Bolton School Primary Division Junior Boys’ School Wednesday 15th November
Autumn Term, 2023 — WEEK A
From Mrs. Faulkner
COMPULSORY SCHOOL EVENT THIS TERM: Carol Service, Tuesday 19th December, 7pm
Wednesday 15th November Swim Development, 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30pm Year 6 Concert, 6.45 for 7pm, AC Thursday 16th November Y3/4 Maths Masterclass, SGS, all day BWFC Kids’ Cup, Jujitsu—4-5.30pm LAMDA—4-5pm Ski Improver Course, Chill Factore, 6.30pm (CF) or 7pm (PR) Cubs, 6.30pm Hockey, 4-5pm
This week, it is very busy in school and we are certainly enjoying a variety of activity inside and beyond the classroom. A real highlight for me is the first of our year group concerts, with Year 6 performing a range of solo and group pieces in the lovely surroundings of the Arts Centre. I very much look forward to seeing the Year 6 parents at the event this evening, enjoying the many talents our eldest boys have to share. Later in the week, a number of boys will be enjoying Maths and English Masterclass events—these are excellent opportunities for the boys to work collaboratively in order to solve new and exciting challenges. Our chess players, from across the ages, will have their first competitive fixture this Saturday, 18th November — always a very successful event for the Park Road boys and I very much hope that we will be reporting on another winning weekend. Selection to represent school for any event, whether that is the football team, chess team, masterclass or any other event, is something that the boys cherish and rightly take great pride in. As a staff, we do work very hard in order to rotate selection in order to maximise the opportunities available to the boys, so if your son has not been selected for something, do please reassure him that there will be lots of other opportunities and to stick at his chosen activity in order to achieve his goals. This Friday, the boys will be bringing home their first Interim Reports for this year. These will also be available on Parent Portal, though do please take note that the reports look a little different on the portal and so reference to the hard copy is particularly useful. Next week, we will be holding Parents’ Evenings and details of how to book those appointments have been sent out previously. I hope that the arrangement we have made this year, which allows you to choose between an online or in person appointment, provides a helpful change.
As per last week’s newsletter, on Friday 17th November, the boys are encouraged to accessorise their uniform with spots in honour of Children in Need Day, to which they are invited to make a small donation. Finally, please can I ask you to avoid parking on West Street as this is causing significant issues for local residents trying to gain access to their houses and also poses a risk to the boys as they arrive and depart school. Your support in this is very much appreciated.
Contacting the School Office Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735 e:
The School Office is open from 8.15am — 4.15pm during term time. Please note that any texts sent by the Office cannot be replied to. Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form. Please note that ParkRoadOffice email is no longer monitored. If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner. For all coach / transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:
Remembrance Assembly
Friday 17th November AJIS Football, MGS U11 Football v Birkenhead, H, KO 2.30 Fencing (collection from Beech House), 4-5pm Water Polo, 4-5pm Hockey, 4-5pm Saturday 18th November AJIS CHESS—all day
On Friday morning, in glorious sunshine, Park Road pupils and staff gathered together on the yard to mark Remembrance Day. The flag was raised and lowered by Akela (Mrs Hough) and members of school’s 19th Bolton Cub Pack and the Last Post was played by Boys’ Division pupil, Antoine.
It was a most poignant occasion and it was a pleasure to see the boys all looking so smart, wearing their poppies and observing the two minutes silence with the utmost of respect. KEW
News from the Park Road PA SAVE THE DATE ! It’s beginning to look a lot like … We will be holding a Festive Movie Night after school on Friday 8th December, with a snack and drink included in the £10 ticket price. Details on how to purchase tickets have been sent home with the boys and are linked here. First come, first served; so please do send your forms back to Mrs Winstanley soon. WhatsApp — if you would like to join the PA WhatsApp Group to keep up to date with all things PA, please click on the following link:
Monday 20th November PA Mailing List — if you would like to be added to the PA mailing list, please get in touch: AJIS U10 Rugby @ MTS, all day Twitter – don’t forget to follow us on Twitter: @BSPDJnrBoysPA Judo, 4-5pm Tuesday 21st November Chess, 4-5pm Y3 & Y4 Pickleball, 4-5pm Online Parents’ Evening
Hamper Raffles: - news about how to donate to our annual rainbow hamper raffles will be coming soon— we will be requesting donations suitable for a hamper in your son’s class colour — chocolates, biscuits, toiletries, bottles of wine, candles, gift sets, festive treats, chutneys, party games and anything you would like to receive in a Christmas hamper !
Burns Night Supper and Ceilidh Save the date! The annual Burns Night Supper and Ceilidh dance will take place on Saturday 27th January, 2024 in the Arts Centre, from 6.30pm until late.
