BOI’S LIFE I love you Chicago! There’s no other city in the world that compares with you. You look more beautiful than ever with your sparkling beaches and clear blue waters. You’ve got great nightlife, a dynamic entertainment scene and the beauty of our architecture is incomparable. You should be enough for me 365 days a year, 24-7. I can’t help it though. I want to wander, to see other cities. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you, I do, but I need more. I used to bask in the warmth of your sunny days, loved the feel of your breezes as they flowed in from the lake. Maybe I’m afraid that you’ll turn cold on me. You’ve done it before, year after year. I know the signs. Soon the breezes that caressed me will begin to tear through me like knives. Just a little bit at first, but then more and more. Your mood will darken and you won’t take care of yourself. Your streets will be lined with slush for months on end. Your lush beauty will turn stark and forbidding. You’ll go days without a bit of brightness. You’ll turn frigid. It’s not like a want to divorce myself from the city, I just want to get away for a little bit and have fling with another community. I wish I could say that it’s not you, it’s me. But we both know that’s not true. Let’s take a little break from each other. You know that absence makes the heart grow fonder. A little time apart is what we need. I could never leave you for good. I just want to take a little break, a weekend away here or there, maybe a week or two. I won’t go far, and I’ll always keep you in my thoughts. No one compares to you. Kids, don’t worry we’ll be fine. Maybe you should take a little time to discover some new places and sort things out as well. I’ve got a few suggestions for you, nice little weekend get-away spots. Someplace to go and be the new face in town while Chicago and I work this out. Rick Karlin
3708 N. Halsted St. Chicago, IL 60613 773.975.0264 Publisher Editor
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Rogers Park Berwyn howdy Neighbor! Howdy Neighbor contd Table hopping Dining out in the spotlight waz happening Stage & Screen provincetown in the know, on the go BARS & CLUBS DIRECTORY
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hat makes a neighborhood attractive to the LGBT community? The quality of schools and crime rate aren’t as essential compared to the concerns of the straight community. Reasonable rents and real estate prices certainly matter. So does good housing stock - buildings of architectural interest that may need a bit of TLC. Also, good public transportation seems to help. A friend of mine also adds proximity to a body of water to that list. At first I thought he was a little soft in the head, but as you think about it, LGBT neighborhoods in many cities are close to water. D.C.’s Dupont Circle is right next to Rock Creek, The Village and Chelsea are near the Piers; San Francisco is surrounded by water. Maybe there’s something to this.
North Shore Beach
All of which makes me wonder why more LGBT folks aren’t settling in Rogers Park. It meets all the criteria, even the wacky proximity to water theory.
Rogers Park, the northernmost Chicago neighborhood, is bounded by the city of Evanston along Juneway Terrace and Howard Street to the north, Ridge Boulevard to the west, Devon Avenue and the Edgewater neighborhood to the south, and Lake Michigan to the east.
It may also be one of the most technology savvy neighborhoods in Chicgo. In 2007, the web site named Rogers Park one of the country’s “bloggiest neighborhoods.” Arts and culture have a strong presence in the area, particularly in the area around the Morse Red Line stop. Lifeline Theater, Raven Theater, Greenleaf Art Center, The Mayne Stage and Heartland Café/Studio Theater and No Exit provide performance venues for actors, musicians and visual artists. Dining opportunities are as diverse as the neighborhood. Cuisines represented run the gamut from Afghanistan to Zanzibar. Among some of the notable residents over the years are; Betty Ford, Lara Flynn Boyle, Hugh Downs, Tina Fey, David Orr, Harold Ramis, Dan Savage and, of course, Jan Schakowsky who represents the district in Congress.
The bars and clubs in the area are equally diverse, from Jackhammer, Touché and the recently opened Parlour, at the intersection of Clark and Devon to The Glenwood, which The 2000 census data, like those of 1980 and 1990, calls, showed it to be one of the most diverse communities, “Chicago’s straightestif not the most diverse, in the entire country. A acting gay bar”. Of robust mix of ethnic backgrounds with more than course there is also the 80 assorted languages flavor the neighborhood. Recent gentrification has altered the neighborhood’s venerated Granville Anvil in neighboring Edgewater. demographics slightly, while maintaining the cultural For a bit of gay history, you can also check out the Leather Museum and Archives as well. diversity. Whites comprise 46.4% of the population, Blacks 30.2% and Latinos 27.8%. The financial crisis has hit the area hard and at present many of the condominiums are unsold or Easy access to public transportation (four Red Line foreclosed. Rogers Park had nearly twice the city’s stations, Skokie Swift, Purple Line connections, average concentration of foreclosures in 2009, express bus routes Metra commuter rail station) according to the National People’s Action report, and and proximity to Lake Michigan increase Rogers is on track to surpass that number in 2010. According Park’s desirability. The presence of its diverse array to RealtyTrac, there were 209 foreclosures in Rogers of students and academics from Loyola University Park through the first four months of this year. Chicago and Northwestern University, just a few Although those statistics are daunting, it also means miles to the north, has historically lent Rogers Park that there are some real bargains for those looking to a high degree of liberalism and tolerance. This has purchase a condominium or home the near future. made Rogers Park a favorite neighborhood for many in the LGBT community. 10 boi
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sk most people to identify an area known to have a higher concentration of gay and lesbian residents and you’ll get a list of urban “gay ghettos.” I doubt any of them would list a Chicago suburb that has traditionally been home to blue-collar ethnic families. But Berwyn, a few miles west of Chicago’s Loop, is perched to become the gayest suburb in the world. It’s been a long-running joke that if you want a neighborhood to improve, sell to gays. Well, it turns out that academic research backs up what has been said in half-jest. Gay people really do make improvements in the appearance of a community as well as the amenities it offers which raises property values.
Coldwell Banker realtor Kelly Fondow feels that “Why Berwyn” is succeeding, “I have a lot of anecdotes about gay clients and just gay people that I know who have very, very happily settled in Berwyn. I think the very fact that the community is targeting gays and lesbians as a demographic they’re trying to attract speaks for itself.”
Berwyn Mayor Robert Lovero has put the full weight of his office behind a campaign to bring more gay and lesbian residents to Berwyn. The $70,000a-year campaign “Why Berwyn?” targets people of all walks of life and features billboards and radio advertisements across the Chicago area. A major focus has been directed specifically at the LGBT community, billboards have appeared along the Halsted Strip and Lovero himself appeared at this year’s Northalsted Market Days to hand out fliers featuring rainbow-colored bull’s-eyes with Berwyn in the center.
