Femi Loye – Successful Business Solutions

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How to Be an Ideal Manager

Have you been promoted to managerial duties lately? A warm pat on your back- however, whilst your recent promotion acknowledges your ĂŠlan it also begets truck-load of responsibilities for you. FEEBS Solution is a renowned international business consultant firm which is committed to hone up the managers with effective management grooming. A joint endeavor by experienced business consultant duo Femi Loye, FEEBS extends proven advice on how to succeed as an ideal manager.

Wise delegation

The main maxim of a successful management lies in wise delegation of assignments, your task not only ends with assigning people to projects but it also commands application of strong authority for successful project completion within set deadline. Employees work well under little autonomy but never make the mistake of not monitoring their activities, no matter how competent they are.

Set possible goals

Your company cannot proceed until it has got some goals to achieve. The goals define purpose and direction for your staffs, guiding them with the blueprint & motivation to head towards the achievements needed. But your goals should not be too stringent or inhuman; the recipe of successful achievements lies in measurable and reasonable goals which would not demand the staffs to forget their personal lives.

Easy relation

As the manager you must make sure to maintain easy relation in your team. A project cannot be successful if there are bonding issues in between staffs or between staffs & the manager. Thus, make sure to stay approachable to reasonable queries and try to sort out problems in between the employees to guarantee a harmonious team work.

Recognize achievements

This is one of the most significant pointers when it comes to be an ideal manager. A good performance should be recognized, just like you were elated to secure your promotion after some serious hard work, your staffs too yearn for open acknowledgement for their committed contribution to the team. Thus, you must always make sure that your staffs’ endeavors receive due appreciation.

Lasting solutions

As a manager your duty is to ensure a smooth working environment and project delivery. The catch is that, in the zeal for quick fixation, many take to a short-cut easier route. The quick route generally calms the dire symptoms but cannot root out the problem. Thus, your goal would be to take time out to find out the base of the issue so that it never dares to recur.

For more Visit: http://www.febbssolutions.com

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