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BOLD Pittsburgh

Issue 9

From the Editor:

Can you feel that? Can you feel that the idea of spring is right around the corner? I know the first real snow just happened, but it gives you the hope that the warm weather is close. This spring we are gearing up for a lot. In the next few weeks we will be debuting our podcast and cooking show. The podcast, BOLD Burgh Moments, will focus on local evenst and fun things to do. The cooking show, Yinz Can Cook, will focus on local fare and teach the art of entertaining at home. Make sure you follow us and like our facebook page for these to drop real soon.

BOLD Pittsburgh Interested in advertising in BOLD Pittsburgh? We have Media Kits available. We would love to review your restaurant or plug your event! Contact us at We are always looking for contributors and artists to help out.

Contact Us BOLD Pittsburgh @BoldPgh


BOLD Pittsburgh

BOLD Pittsburgh Contributors

Amanda Narcisi Chief Editor Layout Designer @alnarcisi

Renee Fisher Writer

Amanda Cooney Co-Editor Writer @spots87

Tim LaVoie Writer @LaVoiePGH

Jen Pizzuto Co-Editor Writer @snark_princess

Annie Fowler Co-Editor Writer

Steven Fernald Editor Support Food Master @stevenfernald

BOLD Pittsburgh


Issue 9 Contents

6-Bizzare Bowling 8-So you Wanna Podcast? 10-That’s So Pittsburgh 12-Hot Cocktail 14-Bubba’s Burghers 16-Local Bites-Butcher on Butler 18-Deafheaven 22-Yinzer Fashion 23-And Fitness 24-Ask Snarky


BOLD Pittsburgh


• Adventure • So You Want a Podcast • That’s So Pittsburgh

BOLD Pittsburgh


BIZARRE BOWLING By: Amanda Cooney What does bowling, dance music, and drag queens have in common? If you have been to the Crafton Ingram Lanes, you’ll know that the answer is Bizarre Bowling. I had heard of drag bingo and drag brunch events in Pittsburgh, but drag bowling is right up my alley; pun intended. I discovered this monthly event when I saw they were offering discounted admission to their January production via Groupon. I had purchased tickets for my fellow writer/editor Amanda N. and me to have a fun, long-overdue girl’s night out. The setting is rather inconspicuous. We pulled into the Crafton Ingram Shopping Center in Crafton just before the doors were about to open. The bowling alley is located across from the Giant Eagle, through a set of doors between CW Price and H&R Block. We walked down the stairs to check in and waited for the games to begin. We opted to go VIP which included unlimited cosmic bowling, BYOB privileges, shots, and of course, the drag show. As the hour passed, the alley filled and the music was pumping. Amanda and I got to know 6

BOLD Pittsburgh

the people we shared lanes with and we cheered each other on when someone would get a strike or a spare and even when we got gutter balls; it was all about having fun. We sipped wine and beer, took some shots and had a blast! During the bowling, you could also buy 50/50 raffle tickets as well as tickets for a Chinese Auction for some adult products as well as some paintings that one of the performers were going to create during the show. Proceeds from the raffle, Chinese Auction, as well as the admission go to local LGBT charities so we didn’t hesitate to put our names in the hat for some great prizes. About 8:15, our hostesses, Vyvyan Vyxn and Brooklyn Bottomvitch announced that the performances were starting soon and we took our seats in preparation. The night’s lineup included Miss Gay PA, Divauna Diore, Apple Brown Betty, Ellie Vega, and the hostesses headlined the show. Performances included Aretha Franklin’s “You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman”, Alicia Key’s “If I Ain’t Got You”, and a remarkable rendition of Lady Gaga’s “Swine” by El-

lie Vega where she created one of a kind works of art by spitting and squirting paint onto canvas. These paintings were then raffled off to two lucky audience members. These ladies were spectacular! Their performances were well planned, entertaining, and most of all: fierce. Admittedly, this was my first drag show, but it definitely will not be my last. I have friends across the country that attend them on a regular basis and absolutely love them. I completely understand why now that I have experienced one for myself. It truly is something everyone should witness because they are so entertaining, the ladies exude confidence and power, and that feeling is passed on to the audience. When I spoke to Brooklyn and Vyvyan after the show, they told me that they have been holding these events since last June and each month attendance rises. Brooklyn explained that they were thinking of entertaining and unique drag events: “We thought about doing bingo or brunch, but that was being done already. Then I thought ‘how about bowling’?!” and thus, Bizarre Bowling was born. Bizarre Bowling occurs once a month on Tuesdays at Crafton Ingram Lanes. Doors open at 6:30 and bowling starts at 7:30. For more information including upcoming performances and tickets, visit