Further evidence of the growing LGBT presence in Berwyn will debut soon, as José Casco plans to open a gay bar/restaurant called Antonio’s. The business will operate as a Mexican restaurant during the day, and switch to a gay nightclub starting at 10 p.m. on Thursday through Sunday. Casco envisions filling a niche for gays in the area that isn’t currently being met. According to Casco, he hopes the community will see it as a kind of “civic center” for community meetings and fundraisers for gay causes. For more information go to, although for all the talk about outreach to the LGBT community the words gay and lesbian are oddly absent from the website.
For the most part, Berwyn’s residents are behind the idea. Cristina and Joshua Hall and their two children are blasé about gay neighbors; Her son has a classmate with same sex parents and they’re fine about it. The Halls have noticed the changing demographic and enjoy the growing diversity. “It’s nice, and it’s just the way things are,” Hall said. “Nobody makes a big deal about anything. I think the only thing people ever have a problem with is when you don’t take care of your property.” Her family regularly visits Over the Rainbow, an ice cream parlor run by a gay couple, Jose Ramirez and Tom Stebbins, who live nearby. In fact, the most difficult people to convince that Berwyn is gay welcoming is the LGBT community itself. Scott Lennon, who lives with his partner in Berwyn and has been a key force behind the city’s ad campaign, run by the nonprofit Berwyn Development Corp. reports, “When you tell people you live in Berwyn, they think Cicero,” said “We’re really trying to rebrand the town.” “What we’re trying to market here is community,” Lovero said. “I think regardless of your sexual preference, the same ideals hold true. People are looking for community.”
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ometimes you just need to escape the city and give yourself a break from the old routine. It used to be easy to hop on a jet and fly off to sunnier climes, such as Vegas, Mexico or the Caribbean. With airport security being so tight that has become less inviting. Why spend nearly six hours of a long weekend in an airport, when you can get to so many vacation destinations in a half the time by driving? The next time you want a get-away, consider these nearby locations. Saugatuck and Douglas, Michigan – 140 miles, 2½ hours The diverting towns of Saugatuck and Douglas comprise the most significant gay resort destination in the Midwest. The artist’s colony offers numerous boutique restaurants, gay-friendly B&Bs, funky stores and antique shops, and more than dozens of art galleries. The beach frontage along Lake Michigan is simply breathtaking. The pace here is laid-back, especially in the off-season. That doesn’t mean you need to be a hermit. The Dunes Resort in Douglas is the center of gay nightlife, while Kirby House B&B offers a quieter, more romantic experience. For those looking for a rugged outdoor experience, nearby Campit provides a gay-centric campground Dunes Resort In 1981 Douglas Dunes first opened its doors to gay men and women. The original plan for the Dunes was to occupy a B&B space just as you enter the city of Saugatuck on Lake Street. However, after a band of bikers burned the only gay bar in town, the city commissioners decided it was a good time to “discourage” any new “exclusively” gay establishments. As a result, the Dunes’ founders purchased a drivein motel across the bridge in the Village of the Douglas. The resort’s original layout consisted of 22 hotel rooms, a restaurant, lobby bar and summer only outside dancing. Mike Jones, Danny Esterline and Greg Trzybinski purchased The Douglas Dunes 14 boi
from theoriginal owners in 1999 and renamed it, “The Dunes Resort.” Now covering a sprawling 20+ acres, the resort features more than 80 rooms, West Michigan’s largest gay dance bar, a cabaret room, restaurant, game room and the area’s largest pool and pool bar. Over the years, nationally known entertainers such as The Weather Girls, Eartha Kitt and Chicago favorites such as Amy & Freddie have all brought their talents to the Dunes stage. Circuit kids, scenesters, couples and retirees all blend with ease in a congenial, come-as-you-are atmosphere. Drag, leather, bears, trannies, circuit boyz, daddies The Dunes Resort is open seven days a week, twelve months a year. Upcoming events include: “Fall TG Weekend” (10/15 - 10/17), “Make A Wish” benefit show (10/23), Halloween party and costume contest (10/30), “Women’s Weekend” (10/1-10/3) and Bingoliciousevery Sunday October through April. For more information contact Mike Jones at 269.857.1401 or Kirby House The Kirby House Bed and Breakfast is one of the most elegant buildings in the Saugatuck and Douglas, Michigan area, of it’s era to survive. Many others were unfortunately lost in fires or were sadly demolished as useless relics of the past. The house was restored and opened in 1984. The bed part of the B&B features six air-conditioned rooms decorated in Queen Anne style. Free wireless internet is available throughout the facility. It’s not unusual to find guests mingling in one of several common rooms. Many choose to store wine in the butler’s pantry to enjoy late in the evening on the wrap-around front porch or by the in-ground heated pool (open April through September) the outdoor whirlpool Jacuzzi (available year-round.) Kirby House is renowned for its food. For the early riser, coffee, fruit, granola, and pastries are available at 8:30. . A gourmet breakfast is presented every
morning at 10:00 a.m. featuring items such as; baked peach and cream cheese French toast, quiche Lorraine, Dutch apple pancake, country biscuits and gravy or breakfast enchiladas. Special weekend packages are available through the end of the year. Among the specials are “Harvest Fest Weekend”, Culinary Cooking Class weekend (early November), Thanksgiving dinner, “Dickens Christmas Dinner” (early December) and a New Year’s Eve/Day package. In addition any stay can be upgraded to a special event package for $100, which includes such extras as Champagne, flowers and balloons. Even spa treatments can be added. For more information call 800.521.6473 or check out Campit This outdoor resort is geared specifically toward gay and lesbian adults and their friends. Located just 10 minutes from Saugatuck/Douglas, Campit features camping for both tenters and RV’ers as well as a number of less rustic lodging choices such as; 18 cabins, vintage trailer rentals and a five-bedroom B&B. A heated pool, clubhouse, scheduled activities and a variety of other amenities provide a variety of choices for outdoor recreation in a very social gay & lesbian environment. Although the season is winding down, there are still a number of events scheduled. You can hunt big furry things during the “Bears in the Woods” event, September 24-26, which will also include the Mr. Campit Bear/Mr. Campit Cub contests. That is followed by, “Red Hot Horny Devils Singles Weekend” (10/1-10/3) with 2-for-1 rates. Halloween arrives early for “Haunted Weekend” (October 8-1) and October 15-17 is the closing weekend of the season. For reservations and more information, call 269.543.4300, 877.CAMPIT.1 or check out
