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Your Support
During the 2021-22 academic year, the School community made pledges and gifts totaling £1.96 million in support of the School and its pupils.
£1.71 million was given in support of the Bolton School Bursary Fund, including £51,000 donated by 201 families of the departing Class of 2022, who gifted their child’s deposit to the Bursary Fund, and a further £778,000 –enough to provide three full-fee bursary places at the School in perpetuity – bequeathed by three Alumni who had remembered the School in their wills.
As a result of this exceptional generosity, last year the School spent £3.1m on means-tested bursary assistance supporting 329 – one in five – pupils across the two Senior Schools.
A further £140,000 was donated by a charitable trust to provide hardship funding for pupils whose families were facing financial challenge, enabling 15 pupils to continue their studies at the School, whilst £111,000 was donated to support the provision of extra-curricular and uniform and ancillary costs for bursary recipients, for academic prizes in the two Divisions, to provide university scholarships for recent leavers, and for the redevelopment of facilities. This included a £50,000 gift donated to fund the refurbishment of the facilities at the Leverhulme Pavilion, and £13,000 in bequests left by an Old Boy, to support football facilities in the Boys’ Division, and by a former member of staff in the Girls’ Division, to support extramural activities in English Language, respectively.