Jumbo - September 2011

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JUMBO September 2011 Working together to develop a diverse strong and effective voluntary and community sector in Bolton.

The Volunteer Bolton Event in Bolton Town Centre 2nd June 2011 The Bolton Volunteer Centre celebrates National Volunteering Week Read Volunteering Matters on pages 16 - 18 for the full story


Bolton CVS News

Bolton CVS News


Group Development


Notice Board


Health for Bolton Grants


Successful Grants


Funding News

10 - 11

Community Engagement

12 - 13

Bolton Accommodation Project


CYP 3rd Sector Forum


Volunteering Matters

16 - 18

Bolton Carers Support


Health & Care Together

20 - 21

Legal Update


Who’s Who at Bolton CVS


We are pleased to present you with our September edition of JUMBO which includes coverage of the highly successful Volunteering Event held during the recent national Volunteer’s Week. We are also delighted to present the results of the first round of the Small Grants Programme and you can see how the funds have been distributed on pages 7 to 9. Thanks once again to Bolton Council for providing £160,000 for the Small Grants Programme which has been topped up by NHS Bolton to support grants which promote healthy living. JUMBO also contains 2 pages of funding opportunities to help you in these difficult times! Please also catch up with our Community Engagement Team and their work around alcohol issues, ‘Sobering Thoughts’, on pages 12 and 13. Cleaner Greener Forum Bolton CVS is currently working with Bolton Council to re-start the Cleaner Greener Forum with a view to holding 2 meetings a year. A date in October will be confirmed shortly so please contact Diane Craddock on 01204 546040 if you would like to know more. Transforming Local Infrastructure Fund Bolton CVS has registered to lead the Bolton bid for this new National Lottery Fund. A further update about it will be given at the next Third Sector Forum meeting on 28th September and via Bolton CVS e-mail updates. We need to ensure that the Bolton bid meets the needs of local Bolton voluntary and community groups so please respond to any requests for ideas and feedback that we send out to you! Bolton CVS Annual General Meeting The AGM will be held on: Wednesday 9th November, 6.30 to 8.30 pm at the Victoria Hall. Karen Minnitt Chief Executive

Greetings for Eid and Diwali We hope that all our Muslim readers had a wonderful Eid on 31st August and best wishes for Diwali to our Hindu readers on 26th October. 2

Group Development New factsheets to help your group A set of over 60 online information guides and factsheets are now available on the Bolton CVS website. The factsheets, produced in partnership with Greater Manchester Voluntary Sector Support (GMVSS), offer basic information as well as advice and guidance to help voluntary and community organisations to set up, develop and grow. The factsheets include everything from registering a charity to how to influence Parliament. For more information visit www.boltoncvs.org.uk/information-leaflets or contact the Funding and Development Team on 01204 546017 or 01204 546026.

Kids e-learning Programme Meeting the challenge of workforce development: Bolton CVS are offering groups and volunteers the opportunity to take part in a free, flexible e-learning programme designed to help meet the challenge of workforce development. The programme has been funded by Bolton Council (Aiming High for Disabled Children) and contains a set of modules that are designed for anyone who has contact with children and young people with a specific emphasis on raising awareness of the needs of disabled children. The programme covers a range of different requirements – from those who need a simple introduction, to those working with children and young people on a daily basis. To sign up to the programme or for more information contact Helen Tomlinson at Bolton CVS on 01204 546017 or email helen@boltoncvs.org.uk

Toolkit for community activities A free online information resource for people who want to get involved in organising smaller, straightforward community activities has been created by Zurich Insurance. Community Toolkit aims to address barriers to volunteering and provides guidance on some legal, health and safety, insurance and planning issues. For more information visit www.communitytoolkit.co.uk

Bolton Safeguarding Children Board is now live Bolton Safeguarding Children Board (BSCB) is the partnership responsible for making sure that children and young people in Bolton are safe. They do this by: Making sure people who work or volunteer with children, young people or their families have access to policies and guidance about keeping children safe Providing information to children, young people and their families about keeping children safe - including about what to do if they think a child is being harmed Making sure organisations such as health, police, probation, council etc, know what they have to do to keep children safe - and making sure they do it. The new website provides a range of useful information and access to the latest multiagency safeguarding resources and leaflets. BSCB are continually looking at ways to improve the site and would like to hear about any comments or suggestions for additional resources. Visit BSCB site at www.boltonsafeguardingchildren.org.uk or contact the BSCB on 01204 337479. 3

Notice Board Spirit of Bolton Event Saturday 10th September 2011 10.30 am - 3.30 pm The fourth Spirit of Bolton will take place on 10th September, Victoria Square, Bolton. Spirit of Bolton is a multicultural community event full of activities, entertainment and fun for all to enjoy and be part of “One Bolton Family.” It is an event which celebrates Bolton’s diversity with support from many partnerships working together which makes Bolton a friendly place to live. It is an event to engage people from different backgrounds and offers an opportunity to know more about one another which enhances trust and friendship between individuals as well as communities. Spirit of Bolton will be officially opened by the Mayor of Bolton and will also be attended by the Bishop of Bolton, The Rt. Rev. Chris Edmondson. The event is led by Bolton Interfaith Council (BIC) in partnership with Bolton Hindu Forum, Bolton Christian Community Cohesion, Bolton Council of Mosques, Town Centre Chaplaincy, Bolton at Home and Bolton Council. It is an event which brings schools, young people, voluntary, faith and many community groups together to showcase their work, provide traditional activities and also offers cultural entertainment on stage. This year with support from British Red Cross and the famous Swaminarayan Pipe Band, they will be collecting donations for the East African Famine appeal. Also, as this year’s event falls on the day before the 10th anniversary of the tragic events in America on 9/11, as a mark of remembrance and respect, there will be a two minutes silence at the opening ceremony of the event. If you are interested in participating, helping out or need to know more, please contact Chan Parmar at Bolton Interfaith Council on 01204 546110 or 07533021028 or visit: www.boltoninterfaithcouncil.org.uk

