Boise Weekly Vol. 23 Issue 07

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ANNUAL MANUAL Boise Weekly’s guide to life, the Treasure Valley and everything INSIDE

CATCH-22 With day center closed for repairs, Boise homeless face tickets for ‘camping’ NEWS 8

FOSTER FIASCO The tragic tale of how an Idaho foster kid ended up behind bars FEATURE 11

PROBING THE ‘PRIMITIVE’ BW tags along with a Dutch art expert as she explores ancient petroglyphs CULTURE 28

“In reality, it’s the little things.” VOLUME 23, ISSUE 07



AUGUST 6–12, 2014

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BOISEweekly STAFF Publisher: Sally Freeman


Office Manager: Meg Andersen Editorial Editor: Zach Hagadone Associate Editor: Amy Atkins News Editor: George Prentice Staff Writer: Harrison Berry Staff Writer: Jessica Murri Database Guru: Sam Hill Listings: Copy Editor: Jay Vail Interns: Kelsey Meeker, Jasmine Verduzco Contributing Writers: Bill Cope, David Kirkpatrick, Tara Morgan, John Rember Advertising Advertising Director: Brad Hoyd Account Executives: Tommy Budell, Cheryl Glenn, Jim Klepacki, Darcy Williams Maupin, Jill Weigel, Classified Sales/Legal Notices Creative Art Directors: Kelsey Hawes, Tomas Montano, Contributing Artists: Elijah Jensen, Jeremy Lanningham, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Adam Rosenlund, Jen Sorensen, Tom Tomorrow Circulation Man About Town: Stan Jackson Distribution: Tim Anders, Char Anders, Becky Baker, Janeen Bronson, Tim Green, Shane Greer, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Ashley Nielson, Warren O’Dell, Steve Pallsen, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 32,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 1,000 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. Subscriptions: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. To contact us: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2013 by Bar Bar, Inc. Editorial Deadline: Thursday at noon before publication date. Sales Deadline: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it, too. Boise weekly is an independently owned and operated newspaper.


TOUGH STUFF As the father of a 2-year-old, and expecting an addition to the family in early 2015, I have had parenthood on my mind lately—especially during the past three weeks, when my wife and son were out of town visiting family. Nothing quite compares to the stillness of a house suddenly sans a kid. There’s nothing like the vulnerability of knowing he’s hundreds of miles away—impossibly far from your ability to keep an eye on him, play with him, make him a snack, read to him, put him to bed and, at the end of the day, sit in the now-quiet living room knowing he’s safely asleep on the other side of the wall. In that vulnerability, parental emotions wander, attaching themselves to children in books, news stories and movies—at some point, I started to get weepy over commercials. No matter whether or not you’re a parent, harm to a child—anybody’s child—is unthinkable. Ask Christopher Gunness, a United Nations spokesman who broke down in tears when discussing the deaths of Palestinian children during the current fighting in Gaza. All politics aside, Gunness’ reaction was a human one. In those moments, the greatest injustice imaginable seems to be the subjugation of children to the fallout of adult failures. That injustice, and the failure to stop it, is at the heart of this week’s powerful feature story by Boise Weekly News Editor George Prentice. On Page 11, Prentice introduces us to Kallen Hazel, a boy who almost from birth suffered the worst forms of abuse at the hands of those most obligated to protect him. The result was a life cast adrift as this child was bounced from foster home to foster home, institution to institution, eventually manifesting a range of pathologies: manipulation, lying, violence and, ultimately, an act of arson that landed him behind bars—as Prentice puts it, “his final placement.” The severity and amount of failures implicit in the trajectory of Hazel’s life is astounding. From his parents to the system, to the media and himself, it’s as if Hazel didn’t stand a chance from the beginning. It’s a hard story to read, but it is an especially important one now, as adult failures punish children everywhere from Gaza to Idaho. —Zach Hagadone

COVER ARTIST Cover art scanned courtesy of Evermore Prints... supporting artists since 1999.

ARTIST: Molly Hill TITLE: “Dressed to the Nines at the Mayo Clinic” MEDIUM: Acrylic/Collage on wrapped canvas ARTIST STATEMENT: There comes a time in a life when the reality is far from what one can imagine. Time moves more swiftly than the Snake River. Use your time with wisdom and generosity; be one of the angels who guards the heavens, who gives the world more than she takes and, first and foremost, give back to the world beauty. And share a pizza now and then.


Boise Weekly publishes original local artwork on its cover each week. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. A portion of the proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. Cover artists will also receive 30 percent of the final auction bid on their piece. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.

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experience .

BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world.

BUST-ACOA Barbacoa owner Robert Castoro was booked into the Ada County Jail on Aug. 5, charged with felony manufacture, delivery or possession of an illegal substance. More on Citydesk.

#RADIORACE BW staff writer Jessica Murri entered the KCRW Independent Producer Project, in which she produced a radio feature in 24 hours. Her subject: fry sauce. Listen to the piece on Cobweb.

LUCKY 13 Local hip-hop artist Customary is burning up iTunes, with Compassion hitting No. 13 on the Hot Indie Hip-Hop chart in August. Check the video of single “Hanging On” on Mixtape.



Ashley Wagner

August 9

2014 Olympic Bronze Medalist 2013 US Gold Medalist 2012 US Gold Medalist NATHAN CHEN

2014 Jr. World Bronze Medalist 2014 US Jr. Gold Medalist

Johnny Weir

August 16

World Bronze Medalist 3X US Gold Medalist

Meryl Davis & Charlie White

August 23

2014 Olympic Gold Medalists 2X World Gold Medalists 6X United States Gold Medalists

Evan Lysacek

August 30

Olympic Gold Medalist World Champion 2X US Gold Medalist


2014 Jr. World Bronze Medalist 2014 US Jr. Gold Medalist 4 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly



ASK BILL ABOUT IT Hola Senor Bill,

Yo para usted tener la importante pregunta yo esperar que usted poder muy mucho contestar. Surprise! It’s me. Anonymous, from the Cope’s-Latest-Column Discussion Group. I’ll bet you thought it was some senorita from El Meheeco, but no it’s just little old me. From Boise. I’m learning to speak Spanish this summer as my summer project because every summer, I have a different project because with my job at the bowling lanes, things get real slow in the summer because there are not so many leagues you know, so a few summers ago, I decided to get a project going every summer so I would have things to do with myself. Last summer’s project was learning how to wallpaper a wall, which I did to the walls in my bathroom except in back of the toilet because I didn’t learn how to do that. And the summer before that, I was learning how to make kimchi, which is a thing Korean people do with cabbage by turning it into sauerkraut, only it’s different and it’s called kimchi. This summer, my project is to learn to speak Spanish like I said, because it is such a beautiful language isn’t it? When I go to the store and am waiting in line and somebody is speaking Spanish in back of me or in front, too, I always listen in because it sounds like how I think birds would sound if they could speak Spanish and I always wish I could join in. So I decided if my friend Dottie who you don’t know but we have been friends since that time we were stuck in a snow drift on the Fun Bus to Jackpot together can learn Spanish like she said she did, then so can I, except I’m not good enough at it yet to tell if Dottie is really speaking Spanish or just saying any foreign sounding word that pops into her head. So I told her I wanted to learn Spanish too so we could talk in it together and she said to go buy something called Rosetta Stone, which she said is how she learned to speak Spanish, but then I found out I could not afford this Rosetta Stone, which does not come on my computer like that solitaire game does and you have to buy it separate, which I could not afford. So well then I decided to learn it by going through the whole dictionary and getting that Google translator thing to translate each word for me on my computer. Then I practice saying it over and over only I’m not sure I’m saying it right so I ask Dottie if I’m saying it right, and first she laughs and then she always says I’m saying it wrong, which I don’t know if she’s right or not, and I guess I won’t until I can speak Spanish as well as she can. I am only up to the “B’s” in the dictionary and the bowling lanes will be getting busy again in about a month, so I may have to make learning Spanish my project for next summer too. By the way, Dottie helped me say what I said in the first part of this letter, which is “Hola Senor Bill (that means “Hello Mister Bill”), I for you have an important question I hope that you can very much answer.” Oh, did I tell you Dottie is in the Cope’s-Latest-Column Discussion Group? Yes she is but I think the only reason she joined is because she likes cookies and punch so much, and when I asked her once if she would mind bringing the cookies for the next week, she only laughed and said “Qué la ganso bobo.” Or something like that. Which reminds me that I wanted to catch you up since how long it’s been since I wrote to you on how the Cope’s-Latest-Column Discussion Group’s membership is doing, which if I remember right I told you was down to three people including the one who only comes for the cookies and punch (Dottie, but don’t tell her I told you). But now it is up to nine again because the Baumgartners who you don’t know but they left last winter to join the Downton Abbey-Season-Four Discussion Group came back since there were only something like two or three episodes in the whole season four of Downton Abbey. Also Ron and Dawn Mabley who you don’t know either came back I think just because they don’t have many friends, and also Jim Lukengill and Betty Frost joined the group and you don’t know either of them either. Jim is a plenty nice man but he was arrested for driving drunk and was sentenced to 40 hours community service, and he somehow convinced the judge that coming to Cope’s-Latest-Column Discussion Group was doing his community service somehow. I don’t know much about Betty because she only joined last week but already she has volunteered to bring cookies, which is good enough for me. So anywho, the reason I wrote to you this time is because I really do have an important question for you to answer I hope and… Oh darn it. Now I cannot remember what I wanted to ask you except that it was important. Oh shoot. I am so embarrassed now you must think I am a rattlehead type but I have to quit even though I can’t think of what I wanted to ask you because the mailman will be here soon and I want to get this in the mail today. So as we say in Spanish, “Hasta la tiempo muy mucho proximo.” —Yours truly, Anonymous UUU Dear Anon, I am sure if you just relax, your question will come back. It happens to me all the time, so don’t be embarrassed. It was delightful hearing from you again and adios, muchacha. (I heard Antonio Banderas say that in a movie and have been dying for an opportunity to use it.) P.S.: Have you changed brands of coffee recently, Anon? You seem a bit agitado. Bill Cope will be signing copies of his novel Artists Save the Galaxy from 6-8 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 7, at Flying M Coffeehouse. BOI S EW EEKLY.COM

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KIDS THESE DAYS Ephebiphobia rears its ugly head

I’ve been polling former colleagues, asking them how they’re feeling about the fresh faces they’ll see in their classrooms in a month or so. Many of them worry that they’ll see a repeat of last year’s faces. Those, they say, came equipped with a lack of initiative and a sense of entitlement. Some of them say there’s been a sea-change in humanity, and you can’t trust anyone under 30 because they don’t think like us old folks. Undergraduates will take over the world and then everything’s really going to go to hell. I shouldn’t bring this up, because it’s a marginalization of an entire class of human beings, and you don’t have live on the Texas border to know that’s a wide-ranging recipe for misery. And someone is bound to quote Socrates: “The youth of today love luxury; they have bad manners and contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Youth are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up food at the table, and tyrannize their teachers.” Socrates is always handy if you want to demonstrate a problem isn’t new. You can note that there’s a clinical condition—ephebiphobia, or fear of teenagers—that has been present throughout history. Adolescents are scary, if I remember my own adolescence correctly. They’re dangerous and self-destructive. They’re touchy about their independence, and think they know way more than they do. It’s probably a mistake to give them weapons and access to internal combustion engines. Add in a lack of initiative and a sense of entitlement, and we should wonder if our civilization isn’t headed down the same rocky road as ancient Greece. But that’s not my worry when I hear complaints about kids these days. Instead, I worry that the problem is new. I worry that we’re seeing the first generation that has been raised by the screens of TVs, computers and mobile phones. Their brains have been rewired by reducing their active participation in the world to taps on a keyboard or a touchscreen. Robert Bly, in The Sibling Society (1996), explores the developmental implications of such a screen-fed existence. He suggests that growing up in a socially networked virtual world instead of in the natural world prevents people from growing up. They get stuck in permanent adolescence, seeing everyone else in their lives as siblings rather than as separate adults. Personal encounters are marked by deep rivalry rather than cooperation, and their biggest complaint becomes, “It isn’t fair.” Bly’s book should be in every parent’s library. The biggest job an adolescent has to face is to see things as an adult, and The Sibling Society is a manual for adulthood, drawing on myth, story, sociology and developmental psychology to make its case.

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Bly builds on the insights of an earlier and more obscure book, Michael Ventura’s Shadow Dancing in the USA, which explores the effect that myriad-channel TV, 24-hour convenience stores and video games have had on American culture. Even before Hellfireequipped drones, Ventura pointed out that video gamers were training for deployment. In retrospect, you can wonder if video games didn’t create drones, instead of drones creating video games—that makes you wonder what sort of hellfire video games will create next. Shadow Dancing in the USA is dated now. It was written in 1985, and in a world that contains Moore’s Law, three decades is a long time. I recommend the book for parents anyway, and anyone else wondering why technology divides rather than unites. Ventura doesn’t always focus on young people, but he describes how they’ve been and will be transformed by technology. One more book for the Dr. Spock section of your library: Arthur C. Clarke’s Childhood’s End, a 1953 science-fiction novel about an alien invasion. The aliens establish a world government and stop war, but they take human children from their parents and train them to join the Overmind, a cosmic entity that rules the universe. The last real humans witness the exodus from Earth of total strangers, beings who used to be their children. I’ve been thinking of Childhood’s End since the technology gap became generational. The term digital native applies to most people under 30, and it’s possible to imagine them more involved with their phones, their tablets and the Internet Overmind than with their parents. We aging digital immigrants must appear undocumented to them. I doubt that such a scheme of things creates an attitude of entitlement or a lack of initiative in anyone, but they are probably hard on observable social skills or measurable labor, at least as an older generation defines them. Digital natives live in an entirely different world, one that treats virtual reality as equal or better to the reality you walk through when you go outside without your smartphone. Techno-futurists like Ray Kurzweil talk about post-humans, and promise that posthumans will be the ultimate happy fulfillment of our species’ evolutionary potential. Who knew that post-humans would show up as restaurant workers who forget to refill your coffee, interns who expect managerial positions or new employees that demand detailed lists of instructions—robot-controlling algorithms— to get through the day? You can only hope that when they take over the world they treat their elders as human beings who need kindness, touch and understanding in their marginalized obsolescence. Even if it isn’t fair. Adapted from John Rember’s MFA in a Box blog, B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M


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A BRIDGE TO NOWHERE The city of Boise wants to install 811 smart meters throughout the downtown area.

SENSORS AND SENSIBILITY Pardon our schadenfreude but we envision a day when an Ada County Highway District commissioner finds a city of Boise parking ticket tucked under their windshield wiper. It might be devilishly delicious if that expired meter was connected to a sensor embedded in the pavement that ACHD lords over. By now, Boise Weekly readers know the drill: ACHD rules the roads, the city of Boise rules, well, everything except the roads. “The problem, quite frankly is the construct; ACHD is a single-purpose government that has been given jurisdiction in places over a general-purpose government,” said Boise Councilwoman Elaine Clegg. “Even a political science major would tell you it doesn’t work.” The construct is in destruct mode this summer, as the controversy over so-called “smart” meters and sensors that make them smart spiraled this past week into a lawsuit, dueling press releases and a constituency that wants the whole thing to be settled. Here’s what we know: -The city wants to install 811 smart meters that, through the embedded sensors, will be able to detect which spaces are free and communicate with an app that will allow motorists to feed the meter remotely. -The city has installed 89 smart meters with sensors. -The city already has more than 100 smart meters ready to be installed. -Ada County is the only county in the U.S. in which cities don’t control their own roads. “But at least three ACHD commissioners [Rebecca] Arnold, [Sara] Baker and [Mitchell] Jaurena disagree on the city’s technology choice and parking policies,” said Boise City Council President Maryanne Jordan. “ACHD has no statutory authority on our technology and policies. Will utility infrastructure be denied because a few commissioners disagree with rates or choice of pipe?” City officials insisted that ACHD’s demand for a license agreement on the technology was simply none of ACHD’s business. “I’m as confused as much as the public as to what the real gut issue is here,” said Councilman David Eberle. ACHD gave the city a 10-day ultimatum to meet its terms or risk the removal of the embedded sensors. When the city waited until the 11th hour to submit a permit application, ACHD crews were ready to dig up the sensors. That, in turn, prompted the city to seek a restraining order to halt any removal. “It never should have come to this,” said ACHD President John Franden, after agreeing to halt removal of any sensors. Clegg added that the council was “dumbfounded but anxious” to resolve the matter. —George Prentice

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Day shelter closes for repairs while homeless are ticketed for camping GEORGE PRENTICE It was a bullhorn moment. Ritchie Eppink, legal director for ACLU of Idaho, was anxious to provide curbside legal assistance to the dozens of men, women and children—all homeless—whose numbers have been growing on Americana Boulevard in the shadow of the Boise Connector. But to be heard beneath the soft roar of traffic, Eppink needed some assistance of his own: a bullhorn. “You don’t have to talk to anybody if you choose not to,” Eppink shouted into the portable amplifier. “Does everybody here understand that? That’s your constitutional right not to speak. The only person who can order you to talk is a judge.” Though sweltering in near triple-digit heat, most of the crowd listened intently. Nearby, a toddler cried, a dog barked incessantly and some of the homeless adults seemed on edge, arguing among themselves. With the exception of Eppink giving street-side legal advice, it was a typical summertime scenario under the overpass near Rhodes Park. But passersby, and even some of the homeless individuals themselves, agreed that this summer’s number of homeless congregating in the wide berth of shade under the Connector has reached record proportions. As a result, this summer’s crowds have triggered more conversations with Boise Police officers who have been regularly patrolling the area (Boise Weekly counted five police cars drive-by’s in 30 minutes). In a few instances, those interactions between police and homeless have not ended well, resulting in citations for violating Boise’s so-called “anti-camping” ordinance. “I just got this a couple of days ago,” said William Smallwood, holding up a police citation and explaining that he has been staying under the bridge for about a month. “The officer told me it’s illegal to sleep here.” “Sleep” is the operative word in Section 9-10-02 of the Boise City Code’s anti-camping ordinance, which says it’s illegal to store “personal belongings … or other temporary structures for sleeping in an unauthorized area” (i.e., streets, sidewalks, parks or public places). But Boise attorney Howard Belodoff and Idaho Legal Aid sued the city in 2009, arguing that the ordinance criminalizes homelessness. So it was not surprising to see Belodoff standing alongside Eppink, talking with the scores of homeless people on Americana Boulevard. Eventually, Belodoff also took the bullhorn. “Listen to me: You can’t be punished for

Ritchie Eppink, legal director for ACLU of Idaho, provides some curbside legal advice on July 23 in the shadow of the Boise Connector on Americana Boulevard.

doing a normal human thing, such as sleeping, in the city of Boise,” said Belodoff. “You need to fight these tickets. You need to defend yourselves. You need to make sure to plead not guilty, I repeat not guilty, ask for a public defender and ask for a jury trial.” Even representatives of the Boise Police Department told BW that they’re not happy about issuing citations to Boise’s homeless. “Quite honestly, enforcement is not the answer. It’s only part of the answer,” said Lynn Hightower, BPD spokeswoman. “The officers know many of the people there by name and interact with them frequently. And those officers often know how long a person has been there and their personal situation. Some appear to be there by choice.” One of those officers is Tom Shuler, a veteran of the Boise Police Department since 1995 and a member of the bike patrol since 1999. “We’re really trying to help out as much as possible,” said Shuler. “We’re not all about enforcement. It’s not purely an adversarial relationship. We try to be decent about it, and if the folks here need help, that’s the bigger part of our job.” Shuler was quick to add that Boise’s homeless have been hit with what he called “a perfect storm” of events, including the temporary closure of the Corpus Christi House, located only a half-block from the underpass. The sign on the door at 525 American Blvd. says Corpus Christi House is “closed for repairs” until Sunday, Aug. 24. “Oh yeah, we have a lot more people hanging out here than usual,” said Shuler, while surveying the scene of homeless adults and children under the bridge. “When Corpus is normally open, on any given day, there would be 60 people down there. So now, you add that number to the people here under the bridge.” Shuler also said that he and his BPD colleagues weren’t overly anxious to hand out those citations unless someone was sleeping on the street when there were available beds at nearby shelters, including Interfaith Sanctuary, the River of Life Men’s Shelter and City Light Home for Women and Children.

