OCT 2013
Bolton Community and Voluntary Services
Quarterly Newsletter qNEWS 3 qVOLUNTEERING 07 qTRAINING 12 qNOTICE BOARD 18
Working together to develop a diverse, strong and effective voluntary and community sector in Bolton
Launching the NEW ‘Stronger Together’ Bolton CVS training programme
Quality and affordable training - see page 12
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
Contents 03 News 07 Volunteering 08 Funding 10 Grants 12 Training 15 CVS round up 18 Notice Board 22 Questions & Answers 22 Legal 23 Contact Details COPYRIGHT & Disclaimer Jumbo is published quarterly by Bolton CVS (the publisher). All material appearing in Jumbo is Copyright Bolton CVS © 2013 unless otherwise stated. The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work. No part of this work covered by the copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher. This magazine and its related website and products are distributed on the terms and condition that: The publisher, contributors, editors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or any party on basis of reading information, stories or contributions in this publication, website or related product. The publisher, contributors, editors and consultants disclaim any and all liability and responsibility to any person or party, and shall have no responsibility for any action or omission by any other contributor, consultant, editor or related party.
Foreword NEW! Training Programme, Training Grants and Training Rooms! The Stronger Together Transforming Local Infrastructure Programme finished at the end of September 2013 but we are pleased to share details of one of the very special legacies. The brand new ‘Stronger Together’ Training Programme was launched at September’s Voluntary and Community Sector Forum meeting. There are charges to attend these new training sessions but we are pleased to announce the launch of the new BIG Bolton Fund Training Grants which will enable groups with less than £10,000 a year to access subsidised places. For details of the programme and grants please see pages 12 and 13. We are also launching new specially equipped training space within the Bolton Hub so if you are looking for an excellent, town centre location (close to the train and bus stations) to put on your training courses, please email: hub@boltoncvs.org.uk or contact the Bolton Hub Office on 01204 546002 for further information. Partnership Work with Bolton Law Society and the BIG Bolton Fund We are continuing to work in partnership with Bolton Law Society in order to encourage staff from local law firms to form positive working links with local groups. The Law Society held a Charity Ball recently and a team of volunteers attended to represent our local voluntary and community sector. Thanks to donations from local companies and the generosity of people attending the Ball, £500 was raised which will be distributed via the BIG Bolton Fund. Thank you to everyone involved, especially Isabel Freudenberger, President of Bolton Law Society. Bolton CVS Annual General Meeting, 5.00- 8.00pm on Wednesday 6th November at the Lion of Vienna Suite, Reebok Stadium. The Market Place of stalls by groups will be held from 5.00pm onwards and the AGM begins at 6.30pm. To book a stall or to let us know that you are coming please contact Jackie Gildert on: Jackie@boltoncvs.org.uk or ring 01204 546010. Everyone is welcome to attend! Small Grants Available NOW! Funded by Bolton Council, the next deadline for the BIG Bolton Fund Small Grants Programme will take place on Monday 21st October at 4.00pm. Please see page 8 for further details. Karen Minnitt Chief Executive
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
news and group development
The Woodward Charitable Trust The Woodward Charitable Trust is one of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts and funds registered charities with an income of less than £250,000 a year. They support work in the following areas: • Social and ethnic minority groups, including young people at risk of exclusion or isolation, refugees, asylum-seekers, gypsies and travellers. Projects that promote integration and community cohesion will be favoured. • Prisoners and ex-offenders. Projects that help the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or ex-offenders are supported as well as requests to help prisoners’ families . • Homelessness, especially affecting young people and women, and covering facilities such as women's refuges. • People experiencing violence or abuse.
• Arts outreach work by local groups involving disadvantaged people. • Disability projects; which can include rehabilitation, training or advocacy for people who are either physically disabled or learning disabled as well as help to improve employability. • Environmental projects, especially with a strong educational element. • Addiction, including projects tackling the social exclusion elements and preventative programmes and projects supporting families of addicts. Grants are up to £5,000 and the next deadline to submit a bid is 30 November 2013. An application form available is available from their website. For further information visit www. woodwardcharitabletrust.org.uk/index.html Or contact Karin Hooper on contact@ woodwardcharitabletrust.org.uk, or 020 7410 0330.
The Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund
This fund is administered by the Greater Manchester Lieutenancy, the office which represents Her Majesty The Queen across the county. They aim to support local charities and community groups that offer support for the elderly, infirm and disadvantaged members of society and also community associations that benefit local and young people with grants ranging from £250 - £1000. They prefer to fund one off projects or pieces of small equipment rather than ongoing running costs of organisations or activities. You can apply at anytime and an application form is available online. For more details visit http://www.manchesterlieutenancy.org/index.php?page=the-duchy-oflancaster-benevolent-fund or contact Julie Denby on 0161 834 0490.
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
news and group development
The True Colours Trust are committed to supporting a large number of excellent local organisations and projects that support disabled children and their families on a daily basis. The Trust has a small grants programme, open to application at any time, which provides grants usually for one-off purposes, to help smaller organisations develop and deliver programmes for children, their siblings and families. The Trustees are particularly keen to support: hydrotherapy pools, multi sensory rooms, mini buses, young carers projects, sibling projects, bereavement support and specialist play equipment. Grants are available for up to £10,000 and applications can be made at any time and should be made via an on-line application form accessible through the website. Further information and the application are available from www.truecolourstrust.org.uk. Queries can also be made by telephoning 0207 410 0330.
Sport England operate a Small Grant Scheme that uses National Lottery funding to make awards of between £300 and £10,000 to notfor-profit organisations to help more people aged 14 -25 years old and those of any age with a disability play sport. Grants are for the costs of new projects that will be delivered within 12 months of award. This fund does not support an organisations day to day running costs or the costs of existing activity. Organisations should be constituted and affiliated with the national governing body for their sport. Applications can be made online. There is a new process where applicants need to submit essential documents to show eligibility before they submit an application form. Full details can be found here: www. sportengland.org/funding/our-differentfunds/small-grants/ or by telephoning 08458 508 508.
