Successful Grants

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Bolton Community and Voluntary Services: End of Year Report on Grants Administered from The BIG Bolton Fund

April 2011 – March 2012 1

Foreword It has been another busy year of grant administration at Bolton CVS with 200 grants administered worth a total of nearly £210,000. This report is an opportunity to showcase the wide variety of groups across Bolton that benefit from the grants and the good work that they do in making our communities stronger. Many thanks go to our funders for making this possible, notably Bolton Council for prioritising small grants at this time of financial austerity. Also we must not forget the long running support of NHS Bolton and the individuals and companies that have donated to the BIG Bolton Fund endowment scheme. Finally it is important to thank the staff in the Bolton CVS grants team for their excellent work and also our volunteer grant assessors for giving us their time and special expertise. This year we have run two grant schemes through The BIG Bolton Fund. The Small Grants Programme is an integrated grants scheme for community groups. Successful applicants will benefit people in Bolton by delivering projects linked to one or more of the five themes below: • • • • •

Healthy Lifestyles Learning, Skill Development and Increased Employability Improving the Local Environment Safer Communities Stronger Communities

Funding for the Small Grants Programme in 2011/12 came from several sources: • • • •

Bolton Council Chief Executive’s Department: NHS Bolton: Bolton Council Environmental Services: BIG Bolton Fund Endowment

£160,000.00 £ 22,698.47 £ 10,437.38 £ 1,811.00

Any group can receive one grant per year from this fund, up to a maximum of £1500. On pages 3-17 you will find a full list of all awards made, with some small case studies of the work of funded groups on pages 5, 8, 11, 13 and 15. The Breaks for Carers Grants Fund supports activities organised by community groups which enable carers to take a break from their everyday commitments. We consider a carer to be someone who spends a significant portion of their time providing unpaid support to a family member or friend who could not manage without their help. This fund is provided by Bolton Council Adult and Community Services Department and £14,288.63 was awarded to groups in 2011/12. Each group can receive up to £800 and successful groups are listed on pages 18 & 19. We are very proud of the work that voluntary and community groups in the Bolton carry out with these small grants. It definitely helps to keep Bolton stronger during difficult times! If you would like to know more about the Bolton CVS grants programme or if you would like to donate any funds, please contact Bolton CVS on 01204 546010 or via email on: Karen Minnitt Chief Executive 2

1) Small Grants Programme: July 2011 No

Name of Group

Reason for Application

Academy Juniors FC

Funding to enable a girls' football team to coach in schools and recruit new players from primary schools across Bolton. Ongoing costs of IT training scheme for people from Great Lever and Rumworth To provide a rehabilitation programme based in Breightmet of physical activity with healthy eating workshops for offenders/ex offenders and drug/alcohol clients. To provide street dance classes for young people at the Halliwell UCAN centre. Costs to hold a junior football tournament over 2 Sundays in September at the club in Great Lever. Provision of venue and dance instructor for sessions of physical activity and healthy living for young girls based at Harmony Youth Project in Halliwell. Room Hire and provision of teachers for dance classes and Malayalam language for children from Farnworth, Great Lever and Kearsley To provide twice weekly football coaching sessions for people with disabilities.

1 2

Africans Link in Bolton (AFLIBO) Be-strong


4 5

Body Rockin Kidz Bolton Deane and Derby Cricket Club Bolton Girls TOOLS

6 Bolton Malayalee Association 7



Bolton Wanderers Disability Football Club Cameroon Community Organisation of Bolton

Community Friends Group 10




Darcy Lever Gravel Pits Action Group Eldon Street Residents' Association

Farnworth & District Local History Society Friends of Maxton House

14 Ghosia Community Youth Voice 15 16

Grosvenor Estate Residents' Association

Amount Awarded ÂŁ 1385

1445 1500

1000 850




Ongoing running costs for the group supporting Cameroonian people in Bolton. They meet monthly at Lancashire Wildlife Trust building in Breightmet. Provision of weekly meeting place for a group of mainly widows/widowers on the Sutton Estate in Hulton to enable companionship and reduce isolation. Provision of ongoing costs and new tools and equipment for the group maintaining a section of Moses Gate Country Park. To take approx 100 people from low income families from Tonge & The Haulgh area to a pantomime and to support with admin costs of the group. Day out to Quarry Bank Mill for members from Farnworth, Great Lever and Kearsley


To provide outings:1)Canal Boat Trip and 2) Visit to Rivington Barn tea dance for elderly people from Farnworth Provision of cricket sessions for young people during the summer holidays at the Ghosia centre in Rumworth. To provide entertainment at annual fun day for residents of Kearsley.










