Bolton School Primary Division Junior Boys’ School Thursday 8th February
Spring Term, 2024 — WEEK A
From Mrs. Faulkner Firstly I'd like to say thank you to all parents who took the time to complete the parent survey as part of the ISI inspection which is currently taking place in school. As I write, we have almost completed the process and the boys and staff are enjoying the opportunity to share with our visitors the great work that goes on in school every day. Last night, our Year 6 boys sung their hearts out as they performed at the Young Voices concert at the AO Arena. This is always a wonderful occasion where the boys really are performing under the bright lights of the big stage, with the band behind them and, of course, throwing some interesting shapes too. Such events are important to us in school as they offer the boys the opportunity to take their music to a completely different level and feel a part of something fantastic - the staff always enjoy getting into the groove too. Thank you very much indeed to the parents and staff who make it possible for us to attend events like this, particularly this week with so many other things going on.
Thursday 8th February Beginner Ski Course, our U11 footballers played in the AJIS Cup Final. We regularly perform well in this 4pm (collection from Yesterday, competition against a number of strong NorthWest independent schools and I am delighted that we Chill Factore 6.30pm or have reached the final once again. Tomorrow, our U11 hockey team will also be competing in the AJIS tournament, fresh from their victory in the first round of the north-west In2Hockey tournament. Park Road 7pm) It has been lovely to see so many boys enjoying the opportunity to represent school in the last few weeks, whether that is at a 1st or 4th team level. the pride the boys take in being a part of a school LAMDA, 4-5pm, team is a real pleasure. Safer Internet Day has been celebrated globally this week. Our Digital Leaders visited Beech House Jujitsu, 4—5.30pm earlier this week to share their expertise with Year 2 children and tomorrow we will be focusing more Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm upon this with the whole school. The theme for this year is ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, Friday 9th February AJIS U11 Boys Hockey Tournament, LP 11—2pm Fencing, 4-5pm Water Polo, 4-5pm NO Hockey 4-5pm Monday 12th February Sibling photos, 8am Judo, 4-5pm
managing influence, and navigating change online’. This is a great opportunity to focus on online safety with your child, whatever their age. There is a range of pages to help you start a conversation with your child, whatever that may be about and no matter how much time you have, more details can be found here :
Next week, our Year 5 boys will be enjoying a Taster Morning at Senior School. You will have received further details about this directly from the Admissions Registrar at Boys' Division. The boys should come to school as normal that morning and we will escort them to their taster session and bring them back to Park Road in time for a slightly late lunch. Also next week, Mr Britton will be hosting a coffee afternoon on Wednesday 14th February from 2.30pm to 4.00pm in the Boys’ Division dining room. More details overleaf. Finally, looking even further ahead and in the hope of better weather, plans are already afoot for our Summer Festival. The Bolton School Summer Festival will take place on Sunday 23rd June. It will be an afternoon of activities for all ages, open to all Bolton School families as well as the wider community. More details to follow in due course. If you are interested in joining our foundation-wide team with the planning of this event then please get in touch by emailing Alternatively, if you or your business would be interested in sponsoring an element of the Festival or donating prizes for our Grand Raffle, then please get in touch.
Contacting the School Office Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735
Tuesday 13th February Y5 Taster Morning , BD Chess, 4-5pm Pickleball, 4-5pm
The School Office is open from 8.15am — 4.15pm during term time. Please note that any texts sent by the Office cannot be replied to. Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form. Please note that ParkRoadOffice email is no longer monitored. If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner. For all coach/transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:
Wednesday 14th February Mr Britton’s Coffee Afternoon, 2.30—4pm, BD Swim Development, 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm Thursday 15th February U10 Football vs King’s Macc (A) - KO 2.30pm Beginner Ski Course, 4pm (collection from Chill Factore 6.30pm or Park Road 7pm) LAMDA, 4-5pm, Jujitsu, 4—5.30pm Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm
News from the Park Road PA Breakfast Club—Friday 16th February, from 8am: Please find linked here details of the Breakfast Club on the morning of the last day of this half term. Three items for £1.50. If you are able to assist the PA on the day, please get in touch: WhatsApp — if you would like to join the PA WhatsApp Group to keep up to date with all things PA, please click on the following link: PA Mailing List — if you would like to be added to the PA mailing list, please get in touch: Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter/X: @BSPDJnrBoysPA
Ear phones / Headphones Please be reminded that all boys should have named earphones/headphones in school every day, ideally they should be non-bluetooth and wired. Just like their iPad, they should be taken to every lesson. CDH
Year 6 Young Voices Concert We hope the Year 6 boys and their parents, grandparents, siblings and friends all had an amazing evening at the AO Arena last night.. For those who were unable to attend, you can watch a recording of the concert by heading over to This can be streamed from later today and includes lots of backstage and bonus footage.