Improving community access to live music at Bridgewater Hall Charities and social enterprises working with communities in Greater Manchester who cannot access live music because of cost, support needs or social barriers are invited to register for the Bridgewater Hall’s ‘Community Membership’ programme. Community members benefit from free and discounted tickets for International Concert Series performances and other concerts, reduced price tours of the building, invitations to participate in outreach activities and special events at the Hall. Further details and programme application form can be downloaded via the link: www. bridgewater-hall.co.uk/learning/adults/ Alternatively you can telephone 0844 907 9000
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
news and group development Bolton Community and Voluntary Services Annual General Meeting Our 23rd annual general meeting will be held at The Lion of Vienna Suite, The Reebok Stadium from 5:00pm to 8pm on WEDNESDAY 6TH NOVEMBER 2013. Our AGM provides an excellent networking opportunity and chance for the voluntary and community groups in the borough to come together, exchange information, share ideas and build new
relationships. All are welcome to attend. DISPLAY AND EXHIBITION SPACE will be available to groups at the AGM with priority given to our member groups. If you would like to put up posters, display material, leaflets or show a DVD please contact Jackie Gildert for a Display and Exhibition Request: Email: Jackie@boltoncvs. org.uk Tel.: 01204 546010 (mornings only) or download from our website at: http:// www.boltoncvs.org.uk/ events/2013/nov/boltoncvs-annual-generalmeeting To attend the AGM please also contact Jackie Gildert.
Over the next 4 years, F1rst Step aim to take 1000 Bolton people through a 12 month nutrition programme called LIVE LONG. This is a unique and innovative coaching programme, which effectively gives everyone access to a nutrition coach on a one to one basis. Our approach is holistic in nature; we want to help people achieve a life in balance, with plenty of emphasis on nutrition and exercise! Local community interest company F1rst Step is busy launching its 19-25 project, which simply put, is about getting people to understand their own Body Mass Index (BMI) and work to get their score between 19 and 25. The World Health Organisation describes a healthy person as having a BMI of between 19 and 25, however, 60% of people in the UK have a BMI outside the accepted range. Bolton is below average, which given these worrying statistics, indicates we have plenty of work to do in order to make Bolton the healthiest town in Britain.
In addition, the exciting ideas behind the 19.25 movement, including MENU – Mindset, Exercise, Nutrition and You, will be available to everyone online very soon at www.firststepcic. co.uk/ We at F1rst Step are working hard to partner with as many agencies as possible in Bolton, in an effort to get people to find ways to take better care of themselves. If you or your group/ organisation would like to know more, just call Gareth on 07798 853283.
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
news and group development
EduCare Grassroots Online Learning Service EduCare Grassroots is an online learning service designed to enable smaller charities and community groups on low incomes unlimited access to high quality, online safeguarding training for an annual fee of just £10. This service can provide your organisation with the essential safeguarding training for a whole year from just £10. Choose either the NSPCC Child Protection Awareness or Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults programmes, or both. Child Protection Awareness This programme, written by experts at the NSPCC, delivers fundamental child protection training in a simple and engaging way. The material explains the essential facts about what abuse is and the damaging effects it can have on a child’s life and how to identify when a child might be at risk by highlighting possible signs and indicators of abuse. Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults This programme, produced with a consortium of health and social care organisations, provides the key information needed to help safeguard vulnerable adults. The four concise modules cover the signs of abuse, how to recognise situations where abuse might occur, the importance of taking action, and good practice guidelines. A group will get unlimited access, which means they can train every member of staff and volunteer. For more information contact :01926 436212 or grassroots@educare.co.uk
Community How To Community How To helps voluntary and community organisations find digital tools to help them do more of what they do best, and help them share their ideas and experience with others. Community How To has lots of useful tools to help your group look at digital alternatives to the traditional methods of, for example, fundraising, planning events, managing and recruiting volunteers, measuring impact and communicating with key audiences. Visitors can register for free on the site to add their favourite tools, case studies and views, leave comments, join discussions with peers and gain access to even more great free resources.
To find out more about how digital technology can help your group visit: www. communityhowto.com
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g n i r e e t n u l vo
volunteering matters
Rise in Volunteering, reported by Community Life Survey A new survey shows that 49 per cent of adults carried out some form of volunteering at least once a month between August 2012 and April 2013. Figures from the most recent Community Life Survey, commissioned by the Cabinet Office, show that the proportion of adults who volunteer regularly has increased by eight percentage points since 2010/11. In 2010/11, the final year of the Citizenship Survey, the figure was 41% . The Community Life Survey is based on 6,600
Volunteer Recruitment Events at the Hub As Jumbo goes to the printers the volunteer Centre held our first volunteer recruitment event at the Hub. The event was a great opportunity for volunteer involving organisations to network and advertise their volunteering opportunities. The day also allowed an informal and relaxed networking opportunity for attendees to learn more about the range of exciting volunteering opportunities in Bolton. If you are thinking about volunteering and woudl be interested in attending future volunteering recruitment events then get in touch to register your interest For more details contact Shahenaz on 01204 546060 or email shahenaz@boltoncvs.org.uk
interviews with adults in England. It replaces the larger Citizenship Survey, which previously collected data on social action including volunteering, charitable giving, community engagement and wellbeing from about 9,000 people over the course of a year. The Cabinet Office said that there had been "a significant increase following London 2012" in the number of people volunteering. To read the survey online visit: http://communitylife.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/
Volunteering Forum Meeting Our next Forum meeting is on Tue sday 5th November starting at 1.00pm – 3.0 0pm at The Bolton Hub. The Volunteering Forum is always a vibrant and exciting opportunity to learn and express your views and opinions on all ma tters concerning volunteering. We welcome attendance from all members of the Bolton Community and Volunt ary Sector. To book your place please contac t Shahenaz on 01204 546 060 or email shahenaz@boltoncvs.org.uk
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
funding The Bolton CVS Funding Portal www.open4communities.info/bolton Organisations from Bolton can register for FREE to use our online funding portal.
The Big Bolton Fund Small Grants Programme The Big Bolton Fund Small Grants Programme is currently accepting applications for our next deadline of 4pm on Monday 21st October 2013 for activities that start after 1st December 2013. An organisation can make one successful application during this financial year (April 2013 – March 2014) for up to £1500.