Have an adventure for us to try out? Contact us at

BOLD Pittsburgh


On December 18th, 2014 the podcast Serial wrapped its first season. By noon on that day social media, was filled with speculation on who really did it; who really killed Hae Min Lee? Serial podcast is the latest from This American Life, a radio show and podcast that tells of everyday people and their stories. Serial follows the story of Adnan being incarcerated for the murder of his then newly ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee. He has no recollection of the time of death. Without giving away too much the host, Sarah Koening doesn’t try to get him exonerated but tries to search for the truth. This is a real life story that took place in Baltimore where Hae Min Lee disappears and six weeks later Adnan is arrested for the murder as his friend Jay turns him in and takes the police to her body. Adnan doesn’t remember anything. After the season wrapped media was filled with speculation and stories of this newly addicting fun thing to do. People filled coffee shops were hav-

So You Want A Podcast? ing Serial brunch parties and messages boards online were filled with people answering the question: Who did it? Podcasting was reborn even though it never was gone. Podcasting is talk radio on demand. It is made by anyone: famous or just Internet famous. Podcasting has every subject covered from cooking to hockey to film and sometimes the podcast has no focus at all. Kevin Smith and Chris Hardwick are some of the more famous people who podcast regularly. Kevin Smith loves to discuss movies, either his own or others, and he discusses his creative process. Smith has a few podcasts that each has a different focus. Smodcast has more of a focus of just him discussing anything. Babble-On is recorded usually live at his shows. Jay and Silent Bob Get Old focus on the duo talking about their time. Fatman on Batman discusses comics. He has a few more and searching for him in any podcast app you can find them all. Chris Hardwick is best known for The Nerdist where him and guests discuss nerdy things and the guests are typically famous. NPR, formerly National Public Radio, is a network of 900 public radio stations all over the United States. 8

BOLD Pittsburgh

By: Amanda Narcisi

fizzle or die out after the first year or ten shows. Should I Drink That? is a podcast about Beer, but with a twist. Douglas Derda aka Father Spoon drinks any beer so you don’t have to. Whether the taste is bad or good, he drinks and gives his honest opinion. He reviews a beer per show; from a brewery or from the local six pack shop. When Should I Drink That? first made a wave when his listeners voted for him to chug a Dogfish 120. He was on film; had a paramedic in the room, and chugged the beer in seconds. That video generated over 100K downloads. Since then, Doug has produced 107 shows and is currently working on reformatting his podcast and debuting a new website this year. Should I Drink That? celebrated it’s nine year anniversary recently. Both shows are very active on social media which helped turn their fans into family. With the growing popularity of podcasts, new podcasters are coming to the airwaves every month. This new year brings Off The Ropes to the local podcasting community. Doug Williams and Brad Wall take on the topics of wrestling and gaming. Doug and Brad are long time fans of podcasts NPR has some of the more news driven podcasts. Se- as well as wrestling and after listening, they thought rial and This American Life are story telling. Some of the personal conversations they have over wrestling their other more popular shows are Snap Judgment and gaming would translate great on air. They are where Glynn Washington does storytelling where only a few shows into it but their popularity is growwe see the story through a different set of eyes. Pop ing rapidly. Off the Ropes is just proof that podcasting Culture Happy Hour is a podcast about all things pop culture and is really funny. These are just a few is the new radio on demand that is growing all the time. People getting turned on to podcasts by word and they have subjects from religion to science. Pittsburgh has our own little niche of the of mouth where interesting stories like Serial make Podcast world. We have our podcasts that highlight podcasting like radio of the 50’s. We gather around wrestling, technology, craft beer, nightlife, and our listening to the story and discuss. We become eduown sport teams. Our very own NPR station WESA cated and learn different trades through podcasts. If you are interested in starting your own came to podcasting with different shows one called podcast there are various blogs and online videos Essential Pittsburgh. Search Pittsburgh in podcastthat show everything from the equipment, how to ing app and there is a slew to choose from. Mike Sorg of Soragtron Media has an entire get it online and then how to market it and get lisday, Tuesday, where he records a few shows. Shows teners. To listen to podcasts Apple has it’s own Podthat highlight film, tech and wrestling. He films each casts app and Stitcher Radio is also available in App show live where his guests can join in via chat room or Google hangout. The audio is separated the next Store and Google Play. Both allow you to make a faday and released in podcasts. His studio, nestled in vorites list and search by topics. To hear any of the Beechview, is outfitted with microphones, cameras, podcasts mentioned in this article search for Should a few soundboards and computers and monitors I Drink That? and Sorgatron Media on Stitcher and that watch every aspect as the show is being filmed. iTunes and Off the Rope can be found on SoundWrestling Mayhem turned ten years old recently cloud. and Awesomecast turned five years old. Most shows BOLD Pittsburgh 9