Helping your organisation run smoothly GMCVO Databases works across the North West providing database services for voluntary organisations. This includes the ORCA database designed specifically for voluntary sector infrastructure organisations. With detailed sector expertise, and the use of the latest cost-efficient open source technologies, they can help: • Improve your organisation's communication • Give you instant access to performance information • Produce an easy-to-use and fully supported system • Integrate database services, such as training registration, with your public website • Allow you to take control of where your organisation is going The services provided include the holistic management of all contacts, e-bulletins, events/ training courses, membership, service delivery, grants – all with built-in reporting. They work with a large number of voluntary sector clients, including local support organisations, arts groups and frontline services. “Having a system that enables us to have an integrated approach means that we spend less time duplicating effort and more time working with groups.” Salford Community and Voluntary Services. Contact Oliver Gibson at oliver.gibson@gmcvo.org.uk or visit: www.gmcvo.org.uk/GMCVOdatabases for more information. 4

Notice Board Do you find speaking in public a nightmare? Addressing an audience large or small with fear? Do your knees knock at the thought of giving a presentation? Are you at a loss for words if asked to give a vote of thanks? Does your mind go blank when asked to say a few words? If so come along to the 2011/12 season of Bolton Speaking Club. A warm welcome awaits you at The Friends Meeting House, Silverwell Street, Bolton. The first meeting is on Monday 5th September at 7.15 pm for 7.30 pm start, then twice a month from September until the end of April. Bolton Speaking Club is a member of the Association of Speakers Clubs, a national organisation that aims to give men and women the opportunity to practise and develop their communication and speaking skills within a supportive and friendly environment. Members comment on how their careers, confidence and job prospects have flourished as well as their personal development. For more information contact 0778 759 3000 or visit www.boltonspeakersclub.co.uk

Third Sector Forum and Funding Forum Merge For many years Bolton CVS has facilitated the bi-monthly Funding Forum, a meeting where organisations can gather and share information on the latest funding news, exchange ideas and network. Recent changes at Bolton CVS mean that we now have limited resources to continue running the Funding Forum in its existing format. Bolton CVS is committed to providing high quality funding information and support and in order to continue to meet the development needs of local voluntary and community organisations. We will be integrating the Funding Forum into the bi-monthly Third Sector Forum. This will mean organisations can continue to receive information on latest sources of funding, find out about latest developments in the sector and raise issues of concern. Bolton CVS would like to take this opportunity to thank John Seddon who chaired the Funding Forum for a number of years, for his time, commitment and support of member organisations that attended the Forum. For more information on sources of funding please turn to page 10 for ‘Funding News’. Upcoming meetings: Wednesday 28th September 2011, 12.30 pm - 3.00 pm at the Bolton Hub, Bold Street Wednesday 30th November 2011, 12.30 pm - 3.00 pm at the Bolton Hub, Bold Street

Could you use the help of volunteers from business? Greater Manchester Cares works to connect businesses with their local communities. Around 2,000 people a year volunteer through Cares, most completing one day team challenges as well as some longer term volunteering projects. We are always looking for projects with community groups and schools in economically and socially disadvantaged areas that can benefit from volunteer help. Projects could include: garden makeover, creating a reading garden or outdoor classroom, painting murals, painting and decorating or environmental work. If you think you have a project that fits the bill, call Rebecca on 0161 2337760 or email rebecca.falvey@bitc.org.uk 5

Health for Bolton Grants Bolton CVS has had long standing support from NHS Bolton, particularly through the Health for Bolton Grants. The grants have enabled many community groups to fund projects which have promoted healthy living to their members. Here are just a few! Motiv8 2 Activ8 organised a ten week course of swimming lessons for Asian girls from the Crompton area. Held at Smithills pool, they proved really popular with those taking part. They really improved their skills in different strokes and many said they were now confident to swim in the deep end on their own. The lessons have opened up swimming as a leisure activity for the girls. Jigsaw, Bolton’s group for stroke survivors and their carers, used a grant to continue their fortnightly meetings in Little Lever. Members are benefitting greatly from the chance to socialise with others. This is rebuilding their confidence that has been reduced by living with the after-effects of a stroke. They also take part in arm chair exercise which is enabling them to regain strength and mobility. Pictured Left: Group members doing their arm chair exercises. R Place have provided healthy snacks for children and parents at weekly sessions in Johnson Fold, healthy ingredients for messy play and cookery sessions with a food and health team. They have also been on a teddy bears picnic with healthy snacks. The project has encouraged parents and children to change habits and make snacks healthier. This has led to a greater chance of people regularly achieving 5 a day. The children also get plenty of exercise at the group. Simeon Centre Counselling Service have expanded their free counselling sessions at Victoria Hall. They are now providing appointments three evenings a week instead of two, which means nine extra people are being seen. This has been of benefit to people who work full time. 69% of the users of the service have reported feeling less anxious or worried as a result of the sessions they attended. Access Music have bought new musical instruments which have been used at ongoing sessions across Bolton to enable adults with learning difficulties to make music and sounds. Making music and using the instruments is a great benefit to the wellbeing of these people as it gives them a sense of achievement. The activity stimulates them mentally and is also a benefit physically by aiding flexibility and joint movement through musical races. Health for Bolton grants continue to be available through the small grants programme. The next deadline is 30th September 2011. For more details please check our website www.boltoncvs.org.uk/small-grants-programme or contact 01204 546010. You can also visit the Big Bolton Fund facebook page www.facebook.com/bigboltonfund 6

Successful Small Grants Funding provided by Bolton Council and NHS Bolton Name of Group Academy Juniors FC Africans Link in Bolton (AFLIBO) Be-strong

Body Rockin Kidz Bolton Deane and Derby Cricket Club

Bolton Girls TOOLS

Bolton Malayalee Association Bolton Wanderers Disability Football Club Cameroon Community Organisation of Bolton

