May 2013
Family Feud
Property Managers and Engineers: Building Understanding This month, BOMA combines our General Meeting and our Engineers Association Meeting for a spirited and sometimes humorous discussion that will be introduced by a segment based on the “Family Feud” game show.
Representing the Property Managers will be the team of Ryan Moore, Jami Silus, Bob Traeger, and Ray Vaughn.
Property managers and building engineers approach building operations from two fundamentally different perspectives, but their collaboration is critical to every aspect of successful operations including tenant comfort and safety, building efficiency, code compliance, structural and systems integrity and property values.
11:30 AM Sign-in and networking 12:00 - 1:30 PM Program
This meeting will feature a panel discussion between property managers and engineers working toward a better understanding of the factors that drive each of them in their dayto-day decisions and their interactions with each other. Representing the Engineers will be the feud team of Steve Briggs, Troy Kalafut, Don Krook, and Tony Redmond.
Thursday, May 16 WHERE: Millennium Hotel 1313 Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis COST:
Congratulations Kilowatt Crackdown Winners!
Turn to page 8 for the story of this year’s Kilowatt Crackdown Challenge.
Congratulations TOBY Regional Winners!
Turn to page 9 to learn which buildings are advancing to The Outstanding Building of the Year Awards international competition.
Members:$42 ($37 if you register by noon on Friday, May 10) Nonmembers: $49. Same day registration: Members $45, Nonmembers: $55.
Register online at www.bomampls. org or by sending an email to events@ Cancellations must be received 24 hours in advance. Substitutions honored.
Sponsored by:
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Mitigating Your Property’s Risks
In Risky Situations BOMA Spring Seminar President’s Message Spring Seminar Introducing Jon Kuskie
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New Board Members 5 Government Affairs Committee 6 Legislative Update 7 BOMA Greater Minneapolis
2012 KWCD Winners 8 Regional TOBY Winners 9 ECA Water 10-11 • May 2013 • Page 1
President’s Message
BOMA Greater Minneapolis
By Jon Kuskie Greetings to all Fellow Members of BOMA Greater Minneapolis! As I write this article, it is the heart of tax season and it is cold and the Twins have cancelled their first game ever due to snow. However, as you are reading this article, I know that winter 2012/2013 has finally released its grip, and many of you have gotten a nice bike ride or a round of golf in by now. Of course, if I am wrong, please forgive my aspiration to be a TV weather personality, (so I can be wrong most of the time, exaggerate profusely merely for effect, and still get paid handsomely). On a more serious note, I could not be more honored to serve as your new association President! As a BOMA member since 1999, I have been amazed at how much I have been able to learn and grow professionally through BOMA membership – and even more importantly, I have been able to understand the magnitude by which BOMA impacts our economic lives. Our participation in BOMA lends voices of reason and common sense to an economic engine for our society in significant ways. Not the least of which is the foundation by which commercial real estate exists. Knowing that our BOMA International Federation establishes the terms and conditions by which buildings are measured, rents can therefore be defined, and leases can be executed – all because of the dedication of BOMA’s membership – fantastically profound! I absolutely want you to be proud of your membership in the second oldest and seventh largest BOMA of the 107 BOMAs that comprise the BOMA International Federation and realize that you are a significant contributor to our society’s economy by participating actively with our BOMA Greater Minneapolis! As our BOMA has done for the past 109 years, at our April 18th Annual Meeting we elected a new Board of Directors and recognized those departing the board. I would again like to express gratitude to the fantastic professionals Page 2
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departing from the board: Mike Thornton, Dave Marquis, Beth Anderson, Linne Lemke, Ted Zwieg, and Past President Brian Burg. Each has dedicated countless hours to the betterment of our entire industry, and we are all indebted to you for your contributions as well as for your future guidance! A very heartfelt congratulations to the newly elected members of the Board of Directors! We are all very fortunate to employ the wisdom and experience of the new Directors: Kevin Connolly, Lynette Dumalag, Brett Greenfield, Pat McQuiston, Tom Heuer, Amy Wimmer and coming back for a full term, Sue Goldstein. Further congratulations to Dave Wright and to Kim Ihle in their election to Vice President and Secretary Treasurer respectively. Board member Mike Hagen also joins the Executive Board of Directors as an at large member. Without a doubt, we have an impressive and diverse group of dedicated professionals to lead our organization, and I am grateful to have this opportunity to work with each of them this upcoming year. This article could never be complete without recognizing the significant contribution to our organization by our past President, Dave Dabson, who helped hire Kevin Lewis and helped to mentor him with industry knowledge. Our BOMA is in a position of strength in large part due to Dave’s leadership, not only during the past year, but throughout his very successful 5 year tenure on the Executive Committee. If you have not been able to tell by now, I am extremely honored to be serving this upcoming year in the capacity as President. Our BOMA continues to significantly contribute to the success of our industry and the momentum with our Executive Director, Kevin Lewis and our wonderfully talented BOMA Staff mean that our future as an important facet of commercial real estate is tremendously bright. Most importantly, I am extremely excited to work with each of you as we continue the path of personal development and professional success through our participation in BOMA Greater Minneapolis!
