Bolton School Primary Division Junior Boys’ School
Spring Term, 2023 WEEK B
Wednesday 18th January
I would like to start this week’s newsletter by congratulating our Year 6 boys for their hard work and endeavour in completing the entrance exam and their interviews this week. All the boys have conducted themselves in a manner which makes the school proud. I have enjoyed seeing the boys waiting for their interviews this week with excitement on their faces. The way the boys have conducted themselves is a credit to the school, staff (past and present), their families and, of course, themselves. However, please note Year 6 boys we have a long way to go before you are released to the seniors! Plenty of hard work (and fun) lies ahead!
Wednesday 18th January
Swim Development, 4-5pm (by invitation) Cubs, 6.30pm
Please note that from Monday 23rd January, a sign will be in the staff car park on Park Road, to indicate the areas of our car park that parents should not use. The Beech House drop off zone is clearly marked and looked after by their sergeant to ensure the safety of all pupils and staff. We would like to thank you all in advance for your co-operation, which ensures that staff are able to park in their allotted spaces in the morning.
We have noticed that lots of boys have come to school without name labels on their mobile phones. They are also frequently forgetting to sign their phones in and out. We would appreciate you checking that your son’s phone is clearly labelled with his name and form. We would also strongly encourage that your son’s phone is sent into school in a protective case. Drops, trips and other accidents do happen and, although these expensive gadgets are marvellous in the array of tasks they can perform, they are less famed for their robustness.
Thursday 19th January
U10 ABC Football vs Birkenhead School (A), KO 2.30pm, return 5pm Jujitsu, 4-5.30pm
We are big believers that how you present yourself can not only affect others’ perceptions but how you, in turn, perceive yourself. We are, at the moment, asking boys to tidy themselves up by tucking shirts in, straightening ties and asking for clean blazers to be worn, as well as warm coats. We ask that this message is backed up at home. We want the boys to come to school looking and feeling their best, as this will put them in the right mindset to learn.
Ensuring that your son has the right size shirt on can significantly aid looking smart. We are finding many shirts are too small to tuck into trousers. Please also spend time with your sons, ensuring they can tie their ties and shoelaces independently. Lastly, we would ask that boys come to school with clean hair , which is combed and is neat and tidy, as per School Policy:
“(Hair must be) clean and smart. If long hair is worn, a plain bobble/ headband or clips are permitted to tie hair back from the face.”
We encourage boys to have their hair cut at each half-term holiday and before returning to school after the main summer holidays.”
You may want to send your son to school with a comb or brush so that he can smarten himself up when, inevitably, he looks more dishevelled coming in from break times.
I also am very pleased to let you know that School raised just over £1410 for the Poppy Appeal in 2022.
LAMDA, 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30pm
Friday 20th January
After School Hockey, 4-5pm, Leverhulme Pavilion Water Polo, 4-5pm
Contacting the School Office
Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735 e:
The School Office is open from 8.15 am 4.15 pm during term time. Please note that any texts sent by the Office cannot be replied to.
Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form. Please note that ParkRoadOffice email is no longer monitored.
If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner.
For all coach / transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:
Pop Project
Last Friday morning, we were all “feelin’ good” and there was “no stoppin’ us now” as the whole school took part in the (very lively) Pop Project’s Musical Wellbeing Show. The performance, which was a unique mix of live music, dancing, singing, video clips and interactive fun, focussed on feeling good in body, mind and spirit.
Through the media of music, song and dance, we were all encouraged to eat healthily and engage in physical activity. We explored the concepts of having high self-esteem and strong mental health and how to maintain good relationships with friends and family.
These messages, across what are important and serious topics, were delivered powerfully whilst still allowing pupils (and staff) to have a lot of fun together.
This show was only possible because of funding from our Junior Boys’ PA: just another example of how we work in partnership to provide additional resources and experiences for the boys. Thank you from everyone in school for supporting this. It was a session with links across the curricula and a lovely treat for our Year 6 pupils who had all sat the Senior School Entrance Exam on the previous day.