Name of Group

Reason for Application

Harwood and Bradshaw Writers

To purchase equipment to enable members to deliver programmes of their own writings to care homes in the Breightmet, Farnworth and Great Lever areas. To hold a community Fun Day in Bridgeman Park for residents from Tonge & The Haulgh. Ongoing running costs of the museum at Horwich Resource Centre about times gone by in the town. To provide training sessions, equipment and fees to enter new young team from Hulton Lane Estate into rounders league 2012 Ongoing running costs of a Bolton-wide stroke survivors group based in Little Lever.

17 Haulgh North Action Group 18 Horwich Heritage 19 Hulton Lane Clubroom (Wally's) 20 JIGSAW 21





Provision of hire of hall, support worker and stationery to continue activities for young people on Johnson Fold


Kearsley Park Vets Bowling Club

Purchase of rubber strip to cover the base of the gutter surrounding the bowling green which will alleviate the need for members to annually paint the existing surround. To take coach party from the Great Lever area to Esholt and Harrogate and to hold a Christmas or New Year party.


Hire of pitch and purchase equipment for a team of young men from Halliwell to play football in a local league. Purchase of indoor bowling mat for the group based in Farnworth.


Maltby Residents' Association 24 Mere Hall Football Club 25 New Bury Community Centre Bowling Club New Bury Community Centre Youth Club 27

On Your Own Club 28 Phoenix Writers 29 Rock It! Collective 30 Root's Zone 31


Johnson Fold Youth & Community Support Group



Amount Awarded ÂŁ 815.75



To provide Youth Hostel Accommodation for 8 young people from the Farnworth area & 2 adult volunteers whilst undertaking the coast to coast cycle route (HomeWorkington-Whitby-Home),and supporting vehicle. Trip to the Lowry Shopping Outlet and the Imperial War Museum for older people from the Tonge & the Haulgh


Room hire and ongoing costs involved in producing work which would be of interest for local readings/discussions/community projects. To provide 25 youngsters, many from deprived areas, the opportunity to learn about musicianship with music leaders, equipment hire,and associate costs. Day trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach for young people from the Pungle Estate youth group in Westhoughton.







Reason for Application

South Haulgh Residents Group

To hold a fun day in Bridgeman Park for residents of Tonge & The Haulgh

St Matthews Coffee Shop

To provide a Christmas Party for older residents from Little Lever.


Streetwise Soccer CIC

Deliver a weekly soccer session during the summer holidays for children from the Farnworth area. To provide ongoing running costs of group and their community house in Great Lever






Amount Awarded £ 300

Name of Group

Sunnyside Residents' Association The Dementia Support Group

36 The Great Lever Voice Project 37

Tiki Taka Football Academy CIC 38

Tonge Moor Allotment Society 39 Topphome Court Social Club 40 TOTAL

To continue weekly varied programme of physical activities, talks and demonstrations in Tonge Moor for people with dementia and their carers. To provide courses in health, physical activity and communication skills for young people from Tonge & the Haulgh, Farnworth and Great Lever, with each person producing their own portfolio of success. To set up new football club to cover venue, League, Pitch & FA Registration fees, kit and training to benefit children from deprived areas, especially the Farnworth area To provide outdoor furniture, security fixings and weather sealing treatment to enable the use patio area for annual Open Day and seasonal Produce Days Running coffee morning for 6 months and Christmas Party for residents from the Farnworth area and purchase of electronic bingo machine. 40 grants








Ghosia Community Youth Voice had a grant of £1250 to organise cricket sessions for young people from Rumworth during the 2011 school summer holidays. Participants have been introduced to a new sport and got regular exercise from the sessions. It has encouraged them to think about what they do to be healthy. Many have improved their cricket skills and been signposted to local clubs where they can continue to develop.

Harwood and Bradshaw Writers have had a grant to buy equipment which they have used in performing songs and poetry at residential homes around Bolton. Residents have really enjoyed the chance to have a social activity with others at the place where they are living and have been joining in with the performances. This photo is from Southlands in Breightmet.