BOMA Greater Minneapolis 121 South 8th Street, Suite 610 Minneapolis, MN 55402-2825 Phone: 612-338-8627 Fax: 612-340-9744
The BOMA Newsletter
Sheila Miller, Editor and Publisher Statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinion of BOMA or its membership. Articles may be reprinted only by written authority of the editor. DISCLAIMER: All advertisements are accepted and published by the publisher upon representation that the Agency and/or Advertiser is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. The Agency and/or Advertiser will indemnify and hold harmless the publishers, the employees and agents of the publisher from any loss or expense from claims or suits based upon contents of any advertisement including claims or suits for defamation, libel, violation of rights of privacy, plagiarism and copyright infringement. Officers President: Jon A. Kuskie, Zeller Realty Group Vice President: David K. Wright, FMA, RPA US Bank Corporate Real Estate Secretary/Treasurer: Kimberly K. Ihle, CPM, RPA, CCIM CBRE Directors Kevin A. Connolly, CPM, RPA Cushman & Wakefield | NorthMarq David R. Dabson, RPA, CCIM Piedmont Office Realty Trust, Inc. Lynette Dumalag, Nelson, Tietz & Hoye, Inc. Susan J. Goldstein, Xcel Energy Brett K. Greenfield, Colliers International Michael A. Hagen, The 614 Company Tanya J. Hemphill, RPA, CPM, CCIM Investors Real Estate Trust Tom W. Heuer, Aspen Waste Systems, Inc. Pat McQuiston, Target Corporation Jeffrey C. Steinke, RPA, Ryan Companies US, Inc. Amy J. Wimmer, Hines Kevin Lewis, Executive Director
BOMA Spring Seminar
Mitigating Your Property’s Risks in Risky Situations Presented by BOMA Greater Saint Paul and BOMA Greater Minneapolis
About the Seminar
BOMA’s property owners and managers recognize that by virtue of owning/ managing semi-public environments, they are – to a certain extent – vicariously liable for the happenings within and even around their buildings. When the potential for violence presents itself, whether in a tenant’s space, a common area, or on the sidewalk in front of their building, the property owner/manager has a responsibility to do what he/she reasonably can to mitigate the harm that could befall the people in and around that building. To the layman, however, the law sometimes seems to provide contradictory obligations.
Mike Freeman has served for 14 years as the Hennepin County Attorney.
Examples • A tenant comes to the property manager with a photo of her ex-husband against whom she holds a restraining order. What are the property manager’s responsibilities AND liabilities if he accepts the photo? What are they if he DOESN’T accept it? • How much information can and/or should be shared about a tenant who is a Level 3 sex offender – or suspected to be mentally ill and potentially dangerous? How does the property manager weigh privacy laws, civil rights laws, and the responsibilities to protect others? These and other risky situations will be explored in this seminar that will provide attendees with legal insight into their responsibilities.
Generously sponsored by
Wednesday, May 22 7:30 AM Sign-in and breakfast 8:00 - 10:30 AM Program
WHERE: Town and Country Club, 300 N Mississippi River Blvd in St. Paul COST: Register by noon on Friday, May 17 for the Early Bird Rates of $95 for employees of BOMA member companies or $140 for nonmembers. After noon on May 17, $115 for employees of BOMA member companies or $165 for nonmembers. Cancellations must be received by noon on May 17. 2 CEUs pending approval
online at or by sending an email to Cancellations must be received by noon on Friday, May 17. Substitutions honored.
Jerry LeGarde is a Senior Risk Control Consultant with The Travelers Companies, Inc. Joe Lawder is an attorney with Lindquist & Vennum. He’s a certified Real Estate Specialist with a broad base of litigation experience.