Eastern Iowa 230 miles, 3½ hours Iowa? Yes, Iowa. In the first 8 months after Iowa legalized gay marriage (May-December 2009), 1,783 weddings between same-sex couples have taken place. Of those weddings, 1,044 (58%) of the couples were from outside of the state. It has become the G/L wedding/honeymoon destination in the Midwest. Almost any spot along the Illinois-Iowa border is about 3-4 hours from Chicago, including three of the biggest cities, Dubuque, Davenport and Iowa City. Davenport has a relatively sizable gay community, with a few bars and restaurants, but Dubuque is making an effort to become gay marriage central. Iowa City boasts of a vital arts scene and progressive demeanor, making it a comfortable spot for the LGBT community. The Metropolitan Statistical Areas ranked it 13th in the nation among in the “percentage of coupled households that are gay or lesbian.” Since there is no residency requirement and only a three day waiting period to obtain a marriage license, many folks head over to Iowa for a mini-vacation, apply for their marriage license (available from the Iowa Department of Public Health) and make plans for their wedding, then head back later for the ceremony and/or reception (the license is valid for 6 months.) For those planning nuptials, Iowa’s Gay Wedding Planner connects gay and gay-friendly Iowa businesses with gay and lesbian couples, check out Milwaukee 92 miles, 1¾ hours More than just the home of the “Happy Days” crowd, Milwaukee is host to the nation’s largest Gay Pride festival, it boasts a top-notch LGBT newspaper, “The Wisconsin Gazette,” and a thriving LGBT community centered around its Walker’s Point, Bayview and downtown areas. Downtown is home to a number of perofrmance Milwaukee Art Museum venues (The Pabst Theater, The Marcus Center for the Performing Arts) and museums (the Calaterra designed Milwaukee Museum of Modern Art.) boi 17
North of downtown to the suburb of Shorewood, is Milwaukee East Side which, like Chicago, features a lakefront bordered by parks and highrises. The main difference is that the residences are built on the bluffs, high above the parks and lakefront, providing breath-taking panoramic vistas. On the southern end of downtown, the Historic Third Ward is a quadrant of stunning old warehouses that have been converted to lofts, art galleries, antiques shops, chic restaurants and theaters. Just southwest of there, with the main thoroughfare of 2nd Street, Walker’s Point serves as one of the main gay residential areas in the city and is home to the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center, which provides a venue for LGBT-relevant visual and performing arts. Walker’s Point is also home to many gay nightlife hotspots that range from mellow dive bars to fullscale nightclubs. Nearby is the up-and-coming Bayview neighborhood. This new home to the LGBT community is a bit scrappier, reflecting its origins as an iron mill town. The neighborhood hosts the annual South Shore Water Frolics, a free three-day summer festival featuring a parade, LaCage in Milwaukee live music and fireworks, held at South Shore Park. Among some of the most popular bars and clubs are; Woody’s (1579 S. 2nd), La Cage (801 S. 2nd St.), Fluid (819 S. 2nd St.) and Kruz Bar (354 E. National Ave.). For the most up-to-date information, check out Indianapolis 183 miles, 3 hours There’s more to Indy than race cars. In the country’s 12th largest city, you’re bound to find plenty of interest to the LGBT traveler, though you might have to search for it a bit. You’ll find more than enough in the bars, clubs
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and restaurants to keep you occupied for a long week-end. Especially if you hit up a few mainstream sightseeing destinations. Indianapolis is a relatively conservative city, which may be why the LGBT community remains so tight-knit. The gay neighborhood of choice is Circle City, where many LGBT businesses thrive. Your first stop should be the legendary Bazbeaux Pizza, 334 Massachusetts for one of the best slices you’ll ever eat. Then hit one of the city’s bars for some cocktails. Check out Greg’s (231 E 16th St.), Talbott Street (2145 N Talbott St.), Varsity (1517 N. Pennsylvania St.), Unicorn Club (122 W. 13th St.), Metro (707 Massachusetts Ave.) or, for the leather crowd, 501 Eagle (501 N. College Ave.).
The Southern and Eve are joining forces with Baconfest Chicago for a bacon-themed dinner on Oct 26. The four-course homage to pork belly takes place at The Southern, featuring collaborative dishes by Executive Chef Cary Taylor and Eve’s Executive Chef Troy Graves. The cost is $55 per person, plus tax, gratuity and beverages… Dunlay’s on Clark gives a 14% discount on food purchases (dine in only) to residents in the 60014 zip code on Sunday nights… In honor of the Jewish holiday Sukkot, Prairie Fire and Prairie Grass Café offer a special autumnal apple dessert through Sept. 29. The restaurants will serve local apple crumble with house-made vanilla ice cream made with honey from beehives housed at Heritage Prairie Farm for $8.50… Chef Michael Lachowicz knows how to throw a dinner party. He’s celebrating the 5th anniversary of Restaurant Michael with a six-course anniversary dinner. The cost per person is $175, and 5% percent of the evening’s proceeds to the nonprofit PAWS Chicago, the city’s largest no kill and humane pet adoption organization. Oktoberfesting Timothy O’Toole’s Irish Pub will take a German turn as they celebrate Oktoberfest in Streeterville beginning on Thursday, Sept. 30. The three-day party will include beer wenches, largerthan-life beer steins (with all Oktoberfest beers at half price) and a traditional Munich-style menu... Rock Bottom Brewery celebrates with “Rocktoberfest,” an afternoon of handcrafted brews, hearty German fare and live polka bands on Saturday, Oct. 9 from noon to 5 p.m. for $35 per person. Those attending will receive a16ounce sampling stein to sip a variety of handcrafted beers. Throughout the afternoon, a hearty German buffet featuring knockwurst, pretzels, spaetzle, German potato salad and German chocolate cake will be offered along with festive, live polka music… Meanwhile Rock Bottom’s sister restaurant, RB Grille gets all German in your grill on Tuesday, Oct. 5 with a seven-course, seven-beer dinner featuring centralEuropean flavors paired with Rock Bottom’s housebrewed, seasonal beer for $45. 20 boi
AMERICAN___________ Ann Sather 929 W. Belmont | 773.348.2378; 3416 N Southport | 773.404.4475; 5207 N Clark | 773.271.6627; 3411 N Broadway | 773.305.0024 These bustling hot spots, serving traditional Swedish pancake house fare, are open only for breakfast and lunch and are best known for hearty daytime offerings and their homemade cinnamon rolls.
including multigrain pancakes and egg white omelets, served all day long. Delivery available. IHOP 3760 N Halsted | 773.296.0048 More than a pancake house, this 24-hour Boystown institution serves up affordably priced appetizers, sandwiches, and entrees that are sure to satisfy varying after-bar wants and needs.
