4 minute read

18 Help with Learning

Help With Learning

English and Maths You are now on a journey to achieving your English and maths!

Why do I need maths and English?

English and maths are essential for your progression onto higher level courses and/or employment. Almost all university courses and jobs now expect good levels of English and maths, with a lot requiring a GCSE grade 4 or above in both subjects.

What do I need to bring to my English and maths lessons?

For maths each student must bring: • A pen. • A pencil. • A pencil sharpener. • An eraser. • A 30cm ruler. • A protractor • A scientific calculator (for GCSE) •

For English each student must bring:

• A pen. • A highlighter.

What does English and maths look like at Bolton College?

If you haven’t yet achieved your English and/or maths at a grade 4, we’re here to help!

Attendance = Success!

Ensure you attend every lesson to achieve the best possible grade! Sessions will include a variety of activities designed to enable you to develop your skills and make progress. You will also be expected to access online resources as part of the course to further enhance your independent study skills and practise the skills you have learnt in class.

What if I need support?

A range of support is available to students at Bolton College. This includes extra lessons for targeted help with skills gaps and in class support, as well as modified materials if required. All tutors will be happy to discuss any needs you may have so please make them aware so that we can help.

What if I have already achieved a grade 4 in my maths and/or English?

English and maths is a key part of academic study and you will continue to develop these skills within your curriculum area. If you do already have a grade 4 in GCSE English Literature but lower in GCSE English Language look carefully at university course requirements if you intend to study further; some will ask for a grade 4 in English Language. Please contact englishandmaths@boltoncc.ac.uk if you have any queries.

Employability Skills Throughout your time at College we will be helping you to prepare for your next steps. All staff who teach you, your tutors, LDMs, Careers Coaches and our College Careers Team will be assisting you with developing the right skills, qualities and values you will need, whether you decide to progress to education at a higher level or decide to venture out into the world of work and Apprenticeships. timekeeping, attendance, being reliable and dependable – all qualities needed for being a good employee and a good university student. Throughout your course you will be learning skills for, and gaining experiences of, the industry you may want to work in.

Our staff team and employers will work with you to ensure you have some of the attributes that future employers are looking for: working on your own and in a team; meeting deadlines; using your initiative to see what needs to be done to help a job move forward quickly and efficiently; thinking about solutions to problems; and developing excellent interpersonal and communication skills. We call this set of skills and qualities Employability Skills.

The Journey to Employment Award is given to students at the end of their time with the College. This is a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates how well you have developed your employability skills. It can be achieved at bronze, silver and gold levels and is highly valued by employers and students.

As part of the journey to your next step, we have some standards in place for you to follow in the classroom and the workplace to ensure you get there. During your time at College, if you are studying on a full-time course, you will have weekly one-hour timetabled

tutorials with your Learning and Development Mentor (LDM). Your LDM is there to support and guide you along your journey through College.

You will attend Employability classes in your curriculum area which are a mandatory part of your Study Programme.

Your Personal Development offer is aimed to support you to develop your knowledge and skills beyond your main subject. We want you to:

• Make excellent progress. • Set and meet challenging targets. • Develop an understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion. • Be enterprising, creative and confident. • Solve problems and be resourceful. • Know how to take care of yourself. • Make positive choices about your health and wellbeing. • Contribute to the community. • Steadily develop personal attributes that will enhance your employability

Our tutorial system is there to help you achieve this.

ProPortal ProPortal is your personalised learning environment.

It is the centre of your learning and the place where you, your subject tutors and your LDM will monitor and manage your journey through College and towards success.

It also gives you access to your personal targets, subject reviews and important dates such as assignment deadlines. It allows you to carefully track and review you progress throughout the academic year.

You will also have an opportunity to set your own personal targets for learning.

Tutorials for Full-Time Students Each week you will meet with your LDM. The meeting will be with the course group and you will discuss a topic concerned with your course or of interest in the media. These weekly meetings will be related to the tutorial key themes of Personal & Social Development; Citizenship; Progression; and Equality & Diversity.

Each term you will have one-to-one time with your LDM. It is your chance to discuss and record your progress on the course, celebrate your success and target areas where you can improve.

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