A note from the Head…
At the end of last week, we launched our new Bolton School website, which retains the url: https://www.boltonschool.org/ You will note, on the homepage, that the five large photos on a rotating carousel load up differently each time you log on and that all eight schools within the Foundation are given equal representation. We have attempted to slim down and rationalise the website without losing key information. Please do have a look around, but here are a few key pages you might want to bookmark:
Term Dates
Catering Menu
Media Wall
School Calendar
School Policies
Sports Fixtures Coaches
Various School Businesses
Of course, like all websites, this is very much a living entity and we will continue to fine tune it as we go along.
Please could I remind you again to contact the Hesketh House office first thing in the morning if your daughter will not be in school for any reason. General queries should also be directed to the office juniorgirls@boltonschool.org.uk or 01204 434761
Mrs C Laverick
Road Safety Update
I have been made aware that a new pelican crossing is being planned on Chorley New Road and should hopefully be completed and operational after the half term holiday. The crossing will be situated close to the junction with New Hall Lane and will provide a safe crossing route near the School’s Leverhulme Pavilion. We regularly reinforce the importance of road safety with all pupils and this is a very welcome addition to the other safe crossings currently in place.
Eco-Committee Recycling Project
The girls in the Eco-Committee are hoping to get everyone on board recycling old pens and other stationery items. They have made collecting boxes which have been put in each classroom. There are clear instructions on each box about what can and can not be sent for recycling. Please put your old pens in here and not in the bin!
Donate and Recycle – Summer Dresses
Parents will be aware that the summer dresses no longer form part of the Hesketh House uniform. Although we have said they can still be worn in Summer Term this academic year, they are not available to purchase and won’t be sold in any of our second-hand sales.
We have a contact who is currently working on a project out in Malawi. He has re-built a primary school just north of the capital and identified 100 local orphans who he is currently supporting. He has asked if we might provide some second-hand uniform for these childrenand wethoughtthat our old summer dresses would be perfect for the girls. If you have any that your daughter will not longer wear, please do wash them and send in to school so that we can donate them to this worthy cause!
Please follow us on twitter @BSPDJnrGirls.
Quiz Club Competition
Friday 27 January
Last Friday many of our Quiz Club members took part in the area heats for the Quiz Club Competition, competing online against other schools from around the country. The girls faced three rounds of challenging questions across a range of subjects including naming elements on the periodic table; identifying composers, sculptors and vocalists from their work, calculating complicated equations and describing locations of countries or monuments to name but a few! The girls worked brilliantly in their teams across year groups and thoroughly enjoyed the event. It was a great opportunity for the girls to engage their Hesketh Habits with collaboration, communication, curiosity, challenge and commitment all being clearly evident during the process. Well done to all our Quiz Club members who have joined in with our sessions this year!
Isabelle Ducker Zoya Ghauri
Emily Guo Sahana Jacobs
Florence Kennedy Lily McCairn
Keira McCann Ava McManus
Scarlett Ng-Finch Avni Patel
Kya Patel Naya Patel
Inarah Seedat Alivia Smith
Darcey Tomlinson
Year 4 Roman Workshop
Wednesday 1 February
As part of our Spring Term History study, Year 4 became Roman recruits for the day. Having joined the ranks of the Roman Army, they were drilled to respond to commands and pay attention to detail. They enthused as they learned new facts and skills.
In a hands-on session, they made oil lamps and made and played a Roman board game, Tabla Lusarius. They worked as archaeologists, studying and sketching artefacts. All these experiences helped them to immerse themselves in the brilliant History workshop that took us back to life in Roman Britain over 2000 years ago.
PA Breakfast Club
Friday 10 February
The Parents’ Association are kindly organising a Breakfast Club for the girls from Hesketh House This will take place next Friday morning, with girls being allowed in to the hall for tasty treats, any time from 8.00am – 8.30am. The cost will be £2 per pupil, which should be brought in on the day.
If there are any parents who would be willing to volunteer to help the PA on the day, please contact Mrs Onuoha on 07734 865817. Thank you!
