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N Ig H T lI F e
AnnuAl MAnuAl: The Sequel
s H Op
r eC r eAT I ON
100 C r I T ICA l K N OW l ed g e
In 2010, Boise Weekly unleashed a new publication upon the world—something the staff had poured its collective heart into and something that took on a life of its own. While we hoped for the best when publishing the first Annual Manual, we had no idea how well it would be received, by both locals and visitors. Though we were thrilled by the praise heaped upon our little creation, one big, ugly and extraordinarily daunting realization dropped on us like an 18-wheeler filled with lead, being driven by sumo wrestlers: How the hell were we going ever going to top the first edition? After months of panicked brainstorming interspersed with moments of brilliance, desperation and a few slap-happy laughing/crying fits, we’ve managed to create a sequel that we think not only matches its predecessor but is more refined and one that we’re proud to slap with the name Annual Manual. Once again we’ve aimed to create the go-to guide for residents and visitors alike—something that highlights the best of Boise and the Treasure Valley. This year we’ve expanded our boundaries a bit to include many of the areas valley residents treasure as quick escapes from daily life. In these pages readers will find everything from dining picks to how Boise’s cultural landscape is changing to where to recreate, shop and otherwise enjoy life in the Treasure Valley. As this edition of Annual Manual came together—though there may have been some kicking and screaming involved—we came to a renewed appreciation for our home, a place where we can ride our mountain bikes over Foothills trails before work, fish in the middle of town on a lunch break and then take in a play, concert or lecture in the evening. Turns out, this ain’t a bad place to live. Of course, with limited space, we could only include so much. We had to be very selective about what we chose to include in Annual Manual, and what you see here is what we feel are the true standouts of the valley. Undoubtedly we missed some, but that’s one of the great things about Boise: There’s always something to discover—or rediscover. There’s just one problem with this second edition: What are we going to do next year? —Deanna Darr
puBlisher: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Office Manager: Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Editorial editor: Rachael Daigle Rachael@boiseweekly.com Managing editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com listings: Heather Lile calendar@boiseweekly.com proofreaders: Amy Atkins, Jay Vail, Sheree Whiteley interns: Lizzy Duffy, David McNeill, Brady Moore, Shelby Soule, Trevor Villagrana
Contributing Writers: Eric Austin, Rachael Daigle, Deanna Darr, Josh Gross, Guy Hand, Tara Morgan, Jeremiah Robert Wierenga, Sheree Whiteley CrEativE Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designers: Adam Rosenlund Adam@boiseweekly.com Jen Grable Jen@boiseweekly.com Contributing photographers: Michael Edminster, Glenn Landberg, Thomas Lee, Laurie Pearman, David Seelig, Patrick Sweeney
Contributing illustrators: Erin Cunningham, Julia Green advErtising Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Lisa@boiseweekly.com Account executives: Sabra Brue Sabra@boiseweekly.com Jessi Strong Jessi@boiseweekly.com Doug Taylor Doug@boiseweekly.com Nick Thompson Nick@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel Jill@boiseweekly.com
CirCulation Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com
Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation.
The entire contents and design of Annual Manual are ©2011 by Bar Bar, Inc.
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Bar Bar Inc. prints 50,000 copies of Annual Manual, which is available free of charge inside the July 27, 2011 edition of Boise Weekly at more than 1,000 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of this edition of Annual Address editorial, Manual may be purchased for business and production $3, payable in advance. No correspondence to: person may take more than one Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, copy, without permission from Boise, ID 83701 the publisher.
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Laurie Pearman
Alive AFTer Five
Boise may not be the geographic center of life around the hustle and bustle of business saturdays (capitalcitypublicmarket.com) is the Treasure Valley but it certainly is the and government. the ultimate social scene throughout the center of attention. It’s the hub of the area’s The downtown area is also the cultural summer for those in search of some fresh art and cultural worlds, the valley’s economic heart of the city, home to many of its museveggies and catching up with friends. force and the state’s political centerpiece. ums—including boise Art museum (boiseartThe Cultural district houses some of the From the Foothills to the Boise museum.org) and idaho state state’s leading arts organizations, including River to the sagebrush and canHistorical museum (history. boise Philharmonic (boisephilharmonic.org), yons, Boise appeals to rec-mindidaho.gov), both of which are in opera idaho (operaidaho.org), ballet idaho PoPulATion: Boise 205,671 ed residents who can find just Julia davis Park. The park is also (balletidaho.org), Trey mcintyre Project Garden City 10,972 about any outdoor activity within home to family favorites Zoo (treymcintyre.com) and boise contempoa short distance of home. boise (zooboise.org) and the Dis- rary Theater (bctheater.org). From the historic Victorians covery center of Just over the river is boise state and Craftsman bungalows beidaho (scidaho.org). (boisestate.edu), with numerous arts FAcT: The neath the towering trees of the North End to on Wednesday evenings in organizations and performance football coach at san diego state the family-friendly neighborhoods filled with the summer, the community spaces. From football games to called Boise parks and soccer fields of West Boise, the gathers on the Grove in the farmers markets to free concerts state’s blue turf “unfair.” city is comprised of unique niches where a center of downtown for Alive to numerous festivals, downtown is the variety of people find a place to call home. After Five (downtownboise. place to be in Boise. downtown Boise has been the center org) for free outdoor concerts, The historic boise Depot (2603 W. of everything for nearly 150 years. which are sometimes about the Eastover Terrace) marks the beginning of the From the centerpiece parks Julia see-and-be-seen atmosphere Bench, where a mix of mid-century and modFAcT: during Davis and Ann morrison (cityofboise. (and playing in the fountain) as ern homes stand alongside an increasingly the Capitol resorg/departments/parks) lining the much as they are about the mudiverse collection of businesses—especially toration roughly Boise River, which flows through the sic. First Thursday gallery walks ethnic markets. $19,000 was spent to restore middle of town, to the dome of (downtownboise.org) also draw The North End lies at the base of the three historic the renovated state capitol out the masses, who wander Foothills, and it’s a cultural experience all its flags. (capitolcommission.idaho.gov), between galleries in a celebraown. some of the city’s oldest homes line downtown brims with energy. Boution of art and music. the narrow, tree-lined streets. Historic Hyde tiques and restaurants create a vibrant social The capital city Public market on Park and the ever-popular camels back 8 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
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les bois PArk
Park (cityofboise.org/departments/parks) with an array of national and local retailers, that is home to visual Arts collective (3638 are always crowded with people. The area is where many head for shopping excursions. Osage St.) and woman of steel Gallery is the gateway to the ridge to rivers Trail south Boise is a mix of some of the city’s (3640 W. Chinden Blvd.) and even boasts system (ridgetoriver.cityofboise.org) that most industrial areas, as well as sprawling access to Boise’s soon-to-be-completed ray zigzags the Foothills and is one of the most housing developments where the city meets neef mD river recreation Park (boiserivpopular amenities in the city. the high desert. It’s also home to the world erpark.com). Garden City is also linked to The Boise River flows through the core center for birds of Prey (peregrinefund. the rest of Boise’s Greenbelt pathway via a of the city, and along its banks, the boise org), where visitors can see hawks, falcons, pedestrian bridge at 36th street. Even winerGreenbelt (cityofboise.org/departments/ eagles and other raptors up close in the ies like cinder (cinderwines.com) and syringa parks) is filled with bikers, walkers and jogsanctuary along the snake River. winery (syringawinery.com) and the new gers year round. Not to be forgotten, Garden City is the Payette brewing company (payettebrewing. The east end of town is a mix of old part of Boise that’s not actucom) have hung their signs in Garden City. and new, where the historic mansions ally Boise. It’s While the gambling parlors are long FAcT: The old of Warm springs avenue and the surrounded on gone, residents can still try their luck FAcT: Garden Idaho Pen feaCity allowed tures an exhibit old idaho Penitentiary (history. all sides by its thanks to the recent reopening of legalized on the history of idaho.gov) are only a few miles larger neighbor, les bois Park (5610 Glenwood gambling until prison tattoos. the late 1940s. from housing developments perched but Garden City St.), which offers both live and along the Boise River and lucky Peak has claimed some simulcast racing. reservoir. It’s also the place where Boise prime real estate along the More family-friendly action is found River rafters launch from barber Park Boise River. at the western idaho Fair (idahofair.com), (cityofboise.org/departments/parks) and The city-within-the-city is an eclectic which fills Expo Idaho each august with rides, where theater lovers settle in for an evening mix of used car and RV dealers next livestock competitions and entertainof art under the stars at idaho shakespeare to a dizzying assortment of stores, ment. sports fans can get close to the Festival (idahoshakespeare.org). contractors and housing that runs boys of summer by taking in a boise West Boise was once a collection of scatthe spectrum from trailer park to Hawks game at Hawks memorial statered farms but the area has transformed mansion. dium (5600 N. Glenwood St.). into a sea of housing punctuated by parks, In the last decade, the area has Though it certainly stands out on viDeo: community centers and shopping. boise been evolving from its seedy roots its own, Garden City is undoubtedly Ada County at warp speed. Towne square mall (boisetownesquare.com), and now includes an arts district an integral part of Boise. www.boi s ew e e kly.co m
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LauriE PEarman
wooDRiveR cellaRs
Boise isn’t the only city in the Treasure Valley (landofrock.com) or woodriver partake of that particularly intimate of Westthat can claim some of the most sought-after cellars winery (woodriverern cuisine: Rocky Mountain oysters. real estate around. West of the capital city, cellars.com), or gallery strolls star has its fair share of expensive Fact: Eagle is wedged between the Foothills and through downtown, especially homes lining the Boise River, but on the Idaho Gov. C.l. the Boise River, while star’s easy access to during First Friday, when downwhole, the hamlet has maintained “Butch” otter chose to live the river makes the two communities increastown galleries and businesses its rural personality. It’s still a in his home ingly popular options for area residents. keep their doors open late. place where there’s no confusion about in star rather Not long ago, Eagle was a sleepy farming The outdoors are also a part which road is main street and grabbing than the official governor’s mancommunity, but the city has transformed of the community, a drink after work means selecting besion, the former itself into a land of McMansions, art with walks along tween two bars. Fact: In hilltop home of 2009 Eagle’s galleries, boutiques and restaurants. the Greenbelt, still changes have come all the same. J.R. simplot. median income Gone are the feed stores and swimming at eagle The newer of those two bars, sully’s was $82,983. the expansive farms, replaced by island state Park (11123 State St.), is an Irish-style pub that The statewide median was antique stores and multiple wineries. (parksandrecreation.idaho.gov) boasts a massive patio. Those who prefer $44,926. The vaulted ceilings of a historic or more hard-core a glass of vino can spend some church now look down on those who sing adventures along quality tasting time at Helina the praises of caffeine. A latte at Remthe mountain bikmarie’s (11053 State St.). PoPulation: brandt’s coffee House (93 S. Eagle Road) is ing trails or the new BMX track over the last few years, the Eagle 19,908 a ritual for some, while others make weekly at the eagle bike Park (eaglecity has worked to improve its Star 5,793 summer pilgrimages to the eagle saturday bikepark.org). riverside pathway. The star River market (Heritage Park, 185 E. State St.) for Tradition has managed to hold walk (staridaho.org) might not be fresh produce, home-baked goods and crafts. on at eagle Fun Days (eaglechampaved but that makes it easier to Eagle is big on upscale entertainment, be it ber.org), the annual community festival that ride a horse on. Keep an eye out—you might outdoor concerts at the eagle River Pavilion includes a parade, rodeo and the chance to find the governor riding the other way. 10 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
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fat tire amber ale is brewed by new belgium brewing fort collins co
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MerIdIAn And KunA
Laurie PearMan
meRiDian baRk PaRk
FacT: The landmark yellow
once upon a time, Meridian and during the summer months, in the valley to take high tea. miss Tami’s Meridian water Kuna were lands far, far away. Meridian hosts a weekly family cottage (1031 N. Main St.) serves biscuits tower holds 500,000 gallons A few decades ago, there was movie night at settlers Park and tea, as well as lunch. of water. a definitive space between Boise and and two farmers markets. Although Kuna has also grown in recent Meridian, and a trip between the two once a year, years, it has kept its sleepy little town was an epic journey through unending Meridian gets feel. Kuna still has its fair share of agFacT: The origin acres of farm land. back to its roots as a dairy riculture but more people are building of Kuna’s name despite being an increasingly popular town with the annual Dairy their lives south of Boise. is under dispute. The Kuna address for those who don’t mind the daily Days celebration (dairydays. Kuna’s indian creek winery Chamber of commute to Boise, Kuna still has much of org ) in June. And in the hot(indiancreekwinery.com) is a favorite Commerce says that physical space buffering it from other test months, Meridian is a stop for wine lovers—especially when it means “the end of the trail,” communities in the Treasure Valley. destination for every sweaty part of a larger wine tour through Canbut according These days, however, the borders between body in the valley looking for yon County. If you’re into biking, you to Charles s. Walgamott, Meridian and Boise have all but disappeared. wild waterslide rides at Roarcan take a few laps around the indian who wrote development over the last decade has forced ing springs (400 W. Overland creek bmX Track (south end of Avenue about traveling the cities to grow, amoeba like, into a mass Road). When the weather cools E) or get your mountain bike and head through southern Idaho in the of humanity, and meandering muoff, the meridian to the swan Falls Petroglyph Tour, an 19th century, it nicipal boundaries now make it a symphony orcheseasy 12-mile out-and-back ride with means “green challenge to determine what town tra (meridiansympetroglyphs and great scenery. leaf, good to PoPulaTion: smoke.” Meridian 75,092 you’re in without a “Welcome to” phony.org) kicks once you’ve worked up an appetite, Kuna 15,210 sign to help out. into full swing. check out some of the valley’s best In the last decade, Meridian’s Before the Mexican food at el Gallo Giro (482 W. population has more than dousymphony, stop into epi’s (115 Main St.), and when it’s time for adult beverbled, and the city is working to redefine itself N. Main St.), one of the few places to get ages, we recommend a pub crawl through as a family-friendly community, while attractBasque food outside of Boise’s Basque downtown. don’t forget to designate a driver ing businesses, as well as tract housing. block. Meridian is also one of the only places because it’s a bit of a haul back to Boise. 12 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
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NAmpA ANd CAldWell
Laurie PearmaN
yesTeRyeaR shoPPe
Nampa and Caldwell, once very geographical- core, though. The historic area is home to the popular outdoor trail around the Nampa ly distinct entities from one another, still have some of the most creative and fun indepenRec center (131 Constitution Way) for runvery different personalities but have grown dent stores in the area, including ners, rollerbladers and dog walktogether. Nampa, especially, has boomed in popular used bookstore yesterers, and the indian creek Trail PoPulaTioN: population in recent years. year shoppe (1211 First St. S.), bou(nampaparksandrecreation.org). Nampa 81,557 With a population of less than 1,000 tiques like The white Water lovers should check out Caldwell 46,237 at the turn of the 20th century, more Pine (1306 Second St. lake lowell south of Nampa and FacT: The than 80,000 people now call Nampa S.), as well as Flying Caldwell, star gazers should head planetarium at College of Idaho home. Although a number of m coffeegarage (1314 toward the College of Idaho’s can be reserved those people commute daily Second St. S.), a Nampa version of planetarium in Caldwell, and wannabe cowby the public. to Boise, neither Nampa nor Caldwell one of Boise’s most popular stops boys have both the caldwell Night Rodeo could correctly be labeled a bedroom for a cup of joe that also hosts (caldwellnightrodeo.com) and the snake River community to the capital city. In fact, regular concerts. Nampa also has stampede (snakeriverstampede.com) to look once upon a time, many of the area’s railroads a robust restaurant scene, with fondue resforward to. converged in Nampa, bypassing Boise, and taurant mona lisa (102 11th Ave. N.), locally foWhile Caldwell has seen far less developNampa was home to an indoor shopping mall cused brick 29 (320 11th Ave. S., Ste. 100), and ment than its Canyon County neighbor in the long before Ada County. French bistro la belle Vie (220 14th Ave.)—all last few decades, it has long been home to Today both cities walk a line between rural great date-night destinations for foodies. college of idaho (collegeofidaho.edu), one and urban, with a mix of industry, retail and one of the newer additions to the city has of the most respected private universities in agriculture. Nampa, as the more urban of the Boiseans making daily treks westward: colthe state. once home to a large number of two, has been undergoing major changes in lege of western idaho (cwidaChinese immigrants, Caldwell now has a recent years, as numerous national retailers ho.cc). The community college significant hispanic population, makFacT: June have opened second locations in the area to has grown by leaps and bounds ing it among the best places to is Idaho Wine month. give Canyon County shoppers easier access in just a few short years, offering get lengua tacos or menudo in the to the amenities that Boise residents have area residents another avenue valley. Its more rural location also makes enjoyed for years. to higher education. Caldwell a gateway to idaho’s wine The city hasn’t forgotten its downtown Recreation opportunities in Nampa include country (idahowines.org). 14 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
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osPRey meadows GolF couRse
The Long Valley has always been a place of Idahoans make the sometimes-treacherous it a boom in jobs, construction and even boom or bust. Back in the day, it was the drive to the mccall winter carnival (mccall- housing prices. But when the resort filed for timber industry that determined the fate of chamber.org) for two weekends filled with bankruptcy in 2009, everything came to a the community. Now, it’s tourism. family-friendly events, including giant snow crashing halt. McCall has long been a favorite sculptures and the wild Mardi The tiny town and half-built resort expedestination for those seeking the cool Gras parade. rienced a mass exodus, leaving many strugFacT: McCall’s mountain air and scent of pine But beyond outdoor advengling. But hope returned in 2010, when not last sawmill closed in 1977. trees. With the stunning Payette tures, McCall is also a central only did the resort’s osprey meadows Golf lake as a backdrop, the little picturIdaho art hub, with numerous course open for the season but a group of esque town attracts those looking for a galleries linhomeowners banded together to get the little fishing, waterskiing or overall relaxing in ing its streets, as well as the lifts running for the ski season. FacT: In 1916, the population the summer, while winter means hours spent occasional art and craft show despite the issues with ownerof donnelly was on Nordic trails. (mccallchamber.org). ship, tourists can still enjoy limited 200—about what Ponderosa state Park (parksandrecreIn between McCall and amenities, with plenty of hiking, bikit is now. ation.idaho.gov) is an outdoor haven regarddonnelly, Jug mountain Ranch ing, skiing and water-based pursuits on less of the season—summer hiking trails turn (jugmountainranch.com) is a nearby lake cascade. into lakeside Nordic trails once hidden gem, offering a spectacuWhile donnelly is a tiny town, it still the snow starts piling up. When it lar links-style golf course, a gourmanages to pull out the stops for its annual comes to snow, few Idaho resorts met restaurant and Christmas Huckleberry Festival (donnellychamber.org), PoPulaTion: can hold a candle to brundage time horse-drawn sleigh rides. where that oh-so-prized berry of summer is McCall 2,991 mountain Resort (brundage.com), To the south, donnelly has honored. of course, you can always get your Donnelly 152 which draws skiers from across had a harder time in recent fill of huckleberry goodness when the berries the region in search of some hidyears. The prospect of a new are in season with a stop by Flight of Fancy den lines and deep powder. world-class ski area—Tamarack (282 N. Main St.), where baking with the berWhen temperatures are at their coldest, Resort (tamarackidaho.com)—brought with ries has been made into an art form. 16 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
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LauRie PeaRman
silveR cReek Plunge
Few places exemplify the idea of getting away from it all like Garden Valley. Roughly an hour’s drive from Boise, the small mountain communities are favorite escapes for those looking to avoid the heat of summer in the Treasure Valley or as a home base for winter adventures. From Boise, take highway 55, which winds along the main Payette River. hang a right on the Banks-Lowman Road, which follows the south Fork of the Payette River, where whitewater rafters and kayakers come from all over the world to experience the thrill of world-class rapids. Anglers come to the area as well, in search of a tale of the one that didn’t get away. You’ll find Crouch, the commercial center of Garden Valley, about one mile off the BanksLowman Road. Crouch is known for 18 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
its outrageous Fourth of July party, in part keep an eye out for wildlife. because it’s a popular destination for city If you’re spending some time in Crouch, slickers who own or rent cabins take in a show at the outdoor as quick weekend getaways. starlight mountain Theatre Floating the middle Fork of the (starlightmountaintheatre.com) PoPulaTion: Payette is a popular summer and then bounce between the Roughly 1,100 for the entire area. pastime, as is a trip up to the town’s two bars: the Dirty shame natural hot springs pool silver saloon (843 Middlefork Road) and creek Plunge (silvercreekthe longhorn (1049 Old Crouch plunge.com). Trails Road). wild bill’s coffee and biscrisscrossing the valley provide tro (592 Middlefork Road) is your coffee stop FacT: Crouch outdoor options for hikers and come morning. was named bikers in the summer and in the Regardless of the season, the Garden after miner Billy winter, snowmobile routes are Valley area has a host of natural hot springs Crouch, who homesteaded at as fun as they are essential for pools. some, like the ever popular skinny the confluence getting around. Even the dufDipper Hot springs on the Banks-Lowman of the Middle Fork and the fers among us can take in the Road, are partially developed, while others south Fork of fresh scent of pine at the popuare just as nature created them. We won’t the Payette lar course at Terrace lakes tell you where those are though ... finding River. Resort (terracelakes.com)—just them is half the fun. www.b oiseweek ly.com
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MicHael edMinSter
TRAiling of The sheeP
Few places in Idaho are more well known have made it even easier to get out on the Throughout the summer and fall, live than sun Valley, the home of the rich and trail with a new, interactive Trails map (trails. music can be found nearly everywhere, famous. But sun Valley actually only makes bcrd.org), which allows users to scope out whether it’s the casual Tuesday night summer up a small portion of the larger area usually trails depending on difficulty level, length concerts of ketchum Alive (ketchumidaho. referred to when people talk and location. org) or the more formal sun Valley summer about it. If you’re more about catchsymphony (svsummersymphony.org), which The sun Valley Resort (sunvaling air than racking up the miles, boasts some of the top classical musicians in PoPulATion: ley.com) along with the towns of check out the Pump Tracks (bcrd. the country. The concerts are free, and the Hailey 7,960 Ketchum, hailey and Bellevue org) in both hailey and Ketchum. audience is invited to spread a blanket on Ketchum 2,689 comprise the core of the Wood Golfers have an equal opportu- the lawn. Bellevue 2,287 River Valley, an area that boasts nity to scour the greens of three In between the array of outdoor concerts Sun Valley 1,406 not only a world-class ski hill but public courses, including the new (visitsunvalley.com) is a dizzying schedule some of the most stunning scennine-hole white clouds course of festivals filling nearly every weekend and ery around. (sunvalley.com), which is perched holiday. In the winter, skiing—both Nordic and on top of the hills surrounding the area, ofThe Trailing of the sheep (trailinAlpine—are a given, with world-famous ski fering 360-degree views. Beware: A bad hook gofthesheep.org) in october is a family hill bald mountain (sunvalley.com) looking could cost you a lot of balls. favorite, as shepherds bring their flocks down on the valley, but there’s actually more Those less outdoor-inclined out of the hills on their way to winter fAcT: The 20to do in warmer weather. Among the most go for the vibrant arts scene pastures, filling the town with woolly visimule team used popular of activities is bicycling, whether it’s that includes numerous galleries tors. wagon Days (wagondays.com) over to pull the ore wagons in the the paved sun Valley bike Path (visitsunvaland art walks, as well as classes Labor day weekend is a massive annual Wagon ley.com) or along the multitude of single and talks sponsored by the imcelebration of the area’s mining days Parade is track trails crisscrossing the hills. The folks pressive sun Valley center for history and includes a parade, antique called a jerkline. at the Blaine County Recreation department the Arts (sunvalleycenter.org). show and classic car auction. 20 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
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Peaceful Belly farm
GrowinG community
CSAs gain popularity as a way to get back to basics Guy Hand | PHotoGraPH by Laurie Pearman Farmer Josie Erskine cut a seriously asymmetrical profile as she stood in her freshly plowed field, nine-months pregnant. Around her a small army of volunteers worked to get thousands of onion starts in the ground before the next spring storm rolled in. Some carried bright green flats of onions while others crawled along the ground on hands and knees, planting those delicate starts one by one. With a baby due and blustery spring weather giving her and husband Clay only a brief window to get crops planted, the owners of Peaceful Belly Farm asked for help and got it. “It’s always kind of surprising the response you get, how many people want to be part of where their food comes from,” Erskine said with a smile as she took a brief break from her own planting. “A lot of the CSA members know how hard it is to grow vegetables. They appreciate it and want to help.” Community Supported Agriculture is often defined by the financial help it gives small-scale farmers. It’s an arrangement in which CSA members pay in advance for a season’s worth of food, thus giving the farmer access to money for seed, labor and equipment during the cash-lean planting season. “It really makes it so we don’t have to deal with financing from a bank,” Erskine said. “It’s really hard to get financing.” And without a CSA program, she said, Peaceful Belly and many other small farms in the Treasure Valley would likely go out of business. In exchange for providing farmers a stable financial foundation by purchasing a severalhundred-dollar up-front “share” in a CSA, members get a weekly and ever-changing assortment of fresh, local food through the growing season. Yet this group of dirt-caked, onion-planting volunteers gave the phrase “community supported agriculture” much deeper meaning than the mere exchange of cash for crops might suggest. “When they sent out an email message to come out and help,” five-year Peaceful Belly CSA member Ann Heringer said, “I was like, absolutely! Whatever I can do to ease their load as they prepare for a new baby.” Several helpers said a CSA membership has given them greater empathy for farmers and ranchers and a deeper understanding of what it actually takes to get crops to market. It also exposes them to new foods. “You’re constantly learning,” planting volunteer Anna Almerico said of the varieties of produce that end up in a CSA member’s basket each week. “You always get a new product that you may not have picked up on the shelf at a grocery. I’ve learned a ton about the different berries and herbs and things.” To help with the ins and outs of unfamiliar food, many CSAs provide newsletters, cooking tips and classes that can further expand a participant’s knowledge of the chervil, currants and turnip greens that show up in their CSA baskets. Mary Rohlfing of Morning owl Farm in Boise said her CSA members often tell her they’re not only gaining food knowledge but also becoming active participants in the food system. “What I love about CSAs is exactly that; it’s not just that your foisting some unusual vegetable on people that they then have to go to their cookbooks and figure out how to use. They become part of the food system. They become a vital part of it because they’re helping recreate it by their very participation,” Rohlfing said. Back at Peaceful Belly Farm, volunteers finished planting more than 8,000 onion starts in long, reasonably straight rows and cleaned up to head home. Ann Heringer, who loves the camaraderie and education that comes with being a CSA member, said there’s one more, down-toearth reason to join. “I think it’s a bargain,” she said. “If you add up the amount of food you get throughout the summer vs. buying that same food at a store, I think the value is incredible. That’s the primary reason I subscribe.”
