ISSUE 25.11
Can anyone guess what’s in store for us next year? Will it be more doom and gloom for the economy or will the recession finally end? Will the world come to an end or will there be a new world awaking? At no time in history has there been so much unsettling change all at once. Unsettling because we don’t know from one day to the next if we will be plummeted in to a deeper economic depression, a natural or man made disaster will occur and make matters worse, or one day we wake up an realize the sun is shinning upon us ....and we notice everything is now green, including our homes, vehicles and economy. I guess it all depends on how you view things and of course, there’s the reality of what will really occur. One of the worst times in history, the Great Depression lasted 12 years. It’s going on 11 years since September 11th... If what they say about “understanding the past to predict the future” holds true, then maybe after the planets align with the center of the galaxy in December of next year, everyone will prosper in the wealth of our new enlightened technological world. In any case, it seems there are interesting times ahead. So to prepare you for the worst, or the best... we have planned some issues in 2012 to help ready you for whatever is coming your way. Including a 2012 survival guide! To kick off the New Year is our annual fitness issue, hopefully it will help everyone keep their resolution to get in shape. Even I will begin working out again. Lately my fitness regime has consisted of running up bills, leaping to conclusions, running off at the mouth and bending the truth. Remember, don’t drink and drive! (you might spill your cocktail... JK!) Mike & Rick boi
3700 N. Halsted St. #2S Chicago, IL 60613
773.975.0264 • Publisher Editor
Mike Macharello Rick Karlin
Layout & Design Titanium Graphics
Advertising Freddie Dave DeGraff
Photographers Oliver Aguilar Steve Starr Eamonn Sexton George St. George Cover BOI: Peter Johnson
Editorial Contributors Harry Taint Anita Taylor
Gregg Shapiro Ace Magyar
BOI Magazine, Inc. © 2000−2011 All rights reserved
New years eve bar events NEW YEARS EVE BAR EVENTS CONTD. A YEAR IN REVIEW A YEAR IN REVIEW CONTD. restaurant LISTINGS COVER BOI BEST SIGHTS & SOUNDS OF 2011 in the know, on the go! ask ace bars and clubs directory
09 10 12 14 17 21 22 25 29 30
If you want to go out, but haven’t yet decided where, here’s the updated info that was available to us as we went to press, all presented in an easy to read chart. Sorry if we missed anyone. Remember, it’s better to go to a party than have a party! Let someone else do all the work while you have all the fun. It may well be worth the price of admission and drinks to go out, by the time you add up the cost of providing food and drinks, much less taking into account the mess to clean up! When you go out take public trans. Not only will you not need to worry about a designated driver, several bus and rail routes will have later service hours to accommodate for the party night and the CTA will be charging only 1¢ a ride until four in the morning.
Club/Party Theme
Aragon Ballroom Berlin
Cage the Elephant perform Art installation by Nestor, live performance by Daan, DJ $3.50 you call it drinks, buffet Drinking, dancing, party favors, GoGo dancers, performances and a midnight toast countdown by Paola Bracho and Suadhi Couture. A straightforward midnight toast and maybe a few noisemakers Burlesque, performance art, live music, futuristic night club décor inspired by Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis”. Roaring ‘20s themed party with appetizer buffet, midnight toast and DJ Freddie Bain. Kissing contest, cash and prize balloon drop, buffet, champagne toast. Open premium bar (8-1) food, coat check, dessert, live entertainment, queer-funk band, Daan & DJ. Limited tickets available It’s not a fight club themed event, it’s a military attire party, however it is a battle of the DJs, in this case Phil DaBeatz and Chris Eterno. Surf and turf preset menu with reserved seating till 8:30pm. $45 All you can drink from 9-1am with plenty of champagne Voted the “Best Place to Spend NYE” by Time Out Chicago, the lounge is offering a four course prix-fixe meal at two seatings, champagne toast and divaliscious performances all night long. 5 hr. package (8-1) includes premium drinks, pizza and appetizer buffet, champagne toast
$50 $10
Cell Block Circuit “Extravaganza” Downtown Flat Iron “Metropolis Ball” Hamburger Mary’s “Speakeasy Mary’s” Hunters “Kiss” Hydrate “Dance Until the World Ends” Jackhammer “The Battle for 2012”
Jury’s Kit Kat Lounge “Glitz & Glam”
Lottie’s Pub
$15-$20 $50 VIP No Cover $30$200 $10 $20 $75 No Cover $45 $75 @ 7 pm $95 @ 10 pm $65
(continued on next page) boi
Man’s Country
Porn star Roman Heart and a bevy of dancing boys strip down naked, lord knows what they’ll do at midnight. Food and drink package (8-1), male dancers, DJs.
usual fees
Music Box Theater
Screening of “The Poseidon Adventure” with a pre-show reception and costume competition. The New Year’ Eve midnight toast in the film will coincide with midnight.
