7 minute read
The Sunnyside Club MACFEST 2021 and Poetry & Writing Competition
#MACFESTBOLTON2021 MACFEST - Muslim Arts & Culture - is an international Festival that brings Muslim and non-Muslim communities together, promoting SAVE THE DATE! social inclusion and overcoming barriers.
Calling all Muslim artists and aspiring artists! Are you creative in the arts?
If you have a passion for poetry, photography, calligraphy, history, heritage, culture, architecture, performing a nasheed/naat or playing an Islamic instrument, MACFEST 2021 needs YOU! We’d love to hear from you if you can link any of these skills to what it’s like living in Bolton and being a Muslim. Additionally, can you tell us:
• What was Eid and Ramadhan like during lockdown? • If you’ve faced hate crime and Islamophobia. • How you’ve coped with births, marriages and deaths. • If you’ve done anything to help others in need, such as help in a foodbank.
To coincide with Refugee Week in June, we’d also like to know what welcome you received whilst moving to, and living in, Bolton as an Asylum Seeker and a Refugee.
For the The Great Get Together, tell us about issues that are common to us, rather than those that divide us. Plus, what’s really friendly about Bolton as a place to live?
Also look out for activities at the Octagon Theatre involving Muslim artists.
Follow us on our social media platforms:
Your 2021 Covid Story: Writing & Poetry Competition for Young People
Professional artists showcase their work in Bolton’s Museum & Art Gallery, and so can your son or daughter! Encourage your young person to submit a poem or a piece of prose, not exceeding 200 words and telling their Covid Story, and it could also be published in a book, after being judged by a qualified and distinguished panel. This project is being delivered by a range of supporting partners such as Bolton Council, Bolton at Home, The Octagon Theatre, Unison, plus others who wish to support the cause.
Email entries to
sunnysideclubbolton@yahoo.com by Tuesday 4th May
Follow us on our social media platforms:
Sunnyside club
Our cornerstone is to act as an umbrella organisation which recognises and supports volunteer and community groups who look after the environment in Bolton.
We want to seek out these groups and like-minded individuals to form a network to promote our aim of making Bolton a cleaner and greener town for all its residents.
From its beginnings in 2016, Bolton Green Umbrella has donated almost £25,000 to its registered groups from grants given by Bolton Council, and we now have over 100 groups registered on our website.
There are litter pickers, community gardens and allotments, schools and young people’s groups, conservation groups and more.
Bolton College Foundation Learning ECO Group is an instance of young people already getting involved, and there are fantastic opportunities for young people to join in with these efforts to improve our environment in Bolton in many different ways - the Climate Emergency is of major concern to young people, and you really can make a difference.
There are many benefits to volunteering:
Volunteering in outdoor activities is wonderful for physical and mental health and wellbeing, and also gives you a sense of achievement. Some of the conservation groups can offer training opportunities, teaching you new skills like woodland and wildlife skills.
Being a volunteer can also be a big help when job hunting, proving to a prospective employer that you are a willing worker and you care about the world around you.
Check out the Bolton Green Umbrella website here www.boltongreenumbrella.org.uk/local-groups to find out what’s going on in your neighbourhood and get in touch via the group’s contact details – you’ll be given a warm welcome!
Join the green army!
Are you looking after someone?
Bolton Carers Support is an independent registered charity that was set up in 1994 and offers a confidential support and information service to local people over the age of 18 who look after family members or friends, who need support due to illness, disability, addiction, or age.
When you are looking after someone, it is difficult to know who to contact for information and advice about your caring situation. Our Carers Helpline can answer questions you may have and is open 24/7: • From 9am to 5pm weekdays, call with any caring-related query or just to talk to someone in confidence about your caring role. • At all other times (evenings/weekends/Bank Holidays) call if you have an urgent issue or emergency with your caring role. All calls are treated in confidence. We do not pass on your details to any other agencies without your permission. Staff are empathetic and understand the need to be able to talk to someone in confidence about your situation.
We are here to help.
Please contact our free, confidential helpline, open all day, every day, on 01204 363 056 or email info@boltoncarers.org.uk
CENSUS SUNDAY: 21st March 2021
We’re asking households across Bolton to get ready to take part in the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Census, which takes place on Sunday, 21st March. Letters have been sent, with your unique access codes, and we’re looking forward to receiving your responses. Results will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked away for 100 years, kept safe for future generations. Operating in line with the Government’s latest Covid-19 guidance, field officers will be deployed across the country to contact those who have not responded; they’ll offer help and advice to those who need it, whilst also reminding people that their Census response is required by law. To complete your Census, and to find out how you can get help, visit:
www.census.gov.uk or call 0800 141 2021.
You can also visit the link below:
32 Teams 64 Games 20 Venues Once-ina-lifetime Opportunity!
Volunteer at the Rugby League World Cup 2021!
This is your opportunity to be part of something BIG!
The event comes to Bolton this autumn with the town hosting two games, including England vs France and a men’s quarter-final. The competition will be watched worldwide by an estimated 150 million people, across 115 countries, and YOU can become a part of it by volunteering and joining The Power Squad - it’s an opportunity not to be missed!
You will: • Make a difference • Gain new skills • Meet new people
Bolton College is proud to support the work of
Members of the Bolton Family include: Asda, Barkers LLP, Bolton CVS, Bolton at Home, Bolton Council, Bolton FM, GM Mental Health Services, Keoghs, Octagon Theatre, Seddon, Urban Outreach, Warburtons and The Woodland Trust, together with smaller companies and social enterprise organisations.
The work of The Bolton Family supports the Bolton 2030 Vision, helping the communities of Bolton to:
• Start Well • Live Well • Age Well • Be Aware of the Environment
Helping Bolton to develop a cleaner, greener prosperous place to live and work.
Follow us on twitter @familybolton