Fo o d
Addie’s gloBAl gArdens
Boise Downtown
where to Find A csA
More and more community supported gardens are springing up around the Treasure Valley. Here are some of the programs available in the area. cABAlo’s orchArd And gArdens, kunA 208-922-3301 cabalosorchard.com Fresh produce and fruits.
city gArdens, gArden city 208-713-1675 localharvest.org/csa/M26326 Fresh produce.
eArthly delights FArM, Boise earthlydelightsfarm.com Vegetables, herbs and fruit. Bike delivery available.
gloBAl gArdens, Boise 208-336-4222 idahorefugees.org/home/global_gardens Fresh produce grown by refugees in Boise.
hidden springs coMMunity FArM inc., Boise 208-229-3434 hiddenspringscommunityfarm.com Fresh produce.
hoMetown hArvest, Boise 208-629-5853 Fresh produce.
the Jenkin’s clAn, nAMpA producebythejenkinsclan.com Fresh produce.
Morning owl FArM, Boise 208-850-6798 morningowlfarm.com Produce, fruit, free-range chicken, grass-fed beef, pork and turkey, wholewheat flour, eggs and more.
pleAsAnt view FArMs, eAgle 208-841-8127 pleasantviewfarms.info Produce, fruit, raw milk and meat.
spyglAss gArdens, MeridiAn 208-888-3532 spyglassgardens.com Fresh produce and honey.
urBAn green hArvest, Boise 208-890-1459 urbangreenharvest.com Produce, grass-fed beef and free-range chicken.
208-466-6928 vogelfarmscountrymarket.com Grass-fed beef, pork, chicken and turkey, produce, bedding plants and more.
208-629-9099 Natural and organic vegetables, herbs and fruit.
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909 Main St., 208-342-4900, angellsbarandgrill.com Angell’s is known for its steaks and seafood. Dress it up or go casual, you’ll find a place there either way.
1002 W. Main St., 208-323-1469, asiagos.com Innovative Italian pastas, salads, sandwiches, soups and seasonal specials served amid rustic Italian countryside decor.
BAcon 915 Idaho St., 208-387-3553, baconboise.com Casual breakfast and lunch for downtown diners.
BAguette deli 276 N. Eighth St., 208-389-2888, baguettedeli.net Vietnamese sub sandwiches, spring rolls, smoothies and French pastries.
BAr gernikA
vogel FArMs, kunA
kArMA FArMs And gArdens, Boise
peAceFul Belly, Boise 208-345-8003 peacefulbelly.com Produce, fruit, and eggs.
510 W. Main St., 208-338-1198 All the traditional breakfast items, as well as a lunch and bottomless coffee.
—Guy Hand
202 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-344-2175, bargernika.com Croquettas, chorizo, paella and some of the most popular Basque food in town.
BArdenAy 610 Grove St., 208-426-0538, bardenay.com The country’s first restaurant distillery, a killer patio and a menu of upscale pub food.
BAsque MArket 608 W. Grove St., 208-433-1208, thebasquemarket.com Get your Basque ingredients at the market and enjoy tapas, cider dinners and Basque brunch.
Berryhill And co. 121 N. Ninth St., 208-387-3553, berryhillandco.com John Berryhill has pieced together a discerning menu at his downtown Boise restaurant. Lunch is cosmopolitan comfort food, while dinner pulls out all the stops.
Bittercreek 246 N. Eighth St., 208-345-1813, bittercreekalehouse.com Northwestern pub with a serious focus on local foods— be it burgers or salads.
BoMBAy grill 928 W. Main St., 208-345-7888, bombaygrillonline.com Northern Indian food in the historic Idanha Hotel. The buffet is a real steal.
Brick oven Bistro 801 N. Main St., 208-342-3456, brickovenbistro.com Meatloaf, mashers, pot pie—homemade comfort food all the way.
the cApri 2520 W. Fairview Ave., 208-342-1442 Quintessential diner food so popular it’s hard to score a seat.
cAsA del sol 409 S. Eighth St., 208-287-3660, mexicanrestaurantboise.com American/Mexican menu featuring $2 authentic streetstyle tacos.
cAzBA restAurAnt And opA lounge 211 N. Eighth St., 208-381-0222 Cazba transports you to the eastern Mediterranean with food from Greece, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey and Iran. Expect grape leaves, rice dishes and seasoned meats.
chAndlers steAkhouse 981 W. Grove St., 208-383-4300, chandlersboise.com Chandlers is for the finediner, with filet mignon and Kobe cuts, as well as oysters, escargot and mussels. It’s as popular a stop for cocktails as it is for dinner.
cottonwood grille 913 W. River St., 208-333-9800, cottonwoodgrille.com An upscale yet unpretentious restaurant specializing in cuisine infused with local ingredients.
donnie MAc’s 1515 W. Grove St., 208-384-9008 Down-home but delicious— from the mac and dogs to the double-wide burgers.
eMilio’s 245 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-333-8002, emiliosboise.com Fine dining in the heart of Boise, with an emphasis on wine and a popular brunch.
FAlcon tAvern 705 W. Bannock St., 208-947-3111, falcontavern.com Known for its hand-pressed burgers and ample beer selection, it also boasts a great patio. www.B oiseweek ly.coM
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Fo o d
sMoky dAvis
Food nostAlgiA
Businesses find success by making it from scratch Deanna Darr | PhotograPhs by Laurie Pearman Not too long ago, stocking the pantry meant visiting the neighborhood butcher for the freshest cuts of meat, the bakery for a favorite variety of bread and maybe a cookie, the green grocer for the season’s harvest, and the deli for those specialty ingredients. As life got faster and time more limited, the giant grocery store emerged to take the place of the artisan food purveyors, offering just about everything in one stop, and many of those specialty shops fell victim to modern times. But the art of preparing food from scratch hasn’t been completely lost in the pre-packaged world of convenience. Some businesses are filling a niche that is part nostalgia and part quality, and in the process they are finding success by being a
little old fashioned. Whether it’s buying a loaf of bread at zeppole Bakery, a decadent treat from the chocolat Bar or rich, locally-made cheese from Ballard Family dairy and cheese, the public is responding to the care put in to scratch-made products. “We have a lot of older folks coming in here, and they like it because this is how food used to taste,” said Andrea Maricich, owner of salt tears coffeehouse and noshery, an eatery that takes from-scratch cooking seriously. Maricich and her staff prepare nearly everything themselves, from bread baked in the wee hours of the morning to in-house roasted meats and homemade preserves. “People are surprised that we do so much from scratch,” she said.
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ingredients. While the results speak “They are intrigued and they watch for themselves, Hoevel said the coneverything we do when they realize cept that there are so many subtly we really do make everything from different cakes is sometimes a new scratch. concept for some customers. “A lot of people don’t want “People are used to the same to dedicate the time to get to things from the grocery that level, but for me, it’s so store,” she said. “There’s little worth it,” Maricich added. difference in those.” “You can taste the difference smoky davis owner Gary in the food.” davis agrees that the extra It’s also a matter of taste time it takes him to hand cut for Pamela Hoevel, owner of video: Behind steaks, make beef jerky or pamela’s Bakery in Eagle. the scenes at Smoky Davis. house-made pepperoni sets “We think that preparing his business apart from the from scratch just tastes so grocery store meat counters. much better,” she said. “In a way, you “It’s just a superior product,” davis almost have more control—you can said. “You have control over what control the flavors and the textures.” goes into it.” Pamela’s Bakery has become In an age when the neighborhood known for its astounding assortment butcher shop is nearly a thing of the of cakes and goodies, each made past, davis takes pride in the fact from scratch and using traditional www.B oiseweek ly.coM
Fo o d the chocolAt BAr
products means there is more labor that he has continued many longcost, and in some cases, even the raw standing traditions, including using ingredients cost more. many of the recipes that his granddavis said there are some prefather developed when the store made products that sell for less than opened in 1953. he can make them but “There’s not too added that he’s never many of the small guys BAllArd FAMily been tempted to stop around anymore,” he dAiry And cheese doing things the oldsaid. 1764 S. 2100 East, fashioned way. Most agree that it’s Gooding, 208-934-4972, ballardcheese.com “It isn’t inexpensive,” not only a matter of the Polfer said of scratchpublic being used to the the chocolAt BAr 805 W. Bannock St., Boise, made products. “People taste of pre-prepared 208-338-7771, who come in here are food but also that most thechocolatbar.com willing to spend the people don’t have the pAMelA’s BAkery, extra money for what time for other options. cAFe, espresso 360 S. Eagle Road, Eagle, they like. You can buy “It’s easy for them,” 208-938-6585, this elsewhere for less, said Carolee Polfer, pamelasbakery.com but they’re willing to pay catering manager at porterhouse MArket the price for things with porterhouse Market 600 S. Rivershore Lane, real ingredients.” in Eagle. “There are Eagle, 208-938-1441, There’s still a touch people willing to comporterhousemarket.com of nostalgia that helps promise taste for quick.” sAlt teArs make scratch-made Porterhouse offers coFFeehouse And noshery foods so appealing. a wide variety of local 4714 W. State St., Boise, “[There’s something] meats, house-made 208-275-0017 that reminds them of salads and desserts, sMoky dAvis what they used to make, much of which is avail3914 W. State St., Boise, or what their mom used able for takeout. Polfer 208-344-1885, smokydavis.com to make,” Polfer said. said making things from Hoevel said clients scratch has always been zeppole BAkery 217 N. Eighth St., Boise, as young as those in a focus, and as the 208-345-2149; their 30s appreciate the market has added more 983 E. Parkcenter Blvd., touch of tradition. homemade products, Boise, 208-338-1499, zeppolebakery.com “Going to bakeries sales have reflected the used to be part of their customers’ approval. childhood and part of While scratch-made their routine,” she said. products are alluring, “I love it when moms pick up their the effort put into them often comes kids from school and come in and at a higher cost than mass-produced have their special time.” options. Making things from raw www.Boi s ew e e kly.co M
boiseweekly | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | 27
Fo o d
Modern BAr
FlAtBreAd coMMunity oven 615 W. Main St., 208-287-4757, flatbreadpizza.com Stone-fired pizza, pasta and sandwiches served up from the community oven. Kids make their own pizzas and the patio is a definite summertime draw.
Fork 199 N. Eighth St., 208-287-1700, boisefork.com Casual with a focus on locally grown, seasonal food. The Bam Sammy and rosemary parmesan-dusted fries are a winning combo.
Front door 105 S. Sixth St., 208-287-9201, thefrontdoorboise.com Domestic-free taps and some of the most popular pizza in town.
goldy’s 108 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-345-4100, goldysbreakfastbistro.com A popular breakfast destination and with good reason: eggs, hash, cinnamon rolls and more. Can’t make it for breakfast? Go for lunch.
hA’ penny 855 Broad St., Ste. 250, 208-343-5568, hapennybridgepub.com A menu with Irish and American favorites, plus live music and patio seating.
hAppy Fish 855 Broad St., 208-343-4810, happyfishsushi.com A wide array of sushi rolls, sashimi and more, including several creative vegetarian options. The martini menu at Happy Fish may be bigger than the sushi menu.
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lA vie en rose
pApA Joe’s
928 W. Main St., 208-331-4045, lavieenrosebakery.com A European-style bakery with fresh-baked croissants, brioches, tarts, eclairs and more. Brunch and lunch, too.
1301 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-3447272, papajoesboise.com Chow on a pizza or indulge in the nightly all-you-can-eat spaghetti fest and wash it down with a cold brew.
le cAFe de pAris
pho nouveAu
204 N. Capitol Blvd., 208-336-0889, lecafedeparis.com Casual French food, pastries and wine. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
780 W. Idaho St., 208-367-1111, phonouveau.com Cha gio with a mound of cellophane noodles, lily blossom salad of young lotus root, shrimp and pork, shaken beef salad and big bowls of pho.
leku onA 117 S. Sixth St., 208-345-6665, iparagon.com/lekuona The city’s biggest Basque restaurant does tapas, kalimotxos, family-style grubbing and, of course, fun.
lock, stock & BArrel 1100 W. Jefferson St., 208-336-4266, lsbboise.com A staple featuring some of Boise’s most well-reputed steaks and prime rib.
MAi thAi 750 W. Idaho St., 208-344-8424, maithaigroup.com Known for its selection of outrageous drinks. The menu is predominately Thai with a heavy Asian fusion influence.
Modern BAr 1314 W. Grove St., 208-424-8244, themodernhotel.com Known as a destination for drinks, the simple yet posh nosh deserves attention.
Moon’s cAFe 712 W. Idaho St., 208-385-0472, moonskitchen.com Get pancakes, biscuits and gravy, and eggs or just go straight to dessert and enjoy the famous milkshakes.
piper puB & grill 150 N. Eighth St., 208-343-2444, thepiperpub.com Perched high on Eighth Street with a wraparound patio, “the Piper” serves up creative pub fare and an impressive list of Scotch.
pollo rey 222 N. Eighth St., 208-345-0323, polloreyboise.com Burritos, tacos and juicy, perfectly spiced, grilled and rotisserie-cooked chicken.
red FeAther lounge 246 N. Eighth St., 208-429-6340, justeatlocal.com/redfeather A serious dedication to local offerings, with some of the most unique speciality drinks in town.
reeF 105 S. Sixth St., 208-287-9200, reefboise.com The feel and flavor of the tropics, plus downtown Boise’s only rooftop deck— think flaming torches, grass umbrellas and bamboo.
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24 22
20 29
31 30
6 15
33 33
1. diM suM: chicken Feet with BlAck BeAn sAuce, sesAMe seed BAlls And shriMp hAr gow (Yen Ching, see Page 32.)
3. de poulet crepe (The Creperie, see Page 40.)
2. tAndoori chicken (Taj Mahal, see Page 32.)
5. Fruit tArt (La Vie en Rose, see Page 28.)
4. ArugulA porchettA pizzA (Tony’s Pizzeria Teatro, see Page 32.)
6. orAnge pAssion Fruit hAwAiiAn sun (Shaka Shack, see Page 36.) 7. pAd se-ew with toFu (Chiang Mai Thai, see Page 32.) 8. chicken piccAtA (Gino’s, see Page 41.)
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Fo o d
9. Menudo (El Rinconcito, see Page 44.)
13. tABleside guAcAMole (El Gallo Giro, see Page 41.)
17. croquettAs (Bar Gernika, see Page 24.)
10. pho (Pho Tam, see Page 40.)
14. especiAl de JAvier (Andrade’s, see Page 32.)
18. goi cuon vietnAMese spring rolls (Pho 79, see Page 38.)
11. pAellA (Basque Market, see Page 24.) 12. gyro deluxe (Gyro Shack, see Page 32.)
15. dAvinci’s pesto Fondue (Mona Lisa, see Page 44.) 16. kAluA pork plAte lunch (Ono Hawaiian Cafe, see Page 36.)
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19. goulAsh (Bosnia Express, see Page 32.)
20. loMi loMi sAlMon (CK’s Hawaiian BBQ, see Page 40.) 21. MAngo lAssi (Bombay, see Page 24.) 22. hAM And hAvArti croissAnt (Le Cafe de Paris, see Page 28.)
23. Borscht (Cafe Russian Bear, see Page 40.)
27. toFu Bento Bowl (Zen Bento, see Page 32.)
24. sushi AssortMent (Ahi Sushi, see Page 40.)
28. seAweed sAlAd (Yoi Tomo, see Page 32.)
31. gArlic nAAn (Madhuban, see Page 38.)
25. FAlAFel (Ishtar, see Page 34.)
29. BAngers And MAsh (Ha’ Penny Irish Pub, see Page 28.)
32. potAto pierogies (Tres Bonne Cuisine, see Page 34.)
30. chicken kABoBs with dolMAdes And
33. green curry (Siam Thai, see Page 38.)
26. dAc Biet (Baguette Deli, see Page 24.)
tABouli sAlAd (Mazzah, see Page 38.)
boiseweekly | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | 31
Fo o d
yoi toMo
shige/shige red cArpet Fine dining
tony’s pizzeriA teAtro
Boise Bench
100 N. Eighth St., Ste. 215, 208-338-8423, shigejapanesecuisine.com Shige Matsuzawa’s sushi is a blend of traditional rolls and sashimi, as well as innovative local favorites. The fine dining side offers kobe cuts and foie gras, as well as a Japanese steakhouse.
103 Capitol Blvd., 208-343-1052 Sit outside, order a pie and a good glass of vino and, for at least a couple of hours, the world will be molto bene.
solid 405 S. Eighth St., 208-345-6620, solidboise.com The Northwest-focused menu has a smattering of the usual suspects. At midnight on Friday and Saturday, the late-night menu includes fried chicken and waffles.
superB sushi 208 N. Eighth St., 208-385-0123, superbsushidowntown.com With a great courtyard and eclectic sushi rolls, Superb Sushi gives you something different than the about-town sushi joints.
tABlerock 705 Fulton St., 208-342-0944, tablerockbrewpub.com Downtown’s only microbrewery pours a selection of handcrafted drafts in hefty 20-ounce British imperial pint glasses. Sandwiches, salads and entrees complemented beautifully by signature brews.
tAJ MAhAl 150 N. Eighth St., Ste. 222, 208-473-7200, tajmahalofboise.com Great food, daily lunch buffet and a seriously impressive beer selection. For the faint of heart when it comes to Indian food, there’s also a menu with Greek choices.
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willi B’s 225 N. Fifth St., 208-331-5666, willibs.com Willi B’s specializes in bunkhouse cooking, which means dishes that can be made just as easily in a kitchen or by Dutch oven. Lunch specials are homemade daily.
yen ching 305 N. Ninth St., 208-384-0384, yenchingboise.com Have a martini with your potstickers and chow mein. There’s nothing fancy about Yen Ching, but it has an air of class nonetheless.
yoi toMo 405 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-344-3375, yoitomo.us All-you-can-eat sushi for $17.99 at lunch or $24.99 for dinner. ’Nuff said.
zen Bento 1000 W. Main St., 208-388-8808, zenbento.com Zen Bento does well by its simple little menu. This mostly take-out, affordable, lunch-only joint serves up healthy, fresh, tasty salads and bento bowls.
zeppole 217 N. Eighth St., 208-345-2149, zeppolebakery.com Nothing beats the low prices and fresh-baked goodness of Zeppole on a lunch break, unless it’s taking home a loaf of the near-legendary bread to enjoy later.
4903 Overland Road, 208-424-8890, andradesboise.com From albondigas to zopes, Javier Andrade serves up some of the best authentic Mexican fare in town.
BAd Boy Burgers 815 S. Vista Ave., 208-331-1580 Offering the requisite fare of a classic walk-up/drive-thru, plus some tasty surprises.
BosniA express 4846 Emerald St., 208-433-9955 Bosnian cafe, bakery, deli, market and nightclub. Great bread and delish gyros.
cAsAnovA pizzeriA 1204 S. Vista Ave., 208-331-3535, casanovapizzeria.com Traditional thin crust pizza. Known for its half-n-half deals, as well as clam pizza.
chiAng MAi thAi 4898 W. Emerald St., 208-342-4051 Traditional Thai food named after the infamous Thai cuisine capital. Local favorite.
crescent no lAwyers BAr/grill 5500 W. Franklin Road, 208-322-9856, no-lawyers.com A full menu of pub food, a dedicated sports theme, one heck of a patio and a great happy hour. Just don’t bring a lawyer. Seriously.
Flying pie pizzAriA 6508 Fairview Ave., 208-376-3454, flyingpie.com Boise’s longest-lived and most inventive pizzeria. www.B oiseweek ly.coM
Fo o d
hAwkins pAc-out
the gyro shAck
sono BAnA
6935 Overland Road, 208-375-7424, thegyroshack.net Great gyros on the quick plus vegetarian options.
303 N. Orchard St., 208-323-8822, sonobanasushi.com Boise’s oldest sushi joint can still hold its own against more stylish newcomers.
ishtAr 4516 W. Overland Road, 208-275-8437 Mid-eastern fare served up in a simple atmosphere that lets you know the focus is on the food.
los Betos 5220 W. Fairview Ave., 208-658-1185 Street-style Mexican food— like a burrito as big as a baby—available all night.
pAtty’s Burger tiMe 1273 S. Orchard St., 208-424-5073 Fast food joint that serves local coffee and beef, as well as organic eggs and veggies.
pho tAM 1098 N. Orchard St., 208-473-2386 Some of Boise’s best Vietnamese food, from pho to sandwiches.
rockies diner 3900 Overland Road, 208-336-2878, rockiesdiner.com Waitresses on roller skates and classics on the jukebox. The burgers are tasty, too.
shAngri-lA 1800 W. Overland Road, 208-424-0273, shangri-la-tea.com A menu of vegan and vegetarian offerings, as well as 80-100 small batch, limitedquantity teas.
34 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
stAn’s hot dogs 818 S. Vista Ave., 208-342-1199, stanshotdogs.com New York hot dogs, Italian, Polish or brautwurst sausages. Try the Bronco Sauce or New York frozen custard.
tAngo’s 701 N. Orchard St., 208-322-3090, tangos-empanadas.com Savory and sweet empanadas. Also yerba mate, sub sands and Cuban tortas.
thAi cuisine 6777 W. Overland Road, 208-658-0516, boisethaicuisine.com Serving traditional Thai food in a casual, elegant environment.
tres Bonne cuisine 6555 W. Overland Road, 208-658-1364, tresbonnescuisine.com European style deli inside a wine and beer shop. Sandwiches focus on Germanstyle meats.
yokozunA teriyAki 824 S. Vista Ave., 208-377-3064, yokozunateriyaki.com Delish contemporary Japanese cuisine on the cheap. Get there early for the daily lunch special and to score an order of daily made sushi.
North Boise 13th street puB And grill 1520 N. 13th St., 208-639-8888 It’s a summertime patio hot spot. Cuisine is typical pub food with an upscale boost: brie en croute, steak salad, lamb chops.
36th street Bistro 3823 N. Garden Center Way, 208-433-5108, 36streetgardencenter.com Simple European elegance with lofty ceilings and clean lines. Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner or peruse the seasonal menu while sipping a glass of wine or beer.
cAFe vicino 808 W. Fort St., 208-472-1463, cafevicino.com Chefs richard Langston and Steve rhodes serve up fresh and innovative food with a Mediterranean bent. They offer a casual lunch menu, while dinner leans toward fine dining.
hAwkins pAc-out 2315 N. Bogus Basin Road, 208-338-9627 Classic burger drive-in in a classic location. Tots, twist cones and daily specials.
highlAnds hollow 2455 Harrison Hollow Lane, 208-343-6820, highlandshollow.com Pouring its own beer and serving a menu unlike most in town—halibut tacos, soba salad and polenta make the short list.
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Fo o d
tAcos el rey no. 2 42nd Street and Chinden Boulevard, Garden City
egg FActory
hyde pArk puB 1501 N. 13th St., 208-336-9260, harryshydepark.com A pub in every sense of the word, HPP has a menu of food you eat with your hands, TVs in every corner, a varied selection of tap brews and that neighborhood restaurant feel with a burgers and nachos kind of menu.
el torito 46th Street and Chinden Boulevard, Garden City
lulu’s Fine pizzA 2594 Bogus Basin Road, 208-387-4992, ilovelulus.com A great North End pizza place that prides itself on semi-sophisticated wine pairing and a fine beer list. And if you change your mind once you get there, you can grab some freshly rolled Superb Sushi instead.
BoB’s BBq State Street and Gardener Lane, Eagle
2433 N. Bogus Basin Road, 208-342-8948, omichaelspubboise.com After a day on the hill, the road or the trail, refuel with a stiff drink and big plate of pub grub.
pArrillA grill 1512 N. 13th St., 208-323-4688 A popular place to chill all summer, but the wraps and microbrews are a fine way to stay warm in the cold winter months as well.
sun rAy cAFe 1602 N. 13th St., 208-343-2887, sunray-cafe.com Pizza and salads feed a crowd that’s often fresh off a bike ride.
tAco veloz Fairview Avenue and Allumbaugh Street, Boise and Overland Road and Pershing Street, Boise
36 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
Broadway Avenue Ali BABA 111 S. Broadway Ave., 208-343-4536 Middle Eastern food from shish kebab to shawarma.
Boise Fry coMpAny 111 Broadway Ave., Ste. 111, 208-495-3858, boisefrycompany.com The tag line is “Burgers on the side” but burgers are definitely not to be overlooked. Local menu favorites include purple fries and bison burgers.
BroAdwAy deli 2789 Broadway Ave., 208-385-9943, broadwaydeliboise.com unique sandwiches piled high with meat and cheese, fried chicken, deli salads and some of the biggest and best battered fries in town.
Buster’s 1326 Broadway Ave., 208-345-5688, busterssportsbar.com A menu of pub food, big beers, waitresses in skimpy outfits and it’s family friendly.
coBBy’s 1030 Broadway Ave., 208-345-0990, cobbys.com Serving up soup, salad, brews and wine since 1978 with unlimited helpings to the fruit and chip bar.
dong khAnh 111 Broadway Ave., 208-345-0980 Serving Vietnamese and Chinese since long before Boise began its love affair with Vietnamese food.
idAho pizzA co. 1677 Broadway Ave., 208-343-1011, idahopizzacompany.com Pizza, sandwiches and an all-you-can-eat salad bar.
ono hAwAiiAn cAFe 2170 S. Broadway Ave., 208-429-6800, onocafe.net Plate lunch, Spam musubi, and a menu of island-influenced flavors including poke, sandwiches and kalua pig.
shAkA shAck 2100 S. Broadway Ave., 208-331-0404, shakashakboise.webs.com Hawaiian food with Asian influences. The Hawaiian Sun is always in stock.
State Street AsiAn wok 3504 W. State St., 208-384-9200, asian-wok.com Wok cooking and a Dim Sum menu that might entice you to “stop in for tea” often.
Burger ’n Brew 4295 W. State St., 208-345-7700 You guessed it: burgers and beers.
dutch goose 3515 W. State St., 208-342-8887, dutchgoose.com Foosball, darts, pool, horseshoe pits and televisions. For the hungry: Steamed clams, sandwiches and a selection of brilliant burgers.
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Fo o d
lili’s tAcos Maple Grove Road and Fairview Avenue, Boise
trolley house
pop’s hot dogs Glenwood Street and Midway Drive, Garden City (in the Shorty’s parking lot)
egg FActory
pho 79
Big Juds
6882 W. State St., 208-853-2037, eggfactorycafe.com Featuring a new omelette every week and a new Benedict every month. Oatmeal pancakes are not to be missed. Insanely popular.
7310 W. State St., 208-853-8889, pho79boise.com Authentic Vietnamese in a suburban setting.
1289 Protest Road, 208-343-4439, bigjudsboise.com Burgers as big as your head and a wall of fame for those who dared to down the 1-pound Big Jud.
