Bolton School Junior Boys' Weekly Newsletter - 13 March 2024

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Bolton School Primary Division

Junior Boys’ School

Wednesday 13th March

Y6 Trips to Cuerden Valley, all day


Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm

Thursday 14th March

Y6 Science Masterclass, BD, all day Quiz Club, semi-final, 10am

LAMDA, 4-5pm, Jujitsu, 4—5.30pm Cubs, 6.30 7.45pm

Friday 15th March

ESSA Swim, Everton, all day

ISFA U11 Sevens Football Tournament, SGS, KO 11am

Fencing, 4-5pm

Water Polo, 4-5pm

Hockey 4-5pm

From Mrs. Faulkner

Thank you very much indeed to everyone who got involved in the World Book Day activities. All of the boys were very enthusiastic about the various activities planned throughout the day and there was a fantastic array of costumes on show. Of course, the sugar injections at both the beginning and end of the day with the Breakfast Club and Cake Sales bookmarking the in-school events, what’s not to love? Thank you very much as ever to the dedicated team of Parents’ Association volunteers who made this possible.

I am often asked how the money the PA raise is spent in school. There are always a range of answers to that question, which can vary from providing sports equipment at break times, buying our Year 6 leavers their hoodies at the end of the year and many other such things. Over the last few years, I have been asking our PA to support a re-development of the Science room in order that we can add in more cookery, both to the wider curriculum and extra-curricular programme and they have been keen to do so. Unfortunately, delays due to Covid have hampered that particular development but I am delighted to say that it will be undertaken during this Easter holiday. Mr Hough has chosen his cupboard doors and we’ve finalised where the cookers will go and we are all very excited to see the finished room and working in it with the boys. We will, of course, share pictures once it is completed.

Earlier in the term, I wrote to tell you that Mrs Winstanley would be leaving us at the end of the Spring Term and that I would update you once we had recruited her replacement. I am delighted to tell you that following a most interesting day of interviews, we were able to recruit an excellent teacher from a strong field, in the form of Mrs Lisa Hunt. Mrs Hunt is originally from the north-west but has worked in a range of independent schools across the country, most recently Claremont Preparatory School in Surrey and we are delighted that she will be joining us.

As some of you may know, Mrs Winstanley has been absent from school since the half term break, following a medical procedure. Her recovery is taking a little longer than she had anticipated but we are hopeful that she will be able to return to school before she officially leaves us at the end of term.

In the meantime, Mrs Hunt has been able to provide the majority of the cover for Mrs Winstanley’s lessons in her absence which will greatly assist her in settling into our routines in what is always a busy half term.

Details of BSSL’s Easter Sports Camp and Outdoor Adventure Camp can be found linked here as ever, book early to avoid disappointment.

Contacting the School Office

Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735


The School Office is open from 8.15am 4.15pm during term time. Pleasenotethat anytexts sentbytheOfficecannot berepliedto.

Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form. Please note that ParkRoadOffice email is no longer monitored.

If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner.

For all coach/transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:

Spring Term, 2024 WEEK B Wednesday 13th March

Monday 18th March

Y6 Trip to Quarry Bank Mill, all day Warhammer Club, 4-5pm Judo, 4-5pm Indoor Cricket Nets (by invitation), 4-5.30pm

Tuesday 19th March

Y5 Trip to Ordsall Hall (5A & half 5B), all day

Bolton Dance Festival, Albert Halls, 12.20 8.30pm Chess, 4-5pm Pickleball, 4-5pm

Wednesday 20th March

Y5 Trip to Ordsall Hall (half 5B & 5C), all day Swim Development, 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm

Thursday 21st March

Y4 Trip to Martin Mere, all day LAMDA, 4-5pm, Jujitsu, 4—5.30pm Cubs, 6.30 7.45pm

News from the Park Road PA

World Book Day Breakfast Club / Book Sale Thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped with our Breakfast Club and Cake / Book Sale last week.

Bag2School Collection Weds 27th March (8-9am)

Please have a good clear out over the next few weeks and bring bags in on the day (not before, please!) to the Staff car park. If you need more donation bags, please let us know.