s ’ t a h T SO

h g r u b s t Pit SNOWMAGEDDON!!!! Only in Pittsburgh would we celebrate a fiveyear anniversary of a snow storm that only dropped two feet in two days. But Social Media was all over it this month as snow finally started to fall this month.

Have you ever seen something and thought to yourself “that is SO Pittsburgh!”

10 BOLD Pittsburgh

If so, share your story with us – parking chairs, knitted pierogies, that guy dahn the street who is a real jagoff – you name it! Send your photos and stories to You could be featured in the next issue of BOLD Pittsburgh!


• Warming Cocktails • Local Bites • Bubba’s Burghers and Beer

BOLD Pittsburgh 11

It’s January, You Know There’s Nothing Better to do Than Drink By: Annie Fowler

12 BOLD Pittsburgh

The Steelers aren’t in the bowl, this is a tough time for Pittsburgh. Many tears were shed, many hearts were broken, the Steelers will have to cut back and buy the cheap Dom Perignon to bathe in for a week or two. I’m not bothered. Bloomfield takes over a very precisely ‘Pittsburgh’ feel in January and February that I really appreciate. One of my gloveless neighbors shovels out parking spots and salts a sidewalk while her mother watches and smokes behind her screen door. The incessant bitching is daily: What the hell are you watching me for, she sloppily inquires, You’re letting the heat out, close the damn door up! Prepositions dangle and drip with what I assume is the love only an Italian woman feels after living with her chain-smoking mother for 15 years. I’m going to be late for work for God sake! I am outside near the street because my dog refuses to shit on the square of grass behind our house. She needs to be walked so that she can shit on the square of dirt with the tree growing out of it. She is also looking like she would like to shit on a pile of rotting newspaper on the street. The dog and I weigh the same. My weight is mostly water retention and carb-fat from beer, my dog is lean muscle. She shits where she wants. I have no say in this. My neighbors see us and both wave. The woman behind the screen yells, Hi baby, you’re gonna’ catch flu out here with no coat on, her daughter greets my dog by name and smiles. Everything feels right for a moment. This is winter in Pittsburgh. We can celebrate moments like this. I’m here to help you do that: Here are a few easy cocktails to celebrate the season and get that summer flush back in those cheeks:

Spicy Hot Chocolate That Has Booze in it:

Wine Soup:

Sometimes a cheeky name for a drink just takes away from it. Spicy hot chocolate mix Mezcal Chocolate bitters Step 1: Make spicy hot chocolate from a powder mix. You can find this in your grocery store. It will probably be called ‘Spicy Hot Chocolate’. Add twice the amount of mix that the box calls for and use water instead of milk. Step 2: For every cup of hot chocolate mix, add 3 ounces of Mezcal. And between seven and ten dashes of chocolate bitters.