“We get daily notifications via phone or email from the shelters on how many beds they have. Then we’re down here under the bridge to find out what’s going on,” said Shuler. “If all the shelters are full, we have agreed that we’re probably not going to issue a citation.” But citations have indeed been handed out and under the overpass, tensions are running as high as the summer heat. “We’re definitely seeing an increase of homeless being evicted or moved from this location,” said Leo Morales, ACLU of Idaho interim director. “When the shelters are full, the bridges are really the only refuge against this extreme heat.” But Morales said the larger debate remains that insufficient resources are being channeled to help the chronically homeless. “The mayor definitely has the responsibility to ensure that all individuals in the city of Boise are protected, and in the case of the homeless community, we don’t think there has been adequate work done to address the issue of homelessness,” said Morales. “It’s regrettable that our city has a 10-year action plan to deal with homelessness and yet, they haven’t dealt with it. We continue to see this issue put to the side, and that leads to the situation that we have today.” Meanwhile, Eppink’s amplified voice could be heard clearly as he continued to offer advice to the crowd of homeless people facing the real possibility of being ticketed, evicted or both. “You don’t ever have to allow people to search your belongings,” Eppink said. “Repeat after me: I do not consent to this search.” Only one person in the crowd repeated the phrase. “Come on. Say it again, everybody,” said Eppink. “I do not consent to this search,” said about 20 homeless people “One more time,” said Eppink. “I do not consent to this search,” said nearly 50 voices now, in unison. A Boise Police officer stood by observing. And the temperature inched closer to 100 degrees, even in the shade of the overpass. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M



Concordia University School of Law begins its fall semester on Monday, Aug. 25.


Left: Boise Art Museum hosted a July 29 community conversation, ignited by BAM’s Emancipating the Past exhibit. Right: Kara Walker, “African/American,” 1998, linocut, edition 22/40, 44”x62”, collection of Jordan D Schnitzer.

AN ARTIST’S VISION, A COMMUNITY’S RESPONSE Provocative BAM exhibition inspires volatile emotions GEORGE PRENTICE “I wept,” she said. Kara Walker dares you to not look away. Wells Fargo financial adviser Louis ShepWalker is one of the most controversial artists of the 21st century—she uses the historical pard, when asked his reaction to the show, said, “A lot of anger came out of me at first.” medium of silhouettes to tell purely American “I’m reminded of being seen by others as a stories of misogyny, slavery and debasement— second-class citizen,” he said. “By the way, you and the Boise Art Museum exhibition of her should feel free to ask me what I prefer—Afrimost provocative shadows has people talking. can American or Black. I prefer Black AmeriThe exhibition, Emancipating the Past, can. But someday, it will just be American.” hasn’t exactly settled into BAM—Walker’s Boise artist Sue Latta said she also knows masterworks offer little comfort—but the the experience of being called an “other.” must-see show, which runs through Sunday, Aug. 17, has filled a good portion of the muse- Latta is a mixed-media sculptor and adjunct um’s south wing with controversy. Some pieces art professor at Boise State University. Many may also know her as one of the key figures are deliberately racist, others are sexually in the most famous Idaho court case in recent charged and more than a few blend ugly stereotypes with whimsy. One particularly uneasy memory: Latta vs. Otter. She is one member of the three same-sex couples who have successrotogravure (or engraved print), “The Keys fully challenged Idaho’s constitutional ban on to the Coop,” portrays an African American gay marriage (BW, Citydesk, “Historic Rulchild who has ripped the head off a chicken ing,” May 14, 2014). The plaintiffs are weeks in anticipation of eating the head. With the chicken’s head in one hand, and a flailing body away from defending their unions before the 9th Circuit Court of Apnearby, the child has a key neatly wrapped peals. In May, a federal EMANCIPATING THE PAST: KARA WALKaround her other judge ruled in favor of ER’S TALES OF SLAVERY AND POWER hand, indicating that Latta, her partner and the Runs through Sunday, Aug. 17, the child has had free two other couples, which 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, access to the animals. prompted the state of 10 a.m.-8 p.m. First Thursday, noon-5 p.m. According to notes Idaho to appeal to the 9th Sunday, closed Monday. $3-$6, FREE for BAM members, children under 6, and Boise State accompanying the Circuit. University and Northwest Nazarene students. exhibition, the “And I must say that Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, silhouette “probes this exhibit makes me 208-345-8330, the violence and think about a courtroom psychosis masked by I sat in not too long naturalizing or ignoring stereotypes.” ago,” Latta said, referring to this year’s trial at Heady stuff for a mid-summer’s evening the U.S. Courthouse in Boise. “Attorneys for conversation; but in a July 29 standing-roomthe state of Idaho were saying, ‘This is the way only forum, community leaders, both public we’ve always done it. Heterosexual couples are and private, connected the dots of the Walker a preferred class of people in Idaho.’ In their exhibition to the human condition in 2014— very being, they thought that they were on the with particular emphasis on Idaho. right side of this.” “My reaction? It’s graphic; it makes me State Sen. Cherie Buckner-Webb sat a few a bit uncomfortable, and it was even a little feet away and nodded. She was a young girl confusing,” said Boise arts advocate Yvonne when a hate group burned a wooden cross in McCoy. “I felt pain and heartbreak.” front of her Boise home, and she grew up to be McCoy paused for a moment. the first African American elected to the Idaho BOI S EW EEKLY.COM

Legislature (BW, Citizen, “Cherie BucknerWebb,” Jan. 30, 2013). “This exhibit hit me emotionally. I must admit to some surprise,” said Buckner-Webb. “Slavery isn’t my history. It’s our collective history.” An even newer legislator, House Rep. Ilana Rubel (BW, Citizen, “Ilana Rubel,” Jan. 22, 2014), said Emancipating the Past has “a tremendous amount of relevance here.” “Yes, pictures say a thousand words. Think of the picture of a lone Chinese student standing before a tank in Tiananmen Square. Think of the picture of a child running from horrors of war in Vietnam. Images push us back on our feet, and this exhibit does that. It’s interesting in how history exposes the present,” she said. When asked if she would recommend bringing children to such a provocative exhibition, Rubel, a mother of four, didn’t hesitate. “I would not shy away from bringing children,” she said. “There’s a time and place for sex and violence and this is it.” On its website and in its collateral materials, the Boise Art Museum says, “The exhibition is intended for an adult audience.” “We really want people to make the decision for themselves,” said BAM Executive Director Melanie Fales. “The reaction has been extremely positive. But quite frankly, we never knew what the reaction would be.” Many of the forum’s invitees weighed in on whether to expose children to Walker’s work. “If you’re not comfortable, by any means, don’t bring your children,” said BucknerWebb. “Having said that, if you’re ready to have that conversation, by all means, bring them.” Fales added that BAM has crafted a specific family guide to help parents and youth navigate the exhibition. “We’re finding that people want to take part in a conversation such as this,” she said.

As third-year students at Concordia University School of Law prepare to enter their final stretch of law school, it still isn’t clear when—or even if—their diplomas will be worth the paper they’re printed on. But Concordia officials told Boise Weekly, “It’s curious to us and quite premature to make any assumptions” about whether the school will secure accreditation in time for current students to graduate with degrees recognized by the American Bar Association. “We’re in the earliest phrase of the process, the very earliest,” said Madeline Turnock, adviser to the president of Concordia. It’s a fair bet that administrators at Concordia will be anxiously awaiting the results of a closed-door session of the Council of the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education, meeting in Boston on Friday, Aug. 8. An ABA spokesman confirmed for BW that the accrediting arm of the association indeed had Concordia on its agenda. “This Friday’s decision point is the earliest possible time that we could receive provisional accreditation,” said Turnock. Ever since Portland, Ore.-based Concordia, a Lutheran university, swung open the doors to its Boise law school, students and parents have known that the school hadn’t yet secured ABA accreditation. “It can be a three- to five-year process,” Turnock told BW. That’s little consolation to the school’s first round of third-year students, who would like to take the Idaho State Bar exam in 2015. Idaho law requires examinees to be grads from an accredited school. Approximately 100 students and 24 full- and part-time faculty will start the fall semester Monday, Aug. 25. “Concordia puts its students first, and their ability to take the bar is most important to us,” said Turnock. “Students were told it was a multi-year process. All along, parents, students and anyone applying to Concordia were aware of that.” What happens if the ABA doesn’t clear Concordia’s provisional application on Aug. 8? BW has learned that the ABA’s accrediting arm meets each December, March, June and August. When asked by BW, Turnock chose not to acknowledge a worst-case scenario. “There’s not a worst-case, so to speak. Just a series of next possible steps,” she said. “That would be another six or 12 months.” —George Prentice

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ITIZENS OF T kly C HE e e w WE E S I EK BO OUR CONVERSATION: When Boyhood was first presented to you in 2001, was the script fully realized? Not really. We had an outline and some firm ideas of all of the family’s changes through the years. But we committed to working on the story through improvisation, which sounded amazing to me. When Boyhood was first presented to me, my own son was 12 years old at the time and I was thrilled with the idea of a project that would watch a child grow. Plus, I always wanted to work with Rick [Linklater], and [co-star] Ethan Hawke. I’m not sure I would have jumped into a project without a script with any other people. We talked for hours about character development, childhood, parenthood, getting divorced, all those things. And here’s the thing: The movie that Rick first talked about in the very beginning is the movie we ended up making. I’m guessing that’s extremely rare. I was part of an incredible alchemy. We weren’t just putting a cast together with good actors. We were put together emotionally. I have to add that nobody was really contractually obliged to return every year. The cast and crew wasn’t under contract? You can’t have a contract with anyone for longer than seven years. Anyway, I don’t know how Rick would have felt about forcing a kid to come back year after year if he didn’t want to do it. But here’s the thing about Ellar; he’s from a family of artists that knew what a beautiful project this might be. So, did you feel personally accountable to the project? It became really personal. For most of the process, it didn’t even feel like a movie. It was more of an exploration of the way humans experience time, and through that, our relationships with one another. How old were you when you started Boyhood and when you wrapped? I was 7 when we started filming;

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PATRICIA ARQUETTE AND ELLAR COLTRANE Co-stars of the most buzzed-about film of the summer GEORGE PRENTICE She’s an Emmy Award-winning actress. He’s in the first starring role of his life and has received some of the best reviews in recent memory. Together, they’re mother and son in the most-buzzed-about film of the summer: Boyhood (see Screen, Page 27). You already know Patricia Arquette from her seven seasons on NBC’s Medium (she’ll return to series television this upcoming season in CSI: Cyber), in addition to big screen star turns in True Romance and Flirting With Disaster. She began her film career at 19, and you might also be familiar with acting siblings Alexis, David, Richmond and Rosanna. Her family’s roots even trace back to explorer Meriwether Lewis. But chances are you haven’t yet heard about 19-year-old Ellar Coltrane, the Texas-based actor who is dazzling the nation’s critics in Boyhood, which opens in Boise on Friday, Aug. 8. Boyhood is the inspiration of writer-director Richard Linklater (Dazed and Confused, Before Sunrise, School of Rock). Principal photography began in the summer of 2002 and wrapped in October 2013; so, yes, this movie was an unprecedented 12 years in the making. Aside from the novelty of marathon movie-making, Boyhood has garnered near-unanimous acclaim for its intimacy and insight into the human condition, all through the eyes of a boy who becomes a man before our very eyes.

19 when we finished last October. I’ll turn 20 later his month [Aug. 27]. Do you read reviews? The notices on your performances have been pretty astounding. It makes me a little uncomfortable. But I’ve read bits and pieces. It’s incredible

when audiences and critics express really genuine, vulnerable emotions when they’re talking about the movie. I don’t know if actors really learn that much from their own reviews. And some reviews can be pretty ridiculous. That said, I would read some of the reviews for this movie.

I must admit that your movie snuck up on me. By the time it was over, I felt as if your character was a childhood friend that I didn’t know I had. I didn’t expect the emotional impact it delivered. We remember our childhood, not necessarily huge, obvious markers like birthdays. In reality, it’s the little things. Those little things accumulate. They’re not really profound. But those moments make up who you are. When you see that portrayed on a movie screen, it’s something that’s quite different than any other film. I was stunned when I looked at my watch at the end of the film. It was more than twoand-a-half hours long and yet it seemed like a moment had flashed by. It’s two hours, 41 minutes. Even after our first year of filming, we said there would be no way that this movie would be 120 minutes. But when you have a movie of this length, it means that theaters will have one less showing each day. And when we were done filming, yes, there were some people who told Rick that he had to cut about one hour off of the movie. He said, “We took 12 years to make this thing. People can take two hours and 50 minutes to watch it.” Ellar, I’m presuming that your life, and particularly your acting career, is about to make a big change. I’m a little overwhelmed with the promotion. The next few months will probably be exciting. And that notoriety will only gain momentum when top 10 lists are put out by critics in December. Let’s hope. I would really like to see Rick get an Academy Award. Patricia, are you inclined to give Ellar any career advice? The only think I might say is to stay certain within himself and forge his own path. Ellar has an amazing head on his shoulders and he has a very sophisticated palate for art.



AUTHOR’S NOTE I met Kallen Hazel in 2005. He was 7 years old, a bit pudgy with bleach-blond hair, an occasional smile and unstoppable energy. I remember that he loved cookies, sports and held way too many secrets deep inside his heart. I also knew that he was the victim of severe abuse from those who were supposed to love him. By the time we met in 2005, Kallen required professional help and physical safety. The state of Idaho was anxious for him to be adopted, but this was a boy who had already lived much too long in the shadows of pain and indifference. Long before I decided to return to journalism, I worked with Idaho foster children, first as a guardian ad-litem, representing children in the court system, and then as executive director of The Shepherd’s Home in McCall, which was to become the largest group home for children in Idaho and honored for its work by the Idaho Children’s Trust Fund. Ultimately, I would work for more than 100 children, from newborns to fully-grown young adults. Being an advocate for foster care was a part of my professional career that I take a great deal of pride in, and to this day, it informs the way I report on Idaho social issues and even politics. I had long left my work in foster care when I first read about the huge fire on Scheline Lane in July 2013. Was I shocked? Absolutely. Was I surprised that Kallen Hazel was involved? Not really; saddened certainly, but not surprised. This report, which includes unsealed records of the events surrounding that fire, provides a rare glimpse of what happens when things go horribly wrong in foster care. Could it have been prevented? That’s very possible, but we’ll never know. — George Prentice




allen Hazel will turn 17 this October, presumably at the Idaho Department of Juvenile Correction facility in Lewiston. According to law enforcement and even some caregivers, he may not see the outside of the jail until well past his boyhood. “If the court does not send Kallen to an adult prison, or release him on adult felony probation, Kallen will automatically be released from the custody of IDJC and placed on adult felony probation on the day he turns 21,” said Jeff Ray, Idaho Department of Correction spokesman. “But he has an adult sentence hanging over his head,” court-appointed attorney Scott Erekson told Boise Weekly. The man who successfully prosecuted Hazel, Valley County District Attorney Jay Kiiha, said Hazel “needs treatment over a BOI S EW EEKLY.COM

long period of time” and there’s no reason to think that he’ll be released from custody anytime soon. “Maybe he can be helped in IDJC, so that tragedy is averted in the future,” Kiiha told BW. Tragedy is the most appropriate word for describing the case of Kallen James Hazel, who scorched much of the emotional landscape of those who cared for him the most. Idaho’s foster care community, a tight-knit group of caregivers who communicate daily via emails and Facebook, were stunned the morning of Monday, July 23, 2013, when they started to hear small details about what had happened the night before. More importantly, they were anxious to know how this foster child, whom many of them had cared for over the years, was now behind bars, charged with felony arson.

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“Sherry Scheline’s worst fears were realized,” wrote the McCall Star-News in its July 25, 2013, edition, referring to the Valley County foster mom who was Hazel’s most recent caregiver. She had just watched her historic barn go up in flames in a blaze started by her own foster child. “For the better part of three hours, I thought he was in the fire,” Scheline remembered. “Twice, I tried to run into the barn, but the fire department pulled me back.” Scheline watched much of her livelihood go up in flames while sitting in the backseat of a Valley County Sheriff’s car. While wiping away a steady stream of tears, she heard a message come across the police radio: Authorities found the then-15 year-old Hazel hiding in a swampy 12 area off of Highway 55.

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WEDNESDAY’S CHILD “I lost it,” she later told BW. There’s a chance that you may have seen Kallen Hazel. He was a so-called “Wednesday’s Child” on multiple occasions on KTVB-TV. It’s a segment in which news anchors profile Idaho foster children anxious to find adoptive parents. The feature stories are co-productions of KTVB and Special Needs Adoptive Parent Services, a charitable

The boy’s preoccupation with animals would turn out to be very troubling in the years to come. In fact, during its investigation of the 2013 arson, the Valley County Prosecutor’s Office said Hazel talked extensively about hurting animals during a pre-sentence interview. “He talked about torturing animals,” Valley County Prosecutor Jay Kiiha confirmed for BW. “Torture is a hallmark thing that someone talks about before they become really dangerous as an adult.”

“ I H O PE WE C A N F I ND A FA M I LY WHO CA N REAL LY L O V E H I M F OR W HAT HE I S. ” nonprofit corporation. “My name is Kallen, and I am 9 years old,” said Hazel in a May 2007 Wednesday’s Child profile. “I want a dad and all brothers, only I don’t want brothers that bully me. I don’t think I want sisters because girls have cooties. Well, maybe I would like sisters if they were older and nice. I want pets in my family.”

