e Elite Athlete Programme
Bol on School is nat onal y recognised for ts sport ng exce lence
Foundat on Grants and Scholarships
Elite Tennis Pathway
We currently have over 50 pup s that are county or nationa level athletes across a w de range of sports ncluding ennis, badminton, footbal , go f, gymnast cs, hockey kayak ng lacrosse, martial ar s, netba l rugby ( eague and union), sa l ng, sw mming and water po o. These sportsmen and women are supported by he Schoo ’s El te
Ath ete Programme, in partnership with external sport ng agencies and academ es Work ng c ose y w th our partners, our E ite Ath ete Programme a ms to suppor talented sportsmen and women through a dua career pathway – in their sporting performance and n their academic stud es.
Bo ton School offers a imited number of gran s and scho arships to academ ca ly ab e pupi s who demonstra e an except ona talen n sport and the potent a to benef t rom our al -round educat on and to contribute to he active ife of our communi y.
For talented enn s p ayers our partner s Bo ton Arena Tennis Academy, where he ocus is on help ng he ind vidua reach nat onal and internat ona exce lence
The Academy has been home to Grand Slam champ ons at sen or and junior events and has a ong h story o produc ng wor d c ass p ayers
Each ourney wi l be tai ored to suit an indiv dual player’s deve opment p an and aspirat ons o one day be ng a pro ess ona tenn s p ayer.
Core values of Ownersh p, Work Eth c No Excuses, Inner Determ nat on and Team Work e evate each indiv dual s amb t ons a ongside a world c ass coach ng eam and framework
If a student’s ambi ion is to study and compete at a US Co ege, then ga n ng A-Leve s at Bol on Schoo and tra n ng as part of he el te u l-
time Academy, wh s work ng w th the r recru tment team, wi g ve them the best opportun ty to do so.
e Team at the Arena’s Tennis Academy
D rector of Tenn s, Steven Fathers eads a pass onate, determined and experienced team of pro ess ona s that strive, co ectively, to improve the techn cal standards o ndiv dua s and make the marginal performance gains ha are required to compete at the h ghest eve .
works c ose y with he physio herapist, to ensure ath etes recover quickly from njuries hey exper ence rom t me to ime The Sport
Howard Green, he Head of Strength and Condit oning, can draw upon h s experiences on the professiona tour; n part cular work wi h former wor d number 1, Ana vanov c and top 80 WTA p ayer Naomi Broad to provide bespoke train ng programmes for athle es Importan y he
Psycho og s , and former p ayer Cal um Gowl ng he ps ma ntain and promo e a pos t ve mind-set in he p ng ath etes dea w th he stresses of compet t on, tra n ng and njury whi st the on-s te nutrit onist creates spec fic nutrit on plans to help nd vidua s o ach eve the r peak performance.
Tailored Academic Curriculum Plan
Ta ented ath etes can have varied tra n ng programmes and comm tments and we work c ose y with the team at Bol on Arena Tenn s Academy, agenc es and parents to enab e sportsmen and women and their am ies o manage and support both the r academic and a h et c a ms Bespoke curr culum plans are put in p ace to accommodate their tra n ng needs and we ensure that a student has the study me and support to fu f l the r academic aspirat ons. On occasion, a pupi may have an extended absence due to compet t on and i th s is the case, measures nclud ng extra tutor ng can be arranged to supp emen any resources, e-learning or o herwise, a student may rece ve.
Our El te Ath ete Men or a ongs de a Form Tutor and Head of Year, w l meet talented s udents every ha f-term to discuss academ c achievemen , inc ud ng areas of support tha may be requ red and to decide whether further a terat ons to a curr culum p an are required.
Personal Mentoring
Persona deve opmen and soc a -emot onal wel be ng are cr tica o he success of talented ath e es and enab e them to bui d conf dence, mo ivation, se f-d sc p ine and res l ence, wh ch n turn, al ows hem to reach their goa s
Schoo s are at the centre o a studen ’s fe At Bol on Schoo we prov de the env ronment whereby a studen ’s men a ski ls and rai s to cope w th advers ty, compet ion and anx ety are enhanced through mentorsh p and a lored charac er deve opment
Our El te Athle e Mentor a ses close y w th external agencies and academies to he p ensure he pastoral care of a student s paramount whatever the r progress is along a ta ent pathway Ta ented ath etes meet with our E ite Ath ete Men or regularly o he p them deve op a ho ist c unders and ng of the pressures and demands that are p aced on hem, whe her emotiona y, physica ly and/or academ cal y.
We he p talented athletes to become we -grounded and to deve op a personal den ity away from he r spor in order that they ma nta n posi ive and f our sh ng relationsh ps w th he r non-sport ng peers.
Bolton Arena is home to eight ndoor hard courts, wo outdoor clay courts, a state of the art new y re urb shed f tness su te and an on-court gym for nterd sc pl nary coach ng w th the streng h and cond t on ng team. The Arena also has an on-s te phys otherap st I has hosted major tenn s events inc ud ng the Dav s Cup victory.
Fur hermore athletes have access to a 400m runn ng track, an on-s te café and c assroom faci ties.
‘Christopher, our son, attended Bolton School during which time he maintained a substantial tennis schedule - competing at local, national and international level.
Par tners
The Arena works closely w th the Lawn Tenn s Assoc at on and hey are a key s akeholder n the deve opmen of the players.
Dunlop rackets and c oth ng are the equ pment sponsor and wi l offer contracts to players on the scho arsh p scheme.
The Arena s nternationa academy partner is based n ta y, who host the 2021 Masters F na s The club boasts 18 clay cour s where some of the bes p ayers from ta y train The Arena w l be runn ng camps, both home and away, in conjunction with the club.
Applying to Bolton School
If your ch d demonstra es an except ona ta en n spor and is academ cal y able, we encourage them to app y to Bolton Schoo Boys Div sion or G r s’ Div s on f you would ike to f nd out more about our e ite ath e e pathways, please do cal our Admissions Depar ment on 01204 840201
Bolton School was hugely suppor tive in enabling and encouraging Chris to fulfil his potential; they allowed him time off to attend national training and to compete in the UK and abroad. They consistently ensured his academic studies did not suffer and were always ver y positive when recognising his achievements. With the school’s suppor t he was able to happily manage his schedule and achieve success at both an academic and spor ting level.’
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