with hangover recoverers, the diner serves made-toorder omelets, pancakes, waffles and other brunch fare all day. And it’s open 24 hours on weekends.
Melrose 3233 N Broadway 773.327.2060. This
Lakeview institution has been catering to the afterbar crowds for decades, serving breakfast anytime along with typical diner fare. Open 24 hours
Stella’s Diner 3042 N. Broadway 773.472.9040.
Friendly staff serve up delicious diner fare, such as; fresh salads, a large selection of wraps, sandwiches, hearty entrees, pastas, and homemade deserts
Halsted’s Bar & Grill 3441 N. Halsted 773.348.9696 Tweet 5020 N. Sheridan 773.728.5576. An Uptown This Boystown eatery serves up a wide array of tasty appetizers, burgers, sandwiches, and popular comfort food items at very reasonable prices in a fun and inviting atmosphere. Beers on tap are aplenty and the weekend brunch draws an attractive crowd.
fave, serving breakfast and lunch only, uses organic ingredients when possible to create brunch items such as buckwheat pancakes, Danish beignets, Belgian waffles, and an impressive assortment of breakfast burritos and egg Benedict dishes.
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Wilde Bar & Restaurant 3130 N. Broadway
773.244.0404. This cozy upscale Irish pub offers a laid back and warm atmosphere and a wide ranging menu that is sure to please. Expect updated versions of pub favorites such as chicken pot pie, meatloaf, fish & chips, burgers and salads. ASIAN__________________
Jitlada Thai House 3715 N. Halsted
773.388.9988. This quaint family-owned eatery features Asian favorites such as pad Thai, pineapple fried rice, crab rangoon, pot stickers, tempura and nine spice curry items. Delivery available.
Pingpong 3322 N. Broadway 773.281.7575.
This popular Lakeview restaurant features highquality Pan-Asian cuisine in a hip and modern atmosphere as well as top-notch people-watching both those in and walking by the restaurant. Delivery available.
Young’s Chinese 3949 N. Ashland
773.248.7998. This well-regarded outpost has earned a stellar reputation for great tasting food and delivery so quick you’ll swear there must be a wok in the car. ITALIAN_________________
Anna Maria Pasteria 4400 N. Clark
773.506.2662. Owned by sisters who hail from the Basilicata region of southern Italy, this neighborhood gem creates homemade modern and traditional Italian dishes that are authentic, delicious & inexpensive.
Angelina Ristorante 3561 N. Broadway
773.935.5933. Hosting the coolest and hippest Sunday brunch crowd in Lakeview, the menu includes Eggs Benedict, fritattas, Croque Monsieur and mufaletta sandwiches, almond-crusted stuffed French toast, and the free flow of Champagne mimosas. Brunch here is loud, raucous and FUN! Great for dinner, as well.
Panino’s Pizzeria 3702 N. Broadway
773.472.6200. Panino’s has established itself as a Boystown favorite with its varied menu selections, including gyros and burgers, pasta entrees, and of course pizza. Delivery available.
Taverna 750 750 W. Cornelia Ave 773.248.8333.
This restaurant, formerly known as Cornelia’s is the latest trendy Italian restaurant in the neighborhood. New owners, new looks and a new menu is sure to make this a new hot spot. 18 boi
Andies 1467 W. Montrose 773.348.0654. 5253 N
Clark 773.784.8616. Specializing in Mediterranean and vegetarian cuisine, specialties of the house include steak kabobs, gyros, and poultry dishes such as Greek Chicken and Lebanese Style Chicken Kefta Kabob. And as befits the cuisine, desserts include a very tasty baklava. The Sunday buffet brunch is extravagant and reasonably priced.
Sayat Nova 157 E. Ohio 312.644.9159. Classic
Mediterranean-American fare served in comfortable surroundings Every Thursday night things get extra gay for the “Boystown in Downtown” party. MEXICAN/LATIN__________
Cesar’s 2924 N. Broadway 773.296.9097. 3166 N Clark | 773.248.2835 This family-owned operation offers an enticing menu full of delicious Mexican recipes, popular house specialties, irresistible desserts, and their signature “Killer Margaritas.”
