The 2021-22 academic year was one of positivity and progress for the Bolton School Foundation, despite the economic and political turbulence.
The changes to our structure in October 2021 – establishing the new role of Head of Foundation and creating the new Primary Division – have already resulted in much progress across all parts of the Foundation. In February 2022, the Governing Body was delighted to confirm the appointments of Lynne Kyle as Head of Girls’ Division and Nic Ford as Head of Boys’ Division. The summer then brought two sets of successful GCSE and A Level results followed by record admission levels in both Senior Schools for the new school year. As we emerged from the shadow of the pandemic, there was much of which our School community should be proud.
The portrayal of independent schools which now prevails in much of the press – as bastions of privilege serving only a small segment of society – is unrecognisable as a description of Bolton School. Through our substantial bursary scheme and extensive partnership and outreach work, we serve our local community wholeheartedly and have a pupil body which is economically and socially diverse. This work is fundamental to the national renown in which the Foundation is held, ensuring that we continue to be seen as a force for positive change in Bolton and beyond.
We know this view of the Foundation is shared by our whole community and nowhere is this more evident than in the generosity of our supporters. During the 2021-22 academic year, an outstanding £1.7m was given in support of the bursary scheme, with a further £140,000 donated for hardship funding and £111,000 for extra-curricular support for bursary pupils, university scholarships for recent leavers and the redevelopment of the Leverhulme Pavilion facilities. This staggering generosity reveals the depth of our supporters’ confidence in the work of the Bolton School Foundation and their understanding of the transformational impact this will have on the young people who benefit from it.
Despite the continuing global economic uncertainty, the Governing Body’s commitment to ensuring that any young person who has the potential and would thrive here should have the opportunity to do so, regardless of their family’s circumstances, is steadfast. It remains our ambition that by 2030 our bursary
scheme will have expanded to reach the point where one in three pupils in the Boys’ and Girls’ Divisions will receive bursary funding. This goal is hugely stretching and will, undoubtedly, become ever more so in the coming years but, with the continued support of our donors, we have every confidence it will be achieved.
With this ambition in mind, the Governing Body is constantly mindful of the political context in which the Foundation operates and of the potential implications of legislative changes to the charitable status of independent schools which are currently being mooted. We are, as you would expect, preparing carefully – as far as we are able – for the impact a change of government would have upon the Foundation’s finances, both immediately and in the medium to long-term. The Bolton School Bursary Foundation, the new charity established in 2022 to raise, hold and grant bursary funds in the future, is a key part of this planning. We are determined to do all we can to ensure that we are able to continue the role of creating social mobility for the next generations of young people living locally. Whilst nothing is certain, by securing the funds so generously given by our supporters over the past 25 years, we hope to maximise their future growth and ensure that this is the case.
On behalf of the Governing Body, staff and pupils of the Bolton School Foundation, thank you for your support during the last academic year. Whether your generosity enabled the expansion of our bursary scheme, provided hardship funding for families in financial distress or ensured a level playing field for our bursary pupils’ participation in trips and extra-curricular activities, every gift the Foundation received has benefited both individual students’ lives and the wider school community. I hope you enjoy reading of the difference your support has made to the Foundation during the past year – it truly is deeply appreciated by everyone here on Chorley New Road.
With all best wishes for the year ahead.
Ian Riley Chair of the Bolton School Governing BodyLast year, your generous support provided 50 bright, talented members of the Class of 2022 with the opportunity to pursue their ambitions and realise their dreams.
In the A Level results published in the summer of 2022, 68% of those bursary recipients achieved grades A*-B, with 36% of those pupils securing grades A*-A.
37 bursary recipients from the Class of 2022 left the School to study at university, with 24 pupils taking up a place at one of the prestigious Russell Group universities, including Oxbridge.
“Coming from one of the worst schools in one of the worst areas of Bolton, and from a lower income family where no one had completed college or sixth form before, I cannot put into words the joy I felt on being accepted into such a prestigious school. Without the bursary, none of this would be possible. I cannot thank the School, and the donors that make this possible, enough for their continued support.”
