Bolton School Primary Division
Junior Boys’ School
Summer Term, 2023 WEEK A
Thursday 15th June
We have experienced very hot weather over the last few weeks, so have had to make adjustments to some of our routines. We currently have a tent on the field for shade and a further gazebo will be appearing later today. It has been noticeable that a large number of boys have not been bringing in water bottles. Water bottles are always a requirement, but, in this weather, they are imperative. We would also ask that all boys bring in sun cream and a sun hat. Both crucial in this heat!
Thursday 15th June
Y3, House Swimming Jujitsu, 4-5.30pm LAMDA, 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30pm
Friday 16th June
Y6 Play Rehearsals, am Water Polo Training, 4-5pm
NO After School Hockey Year 6 Leavers’ Party, Air Vault, 5.30 –7pm
Saturday 17th June
ESSA Primary School Swim Finals, Sheffield
Sunday 18th June
Semi-Final, Nottingham
Depart PR : 6.30am
Return PR : 6.30pm approx.
We would like to make parents aware of planned road closures from Monday 19th to Monday 26th June. The closure will take place from The Beehive on Chorley New Road, to Beaumont Road. Diversions will be in place and signposted.
Last Wednesday, we held our Year 4 concert and on Tuesday, we held our Year 3 concert. These were opportunities for our musicians (as well as poets and news reporters in Year 3) to showcase their talents in front of their families and friends. Both events demonstrated the hours and hours of practice the boys put in, as well as their determination and courage to perform. We hope the boys are rightly proud of their efforts and some others are encouraged to take up a musical instrument next year.
All eyes now turn to our Year 6 production of “Oliver Jr!”. Tickets are now on general release. Please don’t miss this opportunity to see the big send off for our Year 6 boys. As well as super entertainment, there will, of course, be food glorious food and we hope you leave asking for “more’!
I know that many Park Road families have connections to the Girls’ Division and to the Girls' Juniors, and that many more of you enjoy hearing of the wider success of the schools within the Bolton School Foundation. In April 2023, the Girls’ Division and Hesketh House were inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), who assessed the quality of the education provided by the two schools and their compliance with various regulatory standards. The ISI’s final report was published at the end of last week and I am delighted to say that both schools have been graded as “Excellent” in each category assessed. On behalf of everyone at Park Road, I send my congratulations to the staff and pupils of the Girls’ Division and Hesketh House following this tremendous report, the full version of which can be read here. Bolton%20School%20Girls%20EQI%20Report%20v5%202023-05-22.pdf
Good luck to our chess players and swimmers who take part in national competitions this weekend.
There has been a notable increase in those seeking approval for additional days of holiday, very often immediately before or after the normal school holidays. We monitor all such absence in order to spot patterns and discern trends. It is timely to remind you that I cannot, by law, grant absence for holidays in term time unless in exceptional circumstances. Theclearsenseoftheguidanceisthat ‘exceptional’ alsomeansrareandcertainlynotdue to the planning of flights and other logistical arrangements. Permission must be granted in advance, so a letter on the day of the absence or a call as a holiday is extended cannotbeauthorised.Thisiswhysuchabsenceisrecordedas ‘unauthorised’.
Contacting the School Office
Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735
The School Office is open from 8.15 am 4.15 pm during term time. Please note that any texts sent by the Office cannot be replied to.
Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form. Please note that ParkRoadOffice email is no longer monitored.
If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner.
For all coach / transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:
Message from Mrs Faulkner- Head of Primary FoundationMonday 19th June
Y4 House Swimming
Judo, 4-5pm
Tuesday 20th June
Chess, 4-5pm
Wednesday 21st June
Y3 performing to Y2 Cubs, 6.30pm
Thursday 22nd June
ABRSM Music Exams
Y5 & Y6 House
Swimming, 2.30 pm
Jujitsu, 4-5.30pm LAMDA, 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30pm
Friday 23rd June
LAMDA Exams, all day
Y5 & Y6 House Cricket (in Sport)
Hockey, 4-5pm, Leverhulme Pavilion
Water Polo, 4-5pm
Hot Weather
Whilst the mercury continues to rise, please remember to send your son to school with his water bottle, we will remind him to refill it throughout the day. We would also advise sending him to school with named sun cream and a hat. It is likely to be very hot for much of the rest of the week. As it is shirt sleeve order, your son may come to school in short sleeves, no tie and wear shorts.