Special edition of “Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind”, appetizers at 9:30, midnight pizza party and toast Northern Lights’ Nicole Garneau’s farewell performance, goth go-go dancers, champagne toast at midnight Appetizers, drink specials, cash giveaways. 8-2. No reservations. Premium open bar (9-1), passed appetizers, party favors, entertainment, midnight toast. The travel themed benefit for Equality Illinois includes giveaways of trips to exotic locations, a midnight celebration and nearly naked New Year’s babies! Performances by Rupaul’s Drag Race & Drag U Stars, Manila Luzon & Sahara Davenport. Shows at 10pm & 11pm. Champagne toast at midnight, $1K balloon drop. Diamond Ticket VIP package includes 1 bottle Grey Goose, 2 tickets and VIP Jewel Box table. Titan Hunks Hunter Marx and Ethan Anders live show starting at 11pm. DJ Jim Belanger Phi Phi Ohara with Miss Stonewall Inn 2011 Mia Sherrington, DemII Cache, Camryn Styles, Chamilla Foxx, Amber Nyte, Myka MyLeah. and GoGos, Prizes & Giveaways. Champagne Toast at Midnight. $20 Hosted bar 8-10pm 5 hr. package (8-1) includes premium drinks, appetizer buffet, champagne toast and DJ Free glow gifts to first 100, buffet from 9-12, champagne toast at midnight Champagne toast & party favors. DJs until 4
Parlour on Clark Roscoe’s Scout Sidetrack “Where Will 2012 Take You?” Spin
Steamworks “All Access” Stonewall Inn
The Pony Touche “Black & Blue” Uptown Lounge Velvet Rope “…Until the World Ends!” 10 boi
DJ Pablo Alejandro, hosted well bar
$25 $75 $25
$10adv. $20door, VIP $200
$10 VIP $20 $75
no cover $10$45
2011 By: Rick Karlin, Anita Taylor, Harry Taint, Ace Magyar and Gregg Shapiro Well, it’s certainly been quite a year. The economy still stinks. We’ve got a mayor that is only slightly less clueless than the previous one. We’ve got an apparently slightly less corrupt county president. We’ve got gridlock in local and Federal government. It’s no wonder the Humphrey-Kardashians couldn’t make a go of it. But, it’s not all bad. We’ve got civil unions in Illinois, same sex marriages in New York and don’t ask, don’t tell has been repealed. As this issue goes to press it’s just a few days before the end of the year and our crack editorial department has been knocking back a few and talking about the worst, best and the rest of 2011. Here’s what we’ve come up with.
Most Significant Mainstream News Events International Euro/World Financial Crisis: So now everybody’s economy is in the toilet, some are just stuck without even toilet paper Capture/Execution of Bin-Laden: They say you should only say good things about the dead. He’s dead. Good! Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan and Earthquake in Haiti: Global climate change is a fact, and Mother Nature is pissed. Arab Spring: Somewhere someone is playing the Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand song “Enough is enough” in Arabic, Farsi and a dozen other Middle Eastern languages. National The Occupy Movement: We are the 99% and we have been listening to Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand sing “Enough is Enough”! Walker Recall Movement: Even the folks in 12 boi
Wisconsin are saying “Enough is enough!” I think we’re sensing a theme here. Death of Steve Jobs: The premature death of the man who arguably did the most to change the world in the latter half of the 20th century made the world a little less special. Withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan: Too little, too late, but better than not at all. Such a waste of life and resources for so little effect. 9/11 World Trade Center Memorial ceremony: Old wounds sometimes take a long time to heal. Let’s hope that the American people learned something from the tragedy this memorial commemorates Local Richard M. Daley’s retirement: The end of a dynasty (some might say a not-so-benevolent dictatorship) led to the mass exodus of his cronies/supporters from City Council. Can someone say, “Rats fleeing a sinking ship?” Rahm Emmanuel’s election: It didn’t take long for the Rahminator to start slashing budgets, stepping on toes and acting like the S.O.B. we all knew him to be. In the words of Seinfeld, “Not that there is anything wrong with that.” Toni Preckwinkle’s election: See above, with slightly longer, slightly curlier, slightly greyer hair. Blagojevich conviction: Our new license plate should read, “Illinois-Where our governors make your license plates.”
Most Significant GLBT Related News Events National “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repealed: It took too long, it ruined too many lives and wasted millions of taxpayer dollars, but at last it’s over. New York Legalizes Same Sex Marriage: Gov. Andrew Cuomo lobbied lawmakers (including four Republicans) into making their state the largest so far to allow same-sex marriages. The Case of Proposition 8: Super-lawyers David Boies and Ted Olson continue to beat down
delays that keep the case from reaching the U.S. Supreme Court. More Bullying, More Teen Suicides: It does get better, as Dan Savages web campaign proved. Millions supported and comforted kids who have been bullied because of their sexual or gender identity. Gabrielle Gifford’s Heroic Intern Daniel Hernandez: In his first week on the job, Gifford’s openly gay intern risked his life and probably saved hers. Local Howard Brown Health Center’s Struggles: One scandal and fiasco after another have made what was once the crown jewel on the community’s crown look like a big gaudy rhinestone.