FAnci Freez 1402 W. State St., 208-344-8661 Shakes, malts, spins, sundaes and the Boston shake have made Fanci Freez a Boise favorite for years. It also serves a whole mess of burgers and some of the crispiest tots in town.
the green chile chris the sAlAdMAn State Street across from Lake Harbor, Boise
5616 W. State St., 208-853-0103, thegreenchileboise.com Southwestern cuisine with green and red chilis, chimichangas and chiles rellenos.
the liFt
MAriA’s MexicAn Food Franklin Road and Curtis Road, Boise
4091 W. State St., 208-342-3250, theliftboise.com If you need something to soak up all the ridiculous drink specials, gnaw on a plate of nachos or one of the joint’s many vegetarianfriendly dishes.
MAdhuBAn 6390 W. State St., 208-853-8215, madhubanindiancuisine.com A lunch buffet and a huge menu including all the favorites. A great place for vegetarians.
MAzzAh lorenA’s MexicAn grill Fairview Avenue and N. Curtis Road, Boise (in the parking lot of Mister Car Wash)
38 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
1772 W. State St., 208-333-2566, mazzahboise.com Gyros, hummus, falafel and baklava on the quick.
pizzAlchik 7330 W. State St., 208-853-7757, pizzalchik.com robust salads, delicious original pizzas and whole chickens roasted in a stonehearth oven.
sAlt teArs 4714 W. State St., 208-275-0017, greenchutesboise.com/salttears It’s all homemade at Salt Tears. It’s an industrial-casual, order-at-the-counter kind of joint with a menu from breakfast pizza to tomatobasil sands.
sMoky MountAin 1805 W. State St., 208-387-2727, smokymountainpizza.com Hot sandwiches, pizza and pasta dishes.
westside drive-in 1939 W. State St., 208-342-2957, cheflou.com Diner-style drive-thru food with frozen entrees for cooking at home.
East Boise BArBAcoA 276 Bob White Court, 208-338-5000, barbacoa-boise.com A classy Latin-infused menu with standouts like tableside guacamole and the Hot rock filet. Happy hour is always hopping and the lakeside patio beckons.
FocAcciA’s 404 E. Parkcenter Blvd., 208-322-2838, focaccias.com A rotating menu featuring seafood and vegetarian, all the way to French classical, Mexican and Italian cuisine. Breakfast nachos are a great choice for brunch.
locAvore 3110 S. Bown Way, 208-338-8887 Local-centric food with a heckuva salad selection.
lucky 13 pizzA/ the gArAge 3662 S. Eckert Road, 208-344-6967, lucky13pizza.com Pizza, beer, salads and sandwiches. At just about halfway between Boise and Lucky Peak, few Greenbelt bicyclists can resist the urge to pull over and refuel.
pAt’s thAi kitchen 577 E. Park Blvd., Ste. C110, 208-345-0026 Pat’s promises to deliver “delicious authentic Thai food” and that certainly holds true each and every visit.
the reFuge 404 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Ste. 300, 208-424-8211 The refuge, has a neighborhood pub feel, a huge beer and wine selection, and a pub menu to boot.
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Fo o d
estelien hAitiAn creole BBq And cAtering Overland Road and Pershing Street, Boise
tAcos MoBile priMo Franklin Road and Curtis Road, Boise
siAM thAi
twisted tiMBer
590 E. Boise Ave., 208-383-9032, mysiamthai.com Consistent, fresh, delicious Thai food in family-style proportions. Dishes are spiced to your liking.
4563 S. Cloverdale Road, 208-362-7157, overthetimber.com Family-friendly pub menu and the only watering hole for miles.
9140 W. Emerald St., 208-377-5353, squeezersboise.com A burger joint that makes with the tasty—not the greasy—by using only fresh ingredients.
West Boise
Ahi sushi
tAvern At Bown 3111 S. Bown Way, 208-345-2277, tavernatbown.com Sushi, steak and rave-worhty pot roast nachos.
trolley house
nAtive tAters
1821 Warm Springs Ave., 208-345-9255 No-frills atmosphere, efficient service and a giant menu with everything from eggs Benedict to burgers.
Boise and Protest avenues, Boise
South Boise A tAste oF thAi 8053 Emerald St., 208-323-8424, atasteofthaiboise.com Authentic Thai dishes made with fresh ingredients. Full beer and wine.
ck hAwAiiAn BBq Archie’s plAce @archies_place
7709 Overland Road, Ste. 110, 208-376-4380, ckhawaiianbbq.com Asian/Hawaiian fusion on a budget and a schedule.
the creperie 7709 W. Overland Road, Ste. 130, 208-949-3536, thecreperieboise.com Sweet and savory crepes that get high marks for execution.
legends B29 streAtery @B29Streatery
40 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
7609 W. Overland Road, Ste. 100, 208-377-1819, legendspubandgrill.com Grab a burger and a game before your movie.
7923 W. Ustick Road, 208-377-3700 Craving ice cream? Delsa’s has it. Also a diner menu of burgers and sandwiches.
1193 E. Winding Creek, Ste. 104, 208-938-3474, ahisushibar.com Katsu to rolls, poke to agedashi tofu, and nigiri to the ubiquitous California roll.
Fresh oFF the hook
BAAn thAi
507 N. Milwaukee St., 208-322-9224, freshoffthehookseafood.com Gourmet seafood in a casual setting. Try the halibut bruschetta or coconut prawns.
le coq rouge 1320 S. Maple Grove Road, 208-376-9463 This quaint French restaurant is family owned and run. reservations suggested.
lindy’s 12249 W. Chinden Blvd., 208-375-1310 Known for its fingersteaks and a bar with a slightly wilder side to it.
sockeye 3019 N. Cole Road, 208-658-1533, sockeyebrew.com In-house beer and healthy pub food like wraps, salmon and veggie bowls.
78 Eagle River St., 208-938-8424, mybaanthai.com Elegant and authentic Thai food as it was meant to be.
BArdenAy 155 E. Riverside Drive, 208-938-5093, bardenay.com In summer, the riverside patio sets a nice scene for this Northwest-focused menu.
BellA AquilA 775 S. Rivershore Lane, 208-938-1900, bellaaquilarestaurant.com Impeccable attention to detail makes for a lovely experience. Serving a selection of Italian fare and brunch.
cAFe russiAn BeAr 600 S. Rivershore Lane, Ste. 160, 208-939-1911, caferussianbear.com Borscht, russian crepes, beef stroganoff, potato pancakes—it’s all homemade.
dAvinci’s 190 E. State St., 208-939-2500 Casual Italian cuisine in a historic bank building with a full-service bar area. www.B oiseweek ly.coM
605 N. Edgewood Lane, 208-939-0402, eaglehillsgolfcourse.com/ eighteenone.htm Inventive fine dining on the golf course.
Joe MAMA’s 600 S. Rivershore Lane, Ste. 170, 208-939-3917, joemommaseatery.com Popular breakfast and lunch stop with omelettes, burgers and specialty sands.
MickeyrAy’s 395 W. State St., 208-939-7427, mickeyraysbbq.com A meat-lovers paradise. Get a sandwich piled with barbecue or fixins like black-eyed peas and fried okra.
pAMelA’s BAkery 360 S. Eagle Road, 208-938-6585, pamelasbakery.com Cakes to die for, but breakfast and lunch selections will help you earn dessert.
seAsons Bistro 1117 E. Winding Creek Road, 208-939-6680, seasonsdelicatering.com This neighborhood bistro and wine bar is a charming place for lunch with friends or datenight dinners.
willowcreek 1065 E. Winding Creek Drive, 208-938-3010, willowcreekgrill.com Contemporary Northwest cuisine for date night or the family. A rocking bar next door and a nice patio for the warmer months.
Garden City stAgecoAch inn 3132 Chinden Blvd., 208-342-4161, stagecoachboise.com Strong drinks and big steaks. The waitresses wear fringe-lined mini dresses and know the names and orders of every regular.
uncle giuseppe’s 6826 Glenwood St., 208-853-5048, unclegiuseppesdeli.com Deli offering specialty meats by the pound and freshsliced sandwiches.
www.Boi s ew e e kly.co M
Kuna el gAllo giro 482 W. Main St., 208-922-5169, elgallogirokuna.com Main courses are huge, spanning Tex-Mex to authentic and sometimes come in a hot volcanic rock bowl.
Meridian cheerleAders 3541 N. Eagle Road, 208-939-9209, cheerleaderssbg.com Family friendly sports pub with TVs everywhere.
curB 1760 S. Meridian Road, 208-855-0202 Wide variety of pub food with a full bar and a garage door/ wall that opens to a patio.
epi’s 1115 N. Main St., 208-884-0142 Top-notch Basque cuisine served family style.
Firehouse 1767 W. Franklin Road, 208-846-9535 Beer. Meat. ESPN. What else can you ask for? How about a million flavors of wings?
Fusion AsiAn 3161 E. Fairview Ave., 208-855-5930 Serving Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean in Meridian.
gelAto cAFe 2053 E. Fairview Ave., 208-846-8410, gelatocafeofidaho.net Gelato, coffee, sushi, pizza, sandwiches, gyros, martinis ... pick your poison.
gino’s itAliAn restAurAnt 3015 W. McMillan Road, Ste. 108, 208-887-7710 Fine Italian dining, superb food and bend-over-backward service.
goodwood 1140 N. Eagle Road, 208-884-1021, goodwoodbbq.com If it can be barbequed, Goodwood has it.
the griddle 2310 E. Overland Road, 208-288-1848, thegriddle.com If breakfast is your favorite meal, prepare to be overwhelmed. Lunch, too.
hArry’s 2032 E. Overland Road, 208-888-9868 The menu is a collection of burgers, a huge list of apps and just enough salads to make you feel guilty.
Fo o d
eighteen one
JAker’s 3268 E. Pine St., 208-288-0898, jakers.com A casually elegant dinner destination featuring steak, seafood and specials.
kAhootz 1603 N. Main St., 208-895-9861, gotokahootz.com A beer drinker really needs to know only one thing: more than 40 taps. The kitchen doesn’t have a deep fryer and soups are homemade.
AztecA Day: 12th and Bannock streets / State and Sixth streets Night: Parking lot behind the old Boise Rescue Mission on Sixth and Myrtle streets / Parking lot behind China Blue on Sixth and Main streets
louie’s 2500 E. Fairview Ave., 208-884-5200, louiespizza.com American-Italian food that’s big on variety and little on price. Idaho classic.
Miss tAMi’s 1030 N. Main St., 208-888-1770, misstamis.com Following the British tradition of tea as a meal with scones, finger sandwiches and desserts. Also serving breakfast and lunch. reservations suggested.
Boise Fry co. @BoiseFryCo
’ohAnA hAwAi’iAn BBq 1735 W. Franklin Road, Ste. 120, 208-888-2661, ohanahawaiianbbq.com ’Ohana Hawai’ian BBQ dishes it up Island-style with Spam musubi, mixed plates, manapua, saimin, kalbi ribs ... it’s like a potluck at aunti’s house.
tAqueriA Chinden Boulevard and 39th Street, Garden City (in the Club Savvy’s parking lot)
pinnAcle sports grill 2902 N. Eagle Road, 208-8844400, pinnaclesportsgrill.com A comfy, casual spot to bring the whole family after the game or to watch one.
rick’s press rooM 130 E. Idaho Ave., 208-288-0558, rickspressroom.net A menu of simple, gourmet food in this news-themed neighborhood pub.
the tAco truck State Street and Jennie Lane, Boise (in the Riverwind Fellowship parking lot)
rudy’s 2310 E. Overland Road, Ste. 150, 208-884-4453, rudyspubngrill.com With local beef and no trans fat in the fries, the menu runs the gamut of pub fare.
MAp: Food trucks on the go.
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Fo o d
Messenger pizzA
sA-wAd-dee 1890 E. Fairview Ave., Ste. B, 208-884-0701, sawaddeethai.com Offering an extensive menu of traditional Thai cuisine.
schooner’s 499 S. Main St., 208-884-3737 Neighborhood bar offering burgers, wraps and salads. Quench your thirst from one of the 25 taps.
whitewAter pizzA 1510 N. Eagle Road, 208-888-6611, whitewaterpizza.net Serves pizza with fresh ingredients. Also has sandwiches, soups, pastas and salads.
Nampa Brick 29 Bistro 320 11th Ave. S., Ste. 100, 208-468-0029, brick29.com Consistently one of the valley’s top-tier restaurants with local, innovative cuisine.
copper cAnyon 113 13th St. S., 208-461-0887, copppercanyonnampa.com Fine dining in downtown Nampa.
el rinconcito 1824 First St. S., 208-466-6963 Authentic Mexican food, including menudo.
eli’s itAliAn deli 122 12th Ave. S., 208-466-8880, elisitalian.com Eli’s offers hot and cold sandwiches and Italian pastas. With a full salad bar and a friendly staff, this is a great place to eat.
44 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
Firehouse sports puB 1515 N. Midland Blvd., 208-463-0167, firehousepub.biz The sports pub features seven 42-inch flat screen TVs, games, billiards and a menu of pub food.
Flying M coFFeegArAge 1314 Second St. S., 208-467-5533, flyingmcoffee.com Food selections to go along with the in-house roasted coffee include pastries made at the in-house bakery.
house oF kiM 1226 First St. S., 208-466-3237, houseofkim.net The food is fresh, portions are plentiful and the selections aren’t soaked in soy sauce.
krung thAi 3008 Garrity Blvd., 208-442-5254, krung-thai.com Talk about Asian fusion: We’re talking Thai, Japanese and a little sushi for good measure.
lA Belle vie 220 14th Ave. S., 208-466-0200, labellevienampa.com A French cafe in a historic downtown Nampa home. If lingering over the weekend is more your style, La Belle Vie is also open for brunch on weekends.
Messenger pizzA 1224 First St. S., 208-461-0081 In the old Stockman’s Press Building in downtown Nampa with a “Catholic retro atmosphere” and pizza offerings such as the Chuck Norris, Jalapeno Popper and red Velvet Nun.
MonA lisA 102 11th Ave. N., 208-442-1400, mlfondue.com This atmospheric restaurant specializes in fondue served in an intimate setting inspired by a single piece of art. This isn’t just fine dining—it’s positively decadent.
wrAp shAck 5830 E. Franklin Road, 208-468-8833, wrapshack.us Limited menu, but plenty of options for wraps, salads and rice bowls.
Star sully’s puB And grill 11123 State St., 208-286-7743, sullys-idaho.com Serving up burgers, fries, fingersteaks and all manner of Irish pub classics with a contemporary spin in a relaxed atmosphere. Sunday brunch.
le BAron’s honker cAFe 1210 Second St. S., 208-466-1551 A diner reminiscent of eating at your grandma’s house but with really big pastries.
weB: Find more restaurants.
www.B oiseweek ly.coM
Tropical drink aT reef (See Page 56.)
Bella Bellini aT Bella aquila (See Page 54.)
Bloody Mary aT Solid (See Page 56.)
The chill aT BarBacoa (See Page 51.)
TraSh can aT MulliganS’ (See Page 56.)
MargariTa aT The garage (See Page 56.)
kaliMoTxo aT leku ona (See Page 56.)
Tequila ShoT aT The loBBy ($5 Patron shots. See Page 58. )
DaGGer faLLs ipa at sockeye (See Page 56.)
JeLL-o sHot at syMposion (See Page 51.)
oLyMpia at tHe Lift (50-cent Olys on Tuesdays for Holy Oly Night. See Page 50.)
scotcH at piper pUB (One of the best selections of scotch around. See Page 50.)
Martini at tavern at BoWn (See Page 52.)
astro pop at tHe rancH cLUB (See Page 50.)
Wine at Grape escape (See Page 52.)
BUcket of Beer at Ben’s croW inn ($9 bucket of PBR or Rolling Rock. See Page 50. )
N ightl ife
music for every mood Where to find your musical home
Josh Gross | illustrations by Julia Green
rat Pack We get it. You’re the sort of fan for whom music ended with Sinatra. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good night on the town. the treasure Valley is home to plenty of swanky joints that serve tunes as sweet and smooth as martinis. the downtown crowd can hit up chandlers steakhouse (981 W. Grove St., Boise) and partake in first-class eats, candles, white tablecloths and swinging tunes seven nights a week. the bar has a rotating cast of house musicians like Kevin Kirk, Sally tibbs and Steve eaton but also features touring jazz players sitting in for the night or doing temporary residencies. if downtowners want someplace a little more dressed down, they can hit up Pengilly’s saloon (513 W. Main St., Boise), where the old–timey style of the bar and one-foot stage give the weekly jazz session the feel of seeing music in your living room. More than just jazz, Pengilly’s also features acoustic and old-timey music, as well as a wide selection of fine cocktails. getting out of downtown, twice-weekly blues jams are held just two exits up the freeway at Jo’s sunshine lounge (1115 N. Curtis Road, Boise), perhaps the most ironically named joint in Boise. 48 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
Besides the open-stage nights organized by the Boise Blues Society, Jo’s features live blues every night it’s open. A little further out, the blue door cafe (3300 W. State St., Eagle) features world-class jazz six nights a week in a large revue-style club atmosphere. the house band, the Blue Door four, includes two grammy-nominated artists and a rotating cast of touring soloists. the Blue Door also serves a full menu and is the only local venue where junior jazzkateers are welcome to listen or play. With all those venues to choose from, the fedora-capped and spat-shod cool cats have no reason to be glum and every reason to be blue.
brat Pack Cool kids who gripe that a geographically isolated B-sized market like Boise isn’t the place to see buzz-bin worthy tunes from fancy-lads and ladies with creative haircuts are dead wrong. to get from bigger markets like Denver or Salt lake City to the oh-so-fashionable West Coast, those fancy-bands gotta stop here for gas, and unless they’re planning on hocking their vintage keytars, that means they’ll
probably be playing a show to pay for it. the most likely place to see a band like that in its natural habitat is Boise’s longest-running alt-rock venue: Neurolux (111 N. 11th St., Boise). it’s a dark, smoky, hipster cave where the drinks are as strong as the regulars’ opinions on music, and the walls are as black as their lungs. Rock the jukebox, play some ping pong and catch live sets from some of the best local and national rock bands on the club circuit before everyone finds out who they are and you’ll have to pay $50 to see them in a stadium. thirsty bohemians out for a night on the town would do well to stop by the red room (1519 W. Main St., Boise). the space was originally the legendary Crazy horse, a stage that’s hosted bands like Nirvana and green Day before anyone cared who they were. Recently redecorated with dark red walls and a large selection of velvet paintings, the Red Room now hosts too wide a variety of live music to catalog, as well as renegade art galleries, burlesque shows and karaoke with a live house band. though it serves only beer and wine and it lacks the fog of cigarette smoke, tunes that kill with their cutting edge can also be found at visual arts collective (3638 Osage St., Garden City). it’s a large converted warehouse multi-use gallery and performance space in garden City. the lighting is good, the sound is great and in between bands, you can www.b oiseweek ly.com
Joe six Pack if it isn’t obvious by the plethora of shirtless dudes on motorcycles, Boise is a town that knows how to rock. And that means there’s no shortage of joints where the music is loud and the whisky is cheap. www.boi s ew e e kly.co m
Without doubt the loudest venue in Boise is the knitting factory (416 S. Ninth St., Boise). With a capacity of nearly 1,000 and a booking network that brings in everyone from up-andcoming bands to legendary artists like the Smashing Pumpkins and glenn Danzig, the ballroom-sized space in BODO is Boise’s marquis venue. though it features two bars, most shows are all-ages. Classing it up a little bit is the bouquet (1010 W. Main St., Boise), a large, hardwood saloon that looks straight out of the Old West. the large stage and dance floor feature local and national rock and Americana acts in an atmosphere that feels classy without being pretentious. for those who want things a little more eclectic, there’s liquid lounge (405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise) in BODO. Across the alley from Knitting factory, liquid is decorated in neon and sheet metal, featuring cheap drinks and live music from local reggae and jam bands. it’s also the home of Punk Mondays. there’s never a cover but always a hangover. for rockers who want things a little more working class, there’s tom Grainey’s (109 S. Sixth St., Boise), a high-ceilinged no-BS pub. it features a mid-sized stage on the main floor for bands to rock on weekdays. it’s loud, in your face and most importantly: cheap. But on weekends, a second bar and performance space opens downstairs that apes the sweaty anarchy of a basement show every weekend with live music from local and touring bands. the Sixth and Main area is still a scene though and not everyone is into it. Rockers still have options with the shredder (430 S. 10th St., Boise). the converted warehouse catty-corner across Myrtle Street from BODO features a skateboard ramp, old-skool video games and some of the loudest music on planet earth. it’s the place to see metal, hardcore and punk acts from all over the valley and the world. So if you’re looking for a motorcycle destination, you have plenty of choices. A word of warning though: You may not need a shirt to ride but you will need one to go inside.
N ightl ife
check out the rotating selection of art on the walls. the space also hosts independent theater performances and occasionally functions as a micro-cinema, showing a selection of cult classics and underground masterpieces. Downtown and down tempo is reef (105 S. Sixth St., Boise), a second-story tiki lounge with a rooftop bar that features a wide selection of touring and local musicians, spanning genres from acoustic, world and lounge to some of the biggest names in underground hip-hop. however those are all bars. Kids and undergrads looking to expand their musical horizons are out of luck unless they head down to the record exchange (1105 W. Idaho St., Boise) to catch one of its regular afternoon in-store performances, which are generally from bands scheduled to play a bigger venue that night. Check the band, get them to sign your record, and if you’re old enough, buy a ticket for the full show that night. if not, Neurolux has some great oversized front windows. fortunately, the underage crowd has yet another outlet for live music, the venue (523 W. Broad St., Boise), Boise’s only alcohol-free rock venue. the mid-sized club space shares a building with Boise Weekly, sports a large stage and dance floor, and generally hosts the sorts of hardcore and screamo bands that inspire kids to pick up guitars and their parents to plug their ears. it’s also the best place to see underage rockers honing their skills. With that many choices for hip new tunes, the only Boiseans who can’t see great music are the ones who straight up refuse.
boiseweekly | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | 49
N ightl ife
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the Quarter barrel
el CheAPO
Best bets for the broke or the just plain cheap
Proving that old-school has staying power
513 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-6344 With a century-old wooden bar, this friendly pub is America’s favorite. Esquire called it one of the greatest in America.
the lift bar aNd Grill
beN’s crow iNN
4091 W. State St., Boise, 208-342-3250, theliftboise.com Tuesday is Holy Oly night, with 50-cent Olympia cans. Sunday brunch is a hangover cure from the gods.
6781 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-342-9669 “The Inn” hasn’t changed in years and still offers relief to anyone who thought about going climbing or biking but decided to tie one on instead.
PiPer Pub aNd Grill
Pitchers aNd PiNts
the bouQuet
1108 W. Front St., Boise, 208-906-1355, mypitchersandpints.com P&P, as it’s affectionately known, is like the little bar that could. And it’s rockin’.
1010 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-6605, thebouquet.net A non-smoking facelift hasn’t changed the pool-hall, livemusic vibe of this landmark.
the Quarter barrel
GamekeePer louNGe
4902 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-322-3430 Live music, karaoke and no smoking in this recently classed-up Garden City bar.
r bar 1041 S. Broadway Ave., Boise, 208-629-0029 Neighborhood bar near Boise State that opens daily with an extended happy hour that fits perfectly into a college budget—just in time for the college crowd to take a break from the books.
willi b’s saNdwich salooN 225 N. Fifth St., Boise, 208-331-5666, willibs.com Billed as frugal fun on Fifth Street, Willi B’s is home of the $4 martini. With good grub and karaoke, it’s a spot to hit in the pre-party hours.
50 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
1109 W. Main St., Boise, 208-343-4611, owyheeplaza.com Slip into the shadowy lounge for a little down time. Order a martini. Peruse the happy hour hors d’oeuvres menu. Close your eyes and listen to the sweet sound of live jazz.
the New froNtier club 116 E. Broadway Ave., Meridian, 208-888-9034 If you’re new to the area, stop by the historic New Frontier. You’ll see why people are moving to Meridian.
o’michael’s Pub & Grill 2433 N. Bogus Basin Road, Boise, 208-342-8948, omichaelspub.com It might not be fancy but the drinks have been strong enough to keep skiers and bikers coming back year round.
PeNGilly’s salooN
150 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-343-2444, thepiperpub.com The best Scotch selection in town and some prime balcony real estate.
QuiNN’s 1005 S. Vista Ave., Boise, 208-345-0135 Keeping the smokers and non-smokers separate but equally happy.
the raNch club 3544 Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-343-7447 Once a hangout for the senior set, it’s now a hangout for the college crowd. At least the palomino is still there.
staGecoach iNN 3132 Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-342-4161, stagecoachboise.com Waitresses wear fringed dresses, serving up strong drinks and steaks in the oldschool bar and restaurant.
tablerock 705 Fulton St., Boise, 208-342-0944, tablerockbrewpub.com Boise’s oldest microbrewery. Give the eye to the Hopzilla or the Copperhead Red.
www.b oiseweek ly.com
Putting the dive back in the bar 44 club 4340 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-0693 The 44 Club has two things going for it: karaoke and no taps. This is one of Idaho’s mainstays, so if you’re in the mood for an old bar with some local color, belly up.
4079 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-383-9035 The Boulevard is a tough little joint, but once you’ve visited and seen how much fun the regulars are having, you’re going to want to become one.
cactus bar 517 W. Main St., Boise Novice drinkers can learn from the pros here.
charlie browN’s 5783 Overland Road, Boise, 208-375-6541 It’s like the old guy who doesn’t plan on going anywhere, and as long as you’re nice to him, he’ll be nice right back.
club savvy’s 3933 Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-429-9339 Churching-up the karaoke and pool table scene with a younger crowd.
eastside taverN 610 E. Boise Ave., Boise, 208-345-3878 All walks of life converge for a little late-night drinking in the dark, shopping-mall surroundings of the Eastside. This ain’t the kind of place you order a cosmo.
eNd ZoNe 1010 Broadway Ave., Boise, 208-384-0613 Peanuts, a patio and pinball adorn the space of this small bar that was once a brothel. It’s a college bar and great fun on game days.
fireside iNN 1610 N. 31st St., Boise, 208-342-9075 No windows, check. Dark, dank and smoky, check. Nondescript building, check.