Community Friends Group Darcy Lever Gravel Pits Action Group Eldon Street Residents' Association

Reason for Application To enable girls' football team to coach in schools and recruit new players from across Bolton. Ongoing costs of IT training scheme for people from Great Lever and Rumworth. To provide a rehabilitation programme based in Breightmet of physical activity with healthy eating workshops for offenders and ex-offenders and drug and alcohol clients. To provide street dance classes for young people at the Halliwell UCAN centre. Costs to hold a junior football tournament over two Sundays in September at the club in Great Lever. Provision of venue and dance instructor for sessions of physical activity and healthy living for young girls based at Harmony Youth Project in Halliwell. Room hire and provision of teachers for dance classes and Malayalam language for children from Farnworth, Great Lever and Kearsley. To provide twice weekly football coaching sessions for people with disabilities. Ongoing running costs for the group supporting Cameroonian people in Bolton. They meet monthly at Lancashire Wildlife Trust building in Breightmet. Provision of weekly meeting place for a group of mainly widows/widowers on the Sutton Estate in Hulton to enable companionship and reduce isolation. Provision of ongoing costs and new tools and equipment for the group maintaining a section of Moses Gate Country Park. To take approximately 100 people from low income families from Tonge and The Haulgh area to a pantomime and to support with admin costs of the group.

Amount Awarded £1,385 £1,445


£1,000 £850


£1,490 £1,347.20





Farnworth & District Local History Society

Day out to Quarry Bank Mill for members from Farnworth, Great Lever and Kearsley.


Friends of Maxton House

To provide two outings: a canal boat trip and a visit to Rivington Barn tea dance for elderly people from Farnworth.



Successful Small Grants Funding provided by Bolton Council and NHS Bolton Name of Group

Reason for Application

Amount Awarded

Ghosia Community Youth Voice

Provision of cricket sessions for young during the summer holidays at the Ghosia centre in Rumworth.


Grosvenor Estate Residents' Association

To provide entertainment at annual fun day for residents of Kearsley.

Harwood and Bradshaw Writers

To purchase equipment to enable members to deliver programmes of their own writings to care homes in the Breightmet, Farnworth and Great Lever areas.

Haulgh North Action Group

To hold a community Fun Day in Bridgeman Park for residents from Tonge and The Haulgh.

Horwich Heritage Hulton Lane Clubroom (Wally's) JIGSAW Johnson Fold Youth & Community Support Group Kearsley Park Vets Bowling Club Maltby Residents' Association Mere Hall Football Club New Bury Community Centre Bowling Club New Bury Community Centre Youth Club

On Your Own Club

Ongoing running costs of the museum at Horwich Resource Centre about times gone by in the town. To provide training sessions, equipment and fees to enter new young team from Hulton Lane Estate into Rounders League 2012. Ongoing running costs of a Bolton-wide stroke survivors group based in Little Lever. Provision of hire of hall, support worker and stationery to continue activities for young people on Johnson Fold. Purchase of rubber strip to cover the base of the gutter surrounding the bowling green which will alleviate the need for members to annually paint the existing surround. To take coach party from the Great Lever area to Esholt and Harrogate and to hold a Christmas or New Year party. Hire of pitch and purchase equipment for a team of young men from Halliwell to play football in a local league. Purchase of indoor bowling mat for the group based in Farnworth. To provide Youth Hostel Accommodation for eight young people from the Farnworth area and two adult volunteers whilst undertaking the coast to coast cycle route (Home-Workington-WhitbyHome), and supporting vehicle. Trip to the Lowry Shopping Outlet and the Imperial War Museum for older people from the Tonge and The Haulgh. 8



£300 £1,500 £1,498.96 £1,500 £1,500



£1,150 £970



Successful Small Grants Funding provided by Bolton Council and NHS Bolton Name of Group Phoenix Writers

Rock It! Collective

Root's Zone

Reason for Application Room hire and ongoing costs involved in producing work which would be of interest for local readings/discussions/community projects. To provide 25 youngsters, many from deprived areas, the opportunity to learn about musicianship with music leaders, equipment hire, and associate costs. Day trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach for young people from the Pungle Estate youth group in Westhoughton.

Amount Awarded £476.60



South Haulgh Residents Group

To hold a fun day in Bridgeman Park for residents of Tonge and The Haulgh.


St Matthews Coffee Shop

To provide a Christmas Party for older residents from Little Lever.


Streetwise Soccer CIC

Deliver a weekly soccer session during the summer holidays for children from the Farnworth area.


Sunnyside Residents' Association

To provide ongoing running costs of group and their community house in Great Lever.


The Dementia Support Group

To continue weekly varied programme of physical activities, talks and demonstrations in Tonge Moor for people with dementia and their carers.


The Great Lever Voice Project

To provide courses in health, physical activity and communication skills for young people from Tonge and The Haulgh, Farnworth and Great Lever, with each person producing their own portfolio of success.


Tiki Taka Football Academy CIC

To set up new football club to cover venue, League, Pitch and FA Registration fees, kit and training to benefit children from deprived areas, especially the Farnworth area.


