Bolton School Primary Division Junior Boys’ School Wednesday 14th February
Spring Term, 2024 — WEEK B
From Mrs. Faulkner Thank you very much to the many parents who contributed to the ISI inspection process last week. Whilst it will be a while before we are able to share a final report with you, hearing from the inspection team that the boys are happy, feel safe and that the school is a caring community where they learn not only the academic skills they need, but also the skills required to make a positive difference to their community and the wider world, made me very proud indeed.
Thursday 15th February U10 Football vs King’s Macc (A) - KO 2.30pm, return 5.15pm Beginner Ski Course, 4pm (collection from Chill Factore 7.45pm or Park Road 8.15pm) LAMDA, 4-5pm, Jujitsu, 4—5.30pm Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm Friday 16th February PA Breakfast Club 8am Fencing, 4-5pm Water Polo, 4-5pm NO Hockey 4-5pm
Some of you may have seen from Twitter that I have recently been asked to contribute a short piece for the Independent School Parent magazine. I am aware that the Independent School Parent magazine is unlikely to be one of the glossy magazines adorning your coffee tables at home and so have copied that short article below. We all want the best for our children and are keen to provide them with every opportunity we can but before you know it, time after school is spent rushing between activities. There is no question that access to a range of activities can be beneficial and enjoyable, however when it is punctuated with stressful journeys across town and snatched meals, those benefits are quickly eroded. Agree what your child enjoys and is manageable, making sure that at least two nights a week are activity free to allow time and space to relax together as a family. Taking an interest in your child’s day is important. However, picking over every detail can create pressure: instead, ask what they enjoyed and listen without judgement or demand and allow them space to think it through for themselves. It’s rare as adults we want to pore over every detail of our day, so it should be no surprise that our children aren’t too keen either. Finally, clear and calm bedtime routines should always be a priority as it is during sleep that children’s brains and bodies are able to process the day and recover, setting them up in a positive mood for the new day ahead.
I am pleased to announce that Philip Britton, the Head of Foundation, has been elected as national Chair of HMC for 2025/6, and will begin a term of office as Chair Elect in September this year. This is, of course, a voluntary role in addition to his usual duties here at Bolton School. It is a good time for us to have better insight into the national debate and to have a greater role in helping to shape those discussions for independent education. Please note that due to the PA Breakfast Club tomorrow morning, from 8am (Friday 16th February), there will be NO Fitness Club. I wish you all a lovely half term when it arrives.
Contacting the School Office Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735
e: The School Office is open from 8.15am — 4.15pm during term time. Please note that any texts sent by the Office cannot be replied to. Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form. Please note that ParkRoadOffice email is no longer monitored. If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner. For all coach/transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:
Tuesday 27th February School reopens for boys Pickleball, 4-5pm (catch up session) Chess, 4-5pm Wednesday 28th February Swim Development, 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm Thursday 29th February Y5 & Y6 English Masterclass – Greenbank Prep., Cheadle Hulme (4 boys), all day LAMDA, 4-5pm, Jujitsu, 4—5.30pm Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm Friday 1st March In2Hockey U11 NW Finals - Chester (times TBC) Online Quiz Club Heat, 10am Fencing, 4-5pm Water Polo, 4-5pm Hockey 4-5pm Saturday 2nd March EPSCA Chess, all day, PR
News from the Park Road PA Breakfast Club — tomorrow - Friday 16th February, from 8am: Please find linked here details of the Breakfast Club on the morning of the last day of this half term. Three items for £1.50. If you are able to assist the PA in the morning, please get in touch: or let Mrs Iddon in the School Office know. WhatsApp — if you would like to join the PA WhatsApp Group to keep up to date with all things PA, please click on the following link: PA Mailing List — if you would like to be added to the PA mailing list, please get in touch: Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter/X: @BSPDJnrBoysPA
Ear phones / Headphones Please be reminded that all boys should have named earphones/headphones in school every day, ideally they should be non-bluetooth and wired. Just like their iPad, they should be taken to every lesson. CDH
Year 6 Young Voices Concert Last Wednesday, the Year 6 boys went to the AO Arena in Manchester to join with nearly 9000 other children to take part in this year's Young Voices. The boys spent the afternoon rehearsing before performing alongside Nandi Bushell, MC Grammar and Natalie Williams and dancing along with Urban Strides. We had brilliant seats, right next to the stage, and the boys all had a great time and sang their hearts out!