Gil’s k-9 bar 2506 Main St., Boise, 208-345-4420 This gem is a dark dive, but don’t be scared. Pub grub and a healthy selection of libations await.
www.boi s ew e e kly.co m
2710 Broadway Ave., Boise, 208-342-9220 Drinks are cheap, folks are friendly, the darts are always ready and in the summertime, the hidden back patio is a great little spot to hang out.
little dutch GardeN 1910 S. Owyhee St., Boise, 208-342-9034 The “LDG” sits smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood, and the selection of beers might be reminiscent of what patrons stock in their own refrigerators. When it’s hot, practice for the horseshoe tournaments in the bar’s huge fenced back yard.
overlaNd bar 3907 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-336-4707 How could you not love a place that has a schmuck’s corner: nudes on black velvet hanging on the walls? Karaoke daily.
suds taverN 1024 Broadway Ave., Boise, 208-345-9656 The drinks are cheap, as are the shots, making it a fave with the college crowd.
symPosioN 2801 Fletcher St., Boise, 208-342-9420 “The Sympo” is a one of the best little bars in town—if you can find it behind the grove of trees. It’s dog friendly, people friendly and a good place to pass the time bending an elbow.
terry’s state street salooN 3301 Collister St., Boise, 208-331-8225, statestreetsaloon.com It may look like it’s about to fall but the ever-present party will keep the roof raised.
ves’s broadway bar 1712 Broadway Ave., Boise, 208-342-9951 Find another place where drinks are as cheap and as stiff as here and you might win a medal.
woodies 650 S. Vista Ave., Boise, 208-336-1790, Two patios, 20 tap handles and a juke full of good stuff. All in all, not a bad stop for a lazy afternoon drinking session to turn into a late night on the Bench.
tOP Shelf Where to get it shaken or stirred aNGell’s Grill 999 Main St., Boise, 208-342-4900, angellsbarandgrill.com Classy, yet casual. In warmer weather, the patio is a lush respite in the middle of downtown.
barbacoa 276 Bob White Court, Boise, 208-338-5000, barbacoa-boise.com This classy Latin-fusion restaurant offers a pretty solid early and late- night happy hour for those charmed by a river of strong booze in a posh atmosphere.
bardeNay 610 Grove St., Boise, 208-426-0538, bardenay.com It’s the country’s first restaurant distillery, which makes it a destination for those who want both a good glass of wine and a good martini.
berryhill & co. restauraNt/PlaN b 121 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-387-3553, berryhillandco.com The restaurant is elegance in and out, especially with a glass of wine in hand. Plan B is a swank after-work hangout just around the corner.
chaNdlers steakhouse 981 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-383-4300, chandlersboise.com An uber classy bar for drinks. Ten-minute martinis are the cocktail of choice.
fork 199 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-287-1700, boisefork.com The latest resident of one of the busiest corners of downtown, the former bank now offers a classy casual vibe and local products.
the GamekeePer louNGe 1109 Main St., Boise, 208-343-4611, owyheeplaza.com This place was Mad Men cool before those guys were born.
haPPy fish video: The competitive side of latenight Boise.
855 Broad St., Ste. 250, Boise, 208-343-4810, happyfishsushi.com The martini menu is longer than the sushi menu and even more creative.
boulevard bar
Jim’s alibi
N ightl ife
where to fiNd bruNch aNd some hair of the doG Day-drinking can be a slippery slope. it starts with a hollandaisesmothered pile of eggs and a screw-you-hangover mimosa. But then like cells, mimosas undergo mitosis and miraculously multiply. Soon, you’re punctuating every sentence with “that’s what your mom said” and concocting grand plans to commandeer a pontoon boat or go rooftop kite flying. if this is the kind of silly Sunday adventure you’re seeking, here are a few spots to score some sweet sauce. Quinn’s (1005 S. Vista Ave., Boise) is perhaps the Vatican of boozing brunch dives. for every two meals off the breakfast menu on Sundays, you receive a free bottle of champagne. though the term “champagne” should be interpreted loosely, what you’re given is bubbly and alcoholic. But there is one stipulation: if you want a mimosa, you have to pay a hefty up-charge for a glass of OJ. the lift (4091 W. State St., Boise) is another good spot to lift your spirits with a sinfully cheap mimosa ($1) or bloody mary ($3). the State Street institution serves Sunday brunch items like ham benny, biscuits and gravy, and breakfast burritos from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. the best part? the lift has primo patio seating out back. though red Feather lounge (246 N. Eighth St., Boise) no longer serves bottomless mimosas, it has the next best thing: mimosa carafes for $6.50. there’s nothing like topping off your glass periodically to create an illusion of alco-bundance. Add to that an innovative brunch menu starting at 8:30 a.m., which includes items like verde pizza with eggs over easy or oatmeal souffle, and you have a classy way to get trashed before Sunday morning cartoons are over. if you’re a devout Sunday drinker, red room (1519 W. Main St., Boise) will help you treat your liver to an alcohol baptism. the relocated rock ’n’ roll hole in the wall recently introduced a $5 Sunday menu starting at noon—$5 breakfast burritos, $5 bloodys and $5 mimosas. if you want to prolong your Sunday snacking and sipping routine, stop by berryhill and Co. (121 N. Ninth St., Ste. 102, Boise) for a $14 brunch buffet from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. the rotating grub lineup includes carved meats, specialty egg dishes and an array of desserts, which you can wash back with $3 mimosas. Or you can supersize the OJ and champs for $5 a half-liter or $10 a full-liter. —Tara Morgan
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1100 W. Jefferson St., Boise, 208-336-4266, lsbboise.com This attractive and wellstocked bar has all the bases covered for a quiet drink or a midday meeting.
N ightl ife
lock, stock & barrel
moderN hotel aNd bar 1314 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-424-8244, themodernhotel.com Monochrome. Clean lines. Crisp, creative drinks. In a word: modern. It’s a favorite with just about every crowd.
red feather louNGe
246 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-429-6340, justeatlocal.com/redfeather Candle-lit booth, two-story neon wine case and prime people watching all with killer cocktails.
taverN at bowN crossiNG 3111 S. Bown Way, Boise, 208-345-2277, tavernatbown.com Fine wine and a steak or sushi and a martini all in a classedup East Boise location. heirloom daNce studio
shake your booty
When only vino will do
Whether you have two left feet and need a lesson or you’re a regular fred Astaire in search of something more than the usual friday night bump-andgrind, these are your destinations:
boise cafe
GraPe escaPe
219 N. 10th St., 208-343-3397 Latin dance is the name of the game at Boise Cafe, with tango, salsa, merengue, bachata and cumbia. Free lessons every Friday and Saturday followed by an open floor until 2 a.m.
boise coNtra daNce society 893 E. Boise Ave., Info at boisecontradance@fastem.com Contra dancing is similar to square dancing, but if you’re new to it, Boise Contra Dance Society holds a new dancer orientation the third Saturday of every month followed by a proper hoedown.
heirloom daNce studio 765 W. Idaho St., 208-871-6352, heirloomdancestudio.com The downtown studio teaches everything from Electrolock to Swing to Salsa. Classes start at around $5 but private classes are available for more personal instruction. Heirloom hosts open dancing sessions almost every night of the week, with swing, salsa and tango. See Page 66 for more information.
52 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
729 N. Main St., Meridian, 208-888-4049, corkscrews1.com This low-ceiling joint is a lowkey hangout for the crowd that likes its wine fine and music smooth.
800 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-368-0200 Fine wine, food and a killer downtown corner patio.
heliNa marie’s 11053 State St., Star, 208-286-7960, helinamaries.com Wine, events and plenty of fun in ... Star.
PiaZZa di viNo 212 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-336-9577 Piazza di Vino offers an extensive collection of wines from around the world and art from around town.
twiGs 816 W. Bannock St., lower level, Boise, 208-344-8944, twigscellar.com Subterranean, cozy and elegant with classic bistro fare.
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N ightl ife
For some it’s because we’re the nation’s first restaurant distillery. For others it’s our handcrafted cocktails. Perhaps it’s our innovative menu featuring delicious Northwest cuisine. At Bardenay, it all comes together in a uniquely Idaho atmosphere, creating an experience worth coming back for.
Jo’s suNshiNe louNGe
hiDeAWAYS When you need to get away 4-e’s bar 379 E. Main St., Kuna, 208-922-1853 With racks on the wall and matching flower curtains, the bar feels like home.
the buffalo club
ALWAYS FUN THE NATION’S FIRST RESTAURANT DISTILLERY Boise • Eagle • Coeur d’Alene www.bardenay.com View menu online using this QR code
10206 W. Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-321-1811 Line dancing lessons, live music, poker and pool.
busted shovel 704 W. Main St., Meridian, 208-288-2217, bustedshovel.com It’s a biker bar that’s not just for bikers. This Meridian staple offers a full bar and serves an array of pub food. Check out the choppers and hogs lined up out front throughout the summer.
Jo’s suNshiNe louNGe 1115 N. Curtis Road, Boise, 208-376-2700, jossunshinelounge.com Drinking at Jo’s is like drinking deep in the belly of a ship: awesome.
JumPiN’ JaNet’s 572 Vista Ave., Boise, 208-342-7620 A cozy bar with games and specials aplenty, and staff laugh as hard as they work.
loNGhorN louNGe 458 W. Main St., Kuna, 208-922-4163 The Longhorn has been around since the beginning of time, and you never know who will end up there.
54 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
lucky doG
bella aQuila
2223 Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-333-0074, luckydogtavern.com This happening little gayfriendly bar has great prices, strong pours and an awesome patio for summer drinking.
775 S. Rivershore Lane, Eagle, 208-938-1900, bellaaquilarestaurant.com The riverside restaurant boasts one of the best patios around. We suggest a Bella Bellini.
NavaJo room
246 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-345-1813, justeatlocal.com/bittercreek One of the best beer selections in Boise with prime Eighth Street people watching.
4900 Emerald St., Boise, 208-343-5817 The Navajo has served suds and stiff drinks for more than 40 years and remains a lowkey place to meet regulars.
schooNer’s Pub aNd Grill 499 S. Main St., Meridian, 208-884-3737 Neighborhood bar with pub food and a friendly atmosphere. Partake of the full bar or quench your thirst from one of the 25 taps.
vista bar 813 Vista Ave., Boise, 208-342-9911 The little A-frame has been a watering hole for years and keeps its neighborhood bar feel.
white water salooN 1646 N. Meridian Road, Meridian, 208-888-3063 This bar is the real deal. No food, no kids, light up as you please.
PRiMO PAtiO Drinking al fresco bardeNay 155 E. Riverside Drive, Eagle, 208-938-5093, bardenay.com The sibling of the Boise bar features the distillery’s own hooch. A table on the riverside patio is worth the fight.
bittercreek ale house
cottoNwood Grille 913 W. River St., Boise, 208-333-9800, cottonwoodgrille.com Relax in the elegant surroundings or kick back on the chic riverside patio.
cresceNt “No lawyers” bar aNd Grill 5500 W. Franklin Road, Boise, 208-322-9856, no-lawyers.com When they say “no lawyers,” they mean it. But the rest of us can chill on the massive patio with strong drinks.
falcoN taverN 705 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-947-3111, falcontavern.com This downtown tavern has become Boise’s neighborhood pub thanks, in part, to a wide open patio.
hyde Park Pub aNd Grill 1501 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-336-9260 A pub in every sense of the word, HPP has a menu of food you eat with your hands, a selection of tap brews and that neighborhood restaurant feel.
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N ightl ife
mulliGaNs’ Pub & eatery
Pie hole
late-NiGht love for your tastebuds 13th street Pub aNd Grill
los betos
1520 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-639-8888 When so many eateries in Boise’s North End neighborhood close up shop before the party even starts, the 13th Street Pub feeds the crowd a late-night menu from 11 p.m. to midnight.
5220 W. Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-658-1185; 6906 W. State St., Boise, 208-853-1494 Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to sate all your burrito cravings. Seriously, burritos bigger than your head.
bar GerNika 202 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-344-2175, bargernika.com Boise’s beloved Bar Gernika allows you to sample favorites like croquettas or chorizo sandwiches until 1 a.m. on the weekends. Not feeling so adventurous? The grilled cheese on cheddar scallion bread, complete with fries made from only Idaho potatoes, is out-of-this-world delicious.
flatbread commuNity oveN 615 W. Main St., Boise, 208-287-4757, flatbreadpizza.com When your night ends downtown, Flatbread is a classier way to feed the hunger than the street-meat option. Pizza, flatbread, salads and soups. Open ThursdaySaturday until 1 a.m. with a late-night happy hour from 9 p.m. until close.
froNt door 105 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-287-9201, thefrontdoorboise.com You’ll want to save the last beer of the night for Front Door. With a no-domestic policy, you won’t be able to say no to a beer with your slice. Open Friday and Saturday with a full menu until 11 p.m. and slices only until 2 a.m.
ha PeNNy bridGe Pub 855 Broad St., Ste. 250, Boise, 208-343-5568, hapennybridgepub.com This may be an Irish pub, but it makes damn-good nachos. With bands, karaoke and food served until midnight on the weekends, Ha Penny fills your stomach and your appetite for entertainment. Open until the ever-evasive “close.”
merritt’s couNtry cafe 6630 W. State St., Boise, 208 853-9982 The legendary home of the scone will never die. Sure, it’s not near the matrix of downtown bars, but it’s worth a cab ride. The decor and warm, buttery confections may make you believe you’re at a trashier version of your grandmother’s house, but nothing can detract from the awesomeness of a 24-hour sconery.
o’michael’s Pub aNd Grill 2433 Bogus Basin Road, Boise, 208-342-8948, omichaelspub.com The North End option for late-night food with a menu of pub grub during ski season until midnight on Friday and Saturday.
Pie hole 205 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-344-7783; 1016 Broadway Ave., Boise, 208-424-2225; 726 N. Main St., Meridian, 208-888-0842, pieholeusa.com Providing combinations like potatobacon pizza and crazy people watching. It’s the place to be after last call on the weekends, plus you can play some oldschool video games while you wait in the often-lengthy line. Open until 3 a.m.
solid 405 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-345-6620 After a night filled with mass quantities of liquids, you just want some solid— food, that is. The famous chicken/waffle combo is a 4 a.m. favorite, but the weekend late-night menu provides plenty of potato/egg/breakfast-y options to soak up some booze. Get there before last call and enjoy a late happy hour with twofor-one drinks and $6 appetizers.
—Sheree Whiteley and Rachael Daigle
56 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
leku oNa
117 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-345-6665, lekuonaid.com Leku’s sidewalk patio and talkative regulars invite summertime lounging.
405 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-345-6620, solidboise.com Kissin’ cousins with Liquid and more prime patio space and late night grub.
liQuid louNGe
sully’s Pub aNd Grill
111 N. 11th St., Boise, 208-343-0886, neurolux.com The most mysterious, diverse bar in town with drinks so stiff they will make you wonder why you ordered another.
405 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com The motto is “Life’s good. Flow with it.” Live music and miles of patios.
11123 W. State St., Star, 208-286-7743, sullysidaho.com Star’s own Irish pub with a full menu. Check out the patio and horseshoe pits.
lucky 13 PiZZa/ the GaraGe
suN ray cafe
3662 S. Eckert Road, Boise, 208-344-6967, lucky13pizza.com Be sure to bring your bike, dog and a gaggle of kids.
Parrilla Grill 1512 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-323-4688 This concrete-and-metal Hyde Park eatery is a popular place to chill all summer.
reef 105 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-287-9200, reefboise.com Tikis, grass umbrellas—you can almost feel the ocean breeze from this rooftop patio.
the river rock eaGle 228 E. Plaza St., Eagle, 208-938-4788, theriverrockeagle.com The patio hosts live music in warm months, and the bar ain’t a bad spot to enjoy a diverse selection of beer.
sockeye 3019 Cole Road, Boise, 208-658-1533, sockeyebrew.com The serious beer lover’s brewpub. When the double IPA Hopnoxious is on tap, it’s a hophead’s liquid dream. The menu is pub fare with a healthy bent.
1602 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-343-2887 Sun Ray’s corner patio is the place to be seen in Hyde Park in the warmer months.
’tuDe AND tAttOOS Where the cool kids park 10th street statioN 104 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-344-2677 Concrete stairs lead to this subterranean space with plush rolling chairs, sports memorabilia and a smokerswelcome policy.
froNt door 105 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-287-9201, frontdoorboise.com Only microbrews and imports here. You can keep your domestics, thank you very much.
mulliGaNs’ Pub & eatery 1009 W. Main St., Boise, 208-336-6998 Mulligans’ serves strong, cheap drinks, plenty of bar games and cheap pub grub.
the red room taverN 1519 W. Main St., Boise, 208-331-0956 With dark walls and art tastes that lean toward velvet, it’s a place to watch and be watched.
SPORtS Finding your barstool jock buster’s 1326 Broadway Ave., Boise, 208-345-5688, busterssportsbar.com With TVs blaring sports and waitresses in skimpy outfits, it stays true to the sports bar label.
cheerleaders 3541 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-939-9209, cheerleaderssbg.com At this family-friendly sports pub, everyone is a fan.
crickets bar aNd Grill 1228 Oakland Ave., Boise, 208-344-6235 You’re likely to see students tossing back cheap beer, playing pool and taking a break from the books.
dutch Goose 3515 W. State St., Boise, 208-342-8887, dutchgoose.com Foosball, darts, pool, horseshoe pits and TVs galore keep those who go to drink happy for hours. www.b oiseweek ly.com
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boiseweekly | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | 57
N ightl ife
the huddle
the Pocket
chiNa blue
205 N. 10th St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-338-5454 Downtown’s family-friendly sports bar has a long line of taps and plenty of bar apps.
1487 N. Curtis Road, Boise, 208-375-2474 Venture inside this pool hall for a stiff cocktail.
leGeNds sPorts Pub aNd Grill
6570 Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-322-9122 Q’s is a Boise standard that defines “pool hall.”
100 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-345-9515, chinabluenightclub.com China Blue is committed to a party with VIP areas, a bar in the women’s room and the music as loud as it gets.
7609 W. Overland Road, Ste. 100, Boise, 208-377-1819, legendspubandgrill.com Sports, beer, a full bar and finger food.
mccleary’s Pub 9155 W. State St., Boise, 208-342-3007 The pub boasts a back yard bigger than yours.
Nut house 12505 W. Chinden Blvd., Boise, 208-257-2191, nuthouseboise.com With TVs showing all NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL games, it’s truly a sports bar.
the office 6125 E. Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-672-0087 See what’s on the two 100inch projection TVs.
Q’s billiards
stubs sPorts Pub 3662 Findley Ave., Boise, 208-336-7882, stubspub.com A sports-lover’s haven where every seat faces a giant TV.
DANCe Shake your ass the balcoNy club 150 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-336-1313, thebalconyclub.com It may be the fiercest gay bar in town but the straight crowd can’t stay away.
60 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
cowGirls salooN 353 Ave. E, Kuna, 208-922-9522, cowgirlsaloon.com Cowgirls has a reputation for putting on a serious party and all the party girls know it.
humPiN’ haNNah’s 621 Main St., Boise, 208-345-7557 It’s the place to get your dance on. Favorite covers come courtesy of the Rocci Johnson Band, and nobody parties like Rocci.
shorty’s salooN 5467 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-322-6699, shortyssaloon.com It’s been around for a million years, it isn’t going anywhere, and it’s where country rules the roost.
tom GraiNey’s/ GraiNey’s basemeNt 109 and 107 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-345-2505 With live music upstairs and down, you get two bars without leaving the building.
MeAt MARKet Finding that someone ... special dirty little roddy’s 100 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-345-9515, dirtylittleroddys.com At DLR, you can ride a mechanical bull. In your bikini. Or you can just watch.
fatty’s 800 W. Idaho St., Ste. 200, Boise, 208-514-2531, drinkfattys.com Where the drinks are “fat” and the beer pong is serious.
the lobby
the torch 2
760 W. Main St., Boise, 208-991-2183, thelobbyboise.com Airy, open atmosphere with a swell drink menu.
610 Vista Ave., Boise, 208-336-4747, thetorchlounge.com Drink in the company of Boise’s faux busty, faux tanned finest ladies. All male patrons, all female staff.
mack aNd charlies/ sammy’s 507 W. Main St., Boise, 208-830-9977, macandcharlies.com On a weekend, you’ll be able to peruse what seems like the city’s entire population of 21- to 25-year-olds.
maiN street bistro 609 Main St., Boise, 208-345-9515, msbidaho.com The “MSB” is known as the place to go looking good and looking for a good time.
saPPhire bar aNd Grill 622 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-363-7277 Live music, drink specials and a late-night scene—you can smell the party.
the voodoo louNGe 200 N. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-941-2144, voodooloungeboise.com Downtown’s newest wild child has college nights, pole dancing classes and electronic nights.
the torch 1826 Main St., Boise, 208-344-0218, thetorchlounge.com This is the kind of bar your mom warned you about. It’s not much to look at, but the entertainment is the draw: bikini-clad dancers.
web: Find even more bars.
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Video: Holi celebration at the Boise Hare Krishna Temple.
Cultural Depth
Despite a white-washed image, Boise’s ethnic community is growing Tara Morgan | PhoTograPh by Laurie PearMan Bare toes cling to the Hare Krishna temple’s cool white marble floor as thick clouds of incense whirl around freshly pressed saris before winding up to the room’s bright, muraled ceiling. Bindis dot brown and white foreheads in celebration of lord rama’s birthday. chanting adults pause their rhythmic handclapping and bend down to smell yellow roses thrust up to their noses by kids decked out in sparkling finery. “the chanting is like a detergent that scrubs the heart clean of misconceptions,” explained temple co-founder Aruddha Gupta. In the back room, away from the thud of bongos, Indian mothers drape gold tulle over their children, preparing them for a special performance. Aruddha and her husband Arun Gupta moved to Idaho from India and founded the Boise Hare Krishna temple 25 years ago on a residential street off Boise Avenue—a few blocks from the whir of traffic on capitol Boulevard and skipping distance from Boise State. Yet despite its central location, many Boiseans don’t even know its there. “It’s amazing that whenever anyone new comes here, we always have such wonderful feedback from them,” said Aruddha. “they’re shocked, ‘Does a place like this exist here?’ But they are always very happy by the time they leave.” though Boise is often characterized as culturally stunted—according to 2011 stats, 90.3 percent of Boise’s 200,00-plus-person population is “white alone”—that image is changing. With a solid Basque community—one of the largest outside of northern Spain—and growing Hispanic and refugee populations, Boise’s cultural landscape is blossoming to include an array of religions, languages, cuisines and traditions. While canyon county is often seen as Idaho’s latino center— according to the u.S. census Bureau, 22.2 percent of canyon county residents are Hispanic or latino vs. 7.1 percent in Ada county—Boise also has a flourishing latino community. “[latino culture] is alive and well and kicking in Boise. It’s very different than when I came 30 years ago. It’s a lot better,” said
Sam Byrd from Boise’s centro de comunidad y Justicia. “You couldn’t even buy a tortilla at a grocery store. You couldn’t buy any Mexican products.” But outside of Hispanic food stores like campos Meat Market, taco trucks, clothing stores and barbershops, Boise’s latino community largely congregates on the soccer fields. According to Byrd, there are close to 100 Hispanic soccer teams between Weiser and Idaho Falls that compete regularly. “It’s one of the most organized of any latino activity in Idaho … it’s serious competition. the whole family turns out,” Byrd said. “It’s really the place to go if you want to see that side of Boise. It’s all ‘telegraph, telephone, tell-a-Mexican.’ It’s all word of mouth.” that enthusiasm for soccer is shared by Boise’s growing refugee population. According to the u.S. Office of refugee resettlement, there were 1,231 refugees resettled in Idaho in 2009, up from 557 in 2006. And though refugees in Boise come from countries across the globe—Bosnia, Afghanistan, congo, uzbekistan, Burma, Bhutan—soccer is a common thread that strings the varied communities together. “Soccer is the fabulously universal game … you see different groups coming together on the soccer field, and more than any other sport, that’s definitely been a unifying factor,” said christina Bruce-Bennion, director at Boise’s Agency for New Americans. Bosnian refugees—many of whom resettled in Boise 20 years ago after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina—have preserved their culture through traditional dance groups like Mladi Behar and Bosnian-owned businesses like Bosnia express. “there certainly are more refugee-owned businesses than there were—everything from lawn care to florists to bakeries,” said Bruce-Bennion. “It’s not just about people coming here … but that they’re really integrating more into the community … holding some more of their own festivals or owning these businesses and serving the community back in a different way.” And while Boise’s Basque community is a well-established demographic with its own designated cultural block downtown featuring restaurants like leku Ona and Bar Gernika, the Basque Museum and the Basque center, traditional dancing has also been an integral factor in keeping the Basque culture alive. “One of the elements that has fostered an interest in Basque culture in Boise has been dancing,” said Basque Museum Director Patty Miller. “the children’s dancing has gone on since the late ’40s, and the formal group, the Oinkari Basque Dancers, they just celebrated their 50th anniversary.” In Miller’s opinion, keeping diverse cultures thriving in Boise takes a generational dedication to passing down traditions. “A fellow by the name of Johnny Ysursa from Boise said one time, ‘to practice your culture is a choice.’ Because you can decide to use your time in other ways,” Miller said.
c ulture
Lau r ie Pear m an
r. Grey GAllery Jewelry AnD Art GlAss
DAn looney unDerGrounD Art
Art GlAss etc.