Once registered you can quickly search over 5,000 grant schemes from sources including lottery, government and trust funds to find those that match your needs. Searches can be saved for future reference and you can produce reports to share with other members. This facility is provided by a consortium, led by Voluntary and Community Action Trafford, of 9 local infrastructure organisations from across Greater Manchester, including Bolton CVS. Over 150 Bolton based organisations are already registered. If you haven’t, what are you waiting for? Register now at www. open4communities.info/bolton
Priority will be given to organisations whose annual income is under £25,000 per year. Due to ongoing high demand for grants, those with a larger income than this should email Sharon Bolus (sharon@boltoncvs. org.uk) to be added to a waiting list of applicants. A wide range of activities can be funded but we are especially keen to hear from groups that want to provide activities: • to promote healthy lifestyles or improve the lives of people with a health condition • to improve the numeracy, literacy or Information and Communication Technology Skills of people who currently struggle with these. For full details or an application form visit www.boltoncvs.org.uk/small-grantsprogramme. If you aren’t online, please telephone Sharon Bolus on 01204 546025.
We are only a click away! If you are online and have access to the Internet via a computer or your mobile phone we’d love to hear from you. Our Facebook and Twitter social media profiles continue to grow offering up to date news about activities and events in Bolton for the Community and Voluntary Sector. Follow us on Facebook by visiting www. facebook.com/cvsbolton or on Twitter by searching for @boltoncvs
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
l a e p p A k o o B S V The Bolton C ROUP COULD YOU OR YOURBGOLTON SUPPORT THE NATING BOOK APPEAL BY DOB UNWANTED OOKS? Bolton CVS continues with our appeal to help improve the numeracy, literacy and ICT skills of people in Bolton. We want to do this by generating funds through the sale of used books to reinvest in grants and free or low cost training provision. To help make this happen we are now running an online book store on Amazon.co.uk and collecting unwanted and used books to sell online. Many have been received already and we are very grateful to those who have donated. The type of books we are looking for are lightweight in fair to good condition. These could be any genre from popular novels to reference books. There are several collection points for you to drop off donated books: In Bolton Town Centre you can take books to the receptions of: • The Bolton Hub, Bold Street, Bolton, BL1 1LS • The One Stop Shop (Bolton Town Hall) • The Castle Hill Centre, Castleton Street, off Tonge Moor Road, Bolton, BL2 2JW If delivering by car you may find it easier to visit our Book HQ: Globe Works, Lower Bridgeman Street, Bolton, BL2 1DG. Donations can usually be received between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Please telephone John or David in advance on 01204 387410 to arrange a delivery time. If you have a lot of books and are unable to drop them off for us, we may be able to collect them from you. Please phone 01204 546026 to enquire about this service.
Buy a book from us: Our online book shop is now open for business and crammed with many books for sale. Books start from as little as one pence per title. Visit our online store to choose from the titles available.
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
successful small grants for 4 junior football teams at the Power League facility at Leverhulme Park for children living in Bolton. £1500 Bolton Kashmir Welfare Society £300 towards a trip out and insurance for Asian and Afro Caribbean community group based in Great Lever. £456
3rd Bolton St Stephens & All Martyrs Rainbow Unit. Cost of setting up a new Rainbow unit based at St Stephen’s School for girls age 5-7 in Darcy Lever and The Haulgh areas. £872 AFC Masters. Running costs for football club based at St Joseph’s High in Horwich for children and adults with a learning or physical disability in the Bolton area. £1280 African Community Association Of Bolton Costs towards workshops at schools and children’s centres across Bolton to celebrate Black History Month in October 2013. £1500
Bolton Phab Club. Costs for a group of people with learning difficulties to produce a show to perform at care homes across Bolton. £1372 Bolton Rugby Union FC. Costs towards introducing rugby to primary school children in the Bolton area. £1500 Bolton Wanderers Ladies Football Club League fees, kit, equipment and coaching costs for ladies football club. £1500 Bolton Youth Voice. Cost of self defence and sports coaching sessions for a youth club based in Rumworth. £1500
Art For You CIC. Sixteen weeks community textiles project for women’s group in Hall i'th' Wood. £1480
Brazley Community Gardens. Purchase of polytunnel for community gardening group in Horwich to enable them to grow indoor crops all year round. £1359
Asian Parents Support Group Annual Insurance and £300 towards transport for trip to Southport for group providing activities for families with disabled children £626.
Bromley Cross Women's Institute. Purchase of lightweight folding tables for women's group based in Bromley Cross to support arts and crafts and other activities. £462
Body Rockin Kidz. Running costs to provide weekly dance and exercise classes at Halliwell UCAN Centre for 8-14 year olds mainly from Crompton and Halliwell. £1479
BSCA Lions. Indoor winter training and other running costs for junior football team based in Rumworth. £1500
Bolton & District Speakers' Club. Costs to continue fortnightly meetings at Friends Meeting House to improve participants self confidence and skills in public speaking. £146 Bolton French African Assistance (BOFAA) Tutor expenses for weekly English Language lessons and £300 towards a 7th Anniversary celebration event. £1500 Bolton Hearing Voices Group. Cost of Room Hire at Mhist for voice-hearers support group and opportunity for members to attend conferences £1500 Bolton Indians Sports Club. Weekly winter training
DBBC. Accredited media and radio training courses to boost confidence and communication skills of young people who suffer from ADHD and autism.£1200 Egerton Park Bowling Club. Christmas lunch for bowling club members based in Egerton. £300 FC Sharples. Training session costs and pitch hire costs for youth football club based in Sharples. £1500 Freedom Personal Safety. Costs to deliver programme to women and children who experience domestic abuse to educate them in ways of keeping safe. £1200
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Ghosia Judo Club. Cost of judo coaching and grading/certification for children age 7- 11 from Great Lever and Rumworth areas. £1500
mainly from the Rumworth area, aimed at healthy eating and lifestyle. £1500
Great Lever Park Veterans Bowling Club. Cost of a Christmas party for older members of bowling club based in Great Lever. £290