Introducing the Newly Elected BOMA President, Jon Kuskie By Tara Christensen Cushman & Wakefield | Northmarq Member of the BOMA Communications Committee I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Jon Kuskie of Zeller Realty Group for the pleasure of getting to know him better. Jon has accepted the role of BOMA President for the coming year. During my meeting with him, his passion for BOMA and the commercial real estate industry became very obvious. Not unlike a lot of his peers, Jon’s start in the commercial real estate world was purely by chance. After graduating from St. John’s University, he entered the banking industry where he eventually became a loan officer working in Accenture Tower. After learning that his bank branch was shutting down, he took a job working for the property manager of Accenture Tower. He was then hired by Zeller
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Realty in 1999 as a Property Manager and moved into the role of Asset Manager in 2007. It was after joining Zeller Realty that Jon became a member of BOMA Greater Minneapolis. It fascinated him that a room full of “competitors” was so willing and eager to help each other. He informed me that this has been the most rewarding aspect of being a BOMA member. “We all work together for the benefit of investors, tenants, and communities because it’s the right thing to do.” This collaboration between individuals, as well as the advocacy BOMA provides, have both benefited Jon’s career in numerous ways and can be translated to other markets he works in.
May 2013
During his term as BOMA President and in working with the Board, the committees, Kevin Lewis as Executive Director, and the BOMA staff, Jon stated that he desires to “continue to develop and enhance BOMA’s brand to maintain our status as the unquestionable authority in all things real estate.”
every time one of his company’s business plan projections is executed and exceeds the anticipated performance.
While some struggle to see the light at the end of the economic tunnel, Jon commented that this has been one of the more rewarding times of his career. “When I was hired into my Asset Management position, my boss indicated the market would make the financial aspects of our profession quite challenging. While definitely true, the past five years have also allowed for tremendous on-thejob education as well as satisfaction of surviving Jon foraging for fiddlehead ferns. some very challenging situations.” Some areas that Jon plans to Jon remarked that one of the biggest pay special attention to during his difficulties to face in today’s market presidency are: is the ever-changing and more • Making legislative and city legally complicated ownership and/ leaders more aware of or loan structures. “It has become BOMA’s presence in the increasingly challenging for marketplace. This includes property managers as well as asset getting the word out via social managers to navigate through, media as well as getting let alone understand, these very the BOMA newsletter in the complicated legal structures.” hands of local professionals While passionate in his career, who may not necessarily be Jon also has some fascinating BOMA members. personal interests. A pastime of • Promoting the BOMA BYP his is foraging for wild edibles, and Mentorship programs to including mushrooms, greens, prepare the next generation fruits, and nuts. He doesn’t always of professionals to take over. have to go very far to find food This is clearly a passion for because he has an amazing and Jon, which prompted him to completely edible yard-scape at participate in founding the his home in St. Louis Park. BOMA Mentorship program. • Push for more connectivity Another pastime includes travelling between the property to eat with his partner Jim, who management and engineering is a professionally trained and BOMA members. celebrated local chef. While some • Continue to develop travel to a specific destination relationships in the suburban based on location or culture, Jon market and submarkets. and Jim choose destinations based purely on gastronomy. Jon When asked what the highlight of is a food enthusiast and loves the his career has been, Jon noted that thrill of exploring the vast variety of it hasn’t been just one moment in cuisines throughout the world. t time. Memorable moments occur
BOMA Greater Minneapolis
WELCOME New Board Members BOMA Greater Minneapolis is pleased to introduce our 2013-14 officers and our new board members! At our Annual Meeting on April 18, BOMA members elected the following officers for one year terms: President: Jon Kuskie Vice President Zeller Realty Group
The following members were also elected to serve on the Board of Directors: Kevin Connolly Vice President Cushman & Wakefield | NorthMarq
Vice President: David Wright Vice President US Bank Corp. Real Estate
Lynette Dumalag Real Estate Team Assistant Nelson, Tietz & Hoye, Inc
Secretary/Treasurer: Kim Ihle General Manager CBRE
Sue Goldstein Key Account Manager Xcel Energy Brett Greenfield Property Manager Colliers International Tom Heuer Director of Business Development Aspen Waste Systems Pat McQuiston Senior Group Manager Target Corporation Amy Wimmer General Manager Hines
Continuing Board Members: David R. Dabson, CCIM, RPA, Piedmont Office Realty Trust Michael A. Hagen, The 614 Company Tanya J. Hemphill, CCIM, CPM, RPA, Investors Real Estate Trust Jeffrey C. Steinke, RPA, Ryan Companies BOMA Greater Minneapolis
May 2013
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Government Affairs Committee, Crucial to our Success By Kevin Lewis BOMA Executive Director House and Senate as well as the Governor’s office that involve our industry. While this is going on, we continue our advocacy efforts for our members year-round through additional activities. As I am writing this column, we are about in the bottom of the 7th inning of the 2013 Legislative Session. Many bills have been introduced, committee meetings and hearings have been held. Countless debates and the gnashing of teeth will soon come to a close. I urge all of you to review Doug Carnival’s column for a detailed breakdown on all the current activities at the Capitol. Doug set up camp in Saint Paul in early January and has routinely communicated on all the proceedings from the
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A large contributing factor to the success BOMA Greater Minneapolis has enjoyed over the years is the strength of our committee structure and the volunteers that serve on those committees. There are no fewer than 10 committees that help coordinate events, promote education, retain and grow membership and advance our mission. Perhaps one the most publicly visible of those is our Government Affairs Committee, which tackles critical issues and engages frequently with politicians.
