BOLD Pittsburgh • @boldpgh •
Media Kit 2015
Welcome to
As of Mar 2015
bold pittsburgh! Magazine-3,605 reads *Quadrupled numbers last
month* Blog-4,695 lifestyle online magazine Facebook-460 Likes-943 Total Reach that highlights all the fun Twitter-356 Followers activities and events that Pinterest-19 Followers pittsburgh has to offer. Instagram-33 Followers Each issue features new visit, up-and-coming breweries, date *Podcast and Magazine to enter iTunes May 2015* Bold
restaurants to
night, fashion, and more
by a blog (
and a highly interactive social media campaign, bold
pittsburgh is a great platform to advertise your
As of Mar 2015
• Males and Females <25 Year old: 8% advertising with our magazine, your business will have 25-45 year old: 72% the 45-64 year old: 12% ability market your brand via several media outlets 64-99 year old: 8% including banners and sidebars, video and sound clips, •Where they see us: as well as interactive articles. Digital advertising gives Desktop: 38% our readers the ability to directly connect to you. Tablet: 9% The first podcast we launched is bold burgh Mobile: 53% moments in April 2015 and it’s topic is to talk about local events and where to eat, be seen, and have fun. The first web show launched in May 2015 is a ates cooking show with a fun twist called Yinz Can Cook. 2015 We will be cooking Pittsburgh traditions, but with the idea that anyone can cook at home. We also will Size 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month
business to potential clients as well as inform current consumers about upcoming promotions.
highlight etiquette and dinner party know how all while we have fun.
offer competitive advertising options with
additional incentives including reviews of your products and/or services.
Whether you are a local Pittsburgh, we would
restaurant or a fun activity in
like you to be a part of our initiative to connect with the residents of this great city.
know that your business is your passion and we would like to bring that to our readers.
hope that you will consider utilizing bold
pittsburgh to connect your business to our readers.
This media kit contains valuable
information including demographics and current advertising rates.
Please contact us at to speak to our
marketing team for any additional information.
Full Page 1/2 Page 1/4 Page
$175 $225
$175 $225
Double Spread $300 Blog Sponsor $175 Blog Button $225 Podcast Spon- $175 sor
Yinz Can $175 $175 $175 Cook Commercial •Prices for 6 month Contract •Special/Multiple ads-contact for discussion •Restaurant and activities discount in exchange for review. •Social Media event boosting included-5 posts per week