Most Over-Hyped GLBT News Story Chaz Bono on “Dancing With the Stars”: It’s a reality show, not a Nobel Prize. This was not a step forward for GLBT rights; it was a chacha step backward that Chaz wasn’t the first one booted off. If we want to be appreciated for our true contributions, we have to fess up and admit that he can’t dance. The hippos in “Fantasia were more graceful”. I wish Chaz didn’t identify as a man, I’ve got a perfectly good “Bull dyke in a china shop” line I’ve been wanting to use for years. When am I going to get a better chance? Coming Out in 2011 It used to be earth shattering news when a celebrity “came out”. Now it seems that there’s at least one or two a week. I guess that’s progress. Welcome to the club, come on up and get your toaster: Geri Jewell, stand-up comic and actress (Blair’s cousin on “The Facts of Life”). Don Lemon, CNN anchor. Akil Patterson, former Division 1 football player. Zachary Quinto, star of “Heroes”, “Star Trek” and the Broadway revival of “Angels in America”.
Rick Garcia’s Ouster from Equality Illinois: Even though the actual ouster occurred late December of 2010, the ramifications were felt well into this year. Whether it was necessary or not, that’s debatable. Gay Chicago Magazine’s Makeover/Closing: When the longest-running GLBT publication in the city (and one of the oldest in the country) announces a revamped look and new focus, you don’t expect it to close down a few weeks later with no warning. Writers, advertisers and community leaders are still in disbelief. Removal of City Support for Gay & Lesbian Hall of Fame: Since the GLHOF was not exactly operating under a huge budget, the city actually only paid for logistical (postage, printing, etc.) support, the fact that Mayor Emmanuel cut the world’s only city sponsored GLBT hall of fame, speaks volumes about his real support for our community. Especially since he also cut the position of liaison to the GLBT community. Violence in East Lakeview: Numerous physical assaults during the summer, including a caughton-tape stabbing, provoked dialogue, some constructive and some not so much (such as a CAPS meeting that devolved into a shouting match, claims of class warfare and a Facebook page called Take Back Boystown) saw tempers flare with the rise of the thermometer. Domestic Partnerships: Well, it’s not marriage, but it’s a start.
Joining past honorees, Martina Navratilova, Clay Aiken, Lance Bass and Elton John in the “Least Surprising Coming Out” category are this year’s inductees; Ricky Martin, now livin’ “La Vida Papi”. Jonathan Knight of New Kids on the Block. Mo Rocca, VH1 Talking Head. Johnny Weir, figure skater (a gay male figure skater? SHOCKING!)
HGTV – How Gay TV
Television is finally showing a wide spectrum of GLBT characters. Finally we are not just murderers or flamboyant sidekicks. We can be the most boring character in a cast full of neurotic characters. Here’s a list of some of the most notable shows with GLBT characters; the good, the bad and the repulsive. “The Good Wife” in which Indian-British actress Archie Panjabi plays the ethically challenged investigator and to top it off Alicia (The Good Wife in the title) has a gay brother Owen (played by Dallas Roberts) who is likeably neurotic and actually has a boyfriend (played by Michael Arden). But the real surprise came when it was revealed that the character of Eli Gold played by gay actor Alan Cumming had been married, to Parker Posey, no less and that he had a teen age daughter! (continued on next page) boi 13
“Glee” In which it sometimes seems that the entire school is a GSA what with the adorably cute Kurt and Blaine (played by Chris Colfer and Darren Criss), lesbo/bi cheerleading couple Santana and Brittany (Naya Rivera and Heather Morris), not to mention Sam (Chord Overstreet) who plays straight but works as a male stripper. Why wasn’t high school like this when I was a teen? “Grey’s Anatomy” gets props for making Callie (Sara Ramirez) and Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) the only happily married couple in this dysfunctional medical center. “Modern Family” not only resurrected the family-based sit-com, it did so by showing that families come in all configurations. Even if the two gay dads; Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) are two annoying stereotypes, so is everyone else in the show. Don’t let the fact that “DeGrassi” is on TeenNick fool you. This is the most LGBT-friendly show on the air. The decade long youth-based soap gives realistic portrayals of what kids in America and Canada are like today. We sure miss Keir Gilchrist, who played Tara’s (Toni Colette) gay son on “United States of Tara”, but “Shameless” not only has a gay son Ian (played by Cameron Monaghan) but also a lesbian grandma (Chloe Webb), two members of the Gallagher clan around which this revolves. “Torchwood” has John Barrowman, one of the sexiest men on television, who plays Capt. Jack Harkness, a con man from the 51st century, who battles extraterrestrial and supernatural threats. It’s worth the far-fetched plots just to watch Barrowman “Spartacus: Vengeance” brings back Lucy Lawless from “Xena”, but this time she’s the openly bisexual Lucretia. Not only are there explicit sex scenes, there’s also sexy men and women in togas. “True Blood”, features vampires, werewolves, demons, fairies, and humans in the steamy town of Bon Temps, Louisiana where it seems everyone is either bisexual, gay or just looks good naked. 14 boi
Community Losses
One of the saddest parts of looking back on the year is remembering the good people we lost. Some we included because they were GLBT, others because of their importance to or support of our community. Among many (and we apologize if we’ve missed some that you would have added to the list), some of the most notable included; International Carmen Rupe, New Zealand’s premiere trans-sexual entertainer. Ken Russell, director. Two of his films with strong gay content included “Women in Love” and “Nijinski”. Noxolo Nogwaza, slain South African lesbian activist. David Kato, Ugandan gay rights activist who was bludgeoned with a hammer. Amy Winehouse, the British diva succumbed to her tragic substance abuse problem. National Betty Ford, the first Lady was an early supporter of women’s and gay rights. Elizabeth Taylor, the actress and AIDS activist loved her gay fans at least as much as we loved her. Frank Kameny, one of the earliest to lead the fight for GLBT equality. Geraldine Ferraro, the first (and best) female candidate for vice-president. Alan Sues, the “Laugh-In” actor/comic created a number of characters including Big Gay Al. Barbara Grier, founded Naiad Press, America’s premier publisher of Lesbian work. Aristide Laurent, was a publisher and an early LGBT civil rights advocate. Arthur Evans, gay rights activist and author. Ruth Brinker, founder of Project Open Hand. Doric Wilson an openly gay American playwright and gay activist in the 1970s. Madelyn Pugh, while not gay, certainly set a camp standard as the head writer of “I Love Lucy”. Lanford Wilson, one of, if not the greatest gay, American playwright. Margaret Whiting, the pop singer from the 1940s married and outlived her husband, gay porn star Jack Wrangler. Local R.J. Chaffin, local businessman, coordinator of IML, GLHOF inductee and a great guy. Christina Santiago, the HBHC employee and community activist died in the Indiana stage collapse. Paul Varnell, the cantankerous opinionist and story-teller was the longest running writer (nearly five decades) in Chicago’s GLBT press
Ann Sather 929 W. Belmont 773.348.2378.