Because no fucks are given. None. 1 cinnamon stick broken in half 4 whole cloves 1 bottle of cranberry juice (32 ounces) 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 bottle of white wine (dry whites work best) Cheese cloth and kitchen string for the spice bag Slow cooker

Step 1: Make a spice bag. Yeah, a spice bag. Cut a double thickness cheese cloth into about a six inch square and put the cloves and cinnamon on the square. Bring up the corners of the cloth and tie with kitchen string. Step 2: combine cranberry juice, spice bag, and Pomegranate Champagne: This is an easy cocktail that you can make for brown sugar into a slow cooker, cover and cook yourself or for a group of people in under five for three to four hours on low heat. Step 3: turn slow cooker to the high-heat setminutes. ting and add wine, cooking for 30 more minutes. Pomegranate juice Serve immediately or keep warm in slow cooker, Champagne stirring occasionally. Pomegranate seeds (optional) Step 1: For every three parts champagne, add one part pomegranate juice. Garnish by drop- Sugar Cookie: ping about one tsp pomegranate seeds in the This is a satisfying, sweet drink to settle in with glass. after work. It is easy to make and goes down A note about uncorking champagne: even easier. Be careful, it is much boozier than Uncorking champagne can be hard. When I un- you think. cork champagne I first realize that a simple light Rum Chata pull will not do the trick. I see that the cork still Vodka will not come off and I begin pulling the cork Sprinkles away from the bottle frantically with the same Step one: Shake equal parts Rum Chata and vodbrand of panic a person cultivates when they ka with ice. Pour into a rocks or shot glass. Garget their fingers stuck in a Chinese finger trap, it nish with sprinkles. Done. won’t come off, it is stuck this way forever. Then, eventually, the cork pops out like a freaking cannonball and out with it bubbles half of the bottle onto the floor. This is where you use your mouth to salvage some of the champagne by drinking it quickly, directly from the bottle, so that it lands in your mouth as opposed to the floor. You have now contaminated the entire bottle and will feel weird serving it to your guest. Nicely done, jackass. Instead, put a kitchen towel over the cork Have a Brewery or bar you Would like to be and lightly but firmly pull the cork slowly. It featured in BOLD Pittsburgh? Drop us an should come out of the bottle with a satisfying email @ ‘pop’ while keeping the drink intact.

BOLD Pittsburgh 13


BUBBA! 14 BOLD Pittsburgh

By: Amanda Narcisi

I am on the hunt for Pittsburgh’s best burger. It led me to BRGR last month where I had sampled a “build my own burger” and a great craft beer. This month I headed to Bridgeville to Bubba’s Gourmet Burghers and Beer. Bubba’s Burghers and Beer is a craft burger joint with a great selection of apps and beer. I grew up listening to Bubba on the radio on B94 all through the 80’s and 90’s. I expected his restaurant to be as crazy as him. Not dance on the table’s crazy, but the type of food that was a bit different then any other burger joint. I was not disappointed. The inside of the restaurant was fun; decorated with signs and a handful of flat screen TVs that had ESPN on them all. The bar stretched along the one wall and the rest of the floor was arranged with tables seating for about fifty. The menu was pub food to accompany the beer. The appetizers were boneless wings with a variety of flavors, grilled zucchini, hummus and pita, olive tapenade, Bubba’s nacho-tastic, brushetta, and the Bubba Fries; which are a mixture of sweet potatoes and regular hand cut fries with a seasoning that is a bit smoky. My date and I chose the boneless wings in honey BBQ. They were delicious. Crispy and not drowning in sauce; we both recommended them to the table next to us. Bubba’s Gourmet Burghers have unique ingredients but the actual burger is what makes it so tasty. According to the website, Bubba’s uses a blend of brisket, prime meat, and short ribs which are ground fresh daily. Some of my favorite picks off the burger menu was the Nekkid

