Bolton School Junior Boys' Weekly Newsletter - 31 January 2024

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Bolton School Primary Division Junior Boys’ School Spring Term, 2024 — WEEK B

Wednesday 31st January

From Mrs. Faulkner It has been a very busy few weeks with a great deal of sport played across the school. Last Friday, all of Year 6 was involved in representing school. The hockey team played very well to emerge victorious in the first round of the In2Hockey tournament and will now progress to the North-west final to be held at the beginning of March. At the same time, A—E teams played football against our local rivals at Manchester Grammar School where it ended honours even.

Wednesday 31st January Book Fair in school Y3 &Y4 Maths Masterclass, Alderley Edge School (all day) Visit from Edinburgh Academy & football fixtures, KO 2pm Swim Development, 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm

This week, it has been the turn of our Year 4 boys who headed to Kings’ Macclesfield for a great set of football matches with everyone enjoying representing school, many for the very first time. Finally, this afternoon, some of our Year 5s are playing host to a touring team from Edinburgh Academy. Whilst all of this sport is fantastic from a purely physical perspective, it is also an invaluable experience for the boys to learn how to play against people they don’t know, to learn how to look after visitors and, of course, to win or lose with equal grace. I would like to thank our dedicated team of staff who organise such a range of fixtures for the boys and the many parents who valiantly cheer on from the sidelines, whatever the weather or result. Your support for the boys is much appreciated. This morning, I have been speaking to the boys about healthy snacks in school. Please can I ask you to ensure that your son’s snack does meet that description? Fruit is definitely encouraged, as are things such as breadsticks or rice cakes. Crisps, sweets and chocolate are definitely not encouraged. We would very much appreciate your support in this aspect of school life too. Thank you to everyone who has supported our Book Fair this week. As I wrote last week, reading is such an important part of school life, not just in terms of developing the boys’ vocabulary and reading skills but just to engage in the sheer joy that can come from finding a book you enjoy. I was chatting with a Year 5 boy last week about the fact that, for the first time, he had really got into a book that he was loving and it had inspired him to find others by the same author—sometimes it can take a while to find the author or genre that hooks the boys in, but it is worth sticking with it and trying different things until your son finds the one that’s right for him.

in the newsletter, Mrs Hough references The TTRockstars Numbers Day which will be this Thursday 1st February Further coming Friday (3rd February). We will be encouraging the boys to get involved in this during the day on Friday but do try to support at home as well if you can. A great combination of learning and Book Fair in school charitable work, the perfect win-win scenario. Y3 &Y4 Science Masterclass, Withington High School (all day) Contacting the School Office Beginner Ski Course, 4pm (collection from Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735 Chill Factore 6.30pm or e: Park Road 7pm) The School Office is open from 8.15am — 4.15pm during term time. Please note that any texts sent by the Office cannot be replied to. LAMDA, 4-5pm, Please direct all enquiries to and always include Jujitsu, 4—5.30pm your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form. Please note that ParkRoadOffice Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm email is no longer monitored.

Friday 2nd February Hockey, 4-5pm Fencing, 4-5pm Water Polo, 4-5pm

If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner. For all coach/transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:

Saturday 3rd February GM Cross Country, Heaton Park, 10.30am

News from the Park Road PA Travelling Book Fair: is in school this week, boys can buy books at lunchtime and after school. Every book which the boys buy can help us get lots of FREE BOOKS for the Library.

Monday 5th February Judo, 4-5pm Tuesday 6th February Chess, 4-5pm Pickleball, 4-5pm Wednesday 7th February U11 AJIS Football, Cheadle Hulme Year 6—Young Voices, AO Arena, depart PR 1.30pm, parents collect from Victoria Station Swim Development, 4-5pm Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm Thursday 8th February Y3 &Y4 Maths Masterclass, Seniors (all day) Beginner Ski Course, 4pm (collection from Chill Factore 6.30pm or Park Road 7pm) LAMDA, 4-5pm, Jujitsu, 4—5.30pm Cubs, 6.30—7.45pm

Thank you to all the parents who have kindly helped to run this activity. WhatsApp — if you would like to join the PA WhatsApp Group to keep up to date with all things PA, please click on the following link: PA Mailing List — if you would like to be added to the PA mailing list, please get in touch: Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter/X: @BSPDJnrBoysPA

Ear phones / Headphones Please can we remind parents that all boys should have named earphones/headphones in school every day, ideally they should be non-bluetooth and wired. Just like their iPad, they should be taken to every lesson. CDH

NSPCC Numbers Day This Friday, we have NSPCC Numbers Day supported by TTRockStars. The boys raise money with every correct answer they type into TTRS. To sensibly prevent too much screen time, there is a cap of an hour with the competition period being from 7:30am to 7:30pm. There will be opportunities in school to play but some time at home could optimise our donations and chances of winning prizes. Can we make it into the top 50 schools in the UK? We were close last time. Please click here for all of the details. ALH

Visits to Patterdale Hall—Important Dates Please note the date of your son’s visit to Patterdale Hall this year : Year 3:

Thursday 9th to Friday 10th May

Year 4:

Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th May

Year 5:

Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd May

Year 6:

Monday 29th April to Friday 3rd May.

