Bolton School Primary Division Junior Boys’ School Summer Term, 2022 — WEEK B
Wednesday 8th June
From Mrs. Faulkner Dear Parents I hope you have all enjoyed a restful half term. We are now into the final run of the academic year and the next four and a half weeks will be incredibly busy around school, which is, of course, just how we like things.
Wednesday 8th June NO SWIM CLUB AFTER SCHOOL Cubs 6.30—8pm Year 4 Concert, Park Road, 7pm Thursday 9th June AJIS Athletics Competition, Trafford Athletics Club Stadium Cubs 6.30—8pm
LAMDA, 4-5pm Jujitsu, 4-5pm Friday 10th June Year 5 Cricket vs Stockport Grammar, all day NO Water Polo Training Year 6 boys return from Patterdale, 3.55pm
This week, we have Year 6 boys at Patterdale Hall. All of the reports and photos coming back from there show that the boys, and their teachers, are having a fantastic time getting stuck into a wide range of activities and just enjoying time with friends in the great outdoors. Back at base, we have the Year 4 concert this evening and I am very much looking forward to hearing the boys’ performances in the Park Road Hall. Also, I would wish the athletics and cricket teams the very best of luck as they head out on fixtures on Thursday and Friday respectively – so much to squeeze in already. This week, I am enjoying my spell back at Park Road whilst Mr Morris is at Patterdale Hall with the Year 6 boys and I have loved seeing the boys engaging with their learning, having fun with friends and generally just catching up with them all. I always enjoy this time of the school year, reflecting on how much the boys have grown, not just physically, but academically and personally – being able to see how much they have developed is a real pleasure. Now that Mrs Field has arrived as Head at Beech House, I will be able to spend a great deal more time around each of the schools, which I am very much looking forward to. Of course, at this time of year, as well as looking back and thinking about how we will draw this year to a close, we also begin to look ahead to what next year will look like and it is at this time that we would ordinarily let you know of any staff changes. This year, there will be a number of Park Road colleagues moving on to pastures new and we wish them all the very best. Mrs Whittaker has accepted a teaching position at Greenbank Preparatory School for September. Mrs Whittaker has worked at Park Road for five years and, in that time, has worked primarily with Years 5 and 6, and contributed a great deal to the wider life of school. Her expertise in digital learning has certainly been invaluable over the last two years. During her time with us, we have also enjoyed watching Mrs Whittaker’s own family grow and a move nearer to home will allow her to spend a bit more time with her young children. Mr Franklin joined us eight years ago as a newly qualified teacher and in that time has certainly grown in experience and stature and his dedication to school life in that time has been much appreciated by boys, parents and colleagues alike. I am delighted that he has been offered a promoted post at Grappenhall Heys Community Primary School in Warrington and am sure that this will simply be the next step in a long and very successful career. After nine years at Park Road, much of that in Year 3, Mrs Crowther has decided to explore what life at Hesketh House is like. I am quite sure that our girls and colleagues at Hesketh House will benefit greatly from Mrs Crowther’s wealth of expertise and experience and I can’t think of a better way to further develop links between the two junior schools. Finally, after seven years at Park Road, Mr Morris has decided to explore opportunities beyond Bolton School. I have enjoyed working with Mr Morris, first as my deputy in Park Road, and then during this year when he has led Park Road. His commitment to the boys in the school and the development of opportunities for them has been something we have all valued. I am sure you will join me in wishing him well in his next steps. Of course, whilst it is always sad to say goodbye to colleagues, the arrival of new colleagues is always something to look forward to as they bring with them a whole range of new experiences, expertise and interest which inevitably helps with the development of any school. During the course of the last few months, we have been working hard to recruit the very best candidates for each of our openings. You will already be aware from my communication earlier in the year, that Mr Steven King will be taking over as Head of Park Road. He and his family will be returning from Malaysia towards the end of this month and I know that he is looking forward to meeting you all.