2) Small Grants Programme: September 2011 No 41 42

Name of Group

Reason for Application

Abstinence Support And Maintenance Afghan Community Bolton

Ongoing meeting costs for support group for people recovering from addiction Meeting costs for women’s group and cost of venue hire for Eid celebration. To provide a worker once a week who can deliver activities to children at the youth club whose confidence has been affected by bullying. To set up and hold an open day for a new project targeting disadvantaged young people with musical skills to help them take the interest further. To provide a stress-relief day and a meal out for carers of adults with learning disabilities. To hold a conference to mark the 5th Anniversary of the organisation supporting refugees and asylum seekers in Bolton and to support the continuation of English classes for French speakers in Bolton. Grant towards cost of running "Spirit of Bolton" an event bringing cultures together to strengthen community cohesion in the town. To provide rehearsal space for a project aiming to build the confidence of unemployed people through drama. To continue twice monthly drop-in sessions for Refugees and Asylum seekers at Bolton YMCA. To set up weekly sessions using art to engage young people with disabilities, helping them build confidence and get qualifications. Towards the costs of transport for disabled members to attend away games. Costs towards a trip for older people mainly from the sheltered accommodation in Tonge & the Haulgh To set up a weekly sports, music, fashion and dance workshops for young people from across Bolton. Purchase of 2 Public Address systems for indoor and outdoor venues. Also cost of producing CD's to sell at future concert venues which will help to fund the band's future running costs. Costs of pitch hire for football coaching for young people from the Astley Bridge area.

Black Action Group 43 B-Muzik 44 Bolton Care 4 (LD) 45 Bolton French African Assistance (BOFAA) 46

Bolton Interfaith Council (BIC) 47 Bolton Multicultural Arts 48


Bolton Multi-Cultural Integration Group Bolton Smart Enterprise CIC



Bolton Wanderers Disabled Supporters Association Eastfield Residents Association

52 Emotionally Connected 53 Farnworth & Walkden Band 54


FC Sharples


Amount Awarded ÂŁ 1100 1500








1496 300



952.98 1500



Name of Group Firwood & Moorfield Estates Residents Association

Fit For Life 57 Halliwell Local History Society 58

Ongoing costs to provide elderly residents from Tonge & Haulgh area with monthly social bingo session at Tonge UCAN Centre. Ongoing costs to provide elderly residents from Tonge & Haulgh area with monthly social bingo session at Tonge UCAN Centre. Provision of gym instructor for weekly session of fitness to music for young people from Halliwell. To hold a one day Local History Fair event and to fund ongoing costs of monthly meetings at Chorley Old Road Methodist.

Amount Awarded £



890 Happy Carers 59


Hindleys & Clough Farm Residents' Association

The cost of a trip to Martin Mere nature reserve and contribution towards insurance for a social group for older carers from across Bolton. Provision of play worker for weekly evening session of junior youth club on Washacre Estate, Westhoughton.


1500 61

Horwich Hunters Cheerleading Squad


Kearsley Mount Methodist Ladies Circle


Lostock and Chew Moor Senior Citizens Club New Beginning Centre



Nexus Community Links (Connected Care) Polacy Duzi i Mali


Raise The Youth Foundation CIC 67 Red Lane Pilots Company 68


Shorai Martial Arts Conflict & Prevention


Shree Sorathia Prajapati Community

Towards cost of purchase of new, safer training equipment to enable junior cheerleaders to develop their skills. Ongoing costs for weekly meetings and costs for theatre visit for older people from Farnworth and Kearsley. Towards costs for running of weekly club for older people at St John’s & Thomas’s Church. Costs of providing an IT based Learning and Skill development project in Rumworth for people who are unemployed. Continued development of volunteers for help desk scheme at Bolton Magistrates' Court. Provision of services for Poles living in Bolton including English lessons, parent and toddler group, and travel expenses for volunteers providing support to non-English speaking Poles in the town. To engage young people in developing a neighbourhood community garden in the Rumworth area, including a photography project to document their work. Coach transport for children from Breightmet to Fun Day in Stockport celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Pilots' youth organisation. To buy equipment and cover start up rent for a karate club at Cobden Community Centre in Crompton. Costs towards a celebration of Hindu Dancing Festival of Navratri at Harper Green Sports Centre.












