BOI’S LIFE It’s hard to believe that just a short decade ago, I was wondering if my computer would crash because of Y2K. As it turned out there was much ado about nothing as there was nary a glitch to be found. However, a lot has happened in the ensuing ten years. For many of our readers that meant graduating high school and college. For those a bit more (how shall I put it, mature?) there have been many so changes that it’s almost impossible to wrap your head around it. The 21st century will undoubtedly be known for technological advances if these first ten years are any indication. Nowhere is that more evident than when we take a look back at major news events, and the best and worst of the decade. From stage to screen to books and gadgets, we review what made the first decade of the 21st century so exciting. It’s also been a good decade for our community. As we go to press, Barack Obama has signed the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, and according to all polls, the majority of Americans are in favor or civil unions, if not gay marriage. And, while the republicans may call the recent midterm elections a “mandate”, the fact is that some pretty progressive stuff has been going on during the lame duck session. In the entertainment world, gays and lesbians appear in positive light with nary a peep from the right wing fanatics. “Brokeback Mountain”, “I Love You Philip Morris”, “Modern Family” and “The L Word” all have been huge hits. Openly lesbian Ellen Degeneres not only has the toprated daytime talk show, but she landed a gig endorsing CoverGirl cosmetics. Even kids’ entertainment is giving gay positive messages. There’s now a gay character in Archie comics.. All that and the world hasn’t come to an end… I can’t wait to see what 2011 holds in store. Until then; be happy and healthy.
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09 10 13 17 18 21 22 25 29 30
ormally we don’t get all classical lit on you, but it seems especially apropos to take a line of Dickens to title our final issue of the year. Although technically not the end of the first decade of the 21st century, (that would have been last December 31), most folks consider it so. As we go into the second decade of the second millennium, we are also in the second decade of BOI, so we thought that we’d take a look at cultural and entertainment highs and lows of the past 10+ years.
There are songs that you can’t get out of your head. Sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes not so much. The same goes for music videos, some are a delight and some leave you wanting to claw your eyes out.
Best Pop Songs of the Decade - 10. Alicia Keys - “Fallin’” (2001) 9. Gnarls Barkley - “Crazy” (2006) 8. Lady Gaga - “Bad Romance” (2009) 7. Plain White T’s - “Hey There Delilah” (2007) 6. Aaliyah - “Try Again” (2000) 5. Britney Spears - “Toxic” (2004) 4. Pink - “Get the Party Started” (2001) 3. U2 - “Beautiful Day” (2000) 2. OutKast - “Hey Ya!” (2003) 1. Kelly Clarkson - “Since U Been Gone” (2005)
Worst Pop Songs of the Decade - 10. Limp Bizkit , “My Way” (2000) 9. ‘ S Club 7, “Don’t Stop Movin’” (2001) 8. Daniel Bedingfield, “Gotta Get Thru This” (2002) 7. Eamon, ‘F--- It (I Don’t Want You Back),’ (2003) 6. Akon, “Lonely” (2005) 5. Crazy Frog, “Axel F” (2004) 4. Sisqo, “Thong Song” (2000) 3. Baha Men “Who Let the Dogs Out?” (2000) 2. Black Eyed Peas “My Humps” (2005) 1. R. Kelly, “Trapped in the Closet” (2005)
Best Music Videos of the Decade - Slant
10. Sigur Rós, “untitled #1 (2003) 9. Christina Aguilera featuring Redman, “Dirty” (2007)
8. Madonna, “Hung Up” (2005) 7. The Chemical Brothers, “Star Guitar” (2003) 6. Johnny Cash, “Hurt” (2002) 5. Sigur Rós, “Vidrar Vel Til Loftárása” (2006) 4. R.E.M., “Imitation of Life” (2001) 3. The White Stripes, “The Hardest Button to Button” (2005) 2. Jay-Z, “99 Problems” R.E.M. (2004) 1. Kylie Minogue, “Come Into My World” (2002)
Worst Music Videos of the Decade - 10. Miley Cyrus, “Fly on the Wall” (2008) 9. Riskay, “Smell Yo Dick” (2008) 8. Brittany Spears, “Radar” (2009) 7. Madonna, “Music” (2008) 6. Beyonce, “Deja Vu” (2006) 5. Countess Luann, “Money Can’t Buy You Class” (2010) 4. Heidi Montag, “Higher” (2008) 3. Mariah Carey, “Obsessed” (2009) 2. RuPaul, “Looking Good, Feeling Gorgeous” (2004) 1. Tokio Hotel, “Monsoon” (2008)
There’s often an inverse ratio between the amount of pre-opening advertising a movie gets and the quality of the product. A sure sign a movie is a stinker is when those involved in making it give credit to the other working on the film. When I heard Cher say, “This movie is a real showcase for Christina.” (Aguilera) about “Burlesque” I new we had a big old stinker on our hands.
