July 2015

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JULY 2015

JUMBO www.boltoncvs.org.uk

Bolton Community and Voluntary Services



Newsletter - NEWS 3 - 25 years of bolton cvs 12 - grants16 - VOLUNTEERING 21

Working together to develop a diverse, strong and effective voluntary and community sector in Bolton

Happy Birthday Bolton CVS Celebrating 25 years of proud service to the community and voluntary groups of Bolton


Jumbo magazine JULY 2015


Contents 03 News & funding info 10 CVS round up 16 Successful grants 19 Funding 21 Volunteering 23 Contact Details

COPYRIGHT & Disclaimer Jumbo is published quarterly by Bolton CVS (the publisher). All material appearing in Jumbo is Copyright Bolton CVS © 2015 unless otherwise stated. The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work. No part of this work covered by the copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher. This magazine and its related website and products are distributed on the terms and condition that: The publisher, contributors, editors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or any party on basis of reading information, stories or contributions in this publication, website or related product. The publisher, contributors, editors and consultants disclaim any and all liability and responsibility to any person or party, and shall have no responsibility for any action or omission by any other contributor, consultant, editor or related party.

Foreword Bolton CVS is 25 Years Old! - This special issue of JUMBO celebrates the fact that Bolton CVS first opened its doors to the voluntary and community groups of Bolton on 2nd July 1990. Twenty five years have flown by since those small beginnings under the careful leadership and guidance of the late June Corner, the first Chair of the Executive Committee of Bolton District Council for Voluntary Service. Many treasured trustees and staff have come and gone over the years but the special spirit of Bolton CVS has always kept going and growing. We are a very fair and practical and warm hearted organisation and as the needs of the people of Bolton have changed over the years, likewise Bolton CVS has carefully adapted to provide the best possible service that we can with the resources made available to us. We especially thank Bolton Council Chief Executive’s Department for funding Bolton CVS continuously from 1990 to 2015 and this stable core funding has enabled us to provide continuous essential support services as well as giving us the ability to reach out and gain significant additional funds for Bolton from a range of national and charitable sources. Donation to help make Royal Bolton Hospital more Dementia Friendly - As part of our birthday celebrations staff at Bolton CVS who recently received Dementia Awareness training have thoughtfully donated £1 each towards the Bolton NHS Charitable Fund’s new ‘Donate £1 for Dementia’ scheme which will make the wards more dementia friendly. In addition, a donation of £25 has been made on behalf of the Board of Trustees as a special 25th birthday gift from Bolton CVS to help make Bolton a more dementia friendly place for everyone. Please Send Us Your Photos taken in 2015! - Bolton is surely home to some of the liveliest and most diverse voluntary, community and faith groups in the whole country. We to draw together photos of Bolton’s voluntary and community sector taken in 2015 so that we can put them on show at our Annual General Meeting. Please send your pictures through by 14th September to: jumbo@boltoncvs.org.uk 25th Annual General Meeting - on Thursday 1st October, 12 Noon to 3.00pm up at the Macron (Reebok) Stadium – stick it in your diary now please! Bolton CVS is looking for a new Chief Officer! Unbelievably, after 16 years at Bolton CVS, including 11 years in my current role, I have reached state pension age and got my bus pass! I am retiring in October this year but I’ve still got one more issue of JUMBO in which I will say my final farewell and I also hope to introduce the next Chief Officer of Bolton CVS to you too before I finally disappear on new adventures…. Karen Minnitt, Chief Executive

Jumbo magazine JULY 2015


news and funding information Changes to charity audit thresholds come into force A number of changes to charity audit thresholds, including an increase in the basic threshold from £500,000 to £1 million, came into force earlier this year. The increase in the basic threshold is one of the major changes that has come into force and means that charities with annual incomes of under £1 million can have their accounts looked at by independent examiners as opposed to being formally audited. The change removes the requirement to have accounts audited from around 4,000 charities, and the Charity Commission estimates it will save the sector around £8.7 million a year. To read more about the audit threshold changes visit: www.gov.uk/government/news/changesto-audit-thresholds-to-help-charities-come-intoforce. Telephone 0845 3000218

Emmaus Bolton, AlternativeTransport Recycling Bicycles Bolton Alternative Transport has relocated from its shop at Knowsley Street to its new home at Derby Barracks,Fletcher Street, Bolton BL3 6NF. The project is still recycling, refurbishing and servicing bicycles. So if you are looking for a new bicycle pop down to Emmaus on Fletcher Street and choose from the dozens of bikes currently in stock. If you have a bike you no longer want - call and Bolton Alternative Transport will collect it. Bolton Alternative Transport can also service and repair your bicycle - to book your bike just drop in or call the shop on 01204 398056.

Making the Most of Instagram If you’re on Instagram you’re part of a network that’s now bigger than Twitter. With 300 million active monthly users uploading an average of 70m photos a day and generating 2.5bn “likes”, the mobile photo and video sharing social network is one to watch. More than half of young adults aged 18-29 already use the service. Yet relatively few charities have embraced Instagram. Only 21% have a presence on the platform, according to research published last year. That’s surprising, as it can be a great tool for storytelling AND connecting supporters emotionally with your work. A short guide from the Guardian gives some tips for charities about how they can use Instagram. Go to:http://www.theguardian.com/ voluntary-sector-network/2015/apr/21/charityinstagram-tips-fundraising-campaign

EU Funding Guide KnowHowNonProfit have published a ‘how to’ guide which explains 10 key things your charity needs to know about the new elements of the European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) 2014-2020 Growth Programme. For more information visit: http://knowhownonprofit.org/howto-get-your-hands-on-the-esif2019s-6-billioneuros-or-some-of-it

Email Marketing – How to Guide Email marketing still provides one of the highest returns of any direct marketing channel but is often underestimated. A new ‘how to’ guide produced by Technology Trust will equip you with advice on how to get started, developing a contact list and the design and testing of your marketing email. To download the free email marketing guide go to: http://info.technology-trust.org/email-marketing-how-to-guide


Jumbo magazine JULY 2015

news and funding information New Strategic Framework for the Charity Trustees & Management Big Lottery Fund Working Together The Big Lottery Fund’s new strategic framework sets out what people can expect from the funder over the next six years. Its vision is that people should be in the lead in improving their lives and communities. In its strategy, the BLF says that it believes that strong, vibrant communities can be built and renewed by the people living in them – making them ready for anything in the face of future opportunities and challenges. The BLF’s approach will focus on the skills, assets and energy that people can draw upon and the potential in their ideas. For more information about the BLF Strategic Framework visit: www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/ about-big/strategic-framework/our-vision or telephone 0345 4 10 20 30.