Burgher that requires no bun at all when the burger is sprinkled over a spring mix of greens with some mozzarella, tomatoes and inions toped with a balsamic demi-glaze. The Bacon Ranch Burgher is another combination of interesting ingredients. The signature burgher was topped with cheese, bacon and a homemade bacon ranch dressing. My Burgher for the evening was the “Hey Bubba I Drank Too Much and Need Something to Make Me Feel Better!” Burgher; it is their signature burger with ham off the bone, cheese, lettuce, mayo, and a fried egg. The burgher was done just right and the combo of egg and cheese on top is always a crowd pleaser. I chose the regular fries instead of the mixed sweet and regular fries. The fries have a smoky brisket taste to them which only adds to the dish overall. The beverage menu was an interesting mix of craft beer and cocktails. Bubba’s has a full stocked bar and a cool beer list with wide variety. Some of the beers included Green Flash, Travelers, Southern Tier, and regular standbys like Yuengling. Bubba’s Burghers and Beer is a great burger joint as I move on with my search. I would go there to grab a quick bite or stay for the whole game with friends; easy to get to and in the heart of Bridgeville. So as I venture on to my next burger stop any one have any suggestions? Drop me an e-mail at

Have an eatery you would like to be featured in BOLD Pittsburgh? Drop us an email @

BOLD Pittsburgh 15

The best way to measure great customer service is when a local store calls and asks how you were preparing the items you ordered. This was true when we visited Butcher on Butler in Lawrenceville. During our first visit we were just spending the day exploring the east end of Pittsburgh. The two deli counters are filled with different types of meat from bacon to rib eye steaks. On my first visit we purchased some dry aged rib eye steaks. They were delicious; we didn’t need to prepare them any special way, they were perfect just being broiled. They paired perfectly with some red wine and some baby red potatoes. We also purchased a dry aged kielbasa, which was sliced up and eaten with a cheese try for wine night. Perfectly paired with a red wine like a Malbec. Our second visit was a special order for a Super Bowl party. We had called and ordered a mixture of ground steak, bacon and Italian sausage. The day before our order was to be picked up we received a

16 BOLD Pittsburgh

phone call asking what we were doing with the mixture; it was to become burgers. The gentlemen from asked what grind we were looking for. We took his best suggestion of a medium grind instead of a fine or coarse grind. This grind will hold everything together for a firm hamburger patty. When we reached the shop on Saturday the order was ready and we picked up some bacon and bacon jam, another kielbasa, and four more steaks for steak and eggs in the morning. The burgers were so flavorful and the bacon was perfect; I actually had mine cook on the grill for breakfast. The bacon jam and kielbasa was served with crackers and cheese. Butcher shops are making a comeback as people search for quality and they want to shop local. What sets the Butchers on Butler apart from the chain stores is the quality of meat and the customer service. Next time you’re in Lawrenceville try them out.


• Music • Fitness • Fashion • Snark

BOLD Pittsburgh 17

By: Tim LaVoie

18 BOLD Pittsburgh

San Francisco’s Deafheaven spent the last two years riding an unrivaled wave of superlative critical acceptance and maniacal levels of fan praise. Their 2013 full-length, Sunbather, became not only the most well-received extreme metal album since Converge’s 2001 magnum opus Jane Doe - but a fullscale cultural event. No “best-of” list dared place Sunbather outside its top 5, review aggregate site Metacritic mathematically determined it the best reviewed major release of 2013, and its ubiquitous

oftentimes cathartic, as Sunbather’s main pieces pass the ten-minute mark and reach swelling peaks of Sigur Rós-sized build-ups. Asked what the most surprising part of Sunbather’s success was, vocalist George Clarke quickly responded, “The whole experience.” He continued, “I learned that things snowball in a way. Initially the record was getting positive feedback from reviewers and I saw a lot of the fans we already had respond very positively. That leads to a bigger audience in

pink cover art showed up everywhere from the New York Times to Tim Cook’s Power Point presentation announcing the release of Apple’s latest operating system. Deafheaven’s sound takes the unrivaled ferocity of Scandinavian and Eastern European inspired black metal and enhances it with layers of swirling, woozy ambience gleaned from early 90s shoegaze acts like Slowdive, Ride, and My Bloody Valentine. The result is disarming, exhausting, yet

a way, so you tour more, and the crowds get bigger and you start playing with bands whom you admire. So the most surprising would be playing with bands we never dreamed we’d be able to share time with.” Sunbather is a true A+ record no matter how it’s approached. Yet, numerous other great extreme metal records have been released in the last decade without coming close to breaking through and being worshiped by both the mainstream and metal BOLD Pittsburgh 19

