BOMA Horizons Fall 2022

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Member ShorelineProfilesCleanup

BOMA OEB members enjoy a kick-off happy hour at the BOMA International Conference.

Emerging Professionals learned about Certificates of Insurance in the latest Backpack to Briefcase session. (See page 14.) (Continued on page 6)

BOMA Members Enjoy MusicConferenceInformativeinCity

Learn more about Principal Member Kate Edstrom, Overton Moore Properties, and Associate Member Mary Rothaus, BluSky Restoration Contractors. (See pages 8 and 9.)

As a Community Outreach event, BOMA OEB members volunteered for a shoreline cleanup. (See page 11.)

BOMA OEB had a lot to celebrate at the BOMA International Conference in Nashville in June — from the kick-off Happy Hour to cheering Manny Moreno’s election to Vice Chair of BOMA International. It was wonderful to see our industry reuniting and learning about devel opments and innovations as we emerge from the pandemic.

Backpack to Briefcase

Hattersley is BOMA OEB President and Operations Director at Harvest Properties. COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION z 925.256.5900

Learn more at Realizing potential in every dimension We work in every dimension of commercial real estate. Our mission is to realize the potential in all the businesses and people we work with, so that together we can create the real estate solutions of the future.

I also attended a couple of excellent sessions on postpandemic building management and how to retain and renew tenants. It was interesting to hear from difference cities and learn how their occupancy has been impacted versus the Bay Area. Our area seems to have the lowest re-occupancy, as most companies still have not returned to the office or are on a hybrid schedule. Many of the other cities have a 40-60% building occupancy rate, whereas the Bay Area is still in the 20-30% range. There was a lot of discussion about how to get tenants back to the office buildings and how to retain tenants. There were only a few sessions that addressed these issues, and they were heavily attended and full of useful information. I wish there had been more focus on the future of our industry and the impact the pandemic has had on the commercial real estate industry.

There were some great forums on the unhoused situation that is impacting all of our cities across the nation. We discussed how different associations are connecting with their local communities to try to help solve the issue and how each city has a different approach based on the municipality.

At the Board of Governors meeting, BOMA OEB’s Manny Moreno was elected to BOMA International’s Vice Chair position. Manny is the first BOMA OEB member to be on the BOMA International Executive Board. Congratulations to Manny for this honor! Overall it was great opportunity to exchange ideas, gain new perspective, and network with so many other professionals in the Industry.

Every year BOMA International holds a conference to bring together the latest information on CRE, trends and issues facing the industry, and new technology and service inno vations. This year it was held in Nashville. It was my first time attending, and BOMA OEB was well represented by the Executive Board, board members, associate and principal members.

2 by Jenna HattersleyPresident’s Corner

Next year’s conference will be in Kansas City. I hope to see you there!

BOMA HORIZONS is published by Eason Communications LLC for BOMA OEB. Current & past issues may also be viewed at

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Editor: Henry Eason • Ad and Art Director: Ellen Eason About BOMA Horizons To advertise, contact: Ellen Eason at 415.596.9466 or

3 With Appreciation to Our 2022 Partners Gold Partners LegacyCenturyAlliedABM/AbleUniversalCommercialServicesHomeDepotPROMetconTIMechanical&EnergyServices Platinum Partners Gidel & Kocal Construction Company KastleProTechSystems Silver Partners Arborwell/a SavATree company BSM FacilityCBREServices RiverRock Real Estate Group SecuritasWCI-GC Bronze Partners Harvest Properties Metro Services RestorationNorthernNewmarkGroupCaliforniaNECAParamountPropertiesPJMBCommercial,Inc.ManagementCompanyRossiBuildersInc.Security101 For Partnership opportunities, contact Julie Taylor at In addition to Partnerships, there are also opportunities to sponsor events.

Clifford R. Horner Brendan J. Dooley w Paymon P. Hifai w Cody S. Fisher 800 S. Broadway, Suite 200 w Walnut Creek, CA 94596 925.943.6570 w

Allison Davis, TMG Partners, unlocks the wine vault.