May 2013
Chaired by Jim Durda from Inland American Office Management, the GAC meets virtually every month and typically has a city, county or state elected official as a guest. During the past year alone, the following elected officials have met with the GAC:
Mark Stenglein, President/CEO, Minneapolis Downtown Council, Mark Haveman, Executive Director, Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence (formerly the Minnesota Taxpayers Association) and Myron Frans, Commissioner of Revenue, State of Minnesota.
Senator Jeff Hayden, Minneapolis City Council President Barbara Johnson, Senator Linda Higgins, Senator Kari Dziedzic, Council Member Elizabeth Glidden, Hennepin County Commission Chair Mike Opat, Representative Jim Davine, Senator Scott Dibble, Council Member Meg Tuthill and Representative Kurt Zellers.
Another important element of the GAC meeting is a complete Legislative report by Doug Carnival and Bill McGrann. Their analysis allows the Committee to discuss current topics and determine the most effect way to advance BOMA’s position.
Occasionally, the committee also asks civic leaders, association executives and appointed officials to present. Those that have attended over the past 12 months included:
BOMA Greater Minneapolis
Our staff and the members of the GAC certainly welcome any issues you would like us to address. Please send any comments or questions directly to Jim Durda at or me at t
Report from the Halls of the Capitol By Douglas M. Carnival, Partner McGrann Shea Carnival Straughn & Lamb
We are about to begin the home stretch of the 2013 Legislative Session. The Finance and Tax Committees are busily drafting their spending and taxing bills. Despite having DFLers controlling the House, the Senate and the Governor’s Office, very different approaches are being pursued. All three have tentatively agreed on a proposed budget of $38 billion, which is approximately $1.8 billion more spending from the previous biennium. I reported last month on the Governor’s budget plan. SENATE TAX PROPOSAL To cover the spending that it proposes, the Senate has released a preliminary set of plans that will appear in its Omnibus Tax Bill. Although the Governor withdrew his sales tax reform proposals completely, the Senate has chosen to expand the sales tax to personal services. This would include services such as haircuts, spa services, tattoos, piercings, car repair and personal shopping services. It would also include golf, tennis and similar instructions. The electronic transfer of digital books and music would also be taxed. Further, the Senate would impose a tax on the sale of clothing for the first time but attempt to somewhat offset that with a credit for low income families. The aggregate of all of these sales tax changes would permit a reduction in the rate of 6.875 percent to 6 percent. Also part of the package is a 94 cent per pack increase in cigarette tax along with taxes on sports memorabilia and
stadium suites to help cover costs of the new Vikings Stadium. This plan also eliminates certain benefits for corporations while reducing the corporate tax rate from 9.8 percent to 9 percent. The Bill does not yet have provisions dealing with property tax relief for homeowners or the likely increase in income tax rates, but it will. The Senate has signaled that it might apply the income tax to a broader range of high earners than the Governor has proposed. HOUSE TAX PROPOSAL Although the House Tax Bill has not yet been unveiled, the DFL leadership has indicated that it plans to follow the Governor’s lead and impose an income tax increase on the top 2 percent of Minnesota wage earners. However, the leadership has also indicated that they plan to add a surcharge on those with incomes over $500,000 to repay the money borrowed from Minnesota schools over the last few years. The House plan will not likely include any sales tax provisions.