Chicago Diner 3411 N. Halsted | 773.935.6696 This world famous vegetarian restaurant offers vegan and organic offerings using the protein-based meat substitute seitan. Organic beers, wine, and spirits are also available.
Joey’s Brick House 1258 W. Belmont | 773.296.1300 “Thelonious Brunch” with live jazz on Sundays features menu items such as a Cajun Scramble with andouille sausage, Crab Cakes Benedict, and the Hobo Skillet. Brunch includes 15 varieties Long Island Ice Teas.
Crew 4804 N. Broadway | 773.784.2739 More than just a sports bar, the menu includes a variety of hamburgers, sandwiches, salads and comfort food.
Kit Kat Lounge 3700 N. Halsted | 773.525.1111 Providing the best of diva entertainment along with a full dinner menu, they offer ½-price cocktails and Buy 1 Get 1 Free Entree on Wednesdays..
Deluxe Diner 6349 N Clark | 773.743.8244 Perched kitty-corner from Jackhammer and Touché, the diner’s “open 24 hours on the weekend” status is perfect after a night of dancing and partying. Featured menu items include breakfast skillets that are served anytime. Golden Nugget Family Restaurants 2720 N. Clark | 773.929.0724, 2406 W.Diversey | 773.252.8903, 1765 W. Lawrence | 773.769.6700. Established 40+ years, these places are a great place for after bar dining as they are all open 24-7, and all have free parking. The large menu is sure to please. Everything is housemade, known for fluffy buttermilk pancakes, but dinners are hearty as well. 441 N Halsted | 773.348.9696 This Boystown eatery Halsted’s Bar & Grill 3441 N Halsted | 773.348.9696 This Boystown eatery serves up a wide array of tasty appetizers, burgers, sandwiches, and popular comfort food items at very reasonable prices in a fun and inviting atmosphere. Beers on tap are aplenty and the weekend brunch draws an attractive crowd. Hamburger Mary’s 5400 N Clark | 773.784.6969 This fun and popular Andersonville restaurant features a wide array of burgers and sandwiches along with an interesting selection of tasty appetizers. Horizon Café 3805 N. Broadway | 773.883.1565 This long-time popular Lakeview family restaurant serves up big portions of creative homestyle dishes as well as healthy fare (broth-based soups and whole wheat tortilla wraps) and at affordable prices. Breakfast,
M. Henry 5707 N. Clark | 773.561.1600 This popular Andersonville outpost serves breakfast and lunch daily and features creative fare such as dulce banana rumba French toast, and pancakes with warm blackberries and vanilla mascarpone cream. Additionally there are many vegetarian dishes and traditional menu items like three-cheese omelets. Minibar Café 3341 N. Halsted This attractive and sophisticated space serves gourmet bruschettas, cheeses, paninis, and entrees as well as an impressive selection of wines by the glass from around the world. The Sunday brunch is tasty and impressive. Nookies Tree 3334 N. Halsted | 773.248.9888 A regular haunt for the locals of Boystown and popular with hangover recoverers, this upscale diner serves made-to-order omelets, pancakes, waffles and crepes and other brunch fare all day. And it’s open 24 hours on weekends. Melrose Restaurant 3233 N Broadway | 773.327.2060 This Lakeview institution has been catering to the after-bar crowds for decades, serving breakfast anytime along with typical diner fare. Open 24 hours, Queens Tavern & Bistro 750 W. Cornelia | 773.248.8333 Occupying the old Cornelia’s space, this charming new eatery is warm and inviting and features a value menu filled with both bar food and entrée items as well as daily specials.
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Stella’s Diner 3042 N. Broadway | 773.472,9040 Fine diner dining features fresh salads, a large selection of wraps, sandwiches, hearty entrees, pastas, and homemade deserts. Tweet 5020 N. Sheridan | 773.728.5576 This Uptown favorite uses organic ingredients when possible to create brunch items such as buckwheat pancakes, Danish beignets, Belgian waffles, and an impressive assortment of breakfast burritos and egg Benedict dishes. Wilde Bar & Restaurant 3130 N Broadway | 773.244.0404 This cozy upscale Irish pub offers a laid back and warm atmosphere and a wide ranging menu that is sure to please. Expect updated versions of pub favorites like chicken pot pie, meatloaf dinner, fish & chips, burgers and salads. ASIAN_______________ Jitlada Thai House 3715 N Halsted | 773.388.9988 This quaint family-owned eatery features Asian favorites such as pad Thai, pineapple fried rice, crab ragoon, pot stickers, tempura and nine spice curry items. Delivery available. Pingpong 3322 N. Broadway | 773.281.7575 This popular Lakeview restaurant features high-quality Pan-Asian cuisine in a hip and modern atmosphere as well as top-notch people-watching both those in the restaurant as well as any number of hotties walking by outside. Delivery available. Young’s Chinese Restaurant 3949 N Ashland | 773.248.7998 While Chinese takeout is sometimes a bad and poorly tasting stereotype, this well-regarded outpost has earned a stellar reputation for great tasting food and delivery so quick you’ll swear there must be a wok in the car. ITALIAN_____________ Anna Maria Pasteria 4400 N Clark | 773.506.2662 Owned by sisters who hail from the Basilicata region of southern Italy, this neighborhood gem creates homemade modern and traditional Italian dishes that are authentic, delicious, and best of all: inexpensive. Angelina Ristorante 3561 N Broadway | 773.935.5933 Hosting the coolest and hippest Sunday brunch crowd in Lakeview, the menu includes Eggs Benedict, Fritattas, Croque Monsiuer and Mufalatta sandwiches, almond-crusted stuffed French Toast, and the free flow of Champagne 22 boi
Mimosas. Brunch here is loud, raucous and FUN! Great for dinner, as well. Panino’s Pizzeria 3702 N Broadway 773.472.6200 Panino’s has established itself as a Boystown favorite with its varied menu selections, including gyros and burgers, pasta entrees, and of course pizza. Delivery available. MEDITERRANEAN____ Andies 1467 W Montrose | 773.348.0654; 5253 N Clark | 773.784.8616 Specializing in Mediterranean and vegetarian cuisine, specialties of the house include steak kabobs, gyros, and poultry dishes such as Greek Chicken and Lebanese Style Chicken Kefta Kabob. And as befits the cuisine, desserts include a very tasty baklava. Istanbul 3613 N Broadway | 773.525.0500 Specializing in Turkish and Mediterranean cuisines, this recent addition to the lakeview dining scene has been attracting patrons with a varied menu, generous portions, and affordable prices. Sayat Nova 157 E. Ohio | 312.644.9159. Classic Mediterranean-American fare served in comfortable surroundings Every Thursday night things get extra gay for the “Boystown in Downtown” party. MEXICAN___________ Cesar’s 2924 N. Broadway | 773.296.9097; 3166 N Clark | 773.248.2835 This family-owned operation offers an enticing menu full of delicious Mexican recipes, popular house specialties, irresistible desserts, and their signature “Killer Margaritas.” Fiesta Mexicana 2423 N. Lincoln | 773.348.4144 and 4806 N. Broadway | 773.769.4244. Not your typical late-night taco joints, these neighborhood favorites serve up traditional Mexican dishes and seafood specialties. Open until 2am (3am on Saturdays) Mayan Palace 2703 N. Halsted Known to be one of the very best Mexican restaurants in the city, the focus is on using fresh, high-quality ingredients for its “south of the border” cuisine. Portions are generous and the cool Margaritas dubbed “The World’s Best!”