Charity Status for Local Group The Bury and Bolton ME/CFS Support Group are now a registered charity. Registered Charity Number: 1161356 The group which was founded in 1990, aims to support people with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia and their carers. The group is managed by a small team of volunteers and along with running regular meetings, also produces a regular newsletter with lots of useful information on coping with the condition and details of news and upcoming events. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 7.30pm (except April, August and December) at the Wildlife Trust Centre, 499 - 511 Bury Road, Bolton, BL2 6DH. For more information about the group, please contact Caroline on 01204 525 955 or email caroline@mesupportgroup.co.uk,

New Philanthropy Capital has published a briefing paper from its recent seminar on how to ensure effective partnerships between charity trustees and senior management. The paper touches on roles and responsibilities, boundaries and expectations, communication and power, and provides two case studies drawing on these themes. To read the report visit: www.thinknpc.org/publications/happy-relations

Preventing Online Abuse The Home Office has published a new guide for professionals working with young people on preventing online abuse and bullying. The guide has been developed for professionals who work with young people to help them understand what constitutes abusive behaviour online, the consequences of that behaviour, and where they can get help. For more information visit:www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_ data/file/414118/NSPCC_online_abuse_and_bullying_prevention_guide_3.pdf

Small Charities Finance Update Charity Finance Group's latest update for small charities includes compliance planning - including employment law changes, changes to SORP, and pensions auto-enrolment. The website also includes advice from the experts to help you to make the most of your money such as how to win public contracts and information about their online giving guide to help you make the most of digital donations. For more information visit: www.cfg.org.uk Phone: 0845 345 3192

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Building Better Opportunities (BBO) in Greater Manchester support employers to recruit from these priority groups. How will it be delivered in Greater Manchester? In Greater Manchester the intention is to fund one project to deliver the activity across the GM footprint. The project is likely to be delivered by a lead applicant working in partnership with other organisations. How does my organisation get funded? The best way for most VCSE organisations to get funded is by joining a partnership. BBO is a joint funding initiative from European Social Fund and the Big Lottery. In Greater Manchester BBO will be worth £10 million, £5m from Big Lottery and £5m from European Social Fund. The first phase will deliver services from 2016 to 2018. Who will it benefit? The project is likely to be targeted at people from 25 years old who are unemployed or economically inactive, not in contact with mainstream services and who are experiencing a range of issues at the same time, including people who live in poverty. This programme will support people with disabilities or health conditions (including learning difficulties, mental/physical health conditions, drug & alcohol dependency), adults underrepresented in the labour market for example homeless, ex-offenders, LGBT, ethnic minorities or migrant communities and people operating in the informal economy. What does BBO aim to achieve? BBO aims to help marginalised people to be more socially included, to help them overcome barriers to finding and sustaining work and to

On the GMCVO website you can express your interest in being part of a partnership bid: www. gmcvo.org.uk/building-better-opportunitiesbbo-what-role-will-you-play. On the site you will also find a list of organisations who have expressed an interest in leading a partnership bid: www.gmcvo.org.uk/bbo-building-partnerships Time-scales The Big Lottery launched BBO in June 2015. There will be a two stage application process with delivery due to start in spring 2016. Keeping up to date You can sign up to receive updates from GMCVO by going to www.gmcvo.org.uk/european-programme-2014-20-greater-manchester You can sign up to receive updates on the national programme directly from the Big Lottery by going to www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/esf If you have an enquiry, e-mail: europeaninfo@ gmcvo.org.uk or telephone GMCVO on 0161 277 1010.


Jumbo magazine JULY 2015

news and funding information Keeping children and young people safe online

In Kind Direct – product giving for social good

The Internet, mobiles phones, social networking and other interactive services have transformed the way in which we live. It is most likely that many children and young people already share their experiences of participating in activites provided by voluntary organisations using the internet, mobile and interactive services such as social networking and video sharing sites. The new communication medium is dynamic and constantly evolving. Users are no longer passive recipients of information found on static websites but active participants in online communities where content is generated and easily shared with others. Businesses, advertisers, government and voluntary and community organisations have also harnessed the opportunities offered by the new technologies to reach, communicate and engage with supporters and the public - including children and young people. This is sometimes called social media and you may be considering or already using social media to involve children and young people in activities and to engage them in sharing information online about a fundraising event or campaign messages. Risks associated with the internet, mobiles and social networking sites and other interactive services includes cyber-bullying, grooming and exposure to inappropriate content. If your organisation is considering using social media to engage with children and young people it is also important to consider online protection. Safe Network provides a range of services and information to assistyour orgaisation www.safenetwork.org.uk

At In Kind Direct we help you get the things you need to support your communities. We do this by taking donations of goods from manufacturers and retailers and redistributing them to charities and not for profit organisations. From cleaning products to keep your premises sparkling, to packs of essential toiletries for people in crisis, In Kind Direct can help you to save money, reach more people and improve your services. Items are all new and good quality but become surplus because they are short dated, have slight defects in the packaging or branding or are returns. To access goods, your organisation needs to register online, which is free. You can then order products via ouronline catalogue. There is a handling charge applied, which is generally 20% of the original retail price, and includes delivery. To find out more, visit http://www.inkinddirect. org/receive or call on 0300 30 20 200.