Best Movies of the Decade -
Best TV Shows of the Decade -
Drama/Action 5. Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight” (2008) 4. Quentin Tarantino’s “Kill Bill” (2003) 3. Guillermo del Toro’s “Pan’s Labyrinth” (2006) 2. Martin Scorsese’s “The Departed” (2006) 1. Paul Thomas Andersen’s “There Will Be Blood” (2007)
Drama/Action 10. “Dexter” (2006-present) Essential episodes: “Resistance Is Futile,” “There’s Something About Harry” 9. “Veronica Mars” (UPN/The CW, 2004-07) Essential episodes: “Ain’t No Magic Mountain High Enough,” “The Bitch Is Back” 8. “Battlestar Galactica” (2004-09) Essential episodes: “Final Cut, “Unfinished Business” 7. “Lost” (ABC, 2004-present) Essential episodes: “Walkabout,” “Greatest Hits,” “The Constant” 6. “Six Feet Under” (HBO, 2001-05) Essential episodes: “Pilot,” “The Last Time,” “Everyone’s Waiting” 5. “The Shield” (FX, 2002-08) Essential episodes: “Cherrypoppers,” “Postpartum,” “Family Meeting.” 4. “Deadwood” (HBO, 2004-06) Essential episodes: “A Lie Agreed Upon, Pts. 1 and 2,” “The Whores Can Come,” 3. “Mad Men” (AMC, 2007-present) Essential episodes: “The Wheel,” “The Jet Set,” “Seven Twenty Three” 2. “Breaking Bad” (AMC, 2008-present) Essential episodes: “Pilot,” “Cat’s In The Bag,” “ABQ” 1. “The Wire” (HBO, 2002-08) Essential episodes: “Bad Dreams,” “Final Grades,” “Late Editions” America”
There Will Be Blood
Comedy/Musical 5. Tim Burton’s “Sweeney Todd” (2007) 4. Rob Marshall’s “Chicago” (2003) 3. Jason Reitman’s “Up in
the Air” (2009) 2. Brad Bird’s “The Incredibles” (2004) 1. Jonathan Dayton’s “Little Miss Sunshine” (2006)
Worst Movies of the Decade – Drama/Action 5. Andy Cheng ‘s “Redline” (2007) 4. Roberto Benigni’s “Pinocchio” (2002) 3. Eric Valette’s “One Missed Call” (2008) 2. Kaos’ Ballistic: “Ecks vs. Sever” (2002) 1. Fred Wolf’s “Strange Wilderness” (2008)
Comedy/Musical 5. Charles Robert Carner’s “Witless Protection” (2008) Comedy/Musical 10. Undeclared (Fox, 2001-02) 4. DJ Pooh’s “3 Strikes” Essential episodes: “Addicts,” “Truth Or Dare,” “The (2000) Perfect Date” 3. Steve Antin’s “Burlesque” Pinocchio 9. Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO, (2010) 2000-present) 2. Bob Clark’s “Superbabies: Essential episodes: “Krazee Eyez Baby Geniuses 2” (2004) Killa,” “Club Soda And Salt,” “Trick 1. Preisler ‘s “National Lampoon’s Gold Diggers” (2004) Or Treat” 8. Glee (Fox 2009-present) Not so long ago it seemed as if television was the Essential episodes: “Pilot,” replacement for Hollywood’s old “B” movies. As cable became “Grilled Cheesus,” “The more widespread, broadcast television had to raise the bar. We’re Mad Men Substitute” focusing on shows that started their run in 2000 or later. 10 boi
7. Undeclared (Fox, 2001-02) Essential episodes: “Addicts,” “Truth Or Dare,” “The Perfect Date” 6. Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO, 2000-present) Essential episodes: “Krazee Eyez Killa,” “Club Soda And Salt,” “Trick Or Treat” 5. How I Met Your Mother (CBS, 2005-present) Essential episodes: “Slap Bet,” “Showdown,” “How I Met Everyone Else” 4. “Big Bang Theory” (CBS, 2007-present) Essential episodes: “The Maternal Capacitance,” The Guitarist Amplification” 3. The Office US (NBC, 2005-present) The Big Bang Theory Essential episodes: “Casino Night,” “Dinner Party,” “Dream Team” 2. 30 Rock (2006-present) Essential episodes: “The Rural Juror,” “Subway Hero” 1. Arrested Development (Fox, 2003-06) Essential episodes: “Pier Pressure,” “Mr. F,” “Righteous Brothers” To paraphrase an old saying, “When TV is good, it’s very good, when it’s bad, it can still be rather amusing.” It really doesn’t matter if the shows are dramas, comedies, animated or reality. Bad TV transcends genre.