Scheline, Hazel’s last foster parent, said she only learned during the boy’s arson trial that he, “Wanted to strangle my goat and that he smashed the turtle’s shell and snapped its neck off.” At the time of Hazel’s placement in her home, Scheline’s farm was also home to four horses, three cows, three dogs, two goats, a lamb and a turtle, before it died.

In that same 2007 profile, Hazel’s caseworker with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare described the 9-year-old as “funny, smart and unpredictable,” but she also said, “Kallen deals with emotional challenges by keeping his pain inside.” In a separate profile, also in 2007, that same IDHW caseworker amended her original description of Hazel when she wrote, “Kallen deals with emotional challenges by keeping his pain inside until it bubbles to the top.” In yet another Wednesday’s Child profile, this time in 2009, Hazel’s caseworker put greater emphasis on the child’s fascination with animals. “Kallen enjoys spending time with all types of animals,” she wrote.

Yet, as recently as March 2011, Hazel was still being promoted as a Wednesday’s Child on KTVB. Then 13, he was growing taller and stronger. In the most recent television profile, he was shown playing hoops with the Boise State University men’s basketball team, along with Head Coach Leon Rice. “He’s so enthusiastic,” said his IDHW social worker at the time. “There’s so much I can say about Kallen. He’s just a neaterthan-sneakers kind of kid. So I hope we can find a family who can really love him for what he is.” What the profile didn’t mention is that it was becoming more difficult to find an Idaho foster home for Hazel, let alone adoptive parents.

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36 PLACEMENTS It’s important to note that the case of Kallen Hazel is an aberration. While his is a cautionary tale about being able to read clear signals that something is very wrong with a particular foster child, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare said it has had measurable success when it comes to child welfare. “Most of our foster kids ended up going home. Things get better,” said Miren Unsworth, Child Welfare Program manager for IDHW’s child and family services. “I would guess that about 68 percent of the children end up reunifying with parents. Plus, Idaho has seen a greater emphasis on placements with other relatives, especially grandparents.” That said, if a child in foster care exhibits inappropriate or even violent behavior while in the care of a foster parent, IDHW said it’s ready to move in. “If the child has outrageous behaviors, we’re there for support,” said Andie Blackwood, child welfare chief for IDHW. “If a child violates a policy, we’re in a position to assess that. The child is still accountable for their own behaviors.” Which could, and often does, lead to the child being pulled from one foster home and moved to another. That, in turn, might lead to a spiral of multiple foster care placements. “Over time, the reasons for the removal from one home and into another could become the very reason to exclude the child from being placed in a number of homes,” said Richard Johnson, CEO of Family Advocates, which includes more than 500 so-called guardian ad-litems, advocates for more than 1,100 foster children in Southern Idaho each year. “But then you start placing foster children in homes that are not ideal matches. Yes, they may be adequate for safety, but no, they’re not ideal matches. And those bridges can blow up quickly.” Johnson also made a point of mentioning pets as an important issue in placing some children. “In some cases, it may have been that a foster child was inappropriate around pets. But then you start looking for homes with no pets,” he said. “Before long, you have to find an extremely unique placement that, quite simply, doesn’t exist.”

Looking back, Scheline said Kallen Hazel was probably running out of placement options in early 2012. By then, he had already been in and out of 35 other homes and institutions. “They [IDHW] basically told me at the time that they had attempted to adopt Kallen, but that had failed again, and they had no place else to put him,” she said. In 2007, Scheline moved into her grandparents’ old house, which sits on 68 acres of farmland, just north of Donnelly. She lives there today with a 6-year-old girl for whom she cares as part of a court guardianship arrangement with the girl’s mother. Occasionally, Scheline would also rent out living quarters in her barn. “Yes, there was a man living in that barn at the time Kallen started the fire. But that man wasn’t in the barn that day. It was a narrow miss,” said Kiiha. “That barn…” Scheline took a moment and swallowed. “That barn was magical. It meant a lot to our family. But we lost it in the fire.” The barn dated back to the mid-20th century and contained a tractor, saddles, bridles, tools and plenty of hay. The farm was even featured in an exhibit of historic wooden barns in the area. Scheline has been a caregiver for foster children for 15 years. She estimates that she has taken in 118 kids over the years in both Idaho and Washington. Her family has been a fixture in Valley County for decades. The family can even claim its own street—the farm sits on Scheline Lane, just off of Highway 55. But in February 2012, she got the call regarding Hazel from an IDHW caseworker. “She told me that an adoption for Kallen had just fallen apart,” Scheline said. “I wasn’t sure what went wrong at the time, but I would find out more about that later. All they told me at the time was that Kallen had trouble with his adoptive parents and that it wasn’t going to work out and they needed to move him back to Idaho as soon as possible.” Scheline said she insisted on “full disclosure” before taking Hazel into her home, because “quite honestly, I had a few fears and I wanted as much information as possible. Kallen’s caseworker at Health and Welfare said that would be fine and that there were no concerns.”


It was agreed that while licensing was straightened out and Scheline had a chance to review Hazel’s file, he would be placed in Hays House, a group home for children in Boise. In April 2012, while Hazel was still at Hays House, he ran away. He was found a day later, but that wasn’t to be the last time he would run. “He ran so many times, that this time Health and Welfare decided to send him up to NWCH [pronounced “NICH”],” said Scheline. NWCH is Northwest Children’s Home— with two campuses, one in Lewiston and another in Nampa, which serves only girls—and is a treatment center for youth who have severe emotional and behavioral troubles. “When he got to the NWCH treatment facility in Lewiston, one of the counselors told me, ‘I think there’s a lot of stuff that the state hasn’t told you about Kallen, but we can’t legally disclose that to you.’ I thought I had full disclosure on him, but I guess I didn’t,” said Scheline. “In the meantime, the people at NWCH said they wanted Kallen up there for at least six months of treatment.” Scheline said she considered herself committed to Hazel’s well-being and drove to Lewiston each weekend for visits at the treatment facility. “Anyone who says they do foster care for the money doesn’t know what they’re talking about,” she said. In the meantime, counselors at NWCH had agreed that Hazel could spend occasional weekends at Scheline’s Valley County home, in preparation for his release and formal foster care placement with Scheline. Some of those weekends were better than others, including a lot more runaway incidents both from NWCH and Scheline’s home. In one particular incident, when he ran away from NWCH, Hazel went missing for nine days before he ended up in Lewiston’s juvenile detention facility. Hazel was even accused of badly beating another NWCH resident, who required hospitalization. He was charged with battery, found guilty and ordered to spend five days behind bars. By then, Hazel had blown up yet another

bridge and counselors at NWCH told Scheline that Hazel’s therapy “wasn’t working” and he had to leave the facility. “Where would he go this time? Health and Welfare asked me again if he could come to my house. I honestly don’t know why I said yes,” she said. On one particularly bad night at Scheline’s home, Hazel broke a window and she told him that he would need to help pay for the repair. That’s when Scheline said Hazel boasted about setting a bed on fire in the home of the Indiana family that had previously agreed to adopt him. “I had heard enough. That’s when I picked up the phone and called that family in Indiana. The mother confirmed that he had indeed burned a bed there, but she was still reluctant to tell me more about why they kicked him out,” said Scheline, who was becoming increasingly worried. Then came Sunday, July 22, 2013.

DAMAGE FOR $500,000 AND A CHECK FOR $2,000 “I was out in the yard working that evening, and I saw Kallen carrying something—it was red—into the barn,” said Scheline. At first she thought Hazel was carrying a skateboard. “Don’t skateboard in the barn,” she yelled. “Plus, you need your helmet.” Scheline grabbed a helmet and placed it on the outside of the barn, and turned away. Moments later she said she thought that some lights had come on in the barn. “I thought, ‘Wow, those lights are bright.’ Then I heard a huge ‘woosh,’” she said, her arms flying in the air. Kallen had found matches in the home and that flash of red in his hand was a gas can. “He started the fire in the middle of the

barn and the flames flew up to his arm so he dropped the gas can,” said Scheline. “But I never saw him get out of the barn.” It was three hours later, as Scheline worried that Hazel had died in the blaze, when police said they found the boy hiding in a swampy area near Highway 55, about a mile away. Meanwhile, the flames could be seen soaring more than 20 feet above the tree line, according to the McCall Star-News. Fifteen firefighters from the McCall and Donnelly fire departments were dispatched with two water tankers. The Southern Idaho Timber Protective Association also sent an engine and crew. One of the Valley County investigators later asked Hazel what would have happened if a firefighter had died while battling the blaze. “Kallen said, something like, ‘That’s too bad, but that’s what he’s there for,’” said Kiiha. “He’s a scary kid.” Hazel was arrested and charged as an adult with arson and burglary, both felonies. “I will tell you this: I have to look aat every juvenile as a young person. T The juvenile code advises us to allow tthat juvenile to reform himself or h herself,” said Kiiha. “But it was the ccallousness of that young man, and tthe callousness of that act that ultim mately brought him before me.” Scheline, with much of her farm iin ashes, was left with the task of aadding up the toll of the damage. The estimate to rebuild the barn w was $323,131 (just in materials, n not labor); another $71,508 for a ggrainery that went up in flames; aand $3,800 for a corral fence. Large eequipment, including a trailer, m motorcycle, generator, jeep and ssnowmobiles totaled $59,848. Plus tthere was another $28,159 for lost it items belonging to other people who h had stored their things in the barn. All in, the total loss was $ $524,780. Scheline said when she called the IIdaho Department of Health and W Welfare, officials there insisted that sshe send them the itemized list of llosses. What she received in response w was almost as much a shock as the fi fire itself. 14


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“WE ARE SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE...” The letter was dated Dec. 3, 2013, and signed by Kris Coffman, claims adjudicator in the Risk Management Program of the Idaho Department of Administration. “Your claim … has been evaluated,” wrote Coffman. “It has been determined that compensation is in order as follows: The maximum allowable limit per incident is $2,000, with an aggregate of $2,000 per state fiscal year per foster family.” The $2,000 cap is set by policy by the Idaho Bureau of Risk Management, a division of the Idaho Department of Administration. A check for $2,000 arrived a few days later from the office of Idaho State Controller Brandon Woolf. “I couldn’t believe it,” said Scheline, showing the check to Boise Weekly. “The state is saying that foster kids are negligent of responsibility. I’ve googled this everywhere, and I can’t find anything that would help me. There still may be a restitution hearing on this. I’m weighing my options, but right now I don’t even know if I have any options.” According to a spokeswoman for the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, the agency has little say in the matter of recovery of damages. But the Department made a point of saying that an additional check for $2,500 had been forwarded to Scheline’s insurance company and another $2,500 was forwarded to Schedline’s parents who had submitted a separate claim for loss of their own personal items in the fire. But all totaled, the $7,000 is still more than $493,000 short of the damages. Meanwhile, Hazel was sitting in a Valley County jail. Because he was a ward of the state, he was assigned a court-appointed attorney. “No, I’ve never dealt with a foster child tried as an adult,” said McCall attorney Scott Erekson, who represented Hazel as a courtappointed lawyer. “It was strange.” Instantly, everything in the criminal trial had become public. It’s rare enough that a child is accused as an adult, but when that child is also in the protective custody of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, a once-very-private seal is broken on the legal proceedings. “Yes, it’s public record,” Kiiha told BW. Kiiha said that during investigative interviews, Hazel revealed himself to be a “pathological liar.” “He even said something about fathering an illegitimate child. There were a lot of fabrications,” he said. “He really is dangerous.”

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Kiiha kept coming to the conclusion that Hazel had no business being in rural Valley County. “I suppose the question is: What was he doing up here? Up here, where there weren’t a lot of services available to him? Had he been in a more, let’s say, residential type of setting, maybe this tragedy could have been averted. Maybe not. Who knows? He was a scary kid.” Ultimately, Kiiha told Idaho 4th District Judge Thomas Neville that Hazel lived in a fantasy world and was a danger to society. Additionally, a sentencing investigator said he found Hazel to be “calculating and manipulative” and triangulated adults around him. “Frankly, it’s just plain meanness to a degree that is seldom witnessed by this court,” Neville said when he turned to Hazel for sentencing in November 2013. Neville ordered Hazel to pay at least $300,000 in restitution and handed down a 15-year sentence for Hazel’s guilty plea to arson. The charge of burglary was dismissed. In January 2014, Hazel was transferred to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Correction facility in Lewiston. “I haven’t seen him since he was transferred out of here,” said Erekson. “Yes, I’m still his attorney. I can tell you that nothing new is scheduled in his case anytime soon. Juvenile correction puts out reports on how he’s doing.” Kiiha said he reads those reports closely. “On his 21st birthday, yes, he would come back here to Valley County to go before the judge for reconsideration. That’s when he’ll determine if Kallen needs to spend the rest of his sentence in an adult prison,” he said. “Or, quite possibly, he could be released on probation.” Kiiha quickly added that if Hazel were ever to be put on probation, he would not be welcome in Valley County. “I made a point of asking that Kallen not come back to Valley,” he said. “I don’t think he’s ever coming back here.” According to Kiiha, there was some shock in the community at the crime—mostly at the time of the fire. “It was a pretty substantial blaze,” he said, “but most of the people were asking, ‘What was he doing up here in the first place?’” In the meantime, Scheline said she still doesn’t know whether to cash that check for $2,000. She’s afraid that by cashing it, it’s an acceptance that she agrees with the state that it’s all she’s owed. “I have moments where I’ve been so bitter; bitter with the system, bitter with Kallen, bitter with myself,” she said. “But I have to know that I have to be better; better for those around me, and better for other foster children.”



BOISEweekly | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 15

WHEN THINGS GO RIGHT Sixty-seven percent of Idaho foster children return to their parents GEORGE PRENTICE

The smile on Tara Mulvahill’s face had a special quality. She’s a new mom. “Life is good,” she told Boise Weekly. Mulvahill has been an Idaho foster parent for seven years, and more than 40 children have walked through her door and into her arms. Now, at 52 years of age, she calls one of those children her own. “I’m a first-time parent,” she said. “I just adopted a little guy who I’ve care for the past two-and-a-half years. He’ll turn 3 this coming week.” Mulvahill is a rare breed. While there are 1,300 homes licensed for foster care in Idaho, that’s not nearly enough. It turns out that many of those homes—nearly half—are exclusively licensed to care for a relative, quite often a grandchild. That means that somewhere around 700 foster care families were available to nearly 1,200 non-relative foster children this year. “We don’t have enough foster families,” said Tara Wright. She should know. An attorney who has represented children in family court, Wright worked for the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare for five years, and now works as a contractor for IDHW, specifically recruiting new foster families. In the course of a 90-minute conversation with BW, she continually looped back to her mantra: Idaho needs more foster families. “Let me give you a real example of three children I can think of right now,” said Wright. “It’s important that the three siblings remain in their same schools, see the same crossing guards, see the same classmates; but we don’t have families that can take all three. Then one sibling ends up three counties away and the other two are two counties away from their original home. We just don’t have enough options to make the best placement.” At the Boise office of Family Advocates, the parent nonprofit of the Treasure Valley’s guardian ad-litem program, which represents foster children in the family court system, CEO Richard Johnson has the same shortage dilemma.

16 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly

“A guardian ad-litem, in most situations, is one of the longest-lasting relationships that a foster kid has,” said Johnson. “Case workers change, foster placements change, schools change. But the guardian follows that child until the case is closed. Sometimes it’s six months; sometimes it’s six years.” Simply put—and there is very little that is simple in foster care—a guardian ad-litem is the eyes and ears of the court. Armed with a stack of court orders issued by a family court judge, the guardian has complete access to IDHW files, medical records, school records and regularly monitors the child in the home setting, foster care setting and supervised parental visitations. Eventually, the guardian reports only to the judge in helping decide the best placement for the child. “We have an army of about 530 guardian ad-litems,” said Johnson, whose region covers both Ada and Canyon counties. Johnson said Idaho foster children can’t be stereotyped. “It’s safe to say that within six blocks of anyone’s home, there is a child that is experiencing some form of neglect or abuse,” he added. “It’s as likely to happen in Eagle or Hidden Springs as it is to happen in Garden City. I would challenge anybody to identify who a foster kid is based on where they live.” It’s equally challenging for the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to keep caseworkers, but not as difficult as it used to be. “It’s much better now. Today, Idaho doesn’t struggle the way other states struggle. We’re experiencing about a 15 percent to 17 percent turnover. Some states are seeing a 30 percent turnover,” said Miren Unsworth, Child Welfare Program manager for IDHW. “That said, we do see turnover. The nature of the work is very hard. The average caseworker is handling 13 to 17 different cases, but that doesn’t tell you the number of children in each case. In one case, you may have one mother, three fathers and seven kids.”

IDHW officials said they’re also trying something new—they call it One Church One Child—where they partner with communities of faith to help recruit foster and adoptive parents. Patterned after a Chicago program, the Idaho version is still in its infancy. The mission looks to mobilize congregations to identify and provide for the needs of foster children and their birth families. “But it’s not exclusively faith-based,” said Sabrina Brown, IDHW program specialist assigned to One Church One Child. “We’re very flexible with the program. It’s not so much about a church as it is about a community that’s coming together to help. There are a number of nonprofits who are part of the program that aren’t faith-based.” Perhaps the most important number is 67. That’s the percentage of children who, after being placed into protective custody, end up reunified with a parent or primary caregiver. “The high 60s, that’s very good,” Unsworth told BW. “Most of our kids go home.” Nobody is saying that it’s easy: The average length of time in foster care for those children is 255 days—that’s why foster care is so critical. And, Wright added, the relationship with the foster parent and the birth parent can be healthy and last long after the child has returned home. “When I’m done talking to you today, I’m heading up to pick up my former foster daughter. She’s back home now, but we took care of her six years ago when she was 6 years old,” said Wright. “I have a great relationship with the birth mom. Foster families and biological families working together is a wonderful thing. That girl is 13 now. She’s doing great.” Before Wright headed for the door, she put in one last pitch: “Did I mention that we really need foster parents?” Anyone interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent can find out more by dialing the Idaho 2-1-1 CareLine.


