Bolton School Junior Boys' Weekly Newsletter - 11 Jan 2023

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Bolton School Primary Division Junior Boys

Happy New Year, welcome back and a very warm welcome to our new boys and their families. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and your boys were happy to return to school.

As we start a new year, it is a chance for the school and the boys to look back at the year gone by. What did we achieve? What could we improve? How can we improve? In our assemblies, we discussed the boys’ previous achievements and how these had been achieved. We identified common approaches in which we had achieved prior success: perseverance, passion, purpose, planning and practice. What goals do we have for 2023? How can weachievethese?

We discussed setting SMART targets; being specific about the goal, making sure you can measure what you have set out to do. Is the goal achievable? Is it relevant to what you do on a day to day basis and have you set time constraints? All of these can help us to achieve our goals.

In the coming weeks, we will be working with the boys on goals and targets in school but we would encourage you to set some goals at home, as a family. What can be achieved in a year? We’d love to hear about your endeavours outside of school- perhaps we can share your stories in assemblies or the newsletter?

School Uniform Shop

Please note that Monkhouse’s click and collect service will be suspended for three weeks whilst upgrades are made to the system.

A more detailed message is attached to the email accompanying this newsletter.


Before Christmas, I emailed details of our upcoming Parents’ Association AGM, which will take place on Wednesday, 15th February, at Park Road, starting at 7pm. . We also asked for volunteers for key roles. So far we have received very few responses.

Please could I ask you to refer to the email sent on 15th December, 2022 for more details and contact School should you be interested in any of the advertised roles.

Contacting the School Office

If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner.

For all coach / transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:

January Y6 Hajj Workshops (afternoon) Swim Development Club (by invitation), 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30pm Thursday 12th January Y6 Senior School Entrance Exam Jujitsu, 4-5.30pm LAMDA, 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30pm Friday 13th January Pop Project all morning U11 ABCD Football vs MGS (away) (KO 2.30pm)
School Hockey, 4-5pm, collection from LP NO WATER POLO TRAINING AFTER SCHOOL
Wednesday 11th
Term, 2023 WEEK A Wednesday
Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735 e:
8.15 am 4.15 pm during term
Please note that any texts sent by the
School Spring
11th January Park
The School Office
open from
Office cannot be replied to.
Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form. Please note that ParkRoadOffice email is no longer monitored.

Year 6 Parents Teenage Journey Talk

Parents of Year 6 boys may be interested in the date for the next Teenage Journey session is Monday 16th January on the topic of : ‘Relationships and Sex Education: Talking to boys about respect, intimacy and consent.’

Mrs Brandon, Deputy Head of Senior Boys’ Division, will be presenting her talk at the Leverhulme Suite in the Riley Centre and the evening will start at 7.00pm with the aim of finishing circa 8.00pm.

The theme provides an opportunity to discuss why it is essential the boys receive really clear, consistent and evidence-based teaching about this topic, to share our teaching resources with parents, as well as providing clarity about our RSE provision at Bolton School.

There will be an opportunity for questions too. The usual set-up (parking on Dobson Road Quad, event takes place in the Leverhulme suite, refreshments provided etc) will apply.

Water Polo Training


Please note that there will be no water polo training on Friday 13th January due to the number of boys on the away football fixture at Manchester Grammar School who will only be arriving back at Park Road at approximately 4.30pm. Most of the Hesketh House girls are also out of school on a fixture.

Please make sure your son has appropriate pick up arrangements in place as he will not be back in time to catch the coach if he has been selected for this fixture.