Worst TV Shows of the Decade - 10. “Cavemen’”(ABC, 2007) 9. “According to Jim’”(ABC, 2001-09) 8. “Emeril” (NBC 2001) 7. “The Anna Nicole Show’”(E! 2002-03) 6. “Shasta McNasty” (UPN, 1999-2000) 5. “Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire” (Fox, 2000) 4. “John From Cincinnati” (HBO, 2007) 3. “Joey’” (NBC, 2004-06) 2. “The Swan’” (Fox, 2004) 1. “Britney & Kevin: Chaotic” (UPN, 2005)
When musical theater is good, it is almost magical. You’ll actually suspend your disbelief and the fact that characters start singing and dancing in the middle of conversations seems perfectly normal. The term “musical comedy” no longer applies, as many tremendous artistic achievements are pretty grim (“Sunset Boulevard” anyone?) Part of the magic of live theater is that each performance is unique; no one else will ever see the same show you saw.
Best Broadway Musicals of the Decade 10. “Spring Awakening” (2007) 9. “Thoroughly Modern Millie” (2002) 8. “Urinetown” (2001) 7. “The Producers (2001) 6. “Avenue Q” (2003) 5. “Hairspray” (2002) 4. “In the Heights” (2008) 3. “The Drowsy Chaperone” (2006) 2. “Caroline, or Change” (2004) 1. “Wicked” (2004) The one good thing about bad musicals is that they come and go so quickly that there’s no record to haunt the guilty parties. While many “juke box” musicals are popular, and they can be enjoyable, they are not theater. So please don’t write me about how I left out “Mama Mia,”“Jersey Boys,”“Fela,” or “Movin’ Out”
Worst Broadway Musicals of the Decade 10. “The Full Monty” (2000) 9. “Little Women” (2005) 8. “9 to 5” (2009) 7. “Pirate Queen” (2007) 6. “Dirty Dancing: The Musical!” (2004) 5. “Lestat” (2006) 4. “Spamalot” (2004) 3. “Billy Eliot” (2005) 2. “The Addams Family” (2010) 1. “Spiderman” (2010)
boi 13
Books may be something we tell our grandchildren about, imagine trying explain the joy of being completely engrossed in a novel and the sensory rush you get from smelling the paper and feeling the pages in your hands. There are so many bad books out there, that coming up with a list would be impossible, so for these, only the best in fiction and non-fiction, and since preference for books is so subjective, these lists are not ranked, but rather presented in alphabetical order.
Best Non-Fiction of the Decade “Devil In The White City” (2003) Erik Larson’s historic true-crime novel tells the chilling story of the serial killer H.H. Holmes, with the Chicago World’s Fair as a backdrop. “Nickel And Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America” (2001) Barbara Ehrenreich’s exploratory journey through the struggling underbelly of American society is emotionally draining but intellectually illuminating. “Pictures At A Revolution: Five Movies And The Birth Of The New Hollywood” (2008) Mark Harris’ insightful report on the making of the five movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar of 1967 is one of the greatest Hollywood books ever written. “Them: A Memoir Of Parents” (2005) Francine Du Plessix Gray’s memoir of growing up as an immigrant in mid-century New York weaves her early recollections into a riveting biography of her parents, balancing memories of their oftenirrational behavior with a sparkling account of their talents as celebrated by the world. 14 boi
“The World Without Us” (2007) Alan Weisman’s evocative writing springs fan fascinating premise: how long would it take the planet to erase all traces of human society if we all disappeared tomorrow?
Best Fiction of the Decade “The Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier & Clay” (2000) Michael Chabon’s married the history of comic books to a tale of an immigrant family felt as if it were on-fiction alive in a way that few family sagas do. “Atonement” (2001) Ian McEwan’s novel of repressed Brits on the eve of World War II is brought to vivid life n a study of guilt, forgiveness and the power of love. “Bel Canto” (2001) Arguably one of the greatest American writers living today, Ann Patchett’s story is based upon a real-life situation of hostages taken prisoner in a foreign embassy. The hostages and their captors find the factors dividing matter less than the needs that unite them. “The Corrections” (2002) Jonathan Franzen became famous for refusing to allow Oprah Winfrey to name his book as her official book club selection. That news made many overlook one of the greatest novels about modern dysfunctional families. “Middlesex” (2002) Jeffrey Eugenides’ follow-up to “The Virgin Suicides” is a thoughtful study of what could have been a crass premise. The daughter of Greek immigrants spends her childhood in mid-century Detroit, years, unaware of the intersexed condition that makes him genetically male. Her/his story traces back to conflicts between Greece and Turkey in the past.