No 71

Name of Group

Reason for Application

Tonge with the Haulgh Community Choir Whichcraft

Ongoing tuition costs for choir based at Tonge UCAN Centre. To continue weekly craft programme using recycled items aimed at isolated disabled and older communities from Breightmet and Tonge & The Haulgh. 32 Grants


Amount Awarded ÂŁ 1175

1463.75 36697.77

Red Lane Pilots kids club had a grant of ÂŁ240 to take children from Breightmet to the 75th anniversary party of the Pilots organisation in Stockport. They all had a great time playing games and taking part in a Picasso art competition. It was also positive that they got to meet people from other towns helping them to be more confident in making new friends.

Tonge and the Haulgh Community Choir have had a grant to continue receiving expert tuition at their weekly practice at Tonge UCAN Centre. This has led to members improving their singing confidence and ability. They have also performed at schools, churches and older people's homes across Bolton. Through attending the choir people have learned about the other services of the UCAN centre and friendships have been formed.

Shorai Martial Arts Conflict and Prevention have used a grant of ÂŁ1500 to buy the equipment needed to start weekly karate sessions at The Taiyibbah Centre in Crompton for both adults and children. The sessions have been extremely popular and have enabled people to get regular exercise in their local community whilst learning a new skill. The first grading was held in early 2012 and many have got their first belts as recognition of their progress.

New Bury Community Centre Bowling Club have had a grant to buy a new mat for their weekly sessions in Farnworth. The old one was so damaged that members said it was like playing crazy bowls. Groups like this are so important in giving people a place to socialise and we're delighted our grant means they can have a decent game!


3) Small Grants Programme: October 2011 No

Name of Group

Reason for Application


24th/38th Bolton East Scout Group

A Christmas outing for the beavers group to a pantomime and for the costs of craft resources for the weekly meetings. Ongoing costs to continue to provide weekly football sessions, matches and tournaments for children and young adults with a learning or physical disability from across Bolton. Renewal of insurance to enable group to continue activities and coach hire for trip to Rhyl for disabled children and their families and carers mainly from the Great Lever area. Ongoing Costs including weekly room hire for older people meeting at Blackrod Cricket Club Hire of hall for 38 weeks for toddler group at St John’s Church, Breightmet. Also towards a Christmas party and purchase of arts and crafts materials. Equipment for a junior football team in Breightmet and money towards training for volunteer coaches. Ongoing costs and craft materials for older people’s group meeting at Halliwell UCAN Centre Trips by mini coach for elderly people -1) Christmas meal 2) To see Christmas decorations at a Garden Centre Art and literature project in Horwich to support people in being creative and building their self esteem. Travel and equipment costs of rounders team for Hulton Lane Estate residents. Hall Hire and Instructor's fee and purchase of free standing Punch Bags for Martial Arts classes for children and young people mainly from the Rumworth area. Two winter social outings for older people in Breightmet. Purchase of TV unit, DVD's, refreshments and plates and entertainer to have "Picture afternoons" and a variety of entertainment for weekends and evenings for residents from Horwich & Blackrod area. Hire of room for Christmas party with meal and entertainment for residents from Great Lever.

AFC Masters 74 Asian Parents Support Group 75

Blackrod Over 60s Club 76 Breightmet Babies 77


Breightmet Wanderers Football Club Caribbean Elders' Association



Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Creative Mind

81 82

Dave’s 11 Deane Youth



Deepdale Residents Association Flockton Court Action Group



Great Lever Park Veterans Bowling Club Greenhouse Project


Improving educational facilities around food growing at the community environmental project in Rumworth.


Amount Awarded £ 539.62









750 1500

300 294.99




Name of Group

Reason for Application


Imag1ne Special Needs Solutions CIC

To provide an additional Club to empower young adults with a learning disability through the Arts. Based at Bolton Arena. Costs towards membership fee of Bolton Metro Cricket League Provision of Christmas meal and transport for 15 elderly residents from Little Lever & Darcy Lever and Tonge & the Haulgh.