AJIS Art Competition Drawing
Deadline Monday 13 February
Girls are invited tosubmita piece for the AJIS Art Competition. The title is ‘A View from a Window’ and pieces can be real or imagined, or even in the style of a familiar artist. Entries will be judged on composition, drawing technique and drawing style. Drawings must be in black and white, using pen, pencil, pastels or charcoal and the maximum size is A4. Artwork must be handed in to Mrs Labbé by Monday 13 February at the latest.
Hesketh House Music Festival
Monday 13 February
Tuesday 14 February
Provisional timings are as follows:
Monday 13 February
9.00am Year 4 Piano
10.30am Year 3 Piano
1.30pm Year 5 Piano
2.50pm Year 6 Piano
Tuesday 14 February
9.00am Woodwind, Brass, Drums, Guitar
9.50am Beginners
10.50am Strings
1.30pm Vocal
2.50pm Ensembles
Parents will be able to come in to watch the sessions their child is taking part in if they wish.
External adjudicators will award certificates and placings in each category, and give individual feedback on all of the performances. We will be inviting the award winners in each category to perform in a Celebratory Concert on the evening of Wednesday 1 March. More details will be given nearer the time.
Jump Extreme
Wednesday 15 February
4.00pm – 7.00pm
All pupils in the Primary Division are invited to attend a special session at Jump Extreme in the last week of this half term. A flyer has been sent home with the girls, more information canbe found here Places are limited, and will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Please note that parents must ring and book this directly with Jump Extreme, bookings cannot be made through the School Office. Thank you!
Kidzone Half Term Holiday Club
The programme of activities and booking information can be found here.
BSSL February Sports Camp
BSS Leisure are also running activities during the half term holiday, more information is here.
Book Fair
Tuesday 28 February – Thursday 2 March
The Book Fair will be in school from Tuesday 28 February until the end of the day on Thursday 2 March, World Book Day. Girls will have the opportunity to visit the Book Fair with their class to purchase books. We will also open on Wednesday and Thursday 4.00pm – 4.30pm, in case parents want to pop in too. On this occasion, all payments will need to be made in cash please.
World Book Day 2023
Thursday 2 March
We invite you to come to school dressed as any character from fiction, non-fiction or poetry. Start thinking about who or what you could be Let’s create a colourful array of characters!
In addition to dressing up, we would like you to bring a book from home to school on World Book Day, to share with your friends and classmates. It might be a story book, a non-fiction title, a quiz book or a poetry book. Won’t it be fun to share your ideas and your books with others? All we ask is that you take a bookmark template from your classroom (your teacher will have these), write your name and class on it and pop it inside your book from home so that it won’t get mislaid and can be safely returned to you at the end of the day.
All girls will receive a £1 WBD voucher, which can be used topart purchase any book, including those in our Book Fair. We will give you these vouchers before half term. The £1 vouchers can also be used in any bookstore to buy specially commissioned books written for World Book Day.
Hesketh House Parent Consultation Evenings
Parents have received an email recently, with dates for our next Parent Consultation Evenings, which will take place online. Year 3 parents will once again have an appointment with the form teacher. In Year 4, parents will be able to speak to both Mrs Bass and Mrs Worsley. Year 5 and Year 6 parents will have shorter appointments, but will be able to see different subject teachers if they wish. There is no expectation that parents will see all of the teachers, but wedo ask that everyonesees at least the form teacher.
Monday 6 March Year 3
Tuesday 7 March Year 4
Wednesday 8 March Year 5
Thursday 9 March Year 6
Further details, including how to book your appointments will be sent to you in due course.
Year 6 Sailing Club – Summer Term
During the Summer Term we will be taking 12 Year 6 girls (alongside 12 Year 6 Park Road boys) to learn to sail, with a view to these pupils joining the sailing programme when they are in Year 7. This will take place at the Anderton Centre on a Tuesday evening, 4.45.pm – 5.45pm.