During the 2021-22 academic year, the School community made pledges and gifts totaling £1.96 million in support of the School and its pupils.
£1.71 million was given in support of the Bolton School Bursary Fund, including £51,000 donated by 201 families of the departing Class of 2022, who gifted their child’s deposit to the Bursary Fund, and a further £778,000 –enough to provide three full-fee bursary places at the School in perpetuity – bequeathed by three Alumni who had remembered the School in their wills.
As a result of this exceptional generosity, last year the School spent £3.1m on means-tested bursary assistance supporting 329 – one in five – pupils across the two Senior Schools.
A further £140,000 was donated by a charitable trust to provide hardship funding for pupils whose families were facing financial challenge, enabling 15 pupils to continue their studies at the School, whilst £111,000 was donated to support the provision of extra-curricular and uniform and ancillary costs for bursary recipients, for academic prizes in the two Divisions, to provide university scholarships for recent leavers, and for the redevelopment of facilities. This included a £50,000 gift donated to fund the refurbishment of the facilities at the Leverhulme Pavilion, and £13,000 in bequests left by an Old Boy, to support football facilities in the Boys’ Division, and by a former member of staff in the Girls’ Division, to support extramural activities in English Language, respectively.
John and Sally’s donation has facilitated a new outreach partnership – Flourish – between Bolton School and the youth charity OnSide, which aims to promote social mobility by encouraging a wider range of applications to the School’s bursary scheme from young people who might otherwise never even have heard of Bolton School, nor understood that they might thrive here.
The donation will support 14 pupils with means-tested bursaries, funding two Year 7 pupils a year for seven years through to completion of their A Level studies at the School. These bursaries are available for young people who are members of OnSide Youth Zones, to support their education and cover any additional expenses to ensure they benefit from all the opportunities the School has to offer.
As a result of a pilot scheme which ran during the Autumn Term 2021, in September 2022 three pupils joined Year 7 of the Girls’ Division, all of whom have already thrown themselves into School life wholeheartedly.
“Sally and I know that talent is evenly distributed, but opportunity is not. Bursaries are a brilliant way to level this up. Bolton School is an amazing place and we want young people from OnSide to have the same fantastic experience there as I did. We’re extremely proud of the new pupils and look forward to following their progress.”
John RobertsWe are privileged to receive the generous support of so many members of the Bolton School community, and take our responsibilities in the stewardship and management of these gifts seriously:
• Every donation we receive goes directly to support the bursary scheme or to the purpose directed by the donor - all costs associated with the running of the Development Office are borne entirely by the School;
• Outside School hours, we use our buildings and facilities to generate income, with the annual profits from the School’s trading arm, BSSL, and the School’s Nursery gifted back to School to support our bursary scheme;
• The bursary funds held by the School are managed with care by the Governing Body’s Investment Committee to ensure investment gains are maximised whilst safely preserving the capital for the future;
• The School’s Clerk and Treasurer applies a strict formula to calculate the total annual funds available to spend on bursaries, in order to preserve and grow the value of the School’s bursary funds in an endowment style, thus ensuring financial support remains available to both current and future pupils;
• All bursaries are entirely means-tested, awarded via a transparent and rigorous allocations process designed to ensure that financial support reaches those who are the most deserving of it. This allocations process, which includes detailed financial checks and individual interviews, is reviewed annually, and all bursary applications are renewed entirely at the end of Year 11, before a child’s admission to the Sixth Form.
The Development Office is responsible for all fundraising activity in support of the Bolton School Foundation. If you would like to make a gift to support the School’s bursary scheme, or are considering remembering the School in your will, please contact Laura Firth, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, on 01204 434718, or at development@boltonschool.org, who will be happy to discuss with you, in confidence, how you might choose to support the School.
