A note from the Head… This week we have had our Informal Concert and also our Parent Consultation Evenings. Staff have found it useful to touch base with parents and hopefully you have received valuable feedback about your daughter’s progress in school. Our next Parents’ Evenings are in the second half of the Spring Term, but please don’t wait until then to contact us if you have any concerns about your daughter.
Year 4, 5 and 6 Informal Concert Monday 21 November 7.00pm Our Informal Concert was a lovely event with some excellent performances given by our young musicians on a range of instruments. Very well done to all those who took part and thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who attended and enjoyed the occasion with us.
With December just around the corner, our Christmas Concert rehearsals have now started and, although it is still early days, I think you will be in for a real treat. Please make sure you have the date, Tuesday 6 December, in your diaries! Also on a Christmas theme, members of the Parents’ Association are busy with preparations for the Christmas Disco and Hamper Raffle. Please do support them if you possibly can. Finally, please could I remind you that the girls should have a coat in school every day, as we do try to get outside at playtimes if at all possible. Coats should be plain black and must be named. Mrs C Laverick Hesketh House Parents’ Association Notice Information has been sent home about buying tickets for the Christmas Disco and the Christmas Hamper Raffle. Please make sure that any money sent in to buy tickets is put in a sealed envelope and handed in to the school office.
Instrumental Music Lessons If you wish your daughter to start individual music lessons, please apply directly to your chosen teacher using the information contained in the VMT brochure, attached here, to check on vacancies.
We still need donations for our hampers – please send these in to school as soon as possible. Thank you very much!
If you are willing to help with PA activities, please contact Carolyn Byrom thecjport@hotmail.com.
Please follow us on twitter @BSPDJnrGirls.
House Day Tuesday 22 November
NWGT Maths Masterclass Wednesday 23 November
Girls experienced a range of activities on our House Day this week, all connected to our Hesketh Habits. There was an outdoor learning session, various eco activities, silk painting, Christmas crafts and a creativity trail at the Anderton Centre. A few pictures are here but there are plenty more on Twitter – please take a look!
Miss Gregson and three of our Year 5 girls took part in a Maths Masterclass on Wednesday, alongside pupils from lots of other schools across the region. One of the activities involved exploring the binary number system, which the girls found very interesting.
6G Introduction to Sailing Thursday 24 November The weather proved too unsettled for 6G’s sailing lesson yesterday, but they still enjoyed their session at the Anderton Centre, taking part in some alternative activities, including orienteering and fire building.
Hesketh House Christmas Concert Tuesday 6 December 2.30pm and 7.00pm Rehearsals are now underway in preparation for our Christmas Concert, with an afternoon and an evening performance in the Great Hall on Tuesday 6 December. Next week we will be sending home two tickets per pupil for each performance. Please return any tickets that you don’t need, so they can be reallocated if there are additional requests. We will be filming the concert and will send out a link before the end of term, so you will be able to share this with family who are unable to attend. Year 3 pupils all have a sticker in their Homework Diary, asking them to bring in black leggings and a black T shirt to wear with their costumes. Year 4 and Year 5 girls will be in school uniform, with a tabard which we will provide. Year 6 will be dressed as Nativity characters, with costumes provided by school. It would be useful if they could bring in a pair of leggings and a plain top (white or black) to wear under their outfit if necessary. I would also remind parents that attendance is compulsory for all pupils at both performances. Hamper Challenge 2022 – Chocolate Joy! This week we have launched our annual Hamper Challenge for Urban Outreach, the 10th year that we have supported the local charity that aims to deliver a Hamper containing everything needed for a full roast dinner, dessert, sweet treats, toys and seasonal fun for the many families in need in the Bolton Area. The School have been tasked with collecting 2500 chocolate selection boxes by Thursday 8 December – our target at Hesketh House is 250. We would like to encourage everyone to bring in at least one chocolate selection box, but would of course welcome additional donations! Thank you in advance for your support.
A Sprinkle of Kindness Appeal Please see the information here about this appeal, being organised by Beech House staff. Any donations should be dropped off at Beech House. Hesketh House Fencing Club – Spring Term We will once again be running our Fencing Club after school on a Wednesday 4.00pm – 5.00pm during the Spring Term. If your daughter would be interested in attending, please click on the link below for more information and to register. Please note that we only have a maximum of 25 places available. Hesketh House Fencing Club GDPA Bolton School Luxury Puddings The Girls’ Division Parents’ Association are once again offering some amazing luxury puddings as their winter fundraiser. These come highly recommended! The puddings will be available to buy online by completing the order form that can be found here and sending it to bsgdpa@gmail.com. Christmas Party Nights in the Arts Centre If you have not yet booked your Christmas night out BSS Events are delighted to invite you along to one of our Christmas Party Nights, which are being held on Friday 9 December and Friday 16 December. Whether it’s a works party or a group of friends having a festive get-together. The event includes a glass of Prosecco on arrival at 7.00pm, followed by a three-course meal and a DJ until midnight. Tickets are £38.00 per person (adults only). For enquiries and bookings please call the events office on 01204 434795 or email enquiries@bssevents.com
School Uniform Shop Normal term time hours are: Monday 12.30pm – 5.30pm Tuesday 12.30pm – 5.30pm Wednesday Closed Thursday Closed Friday 12.30pm – 5.30pm Saturday 9.30am – 12.30pm Sunday Closed Christmas Break 2022: The uniform shop will be closed from Friday 16 December 2022 to Wednesday 4 January 2023, inclusive. Harvest Collection – Thank You! We have received the following message: Please pass on our thanks to all who contributed to the Harvest collection from Bolton School Junior Girls. We had our most generous harvest yet with 21.4 tonnes of food donated! Thank you so much for your involvement and generosity. It really has been an amazing town wide effort to see the food come in at this scale.
Thursday 5 January Thursday 12 January Monday 16 January Thursday 19 January Friday 20 January Thursday 26 January Thursday 2 February Monday 6 February Wednesday 8 February Friday 10 February Monday 13 February Tuesday 14 February Thursday 16 February Friday 17 February Monday 20 February Tuesday 28 February
START OF SPRING TERM Y6 Entrance Examination Hesketh House open as usual for girls in Y3, Y4 and Y5 Y6 Interviews with Senior Staff to take place this week at Hesketh House Y5 Netball v Birkenhead (A) Y6 Netball v Stockport (H) AJIS Sportshall Athletics Y5 Netball v Stockport Y5/6 Hockey Competition Y5, Y6 Young Shakespeare ‘Hamlet’ 9.00am, Hesketh House PA Breakfast Club Y5, Y6 Netball v Scarisbrick (H) Music Festival – Piano Music Festival – Instrumental MFL Day Y3 Trip to Tatton Hall HALF TERM SPRING TERM RESUMES
TERM DATES 2023 Spring Term 2023
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Tuesday 29 November Sunday 4 December Tuesday 6 December Thursday 15 December
Y6 Heights and Weights PA Christmas Party 3.00pm – 5.00pm Arts Centre Hesketh House Christmas Concert 2.30pm and 7.00pm GD Great Hall **attendance compulsory at both performances for all pupils** TERM ENDS 3.25PM
Start of Term – Thursday 5 January Half Term – Monday 20 February to Monday 27 February End of Term – Wednesday 29 March 4.00pm Summer Term 2023 Start of Term – Monday 17 April Bank Holiday – Monday 1 May Half Term – Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June End of Term – Friday 7 July 3.25pm