Bolton School Primary Division
Junior Boys’ School
Wednesday 1st February
You may recall in last week’s newsletter, we wished Mr Porter the very best of luck as he took part in the Warhammer World Championships in Las Vegas. Mr Porter performed incredibly well, winning all of his initial games. He made it through to the semi final, where he lost to the eventual winner.
Well done to Mr Porter, who is now ranked Number 3 in the world! Watch this space, as he is looking to introduce a Warhammer Club to us soon!
We have entered Under 11, Under 10 and Under 8 teams in the forthcoming National Primary Schools’ Chess Competition.
The first round will be held at Park Road on Saturday 18th February (the day after we break up for half term). Additional players are likely to be added to the teamsheet over the next week or so and we are very much hoping to continue our winning streak from the recent AJIS tournament. Good luck, boys!
Our annual Music Festival will take place here at Park Road on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th February. It is not too late to enter your son for this reminders have been emailed home today and can be found on Parent Portal and linked here
Local Bolton charity, Fortalice, is delivering workshops to children and their parents/ carers to raise awareness of how to keep safe online. The sessions will be interactive, fun and informative. Children will have the chance to teach the adults what they need to know! More information can be found linked here
It may seem like some time off, but World Book Day will be here before we know it and this event will take place on Thursday 2nd March (during the week we return to school after the half-term break). We invite the boys to come to school dressed as any character from fiction, non-fiction or poetry. There will be prizes for the best and most inventive book-themed costumes.
In addition to dressing up, there will be lots of other literary related activities taking place throughout the day, including a special assembly, Drop Everything and Read activities and more. Watch this space!
Contacting the School Office
Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735
The School Office is open from 8.15 am 4.15 pm during term time. Please note that any texts sent by the Office cannot be replied to.
Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form. Please note that ParkRoadOffice email is no longer monitored.
If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner.
For all coach / transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:
Spring Term, 2023 WEEK B
Saturday 4th February
GM XC Championships, Heaton Park, 11am
Monday 6th February Judo, 4-5pm
Mad Science, 4-5pm
Ski Lessons, Chill Factore, collection
6.30pm CF, 7pm PR
Tuesday 7th February
Chess, 4-5pm
Wednesday 8th February
U11 AJIS Football Cup, Cheadle Hulme, times TBC
Swim Development Club (by invitation), 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30pm
Year 5 Concert BD Great Hall, 7pm
Thursday 9th February
Book Fair (lunchtime and after school)
Jujitsu, 4-5.30pm LAMDA, 4-5pm
Creative Writing Competition Winners
Before the Christmas break, the Year 4 Challenge Group boys entered a creative writing competition called ‘A Twist In The Tale’. The boys were tasked with writing a short, traditional story but with an alternative spin. All of the boys worked really hard on their stories and I am delighted to let you know that… not one, not two, but all eight of the boys were chosen to have their work published and included in a book called ‘A Twist In The Tale – Amazing Creations’, which will be included in the national archives of the British library forever!
A huge well done, boys, you should be very proud of your achievement!
Book Fair running all week finishes Friday 3rd February
The Scholastic Book Fair will be in school from all week, until Friday (3rd February). It will be open every lunchtime from 11:50 – 1pm and then after school from 3:55 –4:30pm.
With over 200 titles for you or your child to choose from, there’s sure to be a book for everyone! You can pre-order books in advance using the QR code below or simply buy them on the day. Cash and card payments are accepted.
Competition time: the Parents’ Association has generously offered to run a competition! Boys are invited to create a bookmark or write a book review for any book they have bought from the fair.
Boys can enter into the competition by submitting a bookmark or book review via Showbie (Whole School Folder) or to Miss Cox in the Library. Entrants will have the chance to win a family cinema ticket! Don’t forget that every book you buy can help us get lots of FREE BOOKS for our school library! CC
Visits to Patterdale Hall—Important Dates for your diary
Please note the date of your son’s visit to Patterdale Hall this year :
Year 3: Thursday 4th to Friday 5th May
Year 4: Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th April
Year 5: Wednesday 26th April to Friday 28th April
Year 6: Tuesday 9th to Friday 12th May
All visits are compulsory as they form part of your son’s curriculum. An information evening for Year 3 and Year 4 parents and parents of boys new to school this academic year will take place at 7pm on Thursday 23rd March more details will follow nearer the time, as well as a list of kit your son will need for his trip.