The School is sincerely grateful to all of those donors who have offered their financial support to the Foundation during the past academic year:
Dr and Mrs S Ahmed
Mr Munir and Mrs Tayyaba Ahmed
Mr Brian and The Late Mrs Shirley Aldred
Mr Stephen Aldred
Mr and Mrs A Ali
Mr Craig Allen
Mr and Mrs S Amari
Mr John Anderson
Mrs Julie Andrews
AO Retail Ltd
Dr S and Dr M Arya
Mr and Mrs M Ashcroft
Mr Phillip Ashton
Mr Martin P Ashton
Mr Graham Ashurst
Mr David Aspinall
Mr David Astle
The Late Mrs Margaret Astley (In Memory of The Late Mr Hugh Astley)
Mr and Mrs T Asumu Anonymous
Mr and Mrs L Baby
Mr L Backhouse
Mrs S Joy Bailey
Lady Bain (Gwynneth Vickers)
Mr and Mrs S Baker
Mr and Mrs A Baker
Ms Sarah Ball
Mr and Mrs M Bamford
Mr and Mrs J Barker-Smith
Dr and Mrs A Basu
Mr and Mrs D Battersby
Mr Ian Beattie
Mr Derek Beaumont
Mrs H Patricia Bellis
Mr Nicholas Bennett
Dr Peter H Bennett
Miss K Benson
Mr and Mrs J Bentham
Mr A and Miss V Bentley
Mr Jonathan Bergwerk
Mr and Mrs H Bhutawala
Mr Mian Bibi and Mrs S Satter
Mr Norman and The Late Mrs Audrey Binks
Ms E C Birkett
Mrs Lesley Birtwistle
Mr and Mrs M Birtwistle
The Late Mrs Florence Bishop (née Webster)
The Late Mr Peter Bishop
Mr Mark Bisson
Mr and Mrs James Blackhurst
Mr Alan Blenkinship
Mrs Sandra Bloch
Dr K Bodger and Dr J A Palin
Mr Ian and Mrs Suzanne Bolton
Mr and Mrs Bolton
Professor Joan Givner (née Short)
Miss Jane Glass
Mr David Glassman
Mr J Glynn and Dr C Glynn-Hunt
Mr and Mrs Godwin
Mrs Susan Gold (In Memory of The Late Mr Roger Mangnall)
Mr and Mrs J Goloba
Mr J Roger Gould
Mr Stephen Greenhalgh
Mr and Mrs Greenwood
Mr Paul Greenwood
Mr Benjamin Griffiths
Mr Michael and Mrs Karen Griffiths
Mrs Tracy Grime (née Perry)
Miss Nicola Grinstead
Mr Sarfraz and Mrs Hafsha Hafeji
Mr Matthew Haisley
Mr Didier and Mrs Amanda Halford
Dr Abid and Mrs Aisha Hamid
Mr Alexander Hamilton
Mr and Mrs D M Hammond
Mr L Neil Hampshire
Mr Wei Han and Ms Anika Bazaerbieke
Dr Jeremy and Dr Gillian Hann
Mr and Mrs N A Hansford
Mr Colin Harding Professor David Hargreaves
Dr Saira and Mr Duncan Harkness
Mr Harry and Mrs Helen Harper
Mr Mark and Mrs Julie Harper
Mrs Judith Harrop
Miss Lucy Harvey
Mr Grahame Harwood
Mr Abid and Mrs Anisa Hasan
Mr Amim Hasan
Mrs Eileen Haslett
Mr Ali Hassan and Mrs Asha Noor
Dr Ian Hawkins
Mr Robert Haworth
Mr David Heale
Mr Nasser and Mrs Hafida Herez
Dr Annabel Hesford
Mr Andrew Heyes
Ms Judith Hibbert Anonymous
Dr N Higham and Dr F Tisseur
Mr Robin and Mrs Anna Hill
Mr Geoffrey Hind
Mr J Trevor Holden
Miss Pamela Holer
Mrs Elaine Holland (née Angus)
Mr Andrew Holland
Mr Michael Holmes Professor R Malcolm Horner Mrs Marjorie Horrell
Mr Stefan Horsman
Mr Vijaya Hosahalli Kempanna and Mrs Suma Kumar
Mr David and Mrs C Houghton
Mrs Jean Howarth
Dr Kathleen Howarth
