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CRE Insight Journal Award Winners
from 2023 Insight Special Issue
by Editor
The CRE Insight Journal Awards celebrates excellence in commercial real estate companies and buildings. Real estate companies may apply to be recognized for Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Buildings may apply to be recognized for Excellence in Tenant Care; Excellence in Environmental Sustainability; and/or Excellence in Collaborative Service.
The CRE Insight Journal Awards celebrate its second year, and competition has remained strong. Entries from around the country are anonymously scored by a panel of CRE experts in each respective category. These scores are then shared with and tallied by the CRE Insight Journal awards committee, who then alert the winners of their victory.
Winners are then interviewed by CRE Insight Journal staff, and their incredible insights are recorded and shared at www.creinsightjournal.com/awards. In this special issue of CRE Insight Journal, award winners of each category share how their properties, programs, collaborations, and teams achieved this incredible recognition.
Last year, the inaugural winners, Scott Weiland, PE, SE, Evan Moore, PE, SE, Palisades Office Park, 100 City View, Zeller, and Rubbermaid Commercial Products and Core Property Capitol were honored for excellence in thought leadership, sustainability, tenant care, DEI, and collaborative service respectively.
The CRE Insight Journal Award winners selected this year have made significant contributions to the real estate industry. They have advanced inclusivity in the industry. They have attained industry leading energy savings through highly innovative technologies and programs. They have executed novel tenant care and community building programs. Finally, they have made significant contributions as real estate industry thought leaders.
CRE Insight Journal honors these innovators, leaders, and teams through the 2022 CRE Insight Journal Awards. Learn more about these award recipients, and how you can apply for 2023 with the QR code below.