16 boi
Has there ever been a better way to waste your time than video games? Some are as addictive as crack, keeping you on the edge of your sofa cushion. And, now it seems as if video gaming is finally getting some respect from the education system as studies reveal that game-playing develops synapses that help in problem solving in real life.
Best Video Games of the Decade – 5. Portal (Valve, 2007) Bringing together hilarious but meaningful dialogue, a truly heinous villain and awesome graphics makes this one of the best games ever. 4. Rock Band It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned musician or a drunken frat boy; nothing adds life to a party like Rock Band. 3. Fallout 3 The update of the Fallout series is a world-building triumph. Irradiated real estate is home to a cacophony of characters from mutants to relics of a bygone world. 2. Katamari Damacy Katamari Damacy was the catalyst that helped usher in the new wave of handmade games in 2004. 1. BioShock Many games have copied Bio-Shock’s moral-choice device, but few have used the tools of the medium as well. Rich character dialogue, the use of gloom and a first-person viewpoint combined to set the bar high for games that would follow.
Best Gadgets of the Decade
talking actual gadgets not websites or web-based businesses. You Tube, Facebook, Netflix and the like have certainly influenced our life and added new terminology to our language (“Friend me”) but for making life a little more enjoyable we can thank these gadgets. 10. Jabra Blutooth Earpiece 9. USB Flash drive 8. Playstation & XBox 7. Blackberry 6. iPhone 5. Amazon Kindle 4. Wii Remote 3. Garmin GPS 2. TiVo DVR 1. iPod
Personalities Each decade has its personalities who get their 15 minutes of fame, however with the advent of the Internet and reality TV, their shelf life is a bit longer.
Most Annoying Celebrities of the Decade 7. Paris Hilton 6. Any Kardashian 5. Kate (with or without Jon) 4. Miley Cyrus 3. Perez Hilton 2. Spencer & Heidi aka Speidi 1. Anyone from “The Jersey Shore”
If there was ever any doubt that the new millennium would be the age of information, the rise of gadgets set that doubt aside. For our best of we’re boi 17
t’s hard to believe that the first decade of the 21st century has come and gone. Wasn’t it just yesterday we were worried about Y2K? Hop in our time machine for a look back at the significant events of the past 10+ years.
practices in regards to religious belief and sexual orientation.
• Completion of the Human Genome Project. files a lawsuit against P2P sharing • Netherlands becomes the first country to • Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich phenomenon Napster.
• Federal agents seize Elián
González from his relatives’ home in Miami, Florida.
recognize same-sex marriages. (see sidebar)
• The Euro becomes the official
• GPS access is made available to
currency of the European Union.
all, not just United States military.
• George Bush names his “Axis
• Sammy Sosa becomes the second player to hit 50 home runs in three consecutive years.
• The Supreme Court releases its decision in Bush v. Gore • German Bundestag officially apologizes to
gays and lesbians persecuted under the Nazi regime, and for “harm done to homosexual citizens up to 1969”.
of Evil”.
• U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.
• Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) spreads around the globe.
• U.S.-led coalition invades Iraq
• The Space Shuttle
• George W. Bush is inaugurated. • Terrorists attack and destroy
The World Trade Center and damage the Pentagon. One attempt is foiled, the plane that was supposed to fly into the White House crashes in a field in Pennsylvania when passengers fight back against the terrorists.
• Steven Spielberg steps down from the
advisory board of the Boy Scouts of America, citing the organization’s discriminatory 18 boi
Columbia disintegrates during reentry killing all on board.
• Mayor Daley plows up the runways at Meigs Field.
• The U.S. Supreme Court rules in Lawrence v. Texas that sodomy laws in the U.S. are unconstitutional.
• The European Union is expanded by 10 countries
• A massive undersea earthquake triggers a tsunami striking Southeast Asia, killing approximately 230,000.
• Millennium Park opens
four years late and millions of dollars over budget.
• Hurricane Katrina kills 1,836 in southeast
Louisiana and Mississippi (mostly in New Orleans). A significant portion of New Orleans, most of which sits below sea level, was submerged.
• President-elect Barack
Obama makes his victory speech in Grant Park.
• New Hampshire law legalizing civil unions for same-sex couples comes into effect. • California legalizes same-sex marriage • Thomas Beatie, the world’s first pregnant man, gives birth to a daughter
• White Sox win the World Series
• President Bush signs $700 billion bailout bill for the US financial system
• New York State Appeals Court
• Pluto is reclassified a dwarf planet, leaving the solar system with eight planets
• Construction begins on the new World Trade Center in New York City.
• Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq, is sentenced to death
• The financial crisis
begins to affect the worldwide economy.
• The first ever gay pride parade in a Muslim country is held in Istanbul, Turkey
• Logo hosts the first presidential
forum in the United States focusing specifically on LGBT issues. Six Democratic Party candidates participate in the event. GOP candidates were asked to attend but turned it down
unanimously votes that valid same-sex marriages performed in other states must be recognized by employers in New York, granting same-sex couples the same rights as other couples.
• Supreme Court of Connecticut rules that same-sex couples have the right to marry.
• Barack Obama becomes the first AfricanAmerican president.
• Iowa Supreme Court unanimously rejects the
state law banning same-sex marriage. Twentyone days later, county recorders are required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
• Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 spreads around the globe. • Iceland elects first openly gay government head in the world, Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir.
boi 21
• President Obama signs a
referendum allowing the samesex partners of federal employees to receive benefits.
• Chicago Blackhawks defeat the Philadelphia Flyers to win the Stanley Cup.
• Deepwater Horizon
explosion causes a massive-scale oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
• Chicago loses its bid for the 2016 Olympics
• Mayor Daley announces he will not seek re-election
• Australia becomes the first
country in the world to recognize a ‘non-specified’ gender.
• Australia ends its ban of trans people in the military.
• Congress approves a law signed in December 2009 that legalizes same-sex marriage in the District of Columbia.
• 21st century lands in Riverdale with the arrival of Kevin ... The appearance of a gay character in Archie Comics.
• The repeal of the military ban
on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, aka Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, is repealed.
Same Sex Marriag
0 10
e by the Numbers
Number of locations where same sex couples could legally marry prior to 2000.
Countries currently offering nationwide same-sex marriage as a legal recognition of same-sex couples - Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain and Sweden.
Countries where same sex marriages are performed and recognized in some jurisdictions - Mexico (Mexico City) United States - (CT, DC, IA, MA, NH, VT)
Countries where same sex marriages are recognized, but not performed. Aruba (Dutch only), Curaçao (Dutch only), Israel, Mexico (all states), St. Maarten (Dutch only), United States: (CA, MD, NY)
Countries permitting civil unions and registered partnerships nationwide. Andorra, Austria, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, New Caledonia, Germany, Greenland, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Uruguay
Countries permitting civil unions and registered partnerships in some jurisdictions. Australia (ACT, NSW, TAS, VIC), United States (CA, CO, HI, ME, NJ, NV, OR, WA, WI) and Venezuela (ME)
Countries recognizing, but not performing civil unions. Isle of Man (UK only)
22 boi
24 boi
“Develop a More Positive Attitude”
t looks like this may be a good year for our community, first “”Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” passes both houses of Congress and is signed by President Obama, and by the time you read this, Gov. Quinn will likely have signed domestic partnership legislation into law. Resolutions – yes it’s that time of year. How long will you be able to go before you break one or all of them? Here’s a little help in making your resolutions come true.
“Find a Boyfriend”
There’s an app for that. It’s called Gaydar, the first gay dating site to offer a fully integrated app designed to work with your IPhone or IPad. Available from the IPhone web site.
You can’t get more positive than a cheerleader, so stop by Chicago Spirit Brigade’s “Big Bang 8” on Saturday, Jan. 29 at Circuit. The theme of the event is “Paris, Je T’ aime.” CSB’s 8th annual fund-raiser helps the group continue it’s charitable work performing at events and raising money for charitable organization.
“Shop Local”
Those are the big buzzwords nowadays. Here’ one ay you can help. Call your alderman and protest the possible opening of a Wal-Mart on Broadway just north of Diversey.
“Save Money”
Start going to “Flashback Fridays” at Circuit where the music the hottest hits of the last four decades ‘‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s & 2000s and the cocktails are priced as they were in the past. Svedka Vodka, Cruzan Rum, and Sauza Tequila cocktails are only $3 and domestic drafts are $2.
“Give to Charity”
Here’s a way you can help, and perhaps solve that first resolution. Stop in at @mosphere on Sunday, Jan. 16 for “A Burlesque Affair” a show to benefit Human Rights Campaign Fund.
“Try Something New”
Check out the one-year anniversary of “CULT” at Berlin on Thursday the 27th or stop in at Rehab any Tuesday for free samples of tapas, bruschetta and paella along with pitchers of Alegria Sangria for $10. Hey, that goes along with your resolution to save money, too! boi 25
“Get in Better Shape”
There are plenty of incentives for that coming up. Locally you could show off your new bod at Hydrate’s “Inferno Undressed” underwear party on January 9th. If getting in shape will take a little longer than that., aim for heading down to Tampa for “Gasparilla” in Tampa on January 29th.. Long term goal? How about the Winter Party Festival in Miami March 2-7th?