Mr Antony Howcroft
Mr Malcolm Howe
Mr David and Mrs K
Mr Charles and Mrs Amanda Nuttall
Mr David Nuttall
Mr Charles Ogden
The Old Boltonians’ Lodge
Reverend S Margaret Oldroyd
Mr D Openshaw
Mr James O’Reilly
Mr A Owens
Mr Anthony Page
Mr Andrew and Mrs Karen Palmer
Mr and Mrs Pan
Miss E Jane Panton
Dr Julie Papleacos
Mr G and Mrs V Parikh
Mr John Parker
Mr R Parmar and Dr H Lewis-Parmar
Mr M A Parry and Ms M Dixon
Mr I A M Patel and Mrs N Ahmed
Dr Jocelyn Patel
Mr Maksud and Mrs Nasreen Patel
Mr Mayoor Patel
Mr Mohammed and Mrs Munira Patel
Mr and Mrs Y Patel
Mr A and Mrs Gill Paterson
Mrs Diana Pennington (née Brown)
Mr Paul Pennington
Mrs Patricia Philp
Mr S and Mrs J Phillips
Commander David Pickup
Dr David Picton
Mr Mark C and Mrs Joanne E Platt
Dr Daniel and Mrs A Pope
Porsche Bolton
Mr and Mrs D M Porter
Dr Elizabeth Poskitt
Mr Mark and Mrs Karen Preston
Dr Michael and Mrs Patricia Priestley
Mr Robert Prill
Mr Alan Prince
Mr David Probett
Profesora Irvine - Spanish Language Consultancy
Mr Nadarajah and Mrs Logithaverny
Dr and Mrs A Ramadan
Mr Arif and Dr Nadia Rattoo
Mr Shana-E-Raza Razvi and Mrs Najma Raza
Dr Yusra Razzaq
Miss Jane Redford
Regency Estates
Mr Ross and Mrs Fabienne Reilly
Dr Zahid Riaz and Dr Rubeena Razzaq
Mrs Gill Richards
Mr Peter Richards
Mr Alan Richardson, OBE Anonymous
Mrs Kathleen Ricketts (née Waddicar)
Mr Philip and Mrs Sarah Riding
Mr John Rigby
Mr Ian Riley
Ms Nicola Riley
Mr Rimmer and Miss Hunt
Mrs Vivien Rink
Mr John and Mrs Sally Roberts
Mr and Mrs C Roberts
Mrs Marjorie Rothera
Dr Derek Rothwell
Mr Mohammed Sardar and Mrs Vahida Patel
Mr Thomas Sawbridge
Mrs Sheila Sawyer
Mr J Norman Scott
Mr and Mrs A Seddon
Mr David Sellwood
Dr Samarnath and Mrs Kamalika Sen
Mr Kallol Sen
Dr Ishtiyaq and Mrs Naureen Shaikh
Mr David Shaw
Mr Michael Shaw
Mr Robert Shipperbottom
Dr David Short
Mr Alan and Mrs Jade Shum
Mr Rob and Mrs Yvonne Shum
Mr John Shuttleworth
Professor Nigel Slater
Slater’s Menswear
Mr Roger Smith Mr Duncan Smith
Mr F Sotgiu and Mrs L Thomas
The Late Mrs M Ann Sparrow (née Berry)
Mr James P Speak
Mrs B Speakman
The Late Mr Speakman
The Late Dr David Speirs
Mr Dominic and Dr Lisa Sprott
Dr J Mike Stansbie
Mr and Mrs M Stenton
Mr P M J and Mrs S Stephenson
Professor Malcolm Stevens, OBE FRS and Mrs Valerie Stevens
Mr David Stewart
Mr Eric Stones
Mr Mark Stringfellow
Mr Richard Stubbs and Mrs C Parker-Stubbs
Mr Martin Styan
Dr Z Subhani and Mrs Saima Jawaid
Mr Peter Suntha
Dr Jonathan W and Mrs Rebekah Swan
Mr and Mrs P J Taberner
Dr Mehamed Tahier and Dr Munira Peer
Mrs Ran Tao and Mr Jian Gao
Mr Clifford Tasker
Mr H Mike Tate
Mr Antony Taylor
Mrs Carol Taylor
Mr Paul Taylor
Taylor & Taylor Financial Services Ltd
Dr Louise Teague
Mr Martin Thompson
Mr Rik Thwaites
Mr John Tomlinson
Miss Jacquelyn Tonge