5207 N Clark 773.271.6627 & 3411 N Broadway 773.305.0024. These bustling hot spots, serving traditional Swedish pancake house fare, are best known for hearty fare and delish cinnamon rolls.
The Bagel 3107 N. Broadway 773.477.0300
Halsted’s Bar & Grill 3441 N. Halsted 773.348.9696 This Boystown eatery serves up a wide array of tasty appetizers, burgers, sandwiches, and popular comfort food items at very reasonable prices in a fun and inviting atmosphere. Beers on tap are aplenty and the weekend brunch draws an attractive crowd.
Hamburger Mary’s 5400 N. Clark 773.784.6969.
The quintessential Jewish style deli is the perfect spot for a corned beef or pastrami sandwich, some chicken soup, lox and bagels or a full dinner that tastes as if someone’s Jewish momma made it.
“Eat, Drink and be... MARY” at this fun and popular Andersonville restaurant which features a wide array of burgers and sandwiches, along with an interesting selection of tasty appetizers. Wash it all down with one of Mary’s home-brewed ales.
Chicago Diner 3411 N. Halsted 773.935.6696
Horizon Café 3805 N. Broadway 773.883.1565.
This world famous vegetarian restaurant offers vegan and organic offerings. Organic beers, wine, and spirits are also available.
Cocktail 3359 N. Halsted 773.477.1420. The
kitchen at this popular bar serves up better and fancier food than it needs to. The menu ranges from gourmet salads and sandwiches to comfort food and fabulous brunch dishes.
Crew 4804 N. Broadway 773.784.2739. More
than just a sports bar, the menu includes a variety of hamburgers, sandwiches, salads and comfort food.
Deluxe Diner 6349 N. Clark 773.743.8244.
Conveniently located near Rogers Park’s gay triangle, the diner’s “open 24 hours on weekends” status is perfect after a night at the bars. Featured menu items include breakfast skillets that are served anytime.
Jimbo’s Red Hots 3617 N. Broadway 773.868-
9700. Steamed jumbo hot dogs from Red Hot Chicago with toppings such as pickles, lettuce, tomato, celery salt, onions & hot peppers; char dogs & foot longs too. Open 24 hours. Signature Pizza located in the same spot, serving pizza, pasta & burgers, also open 24 hours.
Golden Nugget Family Restaurants
2720 N. Clark 773.929.0724. 2406 W. Diversey 773.252.8903. 1765 W. Lawrence 773.769.6700. A great option for after bar dining as they are all open 24-7, and have free parking. The large menu is sure to please, especially the classic breakfast and hearty dinners. Everything is housemade, known for fluffy buttermilk pancakes,
Gyro-Mena 905 W. Belmont 773.935.2600.
Augments the Athenian Gyros by satisfying the American desire to pick our own toppings! True Athenian Gyros is a choice of all natural nonground meat (pork or chicken) stacked and cooked on a rotisserie.
This long-time popular Lakeview family restaurant serves up big portions of creative homestyle dishes as well as healthy fare (broth-based soups and whole wheat tortilla wraps) and at affordable prices. Breakfast served all day long. Delivery available.
IHOP 3760 N. Halsted 773.296.0048. More than a
pancake house, this 24-hour Boystown institution serves up affordably priced appetizers, sandwiches, and entrees that are sure to satisfy varying after-bar wants and needs.
Jury’s 4337 N. Lincoln 773.935.2255. Watch all
the poplular sports at this friendly neighborhood sports bar. Known for their killer burgers. They offer a late night menu along with daily specials and even brunch on Sundays.
Kit Kat Lounge 3700 N. Halsted 773.525.1111.