Successful 2022 Showcase

Oakland is slowly coming back to life. Restaurants are now opening for lunch, and people are milling about on the City Hall lawn on warm days. Our Marketing Workgroup has been doing some amazing social media posts about some Oakland spots to eat and visit. Be sure to check it out and share the resources with your tenants! While COVID infections are still occurring, our members’ safety measures have allowed us to hold several in-person events. Two luncheons, three Leadership Academy sessions, three Backpack to Briefcase workshops, a shoreline cleanup and two mixers gave our members educational and networking opportunities. We’re not done yet! We’ve got more education and networking events coming up this Fall.

It was great to see everyone at the 2022 Showcase at Faction Brewing. Principal Members visited the 35 exhibit tables to solve CRE Clue. Once they discovered who did the crime (property manager), where (freight elevator) and with what (computer), they were given a key to our CREATE Wine Vault. Thank you to our Stakeholder Engagement Workgroup for planning such an interactive and fun Shoutevent.outto our Wine Vault Sponsors: Matrix HG, Gold Sponsor, and Metro Services Group, Silver Sponsor. Three cases of wine were donated by our exhibitors to fill the wine refrigerator, and $3,450 was raised to benefit CREATE. Congratulations to Allison Davis, TMG Partners, for unlocking the vault.

As your BOMA Association Executive (BAE), I attended two half-day sessions to connect with our fellow associ ation staff. It’s always a great event with lots of updates on programs to benefit you — Home Depot Pro, TOBY Awards/360, advocacy and more.

BOMA OEB Events and Conferences Rebound

Allied Universal Security All Systems Global Arbor MD Tree Care American Asphalt Belfor Property Restoration Blue Streak Lighting BluSky Restoration Contractors

BSM Inc Century Commercial Service Gidel & Kocal Construction Co. Inc. Giuliani Construction & Restoration J&J Air Conditioning Matrix HG, Inc Rossi Builders Restoration Management Company Paxio Petalon Landscaping Security 101 UG2 Varsity Painting Wine Donations


2022 Wine Vau

Nashville Conference Highlights Conferences are back, too! Over a dozen BOMA OEB members attended BOMA International’s annual Conference & Expo in Nashville in late June. The record-breaking event brought together CRE professionals and exhibitors from all over the U.S. and quite a few international locations. The education sessions were jam-packed, and the exhibit hall was full of solutions and technology. Our BOMA OEB kick-off happy hour was full of laughter, great music and refreshments. (See photo on the cover.)

Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor

By Julie Taylor, CAE, Executive Director, BOMA Oakland/East Bay (Continued on next page)

I’m honored to be on the BAE Council. This year I’ll be Vice Chair, working with six other BAEs to ensure that BOMA BAEs have a voice with BOMA International and that your needs as members are Congratulationsheard.toour very own Manny Moreno, PJMB Commercial Inc., on his appoint ment as the BOMA International Vice Chair. Manny has served on the BOMA Executive Committee since 2019. He’s been an active member of BOMA OEB for over 10 years, serving as President in 2014-2015. I really look forward to working with him and the BAE Council over the next three years. With budget season in full force, BOMA OEB is planning for 2023. Our workgroups will be looking for volunteers to plan and implement the events and programs you attend. Watch out for the call for volunteers via our emails and sign up at our networking event at the November Annual Member meeting. Thanks for your support of BOMA OEB. See you at an event soon! n

Oakland & BOMA OEB Rebound (Continued from previous page)


Congratulations to Manny Moreno and the other new officers.

BOMA International Conference (Continued from front page) 6

“The opening keynote included an inspiring talk from Bill Taylor, a best-selling author and co-founder of the mag azine Fast Company. He shared his ideas and best practices to help us transform ourselves into leaders while still performing.

“I was able to attend education sessions that focused on both my personal and professional growth, including sessions on managing industrial properties. Two that I found useful were Restoration of Industrial Properties and Security of Industrial Properties, which focused on protecting assets from the unhoused, drag racing and vandalism.

“In addition, I had the opportunity to pay it forward at a community service event where we stuffed bags with food and goods to be delivered to Nashville families in need.

