L ieb Explores Rennes and Their Future Isabel Bassin Contributing Writer
Zoë Lieb (‘23) sat in a cafe on the streets of France, peoplewatching while eating Lebanese takeout with some of their closest friends, who had been mere strangers to them just a few weeks prior. On July 10th, Lieb travelled to Brittany, France, to study abroad with the Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE). They stayed in the city of Rennes until coming home on August 8. While there, Lieb studied French language and culture in a classroom for three hours every weekday, then had various activities and trips in the afternoon, combined with plentiful free time to explore the city of Rennes.
Lieb and their friends from the trip having a picnic for lunch. Lieb and friends explored the farmer’s market, divided up the meal, with each person going to get one part of the meal and then bringing it all together into a big feast. Credit: Zoë Liëb
Along with learning French, however, Lieb also gained life experience from the trip. “It was definitely a big lesson in independence, especially being in France with all this freedom and all this trust that you would be where you need to be on time, that you’d stay safe and you’d be responsible,” Lieb explained. This was their first time travelling without their parents, and they thrived living in France. “I’m a very adaptable person so I found it pretty
Food from the picnic (above). Credit: Zoë Liëb
A street in Rennes. Lieb said they really enjoyed the freedom to roam the city. Credit: Zoë Liëb