Tonge Moor Allotment Society

Topphome Court Social Club TOTAL

To provide outdoor furniture, security fixings and weather sealing treatment to enable the use patio area for annual Open Day and seasonal Produce Days. Running coffee morning for six months and Christmas Party for residents from the Farnworth area and purchase of electronic bingo machine. 40 grants 9


£435 £38,666.96

Funding News SEPTEMBER DEADLINES Bolton Council Preventative Grants Bolton Council Adult and Community Services will be inviting applications from Registered Charities, voluntary and community organisations and registered social enterprises for “Innovation Grants” and “Development Grants” to help prevent the need for social care. Further details on eligibility criteria for who can apply for these grants will be available at www.bolton.gov.uk/preventativegrants.aspx on or shortly after the 23rd September 2011. Phone 01204 333 333 for more details. BT Community Connections re-opens This scheme is intended to provide voluntary groups and charitable organisations working to benefit the community with IT equipment and internet access. Successful applicants will receive a laptop and a year's free broadband internet connection. In particular, the scheme is keen to target areas of deprivation which normally receive little or no funding and would otherwise have no IT provision. The award will be 12 months’ free connection to BT Business Total Broadband Advance, which includes features described in the standard products and services terms. The deadline is 15th September 2011 and winners will be notified by 12th November 2011. Phone 0845 257 6792 or visit www.btcommunityconnections.com Help the Homeless have grants available up to £3,000 to help towards capital costs to support projects that assist disadvantaged people return to mainstream society through residential or training facilities. Application deadline is 30th September 2011. Phone 02073237411, email HTH@help-the-homeless.org.uk or visit www.help-thehomeless.org.uk/Grants.htm Greggs Foundation prioritise local organisations that help people in need in their local area. Grants of up to £2,000 are available to charitable organisations that work in local areas that have a Greggs presence such as shops, offices and bakeries. The committee is looking for good quality applications from community organisations that support one of the priority groups listed: people with disabilities, voluntary carers, homeless people, older disadvantaged people. Visit: www.greggsfoundation.org.uk Applications for trips, and time limited activities are more likely to be considered, as are applications from smaller, locally based groups. The next deadline for North West regional grants applications is on 14th September 2011. Phone 0191 212 7626 or email greggsfoundation@greggs.co.uk

OCTOBER DEADLINES Macmillan grants for cancer support groups Start-Up Grants of up to £500 are available for new groups (that have been running no more than one year by time of application) to assist with their initial development and promotion of service. Development Grants of up to £3,000 are available to existing groups for their continuing development. This could be a traditional support group that meets regularly in the local area, a national support group or an online group. Training and Conference Grants of up to £3,000 for attending or hosting or attending an event e.g. training courses, workshops, conferences and events. Closing date for next panel meeting is 28th October 2011. For information contact Sonia Holdsworth on 07834 191209 or visit: http://www.macmillan.org.uk/HowWeCanHelp/CancerSupportGroups/ HowWeSupportYourGroup.aspx 10

Funding News NOVEMBER DEADLINES The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust give grants of £1,000 to £3,000 to registered charities with a focus on music and the arts. There is no formal application form (please see website for more details: www.austin-hope-pilkington.org.uk). Trustees' meetings are usually held between four and six weeks of the submission deadlines. Next deadline 1st November 2011. For enquiries contact admin@austin-hope-pilkington.org.uk.

OPEN FOR APPLICATION AT ANY TIME Cash 4 Clubs (UK) has grants of up to £1,000 available for sports clubs in the UK to improve facilities. Any sports club can apply as long as they are registered with their National Governing Body or local authority. There are no deadlines for submitting grant applications. Clubs are welcome to apply at any time using the online application process and they will be considered at the next committee panel meeting. For more information visit www.cash-4-clubs.com Alec Dickson Trust supports young people who are able to demonstrate that through volunteering or community service they can enhance the lives of others, particularly those most marginalised by society. Applications for grants, not normally in excess of £500, are invited from individuals aged 30 and under or from small groups of young people who believe their actions to be in pursuit of the aims of the Trust. For more information phone 020 7278 6601, email alecdickinsontrust@gmail.com or visit www.alecdicksontrust.org.uk True Colours Trust is inviting applications from projects that support disabled children and their families on a daily basis. The Trust has a small grants programme which provides grants of up to £10,000, usually for one-off purposes, to help smaller organisations develop and deliver programmes for children, their siblings and families. The Trustees are particularly keen to support hydrotherapy pools, multi sensory rooms, mini buses, young carers projects, sibling projects and bereavement support. Applications can be submitted at any time. For more information phone 0207 410 0330, email truecolours@sfct.org.uk or visit www.truecolourstrust.org.uk/small_grants.aspx B&Q Waste Donation Scheme offers free products or materials, such as off-cuts of timber or tins of paint to community groups, charities and schools. The waste donation scheme is co-ordinated in store either by the Environmental Champion, Duty or Warehouse Manager who will keep a Waste Donation Form on file for interested groups. Before any materials are donated, the form must be signed by a representative of the group, and proof that you are a member of that group must be provided. Contact local B&Q store for more information or to register your group. Bolton branch phone 01204 365676 or visit: http://www.diy.com/diy/jsp/corporate/content/environment_ethics/ ethics/community/waste_donation.jsp

Please visit Bolton CVS website for information on the Bolton CVS Small Grants Programme and to see the latest Funding Bulletins: www.boltoncvs.org.uk/big-bolton-fund-grants 11

Community Engagement The Bolton CVS Community Engagement Team are proud to present ...

The Sobering Thoughts DVD Sobering Thoughts is an alcohol awareness DVD with views on alcohol from the people that matter, those working and living in Bolton. It has surprising facts and statistics like:

80% of ambulance cases on a Saturday night in Bolton are alcohol related About one in three of us will be affected by alcohol related liver disease

The Community Engagement team have recorded and collated a range of different views over the past year and brought them together with the help of The Box TV to produce a 20 minute thought provoking film. Contributors include the Police, Fire Service, Nurses, Ambulance Service and local residents.

Bolton Street Angels Volunteers

Alan Wood, Chief Inspector GMP

Local residents

Paramedics, Bolton Ambulance Service

We value the diverse contributions that have been made to create this DVD, and aim to show the DVD to as many people as possible to raise their awareness of the impact that alcohol has on Bolton. Forty-five people attended the launch of the DVD in January, and the feedback from those in attendance was both positive and encouraging.