BOMA came ready to rock in Nashville, with attendees enjoying country music, line dancing and countless opportunities to network and learn at the conference and expo. Property professionals, industry experts and energetic exhibitors at the sold-out trade show all gathered together to share insights on topics ranging from workforce develop ment and evolving workplaces to emerging technologies.

“I also spent time walking the aisles of the Expo, meeting and talking with associate members to learn about all the latest and greatest products and services our partners have to offer. The conference wrapped up with The Outstanding Building of the Year (TOBY) Awards celebration. We cheered on our Bay Area teams that had proceeded to the competition and started planning for next year when we head to Kansas City. It was a great time with the BOMA community.”

“It was so great to be back in Nashville for the confer ence,” said Kelly Lynch, General Manager at Overton Moore Properties, and immediate past president of BOMA OEB. “Highlights of the conference included the PSW Regional Breakfast, where we elected the new PSW President Glenn Good, and the Board of Governors meeting in which we were able to support and celebrate Manny Moreno’s election as Vice Chair of BOMA International.

“The conference kept me very busy, so I wasn’t able to re-live my bachelorette days during this trip. I did, however, attend several informative workshops and took away a lot of valuable information.”

Despins added: “The Expo might be the best one I’ve ever attended. There is so much new technology coming out Manny Moreno (far left) at the board of governors meeting.

(Continued on next page)

“We learned that Nashville is the new Bachelorette Capital of the World,” said BOMA OEB Board Member Liz Despins, Senior Property Manager, Newmark. “Apparently, brides-tobe have traded Vegas for Nashville, and the growth we saw in Nashville from the last time the conference was held there five years ago proves how appealing Nashville has become.

Hot Topic: the Post-Pandemic Workspace

“The hot topic at the conference was what the postpandemic workspace looks like,” Despins continued. “More specifically, how we get people to return to the office. From new ideas for tenant amenities to how we re-think our gather ing spaces, the bottom line was that we need to find new ways to connect with each other. Learning how to connect during meetings in a hybrid work environment presents an entirely new set of “Obviously, is key to all of this, but one thing that I hadn’t considered was how furniture design in our office spaces will change. We may now start to see pointed tables to allow for people on screen to better see the people that are at the office, or circular meeting areas with screens around the room so that those on screen feel like they are there in person. Our office space is no longer just for those that are physically in the building and we are all going to have to adjust to this new way of working.”

BOMA OEB Members Share Takeaways BOMA OEB was well represented at the conference, with six board members and a healthy contingent of principal and associate members attending.

For conference recaps and videos, see

fellowMeetingexperience!wonderfullastconventionInternationalBOMAthisJunewasawithBOMA members, networking and strategizing with vendors, and enjoying the many great workshops offered, truly augmented my commercial real estate experience. This year’s theme was “Now We Move Forward.” During the Keynote, Bill Taylor spoke on “Performing while Transforming” and encouraged us to “be the only one who does what you do,”push the limits, and have confidence in the face of uncertainty. He shared about Quicken Loan’s story of turning into Rocket Mortgage and their “19 isms.” Three of which are: 1) Raise level of awareness – curious alert, 2) Yes before no – growth possibilities, 3) We’ll figure it out – greatness doesn’t come in nice, tidy Onepackages.moreism was shared, the 19th ism, which is: Nothing clarifies like clarity. In the words of Dan Gilbert, “When you know who you are, then all of the decisions you have to make become a lot easier.”

7 in CRE, and it was fascinating to get to see it all in one place. As our industry adjusts to our new way of working, our buildings are going to evolve at a rapid pace. It was encourag ing to see our associate members are embracing the changes and providing new technology for us to better manage our buildings.“Onthe last day, BOMA OEB President Jenna Hattersley and I attended the BOMA Associations Executive meeting with Executive Director Julie Taylor, where we learned about the three governance cultures of a high-performance board. We were able to spend some time brainstorming how to apply these cultures to our own BOMA OEB Board of Directors.