Jumbo magazine JULY 2015


New name for LGF The Lesbian and Gay Foundation has changed its name to the LGBT Foundation to reflect the diverse and inclusive work it carries out with lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.

Free online appeals platform Charities can share their latest campaigns, news and appeals via an online platform provided by Dial2Donate. The company employs professional copywriters to create reader-friendly posts all about charities and their latest appeals. From offering readers an insight into how your charity began to examining some of its key services, Dial2Donate’s writers seek to compose articles that are an accurate reflection of the organisation. Information can be updated whenever required. If organisations are unable to provide pictures to embellish their posts, then Dial2Donate can source relevant images. And any quotations from charity members can be used to give written material an extra personal voice. Direct links from Dial2Donate’s online post to your donation page makes it simple for readers to learn more about your cause before making donations. Likewise, should you have application forms or event downloads, they too can be directly linked to the post. Contact: Dial2Donate on 0330 332 5252 Or visit to see some of the latest appeals: http:// dial2donate.org/

Since the announcement to become an LGBT inclusive charity in August 2014, the Manchester-based charity has been working hard to include bisexual and trans people more visibly in its services. Established in April 2000, following the merger of Healthy Gay Manchester and Manchester Lesbian and Gay Switchboard Services, the charity continues to provide a wide range of support and services. For more information contact: LGBT Foundation on 0345 330 3030 email info@lgf.org. uk.Website Link: lgbt.foundation/

Awards for All England Bolton CVS has regularly championed the Awards for All England programme and would like to see more investment from the programme into Bolton. Awards for All England is a fantastic grant programme for organisations able and eligible to receive money from the proceeds of the National Lottery. Awards for All England will fund projects which address a wide range of issues, needs and aspirations of local communities and people: projects that demonstrate community outcomes in developing skills, improving health and revitilising the local environment are the main stay of the programme. Awards on offer can range from £300 to a grant of £10,000 relating to community improvement. For more details: www.biglotteryfund.com or phone the BIG Advice line on 0345 4 10 20 30 .


Jumbo magazine JULY 2015

news and funding information Skipton Building Society – Grassroots Giving

Sainsbury’s Inclusive Community Training Programme Training is available for people who work with disabled people within the community to help improve their knowledge, competence and confidence in delivering sport based activities to disabled people. The training is for those who: • Represent a community based group or organisation where the primary focus is not currently as a sport or physical activity provider • Have direct contact with disabled people • Have the opportunity to introduce physical activity and sport to disabled people. In line with this, the course provides first step training to support: • Support workers including those in day, community and faith centres • Parents • Carers and personal assistants • Healthcare professionals • Volunteers • Community based groups and organisations. If you or your organisation could benefit from this training please contact: Rachel Peers, Workforce Support Officer, GreaterSport – Greater Manchester Sports Partnership Telephone: 07881900384 www.greatersport.co.uk

Grassroots Giving aims to support local communities by helping grassroots groups and organisations that are passionate about making life better for others to continue to grow. The programme is aimed at local grassroots groups, such as community allotments, social groups for older people, and groups running activities for young people, from across the UK may apply. Groups should have an annual net profit of less than £10,000. Grants awarded are £500. The advice and application process is online. For more information:www.skiptongrg.co.uk/apply-forfunding/

Forever Manchester – Cash 4 Growth Our Cash 4 Growth Awards support young or smaller established groups to grow activity in their local community. The awards are aimed at small, Greater Manchester based, locally led organisations who are either less than 5 years old OR have an annual income of less than £25,000. Awards of up to £1,000 are available. Contact the awards team to discuss deadline dates, eligibility and criteria and to receive guidelines and an application pack. Tel: 0161 214 0940. Email:info@forevermanchester.com

Jumbo magazine JULY 2015

Cash for Kids – Greater Manchester Cash for Kids exists for the sole purpose of helping children under the age of 18 years who are disabled or disadvantaged. Cash for Kids is currently encouraging applications with projects: • Targeting educational and academic attainments and employability. • Helping young people overcome social and educational barriers to enable them to reach their full potential. • Providing aspirational role models and activities to encourage children to meet their full potential. • From a wider range of sporting and culture activities as it receives a large number of applications from football and music activities. Funding can be provided to registered charities and formally constituted voluntary and community organisations based in the Key 103 / Magic 1152 broadcast area. The average grant value is approximately £2,500; however, support is also available for significantly larger grants. Annual deadlines: 31 March and 30th September. Visit: www.key103.co.uk/charity/ Contact: Tel: 0161 288 5000 Email:cashforkids@key103.co.uk


Sport England Funding Sport England is committed to investing in clubs and projects across the country to create a great environment that encourages more people to be active and play sport. Whether you need to make your make your clubhouse more accessible, want to improve the drainage of your pitch or need financial help to put on more coaching sessions, Sport England recognises over a hundred sports and has a funding stream that could help. Sport England is one of the 12 National Distribution agencies for National Lottery money. Their online site offers a summary of each fudning stream. You can access the specific page on their site via www.sportengland.org/funding/ our-different-funds or telephone them on 0345 8508 508

Online Giving When running the marathon in a gorilla suit, or climbing the three peaks for charity, many people pick the best-known sites JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving. But it's worth doing your homework, as they're not the best payers. The amount your charity gets can vary vastly depending on which website you pick. Money Saving Expert have produced a handy summary of each site and their fees: www.moneysavingexpert.com/family/charityfundraising-sites


Jumbo magazine JULY 2015

cvs round up

The Care Act (2014)

Adult Safeguarding

The Act aims to reform the care and support system into a framework that focuses on people’s well-being and support to help them remain independent for as long as possible.

The Care Act (2014) includes statutory responsibilities for Adult Safeguarding. It requires all local authorities to set up an Adult Safeguarding Board and informs us that safeguarding is everyone’s business.