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BOISEweekly | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 17

FIRST THURSDAY/LISTINGS East Side BARDENAY—Tour and find out about our nation’s first small-batch distillery pub. 5 p.m. FREE. 610 Grove St., Boise, 208-426-0538,

the new exhibits about Basque boarding houses and fronton, or ball courts, and guided tours of the Jacobs/Uberuaga house. Local musicians provide Basque music. 5:30 p.m. FREE. 611 Grove St., Boise, 208-343-2671,

BASQUE MARKET—Go to The Basque Market for some cool tapas and check out their new beer taps from 5-8 p.m. Paella will be served at 6 p.m. 4 p.m. FREE. 608 W. Grove St., Boise, 208433-1208,

BOISE BREWING CO.—Pairing Boise Brewing beer with peanuts from the City Peanut Shop. 5 p.m. FREE. 521 W. Broad St., Boise, 208-342-7655,

BASQUE MUSEUM AND CULTURAL CENTER—Enjoy free gallery tours of

THE BRICKYARD—Check out the new summer cocktail menu and enjoy smooth piano stylings from local

artists. 6 p.m. FREE. 601 Main St., Boise, 208-287-2121, brickyardboise. com. BRICOLAGE—Opening reception for August featured artist, Kelly J. Morgan, and featured maker, David Ultis See Page 20 for more info. 5 p.m. FREE. 418 S. Sixth St., Boise, 345-3718, DRAGONFLY—Check out the Back to School Sale, with all clothing 20 percent off now through Aug. 9. Plus free wine tasting. 5 p.m. FREE. 414 W. Main St., Boise, 208-338-9234.

FLYING M COFFEEHOUSE—Check out Brandi Benson’s “Dreams of the Traveling Time Lord.” See Page 20 for more info. 5 p.m. FREE. 500 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-345-4320, FRONT DOOR TAP HOUSE—Featuring beers from Boise Brewing paired with cheeses from Boise Co-op. 6 p.m. $18. 105 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-2879201, GOLDY’S CORNER—See work by featured artist Katherine Grey and hear stories from creative writers, Words on Demand. 6:30 a.m. FREE. 625 W.

Main St., Boise, 208-433-3934, GUIDO’S—Enjoy Guido’s Original group plan: large one-topping pizza, bottle of select wine, two bottles of beer or four fountain sodas for $20. Dine-in only. 11 a.m. FREE. 235 N. Fifth St., Boise, 208-345-9011, HUMPIN’ HANNAH’S—Ride Di Riddim Reggae Night, featuring Voice of Reason with Pause for the Cause. Enjoy microbrews for $3. 9:30 p.m. FREE. 621 Main St., Boise, 208-345-7557. MELTING POT—Take advantage of the First Thursday 2 for $22 special: cheese fondue for two and two glasses of house wine. 5 p.m. $22. 200 N. Sixth St., Boise, 208-343-8800, PENGILLY’S—The Frim Fram 4 plays at 9 p.m. FREE. 513 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-6344. REEF—Try the seafood timbale: layers of crab cake, ahi poke, red crab and chargrilled wild Mexican shrimp with fresh avocado, sweet tomato and greens laced with wasabi aioli for $15.95. 5 p.m. FREE. 105 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-287-9200, SILLY BIRCH—Enjoy 32 oz. Tub Night, featuring $3 domestics and $5 crafts with 14 handles to choose from, plus $3 select shot specials. 9 p.m. FREE admission. 507 Main St., Boise, 208345-2505. TRADER JOE’S—Featuring apple pie and an extended wine and cheese tasting. 5 p.m. FREE. 300 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-336-7282.

South Side ATOMIC TREASURES—Browse an eclectic mix of vintage, retro, art and found objects, treasures for home, jewelry, accessories, clothing, books and collectibles. 5 p.m. FREE. 409 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-344-0811. BODO CHIROPRATIC—Professionals will provide information about optimal natural birthing preparation and experiences, plus amazing offers, subs compliments of Port of Subs and a panel discussion 6-6:30 p.m. 5 p.m. FREE. 405 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-342-7136. BODOVINO—Experience Boise Bone Daddy, aka Rob Reyff, creating masterpieces from an unlikely source: animal skulls. Select pieces from his Liberty Skull series and Elements collection will be exhibited. 5 p.m. FREE. 404 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-336-VINO (8466), BOISE ART MUSEUM—Explore the connections to nature found in Gail Grinnell’s artwork with Zoo Boise experts from 4-7 p.m. In the education studios, transform a drawing into a three-dimensional work. 10 a.m. By donation. 670 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-345-8330, FRESH OFF THE HOOK—Enjoy half-off beer and wine. 5 p.m. FREE. 401 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-343-0220, GALLERY FIVE18—See the first major solo show in Boise in several years by Idaho painter Carl Rowe. 5 p.m. FREE. 518 S. Americana Blvd., Boise, 208342-3773, HA’ PENNY IRISH PUB AND GRILL— Enjoy 10 percent discount on food and drinks with 24 beers on tap. Live music starts at 8:30 p.m. 5 p.m. FREE. 855 Broad St., Ste. 250, Boise, 208-3435568, HAIRLINES—Stop in or call Lui The Hair Wisperer for a appointment. 5 p.m. FREE. 409 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-383-9009.

18 | AUGUST 6-12, 2014 | BOISEweekly


FIRST THURSDAY/LISTINGS HAPPY FISH SUSHI—Enjoy 10 percent discount off dinner and drinks—34 martinis to choose from. FREE. 855 Broad St., Boise, 208-343-4810, happyfishsushi. com. JULIA DAVIS PARK—The onehour Julia Davis Park Docent Tours provides an introduction to Boise’s flagship park. Registration required at or by calling 208-338-9108. 4 p.m. FREE. 700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise. LIQUID—BOGO Free tickets for national touring headliners at 8 p.m., followed by free local comedy showcase at 10 p.m. Check for details. 7 p.m. $10. 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-2875379,

BARBARA BARBARA AND CO.— Check out the special surprise happening. 6 p.m. FREE. 807 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-3422002. BITTERCREEK ALEHOUSE—Art of the Worm: Get to know the underground worms that Bittercreek Alehouse employs in their quest to eliminate organic waste, with tours from 6-8:30 p.m. 5 p.m. FREE. 246 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-345-1813,

CAFFE CAPRI ON THE GROVE PLAZA—Alex Bormann, MD, runs an art-assisted therapy program and is displaying some of the sculptures from this program, as well as some leaf lamps that burn olive oil. 5 p.m. FREE. 245 S. Capital Blvd., Boise, 208-3451744, CHANDLERS STEAKHOUSE— Celebrate the New Social Hour from 4-6 p.m., with a menu of delicious small plates and creative cocktails all priced between $5-$7. This menu is exclusive to


CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM—Take advantage of specials on products, as well as audio-visual presentations on spiritual healing based on the Bible. 10 a.m. FREE. 222 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-344-5301,

SAGE YOGA AND WELLNESS— Check out the opening night of Elizabeth Hilton’s Bad Animals and Other Eccentricities exhibit. Also featuring an Indian Creek Winery tasting, music by DJ

SAINT LAWRENCE GRIDIRON— Featuring pairings of three tasty bites with three tasty wines. 5 p.m. FREE admission. 705 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-8307030, THE STUDIO: AN ELITE SALON AND SPA—Featuring A Glimmer of Light pen drawings of landscapes, wild life and other subjects by Martin Wilke. 5 p.m. FREE. 702 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-577-6252, TheStudioAnEliteSalonAndSpa.


GROVE FITNESS CLUB AND SPA—Check out the fitness club and pick up a free seven-day pass. 5 p.m. FREE. 245 S. Capitol Blvd., fifth floor, Boise, 208-5144434,

R. GREY GALLERY JEWELRY AND ART GLASS—View new work by designers Todd Reed and Anne Sportun. Plus refreshments and drinks. Featuring 40 percent off select items. 5 p.m. FREE. 415 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208385-9337,

LEAF TEAHOUSE—Enjoy free sample tastes of custom Matcha drinks, with fizzes, lattes and frappes in five amazing flavors that are healthy alternatives to soft drinks. Take 50 cents off full Matcha drinks all day. 11 a.m. FREE. 212 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-336-5323, leafteahouse.

SNAKE RIVER WINERY—Enjoy pairings of Idaho wines with cheese from Ballard Family and Dairy Cheese. Complimentary wine flight, and a new Riesling, too. 5 p.m. FREE. 786 W. Broad St., Boise, 208-345-9463. SOLID—Enjoy tasting and art, with live music, free appetizers and 2-for-1 drinks, a $6 happy hour food menu from 4-6 p.m. and 10-midnight, and trivia at 8 p.m. 4 p.m. FREE. 405 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-345-6620,

LUX FASHION LOUNGE—Check out the unique selection of new and resale men’s and women’s clothing, jewelry, hats and purses. Live music from 6-9 p.m. 5 p.m. FREE. 785 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-344-4589.

A book and a blog about beer, of course.

Central Downtown


PORTSCHE’S JEWELRY BOUTIQUE—Portsche’s is excited to have Highlands Hollow Brewing in the store offering their fine ales. Free cleaning and jewelry inspection and ask for a special discount card good for $20 off your next repair over $50. 10 a.m. FREE. 224 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-343-4443,

FORK—Featuring art from James Bouden, Lonnie Krawl will be onsite tasting some of his wines from Mouvance, and Kurtis Williams from Waterwheel Gardens will be sampling some of their local produce/fruit. 5 p.m. FREE. 199 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208287-1700,

QUE PASA—Check out a selection of Mexican artwork, including wall fountains, silver, metal wall art and blown glass. 5 p.m. FREE. 409 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208385-9018.

ARTISAN OPTICS—Choose from the entire collection of Face a Face eywear and sunwear for men and women. Every style, every color will be in-store. Eye exams available. Walk-ins welcome. Noon. FREE. 190 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-338-0500,

CHOCOLAT BAR—Edge Brewing will be pairing select beers with their chocolates. They will also have gourmet chocolate sauces for your ice cream and summer desserts in stock. 5 p.m. FREE. 805 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208338-7771,

Chakra Khan and DJ I.G.A., and Vinyasa Yoga with Reggie Townley. 5 p.m. FREE. 242 N. Eighth St., Ste. 200, Boise, 208-338-5430,

FLATBREAD—Enjoy pairings from Flatbread’s Seasonal Selections Menu, plus happy hour 4-6 p.m., with half-off cocktails, wines and drafts, and $4-$5-$6 appetizers. 4 p.m. 800 W. Main, Ste. 230, Boise, 208-287-4757,

NFINIT GALLERY—Featuring new work by watercolorist Karen Boss as well as work by Pat O’Hara and Martin Wilke. 5 p.m. FREE. 405 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-3710586,

ANGELL’S BAR AND GRILL RENATO—Featuring art by Cheri Meyer, live music, two-for-one cocktails and drink specials. 5 p.m. FREE. 999 W. Main St., Boise, 208-342-4900,

5 p.m. FREE. 218 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-344-0306, olivinboise. com.

COSTA VIDA—Satisfy your hunger for beach-inspired Mexican food. 5 p.m. FREE. 801 W Main St., Boise, 208429-4109,

LISK GALLERY—This month features photographer Mark Lisk and his passion for the blackand-white image, plus painter Jerri Lisk’s strong tree shapes and intensely colored hills and landforms. 5 p.m. FREE. 403 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-342-3773,

AMERICAN CLOTHING GALLERY—Check out all the new Boise State gear for the start of football season during the Summer Sale, with huge markdowns taken to make room for fall 2014. 10 a.m. FREE. 100 N. Eighth St., Ste. 121A, Boise, 208-433-0872,

these hours ONLY. 5 p.m. FREE. 981 W. Grove St., Boise, 208383-4300,

PREFUNK BEER BAR In our recent Beer Issue—which hit stands July 2—Boise Weekly had the fine idea to conduct Q&As with brew aficionados Stacy Connelly and Steve Koonce. Well, PreFunk Beer Bar (1100 W. Front St.) agreed it was a good idea to pair the two together, so has invited them down for First Thursday. Koonce’s 2014 book, Idaho Beer: From Grain to Glass in the Gem State, explores the history of Idaho breweries and offers a roadmap to the future of Idaho beer. He’ll be selling and signing books at 6 p.m. Connelly is the queen of—a weekly newsletter about all things beer, including news and events. While she’s at PreFunk, she’ll sell memberships to Boise Beer Buddies, which gives beer- lovers discounts at breweries around the Treasure Valley. The folks at PreFunk will be serving beer at Boise Art Glass next door throughout the evening, as well.

MAI THAI—Enjoy Izakaya (smallplate appetizers) and 2-for-1 drinks during happy hour, plus the rotational wine-by-the-glass special. 5 p.m. FREE. 750 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-344-8424, MIXED GREENS—Featuring Daniel Meyer, the artist behind the popular Green Man Copperworks cuffs, who will also be bringing in some other special goodies to sell. Sawtooth Winery will be pouring tastes of their spectacular wines, with bottles for sale. 5 p.m. FREE. 237 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-344-1605, MODE LOUNGE—Featuring artists John Shinn, Karl Henke, Maria V. Garth, and Liz Flores, with free wine tasting. 5 p.m. FREE. 800 W. Idaho St., Boise. OLIVIN—Enjoy free tastings of ultra premium extra virgin olive oils, extra virgin infused and fused olive oils; plus white, dark and traditional balsamic vinegars. Purchases over $30 and prepared bottles will receive 10 percent off.

Prepare to be challenged.

DISTRICT COFFEE HOUSE On First Thursday, you can learn a little about pour-over coffee and the country of Haiti at The District Coffee House (219 N. 10th St.). Starting at 6 p.m., The District hosts a free tasting, where experts will explain the origins of their coffee beans and the flavors and aromas associated with different regions. If you’ve never tried pour-over coffee, it’s a technique in which coffee is ground, brewed and poured one cup at a time. The District pours near-boiling water over a paper cone filled with fresh grounds and lets the coffee drip slowly into the cup. They’re calling this tasting session “a great way to expand your coffee palate and knowledge.” Once you have your superior cup of joe, peruse the images of medical mission trips to Haiti taken by two young Idaho women who founded the nonprofit Haiti Picture Project. Each photo is in a frame made of “reclaimed raw wood” by local framer Plume, and all proceeds from the sale of the photos benefit Global Visions Citadel Ministries “to rebuild a church in the village of Grosse Roche, Haiti.”

BOISEweekly | AUGUST 6-12, 2014 | 19


We’re sprouting a 2nd store!

SUPERB SUSHI—Sample some awesome wines and dollar nigiri all night long with the purchase of any roll. 6 p.m. 208 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-385-0123,

funds to rebuild a church. 8 p.m. FREE. 219 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-343-1089, FOOT DYNAMICS—Save an additional 10 percent on Shoe Shed sale room footwear. 5 p.m. FREE. 1021 W. Main St., Boise, 208-386-3338.

WASHINGTON TRUST BANK— Join the fifth annual Rooftop AfterHours Party and enjoy complimentary appetizers, music, photo booth and live graffiti artists. 5 p.m. FREE. 901 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-343-5000, watrust. com.

GALLERY 601—Embrace your inner cowboy at the annual “Western Show,” featuring new artwork from Idaho artist Nelson Boren and Wyoming artist Chris Owen, plus posters by Wyoming artist Bob Coronato. 5 p.m. FREE. 211 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-3365899,

ZENERGY BOISE—Get out of the heat and enjoy a cold beverage and light appetizers, along with mini spa-sessions, boutique specials and more. 5 p.m. FREE. 800 W. Main St., Ste. 210, Boise, 208-789-0477, zenergyboise. com.

That’s our promise.

THE RECORD EXCHANGE— Featuring buy two, get one free savings all around the store, including used CDs, vinyl, DVDs, Blu-ray and cassettes, and coffee and espresso drinks in the Gift Shop. 5 p.m. 1105 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-344-8010,


West Side

Thank you for your continued support. As the Co-op grows, so will our community.

PREFUNK BEER BAR AND GROWLER FILL STATION—Meet special guest author Steven Koonce, who will be signing copies of his book Idaho Beer: From Grain to Glass in the Gem State. Beer Buddies will be on hand to sell memberships. Plus special giveaways. 5 p.m. FREE. 1100 Front St., Boise, 208-331-3865,

THE ALASKA CENTER—Allan R. Ansell Photography presents Portraits of Boisians from the Sesqui-Shop stroll. Allen will be hosting an open studio. Also featuring The Fine Lines of the Pen, a collection of original pen and ink drawings by Joseph Pacheo, and a selection of oil paintings by Chi E Shenam. 5 p.m. FREE. 1020 Main St., Boise. ALLIES LINKED FOR THE PREVENTION OF HIV AND AIDS—Featuring a film night and discussion of HIV. Refreshments will be served. 5 p.m. FREE. 1009 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-4247799, ART SOURCE GALLERY—Meet artist Zion Warne and view the intricate movement of colors seen in his works of blown glass. With music by Ellie Shaw and wine by Indian Creek Winery. 5 p.m. FREE. 1015 W. Main St., Boise, 208331-3374,

BEN AND JERRY’S SCOOP SHOP—Enjoy $1 scoops in cups or cones all day long. Noon. $1. 103 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-3421992,

In 2015 you will also find us at

BOISE ART GLASS—Enjoy watching live glass blowing and glass enameling or get in on the action yourself, for $20-$40 depending on the project. Call to sign up. Archie’s Place food cart will be out front. PreFunk Beer and Potter Wines will be sampling through out the evening. 5 p.m. FREE. 1124 W. Front St., Boise, 208345-1825, CHANDI DESIGN—View the works of budding conceptual ceramics artist Savannah Culp. Also featuring drawings by Erika Astrid. Wine and appetizers provided by Mode Lounge. THE DISTRICT COFFEE HOUSE— Expand your coffee palate and knowledge, as the The District’s connoisseurs explain the different origins and the flavors and aromas that can be squeezed from the bean. Also featuring an art show by the Haiti Picture Project, started by two Idaho girls to raise

20 | AUGUST 6-12, 2014 | BOISEweekly


ARTS AND HISTORY SESQUISHOP—Check out the new two-month exhibit, A History of Service, A Tradition of Courage: The Boise Fire Department Past & Present, which tells the story of fire and its impact upon the city. Also view a campaign collection of fire-inspired artwork by Boise artists Bill Lewis and Brook Burton. Noon. FREE. 1008 Main St., Boise, 208-384-8509.

Get your art on around downtown.

A VARIETY OF ART There is no shortage of interesting and diverse artwork on display around downtown this First Thursday. At Bricolage (418 S. Sixth St.), the featured artist is Kelly J. Morgan, and the featured maker is David Ultis from the Citizen Scientific Workshop, an online shop for all things 3D printing. From 5-9 p.m., Ultis will have a few 3-D printers on site, demonstrating handmade items that combine technology and craft. At the Flying M Coffeehouse (500 W. Idaho St.), artist Brandi Benson shows off her acrylic paint and mixed-media collection called “Dreams of the Traveling Time Lord.” The works will especially appeal to “Whovians,” as they’re heavily influenced by popular British science-fiction TV show Doctor Who. Flying M is open until 11 p.m. From 5-7 p.m. at The Studio: An Elite Salon and Spa (702 W. Idaho St.), check out work by local artist Martin Wilke (a Boise Weekly cover artist). On his web site, Wilke writes that the subject matter of his pen drawings varies widely: birds, planes, UFO’s, rockets, petroglyphs, landscapes, quilt designs, architecture and more.