Community Engagement The quality and impact of the DVD inspired the following comments: ‘.. high level of Bolton involvement in making DVD’ Sandie Saunders – Bolton D&AC Team ‘Listening to real people speak ... will help others understand the dangers’ Jean, Local Resident ‘Really good to see all the different aspects and opinions around alcohol, I think it will be an excellent engagement tool.’ Ellie, Local Resident ‘I hope the DVD makes people think about their saftey, drinking to excess can make you very vulnerable’ Jason Netherton, Karate Sensei (3rd Dan)

Would your group benefit from finding out more? The workshop is now available to groups and we have found the discussions generated both interesting and important; everyone has a story to tell. With the help of interactive exercises that raise awareness of units within alcohol we aim to get people thinking about their own drinking habits. The workshop is not designed to stop people from drinking but to make people aware of the health impact that alcohol can have. We aim to empower people with the knowledge to make informed choices about what they drink and to promote the recommended safe limits which includes advice about having at least two alcohol free days each week. The workshop was delivered for the first time on 1st July 2011 to a group that meet regularly at New Bury in Farnworth. Some of the comments we received following this workshop read... “A larger percentage of people affected by alcohol in Bolton than I thought, Very frightening.” “Very, very informative. Although my husband and I don’t drink, our family does. I will have a lot to tell them. Thank you very much for the information.” “The workshop was very useful to make you aware of the amount of units that are in each alcoholic drink so that you can avoid drinking too much.” We hope to deliver this workshop right across Bolton to try and make a difference and educate people on safe drinking limits. From the feedback we have received so far this is a subject close to people’s hearts and one which generates a great deal of discussion.

Play Your Drinks Right Do you know about alcohol? Could you decipher the unit difference between a bottle of wine and four pints of cider? Would the units of alcohol in the cider be higher or lower? If you’re willing to accept a challenge that can help educate you about the unit content of over 20 alcoholic drinks then have a go at Play your drinks right – we might not have Brucey but we do have a committed, passionate team ready to facilitate the game with members of the community.

Anyone interested in taking part in our workshop or in finding out more about the DVD can contact Farzana on 01204 546040. 13

Bolton Accommodation Project Does your spare room have potential? A supported lodgings provider supports our recruitment appeal and tells of her success. A nurse from Bolton is calling on other residents of the borough to get behind an innovative partnership project helping young people start out on the path of independent living. Kate Platt, from Farnworth, is a provider of supported lodgings with Bolton Accommodation Project, a scheme which provides young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with safe and supportive accommodation. Run by leading charity Action for Children and Bolton Council, the project works with young people aged 16 to 21 and matches them with trained carers who supply accommodation and vital support and guidance throughout the placement. The arrangement can be short term or up to 18 months. Kate, aged 43, is helping Action for Children raise the profile of the service by calling on others to consider putting themselves forward to support these teenagers. Kate said: “I have only been involved in this project since October last year and already I’ve seen the difference I can make to young people in need of some stability and a bit of guidance. I’m sure there are other people in Bolton who could offer this to youngsters from the area and would find it just as positive an experience as I have.” “The first young man who came to live with us had been struggling with a difficult home life since the age of 15. His mum and step-dad physically abused him and made life so difficult that eventually the whole situation broke down. “He just needed a few months of support – to learn some practical skills, like cooking, and time to adjust to his new situation and now he has his own place and is managing brilliantly. It was wonderful to send him off into the world to start his life afresh with a new strength and maturity; a really rewarding experience.” Action for Children’s Sarah Tootell said: “We currently have a number of vacancies for providers and we need people from across Bolton to get involved. We want to offer this vital service to as many young people as we can because we know it really helps. People from Bolton are caring and generous so I’m confident there will be a good response to this appeal.” Providers come from all walks of life: all ethnicities, religions, ages and family situations. A weekly allowance is payable to providers and this should not effect benefit claims/ payments. If you think you could step up to the challenge for young people in Bolton, please get in touch with Sarah on 01204 362002 or via sarah.tootell@actionforchildren.org.uk


CYP 3rd Sector Forum Are you a 3rd sector organisation? We want to hear from you! The Children and Young People’s 3rd Sector Strategic Forum is celebrating its 12 months since its official launch. To mark the occasion they want to get more third sector organisations involved and take an active role in the forum. The forum consists of a wide range of local voluntary, faith, not-for-profit, community and private sector agencies – who provide vital services for children and young people (0 to 19 years; up to 25 for people with a registered disability) in Bolton.

What is the purpose of the forum? The purpose of the forum is to ensure that the voluntary children’s sector get a chance to have their voice heard and a say in the way services for children and young people are delivered in Bolton. It gives everyone a chance to share information and make sure that young people across Bolton are benefiting from the best support. As well as helping young people, the forum will raise standards among the participating organisations and help them to become more cost effective. The Forum works closely with the Children’s Trust to ensure a joined-up approach to many vital services for children and young people in Bolton. It will help to raise standards among third sector workforces in an increasingly competitive market, and realise cost savings by streamlining the commissioning process.

Update from the last meeting The last forum meeting was held on Friday 24th June. There was a briefing from Lynn Stokes regarding Bolton Under 5s Forum and the work it carries out. For further information please contact the group on 01204 338210 or email boltonunder5@tiscali.co.uk There was also an update from the Local Authority around the latest savings and efficiencies information and the effect it will have on 3rd sector organisations. If you would like to know more then please join the forum. Details of how to do so are given below. A discussion was held regarding the next stakeholder event which is being held in November. If you would like to know more or want to get involved please contact the forum on 01204 304230 or email the forum on forum@birtenshaw.org.uk The forum is wanting to use it has a platform to showcase the excellent work third sector organisations within Bolton are doing. It will be an excellent opportunity to network with other organisations and make strong links. Bolton Lads and Girls Club gave an update on the National Citizenship scheme for this year and also looked for expressions of interest for the bid they are putting together for next years scheme. For further information please contact Bolton Lads and Girls club.