The Act provides better information to help people make choices about their care, giving people more control over their care and improving support for carers with a key duty to provide prevention, information and advice services and independent advocacy. These new duties provide new opportunities for the voluntary sector to work in partnership with the council. The council have a new duty to involve service providers in planning future service provision, known as market shaping and there is emphasis to integrate health and social care services. At the last Health, Care & Well Being Forum Rachel Tanner, Assistant Director, delivered a presentation on The Care Act which can be found on the Bolton CVS website. We will continue to update groups on the implementation of The Care Act via future forums.

topics for the Future dates & d Well Being n a re a C , h lt a He Forum 2015

: y presentation e K – st u g u A • 11th rding Adult Safegua w Quality Ne • 13 October Standards m to ld from 11:30a Forums are he ays welcome new 2:00pm and alwForums are held at: attendees. The b, The Bolton HuL1 1LS B t, e Bold Stre

Bolton has a new online procedure which explains the safeguarding process for all partner agencies. This can be found on the Bolton Council website under safeguarding and protecting adults or can be found directly using: www.proceduresonline.com/bolton/asg/ , this explains who constitutes an Adult at Risk and what is meant by abuse. ‘Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons. It may also be a criminal offence. Abuse hurts people in many ways: it can cause fear suffering, injury or even death. Abuse can take many forms. It can be obvious but sometimes it is subtle. Examples of abuse, include physical, financial, psychological and self neglect ‘- Karen Hobby – Adult Safeguarding Board Manager. If you suspect abuse you should always listen carefully. If you are a person an adult at risk trusts to tell about abuse, ask their permission to contact the police if a criminal offence is suspected. In an emergency contact 999, or if there are no immediate safety issues contact 101. If you are a paid carer or volunteer tell your line manager or another manager in your agency as soon as possible about the safeguarding concern. If you are unable to contact a manager and the concern cannot wait please contact: Safeguarding Adults 01204 337000 - Postcode areas: BL3, BL4, BL5 01204 333410 - Areas: BL1, BL2, BL6, BL7 01204 337777 - Emergency out of office hours These professionals will have direct access to the on-line safeguarding policy and practice guidance and will support you to ensure that Bolton’s

Jumbo magazine JULY 2015


multi-agency Safeguarding Adults process is followed. Bolton CVS are currently tailoring training around Adult Safeguarding which will be part of future Stronger Together training programmes.

to become members of the consortium. Future Bolton Together forum meeting dates: 9th September 10.00am - 12.00noon

Bolton Together

More details: Katy.Flowers@birtenshaw.org.uk

Held at Birtenshaw, Darwen Rd, Bolton, BL7 9AB

Bolton Together is the Children’s Strategic Forum and was established in 2010 for voluntary and community sector organisations working with children and young people. The aim of the forum was to work together to share knowledge, best practice and shape future service provision for children and young people in Bolton. This developed into a legal entity in 2013 as ‘Bolton Together’, a company limited by guarantee. Bolton Together is a consortium with different levels of membership. A board of trustees manage the consortium and a forum is held bi monthly to communicate key information to members and provide networking opportunities. Through collaborative working the consortium aims to create a stronger position by bringing organisations together to provide quality services and bring funding into the area. The procurement process can be very long and complex and can exclude smaller organisations. There are currently 35 members of Bolton Together who are able to horizon scan new opportunities and work together as a consortium to apply for funding, complementing each other’s service provision. Bolton Together is also developing strong strategic links representing members on key boards, including, Bolton Safeguarding Children Executive Board, Special Education Needs and Disability Reforms Board and The Early Years Programme Board. Bolton CVS are a co-opted member of the board and can support smaller organisations with their development needs so that they are in a position

Launch of Bolton CVS New Self Help Directory We are very pleased to announce that the new directory is now available online via the Bolton CVS website: www.boltoncvs.org.uk/self-helpdirectory The directory is an easy to use one stop place where you can find useful and up to date contact details of over a 100 voluntary and community sector groups in Bolton, demonstrating just how fantastic the voluntary sector is! The groups cover a wide range of topics and offer support and information to help you or someone you care for to improve their health and well being and meet new people. A printable version is also available. To find out more or to be included in the directory email Farzana@boltoncvs.org.uk or telephone 01204 546052


Jumbo magazine JULY 2015

Jumbo magazine JULY 2015


! e v i F y t n Tw e ay and d h t r i b r u o mark community and o t s o t o h p r S h a r e y ohuu s t o c e l e b r a t e t h. e join wit r y sector in Bolton volunta f Bolton

aniversary o h ft fi ty n e tw s the r the guide d n u d e This year mark rm fo ng olton CVS was hair of a steeri C CVS. In 1990 B s a d te c a o h orner w w it today and o n k ance of June C e w s a S V ablished C n CVS. Bolton o lt o B group that est f o ir a h C me the first d of she later beca ,000 for a perio 0 5 ÂŁ f o t n ra g ed a at the time. t n e m sh li Council award p m o aggering acc three years, a st d hievements an c a t n e rr u c e brate th ry sector we ta n lu In order to cele o v d n a y communit eir phototh in d success of the n se to s vite group would like to in t our 2015 AGM a y la p is d to 5 201 graphs taken in ber. on 1st of Octo k. oltoncvs.org.u b @ o b m ju : to ur photos before Please send yo r images on or u o y e iv e c re to We would like th 2015 September 14