Mrs Nicola Gould will be familiar to most of you as she has worked at Park Road for the last seven years. During the course of this current academic year, Mrs Gould has completed her teacher training qualification and will be a Year 4 teacher from September. Mr Tom Price who, again, may be familiar to some of you as a current swim teacher at BSSL, has also completed his teacher training qualification and will join Park Road as a Year 3 teacher from September.
The Year 6 teaching team will be enhanced with the arrival of Mr Mike Porter. Mr Porter has worked at Lever House Primary School in Leyland for over eighteen years and is looking forward to a new challenge. His experience and, in particular, his expertise as a Maths lead and his extensive knowledge of digital learning will add much to the great work which already goes on at Park Road. Finally, Mrs Winstanley, who this year has been Acting Deputy Head at Park Road, will now become the permanent Deputy Head. I know that our new colleagues are all very much looking forward to getting to know the children and yourselves and I am very much looking forward to working with them as we continue to build on the excellent work of the school. SAF
Monday 13th June
PA Matters
Year 6 Play Rehearsals
Bag2School – Reminder! Our next Bag2School day is on Monday 13th June (from 8am in Beech House car park). We will be collecting any unwanted clothes, shoes, bags, bed linen, towels, curtains, etc. for which the PA receives a monetary contribution.
For Year 6 parents : as you are aware, the boys are working hard on this year’s play, “Jungle Book”, which will take place over three evenings, 29th June – 1st July.
Easy Funding – Great news! We received £70. Bag2School Collection, 8-9am, Beech House car park Thanks to all who linked their online shopping to
Year 4 to Patterdale Bolton Schools’ Music Festival, Victoria Hall, 7pm Judo, 4-5pm Y5 SUP & Sailing (collection from Anderton Centre - 6.15pm) Tuesday 14th June English Schools Water Polo, 1-5 pm Y3/4 After School Chess, 4-5pm Wednesday 15th June Year 5 to Patterdale
our PA account. Online shopping can also generate funds for the school PA by simply using the easyfundraising app and linking your account to boltonjbpa. This includes the majority of online merchants (e.g. Amazon, M&S, John Lewis, eBbay, Domino’s Pizza, insurance). Don’t forget to @BSPDJnrBoysPA
Instrumental Music Lessons from September 2022 If you wish your son to start individual music lessons from September, please apply directly to your chosen teacher using the information contained in the attached VMT brochure to check on vacancies. A copy is linked here and available to download on Parent Portal. If you have any questions, please contact the Foundation Head of Instrumental Studies, Mr Forgrieve -
Year 4 return from Patterdale Hall, 3.55pm
Contacting the School Office Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735
Cubs 6.30—8pm LAMDA, 4-5pm Jujitsu, 4-5pm Friday 17th June NO Water Polo Training Year 5 boys return from Patterdale,
Dates for Trips to Patterdale Please note the following dates for the forthcoming visits to Patterdale Hall : Year 4: Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th June. Year 5: Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th June In advance of the Year 4 trip to Patterdale on Monday 13h June, if your son requires any prescribed medication, please could you bring it into School before Friday 10th June, so that it can be taken on the trip.
Cubs 6.30—7.45pm
Thursday 9th June
Tickets are on sale now !
Y6 to watch “Matilda”, GD Theatre
Year 3 Concert, Park Road, 7pm
Please note that this is one of our compulsory events and all Year 6 boys are expected to attend on each of the three nights.
e: www.bolton The School Office is open from 8.15 am — 4.15 pm during term time. Please note that any texts sent by the Office cannot be replied to. Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form. If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner. For all coach / transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711,
Please remember any medication MUST be clearly labelled with the pharmacy label which has your son’s name and details of administering it on it. The consent to Administer Medication form, which must accompany any medication sent on the trip, can be found on Parent Portal. These items should be handed to the School Office and will be given to the member of staff in charge of the trip on the day of departure.