Wednesday 22nd November Celebrate the life of Scotland’s National Poet – Robert NO Swim Development, Burns – in a way he would have wanted: eating, drinking, Cubs, 6.30pm In Person Parents’ Evening
dancing and laughter, with a traditional dinner, ceremony, live piper and Ceilidh band. Email: to reserve your spaces. Only 10 tables of maximum 10 guests are available for this very popular event. Business sponsorship chocolates and items welcome.
and donations of bottles, for hampers are also very
Please email with any enquiries.
Achievements Well done to Laith Isaji, in 6C, who had the honour of being chosen to carry the flag last weekend on Remembrance Sunday for Rufford Cubs for the service held at the village church. Please let us know of any out of school achievements your son has attained—we would love to share this news with the wider school community.
News from Old Park Road Boys Well done to Benji Houghton, in Year 7, who won the Premier League qualification tournament with Manchester United U12s over the weekend, the team will travel to Belgium in December for the next round.
Fantastic news, Benji. Mr Duxbury is particularly pleased to hear this ! Congratulations too to Advaith Govindu, in Year 10, who has been selected to join the U15 Lancashire County Cricket Squad 2023/24 following recent cricket trials. Well done to Advaith. Congratulations to Aashrith Govindu, in Year 7, who has been selected to join the Hallé Children’s Choir. He is looking forward to performing in Hallé carol concerts at The Bridgewater Hall during the Christmas period. What a great achievement for Aashrith. Congratulations also go to Matthew Pearson, in Year 10, on receiving Merit in his recent Trinity Grade 5 Piano examination.
Term Time Holiday Requests There has been a notable increase in those seeking approval for additional days of holiday, very often immediately before or after the normal school holidays. We monitor all such absence in order to spot patterns and discern trends. It is timely to remind you that I cannot, by law, grant absence for holidays in term time unless in exceptional circumstances. The clear sense of the guidance is that ‘exceptional’ also means rare and certainly not due to the planning of flights and other logistical arrangements. Permission must be granted in advance, so a letter on the day of the absence or a call as a holiday is extended, cannot be authorised. This is why such absence is recorded as ‘unauthorised’. SAF
Parents’ Evenings 21 and 22nd November
News from the Art Room
The booking system for next week’s Parents’ Evenings is now live. If you haven’t already, please visit https:// to make your appointment to speak to your child’s teacher. Further information can be found in the email sent home last Friday and also on Parent Portal under the Primary Division tab. The system will close at 12 noon on Sunday November. Many thanks. Mrs Woodhead
As Andy Warhol is the artist we are focusing on in Year 3, the boys were set a homework challenge of writing a postcard to Mr Minta, as if they had been to stay with Andy in NYC! This challenge was inspired by the wonderful book by Warhol's brother called "Uncle Andy". Boden made a wonderful card decorated in the style of Warhol. Fantastic work. JPM
Diwali Breakfast Club Last Friday saw the first PA Breakfast Club of the year. Boys turned up in droves to partake of the Diwali-themed goodies on offer and all had a lovely time eating and chatting in the Dining Room. What a great way to start the day! Thank you to all of the parents who supported this event, turning up bright and early to set up and serve what seemed to be a never ending queue! The winner of the Breakfast Club raffle was Luca Kynaston in 4A. KEW
AJIS Chess — Saturday 18th November A reminder for our chess boys that the annual AJIS Chess tournament will take place on Saturday, 18th November, at Park Road. Please could boys and parent volunteers, who have kindly offered their time on the day, arrive at Park Road at 9am, to go through what their role will be for the day. Boys should wear full school uniform and bring a packed lunch. The event should conclude at around 4.15pm. MP
November Geography Mission
“I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!” has been filmed in four different locations over the years – Queensland (Australia), New South Wales (Australia), Gwrych Castle (Wales) and Kruger National Park (South Africa) For each location, research where it is found on a world map, the climate (temperature and precipitation), 3 animals which live there, including their key adaptations to survive and 3 plants/vegetation which live there, including their key adaptations to survive. How to submit your research: email with your submission by Thursday 30th November, at 4pm! PRIZES FOR THE WINNERS! WHO CAN CREATE THE MOST GEOGRAPHICAL AND CREATIVE RESEARCH PROJECT ?
September & October Geography Mission On Monday morning, it was lovely to welcome Miss Gillibrand to our assembly to award prizes for the most recent Geography Mission challenges. The winner of September’s challenge was Syed Mehdi and the first and second place winners in October’s Bake-Off were Year 3 boys, Yusuf Kassam and Jacob Diver, respectively. Well done to everyone who took part. KEW
Kidzone Christmas Holiday Club Please find linked here the schedule for the Kidzone Christmas Holiday Club. Book early to avoid disappointment!
Cold and Wet Weather Please ensure that your son brings a warm, waterproof coat to school with him each day. It is now getting extremely cold, and very often wet, and we do expect the boys to go outside at break times, so a warm coat is very helpful indeed. Please ensure that the coat is clearly named, as they do all begin to look very similar to each other when we have over two hundred coats in the building! If your son wishes to wear a vest under his shirt, please also ensure this is named and white.