Jumbo magazine JULY 2015

s t c a F y e K S V C Bolton • Established in 1990. • Bolton CVS originally stood for: ‘Bolton District Council for Voluntary Service’. In 2006 the name was changed to: ‘Bolton Community and Voluntary Services’. • A registered charity (1003123) governed by charity law and submitting annual accounts/ reports to the Charity Commission. • A company limited by guarantee (2615057) governed by company law and submitting annual accounts to Companies House. • Our Vision: Our vision is of a sufficiently resourced and sustainable voluntary and community sector which successfully meets the diverse and changing needs of the people of Bolton. • Our Mission: Working together to develop a diverse, strong and effective voluntary and community sector in Bolton. • Our Values: Fairness, Friendliness, Flexibility and our Strapline: Stronger Together. • The Board of Trustees has 9 elected representatives from local voluntary and community groups, plus the Treasurer (a qualified accountant), plus up to 4 co-opted members. Cllr. Sufrana Bashir-Ismail is Bolton Council’s nominated representative. • Core funding since 1990 has been provided through a grant agreement with Bolton Council Chief Executive’s Department. The health and care related work is funded by Bolton Council’s Public Health Team. The Council funding for 2015/16 has remained at the same level as for 2014/15 and Bolton Council values the very positive work carried out by Bolton CVS. • Bolton CVS is accredited as an ‘Investors in People’ organisation and currently employs 26 staff (including full time, part time and sessional workers). We also involve 20+ volunteers in our day to day work. • Bolton CVS provides information, advice, support and training opportunities to over 1000 local voluntary, community and social enterprise groups. • We also manage: • Volunteer Centre Bolton which promotes the strategic local development of volunteering; encourages good practice development; develops new volunteering opportunities; promotes the voice of volunteering; and supports brokerage. Recently the Volunteer Centre worked with a range of voluntary and statutory partners, to hold a major volunteer recruitment event during UK Volunteers Week. • Health and Care Together which actively promotes communication between the statutory and voluntary sector on health, care and wellbeing issues and encourages groups to influence and help to shape future service provision. The Self Help Directory which includes 100+ local groups: www.boltoncvs.org.uk/self-help-directory

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• The Community Engagement Team which delivers interactive workshops and brief advice on local health priorities including: cancer awareness, asset based mental health work, preventing accidents in the home for young children, a six week self care course, alternative tobacco awareness, Chlamydia screening and the ‘Breastfeeding Friendly Bolton’ campaign. • The Grants Administration service which delivers the Small Grants Programme on behalf of Bolton Council, with additional grants programmes covering ‘Breaks for Carers’, Hate Crime Awareness, and The £100 Challenge grants. During 2014/15 288 grants were administered with a total value of £213,974.56. We support a range of regular forums: • Bolton Voluntary and Community Sector Forum • Bolton Volunteer Coordinators’ Forum • Health, Care and Wellbeing Forum • The Equality Target Action Group. Following a recent merger with a sister charity we now own and manage The Bolton Hub, a modern office block which offers accessible meeting and training space right in the heart of Bolton town centre. We are proud that the Bolton Vision Steering Group (Bolton’s Local Strategic Partnership) and the Bolton Health and Wellbeing Board both hold their meetings at the Bolton Hub. The Bolton Hub also provides 3 floors of office space and is currently the shared home of many key Bolton charities including: • Action for Children • Beacon Counselling • Bolton Christian Community Cohesion • Bolton Hindu Forum • Bolton Interfaith Council • Bond Board • Khulisa • Sanctuary Housing • Xplode If you are interested in booking meeting or training space or finding out about office space please contact: hub@boltoncvs.org.uk or phone 01204 546002. We are involved in many strategic partnerships including: • The Vision Steering Group • Health & Wellbeing Board • Stronger Communities Partnership • Be Safe Partnership and Adult Safeguarding Board. • Involved at the Greater Manchester level including monthly meetings with other district CVS and GMCVO which are vital given the new move towards devolution • Involved at the regional and national level via Voluntary Sector North West, the National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) and NCVO/Volunteering England.


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successful grants leader, healthy snacks, and art materials. £1,500 Bolton & District Civic Trust- Contribution towards the design and setup of a website for the group to enable local people to have greater access and participate in the planning and built environment processes. £750

Small Grants Programme 6th Horwich Scout Troop- Cost of taking a group of 12 -14 years olds to a scout camp at Harrogate in May 2015. £595

Bolton Branch of the Walsingham Association- Cost of day trip out to Llandudno for older people’s social group that meets at St Edmunds Church in the town centre. £300

66th Bolton St Marys Deane Rainbows- Cost of annual registration fee with Girlguiding UK for rainbows unit from Deane. £331

Bolton Care 4(LD)- Provision of 2 stress relief and pampering days at the Jubilee Centre for carers of adults with learning disabilities and £300 towards a meal out for carers. £1,500

77th Bolton St Andrews Bromley Cross GuidesPurchase of tents and camping equipment to enable guides to attend a weekend camp in the summer of 2015. £800

Bolton Community Forum- setup costs for a new group to provide debt advice and money management training at community centres around Bolton. £800

100th Bolton Brownies-Hire of room for 12 months and annual registration fee with Girlguiding UK for new brownie unit in Halliwell. £455

Bolton Hindus Age Inspiration LTD-Towards cost of insuring mini buses which are used to transport elderly Hindu community from home to their day centre in Halliwell and to appointments at local providers. £1,500

Aashiyana Women's Group- Running costs including a Zumba tutor cost for a women’s health group in Rumworth. £1,500 Art For You CIC- Cost of delivering an Arts and Crafts project with women from Hall i'th' Wood estate. £1,480 Astley Bridge Community Sewing Group-Cost of room hire, tutor and purchase of sewing machine, iron and ironing board to set up the group at Astley Bridge Baptist Church. £1,000 Azad Cricket Club- Cost of fees to enter the Bolton Metropolitan Cricket League, 10 weeks indoor training and purchase of coloured kit. £1,500 Baby Babble Westhoughton- Costs of four weekly stay and play sessions for children aged 0-4 at Westhoughton Children Centre, including play

Bolton Moviemakers- Purchase of new equipment for use in running a digital film making course for beginners at Over Hulton Conservative Club. £514 Bolton Service User Recovery Forum - Cost of insurance and purchase of IT equipment to provide a work club for recovering drug and alcohol users. £800 Bolton U3A - Meeting room hire around the town centre for subject based learning sessions for people aged over 50. £1,500 Bolton West Stroke Group - Cost of chair based exercises, yoga sessions, and other running and project costs for a group for stroke survivors that meet fortnightly at Horwich Resource Centre. £1,500