Last Minute New Year’s Info
This information got to us too late to include in the New Year’s guide in the last issue, so if you have been procrastinating as well, head over to one f these events…It’s not too late to arrange a trip to Havana, that is Spin’s New Year’s Eve party “Havana Nocturne”…If you’re so hung-over on New year’s Day that you can’t even decide what to wear, head over to The Call for its “Best-of-the-Decade Pajama Dance Party” featuring $5 Absolut cocktails and Jameson shots…Or hit Berlin for New Year’s Day “Drag Matinee” hosted by Mini Shaina with DJ Jobot. There will be $1 Select Shots, $3 Berlin Bombs, $5 Tropical Sex all for $3 cover.
Mark Your Calendars
Hang up that new calendar and circle Jan. 21 for the “HiBEARnation” party at the Ram. You’ll be able to enjoy shots, s’mores, quesadillas and continental breakfast. You may not be able to toast marshmallows on a stick, but you’ll be able to get your fill of man-meat.
Deadline Dash
Jast as we were going to press the shit really hit the fan at Equality Illinois as the Executive Director ,Bernard Cherkasov, fired the organization’s political director and co-founder, Rick Garcia. Whatever the reasoning behind the action it’s not really a good time to do it. This PR nightmare comes upon the heels of Garcia’s succesful lobbying for statewide domestic partnership rights and just weeks before Equality’s anniversary and major fundraising gala. 26 boi
Big Chicks – Buck Burger Club Krave - Musical Mondays & $5 you call it top shelf Crew – “Pub Stumpers” trivia half-price pizza & flat bread pizzas Halsted’s - $14 Miller buckets Hideaway - $3 “U Call It”, $2 off pizzas Hydrate - $1 drink specials Kit Kat – 50% off your entire bill Roscoe’s - “You’re the Star” karaoke $10 Miller Lite pitchers Scarlet - Live Music, $3 tallboy PBR, $5 well Cosmos Scot’s - $3.25 domestic bottles Sidetrack – Show tune sing-along Spin – Karaoke $1 Leinenkugel draft/ $4 Skyy drinks The Glenwood - $6 Double pints Touché - $2.50 PBR Wild Pug – Free pool, “Motown Mondays” Domestic pints $2 Velvet Rope – Singles meet & greet
Atmosphere - $1 well & Bud Lite draft Berlin - $1 drink night Club Krave - $2 well, $1 drafts, $4 draft pitchers Cocktail – Go-go boys Crew - $1 tacos, half-priced appetizers Halsted’s - $5.95 salad entrees Jackhammer – Karaoke with Creaoke $3 Bacardi and Finlandia Kit Kat – Half-priced martinis Roscoe’s – “Drag Race” Scarlet - $6 mini-pitchers vodkalemonade, $3 Miller Lite Scot’s - $2 off all martinis Spin – Bingo $4 call cocktails The Closet - $3.50 pints of Miller Light and $3.50 Shock Tops Wild Pug – Acoustic music Shock Top pints $2.75
Atmosphere - $2.50 drink specials Club Krave - $7 Three Olive martinis Cocktail – “Twisted Trivia” Crew – half-priced martinis & desserts Halsted’s - $2 Miller & Bud draft pints Hydrate - “Hydrag Revue” Kit Kat – half-priced cocktails & martinis, 2 for 1 entrees
Mary’s Attic - “Mary-oke” $3 well & domestic bottled beer North End – Karaoke Rehab – Amy Armstrong & Freddy Allen Cabret tunes, $3 Miller, $4 Stoli Flavors Roscoe’s - “You’re the Star” karaoke $3 off all martinis Scarlet - $95 Classic Stoli bottle service, $5 martinis, $4 Amstel or Heineken Scot’s – $2 off Cosmos Sidetrack – “Rockin Retro” Spin – $1 house cocktails, domestic draft beer & wine The Glenwood - $6 Double pints Touché – “Bear Chested” Velvet Rope - $1 drinks Wild Pug – “Live Game Show” Absolut cocktails $3.50