WhatsApp if you would like to join the PA WhatsApp Group to keep up to date with all things PA, please click on the following link: If you would like to be added to the PA mailing list, please get in touch:

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter/X: @BSPDJnrBoysPA

Upcoming Music Events and Trips

We have lots of musical events and trips this half term, involving a huge number of boys. Please be reminded of the following date for your diary :

Monday 25th / Tuesday 26th March: Park Road Music Festival.

Entry forms for the Music Festival have been sent out, please make sure that your son’s entry form is returned to school before the deadline of .Monday 18th March, as any entries received after the deadline of will NOT be included.

Last Wednesday, Year 5 had their year group concert in the Arts Centre.

They are a talented bunch with 33 individual performances played on piano, drums, saxophone, trumpet and guitar.

All the boys performed on the recorder and ended the concert with 'Rhythmic Scientific', a rap about how to plan an experiment, 'World Without the Wheel' and 'The Truth About the Tudors', a catchy song with many interesting Tudor facts.

Many thanks to the individual instrumental teachers who helped prepare the boys for their performances. HJO

Annual Friends of Bolton School Plant Sale

Details of the annual Friends of Bolton School plant sale are now available. We are delighted to say that there have been no price increases this year.

The quality of our plants is well recognised and it would be wonderful if you would support this popular event and help make it even bigger. Orders should be placed before the end of March and plants will be available for collection from Saturday 11th May. View the plants in the A-Z Guide linked here. Orders can be placed using the form linked here or by e-mail

Feel free to pass on details to all of your friends and family.

Visits to Patterdale Hall

Important Dates

Please note the date of your son’s visit to Patterdale Hall this year :

Year 3: Thursday 9th to Friday 10th May

Year 4: Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th May

Year 5: Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd May

Year 6: Monday 29th April to Friday 3rd May.

All visits are compulsory as they form part of your son’s curriculum An information evening for Year 3 parents and parents of boys new to school this academic year will take place tomorrow at 7pm on Thursday 14th March

March Geography Mission: Ready, Steady, Cook !

Choose a country or city of your choice. This could be a country you have visited, are going to visit or would like to visit in the future.

Choose a meal native to that country to cook at home with your family.

Take pictures of the different stages of the cooking and then take a picture when it is ready to eat

Write a short paragraph to explain how you made your dish and which country it is native to.

How to submit the pictures and review of your meal: email with your submission by 4pm on Sunday 31st March



Kidzone Easter Holiday Schedule

Please find linked here all the details of the upcoming Easter Holiday club programme for Kidzone. As always, book early to avoid disappointment !

World Book Day

A huge thank you to all staff, parents and boys for helping us to celebrate a great day last Thursday, celebrating World Book Day.

Inspired by our school trip to the Octagon Theatre before Christmas, to watch the fantastic production of 'Around the World in Eighty Days,' all staff dressed up as the iconic locations visited by Phileas Fogg including. Mr Porter & Mr Minta as New York; Mr Livesley & Mr Duxbury as London; Mr Price as Dublin, Mrs Lowe as Paris, Miss Cox & Mrs Gould as India; Miss Fletcher & Mrs Brisk as Japan; Mrs Faulkner as San Francisco; Mr Hough & Mrs Hough as China; Mrs Clarke as Singapore and Mr Winstanley as Liverpool.

In the assembly, boys had to listen carefully to Phileas Fogg's, clues to unlock his journey around the World and correctly guess the teacher dressed as the location too. Flynn (6A) did a fantastic job in the role of Phileas Fogg, dressed as an Oompa Loompa!

In forms, boys decorated their class doors linked to a book of their choice, had class photographs to celebrate and share their costumes, shared their favourite books, listened to teachers reading them a chosen story, took part in a World Book a day BBC live lesson book and enjoyed a treasure hunt at lunch time too.

A special thank you to parents on World Book Day for their support with costumes and the very exciting Breakfast club and Cake/Book Sale they hosted after school too.

We have raised lots of funds which will be donated to the Park Road Library. MLB

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