press. Incredibly, Deafheaven tore down walls previously thought permanent without watering down the product.The masses may have really been looking for a record like this to latch onto, or Sunbather’s success could signal the furthest reaches of the outgrowth of the public’s expanding palate. Clarke saw validity in both theories. “Honestly, I think the stars just kind of aligned. When we finished our first record, Roads to Judah, we toured really, really heavily behind it. So by the time we were ready with Sun-

bather’s canonization was somehow an accident. “We’re very considerate of audiences that we want to reach and seeking out people who might enjoy listening to our music. It all comes together. There’s always great records coming out, and I won’t say we have the best by any means. But I’ll say that we were very particular about every single detail, and I think when you pay that much attention things work out in your favor.” Since Sunbather’s release, Deafheaven have

bather we had already reached a broader audience in that sense. I think also that we were just really mindful of the music and took a long time to make sure we had something we were proud of. We were very mindful of the art and making sure we had something that we felt was unique and exemplified the record in a cool way.” Though he spoke with crushing humility and appreciation, Clarke would not venture to imply that Sun-

played nearly every big-name festival, and they came to Pittsburgh this past October to headline the visual art-crossover, VIA Fest. Deafheaven played to a thrilled Rex Theatre crowd - despite their weekday, midnight slot. Decked in black, they blazed through Sunbather and Judah stand-outs. They additionally treated the audience to a new track, the ghoulish “From the Kettle Onto the Coil.” To fans that feared Deafheaven would soften around the edges follow-

20 BOLD Pittsburgh

ing their ascension to the mainstream media’s consciousness, “From the Kettle Onto the Coil” is a searing, hell-spawn reminder that they plan on keeping more than just one foot in the black metal scene that birthed them. Deafheaven are primarily lauded for their genre obliterating sound, but George Clarke’s existential lyrical content elevates each track every time his growl scorches across the band’s sonic amalgam. On Sunbather closer, “The Pecan Tree,” Clarke explodes over the lush arrangements, “I am my father’s son/I am no one/I cannot love/It’s in my blood.” Regarding his lyrical style and content, Clarke noted, “I think some people are great at the dragons and vampires thing, but I wouldn’t be. I just write what I like to write and touch on things that are important to myself. The last record is very self-centered lyrically, and I think it needs to be to deliver what we’re trying to do.” Regarding his influences, Clarke points to literature - Pablo Neruda, Milan Kundera, William Faulkner. The track “Please Remember” includes an extended spoken word section that is a reading from Kundra’s classic philosophical novel, The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Clarke explained that “things throughout the record can be summarized by that passage; the overall ideas of insecurity and worthiness. It’s a book I’ve always enjoyed, and it was something we’ve always wanted to do - so we did it. There’s not some huge greater meaning, but it definitely means something to us in addition to just fitting in with the album.” Despite Deafheaven reaching critical and commercial peaks previously thought impossible for a band like them, George Clarke refuses to be brought down by demands on his time. “Traveling itself can feel like a job at some points, but in terms

of talking to people about music and playing shows - no it doesn’t feel like a job. I really appreciate it. I feel like everyone’s attention is worth something, and I recognize that I’m a lucky guy to be in this situation. I enjoy every opportunity to play for people that like our band, and that’s about it.” Regarding the increased number of ears that will be attuned to his band from now on, Clarke dismisses the idea that they are “ambassadors” for any sound or scene. “On the grand scale of things we’re still a pretty small metal band. Sure, this was a good year, but a good year will fade fast.” Asked what he wants people being introduced to Deafheaven for the first time to know about the band, Clarke acknowledged, “There’s been a lot of notions about who we are or what we fit into. It’s always been an unspoken goal to never really fit into anything and only be self-identified.” He continued, “To people that are interested in our band I’d tell them what we do is just honest, and that there’s no frills to it. Nothing is sarcastic or ironic, or trying to be controversial. We just are who we are, and I think there’s something to be said about that.” Sunbather’s follow-up is in the works, and will surface sometime in 2015 or early 2016. Though still in its infancy, Clarke recognizes that expectations for the record bloom. “I feel more pressure knowing more people will hear it and more people will anticipate it than last time. That’s always a little nerveracking because you never want to feel like your best years are behind you. You always want to feel like you’re striving for more.” If “From the Kettle Onto the Coil,” and their VIA Fest performance are any indication, Deafheaven’s best years are all ahead of them. BOLD Pittsburgh 21