Reflections Free Counselling Service. Cost of running well-being /stress management workshops at The Environmental Resource Centre for residents from Breightmet, £1500
Kearsley Park Veterans Bowling Club. Purchase of defibrillator for use in health emergencies at older people’s bowling club in Kearsley. £780
Shepherd Cross Street Allotment Society. Secure metal container to store equipment for allotment society in Crompton. £1015
Kirkwall Residents' Association. £300 towards Christmas meal and costs of annual insurance for older and disabled residents in Darcy Lever. £465
Shree Sorathia Prajapati Community £300 towards cultural festival, costs towards continuation of yoga classes and costs towards a sports competition for group. £1350
Letterfriends Cost of postage and other running costs of anonymous pen-pal scheme between school children and volunteers in several areas of Bolton in order to improve writing skills. £1084 Lever Gardens Social Club Purchase of equipment to enable residents to develop a community garden at a sheltered housing scheme in Little Lever. £500 Little Lever West Residents Association. Commercial Dishwasher for older peoples group in Little Lever to help volunteers with the amount of washing up created by twice weekly luncheon clubs and other regular activities. £1438
St Matthews Coffee Shop £300 towards a Christmas Party for elderly residents of Little Lever and Darcy Lever. £300 Sudanese Community of Bolton. Running costs for weekly drop in for Sudanese community in Bolton to get advice and socialise with other members. £1500 Sunnyside Residents' Association. Running costs for community house in Great Lever which provides many activities including homework club, computer skills and drop in advice sessions. £1185
Maltby Residents' Association. Costs towards Christmas Food Hampers for elderly residents from Great Lever area and £300 towards a coach trip to Lincoln Christmas Markets. £1080
The Four Seasons Gardening Project. Replacement of polytunnel plastic cover and raised beds timber for gardening group based in Halliwell whose members have mental health issues. £469
Moses Gate Community Action Team Running costs to provide weekly multi-sports activities at Harper Green Leisure Centres for young people mainly from Farnworth. £1500
The Great Lever Voice. Accredited Personal Safety and Healthier Lifestyle project for young people mostly from Great Lever. £1338
Moss Bank Park Veterans' Club. Christmas Party for Veterans' bowling club, members mainly from Halliwell and Johnson Fold. £300 Phoenix Writers Room. Hire and refreshment costs for writing group who meet weekly at Horwich Resource Centre. £521 Precious Gems. Running costs for 12 weeks "knit and natter" project based in Kearsley. £960 Quebec Hall Lunch & Leisure. Running costs of weekly meetings for group of women over 50,
TRAX Resource Centre. Running costs of van to continue to distribute surplus supermarket food to vulnerable residents in Bolton. £1500 Turton Football Club. Hire of school pitches and indoor pitch for football teams to train in summer and throughout winter for under 7s, 8s, 9s and 10s youths based in Harwood and surrounding areas. £1500 Youth Choices Group. Stationery and cost of tutor to deliver 12 week course of Basic Skills and Jobsearch Programme aimed at young people with few qualifications. £1500
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
Learning and Development Our programme offers a range of specialist training courses designed to develop the skills and knowledge of the diverse voluntary and community groups in Bolton. All our courses are tailored in line with what you told us you need and are designed to be accessible to all levels of staff and volunteers. High Quality All our training is delivered by suitably qualified trainers who offer a wealth of experience and up to date knowledge on current issues in their field – this way, you can be confident of a positive learning experience that aims to help your organisation be the best it can be. Affordable
Preparing for a training Hub session AT the bolton
New Training Programme Announced As part of our Stronger Together in Bolton Transforming Local Infrastructure Project, Bolton CVS has been working with Wigan and Leigh CVS to develop a brand new training model for the voluntary and community sector in Bolton. After research into the needs of local voluntary and community groups, we are delighted to announce the launch of the first Bolton CVS Stronger Together Training Programme.
Bolton CVS is committed to making the training programme as accessible as possible to the Voluntary and Community Sector in Bolton. We believe our training provides excellent value for money and aim to keep our training courses as affordable as we can without losing quality. In order to support small grass roots organisations with limited access to funds, we are able to offer a number of funded places through our Big Bolton Fund Training Grant. Relevant We have listened to what you tell us and have designed our specialist courses to meet the challenges of the sector. We believe in utilising the skills and knowledge that already exist within voluntary and community organisations in Bolton, and where appropriate, will offer training delivered by our member organisations. Cost Our research has shown groups are willing to pay for affordable and quality training. After looking into the market we have devised a pricing structure to offer competitively priced training.
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
As part of the Stronger Together in Bolton (Transforming Local Infrastructure project), Bolton CVS has been working with Wigan and Leigh CVS to develop a brand new training module for the community and voluntary sector. In order to support small community groups to access this training, we have introduced the Big Bolton Fund Training Grant. For information about grant criteria, please visit our website: www.boltoncvs.org.uk/training Unless otherwise stated above, all our courses cost the following:Half Day Course costs • £25 Bolton CVS Full Member • £5 for Full Member in receipt of Bolton CVS Training Grant • £30 Bolton CVS Non-member One Day Course • £45 Bolton CVS Full Member • £9 for Full Member in receipt of Bolton CVS Training Grant • £55 Bolton CVS Non-member If you are not a member of Bolton CVS and would like to join, please contact Jackie Gildert on 01204 546010 or email admin@boltoncvs. org.uk Training programme To commence with the roll out of our training programme a calendar of events from October to December has been produced and features a range of training that the sector in Bolton has already identified as needing for the future. Venue All our courses are delivered from The Bolton Hub, Bold Street, Bolton which is a fully accessible venue in the town centre, close to bus and train station with car parks nearby. How do I make a booking? You can book on any of our training courses by going to: www.boltoncvs.org.uk/training which will take you to the online booking form and payments page.