Many thanks to all the teachers who came along, I'm sure one lasting memory from the evening will be Mr Porter dancing away to the 90s dance mashup! HJO
Visits to Patterdale Hall—Important Dates Please note the date of your son’s visit to Patterdale Hall this year : Year 3:
Thursday 9th to Friday 10th May
Year 4:
Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th May
Year 5:
Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd May
Year 6:
Monday 29th April to Friday 3rd May.
All visits are compulsory as they form part of your son’s curriculum. An information evening for Year 3 parents and parents of boys new to school this academic year will take place at 7pm on Thursday 14th March — more details will follow nearer the time, as well as a list of kit your son will need for his trip.
PLEASE COULD WE REMIND ALL PARENTS TO COMPLETE THE CONSENT FORM ON PARENT PORTAL FOR YOUR SON(S) BY MONDAY 4TH MARCH LATEST. February Half Term Holiday Club Please find linked here details of the February half term holiday club run by Kidzone. Book early to avoid disappointment !
February Geography Mission Read and review a book with a geographical theme! Choose a book, which has a geographical theme. There are some examples opposite and lots of books in the Library e.g. books by Matt Dickinson! During February, read the book and then write roughly an A4 page review. Your review should include: A description of the book and the author Discuss what you liked about the book What would you like to know more about after reading the book? Consider whether it links to your current Geography lessons. How to submit your creative book review: email with your submission by Thursday 29th February at 9am! -
Earthshot Competition 2024 Details of Bolton School’s Earthshot Competition 2024 can be found in the Whole School Showbie folder, where boys should submit their digital entry. The boys recently heard from Sir David Attenborough championing the thought that we should all be encouraged to rebuild biodiversity wherever and whenever we can. He told us that we should work with nature to make life healthier and happier, not only for ourselves but also for every living creature and plant on the planet. The challenge set for the boys in Earthshot 2024 is to identify an issue that adversely affects biodiversity (close to home or far afield – it doesn’t matter) and to devise a solution to that problem which will have an impact for good. Entries should be in the form of a one page, digital poster which explains in words and images what the problem is and how it can be improved.
The poster can be created using any digital medium or on paper with a photograph then being uploaded. The closing date for the competition is 3rd March, after which judging will take place and winners will be announced from across the Foundation. The competition is not compulsory but we hope that lots of boys will be inspired to enter and we look forward to reading the posters. Good luck ! KEW
Eco News Well done to our Chorley New Road litter pickers (Teddy and Yusuf) who gave up part of their lunchtime to make sure that our streets are nice and clean. Keep up the good work, boys ! SL
Lost Property We have accumulated a large amount of lost property from around the building this half term. Named items are, of course, returned to their owners. Unnamed items will be on show to the boys next week for them to see if any belong to them. Please help your son and staff by naming all items brought into school and showing your son where they are labelled. On Friday (16th February) all unnamed and unclaimed lost property will be recycled. CDH
Sports News Round Up
AJIS U11 Football
AJIS U11 Hockey Tournament
Our U11 footballers played really well in the AJIS Cup match last week but unfortunately were knocked out in the semi finals.
Last Friday a number of boys from our hockey squad took part in the annual AJIS Tournament at the Leverhulme Pavilion.
Be proud of your teamwork, boys ! TG
After a strong performance last year and a good year of training behind them, the team headed into the competition with a positive outlook. After a steady start against King’s Macclesfield, the team grew in confidence, scoring plenty of goals and showing excellent stick skills. After the group games, the team were in second position and played King’s Chester in the semi final. After taking the lead early, they fell to a 3-1 defeat against last year’s champions. Following the semi final loss, the team faced Kirkham Grammar in the 3rd/4th play off. Following a strong team perforce the team finished 3rd. Congratulations to all involved. TG
TT Rock Stars Number Day Results Park Road came 75th out of 3793 schools - can we make it into the top 50 next time? Over All School Winners 1st
Ayaan Caan (16th in whole country - out of 277, 522 students!)
Vivaan Bhandary (25th in whole country)
Neel Dontula
The Class Winners 1st
Y5 - Mrs Winstanley's Maths Class
Y6 - Mr Porter's Maths Class
Please note that Monkmans (school uniform shop) on Dobson Road will be closed from Monday 19th February to Monday 26th February, inclusive.
News from the Art Room Year 6 has been exploring the land art of Andy Goldsworthy by creating small sculptures with natural materials. It has been great to see some fantastic collaboration between the boys as well as some wonderful, exploratory talk. Boys were saying, "What if we tried this?" Or, "We could do this..." whilst experimenting and playing with sticks, stones and leaves as sculptural objects. These kind of open-ended, inquisitive tasks are an important part of embedding critical thinking and developing self-directed learners. JPM