Kashmir Cricket Club Kirkwall Residents' Association

90 Krimmz Girls Youth Group 91 Lift People 92

Little Lever Parent Teacher and Friends Association 93


Over 50's Friendship & Activities Group Oxford Grove Junior FC

95 96

Pak Club Bolton Volleyball Team Quebec Hall Lunch & Leisure



SLICAM Sri Lankan Integrated Cultural Association Gtr. Manchester The Friends of Lever Park

99 100

101 102


Tonge Action Group (TAG) Tonge Park Veterans Bowling Club Transition Links

Cost an 8 week course for Muslim girls to develop their CV’s and increase employability. Based at Bolton Council of Mosques. Costs of developing new community projects from King’s Church in Breightmet 1) parents and toddler group 2) trained volunteers to signpost people to relevant support services in Bolton 3) Community events for local residents. Project to engage parents of pupils at Little Lever High in drug /alcohol awareness, budgeting and ICT training to enable them to gain employment and play more of a role in the school. Running costs and Christmas party for older people’s social group based in Bolton town centre. Provision of twice weekly winter football training sessions for 10 - 16 year olds from Halliwell and Johnson Fold areas. Hire of Harper Green Sports Hall for Asian men’s Volleyball team costs of healthy eating and exercise sessions for social group for women aged 50+ from Rumworth area. Cost of Public Liability Insurance to enable the group to continue social activities. Provision of 10 week course about consequences of crime and how to stay safe to be directed at young people with learning difficulties. Purchase of computer and video equipment to enable young people, from the Breightmet and Rumworth who aren’t currently studying or working to take part in film and photography workshops. Towards the cost of producing a community magazine for the Tonge and Haulgh area. Christmas party for members of club from the Tonge area. Costs towards a meeting to bring together community members and groups to find ways of increasing sustainable living in Bolton


Amount Awarded £ 1500

750 288






1250 1500




1463.23 250 706.5


Name of Group

Reason for Application

TRAX Resource Centre

Vehicle maintenance costs for a project which delivers unused supermarket food to vulnerable people in Bolton. Room hire for 2 weekly sessions to deliver various lessons for people who have English as a second language. Based at Lords Independent School in Bolton town centre. To provide Christmas hampers for the elderly, housebound or disabled residents in the Wingates area of Westhoughton.

104 Welcome Learning 105


Wingates Tenants & Residents Association TOTAL

Amount Awarded £ 1500




Our grant of £1200 to Friends of Lever Park School in Horwich is enabling young people with serious learning difficulties to take part in workshops with ex police officers. This is changing their view of the police and giving them skills to make the right choices in future. Pictured are support workers from the school and one of the former officers.

The young people from New Bury Community Centre Youth Club used their grant of £1472.40 to complete a coast to coast cycling challenge in the summer of 2011. 8 club members and 2 adults planned and then cycled the route from Bolton to Workington in Cumbria, across the country to Whitby and then back to Bolton. The young people learned a lot about life skills and teamwork through setting up their own camp each night and helping each other complete the trip. It has enabled them to feel confident about what they can achieve in the future.

Somali Gateway Community Group have formed to help people who have recently arrived as refugees. They used a grant of £1482 to hold extra English classes in Great Lever led by members of the group who have greater language skills. People have improved their English in reading, writing and speaking and are now more confident in doing everyday tasks like going to shops and making doctors appointments. The group intend to continue developing these skills to support members in finding employment and getting more involved with life in Bolton.


4) Small Grants Programme: December 2011 No

Name of Group

Reason for Application


Azad Cricket Club


Beacon Bolton Counselling Service


Bolton Rugby Union Football Club - Seniors Section


Bolton Wanderers Community Trust


Bolton's Ear 4 Kidz


Bradford Street Park Veterans Bowling Club


Bury/Bolton ME/CFS Support Group


Centre for Women and Children Development Bolton


Fairtrade In Bolton


Fortalice Ltd.


Friends of Sunshine Studios Bolton

To enable young Asian men from Halliwell and Crompton to continue playing cricket by covering membership fee of Bolton Metropolitan League and indoor training sessions. Contribution to office rental at the Bolton Hub for organisation providing free counselling sessions. To set up project to recruit students from Bolton University to play rugby for the club and to volunteer as coaches and at events and activities. To set up a week of multi sport and tournaments at February half term at Quebec Recreational Ground, Deane and Heywood Park & Bradford Road Park, Great Lever to involve young people in healthy activities and promote community cohesion. Towards the cost of trip for deaf children and their families to a signed performance of the pantomime at the Albert Halls. Running costs for the group and t shirts/hoodies for the children when they go out as a group. Coach trip to Knott End for a bowling competition and meal for players and those now unable to bowl from the Farnworth and Kearsley areas. To continue weekly Yoga sessions for people with fatigue illness by a therapist who tailors the exercises to meet the specific needs of the group. Cost to start up group to empower African women and children to maximise their potential and involve them in community initiatives. To provide a sessional worker who will visit schools to encourage teaching on Fairtrade topics. The work will be to go nto schools where there has been no previous contact and also to build on previous work done in other Bolton schools. Needlework and arts and craft sessions for women living in the temporary refuge because of domestic abuse. Costs of exercise and dance project for both young and old who could not pay for classes. Held at Sunshine Studios in Bolton Town Centre.