for projects at the University of Minnesota and in the MNSCU system. Further, he includes civic center expansions at Rochester, Mankato and St. Cloud. Two items of particular note are $20 million for the reconstruction of the Nicollet Mall and $7 million for renovation of the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Noticeably absent from the Governor’s recommendation is funding for the Southwest LRT project. Rather, the Governor proposes funding that new line with a quarter cent sales tax increase in the Metro Area. The House’s version of a bonding bill essentially matches the Governor’s suggestions for higher education and convention centers in Greater Minnesota. However, it omits the funding for the Nicollet Mall, but includes money for the Sculpture Garden. The House also includes $50 million for transit improvements with $38 million of that dedicated to the Southwest LRT line. The Senate will be releasing its bonding package in the next few weeks. TRANSPORTATION A major disagreement has erupted between the Governor and his DFL House colleagues over fund-
ing for transportation. Despite the Governor’s stated objection to raising the gas tax to fund future projects, both the House and Senate Chairs were prepared to pass transportation bills with statewide gas tax increases. The Governor raised objections and the Chairs have reworked their bills to eliminate the gas tax increase. However, this rift has caused dissention between the Legislature and the Governor. The 7 and a half cent gas tax increase that would have been proposed may yet resurface if the Governor softens his opposition. This would provide a new significant source of funding for the road and bridge projects which the Legislature would like to pursue. The bill that would establish a street improvement district and impose a fee for improvements and maintenance within those districts continues to advance. At one point, the bill was killed in a House Committee, only to be resurrected after some Democrats who voted in opposition to bill had a change of heart. A large coalition of groups has lined up in opposition to this bill. They range from business and real estate interests to charitable and nonprofit organizations. The future of this bill continues to remain in doubt and may yet be defeated by Session’s end. t
BONDING The Governor and the House have released their proposed bonding bills for 2013. The Governor calls for borrowing $750 million for capital projects while the House proposes $800 million. The Governor’s bill includes $189 million BOMA Greater Minneapolis
May 2013
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2012 Minneapolis Winners!
Winning teams are pictured with Minneapolis City Council President Barb Johnson, Xcel Energy President & CEO Judy Poferl, and BOMA Greater Minneapolis President Dave Dabson. Gray Freshwater Center won the competition's highest award, the Kilowatt Cup, as well as the Highest Performing building in the the less than 100,000 SF category.
Northland Plaza won 1st place in the Highest Performing Building 100,000 - 500,000 SF category.
Thrivent Financial won the Most Valuable Tenant award.
601 Tower at Carlson Center won 2nd place in the Highest Performing Building 100,000 500,000 SF category.
France Ave. South won 3rd place in the Highest Performing Building 100,000 - 500,000 SF category.
Gage building won 3rd place in the Highest Performing building in the the less than 100,000 SF category.
2012 Minneapolis Award Winners Continued on Page 9.
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May 2013
BOMA Greater Minneapolis
Kilowatt Crackdown 2012 Minneapolis Award Winners! Continued from Page 8. US Bancorp Center won 1st place in the Highest Performing Building over 500,000 SF category.
Congratulations to the Regional Winners! Four Minneapolis area properties have been awarded The Outstanding Building of the Year in our 7-state region (Minnesota, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Wisconsin). These buildings now advance to the International level of the competition where winners will be announced at a gala on the final night of the BOMA International Conference in San Diego on June 25.
Target Plaza North won 2nd place in the Highest Performing Building over 500,000 SF category.
Fifty South Sixth won 3rd place in the Highest Performing Building over 500,000 SF category.
Best wishes to 333 South Seventh Street (formerly Accenture Tower) in the Earth Award category, Capella Tower in the Over 1 Million Square Feet category, Southdale Office Center in the 250,000 – 499,999 Square Feet category, and Wells Fargo Plaza in the Renovated Building category.
BOMA Greater Minneapolis
May 2013
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Electrochemically Activated Water: The Future of ‘Green’ Cleaning By Tom Klaers, Clean Response and Tom Johnson, Johnson Diversified Products Inc.