Atmosphere – “Hot Mess” male dancers $3 well, $5 cosmos Berlin – “Stardust” Circuit – “La Noche Loca” Latin night Club Krave - $10 draft pints, $5 top shelf Cocktail – “Spank” Crew – Endless chips & salsa $2.50, $3 tap Hideaway – “Trailer Trash Bingo” Hydrate - specials on Effen cocktails Jackhammer - $2 MGD, Light, Bud / Lite Kit Kat - $5 Effen martinis & $5 mojitos Roscoe’s – “Alternative Sounds” Sayat Nova – $3 Lite, $4 Bacardi Bombs, Rokk Vodka $4 mixers, $5 martinis Scarlet - “Frat Party”$5-40oz Miller Light & King Cobra, 26oz Corona or minipitcher of Long Island Scot’s - $4 draft beers Sidetrack – Comedy videos T’s - $5 Margaritas and Cosmoritas The Call - $4 Absolute cocktails The Closet – Karaoke with Karen 9:30pm-1:30am Touché - $2.50 PBR Velvet Rope – Live jazz Wild Pug – Karaoke
Circuit – Flashback Friday’s, No cover , $3 Cocktails & $2 Domestic Draft Beer Club Krave - $5 sangria, $10 domestic buckets, $16 imported buckets Crew – half-priced nachos, $2 PBR Halsted’s - $12 pitchers Miller & Bud Lite
Hamburger Mary’s - $4 Leininkugel Hideaway $7 Smirnoff lemonade pitchers Kit Kat - $30 three-course prix fixe meal Roscoe’s – Coor’s Light pitchers Scarlet - “First Ward Ball” $4 well drinks, $4 Bud Light Sidetrack – Show tunes cocktail hour Spin – Shower contest The Call - $4 Bacardi cocktails Wild Pug – all martinis $6
Circuit – “Urbano” Hip-Hop night for all Club Krave - $12 mixed drink pitchers Crew - $9 pitchers Miller Lite Halsted’s - $3 mimosas & screwdrivers Hamburger Mary’s - $5 slushies Hideaway - $5 Long Islands Roscoe’s - $3 off martinis Scarlet - $95 Classic Stoli bottle service T’s - $7.50 Double pints Touché – Free pizza at midnight Wild Pug – “Dog Day Afternoon,” pets welcome
Angelinas - Sunday Brunch Atmosphere – Movie night, $3 well, $2 Bud Lite draft, Big Chicks – Free BBQ Circuit – “Noche Latina” Hot Latin Night Club Krave - $5 draft pitchers & margaritas Halsted’s - $3 mimosas & screwdrivers Kit Kat – “Divalicious Brunch”-unlimited mimosas and bloody marys Mary’s Attic – “Mary-oke” North End – ‘80’s video Roscoe’s - $12 pitchers of Long Islands Scarlet –“Liquid Brunch” $12 bottles of champagne, $4 bloody marys & screwdrivers, free cereal & juice bar Scot’s – Free BBQ Sidetrack – Show tunes ’60s-‘80s Smart Bar – Dollar Disco – drinks $1 Spin –“Game Show Trivia” “Supersize Me” all Absolut cocktails served in pint glasses, “Meat & Buns” free hot dogs & hamburgers Wild Pug – specials on pitchers of mimosa, Bud Light, Sweet Tea, Long Islands
Bar & Club managers send your information for Waz’ Happenin’ to
boi 29
Boystown / Lakeview
3160 3160 N.Clark G&L, LM,DS Berlin 954 W. Belmont G&L, D, 4 Bobby Love’s 3729 N. Halsted G&L Buck’s Saloon 3439 N. Halsted G Cell Block 3702 N. Halsted G, LF Charlie’s 3726 N. Broadway G, D, W Circuit 2.02 3641 N. Halsted G&L, D, 4 The Closet 3325 N. Broadway G&L, V, 4 Cocktail 3359 N. Halsted G, GB Hydrate 3458 N. Halsted G, D, DS, 4 Kit Kat 3700 N. Halsted G&L, DS, R Little Jim’s 3501 N. Halsted G, V, 4 Lucky Horseshoe 3169 N. Halsted G, GB Manhandler 1948 N. Halsted G, W, 4 Minibar 3341 N. Halsted G, R North End 3733 N. Halsted G Roscoe’s 3356 N. Halsted G, D, V, DS Scarlet 3320 N. Halsted G Sidetrack 3349 N. Halsted G, V Smart Bar / Metro 3730 N. Clark MS, D, 4 Spin 800 W. Belmont G, D, V, DS
Chicago Downtown
Baton Show Lounge 436 N. Clark DS Club 720 720 N. Wells MS, D, 4 Crimson Lounge 333 N. Dearborn MS, D, R Downtown Bar & Lounge 440 N State G Excalibur/Vision 632 N. Dearborn MS, D, 4 Funky Buddha 728 W. Grand Ave. MS, D House of Blues 329 N. Dearborn MS, LM, 4 Krush/Prop House 1657 N. Elston G&L, D, 4 Juicy Fridays 2354 N. Clybourn Ave 2 Second Story Bar 157 E. Ohio G, V Sound Bar 226 W. Ontario MS, D, 4 Spy Bar 646 N. Franklin MS, D, 4 Underground 56 W. Illinois MS, D, 4 Vibe 1543 N. Kingsbury MS, D, 4
Chicago Northside