Amount Awarded ÂŁ 1090












Name of Group

Reason for Application


Ghosia Community Centre


Ghosia Judo Club


Girl Guiding Bolton - Le - Moors Division


Gujarati Writers' Guild UK

To start up a weekly lunch club, for the over 50's from Rumworth and Great Lever, including the costs of a Health Instructor to do exercise sessions. To deliver judo taster sessions at 8 schools over a 6 week period with transport to a final session at the Judo Club to attract young people to continue at the club and promote community cohesion in the Great Lever and Rumworth areas. Towards cost of an Awareness Day in Bolton Town Hall Square in 2012 to promote girl guiding. To produce a book outlining the history of the Vahara Patel community of Gujarat, India who have settled in Bolton in the late 50's/early 60's to make the younger generation aware of their background and highlight the generation gap and problems faced by them.


Halliwell Befriending Service


Lancashire Wildlife Trust


Pikes Lane Community Club


R Place


Roseneath Area Residents' Association


Somali Gateway Community Group

Hire of Church Hall to continue with existing monthly drop-in session for older people craft sessions and to develop a second monthly drop-in session with extra craft and exercise activities Towards the costs of the Bradshaw Brook Roots Project aimed at young people interested in conservation and practical green wood-working skills. Costs of multi sport activities for young people and from the Great Lever and Rumworth areas to promote community cohesion and exercise. Cost of facilitator and materials to deliver Little Learners programme to parents and preschool children in the Johnson Fold area to encourage healthy eating and growing own food Christmas party including a children's entertainer which will be open to all ages, faiths and cultures in the Great Lever area. To set up class of extra English lessons for Somali and Oromo refugees to build up their confidence in communications in English.


Amount Awarded ÂŁ 1495











R Place Parent and Toddler Group at The Hope Centre in Johnson Fold have used their grant to continue having Bolton Literacy Trust deliver learning activities for children and families at the weekly sessions. They are currently doing a project with an around the world theme and every child is creating their own scrap book to keep. Pictured is a safari collage that parents and children made together as part of their look at Africa.


5) SMALL GRANTS PROGRAMME – February 2012 No.

Name of Group


58th Bolton (Christ Church) Walmsley Guides


66th Bolton St Mary’s Deane ( Rainbows)


67th Bolton St Mary’s Deane (Brownies)


The Octagon Theatre Trust


All Sports Club


Artfantastic - healing arts CIC

134 135

Bolton Arts Community Members Ltd Bolton Mandhata Youth


Choices Youth Support Group


Friends of Rivington & Blackrod High School


Gujrat Cricket Club


Halliwell Respect Me, Respect You Partnership


Horwich Visiting Service

Reason for Application To help reduce the cost of PGL adventure holiday in Lancashire for a guide unit from Bromley Cross Payment of insurance and uniforms for members from the Deane and Hulton Lane areas. Also provision of arts/crafts and badges and to participate in a day trip. Payment of insurance and uniforms for members from the Deane and Hulton Lane areas. Also provision of arts/crafts, badges and storage boxes and to participate in a day trip To enable a drama group for young people with learning difficulties to meet weekly rather than monthly by supporting the additional costs involved for 5 months. Towards coaching expenses for weekly sports activities at Thornleigh School for teenagers and young adults with learning difficulties and disabilities. Funding for Creative workshops in Tonge Moor in order to boost the emotional health of young people suffering from autism. To provide art workshops for children and older people at an artist studio in Horwich Towards running costs for ongoing dance and music sessions, as well as an end of year celebration event for young people in Halliwell. Provision of a 12 week course in dealing with emotions and negative thoughts for young people from the Farnworth and Great Lever areas with low self esteem . To deliver a project with students from Horwich who work with an artist and a youth worker to create posters and leaflets to raise awareness of how alcohol and drug use can lead to anti social behaviour. League Fees to allow the club from Crompton to enter in the Bolton Metropolitan League and hire of indoor practice for 8 weeks. Towards costs of holding a 2-day annual event in Halliwell for residents, celebrating the different cultures and customs of local residents. Towards running costs of visiting service for vulnerable, isolated and lonely people in Horwich area


Amount Awarded £ 300






1500 1290







Name of Group

Reason for Application


Insyt Media Productions

Running costs and equipment for a project to engage young people in producing and recording music/tracks.