TRAINING PROGRAMME All about the Money Wednesday 23rd October 9.30 – 4.30pm Win that Bid Tuesday 5th November 9.30 – 4.30pm PTLLS (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector) Thursday 7th November Thursday 14th November Thursday 21st November Thursday 28th November Friday 29th November All 9.30 – 4.30pm Cost: Bolton CVS Full member: £250 Bolton CVS Non-member: £350 Please note: this course is not eligible for the Big Bolton Fund Training Grant Trading and your Group Tuesday 12th November 9.30 – 4.30pm Communication Skills Friday 22nd November 9.30-12.30pm Consulting your Community Tuesday 26th November 9.30-4.30pm Outcomes – Proving the Difference you Make Tuesday 3rd December 9.30-12.30pm
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
PTLLS (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector) As part of the Stronger Together in Bolton programme, we ran two subsidised courses of PTLLS training in May and June 2013. The aim was to enable participants to gain the basic qualification required to teach and provide training to adults. With this qualification, organisations have the opportunity to broaden out their services and increase their income streams by selling training and associated services such as consultancy, mentoring coaching and peer support. The feedback we have received from participants has been extremely positive with many attendees reflecting on the experiences gained: Karen Hill from the Alzheimer’s Society commented; “… the PTTL’s course was brilliant and I have now changed the delivery of the dementia awareness sessions so that all the course attendees have the chance to learn in their own way…. Rather than in just my way! We are pleased to announce that 23 participants achieved the PTLLS qualification and we would like to congratulate them all on their success: • Shahenaz Patel, Volunteer Centre Bolton • Tessa Pasquill, One Point North West • Yasmin Holgeth, Bolton CVS • Ryan O’Sullivan, DNA Workshops • Farzana Patel, Bolton CVS • Elaine Taylor, DBBC • Ian Walsh, Community Care Options • Samim Vali, Bolton CVS • Kate Evans, GMYN • Malcolm Ngouala, BRASS • Jackie Gildert, Bolton CVS • Myrtle Finlay, LGBT North West • Sadie Smith, Together Trust • Michael Ross-Nichol, Bolton STEPS
• Carole Darbyshire Lever Park Learning Trust • Hermine Briffa, Cycling Projects • Karen Hill, Alzheimers Society • Katherine Howell, Bolton Lads and Girls Club • Tony Foster, Bolton CAB • Julie Fletcher, Bolton CVS • Resma Patel, Bolton at Home • Chris Hayden, Bolton CVS • Stephen Hartley, St George’s Day Centre
Excellence in Volunteer Management The TLI project has also seen the arrival of a new Excellence in Volunteer Management programme which has seen 12 participants undertake the Level 3 Excellence in Volunteer Management in association with the Institute of Leadership and Management. The group completed subjects linked to risk, legal aspects of volunteering, diversity, volunteer recruitment and applying good practice. Participants have also had the opportunity to participate in a continuous professional development webinar. Feedback from the programme has been very positive and evaluation has demonstrated that participants are already taking back good practice to their organisations. The learning from the programme will be taken forward with the introduction of the new Bolton Volunteering Good Practice Network meetings which all participants signed up to as part of their involvement on the Programme. For more information about Bolton CVS training please visit : www.boltoncvs.org.uk/training or you can email training@boltoncvs.org.uk or telephone 01204 546010
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
cvs roundup
Free workshops on the harms of alternative tobacco products to groups in Bolton Bolton CVS offer FREE workshops which focus on alternative tobacco products. The workshops are designed to inform on the health risks associated with alternative tobacco products such as shisha pipe smoking and chewing tobacco. Traditionally shisha tobacco contains cigarette tobacco, so like cigarettes it contains nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and heavy metals, such as arsenic and lead. As a result, shisha smokers are at risk of the same kinds of diseases as cigarette smokers, such as heart disease, cancer, respiratory disease and problems. The CVS Community Engagement Team recently met Omar - who tells his story on the use of shisha:
I used to go for a shisha everyday wasting lots of time and money. Samim from Bolton CVS delivered a health awareness session on the negative aspects of smoking shisha at home and at the shisha bars. After the presentation I realised that I was not only putting my health in danger but also my life. I then tried to cut down on smoking shisha a lot. I have also thrown my shisha pipe and flavourings in the bin along with the hazardous coal which has burnt the carpet in my home. Since stopping smoking shisha my home smells smoke free, I encouraged both my brothers to quit smoking shisha in the home. I have joined the gym and take part in lots of sports. I have made my family and other people aware of the problems shisha can cause. The presentation was effective because it brought the truth about shisha to light. To book a workshop contact Louise McDade 01204 546010 or email louise@boltoncvs.org.uk
Health Care and Wellbeing Forum The Health, Care & Wellbeing Forum meets bi-monthly and brings together carers, service users, staff, volunteers and service providers. We welcome speakers from a whole range of health and social care sector organisations/ groups. If you are interested in coming along and doing a presentation at a future Forum meeting please contact Health & Care Together. If you would like to become a member of the Health, Care & Wellbeing Forum please get in touch with us and receive regular information and details about our meetings. The next Health, Care & Wellbeing Forum meeting will take place on 10th December. All meetings are held at The Bolton Hub; 12.00pm – 2.00pm Telephone 01204 546010 or email farzana@boltoncvs.org.uk to book a place.
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
cvs roundup
Smoke Free Homes Bolton Council’s Public Health department is encouraging people to make their homes smoke free through the’ Bolton SmokeFree Homes’ scheme. The smoke free promise is a commitment to keep your home smoke free, which improves the health of children and other adults living in the home. Making your home smoke free can also have other benefits such a lower risk of fire, a fresher and cleaner home, no more ash or cigarette burns plus pets are likely to be healthier and live longer. Children are likely to be healthier in a smoke free home, with less risk of: coughing, wheezing and chest infections, asthma, behavioural problems, learning difficulties, cot death, middle ear infection, heart disease and lung cancer later in life and missing school through illness. Bolton CVS Community Engagement Workers have been out in the community and have encouraged 96 people to sign the pledge between April and August this year. Smoke free homes is not just for parents, it’s for anyone in Bolton who smokes and might not want to quit but wants to make their home smoke free. Everyone who signs up to the scheme will get a certificate and a free goody pack of materials to help them keep their smoke free home pledge. To join the scheme, you can ring 01204 337230 or see one of the Bolton CVS Community Engagement Workers.
Information and Advice from Bolton Council Public Mental Health Team The Public Mental Health Team are now part of Bolton Council and work with voluntary organisations and community groups to offer information, advice and workshops. The team can support groups in training volunteers to recognise common mental health problems and seeking out help and support.The Public Mental Health Team has a variety of packages to suit current need in Bolton: Living Life to the Full - 12 hours that can change your life is an 8 week self-help education course with free work books which is proven to enhance attendees wellbeing.
5 ways to wellbeing workshops in collaboration with other Public Health colleagues, such as Get Active, can focus on the things we can all do every day, to keep well.
Mindfulness taster sessions - 2 hours of guided meditation and information about taking notice in everyday life.