How can I get involved? There are four levels of membership, from networking and information sharing to active participation and strategic representation. If you would like information about joining the Forum please contact 01204 304230 or email forum@birtenshaw.org.uk Information and updates about the forum can also be found on the website www.boltoncyp3.org.uk 15

Volunteering Matters Contact Details: The Bolton Hub Bolton BL1 1LS Tel: 01204 546060 Fax: 01204 546011 Email: admin@boltonvolunteering.org.uk Website: www.boltoncvs.org.uk/volunteer-centre Volunteer Bolton The Volunteer Centre co-ordinated a Volunteer Recruitment event on 2nd June, during national Volunteers Week called, ‘Volunteer Bolton’. The event, which was supported by Bolton CVS, Bolton Council, Bolton at Home and the Primary Care Trust was developed in line with Bolton’s ‘Inspired to Volunteer’ strategy. The weather stayed fine for us and we had over 20 stall holders advertising their volunteering opportunities. Organisations taking part included Street Angels, Bolton Little Theatre, Band, Bolton Carers Support, the Greater Manchester Fire Service, Bolton Society for Blind People, Home Start, Brass, Lancashire Wildlife Trust and Birtenshaw. Bolton FM also provided entertainment for the event. The town centre was bustling and the event was a great success with organisations finding that it generated contacts for potential volunteers.

Comments from the day included “It was very valuable in terms of promoting our opportunities to potential volunteers and making links with other organisations in Bolton working with or supporting volunteers.” 16

Volunteering Matters ... Comments continued “It was a good event, well-organised and involved many local agencies. Location was brilliant which attracted many people who passed by.” “I found it useful meeting some organisations in Bolton I hadn’t heard of before.” “It was a great chance to spread the word about the opportunities we are currently offering.” “Ideal local event. Great location and the organisation on the day was superb. Couldn’t wish for better.” “Brilliant event, organised well and thoroughly enjoyed by myself and the volunteers who supported Time Bank on the day.” “A very successful day for Bolton Society for Blind People.” “Individual members of the public’s spontaneous reactions upon seeing the stand, e.g. using the scheme to accomplish a Beaver Badge, hence taking it back to the pack to see if the event could develop.” “The event also gave us the opportunity to identify a further 6 ‘hidden carers’ who would probably not have come to our notice.” “Some potential contacts who are currently working with hard-to-reach youth groups, and a possible live link up with Bolton FM.”

Volunteering Forum Meeting Our next Forum meetings are: Monday 26th September 2011 12.30 pm - 3.00 pm at The Bolton Hub, Bold Street Monday 28th November 2011 12.30 pm - 3.00 pm at The Bolton Hub, Bold Street This is always a vibrant and exciting opportunity to learn and express your views and opinions on all matters concerning volunteering. To book your place please contact Shahenaz on 01204 546 060. 17

Volunteering Matters Volunteering with a Criminal Record A new publication is now available providing you with all you need to know about volunteering with a criminal record. The aim of this publication is to provide inspiration and useful tips for anyone interested in volunteering with a criminal record. We hope it is useful for: Those who are advising and supporting ex-offenders; Organisations that involve volunteers; Potential volunteers. The booklet was published by Back on Track in 2011 with Volunteering Greater Manchester and Manchester City Council Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership. If you would like a copy of this booklet please contact Volunteer Centre Bolton on 01204 546060 or go to www.backontrackmanchester.org.uk/publications for an electronic version of this document.

Have you used volunteers from marginalised groups? 6 good reasons why you should! 1. You can have a rich, diverse atmosphere in your work place which will benefit paid staff and volunteers alike. 2. Social responsibility. You have the opportunity to outreach and support, less privileged people at the same time as improving your services. 3. You can increase your customer base. You will have an increased opportunity to attract marginalised groups and diversify your clientele. You can understand your clients better and provide them with appropriate services and improve your links with the community. 4. You can be a dynamic force for change with positive effects on volunteers, staff, the organisations and the community. 5. You will be choosing from a wider pool of talent and able to recruit people who are often committed, reliable and loyal. 6. Improved diversity can help you draw down funding. We are looking to organise a Volunteering Fair with opportunities for marginalised groups in 2012. If you are interested in being involved with this, please contact Heather Potter on 01204 546062.


Bolton Carers Support

Are you caring for someone? If so, contact Bolton Carers Support for confidential information and support. With so many of us caring for family members who need support due to long-term illness or disability the work of the local charity Bolton Carers Support is more important than ever. They offer:

Information and emotional support “I’ve come to the realisation that I need some help but I don’t know where to start or who to contact ...” When you are looking after someone, it can be hard to find out what help may be available or to know the ‘right questions to ask’. Whatever your query, or to talk your situation over with someone else, please contact our Carers Helpline on 01204 363056 or drop-in to see us at Thicketford Centre, Thicketford Road, Tonge Moor, Bolton, BL2 2LW. The Helpline and Drop-in are open from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Thursday.

Carers courses and workshops They provide free courses, workshops and taster sessions to help you in your caring role (first aid; money matters; mental health awareness; diet and nutrition) or for your own personal development (creative writing, looking good - feeling good, arts and crafts). Here’s what one carer had to say ... “Not only are these events a good opportunity to have some time away from the caring role, but it is helpful to meet up with other people who are also carers and who understand how hard this can be sometimes. It is wonderful to take some time out for ourselves and relax in a friendly atmosphere ...There is a tendency for carers to become ‘lost’ in their role and lose their self-worth. The course gave us the opportunity to find out how we can improve the way we look and feel, which leads to a growing sense of selfconfidence ... I have enjoyed each event that Bolton Carers Support has arranged for us carers (‘the forgotten ones’). It is nice to have the work we do acknowledged and rewarded in this way. I look forward to future planned events.”