Karmad Cricket Club


Lostock & Chewmoor Conservation Group


Moses Gate Community Action Team


Mytham Park Veterans Bowling Club


Sabri Cricket Club


Super XI Cricket Club


The Cabbage Patch


Willows Board



Ongoing costs for cricket team from Great Lever including annual league fees and pitch maintenance. To purchase bird boxes, plants, bulbs, equipment and insurance to develop project of maintaining a wood and meadow in the area. Hire of Harper Green Sports Centre for 20 weeks for on-going sporting activities targeting young people, mainly from the Farnworth area, from different communities and cultures. To provide a hut at the side of the bowling green in Little Lever that will give shelter for spectators and allow the Markers to score games accurately by being near the green. Costs towards league fees, indoor training costs for the Cricket Club from Great Lever. Cost of room hire for indoor training and fees for membership of the Bolton Metropolitan League for club from Halliwell. To pave all unpaved footpaths to provide better access to the raised beds on the allotment in Halliwell for adults with disabilities. To purchase a Bain- Marie to help with catering needs and a Bingo Machine as well as support with other ongoing costs of community activities for residents from the Rumworth area Cricket Club from Rumworth applying for indoor and outdoor practice sessions, fees to enter competition and cricket balls.


Amount Awarded £ 1450.47





880 900





Artfantastic – Healing Arts CIC have used their grant to join forces with Zac’s Youth Bar in Farnworth to support children with learning disabilities through creative writing and art workshops. The young people are becoming more confident through trying out creative techniques and have been communicating more with each other more as sessions have gone on. Participants are feeling positive about their creations, which is leading to an increase in their own self esteem.



Group Name

Reason for Application

Amount Awarded (£) 1390


50 Plus Rambling Club (Bolton)


Aspire Community Action Group


Bolton Amateur Swimming Club


Bolton Cardiac Support Group


Bolton Sea Cadets


Bolton Street Angels


Bolton U3A


Crompton Cricket Club

Development of a grassroots cricket programme for adults in the Astley Bridge/Crompton areas.



Deane Football Club



Enterprise Action Unity Ltd

Purchase of football kits, balls, 2 adult coaching jackets and first aid kits for a junior team in Deane. Costs of equipment and renovating a room for a parents and children stay and play facility based at the Westhoughton Communiversity


Farnworth UCAN User Group


Fighting Fit


Harpers Lane Allotments Society

Provision of coach to enable older ramblers of different abilities to participate in walks in different countryside locations. Costs of plants and equipment for a “community in bloom” event for Hall i'th' Wood and Tonge Moor in June. Hire of Pool at Bolton One for 3 swimming galas and promotional leaflets for swimming group Room hire for monthly committee and group meetings for group which supports people with heart conditions and their families. To provide equipment and BTEC accreditation to enable young people to achieve qualifications as well as life skills in courses provided by the group. Towards running costs and recruitment of new volunteers who support the wellbeing people using Bolton Town Centre on a Saturday night. Hire of Meeting Rooms enable group to continue providing a range of educational sessions for retired people.

Costs of a 3 month community quilting project to bring the diverse community in Farnworth together and share and improve their patchwork and embroidery techniques. Room hire at Ladybridge Centre and provision of equipment to enable continuation of programme of football and sports exercise for adults. Cost of hiring digger and operator for 2 days to enable planting of 105 trees around the allotment that have been awarded to the group through a Jubilee Fund.