Made from tap water, salt, and electricity, electrochemically activated water is revolutionizing cleaning and sterilization procedures around the globe. It’s powerful enough to destroy virus, bacteria, and mold spores, yet safe enough to spray or fog, or drink. The use of Electrochemically Activated Water (hereinafter known as ECA) has been growing in the U.S. as concerns about chemicals in our water have grown over the years. It’s made by a process called electrolysis which involves passage of an electric current through water whereby salt and water molecules are broken down. First observed in England in 1800 by William Nicholson, a
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chemist, and Sir Anthony Carlisle, a surgeon, when they passed an electric current through water and it separated hydrogen and chlorine, Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis in 1834 characterized the process. In the 1960s researchers discovered that the addition of a membrane between the positive (+) and negative (-) poles created two activated solutions at the same time. Hypochlorous acid, is the sanitzer produced near the anode (+) called “anolyte” and Sodium hydroxide is the cleaner produced at the cathode (-) and it is called “catholyte.” They differ from traditional cleaners and sanitizers in that they are ionically bonded, and hundreds of times less toxic as a result. A natural process, anolyte
May 2013
is what our bodies produce (in neutrophiles) to ward off infection. Early forms of ECA water technology were effective, but inefficient and unstable. The amount of energy and electrolyte (salt) required for the process was high and the solutions produced were weak and would quickly revert to their original states. International Intrigue In the early 1970’s Russian scientists recognized the potential of ECA and began developing ways to improve the process and results. Of course, all of their work at that time was the intellectual property of the Soviet Union, but in 1989 when the Soviet Union began to break up, the novel ideas for non-turbulent flow electrolysis
BOMA Greater Minneapolis
cell designs pioneered by their scientists leaked out to the West and sparked the technologies’ commercialization. Companies around the world found new applications for the two nontoxic ECA solutions. The cleaner catholyte is a phosphate free cleaner, and anolyte with a neutral pH is a non-irritating and non-toxic sanitizer that is up to 300 times more effective than bleach. People began to use ECA water to clean and disinfect dental unit water lines, and to replace toxic chemicals used for everything from disinfecting endoscopes in medical facilities to clean-in-place processes in soda bottling plants.
Continued on page 11.
Electrochemically Activated Water: The Future of ‘Green’ Cleaning Contined from page 10.
Food safety applications were discovered, including surface washing and disinfecting of fresh produce, along with cleaning surfaces that contact food, washing dishes, floors and counters. Retail grocery stores use it for fogging produce to obtain 3-4 times the shelf life and to preserve fresh cut flowers. The advantages to ECA water in food safety include: • • •
No risk of toxic chemicals contaminating food products; Sanitation is faster, reducing production down time; and Removing toxic chemicals from the sanitation process reduces sewage treatment costs.
ECA water is effective in the eradication of legionella (Legionnaires Disease) and cryptosporidium, so hospitals, cruise ships, and third world communities have found ECA “green” technology a viable option for resolving water contamination issues. Applications being developed and implemented for commercial buildings include: • • • • • •
Carpet cleaning Floor scrubbers Janitorial cleaning Cooling tower disinfection Building restoration Addressing drinking water contamination issues
In the Twin Cities Here in the Twin Cities, School District 287 is using ECA water to clean dishes and the Hennepin County Correctional Facility has used it for several years for cleaning and disinfecting kitchen and bathroom areas, eliminating use of the toxic cleaners and disinfectants they had previously used. One of the largest local carpet cleaning companies uses ECA which is the basis for their claim of zero residues, and the University of MN extension service has been working with ECA now for 6 years. All of these local groups have one thing in common: a local entrepreneur located in Mendota Heights introduced them to the technology. They now have an EPA registration label which
BOMA Greater Minneapolis
enables them to package their sanitizer solutions for transport and sale to others. Electro Chemically Activated Water may be in your home or business sooner than you might expect. In fact it may already be there. t
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2 Spring Social 9 Board of Directors Meeting 16 Membership Meeting - Regulars and Engineers 22 Spring Seminar 27 Holiday - BOMA Office Closed
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Board of Directors Meeting
The May 1 Engineers Association Meeting has been shifted to Thursday, May 16. Please join us for a special meeting with BOMA’s property owner/ manager members. See Family Feud meeting announcement on page 1 for more information.
Reminder: There are no General or Engineers Meetings over the Summer months.
This month, click on each of our advertisers’ ads to find the link to enter a drawing for a
Holiday - BOMA Office Closed Board of Directors Meeting Golf Tournament
$50 gift card! Last month, Jenny Rich won a $50 gift card for being one of our online readers. Watch for a new drawing every month only in our online newsletter!
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May 2013
BOMA Greater Minneapolis