BOISEweekly | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 21

BOISEvisitWEEKLY PICKS for more events K ELS EY HAW ES

ALIVE AFTER FIVE Marcus Eaton likes coming home, but he misses the beach.

Gone are the gun lines, now they’re the fun lines.

FRIDAY AUG. 8 locked up and having a good time

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 TOO SLIM & THE TAILDRAGGERS Opening Act: Fort Harrison Cut off your T-shirt sleeves, put on your mirrored aviators and get ready to get down with country-fried blues rockers Too Slim and the Taildraggers. The band’s brand of “women and whiskey” roadhouse rock ’n’ roll evokes a rootsy bayou vibe that belies its origins in Spokane, Wash. Performing for an impressive 28 years, Too Slim has released 11 studio albums and earned accolades like Best Blues Band from the Inland Empire Blues Society and Best Regional Band from the Cascade Blues Association. 5 p.m. Grove Plaza, 900 W. Grove St.,

22 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly

FOURTH ANNUAL BARS AND BALLADS Forty-one years ago, the Old Idaho Penitentiary was a functioning prison housing more than 600 inmates. It had solitary confinement cells, a death row and a hanging room. Today, it’s open to the public as a preserved glimpse of prison history, and on Friday, Aug. 8, it will be a concert venue. The Fourth Annual Bars and Ballads features performances from Emily Tipton, Mission 66 and Marshall Poole. Visitors are invited inside the prison walls to set up picnics and low-back chairs in the courtyard and cool off with a beer from Crooked Fence Brewing. Wine will be sold by the Friends of the Historical Museum. Proceeds benefit the Idaho State Historical Society. Hang out, bring a picnic (no outside alcohol or glass bottles allowed), have a blast and be happy you’re there by choice. 6-10 p.m. (last admission at 9 p.m.), $5 for adults, $3 for kids. Old Idaho Penitentiary, 2445 Old Penitentiary Road, 208334-2844,

FRIDAY AUG.8 hey, aren’t you the guy who was on TV? MARCUS EATON LIVE AT CROOKED FLATS Marcus Eaton is close to bona fide rockstar status now—the former Boisean lives in L.A., performed overseas twice in the past year, toured with David Crosby as a member of his backing band and played with the rock icon on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. On top of all of that, Eaton is working on a new album (featuring Crosby) that he plans to release in late 2014. Like so many artists, he is often asked to donate his time and talent for any number of causes. But when home calls, Eaton tries to answer. When he met Idaho Dance Theatre Artistic Director Marla Hansen a few weeks ago, it was easy for Eaton to say yes when she asked him to put on an IDT fundraiser concert. “I think it’s really important to the future of art for artists, whether they’re dancers, musicians, visual artists or whatever, to collaborate,” Eaton said. Eaton will perform solo and said he’ll likely play a few songs from the upcoming album. While there won’t be a collaboration on stage, there will certainly be one in spirit. 7 p.m., $15 adv., $20 door. Crooked Flats, 3705 Highway 16, Eagle (no outside food or beverage). For more information and tickets, visit




Art lovers of all ages are “drawn” to Nampa Festival of the Arts.

“There never was a horse that couldn’t be rode; never was a cowboy who couldn’t be throwed.”



all arts, all the time

where the cowboys are the stars



Two days+190 booths: Those numbers add up to an artsy weekend in Nampa, as it celebrates 28 years of the Nampa Festival of the Arts. There you’ll find it all: jewelry, painting, sculpture, yard art; food; kids activities; dance demonstrations; and music from Boise Blues Society, Voice of Reason Reggae, Simple Ruckus and more. With 15,000 attendees, you won’t be lonely as you peruse fine arts, Old World art, country crafts and books. Hosted by the Nampa Parks and Recreation Department at Lakeview Park, the Nampa Festival of the Arts also features a juried art show in the rose garden, where fine artists—working in both two- and three-dimensional media—vie for champion, gold, silver, bronze, honorable mention and people’s choice awards. Put on by Nampa Parks and Rec, the festival is free and open to the public, though organizers ask that pet owners leave their dogs at home—assistive animals excluded. Aug. 9: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Aug. 10: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; FREE. Lakeview Park, Garrity Boulevard at 16th Avenue North, Nampa,

In 1935, Amelia Earhart performed the first solo flight from Hawaii to California, the first canned beer was sold and the Richter scale, used to measure earthquakes, was developed. That same year, the Caldwell Night Rodeo was founded, and it has been showcasing feats of endurance, giving cause to crack open a few brews and shaking the earth ever since. This year, the CNR opens Tuesday, Aug. 12, with the Buckaroo Breakfast, 6:30-9:30 a.m. at the Caldwell Events Center (2207 Blaine St.), followed by a day of barrel racing, junior rodeo and steer riding until 7:55 p.m., when the opening night performance kicks off an historic Caldwell community event where, as the slogan says, “the cowboys are the stars.” Events continue each day beginning at 6:30 p.m. until Saturday, Aug. 16, when the CNR queen will be crowned and the rodeo culminates with the championship finals performance of 12 top contestants in each event. Times vary, $8-$75. Caldwell Night Rodeo Grounds, 2301 Blaine St., Caldwell, 208-459-2060,



When the first Slingbox was introduced in 2005, it was the ideal piece of technology for people who wanted to watch television on their mobile devices. The technology was fairly simple to set up: Customers would plug Slingbox into their cable boxes, install its video player on their laptops and, almost immediately, they could start streaming live television and digitally recorded $150. Available on or from video content over various home electronics retailers. the Internet. Since then, the Internet—and how people use it—has changed. Many television shows and sports games can be streamed or downloaded directly on a computer or mobile device. In most cases, watching TV on an iPad doesn’t require a cable box at all (e.g. HBOGo). But for sports fans, in particular, having a lifeline to a cable box is still a necessity—and it’s largely for them, and other television-bound media enthusiasts, that the Slingbox M1 was developed. The M1 ($150) sports a faster connection and a two-way Wi-Fi connection, meaning it doesn’t need an ethernet cable to connect the box to a router. The mobile apps are streamlined, meaning faster, smoother viewing on tablets and phones—perfect for the Red Sox or Academy Awards fan. —Harrison Berr y

an event by email to Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.

BOISEweekly | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 23

8 DAYS OUT WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6 Workshops & Classes FIREWISE FOR HORSE OWNERS—Learn how to identify and minimize wildfire risks around your horse property, from instructor Alayne Blickle, the creator/director of Horses for Clean Water, an award-winning, nationally acclaimed environmental education program. 7 p.m. FREE. Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Road, Boise, 208-514-3755,

Citizen FAST FORWARD PROGRAM COMMUNITY MEETING—Find out more about the Fast Forward Program, which provides highschool students access to up to $400 per year to help cover the costs of taking college-level courses or professional-technical certification exams. 6 p.m. FREE. Yanke Family Research Park, 220 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise.

Kids & Teens AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION BOYS TRYOUTS—For more info or to register, visit or email youthsports@ YMCA, 1050 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-5501,

THURSDAY AUGUST 7 Festivals & Events

Kids & Teens AAU BOYS TRYOUTS—See Wednesday. YMCA, 1050 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-5501, MAD SCIENCE—Make new discoveries and solve scientific riddles by participating in fun experiments. For ages 6-12. 4:30 p.m. FREE. Ada Community Library, Lake Hazel Branch, 10489 Lake Hazel Road, Boise, 208-297-6700,

FRIDAY AUGUST 8 Festivals & Events 46TH ANNUAL SVCA ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL—Three-day outdoor exhibition features a wide range of unique handmade fine arts and crafts, from painting, photography, fiber and ceramic, to metal, jewelry and woodwork. Call or visit the website for a full schedule of events. 10 a.m. FREE. Atkinson Park, 900 Third Ave. N., Ketchum. DONNELLY HUCKLEBERRY FESTIVAL—Celebrate all things huckleberry at this three-day festival. 9 a.m., FREE. Donnelly, 208-3253545, FOURTH ANNUAL BARS & BALLADS—Local favorites Emily Tipton, Mission 66 and Marshall Poole play inside the prison walls. Crooked Fence Brewing will be on hand with local brews, and wine will be sold by the Friends of the Historical

Museum & Old Penitentiary. Take a picnic (no outside alcohol or glass), low-back chairs, blankets and seat cushions. Last admission at 9 p.m. 6 p.m. $3-$5. Old Idaho State Penitentiary, 2445 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-334-2844, oldpen.html. IDT FUNDRAISER: MARCUS EATON LIVE AT CROOKED FLATS— Boise-born musician Marcus Eaton performs live to benefit Idaho Dance Theatre. (No outside food or beverage allowed.) Visit for ticket info. 7 p.m., $15 adv., $20 door, Crooked Flats, 3705 Highway 16, Eagle. Crooked-Flats MCCALL JAZZ FESTIVAL NOSH AND SIP—Meet the musicians and hear some fine jazz music while you sip tasty Idaho wine and nibble delicious appetizers. Hosted by Curtis Stigers, to benefit the Shepherd’s Home. 6:30 p.m. $75, $130 couples. Rupert’s at the Hotel McCall, 1101 N. 3rd St., McCall, 208-634-8108,

On Stage COMEDIAN HEATH HARMISON— See Thursday. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $12. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, COMPANY OF FOOLS: SHIRLEY VALENTINE—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10-$35. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208-5789122, LIPSINC: THE GLAMPETTS— Idaho’s first professional female

MILD ABANDON By E.J. Pettinger

KINDNESS GRAND OPENING— Check out Kindness, the new restaurant in newly remodeled The Owyhee. 4 p.m. FREE. Kindness Restaurant, The Owyhee, 1109 Main St., Boise, 208-629-7444, UNCORKED IN THE GARDEN: COILED—Chat with vintners and discover your new favorite Idaho wine. 6 p.m. FREE-$10. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649,

On Stage COMEDIAN HEATH HARMISON—8 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, COMPANY OF FOOLS: SHIRLEY VALENTINE—Back by popular demand for three nights only, this humorous and touching play reminds us all that it’s never too late to change your life. 8 p.m. $10-$35. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208-578-9122, THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR—One of the Bard’s funniest comedic masterpieces. Suitable for all ages. 6:30 p.m. $12-$42. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221,

24 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly


8 DAYS OUT impersonation troupe goes country-and-western. Reservations recommended. Call 208-3680405 or visit to make yours. 8:30 p.m. $20. Balcony Club, 150 N. Eighth St., Ste. 226, Boise, 208-336-1313, THE MAD ADVENTURES OF MR. TOAD—DreamWeaver Musical Theatre presents a delightful, upbeat version of Kenneth Grahame’s ever-popular Wind in the Willows. Get more info at 7 p.m. $5-$10. Jewett Auditorium, The College of Idaho, 2112 E. Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, 208459-3405 or 208-454-1376, THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR—See Wednesday. 6:30 p.m. $12-$42. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221, OPERA IDAHO AT ANGELL’S— Opera Idaho singers will serenade you while Chef Franck Bacquet prepares a five-course dinner. A portion of the proceeds benefit Opera Idaho. 6:30 p.m. $75. Angell’s Bar and Grill Renato, 999 W. Main St., Boise, 208-3424900,

Kids & Teens AAU BOYS TRYOUTS—See Wednesday. YMCA, 1050 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-5501, AFTER-HOURS POOL PARTY— Teens can swim, listen to cool

music, win prizes and hang out with friends. Featuring contests, giveaways, and music with a DJ from Wild 101. For ages 12-17 only. 9 p.m. $2. Natatorium and Hydrotube, 1811 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-345-9270. MAZE RUNNER BOOK CLUB FOR TEENS—Get together with other teens excited about the upcoming movie and talk about the book that inspired it. For ages 12-18. 4 p.m. FREE. Ada Community Library, Lake Hazel Branch, 10489 Lake Hazel Road, Boise, 208-297-6700, MICRON FAMILY MATH NIGHT— Get ready for school with math activities for kids in preschool through elementary school. 4 p.m. FREE. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208343-9895, THE PLANETS: ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN—Kids and parents bounce, slide, dance and parachute their way through the solar system during this interactive movement program based on Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite, “The Planets,” presented by Paige Moore. 10:30 a.m. FREE. Boise Public Library Hayes Auditorium, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208384-4076,

SATURDAY AUGUST 9 Festivals & Events

28TH ANNUAL NAMPA FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS—Celebrate the creative spirit of our diverse community through art, music and dance. For more info, visit NampaFestivalOfArts.aspx. 10 a.m. FREE. Lakeview Park, Garrity Boulevard at 16th Avenue North, Nampa. 46TH ANNUAL SVCA ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL—See Friday. 10 a.m. FREE. Atkinson Park, 900 Third Ave. N., Ketchum. CORN AND PICKLE FESTIVAL— Learn how to can pickles and dill relish at this good old-fashioned country farm fair, featuring pony rides, crafts, gifts, egg washing demos, hay rides and great barbecue, wine and cheese tasting. Take your lawn chairs or blankets. 10 a.m. FREE. Vogel Farms Country Market, 9501 Robinson Road, Kuna, 208-4666928, vogelfarmscountrymarket. com. DONNELLY HUCKLEBERRY FESTIVAL—See Friday. 9 a.m., FREE. Donnelly, 208-325-3545,


SESQUI-SHOP a community cultural space

KOKANEE OUTDOOR DAY—Enjoy a great family event showcasing the exciting outdoor activities and beautiful landscapes of the Boise National Forest. You’ll find stops along Highway 21 for bird watching, gold panning, kokanee viewing, and more. The day ends with a festival in John Brogan Park with games, music, food and drink. 11 a.m. FREE. John Brogan Park, 35 miles up Idaho 21 from Boise, Idaho City.



COMEDIAN HEATH HARMISON—See Thursday. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $12. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, COMPANY OF FOOLS: SHIRLEY VALENTINE—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10-$35. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208578-9122, THE DARK SIDE AT THE LINEN—Live at the Linen presents a special concert performance of Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon in its entirety by local all-stars. 8 p.m. $10. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111, LIPSINC: THE GLAMPETTS— Idaho’s first professional female impersonation troupe goes country-and-western. Reservations recommended. Call 208-368-0405 or visit to make yours. 8:30 p.m. $20. Balcony Club, 150 N. Eighth St., Ste. 226, Boise, 208-336-1313,

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit Go to and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers. © 2013 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.



THE MAD ADVENTURES OF MR. TOAD—DreamWeaver Musical Theatre presents a delightful, upbeat version of Kenneth Grahame’s ever-popular Wind in the Willows. Get more info at dreamweavermusicaltheatre. org. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. $5-$10. Jewett Auditorium, The College of Idaho, 2112 E. Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, 208-459-3405 or 208454-1376,

Oxford Hotel fire, 1969. Credit: Boise Fire Department.


The Boise Fire Department Past & Present

August 7 – September 21, 2014 Explore compelling stories of fire and its history in Boise through photographs, maps, newspaper articles, firefighting gear, and other historic artifacts. View a campaign collection of fire-inspired artwork by Boise artists Bill Lewis and Brook Burton.

1008 MAIN STREET, BOISE ID | 208.384.8509

MCCALL JAZZ FESTIVAL—Enjoy world-class jazz in a world-class setting, hosted by Curtis Stigers. Get the full schedule at brownpa-

BOISEweekly | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 25

8 DAYS OUT 2:30 p.m. $25-$35. McCall Golf Club, 925 Fairway Drive, McCall, 208-208-634-7200,

MONDAY AUGUST 11 Festivals & Events

Literature CATHERINE KYLE AT THE MARKET—Local author, poet and illustrator Catherine Kyle will be at the Saturday Market to sell and sign her new book, Feral Domesticity. 11 a.m. FREE. Rediscovered Books, 180 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-376-4229,

Citizen MGI FOUNDATION ICE CREAM SOCIAL—Indulge in homemade ice cream for a good cause. Funds raised will benefit Idaho Diabetes youth programs and the Idaho Humane Society. 7 p.m. $2. Lucky Dog, 2223 Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-333-0074,

AAU BOYS TRYOUTS—See Wednesday. YMCA, 1050 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-5501,

Festivals & Events

28TH ANNUAL NAMPA FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS—See Saturday. 11 a.m. FREE. Lakeview Park, Garrity Boulevard at 16th Avenue North, Nampa. 46TH ANNUAL SVCA ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL—See Friday. 10 a.m. FREE. Atkinson Park, 900 Third Ave. N., Ketchum.

in concert

Friday, August SP Idaho Botanical Garden 2355 Old Penitentiary Rd Boise, ID 83712

Sunday, August SP Crooked Flats

COOLWATER FISHING DAY & FAMILY PICNIC—Enjoy a barbecue lunch, catch and release fishing, kids’ games, a bounce house, horseshoes and volleyball. Take nonperishable food items to donate to the Idaho Foodbank. 1 p.m. FREE-$14. Coolwater Creek Event Center, 7355 S. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-887-7880,

Patrons can bring their own meals and sealed beverages. You may bring your own alcoholic beverages to the Idaho Botanical Gardens only. Additional food and drink items will be available for sale.

Tickets: $40 & $20

On Stage

Plus tax and applicable fees. Group, Senior, Child, Military & Student discounts available


387-1273 26 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly

CALDWELL NIGHT RODEO—Enjoy fastpaced entertainment for the whole family, where the cowboys are the stars. Get more info at 8 p.m. $8-$20. Caldwell Night Rodeo Grounds, 2301 Blaine St., Caldwell, 208-459-2060, TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FUNDRAISER—Help Boise resident AlejAndro Anastasio travel to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to compete in the Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking. Featuring local artists and musicians Tambalka, Brothers Anastasio,

Literature BOOK CHAT BOOK CLUB—Read any fiction, nonfiction, graphic novel, audiobook or e-book related to your favorite TV series. 7 p.m. FREE. Boise Public Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208384-4076,

Talks & Lectures BROWN BAG LECTURE SERIES—Storyteller and author Doug Tims, with his wife Phyllis, will share their research and stories from their book Merciless Eden. Noon. FREE. Washington Group Plaza, 720 Park Blvd., Boise.

WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13 Festivals & Events CALDWELL NIGHT RODEO—See Tuesday. 8 p.m. $8-$20. Caldwell Night Rodeo Grounds, 2301 Blaine St., Caldwell, 208-4592060, FAMILY NIGHT AND TRADE SHOW—Enjoy a fun-filled family night, with a vendor show, music, food, jump house and more. 5:30 p.m. FREE. Honalee Farm Event Center, 7010 Moon Valley Road, Eagle, 208-286-0533,

EYESPY Real Dialogue from the naked city

DONNELLY HUCKLEBERRY FESTIVAL—See Friday. 9 a.m., FREE. Donnelly, 208-325-3545, SMOKEY BEAR 70TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION—Celebrate Smokey Bear’s 70 years of wildfire prevention with children’s activities, the chance to meet Smokey Bear himself, firewise education and birthday cake. 11 a.m. FREE. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649,

3705 Idaho 16 Eagle, ID 83616

MODERN CAMPFIRE STORIES—Readings by authors John Rember and Laura Roghaar. Rediscovered Books will be on hand with copies of their books for sale. 8 p.m. FREE. Modern Hotel and Bar, 1314 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-424-8244,


Festivals & Events

The King and I


Kids & Teens


Rodgers & Hammerstein’s

AGAINST ME: IN-STORE SIGNING—VIP line wristbands available now with purchase of 2014’s Transgender Dysphoria Blues (CD/LP). 6 p.m. FREE. The Record Exchange, 1105 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-344-8010,

Kelly Green, Frankly Frankie and more. Get more info at 8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297,

COMEDIAN HEATH HARMISON—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10-$12. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208287-5379,

Overheard something Eye-spy worthy? E-mail




BOY, OH BOY, WHAT A FILM Boyhood is undoubtedly the best movie of the year (so far) GEORGE PRENTICE You’ll need to make a decision sooner than later: You will either A) be the one to tell friends and family to see Boyhood, the best film of 2014 thus far, or B) have them tell you to see it. It’s that good. And it’s a filmmaking achievement. Boyhood, much like childhood, started out small, almost an experiment by writerEllar Coltrane embodies Mason in a stunning performance. You’ll first see him as a cloud-watching 5-year-old; director Richard Linklater. It ended in you won’t stop watching until he’s grown.. triumph; the planet’s best critics have hailed Boyhood as the best film of the year (Vanity And explore we do, as we watch Coltrane its exact cast over more than a decade. PaFair), the decade (The Guardian), the 21st tricia Arquette is superb as Mason’s mother, fill the role of Mason from age 5 to 18, century (New York Times) and even in the Samantha; Ethan Hawke turns in his best history of cinema (Salon). Whoa there, fellas. primary school to college. The film is not filled with sunburst, melodramatic moments; and most natural performance yet as Mason This is one great movie, but let’s try to not Sr.; and Mason’s back-seat foil and ultimate kill it with kindness. Boyhood doesn’t belong instead it peers at otherwise indistinguishbest friend, sister Samantha, is portrayed by able vagaries of a boy’s life: a camping trip in a pantheon, let alone on a pedestal. It a perfectly charming Lorelei Linklater (the belongs instead in a corner of your heart yet with dad; those fidgety back-seat car trips director’s real-life daughter). when sister won’t shut up (insisting she untouched by a piece of culture. Indeed, the real star here is Richard LinIt’s my understanding that this little movie sounds just like Britney Spears); the first time klater, whose previous work includes 1993’s a girl says hello. with a grand soul has already captured the Dazed and Confused, 2003’s School of Rock My sense is that hearts of every city BOYHOOD (R) and his Before trilogy, comprised of 1995’s you too will feel in which it has been Directed by Richard Linklater instantly comfortable Sunrise, 2004’s Sunset and 2013’s Midnight. screened. And by the Starring Ellar Coltrane, Patricia Arquette, Linklater’s Boyhood script and direction are in Mason’s world. conclusion of the film, Ethan Hawke Oscar-worthy, instantly sending his film to His heartbreaks will I too had the uncanny Opens Friday, Aug. 8, at The Flicks, 646 W. the top of this year’s best list. If my hunch is feel all too familiar, feeling that I had Fulton St., 208-342-4288, as well. And if you’re right, it will continue to hover near the top reunited with a longof the list as the clock strikes midnight on a parent, you better lost friend. In spite of New Year’s Eve. bring plenty of tissues and be willing to its nearly three-hour run time, I was simply Boyhood is unyielding in pace and paignore those people sitting in back of you, not prepared for this movie to end. But be puzzled as to why you’re crying about a silly tience with its characters and, as a result, it forewarned, Boyhood will sneak up on you: feels more like a novel than a film. That’s an it packs an emotional punch—not from life’s little thing like watching a child grow up. I extraordinary accomplishment. The movie admit to being a bit of a blubbery mess by obvious highlights but from a collective tenis not handcuffed by lackadaisical narrative the end of this film, but because Boyhood is derness that accumulates over the years. arcs that define most films. Instead, Boyso genuine, it’s also so visceral. “It became a really personal thing. For As you may have heard by now, Boyhood hood’s gentle epic buoys us through a swift most of the process, it didn’t even feel like but steady river of days that make up a life. was filmed over 12 years. There have been a movie,” Ellar Coltrane, the extraordinary But we’re also reminded that some of those other films, primarily documentaries, that star of Boyhood, told Boise Weekly (See have chronicled time, but no other long-form days require a bit more paddling than others. Citizen, Page 10). “It was more of an explonarrative film has captured such a story with I know I was swept away. ration of the way humans experience time.”

SCREEN/SMALL SCREEN NEW AGREEMENTS WITH NETFLIX, CABLE ONE, AT&T Netflix continues its world-conquering blitzkrieg. By world, we mean television, which is pretty much the same thing, right? In an agreement with Cable One, the Treasure Valley’s primar y cable-television provider and the nation’s 10th largest cable company with 700,000 customers in 19 states, Netflix has landed on Cable One’s lineup, meaning viewers won’t need a media streaming box or por table device to watch Netflix. It’s now Channel 558. Original programming from Netflix—including Emmy-nominated House of Cards, Orange is the New Black and the recently released four th season of The Killing—has redefined television. Netflix isn’t a traditional channel, yet its tens-of-millions of viewers far outpace BOI S EW EEKLY.COM

many of the networks. While Netflix and Cable One are best buddies, an uneasy truce has been reached between Netflix and AT&T, which famously called Netflix “arrogant” in the companies’ public feud over interconnection fees. Netflix recently agreed to pay AT&T an undisclosed fee to improve the quality of its streaming and reduce buffering for its subscribers. Netflix had previously argued that it had no desire to pay Internet ser vice providers to deliver its content, but the ISPs said it wasn’t fair for all of their customers to shoulder the cost of improving its signal strength just so Netflix can stream more videos. —George Prentice

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SET IN STONE BRS kicks off its aptly named Free Camp.

REFUGEE AND AT-RISK YOUTH GET ROCK SCHOOLED FOR FREE For about the cost of a refurbished iPod or a boss tattoo, kids ages 3 to 18 can attend a Boise Rock School summer camp and learn several things, including how to play an instrument, how to write songs, how to record music, how to produce a radio show, how to design a gig poster, how to form a band and how to name that band. BRS co-founders Jared Goodpaster and Ryan Peck could use a lesson in that last one, though. “We probably should come up with a name for it,” Peck said, laughing. “We’ve just been calling it ‘Free Camp.’” It is both of those things, but it’s so much more. BRS’ Free Camp for Refugees and At-Risk Youth (Monday, Aug. 18-Friday, Aug. 22), was created as an expansion of BRS’ nonprofit outreach program, Rock on Wheels, which takes music instruction to places where there isn’t any—for example, teachers make a weekly trip to Horseshoe Bend. Free Camp was a natural extension of the Rock on Wheels concept and came about through an act of generosity following a tragedy. A few years ago, at the funeral of a young musician who died in a car accident, people made donations to BRS in the musician’s name. “A lightbulb went off,” Peck said. “I told Jared, ‘Rather than buy a new guitar or something for the school, we should do For more information, to something register or to nominate a really cool with student for Free Camp, visit the money.’” That “something really cool” grew, and now nearly 40 youth from around the world and all walks of life attend the weeklong Free Camp, a unique opportunity for young people dealing with behavioral or emotional issues, or some kind of major upheaval in their lives, like moving to a new country or losing a parent. “One kid I signed up today, his dad went to jail and [the kid] was sent to foster care,” Peck said. The original plan was that Free Camp— now in its third year—would be a one-time deal, but as it turned out, the teachers took as much from the experience as the kids. “We were only going to do it the one year but it was so much fun,” Peck said, adding that BRS hopes to expand even further and find the space and funds for 100 kids—or more. —Amy Atkins

28 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly

Exploring the Celebration Park petroglyphs with a Dutch art expert HARRISON BERRY Just south of the green cornfields between Kuna and Caldwell is a prairie of stubby shrubs, parched earth and volcanic rocks that rolls like ocean swells to the banks of the Snake River. Over the edge of the Snake River Canyon is Celebration Park, where thousands of massive, polished stones lay between the angular basalt of the canyon and the water’s edge. Painstakingly etched on many of these stones are some 5,000 petroglyphs depicting people, animals, symbols, astronomical tools and other designs anthropologists still struggle to interpret. Before it was Celebration Park, the field was a Native American religious site where people would starve and dehydrate themselves to experience hallucinations as part of their vision quests. It was during these quests that they often chipped and chiseled signs and symbols into the smooth rocks nearby. For Kerstin Winking, Celebration Park was a must-see destination. A curator at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands, where she specializes in parallels between modern and ancient art found around the world, Winking came to experience a place where what mattered to some of Southern Idaho’s earliest inhabitants is literally etched in stone. Her visit to Boise was at the behest of Ming Studios, and exploring the park was a chance for Winking to draw connections between modern artists and those long ago people whose work inspired them to retool millenniaold aesthetics for an array of personal, artistic and political purposes. “I’m really interested in contemporary art, so I’m always excited when I see these things in their work,” Winking said. Winking and a small group made the pilgrimage to Celebration Park early on a Saturday morning. By 10:30 a.m., the group was meandering along the pathways between “gravels” (the technical term for the stones) and examining the petroglyphs with the help of a tour guide. Amid a grove of gravels, the guide distinguished between three different kinds of petroglyphs found in the park: linear, representational and abstract. Linear glyphs tend to be symbolic and appear as rough combs, fences and squiggly lines. Representational etchings depict real-world objects like people and animals. But many of the petroglyphs in the park are abstract, leading to widespread disagreement between anthropolo-

One of the “newer” petroglyphs at Celebration Park—only about 1,000 years old.

gists as to their meaning and use. The temptation to interpret the petroglyphs is as strong for visitors to the park as it is for archaeologists. Almost immediately, the tour group began to come up with its own explanations for the designs on the rocks, some of which date back as far as 10,000 years. “Based on your own culture and the evidence in front of you, people make up their own stories,” said tour guide Deb Ellis. Among them are figures that look like alien heads, a rare “X-ray” design (one of the few north of the equator) depicting a vivisected snake, what appears to be a three-legged squid and hundreds of designs that invite endless interpretation. An astronomical chart is aligned with true north to within six-tenths of a degree. Then there’s the so-called Anomaly, which comprises 19 vertical hashes surrounding the crest of a gravel—one of the only petroglyphs in the park that can be seen from 360 degrees. On the ride back to Boise, Winking talked about the universality of many of the themes she saw in Celebration Park’s petroglyphs. Among her favorites were the three-legged octopus and a cracked stone in the shape of a chair, covered in markings suggesting fertility. “It reminded me of an origin story and how ancient cultures have these things. It’s a theme: All great books connect back to them,” she said. While many native peoples used the arts to represent their spirituality and the tensions of the material worlds in which they lived, Winking said contemporary artists often crib their aesthetic to represent more abstract themes. “The artists also have interpretations [of native artworks]. I think artists use the primitive to comment on and critique modern society— you could say capitalist society,” she said. Use of the word “primitive” in relation to native or ancient art is controversial. For many, the term implies the cultural superiority of the interpreter—as if primitive arts are in some way simplistic or less developed than contemporary art—and critical discussion

of artworks is hampered or even invalidated when it’s used. Far from rehabilitating the term was the Museum of Modern Art’s 1984 exhibition, “Primitivism” in 20th Century Art, which was criticized for mishandling the topic. Its mistakes—e.g. insensitive definition of primitivism, mislabeling works and failure to verify if pieces on display had been acquired ethically—are just a few of the pitfalls Winking said she hopes to avoid in her own work at the Stedelijk Museum, tentatively titled The Primitive in Us. In a presentation she delivered July 24 at Ming Studios, Winking described her own interest in the intersection of the modern and the so-called primitive as a fascination with how the representational, ceremonial and tribal aspects of native artworks inform contemporary artists. She cited the work of artists like Richard Long and Kerry James Marshall, and anthropologists James Clifford and Stanley Diamond—who defined primitive as pre- or a-literate—as a guiding influence. Winking’s view is that contemporary art is an extension of an artistic heritage dating back tens of thousands of years, and attempts to separate the two are misguided. “The primitive is inextricably linked to civilization. Civilization tries to subvert the primitive, but it fails,” Winking said. Her presentation, for all its rounded edges, was still controversial. Some in the audience noted that modern art’s fascination with ancient or native works has resulted in the theft, destruction and cultural appropriation of thousands of pieces. Others took offense at Winking’s terminology. She noted that though it may be impossible to fully right the wrongs of colonialism, the conversation about contemporary art’s connection with the past is too productive to abandon. When one audience member said she “had a real problem with the word ‘primitive,’” worrying that its use is politically incorrect, Winking’s response was curt. “So, you can have this problem,” Winking said. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M


BOISEweekly | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 29


REBECCA SCOTT—6:30 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow

ALIVE AFTER FIVE: TOO SLIM & THE TAILDRAGGERS—With Fort Harrison. 5 p.m. FREE. Grove Plaza

SOUL SERENE—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub

BJ WREN—6:30 p.m. FREE. Roseberry Townsite BROWNOUT PRESENTS BROWN SABBATH—With Bliss. 7 p.m. $12 adv., $14 door. Neurolux


SPEEDY GRAY—9 p.m. FREE. Solid XIU XIU—With Circuit des Yeux and With Child. 9 p.m. $10 adv., $12 door, The Crux



CHRIS ISAAK—8 p.m. $35-$90. River Run Lodge


CRAIG SLOVER—6 p.m. FREE. Gelato Cafe


DJ BONZ—9 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s

BOISE ROCKEOKE—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s

DJ HOUSE MUSIC—8 p.m. FREE. Mode Lounge KEN HARRIS WITH CARMEL CROCK—6 p.m. FREE. Sofia’s Greek Bistro KEVIN KIRK AND FRIENDS—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers LIQUID WETT WEDNESDAY—Electronic live music and DJs. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid OUTLAW FIELD: NICKEL CREEK—7 p.m. $37. Idaho Botanical Garden PATRICIA FOLKNER—6 p.m. FREE. Smoky Mountain Pizza-Parkcenter

BRAUN BROTHERS REUNION—5 p.m. $15-$114.30. Challis SONS OF THUNDER MOUNTAIN—7 p.m. FREE, Lock Stock & Barrel MATTHEW CURRY AND THE FURY— With Zack Quintana. 6:30 p.m. $5. Sapphire Room KLEINER PARK CONCERT SERIES: THE NEIL NELSON BAND—6:30 p.m. FREE. Kleiner Park RASCAL FLATTS—With Frankie Ballard and Steve Fulton Music. 7:30 p.m. $45-$65. Ford Idaho Center Amphitheater

WHITEY MORGAN AND THE 78S— With Jared James Nichols. 7 p.m. $5. Neurolux FRIM FRAM FOUR—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s EDMOND DANTES—7 p.m. FREE. Modern Hotel GREAT GARDEN ESCAPE: THE COME TOGETHER BAND—Beatles tribute band. 6 p.m. FREE-$10. Idaho Botanical Garden

TRACTOR BEAM—8 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s ZACH FORSMAN—8 p.m. FREE. End Zone


LOVE AS LAUGHTER—With Ark Life and Virgil. 8 p.m. $10. The Crux

AUDIO/VISUAL DJ—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement

NOUVEAU EXPO—8 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s



BRAUN BROTHERS REUNION—1 p.m. $15-$114.30. Challis



SPEEDY GRAY—9 p.m. FREE. Solid

COLIN MULDOON—6 p.m. FREE. Artistblue


DJ BONZ—9 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s

TERRY JONES—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

FRANK MARRA—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers HIGH STREET—6:30 p.m. FREE. Meridian City Hall

FRIDAY AUGUST 8 BETRAYING THE MARTYRS—With Adestria, Sylar, The Dude Abides and An Empire of Lions. 6:30 p.m. $13 adv., $15 door. Shredder

KAYLEIGH JACK—1 p.m. FREE. Solid KALEIGH JACK—7 p.m. FREE. Lock Stock & Barrel KEVIN SHRUMM—7 p.m. FREE. Gelato Cafe

BOBAFLEX—8 p.m. $12-$20. Knitting Factory


BRAUN BROTHERS REUNION—4 p.m. $15-$114.30. Challis BUCKSKIN BIBLE REVUE—7 p.m. FREE. Sockeye Grill CYMRY—With Doug Slagle and Mike Fagan. 8 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny

Liquid Stranger

DJ BONZ—9 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s DJ CHAKRA KHAN AND DJ IGA—11 p.m. FREE. Neurolux DJ FOOSE—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement GREAT BAIT—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s

MARIACHI TLEYOTLTZIN—6 p.m. $15-$25. Nampa Civic Center

ISHI—With Deeveaux and Masokid. 7 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux

MCALL JAZZ FESTIVAL—2:30 p.m. $25-$35. McCall Golf Club

JOHN CAZAN—5 p.m. FREE. Lock Stock & Barrel

MCGINNIS BAND—9 p.m. FREE. O’Michael’s

JOHN JONES TRIO—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

OLD DEATH WHISPER—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s

KEVIN KIRK—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

POLECAT—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s

It shouldn’t work: music comprised of piano, trumpet and chunking guitar riffs; songs with lyrics like, “That’s the biggest black ass I’ve ever seen / and I like it / I like it”; an imperious album title such as The Church of Rock and Roll (EMI, 2012); a name that sounds like it was made up by a fifth-grader in 1975; and for new release Gonzo (self-released, 2014), an album cover depicting what appear to be hairy butts, fortune cookies or testicles. All together, it reads like the ingredients for a novelty act that would burn bright like flash paper—and burn out just as fast. Foxy Shazam is no novelty, though the Cincinnati-based band is definitely novel in the best sense of the word. Comparisons to Queen and Meatloaf are not unwarranted: Like those other bands, Foxy Shazam’s music is undeniably rock and its theatrical approach to the music is a big part of its charm. Whatever Foxy Shazam is doing, it’s working. —Amy Atkins

MARCUS EATON—See Picks, Page 22. 7 p.m. $15 adv., $20 door. Crooked Flats

REMIX4AUTISM SUMMER TOUR LIVE FUNDRAISER—Featuring Dirrrty JOE, Tha Ill Literate, Niño Lobos, An Empire Of Lions, MirrorrorriM, Scorch The Fallen, Bogator Raider, Kazmere, CowboyIndian and Mental Ward Music. 2 p.m. FREE-$5. The Crux