Providing the best of diva entertainment along with a full dinner menu, they offer ½-price cocktails and Buy 1 Get 1 Free Entree on Wednesdays.. On Monday nights get 50% off your entire bill.
Nookies Tree 3334 N. Halsted 773.248.9888. A
regular haunt for the locals of Boystown and popular with hangover recoverees, the diner serves made-toorder omelets, pancakes, waffles and other brunch fare all day. And it’s open 24 hours on weekends.
Melrose 3233 N Broadway 773.327.2060. This
Lakeview institution has been catering to the afterbar crowds for decades, serving breakfast anytime along with typical diner fare. Open 24 hours
Philly’s Best 907 W. Belmont 773.525.7900.
Authentic Philly cheese steak sandwich. Their meat is brought directly from Philadelphia. Also, medium crust pizza, oven baked grinders & fresh salads.
Stella’s Diner 3042 N. Broadway 773.472.9040.
Friendly staff serve up delicious diner fare, such as; fresh salads, a large selection of wraps, sandwiches, hearty entrees, pastas, and homemade deserts boi 17
Wilde Bar & Restaurant 3130 N. Broadway
773.244.0404. This cozy upscale Irish pub offers a laid back and warm atmosphere and a wide ranging menu that is sure to please. Expect updated versions of pub favorites such as chicken pot pie, meatloaf, fish & chips, burgers and salads. ASIAN__________________
Jitlada Thai House 3715 N. Halsted
773.388.9988. This quaint family-owned eatery features Asian favorites such as pad Thai, pineapple fried rice, crab rangoon, pot stickers, tempura and nine spice curry items. Delivery available.
Pingpong 3322 N. Broadway 773.281.7575.
This popular Lakeview restaurant features high quality Pan-Asian cuisine in a hip and modern atmosphere as well as top-notch people-watching both those in and walking by the restaurant. Delivery available.
Young’s Chinese 3949 N. Ashland
773.248.7998. This well-regarded outpost has earned a stellar reputation for great tasting food and delivery so quick you’ll swear there must be a wok in the car. ITALIAN_________________
Anna Maria Pasteria 4400 N. Clark
773.506.2662. Owned by sisters who hail from the Basilicata region of southern Italy, this neighborhood gem creates homemade modern and traditional Italian dishes that are authentic, delicious & inexpensive.
Angelina Ristorante 3561 N. Broadway
773.935.5933. Hosting the coolest and hippest Sunday brunch crowd in Lakeview, the menu includes Eggs Benedict, fritattas, Croque Monsieur and mufaletta sandwiches, almond-crusted stuffed French toast, and the free flow of Champagne mimosas. Brunch here is loud, raucous and FUN! Great for dinner, as well.
Panino’s Pizzeria 3702 N. Broadway
773.472.6200. Panino’s has established itself as a Boystown favorite with its varied menu selections, including gyros and burgers, pasta entrees, and of course pizza. Delivery available.
Taverna 750 750 W. Cornelia Ave 773.248.8333.
This restaurant, formerly known as Cornelia’s is the latest trendy Italian restaurant in the neighborhood. New owners, new looks and a new menu is sure to make this a new hot spot. 18 boi
Andies 1467 W. Montrose 773.348.0654. 5253 N
Clark 773.784.8616. Specializing in Mediterranean and vegetarian cuisine, specialties of the house include steak kabobs, gyros, and poultry dishes such as Greek Chicken and Lebanese Style Chicken Kefta Kabob. And as befits the cuisine, desserts include a very tasty baklava. The Sunday buffet brunch is extravagant and reasonably priced.
Sayat Nova 157 E. Ohio 312.644.9159. Classic
Mediterranean-American fare served in comfortable surroundings Every Thursday night things get extra gay for the “Boystown in Downtown” party. MEXICAN/LATIN__________
Cesar’s 2924 N. Broadway 773.296.9097 and at
3166 N Clark 773.248.2835 This family-owned operation offers an enticing menu full of delicious Mexican recipes, popular house specialties, irresistible desserts, and their signature “Killer Margaritas.”
El Nuevo Mexicano 2914 N. Clark 773.528.2131. Cozy dining room along with authentic Mexican cuisine makes this a great place for delicious dining. Open for lunch & dinner, great patio for summer outdoor dining. Delivery available too!
Las Mananitas 3523 N. Halsted St. 773.528.2109. Traditional & regional Mexican dishes along with freshly squeezed limes for margaritas. Nice place to eat, drink and window watch people on Halsted St. Has a full bar & plenty of hardy dishes to satisfy any appetite. Serving the community for over 28 years. Fiesta Mexicana 2423 N. Lincoln Ave 773.348.4144 (2nd Location) 4806 N. Broadway 773.769.4244. Traditional favorites along with great ambiance. Nice place to bring your family, friends or bring a date to. The Lincoln location has daily specials & live music.