All visits are compulsory as they form part of your son’s curriculum. An information evening for Year 3 parents and parents of boys new to school this academic year will take place at 7pm on Thursday 14th March — more details will follow nearer the time, as well as a list of kit your son will need for his trip.

February Half Term Holiday Club Please find linked here details of the February half term holiday club run by Kidzone. Book early to avoid disappointment !

January Geography Mission

Make a geographical acrostic poem or rhyming poem! Acrostic poem:

Rhyming poem:

The vertical left-hand word must relate to a GEOGRAPHICAL topic in the news at the moment.

Create a 10-line poem with every two lines rhyming as shown below. Choose a GEOGRAPHICAL topic in the news or a topic you are studying in class.

From each letter, write a sentence about what is happening in the news at the moment – this must relate to the lefthand vertical word you have chosen!

Could you make both an acrostic AND rhyming poem?

How to submit your poem: Email with your submission by the end of the day today, Wednesday 31st January at 4pm! PRIZES FOR THE WINNERS! WHO CAN CREATE THE MOST GEOGRAPHICAL AND CREATIVE POEM?

Earthshot Competition 2024 In this morning’s assembly, we launched the Bolton School Earthshot Competition 2024 to all the boys. Details can be found in the Whole School Showbie folder (as well as linked here) and this is where boys should submit their digital entry. The boys heard from Sir David Attenborough championing the thought that we should all be encouraged to rebuild biodiversity wherever and whenever we can. He told us that we should work with nature to make life healthier and happier, not only for ourselves but also for every living creature and plant on the planet. The challenge set for the boys in Earthshot 2024 is to identify an issue that adversely affects biodiversity (close to home or far afield – it doesn’t matter) and to devise a solution to that problem which will have an impact for good. Entries should be in the form of a one page, digital poster which explains in words and images what the problem is and how it can be improved. The poster can be created using any digital medium or on paper with a photograph then being uploaded. The closing date for the competition is 3rd March, after which judging will take place and winners will be announced from across the Foundation. The competition is not compulsory but we hope that lots of boys will be inspired to enter and we look forward to reading the posters. Good luck ! KEW

News from the Art Room Amazing Clay Work It's always great to see someone inspired by art lessons and new topics, go home and create some fantastic art in their own time. I am so proud of Boden in Year 3 who has made this wonderful Greek god inspired mask. I hope Boden will bring his clay skills to Tuesday Art Club where we are starting to make some cockerels inspired by the school badge.

Photography Art is often about finding new perspectives and not being afraid to go against perceived wisdom and try something new. This week, Year 5 has taken this to heart, capturing photographs of trees to create Hockney inspired photo collages. I was really impressed by the commitment boys showed to try and see things differently and to go the extra mile to capture that perfect shot. Well done boys. JPM

Sports News Round Up Last Thursday, boys from Years 5 and 6 travelled to Wigan to compete in the AJIS Indoor Athletics. For some, it was the first time they had competed in certain events but it was brilliant to see how they embraced the challenge and competed well for their school. Congratulations to Alex B and Amos T who won medals in their events.

We had an exciting start to the week for our Year 4 pupils as they all travelled to King’s School in Macclesfield to take part in four football fixtures. A pretty calm journey meant our boys were well rested and ready for the challenge ahead. It was amazing to see plenty of smiling faces and some excellent football skills. Well done to everyone! There are lots of photos on X (Twitter) of the games. Last week was very busy for the boys in Year 6! While some were competing in a hockey tournament, the remaining 53 boys made the journey to Manchester Grammar School to take part in a block football fixture. A number of mixed results with our A and B teams performing exceptionally well and our remaining teams competing well with great enthusiasm and showing great sportsmanship. Special mention to a large number of boys who represented the school for the first time. Over the past few weeks, boys from Years 3 and 4 have taken part in a squash taster session with Julian Thomlinson from Markland Hill Racquets Club. Over the course of the session, our boys were introduced to basic skills and rules, while taking part in mini challenges and competitions. It was amazing to see over 80 boys engage with and enjoy a new sport. A number of leaflets are linked to this newsletter with information on the appropriate session and contact details if your son has expressed an interest in starting a new sport. These can also be downloaded from Parent Portal. TG

Winter Illnesses Polite reminder: If your child has a temperature and requires medication to control it, he should not attend school. Children should stay away from school until their temperature has returned to normal for 24 hours without the need for medication. Please follow the NHS guidance below to help reduce the risk of infection to others.

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