In 2015, we want to challenge ourselves and our readers to have the most fashionable year yet. Excuses like time, money, and comfort can no longer be justifications for wearing yoga pants out to a restaurant or putting your hair in a ponytail every day for work. Unfortunately, revamping your whole wardrobe is financially impossible for most of us, but we can all resolve to do these few things. --Don’t wait on your weight If you pass up on that cute dress in the shop window because you want to lose those last 5 pounds first, you’ll only make yourself discouraged. Instead of trying to change your body, this year, buy clothes that make the body you have look great.

--Donate your duds Clean out your closet of clothes that you never touch. There might be a second-hand shopper who will love the too-small-sweater you got for your birthday two years ago, so there’s no point in letting it collect dust in your closet. Plus, when your dresser drawers aren’t stuffed full, it will be way less overwhelming when you’re trying to find something to wear.

--Find a go-to pair of jeans If you don’t already have a pair of jeans that look and feel great, it’s time to go shopping. Jeans that pinch in the waist or are a little too short in the leg are the reason we turn to leggings and sweatpants so much of the time. A pair of jeans that fits you perfectly is a must-have. If you can’t find them at the mall, try a second-hand store like Plato’s Closet where the prices are not only cheaper, but the jeans are pre-shrunk and worn in. Win win! --Make “me” time Waking up just 15 minutes earlier to put together an outfit, style your hair, and fix your face will make you feel that much better when you’re out the door. If you know you look your best, you go through the day with more confidence, whether it’s at work, school, or just a day of errands.

--Don’t guilt yourself for the occasional splurge Think of buying an expensive new jacket or pair of shoes as an investment instead of a setback. The big price might hurt, but it’s probably better quality and will last longer than going the cheap route. This year, if you see a bag you must have, then you must have it without shaming yourself later.

Fashion Resolutions for 2015

By: Renee Fisher

22 BOLD Pittsburgh

Get Movin...

By: Renee Fisher

The new year is upon us, and if, like many Pittsburghers, you resolved to get back into shape in 2015 after a holiday season filled with Steeler watching and nut roll eating, you may need to head to a gym. Exercising outside is unpleasant at best during the time of year when the weather goes back and forth between single digit temperatures or freezing rain, so those who want to trim up before spring might need to invest in a gym membership. Shopping for a gym membership can be overwhelming, so we’ve done the hard part for you. Check out the stats on these fitness centers around the Burgh to choose the right one for you.

LA Fitness Price: $99 initiation fee & $29.95 a month Location: Monroeville, Robinson, North Hills, Greensburg, Penn Ave, E Carson St, Amenities: cardio and weight equipment, pool, group classes, personal trainers Hours: 5am - 11pm Mon. - Thurs., 5am - 10pm Fri., 7am - 5pm Sat., 10am - 3pm Sun. Planet Fitness Price: $10 a month Location: Edgewood, Penn Hills, North Huntington, Greensburg Amenities: cardio and weight equipment, tanning, massage chairs Hours: 24/7

Anytime Fitness Price: $30 a month Location: Mt Nebo Dr, Robinson, Murrysville, Irwin Amenities: cardio and weight equipment, personal trainers, tanning Hours: 24/7

YMCA Price: $30 a month, no contract Location: Fifth Ave, Route 286, West North Ave, Centre Ave, Sewickley Amenities: group classes, cardio and weight equipment, pool Hours: 5am - 9pm weekdays, 7am - 5pm Sat., 10am - 3pm Sun.

