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Languages & Sign Language

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Try something new with a beginner course in Italian, or if you have some experience already, choose an intermediate or advanced course in French, Italian or Spanish. Alternatively, take your first steps towards communicating with a D/deaf person with an introductory course in sign language.


Don’t forget English & Maths pg 5

Day(s) Start Date Start Time Hrs Weeks

Free or Concession Total Cost Course Code Learning Centre

French For further information visit: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/adult-languages/french

French Intermediate Term 3 £ Mon 04/04/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML400-IG03 Deane Road

Italian For further information visit: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/adult-languages/italian

Italian Advanced Term 3 £ Thu 07/04/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML302-IG03 Deane Road

Italian Beginners Term 3 £ Mon 04/04/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML303-IG03 Deane Road

Spanish For further information visit: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/adult-languages/spanish

Spanish Intermediate Term 3 £ Mon 04/04/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML200-IG03 Deane Road

Sign Language For further information visit: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/adult-languages/bsl Sign Language - Introduction to £ Tue 26/04/2022 10:00 2 10 - £75 ML008-IG01 Deane & Derby Sign Language - Introduction to £ Mon 26/04/2022 10:00 2 10 Conc, Free* or £75 ML013-CLPC Deane Road

Case Study

Sign Language Brownlow Fold

‘Our tutor’s excellent – we all started on an introductory course and really enjoyed it, so next we’re all planning on doing the Level 3 which is delivered in September.

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