NOUVEAU-EXPO—7:30 p.m. FREE. The District


PAT RICE—6 p.m. FREE. Solid

SHEEP AMONG WOLVES—With Adam Wright Band. 7:30 p.m. FREE. The District

With Stop Light Observations and The Green Zoo, 7 p.m., $15. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., 208-343-0886,

SOUL SERENE—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub


30 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly

LIQUID STRANGER AND EMALKAY— With Jakzon. 7:45 p.m. $15-$30. Knitting Factory

OLD DEATH WHISPER—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s

PROJECT 46—9 p.m. $5-$15. Revolution ROCK? ROCK? ROCK!!!! AT THE CRUX!—Featuring Atlas Novus, Zack Quintana Trio and Northern Giants. 7 p.m. $5. The Crux

SHOOK TWINS—7 p.m. $TBA. Salmon River Brewery

ROCK THE VILLAGE: AFROSONICS— With Rosa Dos Ventos. 6 p.m. FREE. Village at Meridian

TIMBER VANLOM—7:30 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s


STREET FEVER—With Star Warrior and Polo Mirror. 7 p.m. $7. Neurolux






ACIDIC— $TBA. Shredder



AGAINST ME!—With Creepoid and Venus De Mars. 8 p.m. $17$33. Knitting Factory

DHARMA—With Rogue Gallery and Phantahex. 8 p.m. $TBA, Shredder KETCH’EM ALIVE CONCERT SERIES—7 p.m. FREE. Forest Service Park LEFT COAST COUNTRY—7 p.m. FREE. Sockeye Grill RADIO BOISE SOCIAL HOUR: DJ NICOLE MARIE—5:30 p.m. FREE. Neurolux

AUDIO/VISUAL DJ—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s DJ HOUSE MUSIC—8 p.m. FREE. Mode Lounge GALACTIC—With Bradlee Baxter. See Listen Here, this page. 8 p.m. $23-$35. Knitting Factory GEORGE DEVORE BAND—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s JIMMY BIVENS ORIGINAL WORLD CLASS COUNTRY GUITAR—6:30 p.m. FREE. Roseberry Townsite

THE FABULOUS CHANCELLORS—1 p.m. $8-$10. Ste. Chapelle Winery

FOXY SHAZAM—With Stop Light Observations and The Green Zoo. See Listen Here, Page 30. 7 p.m. $15. Neurolux

STEFF AND THE ARTICLES— With the Oliphants and guests. 7 p.m. $5. Neurolux

HIP-HOP SUNDAY—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement


TYLER JORDAN—5:30 p.m. FREE. O’Michael’s

LIQUID WETT WEDNESDAY— Electronic live music and DJs. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid

JIM LEWIS—6 p.m. FREE. Lulu’s

LIKE MOTHS TO FLAMES—With Palisades, Elitist, Years From Now and City of Embers. 6 p.m. $13 adv., $15 door. Shredder

UP IS THE DOWN IS THE—7 p.m. $5. The Crux

MISSISSIPPI MARSHALL—6:30 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow

ZOE MUTH AND THE LOST HIGH ROLLERS—With Miss Tess and the Talkbacks. 7:30 p.m. $25. Cinder Winery

NINA GERBER AND CHRIS WEBSTER—7:30 p.m. $10-$15. $30 4-pack. Sapphire Room



JIMMIE SINN—6 p.m. FREE. Solid JOSH ABBOTT BAND—8 p.m. $12-$20. Knitting Factory LARRY CLARK—Noon. FREE. Gelato Cafe MUSIC FROM STANLEY: CODY BEEBE AND THE CROOKS—5 p.m. FREE. Redfish Lake Lodge NOCTURNUM! INDUSTRIAL GOTH DJS—10 p.m. FREE. Liquid UNDERHILL ROSE—With New Transit and Daniel And The Lion. 7 p.m. $7. The Crux

PROM BODY—7 p.m., With Toy Zoo, Numb Bats and Nora and the Janitors. $5. The Crux

TUESDAY AUGUST 12 ADAM CHAVARRIA—6 p.m. FREE. Solid DEER TICK—With T. Hardy Morris & the Hardknocks, and The New Electric Sound. 8 p.m. $15-$35. Knitting Factory




OBNOX—With Skating Polly, Nerve Beats, Free Cake for Every Creature and Give Chase. 7 p.m. $5. The Crux

THE SINGLES—With Revolt Revolt, and Storie Grubb & The Holy Wars. 7 p.m. $5. Neurolux SPEEDY GRAY—9 p.m. FREE. Solid

Don’t know a venue? Visit for addresses, phone numbers and a map.

GALACTIC, AUG. 13, KNITTING FACTORY To suggest funk music is enjoying a rebirth would be to imply it had ever lain dormant. Elements of funk can still be found in contemporary music: listen to Black Joe Lewis’ latest release or almost anything from Usher. Though it may not be as prevalent as it once was, there are still bands putting a funky backbeat on everything they do, like Galactic, a collective of New Orleanians that can turn a party into a carnival—or Carnivale, as in the case of Galactic’s 2012 release Carnivale Electricos (ANTI Records). In the two decades since the band formed, Galactic’s music evolved, incorporating jazz, hip-hop, soul, blues and more, all while staying true to its roots. What the band hadn’t done was make a carnival album, a rite of passage for many New Orleans musicians. Galactica put every bit of itself and its home into Carnivale Electricos (Anti Records), a celebration of the Crescent City and, as the band states on its website, “a cross-section of what’s happening in contemporary New Orleans.” Prepare to get your carnival on. —Amy Atkins With Bradlee Baxter, 8 p.m., $22.50-$35. The Knitting Factory, 416 S. Ninth St., 208-367-1212,

BOISEweekly | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 31


2012 ARREGI GETARIAKO TXAKOLINA, $18.99 This wine is made from the hondarribi zuri grape variety from the Basque country on the northeast coast of Spain. There’s a bit of spritz when it’s first poured and the aromas are on the light side, centering on a core of ripe lemon and lime with touches of mineral and clover. Things amp up on the palate, which is a mix of bright citrus, blood orange, stone fruit and spring greens. 2013 AVELEDA VINHO VERDE, $8.99 A blend of loureiro, trajadura and arinto grapes from the northwest corner of Portugal, this wine’s bubbles are light but persistent and the aromas soft but intriguing. They bring to mind a Harry Nilsson song—you get soft lime with a touch of coconut. The flavors are smooth and creamy with bright, sweet citrus, peach and melon. A hint of ocean brine comes through on the finish.

—David Kirkpatrick

32 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly

LATIN TWIST New food truck specializes in Latin American and Caribbean cuisine TARA MORGAN Perched at a sticky picnic table in the shade of a gas station awning, I sipped sweet passion fruit juice and swatted the flies circling my head. If it weren’t for Boise burger landmark Big Jud’s across the street, I’d have sworn I was somewhere south of the border. That feeling was only magnified once lunch was served. Latin Twist, a new food truck parked at the corner of Boise Avenue and Protest Road, specializes in Latin American and Caribbean cuisine. But we’re not talking tacos and tamales—Latin Twist serves everything from Costa Rican rib-eye sandwiches to Jamaican jerk chicken to bacon-wrapped Sonoran hot thigh and big, beefy ribs covered with a dark dogs. The spot also offers an assortment of barbecue sauce. On one side, there was a salads and sides: rice and Cuban-style black beans, grilled pineapple and a vibrant quinoa mound of tart and spicy cabbage slaw flecked with carrots and cilantro. On the other: a salad with fresh hunks of watermelon, avoscoop of white rice smothered cado and tomato. in black beans. Adding a dash Even though it was swelterLATIN TWIST of color to the overloaded plate ing outside, we started off with Corner of Boise Avenue and was a container of mango, a warm bowl of Brazilian white Protest Road papaya, pineapple, cilantro and bean soup ($5). Smoky coins of 208-901-0551 onion salsa. linguica sausage mingled with Smoked on imported big, tender white beans and Jamaican pimento wood, the floating bits of swiss chard in a jerk chicken was succulent and flavorful, with lightly spicy, thin red broth that glistened with hints of allspice and hot pepper infusing every an oily sheen in its Styrofoam container. The bite. Paired with the fruit salsa and a forkful of soup was a small-but-lovely precursor to our black beans, it was a heavenly combo. Though meaty main meal. the smoky/sweet, mole-esque barbecue sauce The jerk chicken and ribs combo ($14.50) contributed a complex flavor to the ribs, they came piled high with hunks of grilled chicken

Putting a new twist on south-of-the-border cuisine.

were a bit too chewy and would have benefited from a few shakes of salt. One of the highlights of the meal was a side of grilled corn ($3.50) coated in a creamy poblano sauce and cotija cheese. The tender ear was speared on a bamboo skewer like a savory corn popsicle, with its charred husks forming a little skirt below. After we mopped the mess from our hands and faces, we went back for dessert. While I waited for a tiny key lime pie ($3.50) to be topped with a spritz of whipped cream, I spotted a sign on the side of the truck advertising upcoming menu items: curried goat in coconut milk, ceviche in a tostone cup, bake-n-shark, beef empanadas, salt cod fritters, plus “alligator, octopus and more deliciousness.” I’ll be back for one of everything.

FOOD/NEWS STATE AND LEMP LAUNCHES SATURDAY NIGHT SUPPER CLUB Prix-fixe hot-spot State and Lemp is launching a new reduced price “We don’t want to devalue what we’re doing already—we can’t offer seating Saturday nights at 9 p.m., dubbed the Saturday Night Supper what we’re doing now for less money—but we can do something else Club. The meal, which includes wine pairings, will cost $60 per person as and influence, perhaps, a younger crowd or perhaps just people who opposed to the usual $105. want to try us out more often,” Mcmanus said. “We’re doing it for two reasons: We’re doing it to try to motivate a difIn other North End restaurant news, Café Vicino is getting a facelift ferent crowd to join us and then we’re also doing it to try to influence that and will now be called Richard’s Café Vicino. later dining time in Boise and give people that might not have an opportu“We changed our logo is all we did,” explained Chef and Owner Richnity to try us because of the price-point an opportunity to try us,” explained ard Langston. co-owner Remi Mcmanus. “It has been seven and a half years and Though the Saturday Night Supper Club it needed to be refreshed a little bit,” he won’t feature the exact menu that’s served added. “Truthfully, for seven years, people at the full-price seating, Mcmanus said it have been going, ‘Oh, you’re that Richard will be fairly similar. from Richard’s in Hyde Park?’ so we just “It won’t necessarily be less food. included that in the name now.” Sometimes it’ll be less courses; sometimes Other than the name-change, the Italianit might not be less courses; sometimes it influenced cafe will stay the same. might be family style,” said Mcmanus. “For “Nothing has changed other than we’re the most part, it will be the same experigetting new signage and we have new ence that you get at State and Lemp, but menu paper,” added Langston. we’re going to adapt certain things.” The inaugural Saturday Night Supper —Tara Morgan Club seating will take place Saturday, Aug. Now’s your chance to get a taste of State and Lemp. 9, at 9 p.m. LA URI E P EA RMA N

DALILA VINHO VERDE, $7.99 This wine has no vintage date, which isn’t unusual for a vinho verde. This one has the liveliest spritz of the three, and the lowest alcohol (9 percent), making for a refreshing summer quaff. Sweet melon and citrus aromas segue into ripe peach, kiwi and citrus flavors. The lemon drop finish is crisp and lingers nicely. Like most vinho verde, this budget-friendly wine delivers a lot of bang for the buck.

Restaurants get one chance to hit BW with their best shot. K ELS EY HAW ES

We’re in the midst of the dog days of summer when the days are over 90 degrees, and the nights don’t provide much relief. The beverage of choice should probably be ice tea or a light beer, but if you prefer wine, you’ll want to keep it crisp, dry and lively. Low alcohol is a plus—as is high acidity—and a bit of fizz never hurts. Two wines immediately come to mind: Portugal’s vinho verde (literally “green wine”) and Spain’s txakoli (pronounced something like “chawk-o-lee). Here are the panel’s top three picks:




BOISEweekly | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 33



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LEGAL & COURT NOTICES Boise Weekly is an official newspaper of record for all government notices. Rates are set by the Idaho Legislature for all publications. Email jill@boiseweekly. com or call 344-2055 for the rate of your notice.

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34 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S


BW COUNSELING COUNSELING Renew yourself. Free Consultation. 208-853-8888. Mindfulness based STRESS REDUCTION group now forming. 6-week course meets Mondays Aug. 4-Sept. 8. Contact Jessica Adams at (208) 344-5440 or to register.


Relationship enhancement with communication skills training. Call today 859-4367.



1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, 24/7. I travel. 880-5772. Male Only. Private Boise studio. MC/ VISA.


Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/Eves/ Weekends. Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 866-2759. Mystic Moon Massage. Betty 2837830. Open 7 days 1pm-10pm. RELAXING FULL BODY MASSAGE $40 for 60 mins., $60 for 90 mins. Quiet and relaxing environment. Call or text Richard at 208-6959492.

ANNOUNCEMENTS BW ANNOUNCEMENTS SPANISH IS SPOKEN HERE Enjoy six weeks of explorations in “Palabra-mundos” (word-words) to expand understandings of literacy in reading the world critically. At La Tertulia, 401-5090.

BW CLASSES CURRY COOKING CLASS August 10th, Sunday from 4-6 PM. We will be teaching how to cook Chicken curry from the Momo Dumplings. Sign up at


BW CHILDBIRTH PREGNANT? THINKING OF ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana.


LA TERTULIA Classes designed to address various individual levels of communicative competence as learners progress through emerging stages of proficiency in Spanish in a collaborative environment. www. latertuliaboise.boise SPANISH LEARNING CENTER FOUR WEEKS! 6- 9pm. Mon. is writing, Tues.-Thurs. communicative Spanish, Wed. critical literacy. Classes taught by Guisela & Roberto Bahruth. 401-5090.

BW FOUND To the kind gentleman who loaned me his towel at Axiom gym when the fire alarm went off: I have your towel plus a small reward for you. I will be there on Mon. & Thurs. at the same time as before.



VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill


3rd Saturday of each month. Call Karen to request a spot & get all the details. 957-5878. L.A. Junk 1911 W. State St, Boise.

BW GARAGE SALES SAT. & SUN 10 am -4pm, half price from 1 - 4 on Sunday. Lots of computer hardware, bikes, vintage marbles & silk scarves, electric wheelchair (hoverround) $450, small refrigerator, misc. household. 1617 W. Highland St., corner of Lincoln & Highland, off Broadway/Boise Ave. No early birds. YARD SALE SALE HERE! Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for an unbeatable price of $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Extra signs avail. for purchase. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.

BW MARKETS THE BOISE FLEA MARKET Anitques+Art+Vintage=Boise Flea. First Sunday of every month in front & back of Soda Works/ Bee Wise Goods, 3017 W. State St. 10am-4pm. details


BW ART/ANTIQUES CALL TO VENDORS Antique & Art vendors wanted for the monthly Boise Flea Market. Call Erinn for details 420-7311. First Sunday of every month. CALL TO VENDORS Monthly Flea Market at L.A. Junk. The Backyard Flea Market is the

BW PROFESSIONAL DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $32.99 Call Today and Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 888-992-1957






Grand Opening Special. One session-$89, 3 sessions-$99, 4 sessions-$149. Appts. available starting June 16th. Call Demetry at DaVinci Cosmetic Teeth Whitening of Boise: 994-2636 or email Located in Downtown Boise, 720 W. Idaho St.

Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Out to Lunch 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.

MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701




COUNSELING 97% success in as little as two sessions. Call 208-853-8888.

BW CLASSES TROUBLED BY SOMEONE’S SEXUAL BEHAVIOR? There is hope. S-Anon can help! S-ANON SOLUTION SEEKERS Wednesdays from 6:15-7:15 pm Orchard Plaza, 1111 S. Orchard Street Boise, Idaho Door 2, Room 112A Email with questions:

PHONE (208) 344-2055 These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177




DEADLINES* LINE ADS: Monday, 10 a.m. DISPLAY: Thursday, 3 p.m. SNOWBALL: I’m such a cool dude, but when we’re relaxing, I will melt in your arms.

LINUS: Take me home, and I’ll call the shots. First playtime, then your lap is mine!

DOUGLAS: Looking for a calm but confident gentleman? It’d be my pleasure to meet you.

These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society. 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508

Case No. CV NC 1412298 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of Brandon Gary Bell, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to Gary Ethan Bell. The reason for the change in name is: I would like my legal name to reflect the name I identify with. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on (date) AUG 26, 2014 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections

FAX (208) 342-4733

BW LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL & COURT NOTICES Boise Weekly is an official newspaper of record for all government notices. Rates are set by the Idaho Legislature for all publications. Email or call 344-2055 for the rate of your notice. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: Brandon Gary Bell Legal Name

Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad Street in downtown Boise. We are on the corner of 6th and Broad between Front and Myrtle streets.

* Some special issues and holiday issues may have earlier deadlines.

RATES We are not afraid to admit that we are cheap, and easy, too! Call (208) 344-2055 and ask for classifieds. We think you’ll agree.


SIOUX: 1-year-old, male, Australian shepherd. Bright, lovely and friendly, good with older children and other dogs. Very intelligent. (Kennel 303#22904657)

PENNY: 8-month-old, female, pit bull terrier mix. Happy, busy, little ray of sunshine. Gains focus with some exercise Enjoys other dogs. (Kennel 301- #23395850)

CARMEN: 6-year-old, female, Australian cattle dog/Siberian husky mix. Gentle, needs a dedicated owner to bring her out of her shell. (Kennel 310- #23371478)

Claims of error must be made within 14 days of the date the ad appeared. Liability is limited to in-house credit equal to the cost of the ad’s first insertion. Boise Weekly reserves the right to revise or reject any advertising.


CATARINE: 7-year-old, female, domestic shorthair. Velvety coat with red-brown markings. Light diet needed to help maintain her health. (Kennel 8- #22488056)


TUMBLER: 1-year-old, female, domestic shorthair. Nice, inquisitive girl who enjoys a good back scratch. Gets along well with other cats. (Kennel 17- #23393352)

MELODY: 10-month-old, female, domestic shorthair. A bit shy and timid at first. Warms up with gentle affection. Would blossom given time. (Kennel 15- #23447250)

Classified advertising must be paid in advance unless approved credit terms are established. You may pay with credit card, cash, check or money order.

BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 35


B O I S E W E E K LY may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change.

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of Madelyn Frieda Torres, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to Madelyn Frieda Pacheco. The reason for the change in name is: honoring maiden name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on (date) SEP 30, 2014 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change.