Cross Nurdle Competition Success
Some of Year 3 entered the CrossNurdle Competition on over the weekend and the host emailed to congratulate them and there are some prizes on their way. Well done, boys! ALH
LAMDA Lessons
If your son is interested in after school drama lessons from September, please click here for further details of the course and cost. Please return the completed form to Mrs Buchanan directly if you would like a place.
World Cube Association
Registration is now open for the World Cube Association competition which takes place on 5th and 6th August at Senior School. There are 120 spots available and some old Park Road boys are already signed up. Further details can be found in the link below: BoltonSummer2023#general-info
Year 3 Concert
OnTuesdayafterschool,Year 3hadtheiryeargroupconcert.
Despite it being such a hot day, the boys rose to the occasion and sang, played, performed and read beautifully.
The concert ended with a Water Medley, accompanied by a few actions too!
Many thanks to music teachers, Mr Price and Mrs Hough for preparing the boys so well. HJO
Year 6 Parents : Local Authority Senior School Places
We should like to remind Year 6 parents that, if your son has been offered a senior school place at a Local Authority school, which you do NOT intend to take up, you should advise that LEA yourself.
We are now beginning to receive invitations for some of our Year 6 boys to attend taster days at other schools. If you have no plans for your son to accept the place, it is important that it should be released quickly into the system, so that another child who was not fortunate enough to receive an offer in the first instance, may benefit from it. Many thanks
U10 Dynamos Cricket Competition AJIS U11 Cricket vs King’s Chester
A mixed team of boys and Hesketh House girls took part in the U10s Dynamos competiton at Egerton Cricket Club. They played as a team for the first time and won four of their five games. They looked like they had been playing together all year ! Well done to all involved. TG
Tennis at Markland Hill
Another week and another AJIS cricket match for our U11 cricketers. On Tuesday, our eight players made the journey west to Chester to compete in the AJIS Cup semi-final. After last week’s final ball heroics, Mr Grieve and Mr Stringer were hoping for a less tense afternoon of cricket. After winning the toss, Teddy D decided to field first, giving us a clear total to aim for.
Three early wickets and the boys were making good progress. Some excellent fielding and stumping from Noah A put us in an even better position going into the last five overs. Our progress slowed and Chester batted their way to 109, setting us a target of 110 to make the final for the first time in nearly 10 years.
Our openers started strongly with Teddy D hitting 20 and George M retiring for the second game, running on 25. Taran G hit a rapid 16 batting at three and was followed by Aash G, 22 and Dhruv P, 10. A tense few final overs meant we needed just two off the last over. An early single from Dhruv P, was followed by a late cut on the off side by Aash G and the call of 'YES' was made. With two balls left, the target of 110 was reached and the boys had reached the AJIS final. Congratulations to Teddy, George, Taran, Aash, Dhruv, Chris, Milan and Noah (wk). The boys will now play Newcastle Under Lyme School in the final.
A special thank you for the travelling support of parents and Mr Stringer. TG
June Geography Mission
Geographical Invention !
Create a piece of technology or transport which could be invented in the year 2050. This could be something to help solve a geographical problem for example, over-fishing, pollution or global warming. This could also be something to help with monitoring geographical issues e.g. temperature increase.
This could perhaps be something to help a specific country or type of country (e.g. low-income country) to enhance their development.
How to submit your geographical invention: email with your submission by Friday 30th June at 4pm!
Year 6 Bikeability Forms
Year 6 parents : if you have not already done so, please return your son’s signed consent forms to take part in Bikeability in the final week of term by tomorrow FRIDAY 16th JUNE.
Please make sure you tick the bike check boxes too before returning the forms.
If your son does not have a bicycle and wishes to hire one, please contact Mrs Iddon in the Office ( and she will arrange this with Bolton Council, who provide these sessions for us.