The Black Dog workshop helps men to understand their own emotional and mental health needs through narrative and group discussion.
Mental Health in Everyday Practice is a graded mental health skills programme for staff and volunteers in a ‘caring role’. This can be offered as a whole 2.5 day package, or in chunks to suit your organisational needs. MHEP is an ideal course for volunteers and staff development.
All courses, training and support comes at no cost (other than tea and coffee), but diaries get filled up quickly so contact us without delay. Telephone 01204 333333 for more information.
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
Protectors and Trustees of Haslam Park (PATH) recently received a grant of £1500 from Bolton CVS’ Small Grants Programme in 2013. This enabled the group to work in partnership with Lancashire Wildlife Trust to deliver an outdoor activity scheme for children during the summer holidays at Haslam Park off Deane Road. Young people aged “Those taking part 5 -13 from the surrounding area in the summer scheme developed took part in activities such as river dipping new skills and a which helped those greater participating to appreciation of learn about different the nature around wildlife. A big feature of the programme them. ” was raft building, which saw teams of young people working together to build rafts with a strong focus on fun through outdoor activities. Those taking part in the summer scheme developed new skills and a greater appreciation of the nature around them. Further to this 13 of the young people have achieved accreditation from the John Muir
Insyt Media Prod
Insyt Media Productions received a grant of £1500 to produce a showcase of young vocal talent at Bolton YMCA celebrating their 5th anniversary as a community group. In the lead up to the event, local young people worked with professional artists to enhance
Park project enjoying Haslam Youngsters on the PATH
Environmental Award through taking part. PATH regularly organise family activities and provide volunteering opportunities in conservation and food growing at Haslam Park. If you’d like to find out more get in touch with Joanne Moore on 07738 545438 or jmoore@ lancswt.org.uk
their skills and get ready for the big night. Insyt Media Productions continue to provide music, video and fashion design sessions at the YMCA on Monday and Friday evenings. For more information contact Robbie Stevenson on 07742 727757 or insytmediaproductions@yahoo.co.uk
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
notice board
Bury/Bolton ME/CFS Support Group After meeting in people’s houses for several years, the group was formally founded in 1991. It has since gone from strength to strength and now represents 150 members of all ages, across Greater Manchester and further afield. The support group aims to help those affected by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and their carers. ME/CFS can cause profound exhaustion, muscle pain, problems with mental function such as memory loss and poor concentration, malaise, digestive problems and other symptoms. Many members are unable to walk far, reliant on a wheelchair, or housebound. There are an estimated 250,000 people in the UK who suffer from ME/CFS. The group meets regularly and also produces a monthly newsletter as well as providing a private Facebook chat group, a wheelchair and scooters loan service, book library and free weekly yoga sessions. Carers are more than welcome to attend! All of these services exist to try to break the isolation that ME/CFS brings and many members say we are a life-line. As well as the range of online services provided the group can offer advice and support, liaise with local authorities for NHS service provision and aims to increase public awareness of the condition. An eight year long campaign resulted in the opening of a specialist ME/CFS clinic in 2005.
A founder member, Yvonne Leech, has stepped down this year, after three decades of advocating for people with ME and their families. In recognition of her dedication, Yvonne was nominated for, and won, Woman of the Year at The Fusion Awards 2013, which aims to celebrate people’s community work in the North-West. Some feedback from members: “I get the chance to meet and talk to other carers in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. It is quite uplifting for both of us.” “The newsletter gives really good advice and support which I feel helps to break the isolation of this condition. It can also be shown to family and friends to help try and explain the condition better as a lack of understanding from family members can be quite hurtful.” “For the last several years Bolton CVS have provided funding for a carers meal and have recently given us a grant to cover some running costs and have previously funded our newsletter. “ If you have any further questions or are interested in joining the group please contact: 01204 525 955 Email: caroline@mesupportgroup.co.uk Website: www.mesupportgroup.co.uk
Robbie Williams Tribute Evening! Bolton Society for Blind People are hosting a Robbie Williams Tribute Night on Saturday 9th November at Sottovento Restaurant, 69 Worsley Rd, Farnworth, Bolton, BL4 9LU. Doors will open at 7pm. Tickets are priced at £25 which includes fantastic entertainment and a 3 course meal to choose from the excellent Italian menu. Call 01204 337 896 for tickets. All money raised will go to the support of blind and partially sighted people in Bolton. Registered Charity No: 702555
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
The Carers help line 01204 363056 is open at the following times: Monday Tuesday Thursday
Bolton Carers Support change of opening hours Bolton Carers Support is a registered charity providing information, support, short breaks and training for people looking after a family member who has an illness, disability or who is elderly. Many carers feel isolated and may need information on local services such as where to get benefits advice, how to get aids and equipment, who to contact for home care or respite care or housing adaptations. Whatever your query, we’ll do our best to help. You can ring the Carers help line and speak in confidence to a member of staff about your caring situation or you can use our drop-in.
Big Night Out... Big Night Out, Bolton’s only club night for disabled people will be running at the new venue of Lilo’s bar, Bradshawgate, on the last Thursday of every month. The times are 7:00pm – 11:00pm and entry is £5 with all door proceeds going to disability football club, AFC Masters. Please be aware there is a bar at the venue, and you may be asked for ID – the night is for over 18s only. We also ask if you are not an independent traveller to please come with someone to support you on the night, and they get in for free.
11 am – 3 pm 11 am – 3 pm 11 am – 3 pm
There is a weekly Information Drop-in for carers who prefer to speak to someone in person. This is held at our offices at Thicketford Centre, Thicketford Road, Tonge Moor, Bolton, BL2 2LW on Wednesdays 11 am – 1 pm If you find it difficult to visit on a Wednesday morning we can make an appointment for you to visit at another time. Also, if you are over 65 we can visit you at home to discuss your caring situation if you would prefer us to come to you. To receive the free quarterly Carers Contact newsletter to find out about services and support, short breaks and training please contact the Carers Help line on 01204 363056. We look forward to hearing from you.
OFFICE AND TRAINING SPACE AVAILABLE Are you an organisation looking for new, modern and fully equipped office space with a great central location or a place to regularly host your meetings or delievr training? The Bolton Hub currently has vacancies for Community and Voluntary groups and other charity, public sector and not for profit organisations. Contact the Hub on 01204 546002 or email hub@boltoncvs.org.uk for more details of space to suit your needs.