CHRISTOPHER D. RICH CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: DEIRDE PRICE DEPUTY CLERK PUB July 23, 30, Aug 6,13, 2014. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA In the Matter of the Name Change of: NATHAN ALEXANDER TUBACH, Minor Child (d/o/b: 12/08/1998) Shana Lynn Tubach (biological mother) Martin Randal Tubach (biological father)

Date JUL 15 2014


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Petitioners. Case No. CV NC 14-12342 NOTICE OF HEARING A Petition for Name Change by Shana Lynn Tubach and Martin Randal Tubach, now residing in the city of Boise, State of Idaho, proposing a change in name for their son, NATHAN ALEXANDER TUBACH, to OLIVER MCLOVIN TUBACH, has been filed in the above entitled court on June 25, 2014. The Petition alleges substantially the following: Petitioners are adult residents and domiciliaries of the state of Idaho, presently residing at 13226 N. Lookout


Circle, Boise, Idaho 83714. Petitioners and the minor child subject to this action have continuously resided together in the state of Idaho since 2000. Petitioners were married on the 10th day of August in 1991 and are currently husband and wife. Petitioners are the legal and biological parents of NATHAN ALEXANDER TUBACH born December 8, 1998. Four (4) children were born as a result of the marriage of the parties to wit: Preston, age 18, Aubrie, age 17, Nathan, age 15, and Kyra, age 12. The minor child subject to this petition, NATHAN ALEXANDER TUBACH, was born on December 8, 1998 in Cheyenne, Laramie County, Wyoming. Throughout most of

the minor child’s life, he has been by the first name “Oliver”, even though his true legal name is “ Nathan”. The minor child’s school records reflect the name “Oliver”. The minor child is to commence high school at Boise High effective August, 2014, and Petitioners are informed that the official school records must show the name “NATHAN” unless a name change occurs correctly identifying Petitioners’ minor child’s name as “Oliver”. It is in the minor child’s best interest that his legal name be changed as set forth herein. When the issue of name change occurred within the Petitioners’ family, “Oliver” indicated that he likewise wishes to change his


MOVING SALE MOVING SALE!!!!! Downsizing like crazy. Tools, furniture, appliances, kitchenware and more. Bring your truck and cash. Saturday August 16, 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM, August 17, 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM 208-559-3535

NYT CROSSWORD | “CHEE WHIZ!” 24 German philosopher with an injury? 26 Gulf of ___ 27 Court V.I.P.’s 28 Driver of “Girls” 29 Models, in a way 30 Guy who’s covered in mud? 35 “Impossible is nothing” sloganeer 37 Spiced tea

ACROSS 1 Little muscle? 4 Like some turkeys 10 First, second and third, but not fourth 15 Rescue squad member, for short 18 Tax law subjects 20 Like much tax law 21 Gallery figure 23 Former Potala Palace resident 1




4 19





38 72-Across, e.g., informally 39 Models 41 Motor grp. 42 Chase scene staples 46 Request upon leaving? 49 Ruckus 51 African-American martial art? 53 Iowa college 55 Cabby’s phrase on arrival



20 24







37 42












82 88



97 103 108





105 110



115 118















63 67

80 85








































57 S O S, e.g. 58 Some cries for attention 60 County north of San Francisco 61 Citi Field precursor 63 ___ valve 64 Only form that carbohydrates take? 69 “Absalom and Achitophel” poet 70 Piddling 71 Break ground?






36 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S


89 93


101 106 113 116 120

72 Baby 38-Across 73 In 75 Record label co-founded by Jay-Z 79 “That will be ere the set of ___”: “Macbeth” 80 Unsure answer to “Where were the 2014 Winter Olympics held?”? 83 Group of two 84 7-Layer Burrito seller 87 How seatbelts should be fastened 89 GPS course: Abbr. 90 Get off one’s chest? 91 End of the NATO phonetic alphabet 92 Iroquois foe in the Beaver Wars 94 Nuts 97 Actor Stanley’s dinner reservation? 102 Filmmaker Nicolas 103 Loads 105 “___ got an idea!” 106 Advance 107 Film reviewed by Jughead’s friend? 113 Audubon’s “The Birds of America,” e.g. 114 Arm that’s swung 115 Parts of a party line 116 Feel like 117 Dr.’s relatives 118 “Less Than Zero” author 119 Alarm clock button 120 ___ Fields

DOWN 1 Rice ___ 2 Do away with 3 Fine coat material 4 Off-color 5 Like Super Bowl crowds 6 “Pardon me,” in Parma 7 Like 3-Down 8 Target of some passes 9 Wallace of “E.T.” 10 Burglary, in police-speak 11 Verdi’s “Ernani! Ernani, involami,” e.g. 12 Flute section 13 D.C. summer setting 14 Declares, informally

15 Rider of the war horse Babieca 16 Celebrated Bombay-born conductor 17 It’s a lock 19 Seasonal cookie eater 22 Italian town with Giotto frescoes 25 Roast locale 31 Drink since 1948 32 Trail to follow 33 Stop on a wine tour? 34 Have over 35 Italian wine hub 36 It disappears in the morning 39 Speed 40 Hazmat monitor 41 Bit of fallout 43 Shakespeare character with a magic aphrodisiac 44 Vanilla 45 ___ asada 46 Whitman’s dooryard flower 47 Loser to Pierce in 1852 48 Comic Mandel 50 Holding one’s breath, for hiccups 52 Mimic’s business 54 Emergency key 56 Home of Merlin, in Arthurian legend 58 Decorator’s creation 59 Did away with 61 Tuxedo accouterments 62 Chinese dynasty preceding the Three Kingdoms 63 Go at 64 Game on the line? 65 Pack member 66 Fast pitch 67 Moonshine 68 Sound investment? 69 Workers in booths, maybe

98 Police, in slang 99 Ex-Disney chief Michael 100 Witherspoon of “Mud” 101 Agenda makeup 103 Kazakhstan’s ___ Sea 104 Meter site 108 Basse-Terre, par exemple 109 Unagi, in a sushi bar 110 Sot’s woe 111 W.C. sign 112 One half of an iconic 1981 Rolling Stone cover

73 Many moons 74 Pack carrier 75 Independent sort 76 Classical work accompanied by a musical instrument 77 One jumping on the bandwagon, say 78 Suffix with orange 80 Citation abbr. 81 Bump, as one’s toe 82 Place for a potted plant 85 Not loose 86 Boston Garden legend 88 “Having fun ___?” 91 Billy of “Titanic” 93 Displays disuse 94 Kaffiyeh wearers 95 Film title character who likes to high-five 96 Shakers and others 97 Lugs L A S T P S I S R E D F A C E D







Go to and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.

W E E K ’ S T R O C H E





















middle name to “McLovin”. Thus, the proposed name change of the minor child is from “NATHAN ALEXANDER TUBACH” to “OLIVER MCLOVIN TUBACH”. Petitioners seek a name change for their son for the purposes set forth herein. Petitioners do not seek a name change to avoid creditors. Neither Petitioners nor the minor child subject to this action request a change of name with the intent or purpose of avoiding registration as a convicted sexual offender pursuant to chapter 83, title 18, Idaho Code. Neither Petitioners nor the minor child subject to this action are required to register as a convicted sexual offender(s) pursuant to the law of Idaho or any other jurisdiction. Such Petition will be heard on the 26th day of Aug, 2014 at 1:30 pm or at such other time as the court may appoint: any objections may be filed by any person who can, in such objections, show to the court a good reason against such a change of name. WITNESS my hand and seal of said District Court this 18 day of July, 2014. CHRISTOPHER D. RICH JAMIE MARTIN Clerk of the Court Pub. July 23, 30, August 6 & 13, 2014. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: Brittany Mary Ramos Case No. CV NC 1413810 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of Brittany Mary Ramos, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho.


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The name will change to Zara Zirena Zsa. The reason for the change in name is: because domestic violence. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on (date) SEP 18, 2014 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date JUL 18 2014 CHRISTOPHER D. RICH CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: SANTIAGE BARRIOS DEPUTY CLERK PUB AUG 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2014.

TRANSPORTATION BW 4 WHEELS CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.

PEN PALS BW PEN PALS Hello my name is Melinda Salas. I am currently incarcerated at SouthBoise. I am in need of some pen pals. I am 27 years old. I’m a Hispanic. I have pictures if needed. Please write me at Melinda Salas #101644 SBWCC 13200 S Pleasant Valley Rd Kuna, ID 83634.

My name is Jennifer Repass. I am thirty years old. 5 feet one, 126 lbs, dark brown hair & baby blue eyes. I am currently incarcerated at the Pocatello women’s correctional center at 1451 Fore Rd Poc., ID 83205. I’m interested in a pen pal. I’m unable to attach pic so if you want to see a pic of me you can go to my facebook which is under Jennifer Phillips. If you’re looking for a pen pal a friend or whatever , write me…. Hey my name is Kyle. I’m 26 years old. Brown hair and eyes. I’m fun loving, easy going, laid back, spontaneous, funny, caring, outgoing, kind of woman. I love the outdoors, sports, traveling, animals, music movies, family and friends, and much more. I am in search of pen pals. I am willing to write men and women. If you’re interested, take a change and write me. Kylie Kauffman PO Box 724 Orofino, ID 83544. GWM seeking same to pass the lonely nights with some hot talk from a passionate good man with an honest heart and willingness to take a walk on the wild side. You might need to wear gloves to read the hot letters I’ll send. About me, I’m 6’5” 150 lbs of sass, please write Eldon Brobeck IDOC 106389 SICI PO Bo x8509 Boise, ID 83707. Stuck in the pen for another 14 months. Educated, inquisitive, politically active. Open minded seeking pen pal. Michael McCoy #33937 ICC, K-119-B Po Box 70010. Boise, ID 83707 –All AnsweredHi my name is Maria Miranda, I’m Hispanic in my early 30’s, 5’5” an looking for a pen pal. I’m in Gem county at the moment. Maria Miranda 410 E 1st Emmett, ID 83617.


SWF 5’6, full lips deep brown eyes , long hair, athletic, funny, loves outdoors & changing my life. ISO a good pen pal, equally funny, interested in “adventures”. Kelly Diamond #72423 PWCC 1451 Fore Rd Pocatello, ID 83204. I am looking for someone to be able to write back and forth with. I have brown hair, brown eyes, I’m 5’6, 26 years old. A few of my interest are sports, music, outdoors, family, friends, movies, and many more. I am willing to write anyone, men or women. So if I sound like someone you would like to get to know, then you should write me and lets see what happens. Kylie Kauffman 717 Bank st. Wallace, ID 83873. IF anyone out there needs to vent, or just want to meet a new friend, I’m here for you. Perhaps in the free world you’re feeling locked up, or even trapped in your life. It gets lonely and frustrating in here, and I can only imagine what you have to deal with out there. If you have anything to say at all, please write to me at: Tracey P Howard #28718 SICI MCU C-27 PO Box 8509 Boise, ID 83707. I invite anyone to write. Thank you. To Those Who Dream. For what it’s worth we’ll start this thing with a smile, especially you. And no matter how cheesy that may sound I will have at least given you that so far. Well, my name is Brian and though I’ve been in prison the last four years my energy and personality have dimin-


ished little. That said I’m totally worth getting to know. So even if I wasn’t as well off as I am, $, I would still love life and be passionate about just as much. Family, Traveling, writing and my work with trouble youth are just a few of the things that drive me. Now there are no strings attached here, I don’t expect favors, promises, money or a relationship. My profile is on…. Again I’m worth it. Later Brian Stirratt #102528 IDOC-A Pod 202 PO Box 70010 Boise, ID 83707 I’m 50ish, red head, blue eyes male or female pen pal, wanted. Please write to Sherry Scott 104279 1451 Fore Road Pocatello, ID 83204. My name is Jessica Morris. I’m 23 years old and currently incarcerated here in Pocatello, but I’m form the Boise area. I’m looking to hear from anyone male/ female who is interested in getting to know more about me and build a friendship maybe more that will hopefully continue out there. I love music and dancing. I have long blonde hair and hazel eyes. Athletic built (I love working out) I’m 5’7 and covered in sexy tattoos! If you’re interested or would like to know more write me at: Jessica Morris #96619 c/o PWCC 1451 Fore rd Pocatello, ID 83204 can’t wait to hear from you! I’m 5’3 white, and 43 yrs old. I’m a Scorpio. Love to fish, camp, ride motorcycles, and ride horses. I’m very active and love to try new things… would love someone to write me and to make a new friend. I’m incarcerated until 2017. Leah McCormack 15 N 2nd E. Rexburg, ID 83440.

ADULT BW ADULT MEET SEXY SINGLES Send Messages FREE! Straight 208-345-8855. Gay/Bi 208-4722200. Use FREE Code 3187, 18+.

BW FOR SALE KILL BED BUGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program/ Kit. (Harris Mattress Covers Add Extra Protection). Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: VIAGRA 100MG, 40 pills+/4 free, Only $99.00. Save Big Now, Discreet Shipping. Call 1-800-3742619 Today!

BW CHAT LINES MEET SEXY SINGLES Browse & Reply FREE! 208-3458855. Use FREE Code 3188, 18+. WHERE HOT GUYS MEET Browse Ads & Reply FREE! 208472-2200. Use FREE Code 2619, 18+.




BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 37





ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’t just be smart and articulate, Aries. Dare to be wildly wise and prone to unruly observations. Don’t merely be kind and wellbehaved. Explore the mysteries of healing through benevolent mischief. Don’t buy into the alltoo-serious trances. Break up the monotony with your unpredictable play and funny curiosity. Don’t simply go along with the stories everyone seems to believe in as if they were the Truth and the Way. Question every assumption; rebel against every foregone conclusion; propose amusing plot twists that send the narratives off on interesting tangents. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Breve orazione penetra is an old Italian idiom. Its literal translation is “short prayers pierce.” You can extrapolate from that to come up with the meaning that “God listens best to brief prayers.” In the coming week, I invite you to apply this idea whenever you ask for anything, whether you are seeking the favors of the Divine Wow or the help of human beings. Know exactly what you want, and express it succinctly.



GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Every February, you go through a phase when it’s easier to see the big picture of your life. If you take advantage of this invitation, your experience is like being on a mountaintop and gazing into the vastness. Every August, on the other hand, you are more likely to see the details you have been missing. Transformations that have been too subtle to notice may become visible to you. If you capitalize on this opportunity, the experience is like peering through a microscope. Here’s a third variation, Gemini: Around the full moons of both February and August, you may be able to both peer into the microscope and simulate the view from a mountaintop. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You wouldn’t sip dirty water from a golden chalice. Am I right? Nor would you swig delicious poison from a fine crystal wine glass. I’m sure you will agree that you’d much rather drink a magical elixir from a paper cup, or a rejuvenating tonic from a chipped coffee mug, or tasty medicine out of a kids’ plastic soup bowl you bought at the thrift store. Don’t you dare lie to yourself about what’s best for you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Every 12 years, the planet Jupiter spends about a year cruising through the sign of Leo. It’s there with you now, and will be with you through early August 2015. What can you expect? EXPANSION! That’s great, right? Yes and no. You might love to have some parts of your life expand; others, not so much. So I suggest you write down your

38 | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S

intentions. Say something like this: “I want Jupiter to help me expand my faith in myself, my power to do what I love, and my ability to draw on the resources and allies I need. Meanwhile, I will prune my desires for things I don’t really need and cut back on my involvement with things that don’t inspire me. I don’t want those to expand.” VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): TV comedian Stephen Colbert confesses that his safeword is “pumpkin patch.” Does that mean he participates in BDSM rituals? Is it the code word he utters when he doesn’t want the intensity to rise any further, when he doesn’t want his next boundary crossed? I don’t know. Perhaps he’s simply speaking metaphorically. Whether or not you engage in literal BDSM, Virgo, there’s an aspect of your life right now that has metaphorical resemblances to it. And I suggest that you do the equivalent of using your safeword very soon. Nothing more can be gained from remaining embroiled in your predicament. Even if the ordeal has been interesting or educational up until now, it won’t be for much longer. Escape your bondage. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): If you’re planning to hurl a thunderbolt, make sure you are all warmed up and at full strength before you actually unleash it. It would be sad if you flung a halfassed thunderbolt that looked like a few fireflies and sounded like a cooing dove. And please don’t interpret my wise-guy tone here as a sign that I’m just kidding around. No, Libra. This is serious stuff. Life is offering you opportunities to make a major impression, and I want you to be as big and forceful and wild as you need to be. Don’t tamp down your energy out of fear of hurting people’s feelings. Access your inner sky god or sky goddess, and have too much fun expressing your raw power. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In your dreams you may travel to Stockholm, Sweden, to accept the Nobel Prize or to Hollywood to pick up your Oscar. There’s a decent chance that in your sleepy-time adventures you will finally score with the hot babe who rejected you back in high school, or return to the scene of your biggest mistake and do things right this time. I wouldn’t be surprised if in one dream you find yourself riding in a gold chariot during a parade held in your honor. I’m afraid, however, that you will have to settle for less hoopla and glamour in your waking life. You will merely be doing a fantastic job at tasks you usually perform competently. You will be well-appreciated, welltreated and well-rewarded. That’s not so bad, right?

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Lake Superior State University issues a “Unicorn Questing Privilege” to those people who are interested in hunting for unicorns. Are you one of them? I wouldn’t be surprised if you felt an urge like that in the coming weeks. Unusual yearnings will be welling up in you. Exotic fantasies may replace your habitual daydreams. Certain possibilities you have considered to be unthinkable or unattainable may begin to seem feasible. Questions you have been too timid to ask could become crucial for you to entertain. (You can get your Unicorn Questing License here: CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Your ethical code may soon be tested. What will you do if you see a chance to get away with a minor sin or petty crime that no one will ever find out about? What if you are tempted to lie or cheat or deceive in ways that advance your good intentions and only hurt other people a little bit or not at all? I’m not here to tell you what to do, but rather to suggest that you be honest with yourself about what’s really at stake. Even if you escape punishment for a lapse, you might nevertheless inflict a wound on your integrity that would taint your relationship with your own creativity. Contemplate the pleasures of purity and righteousness, and use them to enhance your power. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “The thorn arms the roses,” says an old Latin motto. The astrological omens suggest you’ll be wise to muse on that advice in the coming weeks. How should you interpret it? I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions, of course, but here are a few hints. It may be that beauty needs protection, or at least buffering. It’s possible that you can’t simply depend on your sincerity and good intentions, but also need to infuse some ferocity into your efforts. In order for soft, fragile, lovely things to do what they do best, they may require the assistance of tough, strong, hearty allies. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): If you go to an American doctor to be treated for an ailment, odds are that he or she will interrupt you no more than 14 seconds into your description of what’s wrong. But you must not tolerate this kind of disrespect in the coming days, Pisces—not from doctors, not from anyone. You simply must request or, if necessary, demand the receptivity you deserve. If and when it’s given, I urge you to speak your truth in its entirety. Express what has been hidden and suppressed. And this is very important: Take responsibility for your own role in any problems you discuss.




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BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | AUGUST 6–12, 2014 | 39

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