Group Name


High Rollers


Horwich Festival of Racing


Horwich St Mary's Ramblers


I.C.O.C Communities Batting Together


Lever Park Allotments Association


Motiv8 2 Activ8


Noble Community Group


One Step


Path Protecters and Trustees of Haslam Park


Polish Day Centre For The Elderly


Rebs Self Harm Group


St Stephen's Friendship Luncheon and Activities Group


Tonge Fold Allotment Society


Turton Football Club


Wesley Guild Farnworth Branch


Windsor Court Social Group


Young Stars Cricket Club

Reason for Application Cost of coaching staff and hire of bikes and other equipment for weekly indoor bike skills sessions for young people aged 10 - 14 in the Tonge Moor, Hall i'th' Wood and Crompton areas. Costs towards 4 day community sports event including cycling/running, walking, orinteering and swimming/running and a bowling match in July 2012 To provide new maps and compasses for walk leaders so the group can take on new routes. Towards cost of an outdoor Cricket Tournament at Deane & Derby Cricket Club, over a 10 week summer period. Towards costs of setting up an anti vandal cabin on the site to enable community meetings and events to take place Costs of swimming and Zumba sessions for girls and women from ethnic minorities to encourage participation in exercise. Towards the costs of extra learning weekly sessions to help children from the Crompton area achieve their potential at school. Cost of training and running a volunteer home visiting team supporting cancer patients and their families across Bolton. Costs of meetings equipment and a visit to wildflower centre at Merseyside for a group working on the improvement of Haslam Park in Deane. Room hire to enable the group for older people of Polish background to continue meeting weekly. Purchase of stationery and equipment and the cost of a trained facilitator to support young people who self harm. To purchase cutlery and crockery for a community lunch group at St Stephen’s Church, Kearsley. Purchase of improved security gates at the allotment site. Running costs for an under 8's football group from Bradshaw and Bromley Cross Running costs of an older people’s social group based at Kearsley Mount Church. Purchase of computer equipment for a residents group in Great Lever for their admin, publicity and to help members gain IT skills. Cost of cricket equipment for a team taking part in the Bolton Metropolitan Cricket League.


Amount Awarded (£) 1500












1500 457.18 540 600




1) Breaks For Carers: October 2011 No. 1

Name of Group Asian Parents Support Group


Bolton Care 4(LD)


Bolton Wanderers Disabled Supporters Association


Crossroads Care Bolton


Dementia Support Group


Good Companions Bolton


Harbour Project




Reason for Application Meal for parents and carers to celebrate Eid / Diwali Provide a stress relief day at the Jubilee Centre for 35 carers with therapists delivering a variety of treatments. To provide a meal, at De Vere Whites Hotel, for carers before a match whilst the cared for are looked after by other carers in the group. Trips for 30 carers and their cared for to Macclesfield Canal to spend a day on a specially adapted narrow boat. Carers’ Christmas dinner with entertainer at Trinity Church Hall and carers’ social evening with refreshments and entertainer at Thicketford Centre in New Year. To provide a carers drop in session each month, where they will receive toiletry bags to enjoy pampering sessions within own home as a thank you for help and support To provide carers with outings at Christmas and Easter, to enjoy a break from their caring role. To provide theatre and restaurant vouchers for carers to use on individual basis for a break as and when arrangements can be made for the cared for to be looked after. 8 Grants


Amount Awarded £ 800 800








2) Breaks For Carers: November 2011


Name of Group

Reason for Application


Bolton Aphasia Self Help

10 11

Bury/Bolton ME/CFS Support Group Daytrippers


Ear 4 Kidz


Happy Carers


Westhoughton Visiting Service Carer Support/Activity Group

To enable carers to organise their own break and also have a group lunch at the Chinese Buffet. Costs towards a trip to the Theatre in Manchester. To provide a Christmas Lunch with entertainment for the carers To provide costs towards the running of the carers activities group.


6 Grants

Costs towards Christmas meal for carers and their partners Carers Christmas Lunch

Amount Awarded £ £614.60 £799.50 £800

£800 £657.25 £800


3) Breaks For Carers: March 2012 No.

Name of Group


Horwich Visiting Service


Bolton Cardiac Support Group


Bolton Phab Club


Horwich Breakaway Club


Tonge Fold Carers' Group


Young Onset Group Associates


Reason for Application To continue a service of volunteer sitters in Horwich who spend time with disabled people each week so that their carers can have some respite time for themselves. To take carers of people with heart problems for a cruise on the Manchester Ship Canal. To enable carers of adults with learning difficulties to have a break through a trip and a meal on the East Lancs Steam Railway To allow carers of adults with learning disabilities to have a night out at the theatre in order to have a break from their caring responsibilities Towards the costs of two meals out for carers of older people in the Tonge Moor and Breightmet area. To allow carers of people with young onset dementia to have a day on the Lancaster Canal at Garstang.

6 Grants


Amount Awarded £ 773







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