816 W. Bannock St., Ste. E, 208-870-9569, imagemaker.org/ artist/danlooney
280 N. Eighth St., Ste 138 A, 208-794-3265
Art source GAllery 1015 W. Main St., 208-331-3374, artsourcegallery.com
500 W. Idaho St., 208-345-4320, flyingmcoffee.com
bAsement GAllery
GAllery 601
928 W. Main St., 208-333-0309, basementgalleryboise.com
boise Art GlAss 530 W. Myrtle St., 208-345-1825, boiseartglass.com
boise stAte: VisuAl Arts center 1910 University Drive, 208-426-3994, boisestate.edu/art
GAllery 1 Liberal Arts Building, Boise State, boisestate.edu
GAllery 2 Hemingway Center, Room 110, 1819 University Drive, 208-426-3994, boisestate.edu
sub GAllery 1910 University Drive, Boise State, 208-426-3049, finearts.boisestate.edu
brown’s GAllery 1022 Main St., 208-342-6661, brownsgallery.com
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flyinG m coffeehouse
211 N. 10th St., 208-336-5899, gallery601.com
the GAllery At the linen builDinG 1402 W. Grove St., 208-385-0111, thelinenbuilding.com
Green chutes 4716 W. State St., 208-342-7111, greenchutesboise.com
fusions GAllery 3475 S. Edgewood Lane, Ste. 120, 208-938-1055, fusions-idaho.com
Garden City enso Art sPAce 120 E. 38th St., Ste. 105, 208-695-6864, ensoartspace.com
VisuAl Arts collectiVe 3638 Osage St., 208-424-8297, visualartscollective.com
womAn of steel GAllery AnD wine bAr 3640 W. Chinden Blvd., 208-331-5632, womanofsteelgallery.com
lisk GAllery 850 W. Main St., 208-342-3773, liskgallery.com
PiAzzA Di Vino 212 N. Ninth St., 208-336-9577
r. Grey GAllery Jewelry AnD Art GlAss 415 S. Eighth St., 208-385-9337, rgreygallery.com
stewArt GAllery 1110 W. Jefferson St., 208-433-0593, stewartgallery.com
wArD hooPer GAllery 745 W. Idaho St., 208-287-8150, wardhooper.com
McCall Artizen GAllery 300 N. Third St., 208-634-5885, artizengallery.com
GAllery 55 317 E. Lake St., 208-634-6313, galleryfiftyfive.org
mountAin house fine Art GAllery 402 S. Third St., 208-634-7710
whirlinG circles 125 Commerce St., 208-630-3660, whirlingcircles.com
the cole/mArr GAllery coffee house
404 S. Eighth St., Ste. 134, 208-336-7630, cmphotoworkshops.com
DroP leAf GAllery
Artistblue GAllery
In Rembrandts Coffee House, 93 S. Eagle Road, 208-939-4074, rembrandtscoffeehouse.net/ gallery
1509 Caldwell Blvd., 208-476-3643, artistbluegallery.com
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Posh on A PittAnce c ulture
Boise arts on the cheap
Jeremiah robert Wierenga | illustration by Julia green
lord knows great culture ain’t cheap but it needn’t be cost-prohibitive. living in a small city with bigcity arts organizations allows Idahoans to enjoy the finer things in life without having to forgo our basic needs. Here’s a handy rundown of some of the best cultural events that can be enjoyed for less than an Andrew Jackson.
trey mcintyre ProJect: $20, treymcintyre.com You don’t have to fly to new York to get rush-ticket prices on world-class entertainment. Trey mcintyre Project is introducing a new price category, with more affordable tickets available in select sections on the floor or in the mezzanine of the morrison Center. Or you can see them strutting their stuff on the streets with impromptu Spurbans. But we can’t give you a schedule for that.
boise contemPorAry theAter: 854 Fulton St., $12-$15, bctheater.org Since 1997, Boise Contemporary Theater has been presenting intelligent and timely works, including seven world premieres on its main stage. now the company’s stage smarts extend to ticket prices as well. This year, BCT began offering a dynamic pricing structure that favors plan-aheaders. rather than a fixed admission fee, tickets start at only $15 and slowly rise in price as fewer seats become available—a good incentive to get your tickets early. in addition, BCT hosts five staged readings of new works by contemporary talents. For $12, you can get an early beat on the best of tomorrow’s playwrights.
the recorD exchAnGe: 1105 W. Idaho St., free, therecordexchange.com Sometimes the best things in life are free, and under that category falls in-stores at The record exchange. For a chance to see acoustic or out-of-the-box performances by traveling troubadours such as Band of Horses, Josh ritter or Grace Potter and the nocturnals, keep watching the community calendars or visit therecordexchange.com. Heck, even Smashing Pumpkins has played the joint!
story story niGht: 1402 Grove St., $5 (reservations encouraged), storystorynight.org everyone wants to hear the voluntary confessions of strangers. Story Story night, held every month at the Linen Building, is a two-part treat. First, three featured speakers deliver a 10-minute story, topics range from parental misdirection to worst jobs, followed by a trio of five-minute audience-drawn admissions. and yes, there is a trophy for the best story.
heirloom DAnce stuDio: 765 W. Idaho St., $5-$12, heirloomdancestudio.com Fancy trying a few dance steps yourself? Heirloom Dance Studio in downtown Boise has dropin classes five days a week ranging from beginner Lindy Hop to argentine tango. and it’s the only place you go to learn the hustle.
Also of Interest bAllet iDAho: Family Series, $10, balletidaho.org iDAho DAnce theAtre: Economic Stimulus Night, $5 suggested donation, idahodancetheatre.org
Also of Interest iDAho shAkesPeAre festiVAl: Preview Nights, $18, idahoshakespeare. org
iDAho botAnicAl GArDen: 2355 N. Old Penitentiary Road, $10, idahobotanicalgarden.org How is idaho Botanical Garden like a fifth-grade science project? Well, if good music creates healthy plant growth, the Great Garden escape Series has been helping keep the poppies blooming and the toes tapping since 1996. Happening every Thursday from June through September, the series features great regional bands—and a designated dance area—playing jazz, folk and acoustic rock. Gardengoers are encouraged to bring their own dinner or enjoy food and wine from Willowcreek Grill.
Also of Interest boise PhilhArmonic: Casual Classics Series, $15, boisephilharmonic.org
Also of Interest boise Poetry slAm: Poetry Slam DeLux at Neurolux (every third Monday), $5-$8, boisepoetry.com reDiscoVereD books: Local and national author events at Rediscovered Books (ongoing), free, rdbooks.org hyDe PArk bookstore: Poetry and Prose readings at Hyde Park Books (every third Friday), free, hydeparkbookstore.com
cult cAmP: 1109 W. Main St., $5 suggested donation, @boisecultcamp Held on a bi-monthly basis at the Gamekeeper Lounge, Cult Camp is a movie night for alternative film freaks, celebrating the best and worst of B-films, exploitation classics, noir and other obscure favorites. Previous screenings have included attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Harold and maude and Troll 2. admission is donation-based, with proceeds going to a community nonprofit such as Boise Bicycle Project and the i-48 Film Festival.
boise museum PAss: $9 (children), $19 (adult), boisemuseums.org Have a full week to spread out your cultural intake? a Boise museum Pass provides entry into seven different area museums, including Boise art museum, idaho State Historical museum, Discovery Center of idaho and World Center for the Birds of Prey. For less than $20, you can experience art, history and the best bubble-maker in the state.
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c ulture
DaviD S eeL iG
GAil seVern GAllery
friesen GAlleries
friesen GAllery
kneelAnD GAllery
Brandt Center, Northwest Nazarene University, 623 Holly St., 208-467-8398
320 First Ave. N., Ketchum, 208-726-4174, friesengallery.com
271 First Ave. N., Sun Valley, 208-726-5512, kneelandgallery.com
Sun Valley/Hailey/ Ketchum
400 First Ave. N., Ketchum, 208-726-5079, gailseverngallery.com
Anne reeD GAllery 391 First Ave. N., Ketchum, 208-726-3036, annereedgallery.com
broschofsky GAlleries
GAil seVern GAllery
GAllery DenoVo 320 First Ave. N., Ste. 101, Ketchum, 208-726-8180, gallerydenovo.com
GilmAn contemPorAry
360 East Ave., Ketchum, 208-726-4950, brogallery.com
661 Sun Valley Road, Ketchum, 208-726-7585, gilmancontemporary.com
freDeric boloix fine Arts
JAck burGess GAllery
320 First Ave. N., Ketchum, 208-726-8810, boloix.com
10th Street Center, Ste. A3-L, Ketchum, 208-720-4462, jackburgess.com
mountAin imAGes GAllery 400 E. Sun Valley Road, Ketchum, 208-725-5801, jamesbourret.photoshelter.com
ochi GAllery 350 Walnut Ave. and 119 Lewis St., Ketchum, 208-726-8746, ochigallery.com
sun VAlley center for the Arts 191 Fifth St. E., Ketchum; 314 Second Ave. S., Hailey, 208-726-9491, sunvalleycenter.org
GAllery wAlks first thursDAy Browse the galleries and businesses of downtown Boise on the first thursday of every month. Pick up Boise Weekly the first Wednesday of each month for a special guide to plan your First thursday. Visit downtownboise.org for info. first friDAy Hit the eagle galleries and businesses on the first Friday of each month for a gallery and art stroll though downtown, complete with live music. Visit eagleidaho.org for more information. sun VAlley GAllery wAlks One Friday each month (except January) stroll through the multitude of galleries in the Ketchum/Sun Valley area, sipping wine, sampling food and meeting artists. gallery walks are often held in conjunction with other community events. Visit svgalleries.org for a full list of dates and maps.
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c ulture
Lau r ie Pear m an
iDAho blAck history museum
Museums and Educational Centers bAsque museum AnD culturAl center 611 Grove St., 208-343-2671, basquemuseum.com Showcasing the history and contributions of the vibrant Basque culture in idaho, which includes the always interesting bar in the Cultural Center.
boise Art museum 670 Julia Davis Drive, 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org Sprawling across multiple galleries, an outdoor sculpture court and classrooms, the facility hosts numerous exhibits each year, attracting artists from around the world, as well as the state.
boise wAtersheD 11818 W. Joplin Road, 208-608-7300, bee.cityofboise.org Promoting water stewardship through hands-on displays housed at the Boise wastewater treatment facility.
DiscoVery center of iDAho 131 Myrtle St., 208-343-9895, scidaho.org Science, math and engineering take a giant leap out of the textbooks at this handson museum.
foothills leArninG center 3188 Sunset Peak Road, 208-493-2530, bee.cityofboise.org/foothills a living learning center focused on the Boise Foothills and local ecology. Watch for numerous educational programs for the family.
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iDAho Anne frAnk humAn riGhts memoriAl 777 S. Eighth St., 208-345-0304, idaho-humanrights.org The open air monument uses quotes from humanitarian leaders to foster discussion and reflection, and is one of the few places in the world where the universal Declaration of Human rights is on display.
iDAho blAck history museum 508 Julia Davis Drive, 208-433-0017, ibhm.org Housed in the historic St. Paul Baptist Church in Julia Davis Park, the museum is dedicated to the contributions and history of black cultures in idaho and around the world. admission is free but hours are limited.
iDAho botAnicAl GArDen 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, 208-343-8649, idahobotanicalgarden.org visitors can stroll through numerous gardens, including one full of native plants. The garden hosts numerous events, including concerts and education programs.
iDAho historicAl museum 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, 208-334-2120, history.idaho.gov The museum preserves and displays the history of idaho, from prehistoric animals through the fur trappers, gold miners, pioneers and current day. Watch for rotating exhibits, as well as hands-on history events, classes and public lectures.
mk nAture center 600 S. Walnut St., 208-334-2225, fishandgame.idaho.gov From trout to sturgeon, as well as waterfowl, songbirds and even deer, mink and beaver, this is a living museum. Take a walk along the streamside trail as an educational escape.
olD iDAho PenitentiAry 2445 Old Penitentiary Road, 208-334-2844, history.idaho.gov Who needs Scared Straight when you’ve got a penitentiary built more than 140 years ago? The prison is also the home to the J. Curtis earl memorial exhibit, showcasing the nation’s largest collection of historic arms and military memorabilia.
wArhAwk Air museum 201 Municipal Drive, Nampa, 208-465-6446, warhawkairmuseum.org visitors can check out the impressive collection of military planes. military uniforms and artifacts are also on display, and the museum hosts many educational programs.
worlD center for birDs of Prey 5668 W. Flying Hawk Lane, 208-362-8687, peregrinefund.org Learn about raptors at the conservation area with daily raptor presentations and falconry tours.
zoo boise 355 Julia Davis Drive, 208-384-4260, zooboise.org Wildlife in idaho is about more than elk and bear—at least at the zoo. www.b oiseweek ly.com
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Arts comPAss
c ulture
Finding the right performing arts fit Deanna Darr | illustrations by aDam rosenlunD Performing arts in the treasure Valley is a bit of a choose-yourown adventure proposition: there’s plenty to pick from but finding what option fits your tastes, fancies, budget and interests sometimes requires a guide. Whether you’re in the mood for a musical comedy with a great early bird special, a night of dance just for the grown ups, or a way to introduce the kids to classical music, we can help get you there.
theAter Alley rePertory theAter 216 W. 38th St., Garden City, 208-388-4278, alleyrep.org Semi-pro, semi-community theater that likes to challenge and shock audiences.
boise contemPorAry theAter
boise stAte theAter Arts DePArtment
854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org as the name suggests, contemporary plays in a black box setting.
2201 Caesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-3957 Boise State’s theatrical department offers a wide-ranging season highlighting the talents of its students. Productions are open to the public.
$$-$$$$ Opening nights are pay what you can.
boise little theAter 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-342-5104, boiselittletheater.org Solidly family-friendly community theater with an emphasis on nostalgic classics.
The earlier you buy your tickets, the cheaper they are. Each show has a limited number of $15 tickets, with the price increasing as blocks of seats are sold. Remember, midweek shows are less expensive. Also, watch for play readings, including a children’s reading series.
Check out the flex ticket package—seven tickets to use in any combination—for $60
iDAho shAkesPeAre festiVAl
PrAirie DoG ProDuctions
5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org Professional contemporary and classical productions under the stars. Wine and cheese required. Family nights are held on the first Sunday after opening night. it’s the only time children younger than 6 are allowed in the theater.
3820 Cassia St., Boise, 208-336-7383, pdplayhouse.com Laugh-your-ass-off, farce-filled community theater.
Boise State students, faculty and staff get one free ticket per production if purchased in advance or $5 at the door.
knock ’em DeAD Dinner theAtre 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208-385-0021, kedproductions.org Family friendly community dinner theater—be prepared for a sentimental favorite.
Early bird sales on season tickets mean big savings—hundreds of dollars in savings in fact. Students can take advantage of a five-show season ticket for just $55. Patrons age 25 and younger can buy rush tickets one hour before the show for $18. Preview nights on the lawn are also only $18.
$-$$ Buy season tickets for $25-$50 depending on age.
stAGe coAch theAtre 4802 Emerald St., Boise, 208-342-2000, stagecoachtheatre.com made by the people, for the people community theater.
$$ Students and military get a $3 discount.
$$-$$$$ Students can grab rush tickets for $10-$15.
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bAllet iDAho
DroP DAnce collectiVe
501 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-343-0556, balletidaho.org Classic ballet complete with the tutus, even when there’s a contemporary twist. Families are welcome at the Family Series, programs designed for young patrons.
854 Fulton St., Boise Boise’s revolving modern dance company. You never know who will be on stage.
$$$$ Watch for specials for each production.
bAlAnce DAnce comPAny 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-3184, balancedance.org Teen modern dance company that likes experimenting.
$-$$ Watch for $5 student tickets.
$$$ Occasional specials are announced at bctheater.org.
iDAho DAnce theAtre 405 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-331-9592, idahodancetheatre.org Boise’s modern dance company with some serious staying power.
c ulture
trey mcintyre ProJect 775 Fulton St., Boise, 877-867-2320, treymcintyre.com World-renowned contemporary ballet: not a tutu in sight.
$$$$ There’s a new price category for certain floor and balcony sections.
$$-$$$$ Preview nights for each performance are pay what you can, with a minimum $5 donation requested. These performances are open to families. Early season ticket buyers get discounts, as well as students willing to sit in the back.
music boise bAroque orchestrA boisebaroque.com a small ensemble with a big sound brings 17th and 18th century music to the 21st century.
$$$ Season tickets mean price breaks.
boise PhilhArmonic 516 S. Ninth St., Boise, 208-344-7849, boisephilharmonic.org The heavy hitters of Boise’s classical scene give a reason to get dressed up.
$$$-$$$$ Student rush tickets available for $10. Special promotions are offered through the email newsletter and on Facebook. The Backstage With the Artist brownbag lunch series is free on the Friday before concert weekends, and family pricing is available for the Family Concert Series.
boise PhilhArmonic mAster chorAle 100 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-7901, boisemasterchorale.net Choral music for those out of high school. The chorale is part of the philharmonic, but it does perform one solo concert each year.
oPerA iDAho 513 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-345-3531, operaidaho.org Belting out everything from the classic to the contemporary.
$$$-$$$$ meriDiAn symPhony 208-891-2721, meridiansymphony.org Bringing some culture to the burbs.
Student rush tickets are available for $15 one hour prior to performances, and military discounts are offered.
$ Family pack tickets are available for $25 and include three adults or two adults and children.
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historic hiGhliGhts c ulture
Architectural treasures of Boise’s hidden past
Deanna Darr | PhotograPhs from the iDaho state historical society Some of Boise’s architectural and historic treasures are easy to spot. two of the most famous sit at either end of capitol Boulevard and a third sits in between—the Idaho State capitol, the Boise train Depot and the egyptian theatre. But others are less obvious. Whether they’ve faded into obscurity or never made it into the limelight, there are cultural jewels hiding in plain sight. We consulted todd Shallat, director of the center for Idaho History and Politics at Boise State, and terri Schorzman, director of the Boise city Department of Arts and History, to uncover some of their favorite cultural gems. GoV. frAnk steunenberG stAtue Idaho Statehouse, 700 W. Jefferson St., Boise a statue of a murdered governor dramatically stares at the current governor’s office—slightly creepy. Steunenberg was killed in 1905 when a bomb planted at his home by a radical labor activist blew up.
the cAbin 801 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, thecabinidaho.org What is now a center for literary pursuits was built in 1939 with the help of the Civilian Conservation Corps as the headquarters of the idaho State Forestry Department. each room in the building was built with materials donated by different idaho timber companies, giving each its own personality.
centrAl ADDition Between Front and Myrtle streets and Fourth and Fifth streets, Boise One of the first additions to the city, the district was once home to a wide variety of early Boise residents, from seamstresses to judges. a few of the original, ornate homes remain, although most are in a state of disrepair. Schorzman hopes that someday the homes can be part of a historic preservation effort.
u.s. AssAy office church of the GooD shePherD Corner of Fifth and Idaho streets, Boise Built in 1919, the church is the only one built for and by Basques, with services held in the Basque language.
210 W. Main St., Boise now home to the idaho State Historical Society’s Historic Preservation Office, the building was completed in 1872 as a place where regional miners could turn their hard-earned ore into cash. Situated in the middle of a square-block-sized piece of land, the building is both attention-grabbing and a bit hidden.
GermAn turnVerein builDinG 100 S. Sixth St., Boise The 1906 structure—which now houses the China Blue nightclub—was once a social and athletic club for Boise’s large German population. “They drank beer and did gymnastics— that’s hard to do at the same time,” Shallat joked. But in the wake of anti-German protests after the outbreak of World War i, the club disbanded and the sandstone sign above the door was sandblasted. remnants of it are still visible, though. There are also numerous ghost stories associated with the building, stemming from a long-ago murder.
r.z. Johnson block 515 W. Idaho St., Boise The building, which was designed by architect John C. Paulsen in 1892, now houses Davies reid but is one of the few remaining structures from a time when the city had an early master plan. Paulsen was hired by the city to build the natatorium and the original Boise City Hall (located on the site of the current City Hall). The attention-grabbing building has touches of Queen anne, Tudor revival and even Flemish romantic styles. Paulsen himself met an unfortunate end after it was discovered he embezzled money. He committed suicide under some questionable circumstances.
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former Downtown mAcy’s builDinG olD ADA county courthouse 514 W. Jefferson St., Boise Built in 1938, the building is one of only a few examples of 1930s art deco design in Boise. The building was a Works Progress administration project—part of the Depression-era new Deal—and is home to a series of now-controversial murals, including one showing the lynching of a native american, and one in which a phantom hand rests on a man’s shoulder.
918 Idaho St., Boise While both macy’s and its predecessor, The Bon marche, are now gone, the large multi-story building has a history hiding beneath its exterior. Built in the 1920s, the building originally boasted a traditional Spanish Colonial mission-style design, complete with tiled roof and stucco exterior, much like the Boise Train Depot, which was built around the same time. The exterior was covered in the early 1960s, but Schorzman theorizes—hopefully—that the original structure may someday be found safely underneath. www.b oiseweek ly.com
RecoRd exchange
Words and Tunes
Book and record stores face change with innovation Eric Austin | PhotogrAPh by LAuriE PEArmAn During the last few years it hasn’t been easy to own an independent business. Now imagine owning an independent business while facing not only a down economy but a swiftly changing market in which technology is cutting you out of the equation. It’s the challenging reality for both book and record store owners, whose function is rapidly being usurped by the Internet. Yet a few hardy souls are keeping some of these traditional community hubs open while finding ways to work with changing technology—or to make technology work for them. “people have this vision of locally owned businesses as the dinosaurs left over from the ’20s and ’30s,” said Bruce Delaney, who, along with his wife Laura, owns both Rediscovered Books and All About Games. But with a constantly revolving calendar of readings, book groups, signings and assorted events, Rediscovered is charging ahead in the battle to stay consistently relevant. While many consumers now do the majority of their shopping from their office chairs, and e-books are on the rise—now outselling physical books on Amazon for the first time—the smaller size and autonomy of the corner bookstore provides certain advantages. When’s the last time you were able to discuss your next big read with a computer? Even knowing all the challenges of running a modern bookstore didn’t stop Jeremiah Wierenga, who bought hyde park Books in late 2010. Wierenga had some apprehension about going into “an industry that is under fire,” but his own love of independent booksellers motivated him to take the risk. he sees two main challenges in today’s market: online commerce and decreased readership. he acknowledges that in order to survive, book stores can’t just sell books. With all the options customers have, they must integrate other elements into their businesses. “Some of them have small presses. Some of them have cafes,” Wierenga said of the changing business model. In addition to selling online and looking into e-books, he is considering other options,
including a small press of his own—or even cooking classes. Independent stores also have the luxury of complete control over both their inventory and the physical qualities of the store. “You know every book in your store; you can recommend just about everything,” Wierenga said, adding that this freedom allows independent stores to react faster to both the market and customer demands. This adaptability extends into the digital realm. In addition to staying in contact with the community through websites and emails, social networking has allowed businesses to do it more affordably. Rediscovered Books has also kept up by making Google e-books available through its website, letting customers who prefer the new format to support their local bookseller. The growth of music piracy and digital formats has been a major threat to The Record Exchange and other independent record stores, which once looked to youth markets for support. Those young customers now depend on online music purchases. “A lot of record stores used to try to be near college campuses and suddenly that became the worst possible thing that could happen to you,” said Mike Bunnell, who opened The Record Exchange in 1977. But there’s been an unexpected upturn in recent years thanks to a very old source. After years of decline, vinyl record sales are actually increasing, especially among young people, and the variety of music emerging in this format is expanding. Bunnell suspects the resurgence may be a reaction to the casual nature of digital files on an Mp3 player, as well as better sound quality, album artwork and the ritualistic involvement of listening to a vinyl record as factors. “It’s a bigger hassle, but at the same time, that ritual means that you’re paying more attention to what you’re really doing,” Bunnell said. Despite the challenges of both the economy and technology, those who love the businesses are devoted as ever to keeping their doors open. “We see ourselves differently—as innovators,” Delaney said.
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boise style From boisestyle.com
Fashion Forward Does Boise have a style of its own? Deanna Darr Boise fashion. Try not to laugh. Admittedly, Boise doesn’t have a reputation for being on the leading edge of fashion—or for being anywhere on the scene for that matter. But just because sightings of a label that reads “prada,” “Gucci” or “Elie saab” are few and far between doesn’t mean that the city doesn’t have some style. “There’s fashion and there’s style,” said Boise photographer Thomas Lea, who created Boise style two years ago. “Fashion is the latest from New York or paris ... Everyone has a style in my view.” Lea’s camera is his constant companion on his wanderings around the city as he waits for someone to catch his attention. “I’m looking not just for tailored or off-the-rack. I’m looking for more creative in what they put into an outfit. It looks like they’re trying to make an effort,” he said. Lea calls the photo selection process for his blog highly unscientific and something that can’t be 78 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
taken too seriously—kind of like fashion in Boise. If he were to offer a broad category for local fashion, it would be “super casual and outdoorsy.” For those in the Treasure Valley, the labels that matter read “North Face,” “Keen” or “patagonia.” “I don’t think you can be underdressed in Boise,” he said with a laugh. “It’s just the way it is here, and people who live here want it that way.” Lea loves looking for fashion subjects at the Capital City public Market, where he scans the crowd for those feeling adventurous with their fashion, be it particularly colorful displays, breezy patterns or incorporation of vintage pieces. Taking a chance on fashion is what former Boise resident Elliot soriano sees as the biggest challenge for Boiseans. soriano, who grew up in Boise and recently graduated from Boise state, is an assistant stylist for T, The New York Times style magazine, as well as for Details, Interview, Vogue Japan and Wonderland magazines. “The biggest challenge is having the confidence
to test the boundaries of what people in Boise will respond to,” soriano wrote in an email. “It’s all about making a statement with what you’re wearing for the sake of style, not just to draw attention to yourself. You can still turn heads in Boise for the right reason. Whatever you’re wearing, you just have to own it. A good outfit will give you enough charisma to achieve anything.” he believes Boise’s style falls too across-thespectrum to be categorized, but from his perspective, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. “places like seattle and L.A. have their own specific style that is very true to the area, but Boise doesn’t, which is what I loved about Boise—everyone is a character,” he wrote. Residents have become more aware of fashion trends in recent years—something soriano partially attributes to the addition of big-name retailers. “of course, trends come and go and, for the most part, Boise is pretty good at following them— [It needs] to work on letting them go, though.” www.b oiseweek ly.com
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LAu r iE PEAr m A n
haP tallman stockman’s suPPly
ThREADs Because your birthday suit isn’t enough barbara barbara & co. 834 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-342-2002 For the girls who like it sassy.
ella’s room 216 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-331-3552, ellasroom.com Lingerie so hot, you might forego the rest of your outfit.
Fancy Pants 825 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-345-3339 High-end, high fashion for the hip woman.
haP tallman 4410 Overland Road, Boise, 208-344-7873, haptallman.com The place to go to dress your inner cowboy or cowgirl in true Western style.
lux Fashion lounge 785 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-344-4589, luxfashionlounge.com Fashion-forward place to buy or sell new and used clothes.
mimi marie 228 E. Plaza St., Ste. P, Eagle, 208-939-1005, mimimarieboutique.com High-class fashion and fun accessories.
Piece unique clothing co. 404 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-387-0250, pieceuniqueshoez.com Just the place when a girl needs something trendy and unusual.
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to the nynes 168 N. Ninth St., Ste. 100, Boise, 208-331-2338, tothenynesboise.com For the man who wants to look downright dapper.
the white Pine 1306 Second St. S., Nampa, 208-466-9083, thewhitepineboutique.com Fun fashions with a local/ eco-friendly vibe.
NEW To You Gently used just about everything antique world mall 4544 Overland Road, Boise, 208-342-5350, antiqueworldmall.com The name really does say it all: antiques from all over.
atomic treasures 409 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-344-0811, atomictreasures.com “Funky” and “eclectic” don’t cut it when describing this bastion of vintage.
back on the rack 1226 Broadway Ave., Boise, 208-342-4879, backontherackboise.com Designer labels at smokin’ consignment prices.
bench commission Furniture 4255 Rose Hill St., Boise, 208-343-1251 Gently used furniture that spans decades.
Forget me not antiques 1521 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-338-3806 Antique discoveries in the middle of Hyde Park.
idaho youth ranch warehouse 5465 W. Irving St., Boise, 208-377-2613, youthranch.org Where cost is based on weight. Clothes, furniture, decor and things that can’t be categorized.
in retrosPect 1615 W. State St., Boise, 208-695-7156 A vast selection of vintage fashions for men and women.
once uPon a time 4718 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-1165, antiques-onceuponatime.com Eclectic and unexpected antiques and collectables. Plus Picture Show Vintage.
renewal 517 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-338-5444, renewalhome.com Gently used retro/hip furniture and houseware.
the rePeat boutique 500 S. Vista Ave., Boise, 208-389-4623 Stylish, gently used duds.
ricochet 5777 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-321-7500, ricochetboise.com An ever-changing collection of consignment furniture.
blue moon antiques 1611 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-336-5954 Hyde Park mainstay offering the best of the past. www.b oiseweek ly.com
LAu r iE PEAr m A n
sara’s secondhand 607 N. Orchard St., Boise, 208-331-2366 Consignment home decor and treasures.
the shabby house 4906 W. State St., Boise, 208-853-1005, theshabbyhouse.com Fabulous finds for both inside and outside your home.
urban revival 1607 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-283-9322 Vintage clothes and homewares for the shopper with an eye for a great find.