El Nuevo Mexicano 2914 N. Clark 773.528.2131. Cozy dining room along with authentic Mexican cuisine makes this a great place for delicious dining. Open for lunch & dinner, great patio for summer outdoor dining. Delivery available too!
Estrella Negra 2346 W. Fullerton 773.227.5993.
If Ed Hardy had a taco joint, this might be it for flair. A skull-licious themed dining experience. Sure, you can get tacos, empanadas and burritos, but they are all of the gormet caliber. Owner Oto is the Chef and puts his own creative twist on everything. It’s BYOB.
Fiesta Mexicana 2423 N. Lincoln Ave 773.348.4144 (2nd Location) 4806 N. Broadway 773.769.4244. Traditional favorites along with great ambiance. Nice place to bring your family, friends or bring a date to. The Lincoln location has daily specials & live music.
Mayan Palace 2703 N. Halsted 773.935.4200
Known to be one of the very best Mexican restaurants in the city, the focus is on using fresh, high-quality ingredients for its “south of the border” cuisine. Portions are generous and the cool Margaritas dubbed “The World’s Best!” Is your target market is in our distribution area?? ADVERTISE YOUR RESTAURANT IN BOI MAGAZINE Call 773.975.0264 or email us at
20 boi
Hey! I’m Steven. I grew up in Kiev, which is in the Ukraine. I came to the U.S. to attend college in Santa Clarita, California and then transfered to UC Berkeley on an Architecture major & Music minor. While I was in college I entered an amateur stripper contest in San Francisco. That ended up on how I put myself through school. I was making enough money that I was able to send a little bit of money home every month. Working as a dancer, led to some photo sessions. A lot of guys hustle on the side. I never did that, but I did do a lot of underwear modeling. It never led to sex and once or twice I really wish it had. One time I had a session with a hot photographer. About a week after the session I called up for a date. We ended up having fun together in the little window of time I was in California. Now I have manager who sets up fashion shoots for swimwear, underwear, casual, sporty and even some edgier art shots. In one of those all I was wearing was some strategically placed dabs of peanut butter. Let me tell you, that doesn’t wash out of your hair easily, and as you can tell by my photo, I’m not talking about the hair on my head. Growing up, I always was a sports guy. I played soccer, baseball, and basketball along with swimming and
running. As I got older I began to drop sports and started building up my body at the gym. Single & free, I moved to the Midwest about a year ago. My parents came to Chicago to visit us for the holidays. While they’re happy for my success and love & support me, they can’t for the life of them understand why I moved to Chicago. They think the winters here are worse than back home in the Ukraine! I actually enjoy the winter, but next time I’ll have them visit in the summer. Summer in Chicago makes this city the best place on earth. In my spare time I’m usually at the gym, beach (whenever I get the chance to go to Oak Street Beach or Montrose Harbor), or just hanging out with my friends. I’m happy to be chosen a this issue’s Cover BOI and can’t wait to send a copy back home. boi 21
Oh, the horror! By Gregg Shapiro
“Spine Tingler!: The William Castle Story”, which has arrived on DVD, is the story of schlock/horrormaster William Castle is given his due in Jeffrey Schwarz’s respectful 2007 doc. Featuring marvelous vintage film footage and informative interviews with renaissance man John Waters, filmmakers Jon Landis and Joe Dante, film critic Leonard Maltin, Castle’s daughter Terry and Castle himself, among others, “Spine Tingler!” is a frightfully fitting tribute. Often described as the poor man’s Alfred Hitchcock, Castle was born in 1914 and orphaned at 11. A high school dropout who was addicted to applause and attracted to storytelling, Castle had chutzpah and liked to create controversy, beginning with the manipulation of the press. He loved all aspects of filmmaking, getting his film start in the B-movie circuit. But his big break occurred when her worked with Orson Welles on 1947’s “The Lady From Shanghai.” The same year he met his wife Ellen, who was a major influence on his life. During the 1950s, Castle made westerns, melodramas, sword and sandal pix. However, his creative turning point took place after seeing the 1955 French thriller “Diabolique,” which inspired him to direct horror films. In 1958, he shot “Macabre” in one week. Not only did he pioneer exploitation films, but he set a new standard when his film, which cost $100k to make, earned $2 million at the box office. Always looking for a gimmick, he employed the first in a series with Emergo in 1959’s “House On Haunted Hill,” which starred Vincent Price. His big box office track record led him back to Columbia Pictures where he made “The Tingler,” also in 1959 and also with Price, featuring the Percepto gimmick. “13 Ghosts, featuring Illusion-o followed in 1960, with “Homicidal” and its Fright Break money-back guarantee and tranny killer in 1961. The gimmick in 1964’s “Strait-Jacket” was none other than a murderous, ax-wielding Lucy played by none other than Joan Crawford herself, with Diane Baker as her daughter. One of Castle’s biggest projects was producing “Rosemary’s Baby” at Paramount. With 22 boi