Coffee Afternoon—Wednesday 14th February Friday 16th February PA Breakfast Club—8am NO After School Hockey Fencing, 4-5pm Water Polo, 4-5pm BREAK UP FOR Monday 26th February
After the success of the coffee morning Mr Britton hosted for parents in September, we will be having a tea, coffee and biscuits afternoon on Wednesday 14th February from 2.30pm to 4.00pm in the Boys’ Division Dining Room. Parents from all parts of the Foundation are welcome and it may especially suit those waiting for Primary Division pupils in cars at that time. Mr Britton will say a few words around 3.00pm. Parking will be available in Dobson Road Quad from the earlier time of 2.30pm. Access into the Dining Hall is directly behind the Quad.
Visits to Patterdale Hall—Important Dates Please note the date of your son’s visit to Patterdale Hall this year : Year 3:
Thursday 9th to Friday 10th May
Year 4:
Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th May
Year 5:
Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd May
Year 6:
Monday 29th April to Friday 3rd May.
All visits are compulsory as they form part of your son’s curriculum.
STAFF INSET DAY Tuesday 27th February School reopens for boys
An information evening for Year 3 parents and parents of boys new to school this academic year will take place at 7pm on Thursday 14th March — more details will follow nearer the time, as well as a list of kit your son will need for his trip.
February Half Term Holiday Club Please find linked here details of the February half term holiday club run by Kidzone. Book early to avoid disappointment !
February Geography Mission Read and review a book with a geographical theme! Choose a book, which has a geographical theme. There are some examples opposite and lots of books in the Library e.g. books by Matt Dickinson! During February, read the book and then write roughly an A4 page review. Your review should include: A description of the book and the author Discuss what you liked about the book What would you like to know more about after reading the book? Consider whether it links to your current Geography lessons. How to submit your creative book review: email with your submission by Thursday 29th February at 9am! -
Earthshot Competition 2024 Details of Bolton School’s Earthshot Competition 2024 can be found in the Whole School Showbie folder, where boys should submit their digital entry. The boys recently heard from Sir David Attenborough championing the thought that we should all be encouraged to rebuild biodiversity wherever and whenever we can. He told us that we should work with nature to make life healthier and happier, not only for ourselves but also for every living creature and plant on the planet. The challenge set for the boys in Earthshot 2024 is to identify an issue that adversely affects biodiversity (close to home or far afield – it doesn’t matter) and to devise a solution to that problem which will have an impact for good. Entries should be in the form of a one page, digital poster which explains in words and images what the problem is and how it can be improved.
The poster can be created using any digital medium or on paper with a photograph then being uploaded. The closing date for the competition is 3rd March, after which judging will take place and winners will be announced from across the Foundation. The competition is not compulsory but we hope that lots of boys will be inspired to enter and we look forward to reading the posters. Good luck ! KEW
Reminder—Sibling Photos
Burns Night Supper
Please be reminded that if you have signed up for a photo of your son with his siblings from across the Foundation, that we have arranged for the school photographer to be at Park Road on Monday 12th February from 8.15 am.
The recent Burns Night Supper organised by the Boys’ Division was a huge success.
Please note that children will have to be escorted to and from the Nursery, Beech House and Hesketh House by parents and that Park Road staff are not able to return children to their usual setting. Children from Senior Boys or Girls may make their own way to Park Road, however, we do ask that parents ensure that they arrive at Park Road to meet their children ready to have their photograph taken.
Thank you to all the guests who attended and were so generous in the buying of raffle tickets; the sponsors who donated so much: Cowgills, Scan Computers, InoRail, Yew Tree Inn at Anglezarke, Quest Painting & Decorating Contractors; and all the parents who kindly donated items for the raffle hampers. Over £1,500 was raised for the Woodland Project, enabling school to plant at least 20 new trees in the Tudor Avenue area. This is a fantastic result and could not have been achieved without input from everybody listed.
Sports News Congratulations to our cross country runners who took part in the Greater Manchester Cross Country Championships at Heaton Park in Manchester last weekend. Well done to all four of the Park Road boys (and Hesketh House girls) who took part in the fixture and who all ran so fantastically. MLB
Visit from Author, Helen Rutter Year 5 and Year 6 boys were joined by the girls from Hesketh House for a fascinating talk from visiting author, Helen Rutter, last week. From the very beginning, Helen had us all completely absorbed as she demonstrated our willingness to be socially compliant. It was fascinating to learn about her latest character, Reggie Houser, who, despite struggling with ADHD, discovers that he has a hidden talent – he is able to hypnotise people ! Parents, please be warned, as Helen taught the boys a few clever tricks on how to use mind control on family and friends! It was clear that she has inspired some budding authors amongst us. Helen also signed copies of her books for some of the boys who had pre-ordered copies.
Please note that Monkmans (school uniform shop) on Dobson Road will will be closed with from Monday 19th February to Monday 26th February, inclusive.
Congratulations ! Congratulations to all the boys who have been awarded commendations by their teachers for their outstanding achievements in school this week! Please do let us know if your son has achieved great things outside of school—we would love to share his news with the wider school community. GF