brings her “Cho Dependent” tour to Margaret the Chicago Theater on October 16. Here are “I have wanted to make an album like this forever. I love comedy music!” “Part of the alchemy of songwriting (is that) nothing is wasted. No thought is ever too low or too high. Everything works somewhere.” “I’ve always had gay friends, always… I always had lots of little boys who wanted to be friends with me, always, and they grew up and became gay.” “One of the reasons I got into show business was so I wouldn’t have to get up early, but what I didn’t realize is that, in show business you have to get up earlier and stay up later more than anyone else ever has to.”
Big Chicks – Buck Burger Club Krave - Musical Mondays & $5 you call it top shelf Crew – “Pub Stumpers” trivia half-price pizza & flat bread pizzas Halsted’s - $14 Miller buckets Hideaway - $3 “U Call It”, $2 off pizzas Hydrate - $1 drink specials Kit Kat – 50% off your entire bill Roscoe’s - “You’re the Star” karaoke $10 Miller Lite pitchers Scarlet - Live Music, $3 tallboy PBR, $5 well Cosmos Scot’s - $3.25 domestic bottles Sidetrack – Show tune sing-along Spin – Karaoke $1 Leinenkugel draft/ $4 Skyy drinks The Glenwood - $6 Double pints Touché - $2.50 PBR Wild Pug – Free pool, “Motown Mondays” Domestic pints $2 Velvet Rope – Singles meet & greet
Atmosphere - $1 well & Bud Lite draft Berlin - $1 drink night Club Krave - $2 well, $1 drafts, $4 draft pitchers Cocktail – Go-go boys Crew - $1 tacos, half-priced appetizers Halsted’s - $5.95 salad entrees Jackhammer – Karaoke with Creaoke $3 Bacardi and Finlandia Kit Kat – Half-priced martinis Roscoe’s – “Drag Race” Scarlet - $6 mini-pitchers vodkalemonade, $3 Miller Lite Scot’s - $2 off all martinis Spin – Bingo $4 call cocktails The Closet - $3.50 pints of Miller Light and $3.50 Shock Tops Wild Pug – Acoustic music Shock Top pints $2.75
Atmosphere - $2.50 drink specials Club Krave - $7 Three Olive martinis Cocktail – “Twisted Trivia” Crew – half-priced martinis & desserts Halsted’s - $2 Miller & Bud draft pints Hydrate - “Hydrag Revue” Kit Kat – half-priced cocktails & martinis, 2 for 1 entrees
Mary’s Attic - “Mary-oke” $3 well & domestic bottled beer North End – Karaoke Roscoe’s - “You’re the Star” karaoke $3 off all martinis Scarlet - $95 Classic Stoli bottle service, $5 martinis, $4 Amstel or Heineken Scot’s – $2 off Cosmos Sidetrack – “Rockin Retro” Spin – $1 house cocktails, domestic draft beer & wine The Glenwood - $6 Double pints Touché – “Bear Chested” Velvet Rope - $1 drinks Wild Pug – “Live Game Show” Absolut cocktails $3.50
Atmosphere – “Hot Mess” male dancers $3 well, $5 cosmos Berlin – “Stardust” Circuit – “La Noche Loca” Latin night Club Krave - $10 draft pints, $5 top shelf Cocktail – “Spank” Crew – Endless chips & salsa $2.50, $3 tap Hideaway – “Trailer Trash Bingo” Hydrate - specials on Effen cocktails Jackhammer - $2 MGD, Light, Bud / Lite Kit Kat - $5 Effen martinis & $5 mojitos Roscoe’s – “Alternative Sounds” Sayat Nova – $3 Lite, $4 Bacardi Bombs, Rokk Vodka $4 mixers, $5 martinis Scarlet - “Frat Party”$5-40oz Miller Light & King Cobra, 26oz Corona or minipitcher of Long Island Scot’s - $4 draft beers Sidetrack – Comedy videos T’s - $5 Margaritas and Cosmoritas The Call - $4 Absolute cocktails The Closet – Karaoke with Karen 9:30pm-1:30am Touché - $2.50 PBR Velvet Rope – Live jazz Wild Pug – Karaoke
Circuit – Flashback Friday’s, No cover , $3 Cocktails & $2 Domestic Draft Beer Club Krave - $5 sangria, $10 domestic buckets, $16 imported buckets Crew – half-priced nachos, $2 PBR Halsted’s - $12 pitchers Miller & Bud Lite
Hamburger Mary’s - $4 Leininkugel Hideaway $7 Smirnoff lemonade pitchers Kit Kat - $30 three-course prix fixe meal Roscoe’s – Coor’s Light pitchers Scarlet - “First Ward Ball” $4 well drinks, $4 Bud Light Sidetrack – Show tunes cocktail hour Spin – Shower contest The Call - $4 Bacardi cocktails Wild Pug – all martinis $6
Circuit – “Urbano” Hip-Hop night for all Club Krave - $12 mixed drink pitchers Crew - $9 pitchers Miller Lite Halsted’s - $3 mimosas & screwdrivers Hamburger Mary’s - $5 slushies Hideaway - $5 Long Islands Roscoe’s - $3 off martinis Scarlet - $95 Classic Stoli bottle service T’s - $7.50 Double pints Touché – Free pizza at midnight Wild Pug – “Dog Day Afternoon,” pets welcome
Angelinas - Sunday Brunch Atmosphere – Movie night, $3 well, $2 Bud Lite draft, Big Chicks – Free BBQ Circuit – “Noche Latina” Hot Latin Night Club Krave - $5 draft pitchers & margaritas Halsted’s - $3 mimosas & screwdrivers Kit Kat – “Divalicious Brunch”-unlimited mimosas and bloody marys Mary’s Attic – “Mary-oke” North End – ‘80’s video Roscoe’s - $12 pitchers of Long Islands Scarlet –“Liquid Brunch” $12 bottles of champagne, $4 bloody marys & screwdrivers, free cereal & juice bar Scot’s – Free BBQ Sidetrack – Show tunes ’60s-‘80s Smart Bar – Dollar Disco – drinks $1 Spin –“Game Show Trivia” “Supersize Me” all Absolut cocktails served in pint glasses, “Meat & Buns” free hot dogs & hamburgers Wild Pug – specials on pitchers of mimosa, Bud Light, Sweet Tea, Long Islands