FEET-WEAR Soul for your sole bandanna running and walking 504 W. Main St., Boise, 208-386-9017, bandannarunning.com Say “no” to blisters with the perfect athletic shoes.
shoe Fetish 310 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-336-0393 Where all the pretty, pretty high heels live.
shoez 404 S. Eighth St., Ste. 188, Boise, 208-343-3055 Just the place to satisfy your shoe-buying addiction, especially if it’s for sassy pumps.
shu’s idaho running 1758 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-6604, idahorunningcompany.com Helping you put one foot in front of the other, rapidly.
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george’s cycles & Fitness
Gearheads rejoice
5515 W. State St., Boise, 208-853-1964; 251 E. Front St., Boise, 208-343-3782; 10178 Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-884-3115, georgescycles.com Everything you need for all types of cycling.
the benchmark 625 S. Vista Ave., Boise, 208-338-1700 Climb, backpack and camp in style.
bicycle mania 8305 W. State St., Boise, 208-853-0195, bicycle-mania.com Everything for anything on two wheels.
the board room
greenwood’s ski haus 2400 N. Bogus Basin Road, Boise, 208-342-6808, greenwoodsskihaus.com if it has anything at all to do with skis, you’ll find it here.
2727 W. State St., Boise, 208-385-9553, boardroomboise.com Snowboards and skateboards for the true boarder.
idaho angler
boise army navy
idaho archery
1682 S. Vista Ave., Boise, 208-389-9957, idahoangler.com Turning fishing into an art.
4924 Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-322-0660 Just the place for the camowearing, river-raftin’, campin’ outdoorsman in your life.
5669 N. Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-376-7057, idahoarchery.net Gear and training for the bow enthusiast.
eco lounge
idaho mountain touring
2445 Bogus Basin Road, Boise, 208-429-8855; 1626 S. Wells Ave., Ste. 120, Meridian, 208898-7683, eco-lounge.com Eco-friendly products for the eco-conscious skier and boarder.
Flynn’s saddle shoP 8633 W. State St., Boise, 208-853-4095, flynnssaddleshop.com Headquarters for everything equestrian.
1310 W. Main St., Boise, 208-336-3854, idahomountaintouring.com Head to the mountains, via skis, backpack or bike.
idaho river sPorts 3100 W. Pleasanton Ave., Boise, 208-336-4844; 2021 E. Wilson Lane, Meridian, 208-401-0010, idahoriversports.com When you want to get wet— with your kayak or raft.
Joyride cycles 1306 Alturas St., Boise, 208-947-0017, joyride-cycles.com Two-wheeled happiness in Boise’s north End.
LAu r iE PEAr m A n
Joyride cycles
sarah barrand
art oF the deal Getting a deal has become a competitive sport. No longer is clipping coupons the territory of little old ladies—it’s a technology-driven, noholds-barred, to-the-victor-goes-the-savings obsession that has even spawned its own verb: “couponing.” When the economy hit the skids, more people allowed their pride to take a back seat to financial smarts, and in response, coupon/deal/ savings websites and tools have popped up at a dizzying rate. From apps that alert you of the latest deal to websites that serve as both aggregator and guide through the discount arena, there are plenty of ways to save a few bucks and do it easily. “Thrifty has to be a lifestyle,” said Treasure Valley resident sarah Barrand, who along with her husband, Matt, started athriftymom. com two years ago. The site has had more than 5 million visitors, and thanks to Barrand’s coupon acumen, the family saved more than $8,000 last year alone. While you don’t have to head to the store with a 5-inch binder of strategic savings under your arm like Barrand does, there’s always room to save a little cash. she recommends websites like hers, which do a lot of the hard work for you. Barrand and her husband scour in-store specials, coupons, online deal and assorted promotions, then match them up and tell you how to get the best buy. Fabulesslyfrugal. com is another Boise-based site that culls coupon deals for shoppers. social media sites like Facebook have allowed manufacturers direct access to consumers, and the site is home to some exclusive deals, as are individual company websites. citysmart.com, groupon. com and livingsocial.com offer a selection of targeted deals each day in specific cities. Twitter is the domain of other group deal programs, including dealchirp, which sends alerts to members. Boise Weekly is even on the deal trail with not only a special promotions page on boiseweekly.com, but with the bw card, which offers card holders deep discounts at participating businesses. If you’re still intimidated by the art of the deal, Barrand even offers free couponing classes—most routinely fill up with more than 230 participants and a long waiting list. Barrand does have a word of warning for those uninitiated in the world of the coupon: take baby steps. “people can get really excited about getting a deal,” she said. “They really go after it, but then they can hit coupon burnout. It’s like a bad fad diet.” —Deanna Darr
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LAu r iE PEAr m A n
triP taylor bookseller
mcu sPorts 2314 Bogus Basin Road, Boise, 208-336-2300; 822 W. Jefferson St., Boise, 208-342-7734, mcusports.com Skiing, biking, boarding— they’ve got it.
newt and harold’s 1021 Broadway Ave., Boise, 208-385-9300, newtandharolds.com Whether you use your board on the road or the slopes, you’ll feel at home here.
Prestige skateboards 106 S. 11th St., Boise, 208-424-6824, prestigeskateboards.com The place for the skateboard purist.
rediscovered bookshoP 180 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-376-4229, rdbooks.org A good book never goes out of style.
5015 W. State St., Boise, 208-853-4141, dorseymusic.com Bang a drum, strum a guitar, you get the idea.
dunkley music 410 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-342-5549, dunkleymusic.com The rhythm will get you.
hyde Park book store 1507 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-429-8220, hydeparkbookstore.com Some new, some used, all worth reading.
the record exchange 1105 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-344-8010, therecordexchange.com Tunes, vinyl and merch for the true music fan.
82 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
415 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-385-9337, rgreygallery.com Handmade jewelry that doubles as art.
river city guitars
rosehill coins and Jewelry
574 W. Main St., Boise, 208-344-7600, rivercityguitars.net Keeping your life strumming.
3506 Rose Hill St., Boise, 208-343-3220 Estate finds at prices that don’t break the bank.
triP taylor bookseller 210 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-344-3311 used books of all types for people of all types.
yesteryear shoPPe 1211 First St. S., Nampa, 208-467-3581, yesteryearshoppe.com A playground for those who love books and vinyl.
Books and tunes dorsey music
r. grey Jewelry
su CAsA Getting your house and home in order a2 zebra 1003 S. Vista Ave., Boise, 208-246-8649, a2zebra.biz international decor for your home, as well as luggage to get you away.
birdhouse and habitat
BLING Shiny objects hal davis Jewelers
12598 W. Fairview Ave., Ste. 101, Boise, 208-375-8051, birdhouseandhabitat.net Everything for your feathered visitors.
chF home Furnishings
921 W. Jefferson St., Boise, 208-343-6151, haldavis.com Fine designer jewelry with a selection from rolex.
104 S. Orchard St., Boise, 208-343-7769, shopchf.com Acres of furniture and home appliances.
lee read Jewelers
davies reed
650 E. Sonata Lane, Meridian, 208-376-8800, leereadjewelers.com Lee read is engagement ground zero.
515 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-384-0514, daviesreid.com Hand-spun, hand-woven wool rugs made in the tradition of Central Asian tribal weavers.
Precious metal arts
the home store
208 N. Eighth St., Ste. 50, Boise, 208-363-9293, finecustomjewelry.com The place for some custommade bling.
3210 Chinden Blvd., Ste. 111, Eagle, 208-938-3884, thenesthomestore.com Home decor and furnishings for those looking to make a statement. www.b oiseweek ly.com
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LAu r iE PEAr m An
children’s store
Jim’s aPPliance 1115 Lusk St., Boise, 208-345-7711, jimsappliance.com The local choice for appliances, bedding and furniture.
all about games
350 N. Ninth St., Ste. 100, Boise, 208-426-0040, lattashowroom.com Sleek and elegant home furnishings and decor.
boise art glass
Even the little ones need to work it buns in the oven 413 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-342-5683, labortolove.com From maternity wear to toys, all with style.
cassis children’s boutique 819 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-345-5501, cassiskids.com Clothes and accessories for the stylish child.
children’s store
530 W. Myrtle St., Boise, 208-345-1825, boiseartglass.com Breakable yet beautiful gifts for all.
boise art museum giFt shoP 670 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org unique discoveries.
video: The art of a thrift store deal.
1346 S. Orchard St., Boise, 208-322-4366, childrens-store.com Fun times for the tots.
Penny lane kids
84 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
For you or them 7079 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-343-5653; 120 Eighth St., Boise, 208-345-0204, allaboutgamesboise.com Heaven for non-electronic gamers who love rare games and educational toys.
COFFEEHOUSE | 500 WEST IDAHO ST. BOISE | 208.345.4320 COFFEEGARAGE | 1314 2ND ST. SOUTH, NAMPA | 208.467.5533
1778 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-5437, pennylanekids.com Books, games and clothes for all of childhood, from infant to teen.
3030 E. Overland Road, Ste. 100, Meridian, 208888-7668; 3073 S. Bown Way, Boise, 208-342-1916, brewforia.com For the beer snob in your life.
bricolage 418 N. Sixth St., Boise, 208-345-3718, bricoshoppe.com Handmade T-shirts, bags and other lovely discoveries.
cheers 828 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-342-1805, cheers.invitations.com Say it on real stationery.
crone’s cuPboard 712 N. Orchard St., Boise, 208-333-0831, crones-cupboard.com Give the gift of foresight and inner peace.
dragonFly 414 W. Main St., Boise, 208-338-9234 Eclectic gifts for them, something sassy for you.
dunia marketPlace 1609 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-333-0535, duniamarketplace.com Fair-trade finds from across the globe.
the edge 1105 W. Idaho St., Boise (inside The Record Exchange), 208-344-8010, therecordexchange.com Jewelry, music merch and kitsch galore.
ePitome home and garden 121 N. Fifth St., Boise, 208-333-0123 Beautiful finds to make your home a showpiece.
eyes oF the world 1576 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-331-1212, eyesoftheworldonline.com items from all over the world with an emphasis on handmade and well-crafted.
Flying m coFFeehouse and Flying m coFFeegarage 500 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-345-4320; 1314 Second St. S., Nampa, 208-467-5533, flyingmcoffee.com Fun and fabulous finds for hard-to-buy-for friends.
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LAu r iE PEAr m A n
idaho state historical museum giFt shoP
good goods
edwards greenhouse
5865 Glenwood St., Ste. C, Garden City, 208-377-3027, goodgoodsco.com unique, beautiful gifts with a European country flair for friends or your home.
605 S. Americana Blvd., Boise, 208-343-3899 Everything for knitting, weaving or needlework.
4106 Sand Creek St., Boise, 208-342-7548, edwardsgreenhouse.com You’ve never seen so much greenery for inside or outside your home in one place.
idaho state historical museum giFt shoP 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-334-2120, history.idaho.gov There’s nothing like a twoheaded cow plush toy.
india giFts 3203 Overland Road, 208-919-0925 Beautiful and exotic finds from the subcontinent.
indie made 108 N. Sixth St., Boise, 208-342-0804, idahoindieworks.blogspot.com Handmade in idaho.
knit-wits 8850 W. Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-376-0040, boiseknitwits.com Knit one, purl two, and keep on knitting.
need to bead 1100 N. Orchard St., Boise, 208-384-0404, needtobeadboise.com Tons of beads but also an impressive list of classes.
PuFFy mondaes 200 12th Ave. S., Nampa, 208-407-3359, puffymondaes.com Sustainable crafts in nampa, with a schedule of classes and workshops.
twigs & twists
CRAFTY Make it yourself caledonia Fine Fabrics 605 Americana Blvd., Boise, 208-338-0895, caledoniafabrics.com An impressive collection of fine fabrics from wool and cashmere to silks and lace.
craFter’s choice beads 12 N. Orchard St., Boise, 208-376-4911 What you need to add some homemade bling.
1304 W. Eastman St., Boise, 208-342-0600, twigsandtwist.com Sewing and crafting studio based on sustainability.
twisted ewe 1738 W. State St., Boise, 208-287-3693, twistedeweidaho.com Knitting and crocheting take the spotlight.
GRoW IT From the garden 36th street garden center 3823 N. Garden Center Way, Boise, 208-433-5100, 36streetgardencenter.com Keeping your garden swanky.
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Far west garden center 5728 W. State St., Boise, 208-853-4000, farwestgardencenter.net make your landscape the envy of the neighborhood.
Franz witte 9770 W. State St., Boise, 208-853-0808, franzwitte.com Trees, shrubs, flowers and pink flamingos aplenty.
north end organic nursery 2350 Hill Road, Boise, 208-389-4769, northendnursery.com Keeping it fresh and natural with plants and classes.
X-RATED Adults like toys, too great gargoyles 295 N. Orchard St., Boise, 208-375-5050, greatgargoyles.com/home.php Dragons, fairies, skulls and, of course, gargoyles. Better yet: a selection of adult toys to satisfy a different kind of fantasy.
Pleasure boutique 5022 E. Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-433-1161, pleasureboutique.com For grown-ups only, thank you very much.
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MonuMental Destinations National treasures in Boise’s back yard Deanna Darr | illustration by erin Cunningham Sure, places like Yellowstone, Glacier and Yosemite national parks get all the attention, but idaho has its share of national treasures that come without the suffocating crowds. across the Gem State, a collection of national reserves, monuments and conservation areas has been set aside to celebrate some of the most unique landscapes and historic landmarks in the country. From recreational havens to scientific hotspots, there’s plenty to see in southern and central idaho, and much of it is just a short drive from the Boise area. Here are some of our favorite destinations. Morley nelson snake river BirDs of Prey national Conservation area South of Kuna peregrinefund.org
Just outside of the main treasure Valley metropolitan area, across an unassuming expanse of sage-covered high dessert, sits ground zero for some of the most successful wildlife conservation efforts in the world. the 485,000-acre Birds of Prey conservation area is home to more than 800 pairs of nesting raptors, including kestrels, making the area a haven for bird lovers. established in 1993 to protect the habitat, it is also home to the Peregrine Fund World center for Birds of Prey. the organization is a world leader in conservation programs, with broadreaching breeding and research programs, as well as public educational offerings. Year-round hours at the Velma Morrison interpretive center give the public—and generations of school field trips—a chance to see the birds up close and learn more about efforts to save them. City of roCks national reserve 200 miles east of Boise, south of Burley nps.gov/ciro
it took a few years, but Mother nature eventually sculpted the spires and canyons of city of rocks out of granite to create one of the most highly regarded climbing areas in the country. Spires rise to 600 feet from the desert floor, creating the feeling of an open-air cathedral. regardless of the time of year, hikers, campers and climbers can be found throughout the area, many of them trying their skills on the more
than 700 developed climbing routes. the first european visitors to the area came with the wagon trains moving west. even in the 19th century, the vista of towering spires captured the imaginations of the travelers, many of whom left their names on rocks in the area. Craters of the Moon national MonuMent anD Preserve 170 miles east of Boise, between Carey and Arco nps.gov/crmo
Who needs to go to the moon when you have craters of the Moon with easy access and breathable air? encompassing roughly 750,000 acres, craters offers visitors a surreal vista—a landscape turned black by layers of hardened lava that once flowed across the land, creating a jumble of peaks, craters, caves and features that seem like they were sculpted by an artist. its lunar reputation is no joke—the apollo 14 astronauts trained in the park in 1969. now visitors can camp while exploring the almost alien landscape thanks to hiking trails and scenic drives. the more adventurous can check out the system of lava caves beneath the surface of the park. hagerMan fossil BeDs national MonuMent 100 miles east of Boise near Hagerman nps.gov/hafo
History collides near Hagerman, where visitors can see both the oregon trail and one of the richest deposits of fossils from the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs anywhere in the world. What is now a sagebrush-covered plain was once home to a rich and diverse ecosystem—at least it was between 3 million and 4 million
years ago. then the area was home to sabertoothed cats, ancient camels and sloths, as well as the Hagerman Horse, the official state fossil. Hagerman has the largest concentration of these ancient horse fossils (Equus simplicidens) on the continent, including 30 complete skeletons. overall, fossilized remains of more than 220 species of both plants and animals have been found in the area. Visitors are not allowed to dig for fossils themselves, but the visitors’ center has some of the best examples on display, and ranger-led programs allow the public to take a closer look at things. For a little more recent history, check out the wagon ruts left by pioneers traveling on the oregon trail in what is now the oregon trail overlook parking lot. sawtooth national reCreation area Roughly 150 miles northeast of Boise near Ketchum fs.usda.gov/sawtooth
When people think of the wilds of idaho, the Sawtooths are usually what come to mind. From the jagged peaks of the mountains, to the pristine rivers, alpine lakes and forests full of wildlife, this is one of the places where idaho likes to get flashy. Spanning more than 750,000 acres, the area has been protected to ensure its rugged beauty will last. the recreation area is filled with places to do just that—recreate. From hundreds of miles of hiking trails dotting the entire area to favorite destinations like redfish Lake, outdoor opportunities abound. the area includes portions of the Sawtooth Wilderness, as well as a corridor running through the Sun Valley and Stanley areas. the eastern portion includes the Boulder and White cloud mountains—an area that has long been proposed for federal designation of its own. Whether its fishing on world-class rivers like the Salmon, mountain biking near Sun Valley or backpacking to alpine lakes, idaho’s reputation as an outdoor paradise is well earned in central idaho.
Rec Reatio n
36th stReet PeDestRiaN bRiDge
RiveR woRks
River park and Greenbelt projects connect the valley Deanna Darr | PhotograPh by Laurie Pearman if the treasure Valley was built around a hub, it would be the Boise River. When the area was settled, the river meant survival. But now it is the catalyst for the type of life most residents want to lead—one in which outdoor recreation and the beauty of nature are just steps outside our doorways. that purpose is being aided by the continual, but careful, development of the river corridor with an eye on improving access and amenities while preserving the nature of the area. the Greenbelt has long been one of the major draws of the area, stretching more than 20 miles from the eastern edge of eagle to Discovery State Park next to Lucky Peak Reservoir. Recent additions have focused on the portion of the Greenbelt near 36th Street, where not only was a new bridge added, but where the paved pathway will border the new Ray Neef mD boise River Recreation Park, as well as the soon-tobe-developed simplot Park. the changes are especially striking considering the area has been relatively neglected until recently—home to empty lots, derelict industrial facilities and warehouses. the pedestrian bridge linking the north and south sides of the river pathway systems opened last fall, and it has already become popular with commuters and recreationists alike. “People love it,” said amy Stahl, Boise Depart90 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
ment of Parks and Recreation spokesperson. “it’s a great connector between the Live and Work section of Garden city and the Veterans Park area. it’s great for commuters.” the bridge is the latest link in the pathway system. the next focus for future development is linking eagle with the larger Greenbelt system. Beyond making life easier for bike riders and joggers, the bridge will also provide a prime viewpoint to watch the action once the new river park is up and going. the project has been years in the making, but the $3.78 million for the first phase of the park has been raised through a mix of private and government donations, and kayakers could be playing on the first features as soon as spring 2012. Beth Markley, spokesperson for Friends of the Park, said some in-river work has been done to prepare for the first feature, which will be installed in the riverbed during the work window from october 2011 through March 2012. this first phase includes a wave shaper that will create up to three waves at nearly all water levels. Markley said work is ongoing to secure agreements with downstream water users that will allow the second phase of the project to begin. But just what that second phase will look like is still a moving target since it cannot be designed until agreements are in place and a new flood plain
map is finalized. Park planners anticipate that the second phase will be less expensive than the first, with an estimated price tag of $2.5 million. a big part of keeping the cost down came thanks to the Simplot Family Foundation, which has stepped up with additional funding to not only develop the park that bears the family’s name, but to build restrooms, changing facilities, parking and access to the river park—none of which Friends of the River anticipated. “that’s totally huge,” Markley said. additionally, the Simplots are putting the development on an accelerated schedule. Markley added that an additional $5,000 grant from monies collected as part of the idaho Wild Rivers license plate fund will pay for the installation of a webcam that will allow the curious to watch construction of the project and, eventually, boaters playing on the river features on the Friends of the Park website at boiseriverpark.com. “the benefits to the community are tremendous,” Markley said, adding that communities of similar size have seen millions of dollars come in as a direct result of river parks. She said whitewater event organizers from around the world have already been calling to check on progress. Still, it’s area residents who will benefit most directly. “this will be whitewater you can access on your lunch hour,” Markley said. www.b oiseweek ly.com
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Rec Reatio n
Lau r iE PEar m an
lowell Pool
PuBLic PooLS
meRiDiaN Pool
calDwell Family ymca
213 E. Franklin Road, 208-888-4392, westernada.com/meridian-pool. html Enjoy open and lap swim at this outdoor pool.
3720 S. Indiana Ave., 208-454-9622, ymcatvidaho.org Swim in the 25-yard rec and children’s pools. Lounge in the lazy river or jacuzzi.
cityofboise.org/departments/ parks
boRah Pool 801 Aurora Drive, 208-570-6980 The Southwest Boise pool offers diving boards, lap lanes and a sprayground facility.
FaiRmoNt Pool 7929 Northview St., 208-570-6981 The outdoor pool offers swimming lessons and can be rented for private parties.
RoaRiNg sPRiNgs wateR PaRk 400 W. Overland Road, 208-884-8842, roaringsprings.com Spend a day riding the rafts, swimming in the wave pool, lounging in the lazy river and racing down slides.
ivywilD Pool 2250 Leadville Ave., 208-570-6985, Check out the pretzel slide and two drop-off slides.
lowell Pool 1601 N. 28th St., 208-570-6982 Do a cannonball into the pool using the 1-meter diving board.
NatatoRium Pool aND hyDRotube 1811 Warm Springs Ave., 208-570-6984 The ultimate in outdoor pools offers two diving boards, wading pool and the popular hydrotube.
south Pool 921 S. Shoshone St., 208-570-6983 Take swimming lessons in the comfort of the large oval pool.
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eagle islaND state PaRk wateRsliDe
SkatePaRkS Bowls and rails eagle skatePaRk Eagle Bike Park, Horseshoe Bend Way, Eagle Large concrete park with transitions, pyramid, funbox, stairs, handrails, ledges and a snake-run.
FoRt boise skatePaRk
4000 W. Hatchery Road, 208-939-0696, parksandrecreation.idaho.gov/ parks The 545-acre park offers a beach and a waterslide.
Corner of Fort and Reserve streets, Boise Concrete park with metal coping. Bowls, a pyramid, roll-ins and a spine.
Canal Street, Emmett Concrete park with funbox, roll-in, quarterpipes and metal coping. Open and lit 24 hours a day.
lakeview wateRPaRk Garrity Boulevard and N. 16th Ave., 208-465-2219, nampaparksandrecreation.org/ recdepartment Enjoy the waterslide in the pool in Lakeview Park.
NamPa RecReatioN ceNteR 131 Constitution Way, 208-468-5777, nampaparksandrecreation.org/ reccenter Have a blast floating in the water tubes, swinging from the Tarzan rope and jumping off the diving board.
gem islaND skatePaRk
kuNa skatePaRk Fourth and Locust streets, Kuna Concrete snake run and spine leading into a large vert bowl with metal coping.
mcmillaN skatePaRk Charles F. McDevitt Youth Sports Complex, Eagle and McMillan roads Concrete flat and roll-in with masonite quarterpipes, a funbox with handrails and a vert ramp. www.b oiseweek ly.com
BroaDmore Golf Course
inDian lakes PuBliC Golf Course
103 Shannon Drive, Nampa, 208-466-0561, broadmorecc.com Nine holes for west valley residents.
4700 Umatilla Ave., Boise, 208-362-5771, indianlakesgolf.com Nine holes on the Boise Bench with nice views.
1555 W. Front St., Boise Lots of ledges, rails, steel ramps, a brick bank, a pyramid and a steel half-pipe. Underneath the freeway to provide protection from weather and has lights.
Centennial Golf Course
lakeview Golf Course
stamPeDe skatePark
eaGle hills Golf Course
Smeed Parkway and Sky Way, Caldwell Concrete street course with stairs and handrails along with a concrete clover bowl.
rhoDes skatePark
Stampede Drive and N. 11th Ave., Nampa Outdoor concrete park with rails, pyramids, ledges and quarter pipe.
tully skatePark East Pine and N. Main streets, Meridian Concrete street course with ledges, funboxes, handrails, three-, seven- and 11-stair sets, and a 6-foot half-pipe.
Public Golf couRses Fore! BanBury Golf CluB 2626 N. Marypost Place, Eagle, 208-939-3600, banburygolf.com A beautifully manicured 18hole option along the Boise River.
Boise ranCh Golf Course 6501 S. Cloverdale Road, Boise, 208-362-6501, boiseranchgc.com One of South Boise’s most popular courses with 18 holes. www.Boi s ew e e kly.Co m
2600 Centennial Way, Nampa, 208-468-5889, centennialgolf.net An 18-hole course with easy access from the interstate.
605 N. Edgewood Lane, Eagle, 208-939-0402, eaglehillsgolfcourse.com Set among the Foothills, these 18 holes offer wideopen views.
falCon Crest 11102 S. Cloverdale Road, Kuna, 208-362-8897, falconcrestgolf.com Three courses in one: Robin Hood, nine holes; Championship, 18 holes covering more than 7,000 yards; Freedom, a loooong nine holes across nearly 4,000 yards.
foxtail exeCutive Golf Course 990 W. Chinden Blvd., Meridian, 208-887-4653, golffoxtail.com An 18-hole option for those a little shorter on time.
hunters Point Golf CluB 11826 W. Nette Way, Nampa, 208-465-1903, hunterspointidaho.com Challenging 18-hole course with views of Lake Lowell and the Owyhees.
4200 W. Talamore Blvd., Meridian, 208-888-4080, golflakeviewgc.com Meridian’s original 18-hole course.
PierCe Park Greens 5812 N. Pierce Park Lane, Boise, 208-853-3302, pierceparkgreens.com Nine holes at rock-bottom prices.
Quail hollow Golf CluB 4520 N. 36th St., Boise, 208-344-7807, quailhollowgolfclub.com A full 18 holes in the Boise Foothills on this challenging course.
riDGeCrest Golf Course 3730 Ridgecrest Drive, Nampa, 208-899-4650, ridgecrestgolf.com Traditional links-style, 18hole course in the middle of farmland.
river BirCh Golf Course 3740 N. Pollard Lane, Star, 208-286-0801, riverbirchgolf.com Lovely course that manages to include grain silos.
shaDow valley 15711 Horseshoe Bend Road, Boise, 208-939-6699, shadowvalley.com Beautiful 18-hole course laid out across the Foothills.