Short breaks Having a short break is important to maintain health and well-being, yet many carers find it difficult to have some ‘time off’ from their caring responsibilities. They have a varied programme of outings, ranging from meals out to day trips. For a free Carers Information Pack and copy of the latest newsletter, please contact Bolton Carers Support on 01204 363056 or visit www.boltoncarersupport.org.uk


Health & Care Together Re-Launch of Day Care Services at Asian Elders Resource Centre The day care services were re-launched at Asian Elders Resource Centre on 27th July. The centre has been refurbished through Transition Funds making it fully accessible. They offer a wide range of services and provide specialised support with all daily living tasks. Some services include; bathing, personal care, social interaction, activities, respite for carers, meals and transport. The services will be provided by a qualified team of staff and available to wider communities from September. For more information contact Shabeen Rehman on 01204 651123 or email on shabeen@aercbolton.co.uk

Update on the latest NHS News It was announced in the summer last year that the Primary Care Trusts (PCT) would be abolished by 2013, and a new way of working would be set up that would have greater emphasis on Patient and Public involvement. Massive change has begun to take place which has included the formation of PCT Cluster Boards. Bolton PCT is part of the Greater Manchester Cluster which is now up and running and with monthly Board meetings in operation. The Bolton PCT Board meetings have continued and are known as the Locality Boards. The 10 PCTs within Greater Manchester remain individual statutory entities with a defined financial allocation. On the NHS Greater Manchester Board from Bolton we have two directors: Mrs Pam Senior – Non-Executive Director and Ms Jan Hutchinson – Director of Public Health.

Health, Care & Wellbeing Forum Keep up to date with all the changes by coming to our bi-monthly meetings of the Health, Care & Wellbeing Forum. The next meeting is 13th September 12.30 - 2.30 pm. Speakers will be John Rutherford – Director of Adult & Community Services, who will give an update on the situation and talk about the future plans and developments, and Lesley Jones – Deputy Director of Public Health, NHS Bolton, who will give an update on the national and local NHS and outline the development of the Health & Wellbeing Strategy for Bolton. Our third speaker will be John Green – LIFT Program Manager, NHS Bolton, who will speak about the developments and timescales for the opening of Bolton One. For information and agenda/papers contact Farzana on 01204 546050.

GP Commissioning Groups /Clinical Commissioning Groups These Groups will take on responsibility and accountability from the PCT for commissioning the majority of NHS services in Bolton. There are two consortia in Bolton: The Bolton Health Consortium has focused on planning the detail of the projects in the following priority areas: Triple Aim in Primary Care, Prescribing, Urgent Care and Demand Management. The planned next steps include the following: appoint to vacant Clinical Lead posts, produce clear timetable for Practices on what to expect, board members to visit Practices; Develop plan to meet requirements and milestones for Consortium authorisation; Agree and implement Communication and Engagement Strategy; Produce Organisational Development Plan; and Review of commissioning support needs and engagement with Greater Manchester Commissioning Support Service. The Bolton Collaborative Consortium meets monthly and have invited a representative from Bolton University to the next meeting to discuss a GP Commissioning Course. The Consortium is fully engaged with NHS Bolton and has received pathfinder status. The Consortium has met with Bolton Health Consortium and will be delivering on different areas, so there are no gaps and full cross over in developments and plans. 20

Health & Care Together Shadow Health & Wellbeing Board for Bolton The key functions of the board are to advance the health and well-being of the local population, providing the lead on overall population health, to encourage integrated working, to bring together key NHS, public health and social care leaders to work in partnership and to provide public accountability across these areas. This includes the development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and a high level joint health and wellbeing strategy (JHWS) that spans the NHS, social care, public health and other wider determinants, such as housing and leisure.

Public Health National Public Health recommendations have now been published. The bold changes proposed in Healthy Lives, Healthy People are a response to the challenges we face to the public’s health. For example, two out of three adults are overweight or obese; and inequalities in health remain widespread, with people in the poorest areas living on average seven years fewer than those in the richest areas, and spending up to 17 more years living with poor health. And major health threats remain, ranging from the risk of outbreaks or new pandemics to the potential impact of terrorist incidents. This challenge requires a new approach, reaching out to local communities therefore Local Authorities will be taking new responsibilities for public health. Giving this role to Local Government opens new opportunities for community engagement and to develop holistic solutions to health and wellbeing embracing the full range of local services (e.g. health, housing, leisure, planning, transport, employment and social care). Local Authorities’ new public health responsibilities will be supported by a ring-fenced budget, working across all three domains of public health: health improvement, health services, health protection. Directors of Public Health will lead this work. Local authorities will be supported by a new integrated public health service, Public Health England, which will drive delivery of improved outcomes in health and wellbeing and protect the population from threats to health. Public Health England will bring together in one body the diverse range of public health expertise currently distributed across the health system. To read further information and the new guidelines please visit the www.dh.gov.uk Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Update and Way Forward published July 2011.

Royal Bolton Hospital Foundation Trust Community services have now been integrated with services provided by Royal Bolton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. The name of the new integrated care organisation will be Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, as voted for by public and staff. The names of the Royal Bolton Hospital and community clinics and health centres will not change, nor will telephone numbers. The email for current hospital staff will be as in heather.edwards@boltonft.nhs.uk Staff from Bolton community services will maintain their PCT email address (@bolton.nhs.uk) until their account is transferred and they will then use the same suffix as hospital based staff i.e. @boltonft.nhs.uk. Initially, information about community services will remain on the PCT’s website, but there are links to that from the existing Foundation Trust site. Work will be undertaken over future months to put all the Foundation Trust’s service information – hospital and community – onto one website. Currently visit: www.boltonhospitals.nhs.uk or www.bolton.nhs.uk 21

Legal Update Charity Commission launches updated governing documents The Charity Commission has launched updated versions of its model Articles of Association, Constitution and Trust Deed. These model documents now have the same provisions for benefits and payments to trustees and those closely connected with them. All of the models now: • allow a trustee or connected person to be paid for supplying just goods to the charity (in addition to the statutory power for them to provide services) • allow a trustee or connected person to be employed or remunerated by the charity subject to prior authority by the Charity Commission • include the same provisions for addressing conflicts of interests and conflicts of loyalties • allow a minority of the trustees to receive financial benefits as beneficiaries (i.e. where the benefit is money or has a monetary value) • encourage charity members to resolve internal disputes themselves before resorting to litigation • make it clear that charities operating substantially in Scotland and/or Northern Ireland must not apply their property for purposes which are not charitable in those countries These governing documents allow charity trustees to run their charities in a flexible way, subject to a range of controls which reflect sound operational practice. (Taken from Charity Commission 20/06/11) Visit http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/Start_up_a_charity/ Guidance_on_registering/mgds.aspx for more information.