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By Gregg Shapiro
On the concert stage
The “On Stage With…” cabaret series presents Beckie Menzie & Tom Michael Sept. 28 at the Auditorium Theatre… Lady Gaga-approved gay band Semi Precious Weapons play the Subterranean on September 30 at 7:30 p.m… Cake Chicago presents its 4 Year Anniversary show featuring Jenn P, Ripley Caine, Ashley Thornton and FLOF - Fabulous Ladies of Fitness on October 2 at The Red Line Tap. …Out blues diva Ruthie Foster performs on October 6 at S.P.A.C.E. in Evanston… Also on October 6, Riot Fest 2010 & The Chicago Coalition For The Homeless present the “Busted At Oz” Reunion show at 6:30p.m. at Double Door.
On the theatrical stage
Bailiwick seems to be going full steam ahead with musicals. Coming up this season are “Departure Lounge”, a new musical by Dougal Irvine; “Violet”, with music by Jeanine Tesori (“Shrek”), book and lyrics by Brian Crawley and the Broadway hit “Passing Strange”, book and lyrics by Stew, music by Stew and Heidi Rodewald, created in collaboration with Annie Dorsen. “The North/South Plays” created in conjunction with Teatro Luna is the sole straight play... American Theater Company will again present “It’s a Wonderful Life: The Radio Play” as its holiday offering. Adapted from Frank Capra’s classic film and directed by Jason W. Gerace.
On the big screen
The American” (Focus): It’s probably unfair to expect photographer turned filmmaker Anton Corbijn to repeat the visual magic he created with “Control,” his Joy Division biopic and feature film debut. But his latest, an awkward and stilted thriller called “The American,” is utterly the polar opposite. The latest in a string of assassin flix (see “Salt,” better yet, don’t. See the forthcoming “Red” instead, at least it has a sense of humor.), “The American” of the title is Jack (George Clooney) a first-rate assassin attempting to age gracefully and retire with dignity. But there are some angry Swedes who don’t want that to happen. Relocated to a small town in Italy, Jack must carry out one final job before he is finished. In the meantime, Jack (also known as Edward) fills his numbered days in Castel Del Monte with workouts (thank you!), visits to the open-air market, dinner with Father Benedetto (Paolo Benecelli), his standing appointment with hooker Clara (Violante Placido), cryptic phone calls and avoiding another hitman. Suspenseless, leaden and predictable, “The American” seems to be trying to recapture the style of the ‘60s spy
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cinema, but doesn’t succeed. Not even a fit and often shirtless Clooney is enough to make this fiasco bearable. This “American”’s passport and license to kill should be revoked.
On the small screen
In many ways, “Date Night” (20th Century Fox ) could have gone as wrong as the titular evening does in the movie. We’ve seen it happen before, most recently in big fish out of water fare such as “Did You Hear About The Morgans?”, with Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant. But it’s to the credit of comedic co-stars Tina Fey and Steve Carell, as mistaken identity married couple Claire and Phil Foster, that the flick clicks. Their comic chemistry warms the screen. Resigned to their roles as suburban New Jersey dwellers with a couple of undisciplined children, tax lawyer Phil (Carell) and real estate agent Claire (Fey) do what they can to keep the spark in their marriage. Date night in Manhattan is one such way. Showing up at a trendy hot spot without a reservation, where they are dissed by the host, the Fosters get even by taking an absent patron’s reservation. Little do they know that the identities of the Tripplehorns that they are assuming will take them to places they never imagined. The first place is the alley behind the restaurant, escorted by a pair of goons inquiring about a stolen flash drive belonging to a ruthless mobster (an uncredited Ray Liotta). Escaping from the clutches of the thugs, Phil and Claire head to the police station to file a report with Detective Arroyo (Taraji P. Henson) only to discover that the goons they evaded are actually cops Armstrong (Jimmi Simpson) and Collins (Common). On the run, again, Phil and Claire meet up with government tech whiz Holbrooke (a shirtless and fit Mark Wahlberg), a former real estate client of Claire’s, who kindly offers some assistance. Eventually they find the “Tripplehorns” (not their real name), Taste (James Franco) and Whippit (Mila Kunis), who reveal to them the contents of the flash drive and then pass it off to them as they evacuate the premises. Ultimately, the date night-mare misadventures provide just the fix the Fosters needed for their marriage. But watching them get there is more than half the fun. Special features on the extended edition DVD include both the theatrical and extended version of the movie, director Shawn Levy’s audio commentary, alternate scenes, gag reel and much more.