DT Recycled Art Project
If you have an old, wooden skateboard at home (broken or otherwise!), please do bring it to the School Office, to be passed on to Mr Winstanley, who will be undertaking an up-cycling project this half term. AW
Gardening Group
This week, the Gardening Group took some old newspapers and made some handy plant pots. A great way to repurpose old materials. I would love to see what useful items you can make out of newspaper. SL
Year 6 Young Voices Concert at AO Arena
Last night, we took our Year 6 boys to the AO Arena in Manchester for the Young Voices concert. With over 8000 children from across the region, it made for quite the spectacle! We were treated to a wide array of performances including beatboxing and dancing. In return, the 8000 amassed Young Voices treated their parents, friends, family members and teachers to rousing and energetic performances!
It was a long day for the boys, with rehearsals all afternoon, before an exciting wait for the audience to arrive. When the show began and the lights dimmed, the enthusiasm was palpable. The boys were an absolute credit to the school and should be proud of themselves. They behaved impeccably but, most importantly, all had a great time. The climax of the evening came as the Young Voices all had the opportunity to perform with none other than Heather Small of M People. We performed the classic, “Proud”, alongside this world renowned star. We are glad that all those who attended got to see the impact that many people can have when they come together.
Many thanks, not only to all the staff who accompanied the boys to Manchester, but also to our fantastic parent helpers who saved the day at the eleventh hour and travelled with us to the event we very much appreciated your assistance as well as your singing and dancing ! What an event!
Get ready, Year 5s…it’s your turn next year! SK
February Geography Mission
Return of … read and review a book with a geographical theme!
Choose a book, which has a geographical theme. There are some examples on this poster alongside lots of books in the library e.g. books by Matt Dickinson!
During February, read the book and then write roughly an A4 page review
Your review should include:
a description of the book and the author; discuss what you liked about the book; what would you like to know more about after reading the book?; consider whether it links to your current geography lessons.
Forgotten Kit
Just a reminder that if your son forgets any books, homework, sport, PE or swimming kit, etc., please do not make the journey to school to drop it off for him.
How to submit your creative book review:
-email with your submission by 9am on Tuesday 28th February or upload it to the Whole School Showbie class/Geography Competitions/February Mission PRIZES FOR THE WINNERS!
Author Zoom
Last Wednesday, with pupils from Senior School and Hesketh House, Year 6 boys were treated to a Zoom interview with author Polly Ho.
Her most well-known book is “Boy in the Tower” but, during the Zoom, we found out more about her entry into the forthcoming Young Fiction Awards, “How I Saved the World in a Week”.
Having to explain to his teachers will help him to problem solve for himself and, we hope, not make the same mistake again!
Rest assured, we shall always lend equipment to him to enable him to participate in his lessons.
New Foundation Website
Polly explained how she sets about the writing process, where her inspiration comes from and what her own favourite reads are. KEW
At the end of last week, we launched our new website, which retains the url: You will note, on the homepage, that the five large photos on a rotating carousel load up differently each time you log on and that all eight schools within the Foundation are given equal representation. We have attempted to slim down and rationalise the website without losing key information. Please do have a look around but here are a few key pages you might want to bookmark:
Term dates:
Catering menus:
Media Wall: where you can filter stories
School Calendar:
School Policies:
Sports fixtures (links from multiple places across the new site):
Various School businesses:
Travelling Book Fair: don’t forget the Travelling Book Fair will be in school this week until Friday 3rd February at lunchtime and afterschool. Every book that you buy can help us get lots of FREE BOOKS for the school Library.
The PA is running a competition for the chance to win a family cinema ticket - boys are invited to create a bookmark or write a book review for any book they have bought from the Fair. Boys can enter into the competition by submitting their entries via Showbie (Whole School Folder) or to Miss Cox in the Library.
Park Road PA - AGM Meeting: please note the Park Road PA AGM meeting will take place on Wednesday 15th February at 7:00pm at Park Road.
Social Events: if you have any suggestions of social events you would like to see organised by the Parents Association please get in touch –
Easy Funding: online shopping can also generate funds for the school PA by simply using the easyfundraising app and linking your account: to
WhatsApp If you would like to join the PA WhatsApp Group to keep up to date with all things PA please click on the following link:
Twitter – Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter: @BSPDJnrBoysPA
Year 6 Play: Important Dates
Due to a range of events in the school calendar, the Year 6 Play 2023 will now be taking place over the following three evenings: Tuesday 4th at 7pm, Wednesday 5th at 7pm and Thursday 6th 5pm. Please note that the Year 6 play is one of our compulsory events and all Year 6 boys are expected to attend, we therefore want to make you aware of this date, in the final week of term, as far in advance as possible.