Roman Polanski directing, the film allowed Castle to move into the big leagues, becoming an A-list producer. But the “Rosemary’s Baby” curse (death and illness felled many involved with the project) that followed took its toll on him. And so began his downhill slide, which included 1974’s “Shanks” starring mime Marcel Marceau in a speaking role, no less. Toward the end of his life, Castle enjoyed a career as a bit actor in big films such as “Shampoo” and “Day of the Locust,” but his health was failing and he died in 1977. The DVD of “Spine Tingler!” includes more than five hours of bonus material. “Insidious” is a throwback to classic ‘70s horror pix such as “Burnt Offerings” (starring Karen Black AND Bette Davis) and “The Exorcist”. The film stars Patrick Wilson as teacher Josh, the patriarch of the Lambert clan, his wife Renai (Rose Byrne) is a music therapist and songwriter. Josh and Renai have two school-age sons and a baby daughter. As the family unpacks and settles into their new home, a series of unusual events begin to take place, culminating in their son falling off a ladder and hitting his head on attic floor and slipping into a coma. Three months later Dalton is still comatose and more bizarre occurrences are taking place, including bloody handprints on bedsheets, strange voices and sounds emanating from the baby monitor and men appearing on the front porch and in various rooms of the house. The next thing you know, the family has relocated and Josh’s mother Lorraine (Barbara Hershey) is helping Renai unpack boxes. And wouldn’t you know it, some of the things that happened in the other house are happening again in the new house. Turns out, it wasn’t the house that was haunted. It’s Dalton! Lorraine arranges for her psychic friend Elise to pay a visit, get a reading on the situation and help the family. Elise’s arrival is also a chance for Josh to learn more about himself than he ever knew, including his childhood ability to astral project, a trait that Dalton inherited from him. In order to save Dalton from the demons after his soul, Josh must join Dalton in that other world, risking both his and Dalton’s lives. Scary stuff! Blu-ray Special Features include “Horror 101: The Exclusive Seminar,” cast and crew interviews in “On Set with Insidious” and more.
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by Harry Taint
You’re Not in Kansas Anymore
People come and go so quickly in 60640 that Dorothy would be in a tizzy. Out is Winchester’s, the coffee shop that opened in the former Clark’s on Clark space. There are no plans to reopen that space in the near future. In are Mark Robertson, Mike Sullivan, Steve Milford and Brian Wells of Crew as the new owners of SoFo, which used to be Different Strokes. Gone is The Wilde Pug, which had been owned by the Crew crew and in its place is a Middle-Eastern restaurant.
Halsted Happenings
Miss Foozie got a little one on one time with Darren Criss at Market Days. “I want you to know that Darren Criss was full of energy, love, fun and a heart of gold! He had a line of fans to see him and spent time with every one of his fans that time allowed for him. He also went to the other side of the fence to take more photos.”... Ram’s having a bare butt contest on Sept. 23. If you think you’ve got a lush tush, stop by before 11pm to sign up… “Dance ‘til the World Ends” is not the next James Bond movie. It is a cabaret show and benefit for ArtReach educational Theater on Saturday, Aug. 27 at Hydrate. Doors open at 8pm and the party starts at 9pm. Your $10 donation to ArtReach gets you two complimentary drink tickets.… Forget Burger King, at Scarlet on Tuesdays it’s“ Have It Your Way” with the iPad DJ remote and $4 you-call-its and $4 Jameson, Jagermeister and Rumpleminz… You’ll laugh ‘til you pee your pants at Sidetrack on Tuesday, Aug. 30, as comic Ben Cohen auctions off some great items to benefit The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation. Speaking of Sidetrack, mark Oct. 25 and 26 on your calendar for the ever popular “Night of 100 DQ” .