rovincetown is not a typical seasonal town. Instead of turning from a gay Mecca in the summer to a ghost town when the weather cools, it remains surprisingly vibrant. During the off-season, a number of cultural organizations play host to a variety of programming while locals and visitors turn to the outdoors for quiet reflection and inspiration. Up until New Year’s Day there are still many stores and restaurants open. Though not as busy as the high season, you’ll still find tourists and locals in the bars, clubs and restaurants More and more people are discovering the delight of a fall vacation or a long weekend at the tip of the Cape. You’ll discover a quieter, more peaceful town, with plenty to keep you occupied. The weather is often beautiful. Winter can be delightful with crisp, clean air and spectacular sunsets. Generally there is very little snow, because the surrounding waters keep the temperature up. Although lodging opportunities may be fewer, the up-side of that is that the low season rates are nearly half of what you’d pay for a summer holiday weekend. It’s a buyer’s market. If you’re staying more than the weekend, you may be able to negotiate a lower price or free nights. From November 1st through March 31st parking is free in all public lots, there is no metered parking and you can park anywhere on Commercial Street unless it is specifically prohibited. The only time you may not park on Commercial Street is when it is prohibited for the purposes of snow removal. Many folks head to the Cape for Thanksgiving. It is, after all, where the Pilgrims first settled. The celebrating begins on Thanksgiving Eve, with the annual lighting of the monument in the center of town, which honors the Pilgrims’ landing in 1620. More than 5,000 lights make for a spectacular display. Thanksgiving
Weekend also plays host to Provincetown’s craft fair, which provides an opportunity to begin your holiday shopping without dealing with city crowds. And, of course, one of the best reasons to visit Provincetown is for a wedding and honeymoon. Remember same-sex marriages are legal in Massachusetts. For more information and an extended listing of events check out or Not that you need a special reason to visit Provincetown, but here are some events that make a trip even more tempting
Top Ten reasons to Visit Provincetown During Off-Season 1. Halloween Weekend 10/29–31 2. Thanksgiving Weekend 11/25-28 3. New Year’s Eve/Day 12/31-1/1 4. “Mates Leather Weekend” 9/30-10/3 5. “Women’s Week” 10/8–18 6. “Fantasia Fair” 10/17–24 7. Provincetown “Round Up” Weekend 10/20-24 . 8. “Spooky Bear Weekend” 10/29-31 9. Monumental Yard Sale 10/9-10 10. Valentine’s Weekend 2/11-14
Oh what the hell, make it a baker’s dozen 11. “Holly Folly” 12/3-5 12. “Out of Hibernation” Bear weekend mid-march 13. “Casino Night” 11/27 boi 29
Fill Your Pie Hole Honey
It’s not often that you can stuff your face and do something good for the community. “Dining Out for Equality” on Wednesday, Sept. 29 lets you do just that. By dining out at a participating restaurant you will enjoy a delectable meal at a wonderful local establishment while helping to further the vision of Equality Illinois. Actor and Miss Looptopia, Steve Hickson, pop culture maven and famous poet Gregg Shapiro and I are acting as hostesses that night at Hamburger Mary’s. Reservations are suggested, let them know you’re there for the Dining Out for Equality party, call 773.784.6969
The rumor going around if that Jake Shears, lead singer of The Scissor Sisters, is having an affair with American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert. I don’t know if I’m excited or just curious. How do two bottoms end up together?... In his new book Tim Gunn talks about his virulently antigay father, who worked for J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI. Now that’s payback! He also reveals that he is celibate. Tim give me a call I have lots of single guys that would be willing to woo you… Karma can be a beyotch. Australian competitive swimmer Stephanie Rice had a sweet endorsement deal Jaguar. I say “had” because after she called the South African rugby team faggots on Twitter Jaguar dropped her without even so much as a “Wham, Bam, Thank-you Ma’am.”… Late breaking news! If you pick up this issue of boi early enough you might be able to catch Cazwell at Hydrate and then head over to Steamworks for a Full Moon party on the 23rd.
With nearly 6 million followers, Lady Gaga is the most popular person on Twitter. The top five gay celebs on Twitter are; Ellen DeGeneres (1), Perez Hilton (2), Stephen Fry (3 WTF?), Rachel Maddow (4) and Samantha Ronson (5- she beat out Lindsey.) Others who missed it by a smidge; Neil Patrick Harris, Adam Lambert and Ricky Martin.
We’re creeping up on Fall and that means only one thing; time to start costume shopping! If you’re planning on drag, stop in at Spin on Saturday, Sept.
25 and see how the pros do it. Sonique and Jade, from “RuPaul’s Drag Race” will be doing two shows (midnight and 1:00 a.m.) General Admission is $5 and limited VIP “Meet and Greet” tickets are available for $10 by calling 773.327.7711 or by emailing robert@… Don’t forget about the 19th Annual “Night of 100 Drag Queens” at Sidetrack on Oct. 19 and 20. When you’ve got to stretch the show over two nights, you’re talking some major sequins… Club Crave 13126 S. Western hosts “So You Think You Can Drag” 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month... We’re planning on giving away a drag make-over. If you’re interested, send me a picture of yourself and your contact info. Send your email to boieditorial@ -put “DRAG” in the subject line.
I’m Hung…Over
Happy Anniversary to the folks at Crew who celebrated the bar’s 6th anniversary in style. At least I think they did. I don’t remember much after the first five martinis, but the pictures look nice… Speaking of martinis, there’s a whole slew of new ones at Kit Kat as they get ready for the season premiere of “Glee.” All the Gleeks will be happy to know that the restaurant and bar will be screening episodes live and serving up “Glee” inspired drinks, such as; “Kool It Slurpee,” “The Gleek,” “New Directions” and “The Cheerio” all priced $5. The show will be broadcast on Kit Kat’s seven HD projection screens.