Closer to the time of the play, rehearsals are understandably very important for all boys to also attend and it would help us if you could avoid the following rehearsal dates when making medical appointments:
Monday 17th April: 9.15-10.25 – boys visiting the Girls’ Division theatre
Friday 5th May: 9- 12.00
Monday 22nd May: 13.00 – 16.00
Monday 5th June: 13.00 – 14.30
Wednesday 7th June: 13.00 - 14.30
Friday 9th June : 10.30 – 12.00
Monday 19th June: half day rehearsal (afternoon)
Friday 23rd June: 9-12.00 (half day rehearsal)
Monday 26th June: full day rehearsal
Friday 30th June: morning - dress rehearsal
PERFORMANCE DATES: Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th July.
Lost Glasses
We have accumulated a large number of pairs of glasses in lost property ! If your son has mislaid his glasses, please ask him to see Mrs Iddon in the School Office to see if any belong to him.
All unclaimed items will be donated to charity at half term.
Spring Parents’ Evening Dates
Further to our email last week, the dates for the Spring Term Parents’ Evenings are as opposite.
Please do keep an eye on the newsletter and your emails for booking information.
If you require a specific time slot, you will need to book as soon as the system goes live, as the most popular time slots book up quickly
Y3 Monday 6th March
Y4 Monday 6th March
Y6 Tuesday 9th March
Y5 Wednesday 8th March
News from the Park Road PA
News from the Art Room
AJIS Art Competition
All boys are invited to create a piece of artwork for the prestigious AJIS Art Competition . The challenge is to draw a view you would see from a window: this could be real or an imagined view. Be as creative as possible.
It must be in black and white so you could use pen, pencil, chalks or pastels. Hand completed works of art into Mr Minta by Tuesday 14th February
Good luck ! JM
Holocaust Artwork on show in Crompton Place, Bolton
Last term, the Year 6 Boys created some excellent and thought-provoking work , responding to the Holocaust, after working with an artist as part of the Holocaust Memorial Arts project.
These works are now going on display in the temporary library that is in Crompton Place in Bolton town centre. The work will be displayed until Monday 6th February.
The library space is open seven days a week (Mon – Sat 9am-5.30pm and Sunday 10am-4pm) and it would be great if students and their families were able to visit and see the powerful and moving work created by students from all over Bolton. JM
AJIS Athletics
Congratulations to all the boys who took part in the AJIS Athletics fixture which took place last week at Robin Park in Wigan. Medals were awarded to Jason A (for standing vertical jump) to Raees (for javelin throwing) and to Marcus (for speed bounce). Well done to all the boys who took part in what was a great day of indoor athletics. TG
News from Former Park Road Boys
In March, former Park Road pupil, Xavier Jones, who is now in Year 9, will be scaling the heights of Mount Kilimanjaro, to raise much-needed funds for Kidney Care 4 All, a charity which raises money to help people suffering from kidney failure all around the world.
Xavier will be accompanied by his dad as he climbs the world’s largest freestanding mountain.
If you are able to, please donate to Xavier’s chosen charity via the Just Giving link below :
Xavier is hoping to raise £3000 for this cause.
Everyone at Park Road wishes Xavier all the very best with his endeavours and we all look forward to hearing about it once he returns to the UK.
Year 6 PD Sailing Club
All the details of the PD Sailing Club in Summer Term can be found linked here HERE
Register your son’s interest before 14th February and Mr Winstanley will be in touch to confirm a place on this activity at the Anderton Centre if his name is drawn out of the hat, in the event we are oversubscribed.
Cold Winter Weather
Please ensure that your son brings a warm, waterproof coat to school with him every day. It is now extremely cold, and very often wet, and we do expect the boys to go outside at break times, so a warm coat is very helpful indeed.
Please ensure that the coat is clearly named, as they do all begin to look very similar to each other when we have over two hundred coats in the building!
If your son wishes to wear a vest under his shirt, please also ensure this is named and white. Thank you.
KidZone Half Term Activities
Please find linked here all the details of activities which will be taking place at KidZone during February half term.
Book early to avoid disappointment !