Halsted Happenings Too
Taverna 750 has added two additions to its late night weekend menu. If all else fails you can still get a set of giant balls or a big thick sausage with its meatball or sausage sub plus mozzarella, asiago cheese and Neapolitan sauce. Almost as satisfying as finding a man and you don’t have to worry about having your watch stolen… Steamworks is having a back to school special. Students get discounted rates and, no your card showing that you’re a student at Phoenix Mr. Phyllis’ School of Hair Sculpture won’t work. It’s got to be a valid student I.D... Hydrate’s last two Manhole reunion parties were such hits that they’re doing it again on Saturday, Sept. 12…Geno at Cocktail has lots of people in his corner in his quest to stay at the corner of Halsted & Roscoe.
Rogers Park Ruckus… and Beyond
Parlour on Clark celebrates its one-year anniversary on Friday, Aug. 26. If the place is rockin’ don’t bother knockin’, just let yourself in… Jackhammer’s Flesh Hungry Dog Show shows it’s softer side with a (mostly) acoustic show headlined by Ezra Furman (of Ezra Furman and the Harpoons) performing a rare solo set, Congress of Starlings, Tom Goss, Andrea Sottovoce with his “Bag of Fun” prize giveaways, DJ Sky with alternative tracks before and between the sets and Gary Airdale hosts; 21+ venue, tickets $10 at the door or $8 online… Mr. Club Krave competition for the best male impersonation takes place on Saturday, Aug. 27. I think they expect women dressed as men, but I know of a few fairies who impersonate men, too. Especially after some of Club Krave’s $12 super-sized mixed drink pitchers, $4 Long Island and Blue Island iced teas… HamBingo charity night at Hamburger Mary’s on Monday, Aug. 29 benefits the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame. Back to Jackhammer on Friday, Sept. 2 for the Kerli “Army of Love” release party with loads of giveaways. If you remember, Kerli was recently in Chicago at Borderline Music promoting her latest release to a happy mob of excited fans
Sing Out Louise!
Singer Adam Lambert called out Michele Bachmann on her anti-gay views. The American Idol glam king took to Twitter to blast the wanna-be presidential candidate, “Girl, your views are too clear: you’re an extremely ignorant woman who just grins when she’s called out. No thanks,” he tweeted to his more than 1 million followers.
Play Ball!
Chicago becomes gay jock central during Labor Day weekend as the 35th Annual NAGAAA Gay Softball World Series comes to town. The opening ceremonies are at Navy Pier, but the closing party is a street fair on Waveland between Halsted and Broadway on Saturday, Sept. 3.
Sad News
Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Christina Santiago, programming manager for the Lesbian Community Care Project at Chicago’s Howard Brown Health Center, who was among those killed when a stage collapsed right before a Sugarland concert at the Indiana State Fair on Saturday, Aug. 13. She will be greatly missed. boi 25
Expecting in Edgewater
I want to have a baby. I’ve always dreamed of having a family and I’ve told my boyfriend I want to adopt. He says that he doesn’t think I’m ready, that I’m too young. I’m 22 years old, have a good job and really want this. My boyfriend is 25 and he says that he doesn’t want kids. What should I do?