“In typical BOMA OEB fashion, we did manage to fit in some networking time. There were quite a few BOMA OEB members attending the conference and I enjoyed seeing so many familiar faces in a different location. I look forward to seeing the rest of you at an event soon!” Conference (Continued from front page) 2022’s

Taylor encouraged the room to consider what sepa rates, what holds us together, and to ask ourselves if we work as distinctively as we hope to compete. He said, “Don’t let what you know limit what you can imagine.” For it’s what one learns after they “know it all” that counts. Failure is a feature of learning and change. We must keep hope alive!

Move Forward, Embrace Growth in Uncertain Times by Rachelle McNamar, CMCP, Assistant Property Manager, Newmark

Missed the conference? Check out the highlight reel from Music City and make plans to attend a future conference by visiting

NYC rail commuter data was shared in the work shop “Office Tenants: Return, Reconfigure, Retain” by Tracy Hagadorn from Irvine, CA. Interestingly, ridership is down to 20-30% during the work week, but on weekends, rail rides have returned to 100%! It seems people are willing to commute for pleasure/ leisure.The challenge to us in office property management then is to make it worthwhile for tenants to commute to the office. People are taking flight to quality so it may be helpful to strategize with our building teams on how we can make the experience of coming to work like going out. To be sure, times are changing. But the need to be with others, brainstorm together, and share our authentic selves does not change. Now, more than ever, we need to come together and keep hope alive.

McNamar was the BOMA OEB 2022 Conference Scholarship Recipient.


Kate Edstrom helps manage a private portfolio of commercial properties throughout Northern California in her position with Overton Moore Properties (OMP). Their showcase properties include Pacific Commons South in Fremont, a 110-acre development that’s now home to nine Class A industrial buildings.

Edstrom’s manager introduced her to BOMA OEB when she joined OMP at the beginning of the pandemic. “Although all of the events were virtual at that time, I felt like the world had opened up to me,” she observes. “Since then, I joined the Education and Careers Workgroup, completed BOMA OEB’s 2021 Leadership Academy, and continue to take advantage of the abundant opportunities BOMA offers me to connect me with my peers and grow professionally. I am constantly inspired by the people that I meet in commercial real estate, especially by the women of BOMA. I hope someday to join their ranks as a leader in the industry.”

Rely on ProTech to Safeguard Your Bay Area Properties

Like many people in commercial property management, Edstrom hadn’t foreseen a career in the industry. “After moving to California fresh out of college, I found an entry-level property management position and soon discovered I had a knack for it,” she says. “Since then, with the help of my amazing OMP and BOMA colleagues and mentors, I’ve found my stride in the industry and an ever-growing passion for the work.”

“When you see me at events, please say hello! I love meeting new people,” Edstrom adds. After hours, you can find Edstrom at Lake Chabot Regional Park, running trails through the hills or practicing her new hobby, skateboarding, around the lake. Edstrom’s weekends are often spent at gatherings with friends or on beach excursions with her boyfriend and beloved dog, Charlie.

ProTech 24/7

Profile Kate Edstrom, Assistant Manager

Kate Edstrom

Security Services specializes in supplying security professionals to commercial and residential high-rise, medical and industrial buildings throughout the Bay Area. Our guards are trained to use fire life-safety systems, access control applications and CCTV equipment. Field supervision and scheduling teams offer

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Overton Moore Properties Assistant Manager


Although she’s relatively new to BluSky, Rothaus quickly immersed herself in BOMA activities. She is a member of the Stakeholder Engagement Workgroup and also assists with the CREATE fundraisers at BOMA events. “I attend and participate in as many activities and workshops as my schedule allows. The friendships and camaraderie that have come from being a part of BOMA have been fulfilling,” she remarks.

Business Development Manager Mary Rothaus likes working with her team members at BluSky Restoration Contractors to provide service that is professional and caring. She joined the company last year after positions with other companies that serve the commercial buildings industry including furniture rental. “The culture is a supportive environment where we work together as a team. This is what attracted me to BluSky,” she says. “I enjoy getting to know our clients and learning about the needs specific to their properties, and I love touring their beautiful buildings. Being part of a team here at BluSky is rewarding. Together we strive to turn a stressful situation into a quick and seamless solution.”