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
notice board
Choir issues special Christmas invitation Bolton Cancer Voices has this week revealed plans for an ambitious festive project, which will see them joined on the stage of the Victoria Hall, Bolton, by special guests Besses o’ th’ Barn Band in a Christmas concert aptly titled ‘Jingle Bell Sing-A-Long’. But the event has an unexpected twist; in what organizers believe may well be an unprecedented move the only known choir for cancer patients and cancer survivors in the north-west is giving others from across the region whose lives have been personally touched by cancer, the opportunity to join them in performing on stage; an invitation, which they are also extending to professionals whose role involves the treatment, care or support of cancer patients. The event takes place on Saturday, 7th December and promises a night filled with all the wonderful carols and evocative festive music which is so much a part of Christmas, with plenty of opportunities for the audience to sing-a-long too. Bolton Cancer Voices was established fourteen months ago and is having a real impact on the lives’ of its members. Choir member Lynne, - a breast cancer patient - comments: ‘The Choir has added 100% to my quality of life since cancer; music works wonders.’ With the aim to provide a positive, motivational and diversionary environment in which members can have fun, enjoy the challenges and exhilaration of performing and have a focus aside from their illness; the Choir also offers an informal forum for cancer patients and cancer survivors to meet with others in a similar situation and benefit from mutual support and understanding. New Choir members are always welcome and the Choir hopes to build to become 70 strong. Anyone interested in taking part in ‘Jingle Bell Sing-A-Long’ should be a cancer patient at any point in their cancer journey whether newly diagnosed, in treatment or living with cancer
as a life-limiting condition; a cancer survivor, regardless of the time elapsed since diagnosis; or a professional involved with this patient group whether Hospital or community based. Previous singing experience isn’t necessary, you don’t need to be able to read music, there are no auditions to worry about and no fees being charged. Everyone involved must be available to attend rehearsals on the 4 Mondays leading up to the concert, starting on Monday 11th November. Rehearsals take place at the Friends’ Meeting House, Silverwell Street, Bolton from 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Participants must also be able to attend the Dress Rehearsal from 10am – 1pm on the day of the performance. Karen Elliott, Chair of Bolton Cancer Voices said: ‘We are tremendously excited about this event and it’s challenging format; to have Besses agree to be part of what we hope will be a highly entertaining and inspirational evening is fantastic, they are a great Band with a well-deserved reputation and it should be an awesome experience for audience and participants alike. We have endeavoured to keep ticket prices for the concert low at just £5-00 in the hope that everyone will get behind this festive event and we’ll have a ‘sell-out’ on our hands. At capacity the hall holds 1250 and it would be phenomenal to see every one of those seats filled.’ People wishing to take part in ‘Jingle Bell SingA-Long’ should contact Karen now to avoid disappointment, as places on stage are limited. Karen said: ‘We just need people to have enthusiasm, a willingness to learn and the desire to have fun. We are most fortunate to have a great and very experienced Musical Director in Clive Rushworth, who takes a relaxed approach to rehearsals making learning easy and enjoyable no matter what people’s level of experience so I’m confident everyone will have a great time.’ Karen can be contacted on 01204 595562 or boltoncancervoices@yahoo.com Tickets available from the Albert Halls Box Office on 01204 334400 or visit www.alberthalls-bolton.co.uk
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
Call for Volunteers from NSPCC Bolton NSPCC in Bolton call on volunteers to make a difference to the lives of children Your NSPCC needs you! The NSPCC in Bolton is looking for more people to help make a difference to the lives of vulnerable children and are calling on people to try out volunteering. The children’s charity has a wide variety of volunteering opportunities available including fundraising, donating time, resources or facilities, or joining one of its fundraising groups. Deborah Sefton, NSPCC community fundraising manager, said: “Volunteers are at the heart of our charity and make a huge contribution to all our work. There is no set ‘type’ of volunteer but we want people to be involved and help raise money for the charity locally. Whatever your skills, talent and time available we have many ways that people can help and we’d love to
Senior Solutions Westhoughton Visiting Service has been renamed SENIOR SOLUTIONS at a special launch event, held at Brookfield Masonic Hall, Westhoughton in September. The renaming is in response to the development of the charity since it was formed in 1997, as a community based project supported by Westhoughton Methodist Church, Age Concern and involving local volunteers. Whilst there have been many changes over the years, the aim of the charity in preventing the harmful effects of loneliness and social isolation in older people remains the same. Now, as well as visiting clients in their own homes, there are three lunch clubs; a Sittingin Service which offers respite to the carers of older people with special needs; a Carer Support/Activity Group, and the most recent development, the provision of the Bespoke Service, which links up clients with local community groups and enables them to pursue an interest or activity of their choice. Currently,
hear from you.” There are many different ways people can help support the charity. Here are just a few ideas to get you started: • join one of our local groups • organise your own fundraising activity • take part in one of our fantastic sporting events including: running, cycling, zipslides triathlons, sky diving and some extreme events and raise sponsorship • undertake a once in a lifetime challenge such as scaling Mount Kilimanjaro and raise sponsorship. • become a volunteer in one of the many roles on offer at the NSPCC, including: volunteering for the ChildLine Schools Service • donate raffle or auction prizes for NSPCC events . To find out more about supporting the NSPCC in Bolton please contact Deborah Sefton, NSPCC community fundraising manager on 07827230870 or email deborah.sefton@nspcc. org.uk or visit www.nspcc.org.uk Senior Solutions has contact with over 200 clients every week. With the need to clearly convey to partner agencies, and funders that the charity offers much more than simply a visiting service to its clients and in recognition of the increasing number of referrals of clients who live in neighbouring areas, outside Westhoughton, the trustees believe the name change to be essential, as the charity looks to the future. Senior Solutions, will remain a charity rooted in the local community, utterly reliant on the passion and commitment of its dedicated band of volunteers. If you would like to join them, please contact Jean Jones, the Scheme Manager on 01942 799374, email contact@ seniorsol.org.uk or visit the website at www. seniorsol.org.uk Senior Solutions gratefully acknowledges funding received from Bolton Council and Lloyds TSB Foundation.