PiPe Dreams skatePark
Rec Reatio n
PierCe Park Greens
settlers Park
BeyonD the swinGset Parks have gotten a bit of a boring rap. sure, they’re full of grass, perfect for spreading a blanket across and reading a book, and trees provide a nice respite from uV rays. but there’s the dog droppings, the geese that always seem to be threatening to bite, and—for the slightly aDD—kind of nothing to do. but fear not, area parks are upping the level of badassery and giving patrons something other to do than suntan. Don’t worry, you can still kick it with nature but have a little more fun. for those channeling their inner William tell, a visit to the archery range—an addition to Military Reserve Park (750 Mountain Cove Road, Boise)—may be the perfect nature venture. unfortunately you can’t shoot an apple off someone’s head without violating the range rules. the sounds of summer wouldn’t be complete without crickets chirping, and ann Morrison Park (1000 Americana Blvd., Boise) allows for a different kind of cricket noise. the sprawling outdoor fun center is home to a field dedicated to the england-born sport, which doubles as a soccer field in the fall. if you’re feeling more like italian, check out the bocce ball courts available in boise parks. ann Morrison, Julia Davis (700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise) and Municipal (500 S. Walnut St., Boise) parks all have a space for you to toss some balls around. catalpa Park (4516 W. Catalpa Drive, Boise) allows rec enthusiasts to enjoy the classic outdoor game of horseshoes. Rock a stetson hat, put a little drawl in your speech and work on your tossing skills. if you want to kick back outdoors but aren’t big into reading, settlers Park (3245 N. Meridian Road, Meridian) offers a fishing pond, and the little ones can even check out the climbing wall and splash pad. lakeview Park in nampa (131 constitution Way, nampa) allows bike fans to kick it into gear with a Bmx track. and then, of course, there’s boise’s new favorite pastime: disc golf. the sport has exploded in the past few years and courses abound in parks across the state. Grab a six-pack and your bag o’ fancy frisbees and head to ann Morrison, Julia Davis, bogus basin Mountain Recreation area or settlers Park. You can download course maps online. sure, it may be a little frustrating for newbies—just like regular golf—but it’s totally worth it. Get up, get moving and go see all the fun, quirky amenities idaho parks have to offer. Picnics are still oK, just don’t feed the geese. —Sheree Whiteley
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Rec Reatio n
Lau r iE PEar m an
FoRt boise
waRm sPRiNgs golF couRse
NamPa PaRks aND RecReatioN
the FRoNt climbiNg club
2495 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-343-5661, cityofboise.org/WSGC City-owned 18-hole course along the river.
131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208-468-5858, nampaparksandrecreation.org nampa offers summer tennis lessons for kids of all ability levels.
3235 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-345-7625, frontboise.com Boise’s newest bouldering gym provides 2,000 square feet of bouldering and toprope climbing.
tenniS Have racquet, will travel
cLiMBinG WaLLS Up and over
boise PaRks aND RecReatioN 110 Scout Lane, Boise, 208-608-7680, cityofboise.org/departments/ parks The Department of Parks and recreation offers adult and youth lessons and leagues throughout the summer.
calDwell RecReatioN DePaRtmeNt 618 Irving St., Caldwell, 208-455-3060, cityofcaldwell.com The city offers lessons for both adults and kids.
iDaho teNNis associatioN 1108 N. Cole Road, Boise, 208-322-5150, idtennis.com info on adult and youth leagues, lessons and programs around the state, plus a handy court finder web tool to locate the local court.
meRiDiaN PaRks aND RecReatioN 33 E. Broadway Ave., Meridian, 208-888-3579, meridiancity.org/parks_rec The city’s Parks and rec Department offers lessons for kids, adults and “tiny tots.”
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boise Peak FitNess 308 S. 25th St., Boise, 208-363-7325, boisepeakfitness.com Take advantage of belay, climbing and children’s climbing classes.
boise state camPus RecReatioN ceNteR 1515 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-1131, rec.boisestate.edu/outdoor/ climbing Train on various boulder, top rope and lead climbing routes.
calDwell Family ymca 3720 S. Indiana Ave., Caldwell, 208-454-9622, ymcatvidaho.org Climb your way to the top of the indoor facilities.
DowNtowN ymca 1050 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-5501, ymcatvidaho.org Take advantage of youth and adult classes at the indoor climbing facilities.
west Family ymca 5959 N. Discovery Way, Boise, 208-377-9622, ymcatvidaho.org Youth can take part in YClimbing Camps.
Ski aReaS Respect the powder bogus basiN mouNtaiN RecReatioN aRea Boise, 208-332-5100, bogusbasin.org more than 2,600 rideable acres. Vertical drop: 1,800 feet.
bRuNDage mouNtaiN ski ResoRt McCall, 208-634-4151, brundage.com Famous for its wide variety of runs and long-lasting powder. Vertical drop: 1,800 feet.
magic mouNtaiN Twin Falls, 208-734-5979, magicmountainresort.com Plenty of expert trails to go along with peace and quiet. Vertical Drop: 700 feet.
PomeRelle Albion, 208-673-5599, pomerelle-mtn.com This destination at 8,000 feet in the Sawtooth mountains features 24 runs and plenty of nordic loops. Vertical drop: 1,000 feet. www.b oiseweek ly.com
Rec Reatio n
Lau r iE PEar m an
boise iNDooR socceR
solDieR mouNtaiN
Fairfield, 208-764-2526, soldiermountain.com Close to Sun Valley but much more affordable with 1,150 acres of inbound terrain. Vertical drop: 1,425 feet.
Idaho Ice World, 7072 S. Eisenman Road, Boise, boisecurlingclub.org it may be cold but it’s a surprisingly addictive sport.
suN valley ski ResoRt
Fronton Building, 619 Grove St., Boise, boisebasques.com The Fronton hosts the Basque version of handball.
Sun Valley, 208-622-4111, sunvalley.com With two high-profile mountains—Dollar and Baldy— Sun Valley continues to dominate with excellent snow and exhilarating runs. Vertical drop: 3,400 feet.
tamaRack ResoRt Donnelly, 208-325-1000, tamarackidaho.com idaho’s newest ski resort and its most precarious—as in it’s anyone’s guess if it will be open from season to season. if it is, skiers are treated to steep and deep without the crowds. Vertical drop: 2,800 feet.
Rec oPtionS When you’re in the mood for out of the ordinary bocce Ann Morrison Park, 1000 Americana Blvd., Boise, cityofboise.org/departments/ parks Play the italian way in a regulation court.
cRicket Ann Morrison Park, 1000 Americana Blvd., Boise, cityofboise.org/departments/ parks Pitch is located just west of the clocktower for Brit ex-pats and lovers of sticky wickets.
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SocceR Look Ma, no hands boise iNDooR socceR 11448 W. President Drive, Boise, 208-321-7336, letsplaysoccer.com indoor league play for men, women and co-ed teams of all ability levels.
iDaho socceR ceNteR
RaFt RentaL Stay afloat alPeNglow 2314 Bogus Basin Road, Boise, 208-331-2628, alpenglowidaho.com raft rentals.
boise aRmy Navy 4924 Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-322-0660 raft and inflatable kayak rentals.
boise state camPus RecReatioN outDooR PRogRam 1515 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-1131, rec.boisestate.edu raft and kayak rental available to the public.
viDeo: 1251 E. Piper Court, Take BW’s Meridian, “Rec-n-Roll” tour 208-888-7529, of Boise. iscindoor.com Youth and adult indoor soccer rentals. leagues for all ability levels.
iDaho youth socceR associatioN 8030 W. Emerald St., Ste. 175, Boise, 208-336 5256, idahoyouthsoccer.org Clearing house for all youth soccer clubs and information in idaho.
4049 Eckert Road (Barber Park), Boise, 208-577-4584, epleys.com/boiselocation The official contractor for ada County offers raft and tube
iDaho RiveR sPoRts 3100 W. Pleasanton Ave., Boise, 208-336-4844, idahoriversports.com raft, kayak, canoe, inflatable kayak and stand-up paddleboard rentals.
southeRN iDaho socceR league 3527 S. Federal Way, Boise, 208-345-2915, sislsoccer.com info on adult outdoor soccer teams across the region. www.b oiseweek ly.com
Rec Reatio n Lau r iE PEar m an
Fast laNe iNDooR kaRt RaciNg
gRowN-uP Play time if watching the neighbor’s kids spend a warm summer day playing in the yard, running a lemonade stand and daring to call that work makes you feel that your post-adolescent existence has become hum-drum, don’t worry: there are plenty of places in Boise where you can be a kid again. Want to see glowing, fluorescent dinosaurs in 3-D while launching a golf ball through the bow of a pirate ship? shankz black light miniature golf course in Meridian (82 E. Fairview Ave., Meridian) takes you through a jungle, underwater and on a prehistoric journey—all in about an hour and inside a strip mall. Play some air hockey, pop on your 3-D specks (totally worth the extra $2), and hit the links. Hit a hole-in-one past the pterodactyl with bulbous biceps on Hole 18 and win a prize. Feeling like something more fast-paced than a game of golf? Fast lane indoor kart Racing (12048 W. Franklin Road, Boise) lets you live out any Mario kart fantasy you may have had as a child (sans banana peels and Princess Peach) but in way-cool Sodikarts that cruise around the indoor track at nearly 40 mph. a timing system posts lap times instantly on a giant scoreboard and provides each racer with a printout of lap times to the thousandth of a second. Perfect for bragging rights and putting on the fridge. Want mini golf, go-karts, batting cages, bumper boats and a gigantic arcade, all in one water-park-adjacent location? wahooz Family Fun Zone (1385 Blue Marlin Lane, Meridian) provides more fun than a night in Hollywood with charlie Sheen, before the rehab, of course. Work off your frustrations hunting your friends down in the laser tag facility. cool off next door at Roaring springs water Park (400 W. Overland Road, Meridian), whether you want to get your adrenaline pumping on the Mammoth canyon raft ride or risk losing your swimsuit in the White Water Bay Wave Pool. More of a gamer than an almost-real-sport enthusiast? game world (7709 W. Overland Road, Ste. 100, Boise) has plenty of virtual treats for the kiddies and barley pops (aka beer) for the supposed grown-ups. Shoot dinosaurs, dominate at skee ball, go on an alpine ski adventure or reminisce with classic PacMan. Just remember, you’re only as old as you feel. —Sheree Whiteley
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Race Day
Rec Reatio n
A competitor’s race compendium
RoaD cYcLinG/ Mountain BikinG
raChaeL DaigLe | iLLustration by aDam rosenLunD
foothiLLs XC 12k traiL raCe
namPa harvest CLassiC fun run
Aug. 6, xc12k.com For those who eschew the pavement. Starts and ends at Fort Boise.
Sept. 17, nampaparksandrecreation.org a family affair with an 8K run or wheelchair race, a two-mile run or walk and a one-mile non-competitive race.
Dirty Dash Aug. 27, thedirtydash.com This one is new to Boise but has a serious cult following. it’s 10K through the mud at Bogus Basin mountain recreation area with five to 20 of your closest friends. Yeehaw.
tabLe roCk ChaLLenge Sept. 10, bluecirclesports.com Haul thyself up Table rock (4.5 miles) and back (4.5 miles).
Oct. 1, runforthehillshalf.com run through the vineyards and orchards of western idaho outside Fruitland. Wheelchair starts for both distances.
City of trees Oct. 9, cityoftreesmarathon.com Half and full marathon races, both of which start at Parkcenter Park and wind through the city.
barking sPiDer
boise to iDaho City
April, wildrockiesracing.com The region’s premier springtime cross-country competitive biking event.
June, wildrockiesracing.com Capital city to former capital city. The back way.
bob LeboW Charity riDe
great oWyhee riDe
June, trhs.org This popular event has three- to 100-mile routes through Canyon, Owyhee and malheur counties for the whole family.
ymCa CameL’s baCk DuathLon
run for the hiLLs haLf marathon anD 5k
May, ymcatvidaho.org Long and short courses with a run-cycle-run format starting and ending at Camel’s Back Park in Boise’s north End. all ages.
June, greatowyheeride.com a 50-miler and a century ride just over the border in Ontario, Ore., to benefit the Southeast Oregon regional Food Bank.
ymCa y-not-tri Aug. 4, ymcatvidaho.org Good one for first-timers. Quarter-mile bike, sixmile swim, two-mile run.
iron man boise June, ironmanboise.com This one is great for the watching, or if you’ve been training hardcore, great for the competing.
98 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
barber to boise
Christmas run
Oct. 15, barbertoboise.com The Barber to Boise proper is a 10K that starts out at Barber Park in Southeast Boise and ends at Bronco Stadium. a 5K starts and ends at Bronco Stadium after a quick loop through Julia Davis Park.
Dec. 17, ymcatvidaho.org The whole family bundles up and dons Christmas costumes for this Boise race. Courses are 2.5 miles or 6.1 miles.
neW year tabLe roCk run
Nov. 5, zhalfmarathon.com Paved and unpaved course through the west end of Boise’s north End.
Jan. 1, 2012, boiseystriders.org make hauling thyself up and down Table rock the first thing you do in 2012. it starts bright at early at 8 a.m. so don’t stay out too late on new Year’s Eve.
turkey trot reLay
beat CoaCh Pete
Nov. 19, boiseystriders.org a fun, four-person relay through ann morrison Park. Each member runs two miles and the team closest to its predicted time wins a turkey for each team member.
April, rec.boisestate.edu/ beatpete Thousands turn out each year to race against the Boise State football coach in a 5K Greenbelt run.
Zeitgeist haLf marathon
brunDage bomberman suPer D July, wildrockiesracing.org Only riders with plenty of experience and cojones should consider the Super D.
gaLena grinDer
tWiLight Criterium July, boisetwilightcriterium.com The best of the best whiz around a tight downtown course. This isn’t one you register for—in most cases—it’s one you watch.
Dry Creek haLf marathon April, cityoftreesmarathon.com One of the first long races of the year courses through Hidden Springs.
raCe to robie Creek April 21, robiecreek.com The toughest half marathon in the northwest is 8.5 miles uphill before the gratifying and painful all downhill finish.
famous iDaho Potato marathon anD haLf marathon May, ymcatvidaho.org Go the distance along the Boise river with shorter options of a 5K and 10K.
main street miLe June, mainstreetmile.com This annual one-mile fun run through downtown Boise raises awareness of prostate cancer.
meriDian Dairy Days run June, meridianchamber.org a 5K run that’s a part of meridian’s annual Dairy Days festival, celebrating the town’s dairy roots.
saWtooth reLay June, sawtoothrelay.com Gather a team of six and each of you will do about five miles—twice. Five solo athletes are accepted each year.
sun vaLLey haLf marathon June, sunvalleyhalfmarathon.com Starts and ends at the Sun Valley Pavilion.
saWtooth Century tour
bogus basin hiLL CLimb
Aug. 13, bcrd.org The century riders take it from Ketchum to alturas Lake and back, while the halfers go to Galena Lodge and back.
Aug. 20, georgescycles.com racers take on 15 miles uphill and head straight to the top of Bogus Basin.
July, knobbytireseries.com racing at 7,000 feet in the Wood river Valley with marathon or crosscountry distances.
iron man Coeur D’aLene
Xterra WiLD riDe off-roaD triathLon
June, ironmancda.com if you’re gonna do more than watch, be ready.
Aug. 21, wildrockiesracing.com a three-quarter-mile swim, a 20-mile mountain bike ride and six-mile trail run through Ponderosa State Park near mcCall.
ymCa sPuDman triathLon July, ymcatvidaho.org For the triathlete who’s not a beginner but not an expert. Swim 1.5 miles, bike 40K and run 10K.
ymCa hiDDen sPrings youth triathLon Sept. 16, ymcatvidaho.org Two distances for kids 13 and older. a shorter course for 12 and older, and a one-mile kids fun run.
ymCa hiDDen sPrings DuathLon Sept. 17, ymcatvidaho.org Take the road course or the mountain course, which has two separate distances. also, there is a 5K race.
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Downtown Boise, downtownboise.org Stores and galleries stay open late in downtown Boise.
First Friday Downtown Eagle, eagleidaho.org Spend time perusing Eagle.
July 29-30, Stanley, sawtoothmusicfestival.com Showcasing an array of rock, roots and Americana bands.
san inazio Festival July 29-31, Basque Block, basquecenter.com Basque music, games, dancing, and food and drinks.
sun valley syMphony
The Linen Building, storystorynight.org Sharing stories the last Monday of every month.
July-August, Sun Valley, svsummersymphony.org An outstanding cast of worldclass musicians and a diverse repertoire.
sunday Market
alive aFter Five
story story night
The Linen Building, thelinenbuilding.com Crafters sell their wares the third Sunday of the month.
July 2011 Cabaret July 8-Aug. 27, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, idahoshakespeare.org Risque musical follows a love story set in pre-war Berlin.
roCk the Mountain July 29-30, Grimes Creek, rockthemountain.net Two days of camping and rock ’n’ roll in the mountains.
Through September, Grove Plaza, downtownboise.org Live music and food every Wednesday evening.
sun valley suMMer iCe shows July-September, Sun Valley Resort, sunvalley.com Watch world-class figure skaters perform Saturday nights.
August 2011 asian FilM Festival Aug. 4, Aug. 7, Aug. 11, Aug. 17, The Flicks, theflicksboise.com Four-day film festival.
idaho-down Aug. 5-6, Brundage Mountain, idahodownfestival.com Two days of music, art, dancing and camping.
yellowpine harMoniCa Festival Aug. 5-7, Yellowpine, harmonicacontest.com Each year, Yellowpine—population 35—hosts the largest harmonica throw-down this side of the Mississippi.
the taMing oF the shrew Aug. 5-28, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, idahoshakespeare.org The Bard’s classic tale of the battle of the sexes.
soul Food extravaganza Aug. 6, Julia Davis Park, boisesoulfoodfestival.com Live music and a wide range of good-for-the-soul food to benefit local charities.
braun brothers reunion
First thursday
sawtooth MusiC Festival
Year Round
CoMiCs at the Crossroads
trey MCintyre projeCt
MusiC FroM stanley
Aug. 11-13, Challis, braunbrothersreunion.com Three-day festival featuring members of the musical family and their bands.
Aug. 20, Eagle River Pavilion, landofrock.com The dance troupe and the New Orleans Preservation Hall Jazz Band reprise their Mardi Gras show.
August-September, Redfish Lake, musicfromstanley.com Music on the lodge lawn on Sunday afternoons.
sun valley Center arts and CraFts Festival
CoMiCs at the Crossroads Aug. 20-Nov. 27, Boise Art Museum, boiseartmuseum.org Forty regional artists’ contemporary comic art.
August-September, Idaho Botanical Garden, idahobotanicalgarden.org Live music and wine every fourth Tuesday evening throughout the summer.
national arts prograM show
Catherine Courtenaye: paintings
Aug. 25-Sept. 20, Idaho State Historical Museum, nationalartsprogram.org Exhibit featuring art by City of Boise employees, family and volunteers.
Mike rathbun
Aug. 12-14, Atkinson Park, Ketchum, sunvalleycenter.org More than 130 artists exhibit unique handmade fine arts and crafts.
Caldwell night rodeo Aug. 16-20, Canyon County Fairgrounds, caldwellnightrodeo.com Five days of professional rodeo action and events.
sun valley writers’ ConFerenCe
garrison keillor
Aug. 19-Aug. 22, Sun Valley, svwc.com Talks, panels, readings and group discussions led by distinguished writers.
Aug. 26, Eagle River Pavilion, landofrock.com An evening with the host of A Prairie Home Companion.
Aug. 6-7, Ann Morrison Park, boisebeerfest.com The name says it all—plenty to drink and a variety of live entertainment.
western idaho Fair
Aug. 26-Sept. 10, Stage Coach Theatre, stagecoachtheatre.com Comedy ensues when a group gets loose-lipped.
Culinary walkabout
tour de Fat
Aug. 11, Boise Centre, elksmealsonwheels.org The area’s finest chefs prepare meals as a fundraiser for Meals on Wheels.
Aug. 20, Ann Morrison Park, newbelgium.com/tour-de-fat New Belgium Brewery brings its celebration of beer, bikes and sustainability.
Aug. 19-28, Expo Idaho, idahofair.com Family friendly fun, food, exhibits, music and animals.
unCorked in the garden
Through Oct. 16. Boise Art Museum, boiseartmuseum.org Abstract paintings featuring script and penmanship.
Through Nov. 6. Boise Art Museum, boiseartmuseum.org A tribute to natural life takes the form of sculpture.
September 2011
the Foreigner
spirit oF boise balloon ClassiC Aug.-31-Sept. 4, Ann Morrison Park, spiritofboise.com Hot air balloons decorate Boise’s skyline.
2011 wagon days Sept. 2-4, Ketchum, wagondays.com Celebration of Idaho’s mining history with parades, antique shows and more.
ruMors Sept. 2-17, Boise Little Theater, boiselittletheater.org Neil Simon’s humorous farce about the rumor mill in NYC.
GA RY M ARTIN ( INk ER ) ANd dALE k EOW N ( PENC ILER ), u NPu B LIS HEd “Hu L k ,” © 2009
the 39 steps Sept. 2-25, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, idahoshakespeare.org Combining a slapstick comedy with a Hitchcock mystery and a spy thriller.
re/FraCtion Sept. 7-10, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org BCT’s workshop production of a play exploring the complexities of identity.
art in the park Sept. 9-11, Julia Davis Park, boiseartmuseum.com Coming back for its 57th year with nearly 300 artists.
jazz on the grove Sept. 10, Downtown Boise, downtownboise.org A free celebration of jazz.
boise philharMoniC Sept. 16-17, NNU Swayne Auditorium, Morrison Center, boisephilharmonic.org Opening performance of the 2011-2012 season.
hyde park street Fair Sept. 16-18, Hyde Park, gruntwerks.net/hydepark North End staple with music, food and vendors.
alley underground Sept. 22-24, Visual Arts Collective, alleyrep.org Alley Repertory Theater stages three plays in three nights.
the essentials to liFe in the treasure valley Transit the treasure Valley does have a public transit system, although it has its limitations. Bus routes include stops throughout Boise, as well as longer trips to Canyon County and several outlying communities. Buses run regularly Monday-Friday but things get a bit sparse on Saturdays and are downright nonexistent on Sundays. routes typically run starting at 6 a.m. but the final trip is before 7 p.m., so don’t plan on using the bus to get home from a night of rabble-rousing. For more info, visit valleyride.org.
st. luke’s woMen’s Fitness Celebration Sept. 22-24, Downtown Boise, celebrateall.org A 5k walk/run and two-day expo honoring women.
sun valley harvest Festival Sept. 23-25, Sun Valley, sunvalleyharvestfestival.com Cooking demos, wine tasting, chefs’ dinners and more focused on regional products.
MuseuM CoMes to liFe Sept. 24, Idaho State Historical Museum, history.idaho.gov A living history exhibit with presenters depicting life as it was long ago.
Meridian lion’s rodeo
Cops oK, we all know the number to call in an emergency but sometimes it ain’t a 911 kind of situation. Here’s how to get in touch with your local law enforcement agency. ada County sheriFF: 208-577-3000 boise poliCe departMent: 208-377-6790 Caldwell poliCe departMent: 208-454-1429 Canyon County sheriFF: 208-454-7531 City oF eagle poliCe: 208-938-2260 idaho state poliCe: 208-884-7000 kuna City poliCe: 208-577-3860 Meridian poliCe departMent: 208-888-6678 naMpa poliCe departMent: 208-465-2257 video: Everything you need to know. And then some.
Sept. 24-25, Meridian Lions Rodeo Grounds, meridianlionsrodeo.org Lion’s 21st annual rodeo.
Manhattan short FilM Festival Sept. 29, The Flicks, theflicksboise.com The world-famous festival comes to Boise.
Cr i ti Ca l K n owl e dg e
the 20 free minutes offered on all downtown Boise parking meters are a wonderful thing but sometimes the parking gods frown and you end up with a ticket. Pay your ticket at boise City hall (150 N. Capitol Blvd.) or online at epay.cityofboise.org/parkingtickets. don’t forget: Your first hour is free at downtown parking garages.
Trash Cities in the valley contract their trash and recycling services through allied waste, which handles all issues with pick-ups, billing and anything else that has to do with your big blue and gray cans. Call 208-345-1265. If you live in Boise, you can also get info at curbit.cityofboise.org.
Roads roadways in the treasure Valley are overseen largely by two entities: the ada County Highway district and the idaho transportation department. itd cares for all state highways, while aCHd deals with all other public roads within ada County. For a road report, call ITD at 208-3348000 or visit itd.idaho.gov. To reach ACHD, call 208-387-6100 or visit achdidaho.org.
Dog Parks
a CheFs’ aFFaire Sept. 29, Boise Centre, idahofoodbank.org Twenty chefs raise money for the Idaho Foodbank in a black-tie evening.
Make sure Fido is happy and not going to get you a ticket.
Castle hills park* 5350 Eugene St., Boise
Manitou park* 2001 S. Manitou Ave., Boise
Morris hill park 10 Roosevelt St., Boise
Cypress park* 4382 S. Tableridge Way, Boise
Meridian bark park 1401 E. Watertower Lane, Meridian
naMpa dog park 2900 Second St. S., Nampa
hillside park* 4150 N. 36th St., Boise
Military reserve Flood basin dog oFF-leash area 750 Mountain Cove Road, Boise
hull’s gulCh reserve 3001 N. Sunset Peak Road, Boise
pine grove park 8995 W. Shoup Dr., Boise redwood park* 2675 N. Shamrock St., Boise sunset park* 2625 N. 32nd St., Boise
winstead park* 6150 Northview St., Boise
—Deanna Darr * These parks have limited dog access—typically sunrise to 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to sunset. Check cityofboise. org for specific times.
C ritiCa l Kn owl ed ge
boise state Football
blue Man group
overland park CineMas
where to CatCh a FliCk
Sept. 30-Oct. 2, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu Part of the Fred Meyer Broadway in Boise series.
Fall For boise September-October, Downtown Boise, fallforboise.com Mark the season with music, art and other events.
boise state Football
Country Club reel theatre
terraCe drive-in theatre
4550 Overland Road, 208-377-2620, reeltheatre.com
4011 S. Lake Ave., 208-455-1433, terracedriveintheatre.com
edwards boise downtown stadiuM 9
760 Broad St., 208-338-3821, regmovies.com
MajestiC CineMas
edwards boise stadiuM 22 and iMax 7701 W. Overland Road, 208-377-9603, regmovies.com
egyptian theatre 700 W. Main St., 208-345-0454, egyptiantheatre.net
the FliCks theatre 646 Fulton St., 208-342-4222, theflicksboise.com
northgate reel theatre
2140 E. Cinema Drive, 208-888-2228, hallettcinemas.com/meridian
Nampa edwards naMpa gateway stadiuM 12 1232 N. Galleria Drive, 208-466-4788, regmovies.com
edwards speCtruM naMpa stadiuM 14 2001 N. Cassia St., 208-467-3312, regmovies.com
naMpa reel theatre
6950 W. State St., 208-377-2620, reeltheatre.com
2104 Caldwell Blvd., 208-377-2620, reeltheatre.com
overland park CineMas
northern lights CineMa grill
7051 Overland Road, 208-377-3072, opcmovies.com
Karcher Mall, 1509 Caldwell Blvd., 208-475-2999, northernlightscinemagrill. com
102 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
September-January, boisestate.edu Boise’s obsession star ts the season on the blue turf.