Big Battery Hunt
The Big Battery Hunt is a nationwide programme to help educate and inspire young people to recycle more used Please send your unwanted batteries to school, where we will store them and then take them to our local supermarket for recycling. There are great prizes to be won for school, including £3500 towards outdoor and garden equipment. SL
Eco Committee News Achievements
Congratulations to Taran Guduru in Year 6, who won a doubles tournament at Markland Hill Tennis club last weekend.
Taran also attained Distinction in Grade 4 piano exam recently too.
Very well done !
Congratulations too to Svojas Dubey in Year 3, who recently played in the UK Chess Challenge Megafinals and has been selected for the Gigafinals in July in Manchester.
Well done and good luck in the chess competition!
Kidzone Summer Holiday Club
The weekly programme for Kidzone’s Summer Holiday Club is linked here. Book early to avoid disappointment !
The Eco Committee conducted its final assembly this week, showcasing their eco code and summary of all of their hard work this year.
Mrs Lowe has completed and submitted our Eco School Green Flag application.
Fingers crossed that the boys receive the recognition for the hard work that they deserve. SL
School Uniform Shop—Opening Hours
Monkhouse will continue to offer appointments for school uniform to customers via on a first come first, served basis. Customers without appointmentsareverywelcometoattend.
Headphones/ Earphones in School
Miss Ormerod has asked if boys could remember that they will need to have their headphones/earphones with them at all time whilst in school in the next few weeks.
Please make sure that your son brings them into school every day. Thank you !
PA Meeting : We are hoping to hold a PA meeting before the end of this term and alsotohold a pre-loved uniform sale and BreakfastClub please doletus know if you are available to assistatthese events.
EasyFundraising online shopping can alsogenerate funds for the school PA by simply using the EasyFundraising app and linking your account:
WhatsApp if you would like to join the PA WhatsApp Group to keep up todate with all things PA, please clickon the following link:
PA Mailing List if you would like to be added tothe PA mailing list, please get in touch:
Year 6 Play: Important Dates
Due to a range of events in the school calendar, the Year 6 Play is now taking place over the following three evenings: Tuesday 4th July at 7pm, Wednesday 5th at 7pm and Thursday 6th 5pm. Please note that the Year 6 play is one of our compulsory events and all Year 6 boys are expected to attend, we therefore want to make you aware of this date, in the final week of term, as far in advance as possible.
Closer to the time of the play, rehearsals are understandably very important for all boys to also attend and it would help us if you couldavoidthefollowingrehearsaldateswhenmakingmedicalappointments:
Monday 19th June: half day rehearsal (afternoon)
Friday 23rd June: 9-12.00 (half day rehearsal)
Monday 26th June: full day rehearsal
Friday 30th June: morning - dress rehearsal
Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th July.
Jump Xtreme Malawi Fundraiser—28th June
Please find linked here the details of the Primary Division fundraiser for the Foundation -wide Malawi appeal at Jump Xtreme in Bolton on Wednesday 28th June, from 4pm. Ticketsare£20each.
It was wonderful to learn more about Malawi during an Assembly presentation by Zayd Mahomed this week. He shared his experience of living there for 6 years and a range of facts about the country, along with lots of photos for the boys to enjoy.
Thank you, Zayd! GF
Year 6 Play: Tickets on sale
We are delighted to announce that tickets for the forthcoming production of "Oliver! Jr" are now on general release.
The show will run for three nights, Tuesday 4th,, Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th July in the Girls’ Division Theatre, starting at 7pm on the Tuesday and Wednesday and the earlier time of 5pm on Thursday.
Refreshments will be available before each show and during the interval in the art rooms across the corridor from the theatre.
Seats will be allocated as tickets are sold, so please purchase tickets early to ensure good seats and avoid disappointment.
Tickets are £5 per person and will be distributed via your son’s form teacher prior to the performance.
Please note that a maximum of five tickets can be purchased per child. Tickets are only available by making a payment on ParentPay (, under “The Year 6 Production of Oliver! 2023”
Don’t miss out on your chance to see this musical extravaganza!
Please do not attempt to order tickets via the School Office.