Mayan Palace 2703 N. Halsted 773.935.4200
Known to be one of the very best Mexican restaurants in the city, the focus is on using fresh, high-quality ingredients for its “south of the border” cuisine. Portions are generous and the cool Margaritas dubbed “The World’s Best!” Is your target market is in our distribution area?? ADVERTISE YOUR RESTAURANT IN BOI MAGAZINE Call 773.975.0264 or email us at More listings @, click on Dining link
Hello, my name is Peter. I never imagined I would be chosen for the cover of BOI Magazine, what a great honor. Especially since it’s the last issue before the world comes to an end.... oh wait, that’s in December of 2012! When people ask me what I think about the world coming to an end, I tell them I don’t worry about that. It can come to an end on any day at any time... so I just live for here and now. I’m a Chicago native and it’s a great city with so much to offer. I’m not much of a cry baby when it comes to the winter and the cold weather. I love outdoor activities, like hockey, cross country and downhill skiing and going out to my parents’ lake house to go snowmobiling. It’s also a perfect time to do indoor activities with friends. My buddies and I get together to shop at malls, go to movies, go dancing in the clubs and of course, it’s nice to snuggle up on a bear skin rug in front of the fire place with someone special.
I love coming out from a bar when it’s snowing, and if I’m feeling a little tipsy, I sometimes try to catch snowflakes on my tongue... of course, I enjoy more than just snowflakes on my tongue! I’m 26, but feel like a teenager. I’ve been told I could pass for a high school student, but that doesn’t always work in my favor. Bouncers usually give me a hard time when going out to a bar or club. However, I don’t know if I’d want to go back to high school. I had a good time there, but I’m enjoying my life as it is now. I like to discover new restaurants, especially in Boystown. I must confess I’m a bit of a shopaholic. I especially like sexy underwear and tight shirts, so you’ll often see me at Egoist, Cram, Moda, Rufskin, Akira and believe it or not, Marshall’s. I work at Starbucks as a barrista, but I really need three jobs to afford my tastes in clothes. So usually, my champagine tastes end up being a simple café late.
boi 21
By Gregg Shapiro
Music “SOUNDS”
It’s been a few years since I put together a “best of” list such as this one, but 2011 was such a strong year in terms of music and movies that it was necessary. One component that makes a recording or a film “best of” material is not only how it compares to others in its medium, but also how often you return to it. The ten unforgettable albums and ten memorable movies listed below earned their repeated listens and viewings.
1. Original Broadway Cast: “The Book of Mormon” (Ghostlight) 2. Indigo Girls: “Beauty Queen Sister” (Vanguard) 3. Adele: “21” (Columbia) 4. Stevie Nicks: “In Your Dreams” (Reprise) 5. Active Child: “You Are All I See” (Vagrant) 6. Paul Simon: “So Beautiful or So What” (Hear Music/Concord) 7. tUnE-yArDs: “WHOKILL” (4AD) 8. Grace Jones: “Hurricane” (PIAS) (domestic release) 9. k.d. lang and the Siss Boom Bang: “Sing It Loud” (Nonesuch) 10. Jennifer Hudson: “I Remember Me” (Arista)
Movies “SIGHTS” 1. “Beginners” (Focus) best queer movie by a straight man 2. “Heartbeats” (IFC) best gay feature (Canadian) 3. “Pariah” (Focus) best lesbian feature 4. “We Were Here” (Red Flag) best gay doc 5. “Midnight In Paris” (Sony Pictures Classics)
Woody’s best since “Vicky Christina Barcelona”
6. “Weekend” (Glendale) best gay feature (British) 7 “Win Win” (Fox Searchlight) best mainstream indie 8 “Friends With Benefits” (Screen Gems) best mainstream comedy 9 “Gun Hill Road” (Simon Says Entertainment) best trans feature 10. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2” (Warner Brothers) buh-bye now 22 boi
And the rest (in no particular order): • Foster The People: “Torches” (Star Time/Columbia)
• Rachael Yamagata “Chesapeake” (Frankenfish)
• Emmylou Harris “Hard Bargain” (Nonesuch)
• Cut Copy “Zonoscope” (Modular) • Glen Campbell “Ghost On The Canvas” (Surfdog)
• Gillian Welch “The Harrow & The Harvest” (Acony)
• Daphne Willis “Because I Can” (Vanguard) • Federico Aubele “Berlin 13” (ESL Music)
• Kate Bush “50 Words For Snow” (Anti-/Fish People)
• Mates of State “Mountaintops” (Barsuk)
• The Civil Wars “Barton Hollow” (Sensibility) • Making Friendz “Social Life” (Last Bummer)
• Eleanor Friedberger “Last Summer” (Merge)
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24 boi
by Harry Taint
Well, well, well we made it to the end of the year. For a while there it looked a little iffy, until I discovered that on Mondays Elixir offers premium martinis half off. The first Monday I was half off my stool by midnight. Thankfully someone’s poured me into a cab and sent me home. That’s a classy place and you don’t want to get messy there... Speaking of classy, I hear Steamworks on New Year’s Eve has Titan Men, Hunter Marx and Ethan Anders doing a live show just before midnight. I’m certain that will make someones cork pop! It’s about time! There’s finally an after hours spot on Broadway to get some big wieners. Y’all know there’s nothing better after a night of drinking at the bars than shoving something long and tube shaped in your face, especially if it’s hot and juicy and comes with fries. Jimbo Top Gun Red Hots just opened just north of Addison and has all that so-good stuff you wanna eat. The best thing of all is it’s open 24 hours.