E.E. Nothing. You are 22 years old. Give yourself a couple of years. If you and your boyfriend can’t agree on this, you need to realize that if you go ahead he may not stick around. Were you planning on sharing the rest of your life with him? Raising a child isn’t something you decide to do without a great deal of thought and planning. Raising a child isn’t cheap! While you’re taking a few years to decide, start putting aside as much money as you can. If, in a few years, you decide you truly do want to be a parent, you’ll have a nice financial cushion or a good start on the kid’s college fund. If not, you can use the money to take a great vacation and celebrate making the right decision. Nervous Uptown Tenant
I’m 25 years old and have a great apartment on a nice quiet block. Most of my neighbors are terrific and I love the convenience of the neighborhood. My apartment is a gem, all of my friends are envious over how much space I have (more than 2,000 square feet) and my low rent. Everything would be perfect except for one thing, the people that live on the floor above me. They are a young couple with two young children, four and five. The kids run back and forth and jump around all day and well until the night. The building is very old and the floors creak when you just walk, so you can imagine the noise level. I have asked the parents to try to keep their kids from running in the house or at least to put down rugs. They have been uncooperative to say the least. I don’t want to move as I love this apartment, but I don’t know how long I can take it. 26 boi
N.U.T. I assume that you’ve spoken to your landlord or management agency. If you have and nothing is being done, there’s not much you can do except keep complaining. If the noise goes very late into the night, you can call the police, but I wouldn’t expect much of a change. I empathize with you as I have been in a similar situation. Pick up some rugs and leave them a polite gift, it might be worth the investment. If that don’t work, on que, give them a nice dose of your favorite song, maybe they will get the hint. Sober in South Loop
Earlier this year I realized that I have a drinking problem. I went to AA and have been sober for eight months. The problem is my friends are always trying to get me to drink with them when we go out. I tell them no, but then they’ll buy a round of shots and include me. So far I’ve been able to resist, but my best friend says that I’m being rude. She doesn’t have a drinking problem; she never drinks so much that she gets sloppy or can’t go to work the next day. We go out together about four or five nights a week, so this issue is something I have to deal with all the time. How can I get her and my friends to stop pressuring me to drink?
S.I.S.L. Congratulations on six months. That’s an important milestone to recovery. Your friend most likely is what is referred to as a “functioning alcoholic”. The fact that she and the others keep insisting that you drink with them is troubling. You can always tell the bartender that if anyone orders shots to serve you a shot glass with cranberry juice. When you’re at the bar, drink juice or soda and order on your own, don’t mention what it is. It’s not rude to be firm or to say no, I don’t do shots! Also, you may need to develop some new friends who can socialize without alcohol. Don’t set yourself up to fail. Remain strong. Ace Magyar has a BA in communications, a MA in sex therapy and a PHD in zoology. He is a registered couple’s counselor specializing in the GLBT community. Send your questions to
boi 29
Boystown / Lakeview
3160 3160 N.Clark G&L, LM,DS Berlin 954 W. Belmont G&L, D, 4 Bobby Love’s 3729 N. Halsted G&L Buck’s Saloon 3439 N. Halsted G Cell Block 3702 N. Halsted G, LF Charlie’s 3726 N. Broadway G, D, W Circuit 2.02 3641 N. Halsted G&L, D, 4 Cocktail 3359 N. Halsted G, GB Elixir Lounge 3452 N. Halsted G, 4 F. O’Mahony’s 3701 N. Broadway G&L, R Hydrate 3458 N. Halsted G, D, DS, 4 Kit Kat 3700 N. Halsted G&L, DS, R Little Jim’s 3501 N. Halsted G, V, 4 Lucky Horseshoe 3169 N. Halsted G, GB Manhandler 1948 N. Halsted G, W, 4 Minibar 3341 N. Halsted G, R North End 3733 N. Halsted G Roscoe’s 3356 N. Halsted G, D, V, DS Scarlet 3320 N. Halsted G Sidetrack 3349 N. Halsted G, V Smart Bar / Metro 3730 N. Clark MS, D, 4 Spin 800 W. Belmont G, D, V, DS The Closet 3325 N. Broadway G&L, V, 4