Laugh Your Ass Off
Sidetrack has a new event, “Laugh Track” every Thursday from 8-9 p.m. Hosted by Bradley Thomas and Adam Guerino, the stand-up features a mix of live and taped comedy bits. It’s not fair, Bradley is a hot guy, a gorgeous drag queen, ans smart. Now I find out he’s a gifted comic, too!?!?!... Check out “Big Red’s Cabaret: and the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at Hamburger Mary’s… Berlin’s got October 14 on my calendar for the Decibelle Festival kickoff dance party to benefit Girls Rock Chicago. Brilliant Pebbles and Somilia Rabee will both perform live and the DJ line-up is fierce; Dani Deahl, Code Blue, Young Creature and Ang.G. On top of all that PBR are only two bucks and Berlin Bombs are only three. Looks like I’ll be calling in wasted the next day. Ta-ta for now - Harry Taint boi 31
Boystown / Lakeview
3160 3160 N.Clark G&L, LM,DS Berlin 954 W. Belmont G&L, D, 4 Bobby Love’s 3729 N. Halsted G&L Buck’s Saloon 3439 N. Halsted G Cell Block 3702 N. Halsted G, LF Charlie’s 3726 N. Broadway G, D, W Circuit 2.02 3641 N. Halsted G&L, D, 4 The Closet 3325 N. Broadway G&L, V, 4 Cocktail 3359 N. Halsted G, GB Hydrate 3458 N. Halsted G, D, DS, 4 Kit Kat 3700 N. Halsted G&L, DS, R Little Jim’s 3501 N. Halsted G, V, 4 Lucky Horseshoe 3169 N. Halsted G, GB Manhandler 1948 N. Halsted G, W, 4 Minibar 3341 N. Halsted G, R North End 3733 N. Halsted G Roscoe’s 3356 N. Halsted G, D, V, DS Scarlet 3320 N. Halsted G Sidetrack 3349 N. Halsted G, V Smart Bar / Metro 3730 N. Clark MS, D, 4 Spin 800 W. Belmont G, D, V, DS
773.327.5969 773.348.4975 773.525.1200 773.525.1125 773.665.8064 773.871.8887 773.325.2233 773.477.8533 773.477.1420 773.975.9244 773.525.1111 773.871.6116 773.404.3169 773.871.3339 773.871.6227 773.477.7999 773.281.3355 773.348.1053 773.477.9189 773.549.4140 773.327.7711
Chicago Downtown
Baton Show Lounge 436 N. Clark DS 312.644.5269 Club 720 720 N. Wells MS, D, 4 312.787.8720 Crimson Lounge 333 N. Dearborn MS, D, R 312.923.2473 Excalibur/Vision 632 N. Dearborn MS, D, 4 312.266.1944 Funky Buddha 728 W. Grand Ave. MS, D 312.666.1695 House of Blues 329 N. Dearborn MS, LM, 4 312.923.2000 Krush/Prop House 1657 N. Elston G&L, D, 4 773.486.2390 Second Story Bar 157 E. Ohio G, V 312.923.9536 Sound Bar 226 W. Ontario MS, D, 4 312.787-4480 Spy Bar 646 N. Franklin MS, D, 4 312.587.8779 Underground 56 W. Illinois MS, D, 4 312.644.7600 Vibe 1543 N. Kingsbury MS, D, 4 312.266.1900
Chicago Northside
Debonair Social Club 1575 N. MilwaukeeAve. MS, D 773.227.7990 Fat Cat 4849 N. Broadway MS, R 773.506.3100 Green Dolphin St. 2200 N. Ashland G&L, D, LM, 4 773.395.0066 Green Mill 4802 N. Broadway MS, LM, 4 773.878.5552 In Fine Spirits 5420 N Clark MS, R 773.334.9463 Jackhammer 6406 N. Clark G, D, V, GB, LM, 4 773.743.5772 Joi de Vine 1744 W. Balmoral L, R 773.989.6846 Kinetic Playground 1113 W. LawrenceMS, D, LM, 4 773.769.5483 Marty’s 1511 W. Balmoral G&L 773.561.6425 Mary’sAttic 5400 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Parlour On Clark 6341 N. Clark Phone TBA RecRoom 5402 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Scot’s 1829 W. Montrose G&L 773.528.3253 SoFo Bar 4923 N. Clark G 773.784.7636 T’s 5025 N. Clark G&L, R 773.784.6000 The Glenwood 6962 N Glenwood G 773.764.7363 Touché 6412 N. Clark G, V, LF, 4 773.465.7400 Wild Pug 4810 N. Broadway G&L, D, V 773.784.4811
Chicago Southside
Club Escape 1530 E. 75th G&L, D Escapades 6301 S. Harlem G&L, D, V, 4 Inn Exile 5758 W. 65th G&L, D, V Jeffrey Pub 7041 S. Jeffrey G&L, D, V, 4
Chicago Suburbs
773.667.6454 773.229.0886 773.582.3510 773.363.8555
Hideaway 7301 W. Roosevelt Forest Park G, D, V, DS, GB Club Krave 13126 S. Western Blue Island G&L, D, V, DS, GB, 4 Hunters 1932 E. Higgins Elk Grove Village G, D, V, GB, 4 Mission 209 E. Chicago Downtown Elgin G&L, D, V Encompass 24215 Rush St. Lake Station, IN G&L, D, R, DS Velvet Rope 728 Lake St Oak Park G&L, D, V, R
Adult Entertainment
708.771.4459 708.597.8379 847.439.8840 847.488.0320 219.962.4640 708.358.8840
The Anvil 1137 W. Granville G, V 773.973.0006 @mosphere 5355 N. Clark G&L, V, GB 773.784.1100 Big Chicks 5024 N. Sheridan G&L, D, R 773.728.5511 The Call 1547 W Bryn Mawr G&L, D, DS, V, LM 773.334.2525 Crew Bar 4804 N. Broadway G&L, V, R 773.784.2739 Davenport’s 1383 N. Milwaukee G&L, LM 773.278.1830
Banana Video 4923 N. Clark G, BK Bijou Theater 1349 N. Wells G, GB, BK Man’s Country 5017 N. Clark G, GB, BH Steamworks 3246 N. Halsted G, BH, FC The Ram 35111/2 N. Halsted G, BK, D
G------------------------------------------------------------------Gay Male L---------------------------------------------------------------------Lesbian G&L-------------------------------------------------Gay Male & Lesbian D-------------------------------------------------------------------Dancing V-----------------------------------------------------------------------Video GB-------------------------------------------------------------Go Go Boys DS--------------------------------------------------------------Drag Show R--------------------------------------------------------Restaurant, Food
4-------------------------------------------------------------Open til 4am MS--------------------------------------------------------Mostly Straight LF---------------------------------------------------------Leather / Fetish W-------------------------------------------------------------------Western LM--------------------------------------------------Live Music / Cabaret BH--------------------------------------------------------------Bath House BK----------------------------------Adult Book, Booth & Video Store FC-------------------------------------------------------------Fitness Club
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773.561.8322 312.943.5397 773.878.2069 773.929.6080 773.525.9528