Becoming a Registered Charity Does your group have an income of £5,000 or more and is run for public benefit? If you answered yes, then you are required by law to register with the Charity Commission. A charity is a particular type of voluntary organisation - one that takes a distinctive legal form. Charities must provide benefit to the public not to a specific individual. Their aims, purposes or objectives have to be exclusively those which the law recognises as charitable. For more information on setting up a Registered Charity or support to adopt appropriate governing documents and complete the application process, contact the Bolton CVS Funding and Development Team on 01204 546010.

All Legal Update information is available as hard copy or Large Print versions by contacting Jackie on 01204 546020 or email jackie@boltoncvs.org.uk 22

Who’s Who at Bolton CVS Community Engagement (01204 546040)

Bolton CVS Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9.30 am - 12.30 pm / 1.30 pm - 4.30 pm

Co-ordinator: Sarah Lever - 01204 546045 Systems and Information Development Worker: Diane Craddock - 01204 546040

Central Management & Company Support (01204 546010)

Development Worker: Louise McDade 01204 546047

Chief Executive: Karen Minnitt 01204 546010 Operations Director: Stephen Baker 01204 546013 Company Administrator: Jackie Gildert 01204 546020

Community Engagement Workers: Jolene Dodd, Yasmin Rahbar, Tracey McCue, Christopher Oliver Relief Community Engagement Workers: Zahida Abbas, Monica Ballani, Hema Chevli, Rehana Makkan, Samim Vali

Finance & Administration (01204 546010)

Bolton Volunteer Centre (01204 546060)

Finance Manager: Jane Rushmore 01204 546022 Finance Assistant: Julie Fletcher 01204 546027 Relief Admin Support Workers: Caroline Arkwright, Sam Armstrong, Denise Benyon, Anne Burt, Brenda Grinstead, Chris Hayden, Pam Livesey, Anne Newton, Wendy Houghton, Kirsty Upham

Co-ordinator: Heather Potter 01204 546062 Admin Support Worker: Shahenazbanu Patel - 01204 546060 Volunteers: Vivienne Harwood, Mamona Juneja, Malcolm Kent, Bhavna Kothari, Thomas Taylor, Kelly Whittle

The Bolton Hub (01204 546000)

Funding & Development (01204 546010)

Development Worker: Dawn Brindle 01204 546002

Group Development Co-ordinator: Helen Tomlinson - 01204 546017 Grants Co-ordinator: Mark Grundy 01204 546026 Grants Support Worker: Sharon Bolus 01204 546025 Grants Admin Support Worker: Sumaiya Kazi (maternity leave) Relief Admin Support Worker: Wendy Houghton - 01204 546028

Hub Receptionist Volunteers: Andrea Wilson, Bianca Atherton, Brenda Appleton, Chris Judd, Debbie May, Heather Collings, Janine Stokes, Jasmin Greenwood, Joanne Rimmer, Judith Leach, Kiron Phang, Lorna Black Lynn Pooley, Rachel Appleton, Sarah McFarlane, Shahad Al-Hadidi, Sharon Jones, Stephanie Jones, Symone Akhtar, Tracy Hopgood, Tracey MacLellan, Yasmin Holgeth

Health & Care Together (01204 546050)

Hub Caretaker/Cleaner: Harry Hubert

Co-ordinator: Thaira Qureshi 01204 546053 Admin Support Worker: Farzana Patel 01204 546050

You can email any of the staff using their first name: Sumaiya@boltoncvs.org.uk 23

Bolton CVS including Community Engagement, Health and Care Together, and Bolton Volunteer Centre, are all based at:

The Bolton Hub, Bold Street, Bolton, BL1 1LS Our FREEPOST address is FREEPOST RRRZ-SXZB-LTAY Bolton CVS, Bolton BL1 1LS

Your contribution is needed... We are keen to include your articles, information, experiences, diary dates, training events, inserts. Ways in which you can contribute to this newsletter: • Send your contribution to the Editor at Bolton CVS (address above) or by email to: jumbo@boltoncvs.org.uk • If posting, please save the text in Microsoft Word, please also include a paper copy • We reserve the right to edit articles or not to publish • The views expressed in JUMBO do not represent the policy or views of Bolton CVS, the Board of Trustees, staff or volunteers of Bolton CVS • We may also place articles on the CVS website

Bolton CVS Tel: 01204 546010 Fax:01204 546011 Email: admin@boltoncvs.org.uk www.boltoncvs.org.uk

Community Engagement Tel: 01204 546040 Fax:01204 546011 Email: engagement@boltoncvs.org.uk www.boltoncvs.org.uk/bolton-community-network

Bolton Volunteer Centre Tel: 01204 546060 Fax:01204 546011 Email: admin@boltonvolunteering.org.uk www.boltoncvs.org.uk/volunteer-centre

Health and Care Together Tel: 01204 546050 Fax:01204 546011 Email: hct@boltoncvs.org.uk www.boltoncvs.org.uk/health-andcare-together

The Bolton Hub Tel: 01204 546000 Fax:01204 546001 Email: hub@boltoncvs.org.uk www.boltoncvs.org.uk/the-bolton-hub

COPY DEADLINE FOR THE JANUARY 2012 ISSUE: Friday 25th November 2011 DEADLINE FOR INSERTS: Thursday 8th December 2011

Bolton CVS is registered in England as a Company Limited by Guarantee No. 2615057 Registered Charity No. 1003123

Funded and supported by Bolton Council

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