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Breightmet Community Choir - Running costs for continuation of a community choir that meet in Breightmet. £1,340 Britasian Buzz Community Group - Towards the printing and distribution of multi- lingual magazine for people of Asian origin. £800 Darcy Lever Gravel Pits Action Group- Costs towards May Day parade and running costs for an environmental group that help conserve the Darcy Lever side of Moses Gate Country Park. £1,355 Dunscar Trefoil Guild- Towards running costs of an adult section of Girl Guiding in Bromley Cross. £500 Encompass Hill Walking Group - Cost of insurance, purchase of Ordnance Survey Maps and contribution towards travel costs to locations around the North West for a walking group that meet at The Greenhouse in Rumworth. £831 Friends of Farnworth Memory Cafe - Cost of activities and refreshments at monthly meetings for people living with dementia and their carers plus a coach trip to Liverpool Empire Theatre. £1,500 Friends of Washacre - Cost to deliver twice weekly music sessions with a healthy snack for children aged from 2-5 years at Westhoughton Children’s Centre. £1,000 Gateway Support Group - Cost of room hire, refreshments, stationery and admin for job search and CV writing sessions for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. £1,443 Great Lever Park Veterans Bowling Club- Cost of supplying and constructing a large weather shelter with bench for use by match scorers at the bowling club. £995 Gujrat Cricket Club- Cost of fees to enter the Bolton Metropolitan Cricket League, hire of a sports hall for indoor training and purchase of equipment for a team from Halliwell. £1,300


Horwich Carnival- Towards the cost of entertainment, road closures and programme printing for a community carnival in Horwich in June 2015. £1,000 I.C.O.C Communities Batting Together-Costs towards a cricket tournament at Deane and Derby Cricket Club in Great Lever throughout the summer of 2015 for 10 teams of local people. £1,200 Kearsley Health Walkers-Room hire for a weekly social meeting at Kearsley Mount Methodist Church after they have completed a walk. Also £300 towards a trip to Skipton. £500 Kotli Cricket Club- Towards the cost of fees to enter the Bolton Metropolitan Cricket League, hire of a sports hall for indoor training and purchase of equipment for a team from Farnworth. £900 Lahore Badshahs Cricket Club- Fees to enter the Bolton Metropolitan Cricket League, hire of a sports hall for indoor training and purchase of equipment for a team from Great Lever.£1,000 Longsight Bowling Club-Cost of coach for veterans bowling club to attend a bowling competition at Stackstead in Lancashire. £300 Polish Day Centre for the Elderly- Twelve months room hire at The Polish Church Hall in Great Lever to continue a weekly lunch club for older people. £1,500. Quebec Hall Lunch & Leisure- Running costs of a healthy lifestyle project including a chair based exercise instructor for twice weekly meetings for older women from the Rumworth area. £1,500 R Place- Cost of a group facilitator to deliver weekly craft and learning activities for pre-school children at The Hope Centre in Johnson Fold. £1,500 SAVI (Social Activities for the Visually Impaired) Cost of 2 sessional workers to support a weekly social club for visually impaired adults at the new


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successful grants Thicketford Sensory Centre. £1,500 Settle Street Allotments Association- Cost of building communal compost and recycling areas at the allotment site in Great Lever. £973.60 Seva Dal of Bolton- Running costs to continue a fortnightly social and information session at Slaterfield Community Centre in Great Lever for older people in Bolton. £1,500 Super XI Cricket Club - Towards the cost of fees to enter the Bolton Metropolitan Cricket League for a team from Great Lever. £700 Your Travel Shop Cricket Club - Fees to enter the Bolton Metropolitan Cricket League and purBreaks for Carers Grants 2014 – 2015 All Sports Club - Outing to Hollywood Bowl and a meal at Pizza Hut for parents and carers of young adults with learning disabilities £800 Asian Parents Support Group - Trip with meal to Bradford and costs of a transport to Cheshire Oaks for carers and parents of young adults with learning difficulties. £1000 Bolton Cardiac Support Group - Day trip to Chester with a cruise on the River Dee for carers of people with heart conditions. £834 Bolton Care 4(LD) - To provide a stress relief and pampering day for carers of people with a learning disabilities. £1000 Bolton Phab Club - Cost of overnight stay at Blackpool for break for carers of people with physical and learning disabilities. £800 Bolton Rugby Union Football Club - Cost of a weekly social meeting each week for carers of young adults with mild learning or mental health disabilities, cost of a trip to watch Sale Sharks for both carer and cared for. £700 Bolton Wanderers Disabled Supporters Association - To take carers of people with a range of

disabilities for a meal at the Whites Hotel before a Bolton Wanderers home game in early 2015. £100 Bolton West Stroke Group - Transport costs to Rivington Barn and vouchers for carers of stroke survivors to use towards relaxation treatments, theatre or meal out. £878 Community Care Options - Cost of staff to provide 7 hours respite at times convenient to carers so they can organise a break from their caring responsibilities. £960 Crossroads Care in Greater Manchester - To take two groups of Carers with the person(s) they care for a narrow boat trip on the Stockport canal with afternoon tea. £668 Farnworth and Worsley Methodist Circuit - Provision of vouchers for use by carers at community lunch clubs and coffee mornings to enable them to meet other local people without incurring costs. £792 Good Companions - Cost of producing a “support pack” for carers, cost of essential items and also a pamper day at home when the cared for person is doing activities. £600 Happy Carers - Trips for carers of older people including canal boat cruise and meal, and contribution towards an overnight stay at Cleveleys. £832 Harbour Project - Cost of outings to Bolton Little Theatre and Bob Smithy Old Forge Restaurant for carers who support people with substance misuse problems. £643 Horwich Visiting Service - Running costs of a weekly volunteer run home visiting scheme for disabled and older residents in Horwich, enabling their carer to have a break. £547 JIGSAW - Bolton Stroke Group Carers of stroke survivors to receive vouchers of £10 for use in the Olympus restaurant to get a break at a time suitable for them. £800