Have a new and fun fashion or fitness thing for Renee to Explore. Give us a shout! Next Month: Beauty is added! BOLD Pittsburgh 23

Dear Snarky,

By: Jen Pizzuto The Snarky Way to Do Valentine’s Day

As I eradicated every trace of Christmas from my home, I couldn’t help but reluctantly gaze across the frozen tundra of January to the next “ holiday” that looms ominously in the heart of February. It’s the one whose cheesy, garish glow induces gut-cleansing vomit in singles everywhere. Even during the years that I was in a relationship, I found Valentine’s Day to be a contrived scheme to ease the post-holiday spending slump experienced by restaurants and florists. Anyone who is in a solid relationship doesn’t need Hallmark to tell them when to celebrate and rejoice in it, right? Honestly, the greatest loves of my life have been individuals who have impacted me in deeply profound ways...and with whom I have not shared any sort of romantic indulgence. While romantic love may be the most heralded and revered, it is usually not the longest-lasting, nor the most solid, dependable love that one will experience in a lifetime; indeed, romantic love is the most fleeting, transient type of affection that a human being will experience. The beautiful gem of Valentine’s Day, however, is that all types of love can be recognized. (If I want to write love letters to my cats, I can do so--not that I actually do that, or admit it, but I digress.) I propose engaging in empowerment: tell Hallmark that we will love as we see fit and will celebrate Valentine’s Day in unconventional ways. And here are some ideas for doing just that: Send love letters to your friends. It might sound a bit creepy at first, but think about it - who is going to pick up the pieces if your relationship goes to the Big Box of Candy in the Sky? (Of course, we all know that your current relationship will last forever, but there’s no harm in having insurance, no?) It’s always awesome to let your friends know how much you love and appreciate them. If you’re single, they’re your primary network, so spread some happy vibes. Send a good will text at random. (“Hey, I love your face, sister.”) Letting your friendships turn to shit is THE WORST move you can make. Don’t alienate your network. See Fifty Shades of Grey. Ladies, you know this is numero uno on your list. See it with girlfriends to avoid that awkward, sex scene tension with your guy. Let’s be real: a guy will ruin this movie with his haterade. A girls’ night with our favorite dirty fantasy (ok,

maybe it’s just MY dirty fantasy) is bar none the best way to celebrate Cupid. Pre-game with fancy cocktails and a fun dinner - this is girl bonding at its finest. Send the guys out somewhere to watch hockey and I guarantee that men will enjoy this evening more than the ladies. Almost. Celebrate your family. As I’ve been emphasizing, VDay isn’t just about romantic love, which is why it’s not really an entirely loathsome day. Your family needs to feel loved and appreciated, too, so plan something fun with parents, siblings, nieces/nephews, cousins, etc. A pizza and movie night with a favorite aunt is always an awesome way to commemorate Cupid. It’s also worth noting that “family” doesn’t always inherently imply those individuals to whom one is related by blood; “family” can be a bestie, a co-worker with whom your spend 40 hours a week, a neighbor in your building who watches “The Voice” with you religiously...we can choose our family, and V-Day is a great way to make special people feel appreciated. Watch Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown. Because every holiday has a Charlie Brown special to make it legit, and because I’m always rooting for Charlie Brown to get in with The Little Red Hair Girl, this is a mustdo. This particular special was my first exposure to Elizabeth Barrett-Browning (kinda) and it ignited a life long penchant for cheesy love poetry. The simplicity of elementary school love can leave indelible imprints long into adulthood (which is a WHOLE other column, I guess), but it’s massively fun to watch. I wish that I could write my own Valentine cards and distribute them during work parties...which leads me to #5... Write Valentine’s Day cards! Think that buying boxes of cheesy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtlesthemed cards are for elementary school kids? Think again, and think outside of the heart-shaped box, please. Valentine’s Day cards are super fun to write - and they’re even MORE FUN when written while sipping a favorite red wine and listening to Whitney Houston. I have personally done this as an adult, and it’s pretty much the best time ever. Call some friends over and write out Valentines to your bestie, awesome pals from high school or college, fellow staff members of BOLD Pittsburgh...whatever. Have a Valentine writing party and experience allllll of the love, love, love. Got more fun, unconventional Valentine adventures to share? Snarky wants to hear ‘em. Tweet us up: @ BOLDPgh. BOLD Pittsburgh 24

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