Bold Leads - 9 Things Only a Real Estate Agent Would Understand

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Bold Leads - 9 Things Only a Real Estate Agent Would Understand

Bold Leads - 9 Things Only a Real Estate Agent Would Understand Sure, there’s the industry lingo the few outsiders are savvy to, but real estate agents have a special understanding of reality that goes well beyond a bit of shop talk. Here are nine things that only real estate agents fully appreciate.

1. “Open” and “Close” Aren’t Opposites Sure, to the rest of the world these two words are diametrically opposed. For real estate agents, though, moving from an open house to a closing is second nature, and the concepts are completely sympatico.

Bold Leads - 9 Things Only a Real Estate Agent Would Understand 2. Yes, Three Separate Cell Phones ARE Necessary Work. Personal. Emergency. What’s the big deal? 3. Location, Location, Location In a world of telecommuters, only real estate agents and plumbers still understand the importance of working onsite. Except plumbers make more money and the work is cleaner.

Bold Leads - 9 Things Only a Real Estate Agent Would Understand 4. “Out of Office” Replies Are Useless You tried that automated “out of office” notification when you took that three-day weekend once. Once. You came back to 5,000 messages from the same 3 clients anyway, and resigned yourself to living with #2 24/7. 5. Caffeine is a Right, Not a Privilege And you’ll fight for your rights, dang it!

Bold Leads - 9 Things Only a Real Estate Agent Would Understand 6. It’s Important to Mark Your Territory Business cards are the real estate agent’s answer to being born without scent glands. At the store, at the movies, at the park—hey, even at the family reunion—people need to know what you do and where you do it. 7. The Right Words Are Worth 1,000 Pictures A dilapidated shack can be a delightful fixer-upper if you can work up the right phraseology, and budgets are always flexible when you know how to speak your clients’ language

Bold Leads - 9 Things Only a Real Estate Agent Would Understand 8. Midnight Dinners Are the Best Dinners Nothing beats coming home hours after the sun went down to a plate of what used to be something hot and appetizing waiting on the kitchen table. Especially when you can answer emails while eating! 9. Life is What You Make It For all the challenges, real estate agents spend every waking minute living the dream while helping other people realize theirs, just because they choose to get out of bed and do it each day. And that’s pretty cool.

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