16th January Y6 Interviews for Senior School
4-5pm Mad Science, 4-5pm Ski Lessons, Chill Factore, collection 6.30pm CF, 7pm PR Teenage Journey, 7pm, Leverhulme Suite Tuesday 17th January Y6 Interviews for Senior School Swim Development Club (by invitation), 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30pm PA Meeting, 7pm, Retreat, Chorley New Road
19th January Y6 Interviews for Senior School Jujitsu, 4-5.30pm
/ Earphones in School Headphones/earphones are an essential piece of kit for school and are day. not be an expensive brand and ideally should not be battery powered or have a Bluetooth connection to the school iPad.
and more boys are turning up at school without them and
a result, are unable to take part in the audio/visual
of lessons using the iPad. Visits to Patterdale Hall—Important Dates Please note the date of your son’s visit to Patterdale Hall this year : Year 3:Thursday 4th to Friday 5th May Year 4:Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th April Year 5:Wednesday 26th April to Friday 28th April Year 6:Tuesday 9th to Friday 12th May All visits are compulsory as they form part of your son’s curriculum. An information evening for Year 3 and Year 4 parents and parents of boys new to school this academic year will take place at 7pm on Thursday 23rd March more
, as
details will follow nearer the time, as well as a list of kit your son will need for his trip.

DT Recycled Art Project

If you have an old, wooden skateboard at home (broken or otherwise!), please bring it to the School Office, to be passed on to Mr Winstanley, who will be undertaking an up-cycling project this half term.


Tub2Pub Recycling Scheme

Calling all chocoholics!

Please don’t throw your plastic chocolate tubs away after your Christmas indulgences! Send them along to school to join the growing pile in Mrs Winstanley’s office which will make its way to a local Greene King pub at the end of the month as part of the Tub2Pub recycling scheme.

Please collect from friends and family too and, hopefully, we can better the total number of tubs collected last year.

For more information about this follow link below; Thank you ! KEW

SOCS Password

Please note that we now use a system called SOCS, which sends out an email to parents when their child has been selected for a specific sports fixture.

To access the full team sheet you will need to use the password Bolton5ch00l! if your son is selected for fixtures. All sports fixtures across the Foundation can be accessed at

Please contact me if you encounter any issues with logging on to this website. Mr Grieve

Winter Weather

Please ensure that your son brings a warm, waterproof coat to school with him every day. It is now extremely cold, and very often wet, and we do expect the boys to go outside at break times, so a warm coat is very helpful indeed.

Please ensure that the coat is clearly named, as they do all begin to look very similar to each other when we have over two hundred coats in the building!

If your son wishes to wear a vest under his shirt, please also ensure this is named and white. Thank you.


Huge congratulations to Jasper Daniels, in 4A, who skied in the Ambition Championships in Hinterreit, Austria, recently. Jasper raced in four separate races, across four days and earned a place on the podium in each race. Jasper was delighted to come home with two Bronze medals in Giant Slalom, one Silver medal in Slalom and one Gold medal/trophy in Pro-Slalom.

Jasper also scored the highest points on his team (for overall rankings across the four days) and helped Precise Racing achieve 3rd position in the team’s league.

Jasper skied in some very challenging conditions and gained so much experience and is now getting ready for The English Alpine Championships in Italy, in February. What amazing achievements, Jasper. We are really proud of your success and all wish you the very best in your next competition !

Congratulations to Teddy Daly, in 6A, who captained his cricket team in the national indoor Under 11's cricket tournament in Birmingham on Saturday.

Although his team finished third, Teddy was awarded a trophy for most valued player for the whole tournament. Well done, Teddy !

Well done to Henry Longton in 3A (and his sister), who went to Derian House to donate some presents for Christmas to the children there.

What a lovely thing to do.

Well done to Svojas Dubey, in 3A, who passed his guitar Grade 1 exam during the Christmas holidays and to Joseph Stoddart (in 6A), who was awarded a Distinction from Trinity College, London for his piano exam.

Please do let us know if your son has achieved great things out of school. We would love to share this with the whole school

January Geography Mission

Ready, steady, cook!


- Choose a country or city of your choice. This could be a country you have visited, are going to visit or would like to visit in the future. This could link to the last monthly mission.

- Choose a meal native to that country to cook at home with your family.

- Take pictures of the different stages of the cooking and then take a picture when it is ready to eat

- Write a short paragraph to explain how you made your dish and which country it is native to.