The Anvil 1137 W. Granville G, V @mosphere 5355 N. Clark G&L, V, GB Big Chicks 5024 N. Sheridan G&L, D, R The Call 1547 W Bryn Mawr G&L, D, DS, V, LM
773.327.5969 773.348.4975 773.525.1200 773.525.1125 773.665.8064 773.871.8887 773.325.2233 773.477.8533 773.477.1420 773.975.9244 773.525.1111 773.871.6116 773.404.3169 773.871.3339 773.871.6227 773.477.7999 773.281.3355 773.348.1053 773.477.9189 773.549.4140 773.327.7711
Crew 4804 N. Broadway G&L, V, R 773.784.2739 Davenport’s 1383 N. Milwaukee G&L, LM 773.278.1830 Debonair Social Club 1575 N. MilwaukeeAve. MS, D 773.227.7990 Fat Cat 4849 N. Broadway MS, R 773.506.3100 Green Dolphin St. 2200 N. Ashland G&L, D, LM, 4 773.395.0066 Green Mill 4802 N. Broadway MS, LM, 4 773.878.5552 In Fine Spirits 5420 N Clark MS, R 773.334.9463 Jackhammer 6406 N. Clark G, D, V, GB, LM, 4 773.743.5772 Joi de Vine 1744 W. Balmoral L, R 773.989.6846 Kinetic Playground 1113 W. LawrenceMS, D, LM, 4 773.769.5483 Marty’s 1511 W. Balmoral G&L 773.561.6425 Mary’sAttic 5400 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Parlour On Clark 6341 N. Clark 773.564.9274 Mary’s RecRoom 5402 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Scot’s 1829 W. Montrose G&L 773.528.3253 SoFo Bar 4923 N. Clark G 773.784.7636 T’s 5025 N. Clark G&L, R 773.784.6000 The Glenwood 6962 N Glenwood G 773.764.7363 Touché 6412 N. Clark G, V, LF, 4 773.465.7400
Chicago Southside
312.644.5269 312.787.8720 312.923.2473 312.464.1400 312.266.1944 312.666.1695 312.923.2000 773.486.2390 773.383.5518 312.923.9536 312.787-4480 312.587.8779 312.644.7600 312.266.1900
Club Escape 1530 E. 75th G&L, D Escapades 6301 S. Harlem G&L, D, V, 4 Inn Exile 5758 W. 65th G&L, D, V Jeffrey Pub 7041 S. Jeffrey G&L, D, V, 4
Chicago Suburbs
Hideaway 7301 W. Roosevelt Forest Park G, D, V, DS, GB Club Krave 13126 S. Western Blue Island G&L, D, V, DS, GB, 4 Hunters 1932 E. Higgins Elk Grove Village G, D, V, GB, 4 Mission 209 E. Chicago Downtown Elgin G&L, D, V Encompass 24215 Rush St. Lake Station, IN G&L, D, R, DS Velvet Rope 728 Lake St Oak Park G&L, D, V, R
Adult Entertainment
773.973.0006 773.784.1100 773.728.5511 773.334.2525
G------------------------------------------------------------------Gay Male L---------------------------------------------------------------------Lesbian G&L-------------------------------------------------Gay Male & Lesbian D-------------------------------------------------------------------Dancing V-----------------------------------------------------------------------Video GB-------------------------------------------------------------Go Go Boys DS--------------------------------------------------------------Drag Show R--------------------------------------------------------Restaurant, Food
773.667.6454 773.229.0886 773.582.3510 773.363.8555
Banana Video 4923 N. Clark G, BK Bijou Theater 1349 N. Wells G, GB, BK Man’s Country 5017 N. Clark G, GB, BH Steamworks 3246 N. Halsted G, BH, FC The Ram 35111/2 N. Halsted G, BK, D
708.771.4459 708.597.8379 847.439.8840 847.488.0320 219.962.4640 708.358.8840
773.561.8322 312.943.5397 773.878.2069 773.929.6080 773.525.9528
4-------------------------------------------------------------Open til 4am MS--------------------------------------------------------Mostly Straight LF---------------------------------------------------------Leather / Fetish W-------------------------------------------------------------------Western LM--------------------------------------------------Live Music / Cabaret BH--------------------------------------------------------------Bath House BK----------------------------------Adult Book, Booth & Video Store FC-------------------------------------------------------------Fitness Club