Rothaus observes that most BOMA members are aware of BluSky’s emergency restoration services, yet the company offers much more: “We are a national company with locations coast to coast. This benefits clients whose portfolios include properties in multiple locations. We provide commercial, industrial, healthcare, and multifamily, restoration, renovation, environmental and roofing services across the continental U.S.”

Mary Rothaus, Business Development Manager BluSky Restoration Contractors Associate Profile Mary Rothaus Arborwell/SavATree has vast experience working with commercial clients to keep their properties safe and beautiful. Count on us for prompt and reliable service, courteous and professional crews, and outstandingGISRemovalBudgetscleanup.TreeCare&PlanningTreeManagementPlantHealthCare&ReplacementMapping&TreeInventoryArboristReports East Bay 925.701.8733 Rancho Cordova 916.594.2888 Redwood City 650.460.8669 San Diego 619.566.1020 San Jose 669.306.7100 or


During her off-hours, Rothaus finds joy in cooking with her husband and entertaining friends and family. “I wish that I were a better gardener. However, I enjoy arranging flowers for my dining table and all around my home,” she adds. “Pilates is my fitness activity of choice, but I also enjoy walking and bike riding along the Iron Horse Trail when I can’t attend classes.”

CONGRATULATIONS METCON on Ten Years of Building the Bay Area! METCON celebrates 10 years of commercial construction in the Bay Area this February. METCON is a group of construction professionals that guide corporate real estate teams and landlords to their construction goals. Your goal may be to ‘RTO’, Reposition, Renovate or Value Add. We take the best construction professionals from around the Bay Area and bring them under one roof to run projects with the hurdles of construction already mapped out for our clients. We serve Life Science, Office, Industrial, R&D projects around the Bay Area and up to Sacramento. Our partnerships in the industry extend across each city building department, top architects, and engineers. We want to introduce you to these wonderful partners we have made in the last decade to get your projects on track and in the most qualified hands! - SETH WILSON, Business sales@metcon.comDeveloper | 925.324.4223METCON-TI.COM PROJECT | MARKET SQUARE - SAN JOSE, CA PROJECT | TEKION HEADQUARTERS - PLEASANTON, CA PROJECT | SUTTER HEALTH - EMERYVILLE, CA PROJECT | PURIGEN BIOSYSTEMS - PLEASANTON, CA

At a BOMA OEB Gives Back Community Service Event, members volunteered for a shoreline cleanup on July 20 at the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreational Shoreline in Oakland. We had an enthusiastic turnout for the event. Volunteers picked up trash and debris along the shoreline, making our community a better and cleaner place. Afterwards, participants met for refreshments and networking.


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Special thanks to Gidel & Kocal for sponsoring! On August 22 BOMA Oakland/East Bay lost an invaluable member of our figuringwastheInRhondacommunity,Marolda.early2020whilerestoftheworldpreoccupiedwithouthowtolivein a global pandemic, Rhonda took on the additional challenge of fighting her own battle against cancer. She showed amazing resilience throughout her fight, all the while somehow maintaining her cheerful, enthusiastic disposition. Rhonda had an uncanny ability to bring light, laughter, and positivity to any situation. For those of us lucky enough to have known her, we all know that she radiated positive energy, giant smiles, infectious laughter, and a truly sparkling personality. We will miss you, Rhonda!

13 Intr oducing T he New Home Depot Pro Institutional

The Home Depot Pro Institutional, the wholesale distribution division of The Home Depot®, is the leading national provider of integrated facility maintenance products. Home Depot Pro is proudly a BOMA Cornerstone Partner. The Program provides BOMA members with exclusive BOMA tiered discount pricing with next day delivery of thousands of cleaning, maintenance, and repair items. Along with house accounts with lines of credit, optional custom invoicing and robust reporting. New Member Registration: HD Pro

• A return to the office checklist • A list of EPA registered products to make choosing the right supplies easier Catalog: Catalog/1/ Videos: to office?ab=a2_inst_returntooffice_ir