October 2011 see spot walk Oct. 1, Julia Davis Park, idahohumanesociety.org dog parade to benefit the Idaho Humane Society.
sCareCrow stroll Oct. 1-31, Idaho Botanical Garden, idahobotanicalgarden.org Stroll through a variety of scarecrows.
best oF boise party Oct. 2, Linen Building, boiseweekly.com Celebrate the winners of BW’s Best of Boise.
proMenade MusiC Festival Oct. 6-8, promenadeboise.com Nearly 100 bands at venues throughout town.
the pirates oF penzanCe Oct. 7 and Oct. 9, Egyptian Theatre, operaidaho.org Opera Idaho kicks off the season with Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera.
trailing oF the sheep Oct. 7-9, Ketchum, trailingofthesheep.org Celebrating historic sheep ranching with music, food and the trailing of the sheep.
the roCky horror piCture show Oct. 7-31, Stage Coach Theatre, stagecoachtheatre.com Break out the stilettos but leave the kids at home for this one.
bill Cosby Oct. 8, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu Hear the celebrated comic’s take on family life and love.
FaMily harvest Festival
boise baroque orChestra
Oct. 8-9, Idaho Botanical Garden, idahobotanicalgarden.org Celebrate the harvest with music, contests, hayrides and games.
Oct. 2, boisebaroque.org Harpist Matthew Tutsky.
jonathan Franzen
shipwreCked! an entertainMent— the aMazing adventures oF louis de rougeMont (as told by hiMselF) Oct. 5-29, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org The tales of a 19th century British adventurer.
Oct. 10, Egyptian Theatre, thecabinidaho.org The New York Times bestselling author of Freedom speaks out.
sun valley jazz jaMboree Oct. 12-16, Sun Valley, sunvalleyjazz.com The 21st annual jazz fest in the Wood River valley.
the butler did it
Oct. 14-29, Boise Little Theater, boiselittletheater.org A comedic murder-mystery in which the Butler did it—but which Butler?
Oct. 29-30, River Run Lodge Sun Valley, sunvalley.com Oktoberfest-style festival for cyclo-cross racers and fans.
trey MCintyre projeCt Oct. 15, Morrison Center, treymcintyre.com Boise premiere of In dreams and Oh, Inverted World.
ernest heMingway syMposiuM Oct. 20-22, Ketchum, thecommunitylibrary.org Celebrating Hemingway’s history in the Wood River valley.
boise philharMoniC Oct. 21-22, NNU Swayne Auditorium, Morrison Center, boisephilharmonic.org The phil presents Heroic Beethoven, with guests Robin Browning and Carlos Cesar Rodriguez.
ignite boise Oct. 27, Egyptian Theatre, igniteboise.com Three-hour marathon of ideas brings the public together to spark creativity.
Frightened Felons Oct. 28-29, Old Idaho State Penitentiary, history.idaho.gov Ghost stories, tours and scavenger hunts at the historic state pen.
Mix it up rep Oct. 28-30, Boise State Special Events Center, balletidaho.org Ballet Idaho kicks off its 2011-2012 season.
boo at the zoo Oct. 29, Zoo Boise, zooboise.org Costume extravaganza for children in need of candy.
hellraiser alley Cat raCe October, wbcboise.blogspot.com Take to the streets in this annual costumed race.
idaho steelheads October-April, Qwest Arena, idahosteelheads.com Hockey returns to Boise.
FettuCCine ForuM October-May, Rose Room, cityofboise.org/artsandhistory Free public lectures on the first Thursday of every month.
November 2011 boise weekly Cover auCtion Nov. 2, Linen Building, boiseweekly.com BW’s annual Cover Auction to benefit public art.
idaho danCe theatre Nov. 3-6, Boise State Special Events Center, idahodancetheatre.org The dance company’s 20112012 season opener.
bogus basin ski and board swap Nov. 4-6, Expo Idaho, bbsef.org New and used ski, snowboard and cross country gear to benefit the Bogus Basin Ski Education Foundation.
ira glass Nov. 5, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu Spend an evening with the host of This American Life.
www.b oiseweek ly.Co M
C ritiCa l Kn owl ed ge
Festival oF trees
MiraCle on 34th street
Nov. 8, Location TBA, thecabinidaho.org The best-selling author of Great House is in the house.
Nov. 23-27, Boise Centre, saintalphonsus.org Christmas trees decorated to raise money for health care.
Nov. 25-Dec. 10, Boise Little Theater, boiselittletheater.org The magic of Christmas is at stake in this holiday classic.
boise baroque orChestra
winter garden aglow
bCt Children’s reading series
Nov. 11, boisebaroque.org Works by Mozart with the Boise Philharmonic Master Chorale.
Nov. 24-Jan. 8, Idaho Botanical Garden, idahobotanicalgarden.org The garden’s celebration of lights and the holidays.
eMpty bowls
Nov. 11-19, Visual Arts Collective, alleyrep.org A work by Oliver Russell Stoddard.
spaMalot Nov. 12, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu The popular musical returns.
boise philharMoniC Nov. 18-19, NNU Swayne Auditorium, Morrison Center, boisephilharmonic.org Boise Philharmonic presents Rachmaninov 3.
untitled Nov. 22-Dec. 17, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org World premiere of a new play by Idaho native Sam Hunter.
Nov. 27, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org Reading of works geared toward kids.
holiday Market
Nov. 25, Grove Plaza, idahofoodbank.org Handcrafted bowls and soup warm your heart and benefit the Idaho Foodbank.
November-December, 8th Street Market Place, capitalcitypublicmarket.com The Capital City Public Market is all about the holidays.
tree lighting
idaho staMpede
Nov. 25, Grove Plaza, downtownboise.org Community gathers downtown to celebrate the season.
November-April, Qwest Arena, idahostampede.com Boise’s NBA d-League team hits the court.
Nov. 25-Dec. 10, Stage Coach Theatre, stagecoachtheatre.com A play about a theatre company putting on the Christmas classic its own way.
December 2011 Claus ’n’ paws Dec. 3, Zoo Boise, zooboise.org Celebrate the holidays with the animals.
unneCessary FarCe
sun valley nordiC Festival Jan. 28-Feb. 5, Sun Valley, svnordicfestival.com Festival includes clinics, demonstrations and races.
February 2012
Dec. 3-4, Egyptian Theatre, operaidaho.org Opera Idaho presents Menotti’s one-act opera.
bCt 5x5 reading series
valentine For aids
the nutCraCker
boise philharMoniC
aMahl and the night visitors
Dec. 9-11, Morrison Center, balletidaho.org Ballet Idaho is back with its holiday classic.
Dec. 14-30, Company of Fools, Hailey, companyoffools.org A twist on an old favorite.
sheepherders ball
104 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
Jan. 13-28, Boise Little Theater, boiselittletheater.org Political lines cross in this award-winning comedy.
Jan. 13-28, Stage Coach Theatre, stagecoachtheatre.com Cops, crooks, cheap motels, hit men and money. ’Nuff said.
it’s a wonderFul liFe: a radio play
Farmers markets are growing as fast as their produce. Scan the Qr code to see an updated list of where you can find markets across the area. or visit boiseweekly.com and search “farmers markets.”
Festival oF trees
out oF order
a diCkens ChristMas Carol
where to get it Fresh
niCole krauss
Dec. 17, Basque Center, basquemuseum.com An evening of food, wine and dancing in celebration of Boise’s Basque culture.
MannheiM steaMroller Dec. 22, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu The international stars present a Christmas concert.
January 2012 My Fair lady Jan. 3-5, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu Part of the Fred Meyer Broadway in Boise series.
Jan. 16, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org Reading of new works.
Jan. 21-22, NNU Swayne Auditorium, Morrison Center, boisephilharmonic.org Boise Philharmonic accompanies The Wizard of Oz.
gruesoMe playground injuries Jan. 25-Feb. 18, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org After two kids meet in the doctor’s office, their lives are forever intertwined.
young Frankenstein Jan. 26, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu The acclaimed musical comedy comes to Boise for one night only.
idaho danCe theatre Jan. 26-29, Boise State Special Events Center, idahodancetheatre.org IdT presents its Winter Show.
MCCall winter Carnival Jan. 27-Feb. 5, McCall, mccallchamber.org The 46th annual McCall Winter Carnival includes ice sculptures, music and more.
Feb. 2-12, Flying M Coffeehouse, valentineforaids.com More than 250 pieces of art to benefit Safety Net for AIdS.
ChoColate and diaMonds Feb. 3, Discovery Center of Idaho, scidaho.org Annual gala fundraiser with chocolate, a diamond raffle and auctions.
boulder Mountain tour Feb. 4, Sun Valley, bouldermountaintour.com A 32k cross country ski race, plus a 15k option.
boise baroque orChestra Feb. 5, boisebaroque.org Special guest oboist performs with the orchestra.
banFF Mountain FilM Festival Feb. 5-7, Egyptian Theatre, banffcentre.ca International film festival celebrating mountain culture, sports and entertainment.
Firebird Feb. 10-12, Boise State Special Events Center, balletidaho.org Ballet Idaho presents three magical ballets.
trey MCintyre projeCt Feb. 11, Morrison Center, treymcintyre.com World premiere of a work based on “Free to Be You and Me,” and the Idaho premiere of Blue until June.
bCt 5x5 reading series Feb. 13, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org Reading of new works.
lord oF the danCe Feb. 14, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu The Irish dance spectacular returns for one night only.
la boheMe Feb. 17 and Feb. 19, Egyptian Theatre, operaidaho.org Opera Idaho performs Puccini’s most popular opera.
in the next rooM (or the vibrator play) Feb. 18-26, Visual Arts Collective, alleyrep.org Comedic commentary on the treatment of women in the 19th century. By Sarah Ruhl.
evening oF one aCts Feb. 24-March 10, Boise Little Theater, boiselittletheater.org Comedy, drama, friendship, clarity and eccentricity in three one-act plays.
what it’s worth Feb. 26, Idaho State Historical Museum, history.idaho.gov Have your treasures appraised by experts during this fundraiser.
bCt Children’s reading series Feb. 26, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org Reading of works geared toward kids. www.b oiseweek ly.Co M
C ritiCa l Kn owl ed ge
March 2012 skin deep March 2-17, Stage Coach Theatre, stagecoachtheatre.com Romantic comedy about the insecurities of falling in love.
bCt Children’s reading series March 11, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org Reading of works geared toward kids.
boise baroque orChestra March 11, boisebaroque.org The orchestra performs works by Bach and Mozart.
daMn yankees March 13-15, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu Part of the Fred Meyer Broadway in Boise series.
elizabeth strout March 14, Location TBA, thecabinidaho.org The author of Abide With Me will read and speak.
library at Cole and ustiCk
beCause we love literaCy Boise boise Main library 715 S. Capitol Blvd., boisepubliclibrary.org
ada County library lake hazel branCh 10489 Lake Hazel Road, adalib.org
library at Cole and ustiCk 7557 W. Ustick Road, boisepubliclibrary.org
library at Collister 4724 W. State St., boisepubliclibrary.org
library at hillCrest 5246 W. Overland Road, boisepubliclibrary.org
ada County library hidden springs branCh 5849 W. Hidden Springs Drive, adalib.org
106 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
state arChives 2205 Old Penitentiary Road, history.idaho.gov
state law library 322 E. Front St., Ste. 560, isll.idaho.gov
ada County library viCtory branCh 10664 W. Victory Road, adalib.org
Caldwell publiC library 1010 Dearborn St., caldwell.lili.org
Eagle publiC library 100 N. Stierman Way, eaglepubliclibrary.org
Kuna publiC library 457 N. Locust St., kunalibrary.org
Meridian Main library 1326 W. Cherry Lane, mld.org
silverstone branCh 3531 E. Overland Road, mld.org
Nampa publiC library 101 11th Ave. S., nampalibrary.org
Garden City
ada County library star branCh
publiC library
10706 W. State St., adalib.org
6015 Glenwood St., gardencity.lili.org
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C ritiCa l Kn owl ed ge www.boi s ew e e kly.Co M
boiseweekly | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | 107
C ritiCa l Kn owl ed ge
bCt 5x5 reading series
ignite boise
March 19, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org Reading of new works.
April 19, Egyptian Theatre, igniteboise.com Three-hour marathon of ideas to spark creativity.
boise philharMoniC March 23-24, NNU Swayne Auditorium, Morrison Center, boisephilharmonic.org Boise Philharmonic presents German Requiem.
liverdanCe alley Cat raCe March, wbcboise.blogspot.com Celebrate Irish style, on two wheels.
April 2012
where to go to get the 411 Television kaid idaho pubiC television, Channel 4 idahoptv.org National and international news broadcast daily.
kboi Channel 2 kboi2.com Local CBS affiliate. CW programming will be shown on digital channel 2.2 beginning in the fall of 2011.
kivi Channel 6 kivitv.com Local ABC affiliate.
knin Channel 9 knin.com Switching from CW to Fox programming as of Sept. 1.
ktrv Channel 12 fox12idaho.com Independent broadcasting station.
ktvb Channel 7 ktvb.com Local NBC affiliate. Local news and programming.
Newspapers boise weekly boiseweekly.com Idaho’s only alternative weekly newspaper for local, state and national news—as well as a lot of sass and everything you want to know about arts and entertainment. Available for free every Wednesday. Circulation 32,000.
eMMett Messenger index messenger-index.com Weekly community paper publishes each Wednesday. Circulation 3,500.
idaho business review idahobusinessreview.com Business trade publication. Prints weekly on Friday, available by subscription. Circulation 3,100.
idaho Mountain express mtexpress.com Twice weekly paper covering the Wood River valley. Publishes every Wednesday and Friday. Circulation 14,500 Wednesday and 10,500 Friday.
idaho press-tribune idahopress.com daily newspaper based in Nampa, reporting on local, state, national and international news. Circulation 20,439 MondaySaturday, and 24,988 Sunday.
idaho statesMan idahostatesman.com The state’s largest daily paper located in Boise. Reporting on local, state, national and international news. Circulation 49,672 Monday-Saturday, and 72,617 Sunday.
the independent news theindnews.com Monthly publication based in Star, writing on community news and events for western Ada County. Available for free. Circulation 15,000.
108 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
MCCall star news mccallstarnews.com Weekly paper covering Long valley publishes every Thursday. Circulation 4,500.
owyhee avalanChe owyheepublishing.com Weekly paper covering Owyhee County publishes every Wednesday. Circulation 1,600.
Radio kawo wow Country 104.3 FM
kqFC idaho Country 97.9 FM 98kqfc.com Boise’s country music station with an attitude.
kqlz v 99.1 FM
kqxr the x 100.3 FM
xrock.com Boise’s hard rock and heavy metal flagship.
April 7, Morrison Center, balletidaho.org Ballet Idaho’s take on the beloved fairy tale.
krbx radio boise 89.9 FM
kbsx boise state publiC radio 91.5 FM
krvb the river 94.9 FM
mix106radio.com Top 40 all the way.
kizn kissin’ 92 92.3 FM kizn.com An official Country Music Television affiliate.
kjot variety roCk 105.1 FM varietyrocks.com Rock that knows no decade barriers.
kkgl the eagle 96.9 FM 96-9theeagle.com Classic rock with a heavy ’80s influence.
rabbit hole April 6-21, Boise Little Theater, boiselittletheater.org Pulitzer Prize-winning story about a family’s tragic loss.
mainsite.radioboise.org Boise’s community radio station with news and local music.
kCix Mix 106 FM
April 4-28, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org A politician runs into controversy in a men’s bathroom. Sound familiar?
v991.com Alt rock has found a home in the Treasure valley.
wow1043.com Offers 104 minutes of nonstop country jams.
radio.boisestate.edu NPR affiliate and a listener-supported station airing news and talk.
oFF the reCord
riverinteractive.com Indie rock to mainstream hits and even some local tunes.
ksrv bob FM 96.1 FM 961bobfm.com It’s the station that plays anything. Seriously.
kthi k-hits 107.1 FM khits.fm The ’60s and ’70s continue to live.
ktik the tiCket 93.1 FM ktik.com All sports, all the time. ESPN broadcasts and local sports talk.
kwyd wild 101.1 FM wild101fm.com The station bills itself as “Idaho’s party station.”
idaho danCe theatre April 12-15, Boise State Special Events Center, idahodancetheatre.org The company closes its 2011-2012 season.
the sweetest swing in baseball April 13-28, Stage Coach Theatre, stagecoachtheatre.com drama about a struggling artist who rediscovers herself.
the ballad oF baby doe April 13 and April 15, Egyptian Theatre, operaidaho.org Part of Opera Idaho’s Made in the uSA series.
bCt 5x5 reading series April 16, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org Reading of new works.
sCott siMon April 17, Location TBA, thecabinidaho.org Peabody winner and host of NPR’s Weekend Edition visits Boise.
boise philharMoniC April 20-21, NNU Swayne Auditorium, Morrison Center, boisephilharmonic.org Boise Philharmonic presents don Quixote.
reCord store day April 21, The Record Exchange, recordstoreday.com Celebrate the culture of independent record stores.
boise Creative and iMprovised MusiC Festival April 27-28, Downtown Boise, b-cimf.com The latest in experimental music in Boise.
boise baroque orChestra April 29, Cathedral of the Rockies, boisebaroque.org Final performance of the season, featuring Haydn’s work.
bCt 5x5 reading series April 30, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org Reading of new works.
gene harris jazz Festival April, Boise State, geneharris.org Renowned jazz musicians perform and offer workshops.
May 2012 questions My Mother Can’t answer May 2-13, Boise Contemporary Theater, bctheater.org A woman sets off on a quest after being hit by a taxi in this one-woman show.
Modern art May 3, Modern Hotel, themodernhotel.com Artists take over the Modern Hotel for a mass art exhibit.
pop goes the roCk by Cirque dreaMs May 4, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu A rock ’n’ roll variety show featuring a acrobats.
susan g. koMen raCe For the Cure May 12, race.komenboise.org Help support breast cancer research in a benefit race. www.b oiseweek ly.Co M
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C ritiCa l Kn owl ed ge
russian Food Festival
boise bike week May 13-19, boisebikeweek.org Week-long event for cycling issues and education.
boise philharMoniC May 18-19, NNU Swayne Auditorium, Morrison Center, boisephilharmonic.org Mahler’s “The Resurrection Symphony.”
the pink panther strikes again May 18-June 2, Boise Little Theater, boiselittletheater.org The classic, comic capers of Chief Inspector Clouseau.
idaho green expo May 19-20, Boise Centre, idahogreenexpo.org A full weekend for learning everything green.
niCk Cave: Meet Me at the Center oF the earth May 19-Nov. 4, Boise Art Museum, boiseartmuseum.org Wearable sculptures representing ceremonial costumes from various cultures.
sun valley wellness Festival May 25-28, Sun Valley, sunvalleywellness.org The theme is wellness for body, mind and soul.
CoCkeyed May 25-June 9, Stage Coach Theatre, stagecoachtheatre.com A student falls for a woman who can’t see him—so he decides to move in.
russian Food Festival Mid-May, St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church, stseraphimboise.org Traditional Russian cuisine, readings and church tours.
110 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
eagle island experienCe May, Eagle Island, gruntwerks.net A weekend of jam music and area vendors.
idaho international FilM Festival May, The Flicks, theflicksboise.com International films in Boise.
geM state jaM June 16-17, Old Idaho State Penitentiary, gemstatejam.com Featuring an eclectic lineup of musicians.
international reFugee day June 23, idahorefugees.org Annual celebration of the many cultures in Boise, as well as new Americans.
Main street Mile
June 2012 war horse June 7-9, Morrison Center, mc.boisestate.edu The Tony-winning play kicks off its national tour.
savor idaho June 10, Idaho Botanical Garden, savoridaho.org Enjoy Idaho wine and food.
pride June 10-16, boisepride.org A celebration of LGBT culture.
eMMett Cherry Festival June 13-16, Emmett, emmettidaho.com Family event marking the area’s agricultural history.
Meridian dairy days June 14-16, Meridian, dairydays.org The 82nd annual celebration of Meridian’s milky heritage.
juneteenth June 16, Idaho Black History Museum, ibhm.org Celebrate the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation.
June 29, mainstreetmile.org Annual race through downtown Boise to support prostate cancer awareness.
oklahoMa June 29 and July 1, Idaho Botanical Garden, operaidaho.org Opera Idaho’s final performance of the season.
art and roses art Fair June, Julia Davis Park, cityofboise.org/departments/parks Artists gather in the Rose Garden to sell their wares.
boise reC Fest June, boiserecfest.com Festival that celebrates all things recreational.
deli days June, Ahavath Beth Israel Congregation, ahavathbethisrael.org Serving up traditional Jewish favorites.
eagle Fun days June, Eagle, eaglechamber.org Music, the Wet and Wild parade, rodeo, the Rocky Mountain Oyster Feed and more.
greek Food Festival June, Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church, serfes.org Boise’s Greek food festival.
www.b oiseweek ly.Co M
boise hawks
MusiC FroM stanley
June, The Flicks, Egyptian Theatre, thislovelymachine.com/ idaho48 Idaho filmmakers compete to make a film in 48 hours.
June-September, Memorial Stadium, boisehawks.com Boise’s boys of summer.
June-September, Redfish Lake, musicfromstanley.com Lakeside music on the lawn in front of the lodge on Sunday afternoons.
national oldtiMe Fiddlers’ Contest June, Weiser High School, fiddlecontest.com Fiddlers from across the country give the devil his due.
alive aFter Five June-September, Grove Plaza, downtownboise.org Live music and food every Wednesday evening.
botaniCal garden ConCert series June-September, Idaho Botanical Garden, idahobotanicalgarden.org Live music in the garden every Thursday evening.
idaho shakespeare Festival June-September, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, idahoshakespeare.org Shakespearian and modern plays under the summer stars.
C ritiCa l Kn owl ed ge
i48 FilM Festival
July 2012 bars and stripes July 7, Boise Weekly HQ, boiseweekly.com Alley Cat bike race through the streets of Boise.
get sMart beFore you spin Boise is a big bike town but that doesn’t mean it’s a two-wheeled free-for-all on the roads. Mind your P’s and Q’s and keep yourself and everyone else safe—and spare yourself a citation. harassMent oF CyClists and pedestrians: it is a misdemeanor for any person to intentionally cause harm to a pedestrian or cyclist. whether it is verbal harassment, intimidation or the physical hurling of objects, offenders face a $300 fine and/or six months in jail. riding on sidewalks and Crosswalks: Cyclists can ride on sidewalks or in crosswalks so long as it isn’t a threat to pedestrians or motorists, unless it is prohibited by a traffic sign. a cyclist must
give the right of way to pedestrians, and they can’t dart into traffic. Failure to walk your bike in busy areas, or interfering with traffic, will cost you $56.50.
4714 W State St. (in the Collister Shopping Center) (208)275-0017
three Feet to pass: drivers have to play nice, too. anyone passing a cyclist or pedestrian must stay at least 3 feet away. getting too close could cost a driver $85. Cars turning leFt and right: a motorist who is turning left must yield to a cyclist. a motorist who is turning right can’t turn directly in front of a cyclist. Failure to do either could cost $85. reCkless operation oF a bike: anyone on a bike who endangers pedestrians or rides at a reckless speed can end up in jail for up to six months and/or pay a $1,000 fine.
www.boi s ew e e kly.Co M
idaho stop law: a true idaho original. Cyclists can treat stop signs like yield signs and stop lights like stop signs. Bikers still have to stop at an intersection and yield right of way to vehicles already there, of course. —Trevor Villagrana boiseweekly | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | 111
Advertiser index Addie’s
Eyes of the World Imports
Angell’s Bar and Grill
Family Medicine Residency of Idaho
First United Methodist Church
Art Glass Etc.
Asian Grocery Outlet
The Aspen Lofts
Plan B Lounge
Project Filter
Quinn’s Restaurant and Lounge Range in Motion Studio
50 7
Flatbread Community Oven
Baguette Deli
The Flicks
Barbara, Barbara and Co.
Flying M Coffeehouse
Foot Dynamics
Gino’s Italian Ristorante
Goldy’s Breakfast Bistro
Goods Goods and Co.
Salt Tears Coffeehouse and Noshery
Green Chutes
The Shabby House
Gyro Shack
Homeland Realty
Shanti Yoga Studio and School
Homestead Naturals
Bardenay Restaurant and Distillery
Basement Gallery
The Basque Market
Benjamin Street Consignment Furniture
Bernen’s Pipe Shop
Berryhill and Co
Blue Cow Frozen Yogurt
Boise Army Navy
Boise Art Glass
Boise Art Museum
Record Exchange
Rediscovered Books
Renewal Consignment Homewares
Roaring Springs Water Park
Humpin’ Hannah’s
Hyde Park Books
Boise Basin Infertility and Gynecology
Idaho Botanical Garden
Boise Cat Clinic
Idaho Live
Idaho Shakespeare Festival
Boise Fry Company
Boise Hawks
Boise Rock School
Boise Yoga Center
Bosnia Express BOEX
Brick Oven Bistro
Roosevelt Market Sage Yoga
7 99
Skinny Girl Cocktails
Smoky Davis
Sono Bana
Superb Sushi
Swim & Run Shop
Idaho State Historical Society
TableRock Brew Pub and Grill
Idaho Tennis Association
Idaho Grape Growers and Wine Producers
Teton Valley Chamber of Commerce
In Retrospect
Thana’s Little World Market
Cable one
India Foods
Thrive Physcial Therapy and Pilates
Caldwell Fine Arts
India Gifts
Capital City Public Market
Jackson Floors
Thunder Mountain Line Railroad
Joyride Cycles
Tree City
Casa Mexico
Tres Bonne Cuisine
Cat Doctor
Chandlers Steakhouse
Knitting Factory Concert House
CHF Home Furnishings
La Belle Vie
City Peanut Shop
Land of Rock
Classic Signs
Cottonwood Grille
Lux Fashion
Cracklin Gourmet Popcorn
Crescent No Lawyers Bar and Grill
Custom Cycle and Ski
D.L. Evans Bank
City of Boise
Madhuban Indian Cuisine Moxie Java
Trey McIntyre Project
Urban Escapes
Varin Wardell, Attorneys at Law
Viziato Salon & Spa
Volkswagon Audi Boise
Nampa Civic Center
New Belgium Brewing
Nuestro Pueblo
Ooh La La Home Decor
Opera Idaho
Pho Nouveau
Downtown Nampa
Pinz Bowling Center
Pioneer Country Travel Council
Pioneer Federal Credit Union
El Gallo Giro
Underground Market
3 59
Dorsey Music
Edwards Greenhouse
Trolley House Twigs and Twist
Discovery Center of Idaho
Dunia Marketplace
112 | AnnuAl MAnuAl 2011-2012 | boiseweekly
Wahooz Family Fun Zone
Westmark Credit Union
Whimsy A Salon
The White Pine
Wings Fitness Center
Yoi Tomo
Yummy Meats
Zip Idaho
Zoo Boise
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