773.327.5969 773.348.4975 773.525.1200 773.525.1125 773.665.8064 773.871.8887 773.325.2233 773.477.1420 773.477.1420 773.549.0226 773.975.9244 773.525.1111 773.871.6116 773.404.3169 773.871.3339 773.871.6227 773.477.7999 773.281.3355 773.348.1053 773.477.9189 773.549.4140 773.327.7711 773.477.8533
Chicago Downtown
Baton Show Lounge 436 N. Clark DS 312.644.5269 Club 720 720 N. Wells MS, D, 4 312.787.8720 Crimson Lounge 333 N. Dearborn MS, D, R 312.923.2473 Downtown Bar & Lounge 440 N State G 312.464.1400 Excalibur/Vision 632 N. Dearborn MS, D, 4 312.266.1944 Funky Buddha 728 W. Grand Ave. MS, D 312.666.1695 House of Blues 329 N. Dearborn MS, LM, 4 312.923.2000 Krush/Prop House 1657 N. Elston G&L, D, 4 773.486.2390 Second Story Bar 157 E. Ohio G, V 312.923.9536 Sound Bar 226 W. Ontario MS, D, 4 312.787-4480 Spy Bar 646 N. Franklin MS, D, 4 312.587.8779 Underground 56 W. Illinois MS, D, 4 312.644.7600 Vibe 1543 N. Kingsbury MS, D, 4 312.266.1900
Chicago Northside CONTINUED
Crew 4804 N. Broadway G&L, V, R 773.784.2739 Davenport’s 1383 N. Milwaukee G&L, LM 773.278.1830 Debonair Social Club 1575 N. MilwaukeeAve. MS, D 773.227.7990 Fat Cat 4849 N. Broadway MS, R 773.506.3100 Green Dolphin St. 2200 N. Ashland G&L, D, LM, 4 773.395.0066 Green Mill 4802 N. Broadway MS, LM, 4 773.878.5552 In Fine Spirits 5420 N Clark MS, R 773.334.9463 Jackhammer 6406 N. Clark G, D, V, GB, LM, 4 773.743.5772 Joi de Vine 1744 W. Balmoral L, R 773.989.6846 Kinetic Playground 1113 W. LawrenceMS, D, LM, 4 773.769.5483 Marty’s 1511 W. Balmoral G&L 773.561.6425 Mary’s Attic 5400 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Parlour On Clark 6341 N. Clark 773.564.9274 Mary’s RecRoom 5402 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Scot’s 1829 W. Montrose G&L 773.528.3253 SoFo Bar 4923 N. Clark G 773.784.7636 T’s 5025 N. Clark G&L, R 773.784.6000 The Call 1547 W Bryn Mawr G&L, D, DS, V, LM 773.334.2525 The Glenwood 6962 N Glenwood G 773.764.7363 Touché 6412 N. Clark G, V, LF, 4 773.465.7400
Chicago Southside
Club Escape 1530 E. 75th G&L, D Escapades 6301 S. Harlem G&L, D, V, 4 Inn Exile 5758 W. 65th G&L, D, V Jeffrey Pub 7041 S. Jeffrey G&L, D, V, 4
Chicago Suburbs
Hideaway 7301 W. Roosevelt Forest Park G, D, V, DS, GB Club Krave 13126 S. Western Blue Island G&L, D, V, DS, GB, 4 Hunters 1932 E. Higgins Elk Grove Village G, D, V, GB, 4 Mission 209 E. Chicago Downtown Elgin G&L, D, V Encompass 24215 Rush St. Lake Station, IN G&L, D, R, DS Velvet Rope 728 Lake St Oak Park G&L, D, V, R
Adult Entertainment
Chicago Northside
The Anvil 1137 W. Granville G, V @mosphere 5355 N. Clark G&L, V, GB Big Chicks 5024 N. Sheridan G&L, D, R
773.973.0006 773.784.1100 773.728.5511
G------------------------------------------------------------------Gay Male L---------------------------------------------------------------------Lesbian G&L-------------------------------------------------Gay Male & Lesbian D-------------------------------------------------------------------Dancing V-----------------------------------------------------------------------Video GB-------------------------------------------------------------Go Go Boys DS--------------------------------------------------------------Drag Show R--------------------------------------------------------Restaurant, Food
30 boi
773.667.6454 773.229.0886 773.582.3510 773.363.8555
Banana Video 4923 N. Clark G, BK Bijou Theater 1349 N. Wells G, GB, BK Man’s Country 5017 N. Clark G, GB, BH Steamworks 3246 N. Halsted G, BH, FC The Ram 35111/2 N. Halsted G, BK, D
708.771.4459 708.597.8379 847.439.8840 847.488.0320 219.962.4640 708.358.8840
773.561.8322 312.943.5397 773.878.2069 773.929.6080 773.525.9528
4-------------------------------------------------------------Open til 4am MS--------------------------------------------------------Mostly Straight LF---------------------------------------------------------Leather / Fetish W-------------------------------------------------------------------Western LM--------------------------------------------------Live Music / Cabaret BH--------------------------------------------------------------Bath House BK----------------------------------Adult Book, Booth & Video Store FC-------------------------------------------------------------Fitness Club