23rd January
collection 6.30pm CF, 7pm PR
24th January Chess, 4-5pm Wednesday 25th January Swim Development Club (by invitation), 4-5pm
26th January
Athletics (times TBC), Robin Park
4-5pm Cubs, 6.30pm
27th January
School Hockey,
Leverhulme Pavilion
note the date of your son’s visit to Patterdale Hall this year : Year 3: Thursday 4th to Friday 5th May Year 4: Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th April Year 5: Wednesday 26th April to Friday 28th April Year 6: Tuesday 9th to Friday 12th May
Mad Science, 4-5pm Ski Lessons,
Cubs, 6.30pm Thursday
Visits to Patterdale Hall—Important Dates Please
All visits are compulsory as they form part of your son’s curriculum. An information evening for Year 3 and Year 4 parents and parents of boys new to school this academic year will take place at 7pm on Thursday 23rd March more details will follow nearer the time, as well as a list of kit your son will need for his trip.
DT Recycled Art Project
If you have an old, wooden skateboard at home (broken or otherwise!), please bring it to the School Office, to be passed on to Mr Winstanley, who will be undertaking an up-cycling project this half term.
Tub2Pub Recycling Scheme
Calling all chocoholics!
Please don’t throw your plastic chocolate tubs away after your Christmas indulgences! Send them along to school to join the growing pile inMrs Winstanley’soffice which will make itsway to a localGreene Kingpubatthe end of the month as part of the Tub2Pub recycling scheme.
Please collect from friends and family too and, hopefully, we can better the total number of tubs collected last year.
For more information about this follow link below; Thank you ! KEW
SOCS Password
Please note that we now use a system called SOCS, which sends out an email to parents when their child has been selected for a specific sports fixture.
To access the full team sheet you will need to use the password Bolton5ch00l! if your son is selected for fixtures. All sports fixtures across the Foundation can be accessed at
Please contact me if you encounter any issues with logging on to this website. TG
Winter Weather
Please ensure that your son brings a warm, waterproof coat to school with him every day. It is now extremely cold, and very often wet, and we do expect the boys to go outside at break times, so a warm coat is very helpful indeed.
Please ensure that the coat is clearly named, as they do all begin to look very similar to each other when we have over two hundred coats in the building!
If your son wishes to wear a vest under his shirt, please also ensure this is named and white. Thank you.
January Geography Mission
Ready, steady, cook!
- Choose a country or city of your choice. This could be a country you have visited, are going to visit or would like to visit in the future. This could link to the last monthly mission.
- Choose a meal native to that country to cook at home with your family.
- Take pictures of the different stages of the cooking and then take a picture when it is ready to eat
- Write a short paragraph to explain how you made your dish and which country it is native to.
How to submit the pictures and review of your meal: email with your submission by Tuesday 31st January by 4pm or upload to Showbie Whole School/Geog Competition.
Headphones / Earphones in School
iPad. CDH
Forgotten Kit
Just a reminder that if your son forgets any books, homework, sport, PE or swimming kit, etc., please do not make the journey to school to drop it off for him.
Having to explain to his teachers will help him to problem solve for himself and, we hope, not make the same mistake again!
Rest assured, we shall always lend equipment to him to enable him to participate in his lessons.
After School Activities
2023— Expression
term, please
: e/1FAIpQLSdN7R0dvIPbT_6Z7sFz6lNVK9YVAOoJHuP7f8fwHdyidMfy mQ/viewform?usp=pp_url
your son is unable to attend any of the after school activities that he signed up to, please could you ensure that you inform the activity provider in advance, if it is a school-run activity, or Mrs Iddon in the School Office, to let them know that he is unable to attend. We have spent a lot of time recently chasing non attendees for after school activities which means time is reduced on them for all the other boys involved. Y6 Trip to York—October
of Interest If your son is currently in Year 5 and would be interested in taking part in the proposed trip to York in October half
complete the Google Form below
by Wednesday 27th January, to let us know if he would wish to participate in this trip if it goes ahead. KEW
Headphones/earphones are an essential piece of kit for school and are required in school every day.