If you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to get in better shape, how about lifting some heavy balls at Burr Oak Bowl’s alternative bowling party on Jan 18? You might make that part of your fitness regime, perhaps to get ready for The Ram’s “Hot Daddy” contest on February 17. Fluffers can apply within. If your resolutions involves adding more cultural events into your social life, check out Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo at the Harris Theater on Jan 24. It may seem camp to have handsome men in tutus performing the diva roles from classic ballet numbers, but these guys are serious artists. The camp aspect extends only to their names.; Ida Nevsayneva, Collete Aday and Svetlana Lofatinka.
Speaking of a night of drinking, the audience at “The Diva That Stole Christmas” at Hydrate tried to make Miss Amy Armstong drunk, but she drank them all under the table and still gave a great show. I bet Freddy has a Jaeger-pump behind the keyboards. Anyway they sold out and had the crowd cheering for more. Great show guys. The underwear models at Moda’s fashion show/holiday party certainly should get something extra in their stockings, lord knows there’s no room in the underwear for anything extra! They were all good bad little boys. boi 25
26 boi
Anguished in Auditing
I got really wasted at my holiday party and had sex with my boss in his office. He’s a straight married man with five kids. He was always friendly, but had never before indicated that he’s interested in me in that way. I don’t regret what I did, but his behavior towards me since then has been rather abrupt and he seems to find fault with my work much more than he ever has before. I like my job and the people I work with (none of them know what happened). What can I do?
Dear A.A.
His reaction and your response depend on one major factor; who initiated the action? If it was you, the best thing to do is find a place assuring privacy and apologize for your actions. Not that there’s anything wrong with being attracted to a co-worker or boss, but acting on it in the work place is inappropriate. You can put a little spin on it by pointing out that you both were a little bit drunk. Since you were, I’m assuming he was, as well, if he wasn’t he can justify it to himself that way.
any complaints stem from this incident and not a change in your work habits.
Not So Resolute
I’ve vowed to get into better shape in the new year. I’ve made the same resolution every year and do well for the first few weeks, going to the gym every day. Then things come up that cause me to skip a day or two and next thing I know, it’s been a week and I haven’t gone at all. Then I feel like what’s the use and give up. How can I assure success this time.
Dear N.S.R.
The problems with resolutions is that we often make drastic changes and view them as temporary. The way to succeed is to make small changes that add up over time. The thing about habits, whether healthy or unhealthy, is that they don’t become habits overnight, which means change is not going to happen overnight either. Going from never working out to doing it every day sets you up for failure. Start with three days a week and stick to your schedule.
Another good technique is to keep that time, even when you are under the weather. Obviously, if you’re sick with the flu, you shouldn’t work out, but otherwise go to the gym during your regularly scheduled time even if you’re tired or have a cold. Walk around the track, or take a steam instead of doing a full workout. The idea is to make those trips to the gym a habit. As for when to skip a workout for health reasons, my trainer’s rule is “If the problems are above the waist, do the workout, if below the waist, stay home.” For your own protection, document what ________________________________ happened and mail it to yourself. Keep Ace Magyar has a BA in communications, the sealed envelope at home and if your boss continues to give you a hard time, let a MA in sex therapy and a PHD in zoology. He is a registered couple’s counselor him know what you have done and if he continues to give you a hard time, you will specializing in the GLBT community. Send file a complaint. This is all assuming that your questions to If he was the aggressor, not only is he likely embarrassed and worried about word getting out, he might be worried about charges of sexual harassment. Again, find a time when your privacy will be ensured, and discuss the matter with him, pointing out that you understand that he might feel uncomfortable, but that you have no intention of discussing it with anyone and that you hope it doesn’t effect your working relationship.