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funding www.open4community.info/bolton Bolton CVS Funding Portal Find the latest funding opportunities, information and guidance with FREE access to our new online funding database. Presented in the format of an online, step-by-step questionnaire, the new Bolton Funding Portal allows you to identify and select only funding schemes and awards that are appropriate for your project from over 5,000 national sources including government, Lottery and trust funds. New and improved features: • Save searches or individual funders, for future reference • Register to receive updates related to saved searches or funders • Simply browse for funding from Government, Lottery or trust sources • Results can now be ranked by value, by relevance or by deadline date • There’s a simple search function – simply choose a word (eg Training) and see all results (can be hundreds) but then whittle them down using the categories on the next page • Produce your own reports to share with members of your group based on your search, or favourite funders Previous users will need to re-register to use the service, but don’t worry this is a quick process and your previous searches can be retrieved by CVS staff if needed. This project has been led by MACC in conjunction with development workers from across Greater Manchester. Funding for this project has been obtained from each borough-wide development agency in Greater Manchester: Bolton CVS, Bury 3rd Sector Development Agency, Manchester Community Central, Voluntary Action Oldham, CVS Rochdale, Salford CVS, Anchorpoint Stockport, Tameside 3rd Sector Coalition, Voluntary & Community Action Trafford and Wigan & Leigh CVS. Register now and find the funding you need at


Funding Information You can stay up to date with all grants currently available by checking our latest funding bulletins. We also have a Little Book of Funding which contains details of over 40 funders.

Information sheets We have a series of in formation sheets that can help you make the most of your appl ication plus comprehensive information to help you look at fundraising in different an d alternative ways.

Speak to our team To find out more about services:


4 Helen Tomlinson on 0120 ol@b 546017 or email helen toncvs.org.uk nding You can also visit our fu ncvs. lto pages on line: www.bo veloporg.uk/funding-and-de ment


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Breastfeeding Friendly Bolton Breastfeeding Friendly Bolton is a campaign aimed at improving the public breastfeeding experience for local mums. By sharing good practice through Bolton CVS’s team of Community Engagement Workers and raising awareness of the Equality Act 2010 we have been able to engage with over thirty businesses and community facilities in Bolton with the aim of making breastfeeding mums feel welcomed and supported. If you’d like to find out how your business or group can take part contact Sarah Lever on 01204 546045 or email sarah@boltoncvs.org.uk OUR APPRECIATION TO THE MANY GROUPS AND BUSINESSES ACTIVELY SUPPORTING THE SCHEME: ASDA Burnden Park Costa Coffee Manchester Road Bolton Market Place Bolton BL3 2QS Bolton BL1 2AL

King Street Cafe 30 King Street, Farnworth Bolton BL4 7AZ

Azure Coffee Shop Leverhulme Park Long Lane Bolton BL2 6EB

Costa Coffee Middlebrook Retail Park Moss Park Pavilion Cafe The Linkway, Horwich Moss Bank Way, Bolton BL6 6JA Bolton BL1 6NB

Bolton Whites Cafe Macron Stadium De Havilland Way Bolton BL6 6SF

Cherry’s Coffee 3 Wigan Road Westhoughton Bolton BL5 3RD

New Hope Coffee Shop Salvation Army Centre Farnworth Bolton

Starbucks Bolton Market Place Bolton BL1 2AL Sainsbury’s Trinity Retail Park Bolton BL3 6DH Spinning Mule Nelson Square Bolton BL1 1JT

Tiffany’s in the Square Party and Play 35 Victoria Square Cafe Moor Chinese Buffet Wingates Industrial Estate Bolton BL1 1RT 367 Tonge Moor Rd 32 Bridge Street Bolton BL5 3XA Bolton BL2 2JR Bolton BL1 2EH Tina’s Cafe Queens Park Pavilion Cafe 72-74 Ashburner Street Caritas Community Debenhams Restaurant Queens Park Bolton BL1 1TN Cafe 68 Knowsley Street Bolton BL1 4BY 130-132 Newport St Bolton BL1 2DU Wellbeing Farm Bolton BL3 6AB Rhode Island Wheatsheaf Hill, Dolce Cafe 12 Knowsley Street Plantation Rd Costa Coffee 393 Blackburn Road Bolton BL1 2AL Bolton BL7 0BY Waterstones Bolton BL1 8NH 32-36 Deansgate The Well Cafe Whales & Snails Bolton BL1 1BL Fidgets Play Centre Farnworth Baptist Church 5-7 Vernon Street Dunscar Business Park Trafford Street, Bolton BL1 2PP Costa Coffee Bolton BL7 9PQ Bolton BL4 7PQ Victoria Square Wyevale Garden Centre Bolton BL1 1RD Harvey’s Cafe Bar Sarah Jane’s Cafe Wigan Road Old Court Buildings 30 Church Street Bolton BL3 4RD Costa Coffee Mawdsley Street Horwich BL6 6AD Trinity Retail Park Bolton BL1 1UE Trinity Street Starbucks Bolton BL3 6DH The Kitchen Middlebrook Retail Park Great Moor Street Bolton BL6 6JA Bolton BL1 1NH


g n i r e e t n u l vo

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The Volunteering Forum takes on a new name. Over the past few months, we have been reviewing the terms of reference for the Volunteering Forum and as a result of this, the Forum is undergoing a change of name – now to be known as Bolton Volunteer Co-ordinators Forum. The new name highlights the role that the Forum plays in aiming to raise the level of good practice in volunteer management across the Borough and is aimed at anyone who has responsibility for (or an interest in) managing or supporting volunteers in Bolton, in a paid or voluntary capacity. At the Volunteer Centre, a service delivered by Bolton CVS, we believe that getting volunteer management right is so important in helping organisations to maximise the opportunities presented by individuals offering their time and talents. It also helps the individuals volunteering to have a positive volunteering experience. Here are some comments from previous Forums.

