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List of don'ts

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A. Do not squeeze or stretch.

B. Do not rearrange or resize the logo elements individually.


C. Do not add shadows or filters to the logo.

D. Do not contain the logo in box when placed on a background image or color.

E. Do not alter the logo colors.

F. Do not replace logo font.

G. Do not add other elements within the clear space allotment.

H. Do not rotate.

I. Do not place borders around logo.

Color palette

Color is foundational to the visual identity of a brand in all its expressions and executions–logos, packaging, products, environments and all forms of marketing communications. The PRIMARY PALETTE helps consumers to quickly identify a brand. These are the core colors of the brand.

The SECONDARY PALETTE is used to highlight and complement the primary colors. Use these secondary colors to complement primary colors and break up white space. The brand palette will cover the majority of your needs. It’s intentionally small in variety so as to not dilute the brand visuals, which adds confusion.


Brand fonts should be used for all communications, ensuring a consistent look and feel in online and print literature.

AMERICAN SCRIBE should be used for all header text.

OPEN SANS EXTRABOLD is to be used for subhead text.

OPEN SANS REGULAR should be used for all other copy (body, lists etc).

To ensure a consistent look, make sure brand fonts are used in a consistent manner and the weights of the font have been considered, using heavier weights to highlight key messages.


American Scribe

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Open Sans ExtraBold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

BODY FONT (SIZE 10-12 | 20-24 LEADING)

Open Sans Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

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