Dates for the Hesketh House sessions are:
Tuesday 18 April Tuesday 25 April
Tuesday 2 May Tuesday 9 May* TBC
Tuesday 23 May
*Please note that this date is different to Park Road’s sessions, due to the Year 6 Patterdale Trips.
The total cost will be £25, equivalent to £5 per session. Specialist clothing and equipment will be provided by the Anderton Centre. If your daughter would be interested in taking part then please register her interest using the link below, before 14 February. If there are more than 12 applications, names will be drawn at random. https://forms.gle/gPCgdhJ1G9SrFEvW8
Patterdale Hall Trips – Summer Term 2023
The dates of our visits are as follows:
Year 3 Tuesday 2 May – Wednesday 3 May
Year 4 Monday 22 May – Wednesday 24 May
Year 5 Wednesday 24 May – Friday 26 May
Year 6 Monday 15 May – Friday 19 May
All pupils are expected to take part in these trips.
There will be anInformation Evening on Thursday 23 March when we will be giving pupils and parents more details about what to expect. We would particularly recommend that you attend if your child has not been to Patterdale Hall before
Year 5 Netball v Stockport
Thursday 2 February, Stockport
Malaka Bakeer Charlotte Buchanan
Harriet Davis Annabelle Hutchinson
Sahana Jacobs Alice Lomas
Francesca Longton Tullah Maher
Charlotte McCarren Izzy Owen
Prakruti Padaki Avni Patel
Kya Patel Alexia Pattle
Molly Scales Jessica Shannon
Anika Shetty Sienna Shum
Beatrix Snape Bronwen Soper
Darcey Tomlinson Isabelle Tunstall
Sabrinah Warren Orla Wilson
Our Year 5 girls had a very successful fixture against Stockport yesterday, winning all of their matches. A full report will be included in the Newsletter next week.
Year 6 Netball v Birkenhead
Friday 3 February, Bolton School
Good luck to the Year 6 girls playing in this fixture this afternoon. We will let you know how they get on in our Newsletter next week.
Monday 6 February Y5/6 Hockey Competition
Wednesday 8 February Y5, Y6 Young Shakespeare ‘Hamlet’ 9.00am, Hesketh House
Friday 10 February PA Breakfast Club AJIS Football Competition
Y4, Y5, Y6 Netball v Scarisbrick (H)
Monday 13 February Music Festival – Piano
Parents welcome to attend Y3/4 Hockey Festival TBC
Tuesday 14 February Music Festival – Instrumental
Parents welcome to attend
Thursday 16 February MFL Day Y6 Hockey Festival
Friday 17 February Y3 Trip to Tatton Hall
Saturday 18 February EPSCA Chess Competition
Monday 20 February HALF TERM
Tuesday 28 February SPRING TERM RESUMES
Tuesday 28 February Book Fair in School this week
Wednesday 1 March Celebratory Concert 7.00pm
Thursday 2 March World Book Day Swimming v Westholme (A)
Friday 3 March Y5 Netball v Bury (A)
Monday 6 March Parents’ Evenings this week (online)
Tuesday 7 March Y5 Netball v Manchester High TBC
Wednesday 8 March Dance Festival (Street Dance Club) Bolton Albert Halls 6.00pm
Thursday 9 March Y6 Sailing pm TBC
Friday 10 March Y6 AJIS Netball
Thursday 16 March Y5 AJIS Netball TBC Bridgewater Hall Concert (Choir, Strings, Woodwind) 7.00pm
Friday 17 March Comic Relief
Tuesday 21 March House Day
Thursday 23 March Y6 Trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelter Patterdale Hall Meeting 7.00pm
Friday 24 March Y5 / Y6 House Netball Y3 / Y4 House Dodgeball
Tuesday 28 March Y5 Viking Day
Wednesday 29 March Y5 Architecture Workshop TERM ENDS 4.00PM
Summer Term 2023
Start of Term – Monday 17 April
Bank Holiday – Monday 1 May
Half Term – Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June
End of Term – Friday 7 July 3.25pm