How to submit the pictures and review of your meal: email with your submission by Tuesday 31st January by 4pm or upload to Showbie Whole School/Geog Competition.



Year 6 Hajj Workshop

This afternoon, Year 6 boys attended a a very informative Hajj workshop, delivered by Imran Kotwal from Muslim Learning, to introduce their new RE topic.

The style of the session, with the boys moving between the pilgrimage sites at Mecca to replicate the five days of Hajj worked well and kept the boys engaged. The fact that Imran could speak from personal experience about the different places and could give background information about the reasons for the stages of Hajj in an anecdotal manner, whilst always retaining factual accuracy and suitable respect for the subject matter, was important.

The boys completed a worksheet on their ‘travels’ and some boys were able to wear Ihram to add to the experience.

All boys will be building on this work in their RE lessons this term.


Forgotten Kit

Just a reminder that if your son forgets any books, homework, sport, PE or swimming kit, etc., please do not make the journey to school to drop it off for him.

Having to explain to his teachers will help him to problem solve for himself and, we hope, not make the same mistake again!

Rest assured, we shall always lend equipment to him to enable him to participate in his lessons.

Water Polo Training


Please note that there will be NO WATER POLO TRAINING after school on Friday 13th January, due to the away football fixture at MGS only arriving back at school at approx. 4.30pm. AW

After School Activities

If your son is unable to attend any of the after school activities that he signed up to, please could you ensure that you inform the activity provider in advance, if it is a schoolrun activity, or Mrs Iddon in the School Office, to let them know that he is unable to attend.

We have spent a lot of time recently chasing non attendees for after school activities which means time is reduced on them for all the other boys involved.

Mobile Phones

Father Christmas seems to have been very generous with new mobile phones for many boys !

Please ensure that your son has his mobile clearly named so we can reunite him with it, should he leave it on the coach or it be picked up by another boy by mistake.

If your son does not catch the coach home or walk home, we would discourage bringing a mobile to school at all.

Contact Details

Please let Mrs Iddon in the School Office know by email ( if you have moved house over the holidays or changed your mobile telephone number or if any other contact details need to be updated for you or your son.

Thank you.

News from the Park Road PA

Happy New Year! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas.

Please note the next PA meeting will be on Wednesday 18th January at 7pm at Retreat on Chorley New Road

If you have any items you would like to include on the agenda, please email them to by Sunday 15th January. We hope to see you there.

Social Events – If you have any suggestions of social events you would like to see organised by the Parents Association please get in touch –

WhatsApp Group Don't forget to join the PA WhatsApp Group if you haven't already - please click on the following link:

EasyFunding App – Online shopping can also generate funds for the school PA, by simply using the easyfundraising app and linking your account to

Twitter – Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter: @BSPDJnrBoysPA

Year 6 Play: Important Dates

Due to a range of events in the school calendar, the Year 6 Play 2023 will now be taking place over the following three evenings: Tuesday 4th at 7pm, Wednesday 5th at 7pm and Thursday 6th 5pm. Please note that the Year 6 play is one of our compulsory events and all Year 6 boys are expected to attend, we therefore want to make you aware of this date, in the final week of term, as far in advance as possible.

Closer to the time of the play, rehearsals are understandably very important for all boys to also attend and it would help us if you could avoid the following rehearsal dates when making medical appointments:

Monday 17th April: 9.15-10.25 – boys visiting the Girls’ Division theatre

Friday 5th May: 9- 12.00

Monday 22nd May: 13.00 – 16.00

Monday 5th June: 13.00 – 14.30

Wednesday 7th June: 13.00 - 14.30

Friday 9th June : 10.30 – 12.00

Monday 19th June: half day rehearsal (afternoon)

Friday 23rd June: 9-12.00 (half day rehearsal)

Monday 26th June: full day rehearsal

Friday 30th June: morning - dress rehearsal

Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th: show dates MLB

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