‘Networking is so essential and I value meeting and talking with other organisations’. ‘Its great to share ideas’. ‘Really interesting and informative sessions providing the right level of detail in a friendly and informal environment’ The meetings will continue to be held six times a year (every other month) with the next Forum being held on Tuesday 7th July, starting at 1.00pm – 3.00pm at The Bolton Hub. To book your place please contact Shahenaz on 01204 546 060

Thank you Volunteers Volunteers bring so much to our work and it is so important to stop, reflect and say ‘thank you’. As Volunteer Managers/Co-ordinators, it is essential to consider thanking volunteers as part of your volunteer management strategy and to consider how you might thank volunteers. When and how you thank your volunteers needs to be thought through. Also, is it a public or a private thank you that you are going to do? Is this a topic that interests you, or that you might like to share your experiences with other organisations? If so, we will be looking at this topic at the next Bolton Volunteer Co-ordinators Forum on 7th July and sharing good practice on this.

Volunteer Coordinators Forum • 7th July • 8th September • 3rd November

Networking from 12:30 with meetin commencing 1pm –3.00pm at The g Bolton Please contact Shahenaz on 01204


546 060


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BOLTON CVS 25th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Our AGM will be held on Thursday 1st October 2015 at the Macron Stadium from 12:00 noon to 3.00pm and consist of: * * * * *


Our AGM offers a great opportunity for voluntary and community groups in the borough to come together and support each other! All are welcome to attend this special event which marks twenty five years of service to the community and voluntary sector of Bolton. Display and exhibition space will be available to groups at the AGM with priority given to our member groups. If you would like to register interest to book display space or find out more then please contact: Jackie@boltoncvs.org.uk or telephone: 01204 546020 (mornings only)

The Bolton CVS Book Appeal Buy a book from us Our online book shop is open for business and crammed with many books for sale. Books start from as little as one pence per title and all sales contribute directly to positive activities in Bolton.

www.amazon.co.uk/shops/ boltoncvsbookappeal

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cvs contact details www.boltoncvs.org.uk

Getting in Touch

Health & Care Together (546050)

Our office hours are: Monday to Friday 9:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4:30pm. You can contact any of the staff by using the format: firstname@boltoncvs.org.uk

Coordinator: Louise McDade (Maternity leave cover)- 546047 Admin Support Worker: Farzana Patel - 546050

Bolton CVS The Bolton Hub, Bold Street Bolton, BL1 1LS

Coordinator: Sarah Lever - 546045 Development Worker: Yasmin Holgeth (temporary cover) - 546040 Community Engagement Workers: Chris Hayden, Tracey McCue, Yasmin Holgeth, Yasmin Rahbar, Samim Vali

Telephone: 01204 546010 Email: admin@boltoncvs.org.uk Website: www.boltoncvs.org.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/CVSBolton Twitter: @BoltonCVS

Contact Details Central Management & Company Support (546010) Chief Executive: Karen Minnitt - 546010 Operations Director: Stephen Baker - 546013 Finance Officer: Julie Fletcher - 546027 Company Administrator: Jackie Gildert 546020 Relief Administrative Support Workers: Anne Burt, Chris Hayden, Anne Newton, Wendy Houghton

Funding & Development (546010) Group Development Coordinator: Helen Tomlinson - 546017 Grants Coordinator: Mark Grundy - 546026 Grants Support Worker: Sharon Bolus - 546025 Relief Admin Support Wendy Houghton and Chris Hayden 546028 Training Admin Chris Hayden 546014 Volunteer Support: Alison Swindells

Community Engagement (546040)

Relief Community Engagement Workers: Zahida Abbas, Hema Chevli, Rehana Makkan Samim Vali ,and Monica Ballani (currently on extended unpaid leave)

Volunteer Centre (546060) Coordinator: Heather Potter - 546062 Admin Support Worker: Shahenazbanu Patel - 546060 Volunteers: Ann Eastham, Alison Swindells, Chris Buckley, Thomas Taylor, Terence Warburton

The Hub (546000) Hub Development Worker Diane Craddock 546002 Hub Relief Workers: Anne Burt. Hema Chevli, and Samim Vali Hub Receptionist Volunteers: Shahad Al Hadidi, Madeline Brown, Tracy Hopgood, Judith Leach, Mark Liddell, Peggy Lowe, Lynn Lyth, Tracy MacLellan, Natalie Rosendale, Nida Shahzadi, Joan Spiers, Diane Cowley, Lorraine Bercini, Sarah McFarlane, Temisan Boje, Rasha Al-Doori, Yashika Chawla Hub Caretaker: Harry Hubert

Bolton CVS is based at: The Bolton Hub, Bold Street, Bolton, BL1 1LS Telephone: 01204 546010 Email: admin@boltoncvs.org.uk www.boltoncvs.org.uk TWITTER:@boltoncvs FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/CVSBolton

Bolton CVS Membership Membership offers a wide range of services and support including a say in running Bolton CVS, access to useful resource materials, networking opportunities, discounted rates on our training programme, newsletters and discounted rates for other products and services. Eligibility Full Membership of Bolton CVS is open to any voluntary group based in and operating within the borough of Bolton that is sympathetic to our aims. Associate Membership is open to any organisations sympathetic to the aims of Bolton CVS but which do not qualify for full membership. An administrative charge of ÂŁ5 will be payable to cover the cost of newsletter and other mailings for associate members. How to Join Application packs can be easily downloaded online www.boltoncvs.org. uk or by telephoning our administration on 01204 546010.

Copy deadlines for the October 2015 edition Copy deadline for articles being submitted to the October edition is: Friday August 28th at 5pm

Office Space and Meeting Room Hire Are you looking for meeting rooms or modern and well appointed accommodation for your organisation in the heart of Bolton? The Bolton Hub offers a wide range of facilities to meet your needs. Why not pay us a visit and have a tour of the building and learn more about the range of services on offer. Contact the Bolton Hub on 01204 546002 or email us at: hub@boltoncvs. org.uk

Bolton CVS is registered in England as a Company Limited by Guarantee No 2615057 Registered Charity No 1003123

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