boi 29
Boystown / Lakeview
3160 3160 N.Clark G&L, LM,DS Berlin 954 W. Belmont G&L, D, 4 Bobby Love’s 3729 N. Halsted G&L Buck’s Saloon 3439 N. Halsted G Cell Block 3702 N. Halsted G, LF Charlie’s 3726 N. Broadway G, D, W Circuit 2.02 3641 N. Halsted G&L, D, 4 Cocktail 3359 N. Halsted G, GB Elixir Lounge 3452 N. Halsted G, 4 F. O’Mahony’s 3701 N. Broadway G&L, R Hydrate 3458 N. Halsted G, D, DS, 4 Kit Kat 3700 N. Halsted G&L, DS, R Little Jim’s 3501 N. Halsted G, V, 4 Lucky Horseshoe 3169 N. Halsted G, GB Manhandler 1948 N. Halsted G, W, 4 Minibar 3341 N. Halsted G, R North End 3733 N. Halsted G Roscoe’s 3356 N. Halsted G, D, V, DS Scarlet 3320 N. Halsted G Sidetrack 3349 N. Halsted G, V Smart Bar / Metro 3730 N. Clark MS, D, 4 Spin 800 W. Belmont G, D, V, DS The Closet 3325 N. Broadway G&L, V, 4
773.327.5969 773.348.4975 773.525.1200 773.525.1125 773.665.8064 773.871.8887 773.325.2233 773.477.1420 773.477.1420 773.549.0226 773.975.9244 773.525.1111 773.871.6116 773.404.3169 773.871.3339 773.871.6227 773.477.7999 773.281.3355 773.348.1053 773.477.9189 773.549.4140 773.327.7711 773.477.8533
Chicago Downtown
Baton Show Lounge 436 N. Clark DS 312.644.5269 Club 720 720 N. Wells MS, D, 4 312.787.8720 Crimson Lounge 333 N. Dearborn MS, D, R 312.923.2473 Downtown Bar & Lounge 440 N State G 312.464.1400 Excalibur/Vision 632 N. Dearborn MS, D, 4 312.266.1944 Funky Buddha 728 W. Grand Ave. MS, D 312.666.1695 House of Blues 329 N. Dearborn MS, LM, 4 312.923.2000 Krush/Prop House 1657 N. Elston G&L, D, 4 773.486.2390 Second Story Bar 157 E. Ohio G, V 312.923.9536 Sound Bar 226 W. Ontario MS, D, 4 312.787-4480 Spy Bar 646 N. Franklin MS, D, 4 312.587.8779 Underground 56 W. Illinois MS, D, 4 312.644.7600 Vibe 1543 N. Kingsbury MS, D, 4 312.266.1900
Chicago Northside CONTINUED
Crew 4804 N. Broadway G&L, V, R 773.784.2739 Davenport’s 1383 N. Milwaukee G&L, LM 773.278.1830 Debonair Social Club 1575 N. MilwaukeeAve. MS, D 773.227.7990 Fat Cat 4849 N. Broadway MS, R 773.506.3100 Green Dolphin St. 2200 N. Ashland G&L, D, LM, 4 773.395.0066 Green Mill 4802 N. Broadway MS, LM, 4 773.878.5552 In Fine Spirits 5420 N Clark MS, R 773.334.9463 Jackhammer 6406 N. Clark G, D, V, GB, LM, 4 773.743.5772 Joi de Vine 1744 W. Balmoral L, R 773.989.6846 Kinetic Playground 1113 W. LawrenceMS, D, LM, 4 773.769.5483 Marty’s 1511 W. Balmoral G&L 773.561.6425 Mary’s Attic 5400 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Parlour On Clark 6341 N. Clark 773.564.9274 Mary’s RecRoom 5402 N Clark G&L, D, V, R 773.784.6969 Scot’s 1829 W. Montrose G&L 773.528.3253 SoFo Bar 4923 N. Clark G 773.784.7636 T’s 5025 N. Clark G&L, R 773.784.6000 The Call 1547 W Bryn Mawr G&L, D, DS, V, LM 773.334.2525 The Glenwood 6962 N Glenwood G 773.764.7363 Touché 6412 N. Clark G, V, LF, 4 773.465.7400 Uptown Lounge 1136 W. Lawrence 773.878.1136
Chicago Southside
Club Escape 1530 E. 75th G&L, D Escapades 6301 S. Harlem G&L, D, V, 4 Inn Exile 5758 W. 65th G&L, D, V Jeffrey Pub 7041 S. Jeffrey G&L, D, V, 4
Chicago Suburbs
Hideaway 7301 W. Roosevelt Forest Park G, D, V, DS, GB Club Krave 13126 S. Western Blue Island G&L, D, V, DS, GB, 4 Hunters 1932 E. Higgins Elk Grove Village G, D, V, GB, 4 Mission 209 E. Chicago Downtown Elgin G&L, D, V Encompass 24215 Rush St. Lake Station, IN G&L, D, R, DS Velvet Rope 728 Lake St Oak Park G&L, D, V, R
Adult Entertainment
Chicago Northside
The Anvil 1137 W. Granville G, V @mosphere 5355 N. Clark G&L, V, GB Big Chicks 5024 N. Sheridan G&L, D, R
773.973.0006 773.784.1100 773.728.5511
G------------------------------------------------------------------Gay Male L---------------------------------------------------------------------Lesbian G&L-------------------------------------------------Gay Male & Lesbian D-------------------------------------------------------------------Dancing V-----------------------------------------------------------------------Video GB-------------------------------------------------------------Go Go Boys DS--------------------------------------------------------------Drag Show R--------------------------------------------------------Restaurant, Food
30 boi
773.667.6454 773.229.0886 773.582.3510 773.363.8555
Banana Video 4923 N. Clark G, BK Bijou Theater 1349 N. Wells G, GB, BK Man’s Country 5017 N. Clark G, GB, BH Steamworks 3246 N. Halsted G, BH, FC The Ram 35111/2 N. Halsted G, BK, D
708.771.4459 708.597.8379 847.439.8840 847.488.0320 219.962.4640 708.358.8840
773.561.8322 312.943.5397 773.878.2069 773.929.6080 773.525.9528
4-------------------------------------------------------------Open til 4am MS--------------------------------------------------------Mostly Straight LF---------------------------------------------------------Leather / Fetish W-------------------------------------------------------------------Western LM--------------------------------------------------Live Music / Cabaret BH--------------------------------------------------------------Bath House BK----------------------------------Adult Book, Booth & Video Store FC-------------------------------------------------------------Fitness Club