be battery powered or
them and,
not be an expensive
and ideally should not
have a Bluetooth connection to the school iPad. More and more boys are turning up at school without
as a result, are unable
take part in the audio/visual element of lessons using the
News from the Park Road PA
We hope to see many of you there If you would like to be added to the mailing list, to be kept up to date with all things PA, please email -
Easy Funding – Online shopping can generate funds for the Park Road PA by simply using the easyfundraising app and linking your account: to boltonjbpa
Twitter – Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter: @BSPDJnrBoysPA
Year 6 Play: Important Dates
Due to a range of events in the school calendar, the Year 6 Play 2023 will now be taking place over the following three evenings: Tuesday 4th at 7pm, Wednesday 5th at 7pm and Thursday 6th 5pm. Please note that the Year 6 play is one of our compulsory events and all Year 6 boys are expected to attend, we therefore want to make you aware of this date, in the final week of term, as far in advance as possible.
Closer to the time of the play, rehearsals are understandably very important for all boys to also attend and it would help us if you could avoid the following rehearsal dates when making medical appointments:
Monday 17th April: 9.15-10.25 –boysvisitingtheGirls’Divisiontheatre
Friday 5th May: 9- 12.00
Monday 22nd May: 13.00 – 16.00
Monday 5th June: 13.00 – 14.30
Wednesday 7th June: 13.00 - 14.30
Friday 9th June : 10.30 – 12.00
Monday 19th June: half day rehearsal (afternoon)
Friday 23rd June: 9-12.00 (half day rehearsal)
Monday 26th June: full day rehearsal
Friday 30th June: morning - dress rehearsal
PERFORMANCE DATES: Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th July.
Ski Lessons at the Chill Factore
We have started the Spring Term with a new group of skiers all working hard ahead of their ski trip at Easter. All pupils are comfortably learning snowplough and making their way to the top of the slope.
Great effort boys, keep up the hard work and concentration!
note there will be a PA Meeting tonight, Wednesday 18th January at 7pm at Retreat on Chorley New Road
News from the Art Room
AJIS Art Competition
All boys are invited to create a piece of artwork for the prestigious AJIS Art Competition . The challenge is to draw a view you would see from a window: this could be real or an imagined view.
Be as creative as possible.
It must be in black and white so you could use pen, pencil, chalks or pastels. Hand completed works of art into Mr Minta by Tuesday 14th February
Good luck ! JM
Holocaust Artwork—on show in Crompton Place, Bolton
Last term, the Year 6 Boys created some excellent and thought-provoking work responding to the Holocaust, after working with an artist as part of the Holocaust Memorial Arts project.
These works are now going on display in the new, temporary library that is in Crompton Place in Bolton town centre. The work will be displayed from Monday 23rd January until Monday 6th February.
The library space is open seven days a week (Mon – Sat 9am-5.30pm and Sunday 10am-4pm) and it would be great if students and their families were able to visit and see the powerful and moving work created by students from all over Bolton. JM
Sports News
U11 Football vs MGS
Well done to the 40 Year 6 boys who travelled to Manchester Grammar School last Friday to play in four very competitive football fixtures.
Due to the adverse weather, the matches were played on Astroturf and the boys adapted well to the different playing surface. After all four games were finished, Bolton managed to draw two, lose one and win one.
A very successful afternoon and a massive congratulations to those boys who were representing school in their first ever fixture.
ECA for this half term
Cross Country
Well done to Ashton Morrissey, in Year 6, who, based on the results from the Bolton Schools’Cross Country League in which he ran earlier this school year, and cross referenced with the town championships, has been selected to take part in the forthcoming Greater Manchester Cross Country Championships at Heaton Park on Saturday 4th February.
Congratulations, Ashton, and good luck!
Please find linked here the schedule for all of the extracurricular activities on offer to the boys for this half term please do encourage your son to take up a wide variety of activities, whether they be at inside or outside at lunchtime or after school.
The document can also be downloaded from Parent Portal.