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
questions and answers
If you have any questions you would like to ask us then email jumbo@boltoncvs.org.uk and we’ll publish as many questions with relevant answers that we can.
Q>information on writing a Rules around Data Protection Policy? where can I find more
The 1998 Data Protection Act is the key legislation governing how data may be held and used. Data protection is not about following a fixed set of rules, which are the same for everyone. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about complying with some general principles. Your data protection policy must cover the decisions your organisation has taken to comply with the Act and it must identify individual responsibilities. It is vital that the process of preparing a policy is owned and managed at a senior level. It is
legal update
holding a raffle
Q>an event and we want Our group is planning
to run a raffle. Are there special rules about how we do this? Yes there are a number of rules including when and where you sell raffle tickets and the amount that can be spent on prizes. For more information go to our
factsheet on Events and Licenses: www.boltoncvs. org.uk/bolton-cvsinformation-leaflets
also good practice for the policy to be approved by trustees, as they have legal responsibilities. NCVO has more details: www. ncvo-vol.org.uk or call 020 7713 6161.
For further UK legal updates visit www.sandy-a.co.uk
NJC pay scales For organisations where salaries are pegged to NJC local government pay scales: the NJC rates for 2013/14 are now available and represent a 1% increase, backdated to 1 April 2013. From 1 October spinal column point 4 (the lowest level) is removed, and anyone on SCP4 goes up to SCP5. www.sandy-a.co.uk/employment.htm#pay-njc State pension Pensions Bill, currently going through Parliament, includes provision for single tier state pension for people who reach state pension age on or after 6 April 2016; and for an increase in state pension age to 67 on 6 April 2028 for people born on or after 6 April 1961 (with a staged increase from 66 to 67 in 2026-2028, for people born between 6 April 1960 to 5 March 1961). www.sandy-a.co.uk/employment.htm#statepensions Living wage Have you thought about becoming an accredited living wage employer? www.sandy-a.co.uk/employment.htm#livingwage
Jumbo magazine OCTOBER 2013
contact details www.boltoncvs.org.uk
Getting in Touch
Health & Care Together (546050)
Our office hours are: Mondays to Fridays 9:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4:30pm.
Coordinator: Thaira Qureshi - 546053 Admin Support Worker: Farzana Patel - 546050
You can contact any of the staff using email by: firstname@boltoncvs.org.uk Bolton CVS The Bolton Hub Bold Street Bolton BL1 1LS Telephone: 01204 546010 Email: admin@boltoncvs.org.uk Website: www.boltoncvs.org.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/CVSBolton Twitter: @BoltonCVS
Contact Details Central Management & Company Support (546010)
Chief Executive: Karen Minnitt - 546010 Operations Director: Stephen Baker - 546013 Finance Officer: Julie Fletcher - 546027 Company Administrator: Jackie Gildert 546020 Relief Administrative Support Workers: Denise Benyon, Anne Burt, Brenda Grinstead, Chris Hayden, Pam Livesey, Anne Newton, Wendy Houghton Funding & Development (546010) Group Development Coordinator: Helen Tomlinson - 546017 Grants Coordinator: Mark Grundy - 546026 Grants Support Worker: Sharon Bolus - 546025 Admin Support Wendy Houghton - 546028
Community Engagement (546040) Coordinator: Sarah Lever - 546045 Systems & Information Development Worker: Diane Craddock - 546040 Development Worker: Louise McDade - 546047 Community Engagement Workers: Chris Hayden, Tracey McCue, Samim Vali, Yasmin Holgeth, Yasmin Rahbar Relief Community Engagement Workers: Zahida Abbas, Hema Chevli, Monica Ballani, Rehana Makkan, Samim Vali Volunteer Centre (546060) Coordinator: Heather Potter - 546062 Admin Support Worker: Shahenazbanu Patel - 546060 Volunteers: Chris Buckley, Conrad Jones, Deborah Daniels, Ruqayyah Kara, Thomas Taylor, Terence Warburton The Bolton Hub (546000) Hub Office Cover: Anne Burt, Brenda Grinstead and Diane Craddock 546002 Hub Receptionist Volunteers: Atteyah Azeez, Andrea Wilson, Bianca Atherton, Claire Gaskell Chris Judd, Jasmin Greenwood, Jeana Ainscough, Joan Spiers, Joanne Rimmer, Katie Fahy, Peggy Lowe Maryam Adie, Natalie Rosendale, Shahad Al Hadidi, Tracy Hopgood, Tracy MacLellan Hub Caretaker: Harry Hubert with special thanks to Godfrey Chimbwanda
Bolton CVS is based at: The Bolton Hub, Bold Street, Bolton, BL1 1LS Telephone: 01204 546010 Email: admin@boltoncvs.org.uk www.boltoncvs.org.uk TWITTER:@boltoncvs Facebook: www.facebook.com/cvsbolton
Bolton CVS Membership
Contributions Welcome
Why not join Bolton CVS and become a member?
We are always keen to include in Jumbo your articles, information, opinions and views, diary dates, events and features. You can contribute in a variety of ways either by:
Benefits Membership offers a wide range of services and support including a say in running Bolton CVS, access to useful resource materials, networking opportunities, newsletters and discounted rates for our training and other products and services. Eligibility Full Membership of Bolton CVS is open to any voluntary group based in and operating within the borough of Bolton that is sympathetic to our aims. Associate Membership is open to any organisations sympathetic to the aims of Bolton CVS but which do not qualify for full membership. An administrative charge of £5 will be payable to cover the cost of newsletter and other mailings for associate members. How to Join Application packs can be easily downloaded online www.boltoncvs.org.uk or by telephoning our administration on 01204 546010.
• Sending your articles and pictures via email to the Editor at Jumbo@ boltoncvs.org.uk • Posting them to our address (given above) • Delivering by hand to the Bolton Hub We reserve the right to edit articles or not publish. Visit our website for more information www.boltoncvs.org.uk or telephone our admin team on 01204 546010 for further assistance. Contact Details Please ensure to include a full range of contact details to support your article. This should include a telephone number, email and web addresses.
Copy deadlines for the January 2014 Copy deadline for articles being submitted to the January edition is Friday December 6th 2013
Bolton CVS is registered in England as a Company Limited by Guarantee No 2615057 Registered Charity No 1003123