Mrs Sheila Tonge
Mr M Thompson and Ms D Trueman
Mr M and Mrs F Umarji
Miss Amanda Valentine
Mrs Aileen Valentine (née Warren)
Mr T and Mrs D Varkey
Mr James D Vose
Mrs Joyce Vickers (née Riley)
Mr Martin Wadsworth
Mr Tony Wadsworth, CBE
The Wakefield Grammar School Foundation
Mr A Paul and Mrs Jayne Walker
Mr Andrew Walker
Mr Mark Walker and Ms Anjula Booth
Mr Peter Walker
Mrs Suman Wallis
Professor Ian Walsh, MBE
Mr James Walsh
Mr David and Mrs Gillian Warburton
Mr W Ross Warburton, MBE
Miss Yvonne Warburton
Mr George Ward
Mr Nigel Waters
Dr P Waugh and Dr J Corkindale
Mr Stanley Webster, OBE
Mr R Whyte and Miss E Haslam
Mrs Barbara Wild Mr and Mrs N Williams-Denton
Mr D and Mrs J Williamson
Sir Malcolm Williamson
Mr Martin and Mrs Svetlana Williamson
Dr Philip Winston
Mr Anthony K Wood
The Late Mr Jim Wood
Mr Stephen Wood Squadron Leader William Wood
Mrs Zonia Wood
Mr D Woodward and Ms
The Scott Trust
The Stevens Fund
The Stoller Charitable Trust
The Treeside Trust
The Ross Warburton Charitable Trust
The Williamson Educational Charitable Trust
The Zochonis Charitable Trust
Mrs J Booth
Mrs Kathryn Critchley
Mrs Margaret E Davies (née Walsh)
The De Maine Family
Dr Michael Dillon
Mr Rob Dobson Girls’ Division Parents’
Dr and Ms J A Morgan
Mrs Katy Morley
Mr David and Mrs Julie Morrison
Ms Janet Morritt
Mr John Moulton
Miss Elizabeth Mullenger
Mr Chris and Mrs Stephanie Murray
Nautilus Smugglers Club
Mr Roy H Needham
Mrs Elizabeth Newton Anonymous
Mr Peter Nightingale
Mr Sanbir and Mrs Narinder Notay
Mrs Claire Robinson
Mr David Robinson
Ms Judith Robinson
Mr Nigel and Mrs Elizabeth Robson (née Fairless)
Roe and Co Sales
Mr Jim and Mrs Alison Rodger
Mrs Emma Rodriguez dos Santos
Mrs Sheila Roe
Mr Richard and Mrs Emma Roebuck
Mr and Mrs Roked
Mr Andrew Roscoe
Mr Christopher and Mrs K Titley
Mr Raymond Travis
Dr Shiva and Dr Leena Tripathi
Mr Sean K True
Mrs Kathleen Trustrum
Mr Simon Turner
Mr Mark and Mrs Lorna Tyldsley
The Late Dr Bernadette Tynan
Mr Uddin and Mrs Zarina
Mr and Mrs S Ughradar
Mr and Mrs Umar
The George Lancashire Commmunity Action Award
Lord Leverhulme’s Charitable Trust
The Leverhulme Trust
The Platt Fisher Lecture Fund
The Raspin Fund
The Roberts Fund
The donors listed above pledged their support, or made a gift to the School, between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022, or have remembered the School in their will.
Every effort is made to ensure that the Roll of Honour is accurate, and we apologise wholeheartedly if there are any inaccuracies. Please do inform the Development Office if that is the case.
Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4PA
Registered Charity No: 110703
t. 01204 434718 e. development@boltonschool.org
w. www.boltonschool.org
Registered Charity Number: 1196968