This Week’s Documents This week’s linked documents include: Next week’s menu to follow VMT brochure for September The newsletter is available on the school website at: downloads/weekly-newsletter/current-newsletter/. Copies of these documents are also available on Parent Portal
Charity Fun Run
Year 6 Visit to Patterdale Hall
The boys (and staff!) all enjoyed donning their fancy dress costumes and taking part in the traditional end of term charity fun run on the Senior Levels on the Friday we broke up. Well done to all who took part and thank you to the parents who braved the cold to support and spectate the boys.
The Year 6 boys are having a fantastic time up at Patterdale this week—enjoying the wonderful food, as well as some glorious weather. Their activities include hiking, canoeing and archery and they are all looking forward to camping out in the grounds of the Hall before they return on Friday.
We are still counting up the sponsorship monies, so please do send this into school or donate via Parent Pay. Grand totals will be announced very soon !
Year 4 boys go up on Monday and then it is the turn of the Year 5s on Wednesday. Lots of updates are on Twitter for parents to see.
Friends of Bolton School We are relaunching the Friends of Bolton School (FOBS) Choir with a “Come and Sing” event on Sunday 25th September. This will be held in the Girls’ Division Great Hall. If you are not already on the FOBS Choir mailing list, please email to register your interest and to be kept informed of this and subsequent events. The choir is open to all parents, staff, ex-parents, governors, alumni and others with a connection to Bolton School. Further details will follow in due course.
Year 3 Adventure Day The much-anticipated Year 3 Adventure Day will take place on Tuesday 21st June at The Anderton Centre in Chorley.. Please could all Year 3 parents complete the consent forms (which will be sent home this week) and return them to Mrs Iddon in the Office by Wednesday 15th June LATEST. Copies can be found on Parent Portal. Please note that the cost of this activity is £30, which is payable on Parent Pay. Please contact Mrs Iddon if you need a reminder of your Parent Pay log in details. Packed lunches will be provided but boys should bring their water bottles. All the details of the trip and a kit list have been emailed to parents today.
Thank You from Mrs Iddon Thank you to all who so kindly donated to my Just Giving charity page and sponsored me on my recent challenge to walk the Three Peaks of Saddleworth—I am so very grateful for all of the support and encouragement I received. 33 of us hiked over incredibly challenging terrain for more than seven miles (which took us just over eight hours in the beautiful May sunshine) and we collectively raised just over £16,000, which is phenomenal. If you would still like to donate, do take a look at my page: https:// Thank you again. Mrs I
Achievements Congratulations to Jasper Daniels (3B), who had a very successful half term competing in two national slalom (skiing) races at the Chill Factore. Jasper was extremely excited to win the Ambition National and then to gain silver in the Excel National on the following day. He goes on to compete in Milton Keynes this weekend and then in Glasgow and Manchester the following weekend. Well done, Jasper, these are fantastic achievements. We all wish you the very best of luck in the forthcoming competitions !
Congratulations to Avi Waghray (3A) who also celebrated success from over half term when he took part in the North West Tae Kwon Do competition, securing three medals two bronzes and a silver—in speed kicking, sparring and sumo sparring. Avi then went on to represent North West Tae Kwon Do in the Leyland Jubilee Parade. He only started learning a few months ago so this really is a great achievement. Well done, Avi ! Great news !
Congratulations to Aaryan Nayyar (3A), who achieved his first top novice trophy over half term, racing for his team, Oliver Rowland Motorsport, in the Rissington Club round, in a grid of twenty five racers, racing against some of the best cadet racers in the UK, Aaryan managed to achieve his novice trophy, coming first out of the black plate racers (novices) in the final round. Well done, Aaryan ! Brilliant achievement !
Y3 & Y4 Concert Information Please find linked here letters concerning the forthcoming Year 3 concert (which will take place on Wednesday 15th June) and Year 4 concert (this event takes place this evening at 7pm). Please note that both events are compulsory.
School Uniform Shop Opening Hours Please see below for the opening times for the school uniform shop on Dobson Road. Please note that an online booking system will be available in due course.