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With spring on the horizon, now is a good time to start making plans for what you could grow in your garden, yard or even on your windowsill. Most common herbs are quite easy to grow and tend to be low maintenance, and they also add great flavours to most dishes and salads, as well as having a range of health benefits.

Feeling a little more adventurous?

Why not have a go at growing your own vegetables! Now’s a good time to be sowing seeds, either indoors or out - potatoes, spinach, peas, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and onions can all be planted out doors from March onwards, or you could even start some seeds on your windowsill.

Mushroom and vegetable cartons are ideal for sowing up your seeds and as well as costing nothing, are a great way of recycling. There are many benefits of growing your own:

• Access to fresh healthy veg, full of essential vitamins and minerals • Cost effective • Helps the environment by cutting down on plastic waste from food wrappers • Gardening gives you access to fresh air, exercise and is great for wellbeing • An engaging activity to do with children - you could even build in maths by asking children to measure the size of the plants at different stages in the growing process.

If you’re interested in finding out more about growing your own vegetables, enrol on one of our gardening/horticultural courses. We can also provide you with information about local community allotments in the area. Just email jeannette.fowler@boltoncc.ac.uk You can also call one of our Community Learning Centres using the numbers below:

Brownlow Fold (Halliwell) - 01204 482 900 Deane & Derby (Deane) - 01204 482 920 New Bury (Farnwoth) – 01204 482 960

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