BOMA International’s Workforce Advocacy Committee has introduced its State Workforce Development Toolkits, available to BOMA International members. These individual toolkits provide an industry-specific, state-bystate outline of the workforce development programs, grants, education, training, and certif icating courses available within commercial real estate. These resources will enable employers within the industry to fill labor shortages with qualified talent and provide current and prospective employees with access to career advancement

Brezinka Sales Executive, East 510.677.1814Marvin.Brezinka@hdsupply.comBay

opportunities. The CREATE program is featured with BOMA OEB, BOMA SF, NAIOP SF, and IREM SF. The State Workforce Development Toolkits will be “living documents” and regu larly maintained to ensure their contents are up to date. BOMA International and the Workforce Advocacy Committee look forward to continuing to build out relevant content that advances the commercial real estate industry. Check out the Californiaspecific toolkit at

The State Water Resources Control Board passed an Emergency Regulation in June. The requirements are as follows: w Commercial, industrial, and institutional decorative grass should not be watered, including HOA developments w Give all trees just what they need: avoid overwatering w Follow local requirements of your water supplier w Urban water suppliers should implement all Level 2 demand reduction actions by 6/10/22.

The rule will remain in effect for one year from the effective date (June 16, 2022), unless the State Water Board acts to end, modify, or readopt it. For more resources, visit the: SWRCB Conservation Site at programs/conservation_portal/) Be Water Wise!

Our Comprehensive Guide Includes: • Tips and resources to help make returning to the office safer and healthier for everyone

Adhering to Water Conservation Rule

As more members of the workforce begin returning to the office, creating a safer environment is key to providing assurances and helping to protect their well being. Count on us for smart strategies that help you reopen and re enter commercial properties, and shop from our wide assortment of essential products to get started. Have a large project or product kitting needs? We can help, connect with your local Sales Executive (below).


New Workforce Development Toolkits

14 million Square Feet 40 GET IN TOUCH Mike Meyer mmeyer@RiverRockREG com www RiverRockREG com 510 359 5137 Tenants 3,600 Properties 300 On July 14 the Education Workgroup produced the latest in the series of programs for Emerging Professionals — Backpack to Briefcase: How to Read COI's (Certificates of Insurance). The featured speaker, Kelly Lux from State Farm Insurance, spoke about how to read a standardized Certificate of Insurance, what each section means and how to quickly access the pertinent information, all in an interactive session led by an industry professional. Shown below, Emerging Professionals enjoyed networking after the event. BACKPACK TO BRIEFCASE Mark your calendar for the next Backpack to Briefcase. There will be a session on HVAC and a mechanical tour, followed by network ing on October 6 in StayEmeryville.tuned for details!


BOMA OEB’s Innovation Showcase was back in full swing this year at Faction Brewery in Alameda. On August 3 principal members had an opportunity to visit associa tion members’ exhibit tables and learn about products and solutions for their properties. Attendees enjoyed gorgeous waterfront views, refreshments, and Faction Brewery’s micro-brews. The culmination of the evening’s CRE Clue contest was the unlocking of the Wine Vault. (See the winner on page 4). We appreciate our Stakeholder Engagement Workgroup’s creativity in putting on this fun and interactive event! you to all of our exhibitors for taking part in the event!


15 Shown clockwise from top: American Asphalt, Guilani Construction, Blue Streak, All Systems, and Metro Services Group 2022

Oakland/East Bay 436 14th Street, Suite 1216 Oakland, CA


Jim Poyer, Legacy Mechanical & Energy Services


for updates and registration information.

20 – OAKtoberfest Building Tour & LocationToastTBD October 27 – November 17 –Fall Food Drive November 10 – BOMA OEB 2022 Annual Meeting December 8 – Holiday Party at Bloc 15 in Oakland



BOMA 94612 www.bomaoeb.org510.893.8780


Matthew Harris, Allied (VirtualUniversalEvent)

6 – Backpack to Briefcase: HVAC and Mechanical Tour and Networking (in Emeryville)


21 – Violent Intruder: Preparation and Awareness

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